28 February 2025

Art Workshop Quest and Watercolour Paint Collection Mission

The old Girls' Day Festival known as Hinamatsuri occurs on 3 March.  Seaside once had a ahinamatsuri Quest and the reward is a traditional Hina decoration for the Island that depicts the Empwror and Empress seated side by side.  I miss the days when Seaside Quests embraced all the festivals of the world.  My old posts gave background always with the actual Quest tasks. 

Note from Freyashawk: Obviously I really do not update this site to obtain votes.  It would be nice if the Contests were not so clearly rigged, but there we are.  It would be wonderful if so many of my original neighbours had not quit the game or died.  I suppose I really ought to delete inactive neighbours but I seldom do, hoping they might return.
This morning, I saw a message in Global Chat asking a question that had an easy answer.  And THAT is why I continue to update my site.  My neighbours are intelligent and many had demanding careers but with increasing age and disability, what once was simple can be confusing to many.  I took care of my grandaunt when she developed dementia.
I really do believe it helps people with that condition if they continue to involve their minds and stay active mentally.  For their sake, too, I continue to update my site...
And for my friends and others who have been kind and compassionate as I went through cancer and other physical disability issues.
We play tgese games for so mant reasons.  They ought to lessen anxiety and stress, not add to it.
I do understand people no longer really read, that many prefer pictures to text.  I am sorry I write rather than uploading images.  I always have been a writer.
Thank you all for your support of HM. Freyashawk through the years.

Watercolour Paint Collection:
70 from Corn
50 from Buffalo Milk
30 from Black-Eyed Peas Kimchi (Set machine to make 90)
10 from Maple Syrup

Reward: Biscuit Maker 

Set Monkey Boost to use less OP

Crop List:
40 Black-Eyed Peas
40 Wheat
40 Oat
40 Rye
50 Tomatoes
50 Green Beans
50 Onions
50 Spinach
60 Rice
60 Beans
60 Cane
60 Pineberry*
60 Cotton

Art Workshop Quest

Harvest 40 Black-Eyed Peas
Collect 40 Milk
Harvest 8 Cinnamon

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Peaches


Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Quick Bread Batter

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Tomatoes
Produce 50 Ketchup
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Green Beans
Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Pasta

Harvest 50 Onions
Collect 15 Cumin
Prepare 8 Cumin Powder

Harvest 50 Spinach
Place the Biscuit Maker on your farm (receive 12 Buttermilk Biscuits immediately)
Prepare 8 Ham and Cheese Biscuits

Reward: Painter's Easel for Darryl's House

Harvest 60 Rice
Collect 60 Turkey
Prepare 8 Spinach Salad

Harvest 60 Beans
Produce 60 Buffalo Milk Cheese
Prepare 8 Chickpea Salad

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Bean Stew

Harvest 60 Pineberry*
Harvest 8 Pawpaw
Prepare 8 Pawpaw Pulp

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 20 Chestnuts*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Pawpaw Quick Bread

Produce 60 Dried Pineberry*
Produce 60 Pineberry Bread*
Prepare 8 Falafel

Harvest 60 Cotton
Produce 60 Cotton Cloth*
Prepare 8 Turkey Pot Pie

Cook 4 Spinach Lasagna in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times*
Prepare 8 Turkey Biscuit Stew

Final Reward: Famous Monkey Painter Decoration

25 February 2025

Worried Uncle Carlo Flashback

This is the second flashback.  Activate at the menu from the same island as Treasure Island activities.

Once activated, any previous story will close in 24 hours.  You have five days to complete the time-limited Rewards.

As soon as I activated, my game crashed, but I was able to reload.

Note from Freyashawk: I always have asked only that players vote for my farm HM. Freyashawk to try to help me with my farm's rank.  All farmers really could organise their farms to reach 6000 points by the end of the contest.  If they choose not to do that, of course that is their right, but I cannot reach any rank without the votes of other farmers.  I always felt those votes showed how much use my site actually was.  It appears that it is far less useful than it ever was as my farm is not even in the top 20 now.
I do realise however that the contests are rigged and it is kibd of amazing if I still can show on the board.
We all need a little motivation.  I know a lot of my old neighbours no longer play the game.  It has become very demanding.  I have tried to step up to create posts about all the new options to help farmers navigate and make their choices.  It is discouraging when people who either are my neighbours or members of my Facebook group do not even know what is included on this site... the Research lab upgrades both on Seaside and the Cloud, and every farm expansion requirement are only two examples.  

Tomorrow, I will see the results of this Farm Beauty Contest and a new Quest will be released that I will log for this site.  I never have received either a single oenny or any recognition for this work from Funplus.  I did not demand any.  In the early years, they offered little or no explanation for anything in the game.  Their Support now is far better, so perhaps my site is less valuable.  
To be fair, players still do reach out occasiomally to thank me for my work and I appreciate that.

The Rewards are given with Heart Points as follows:
20 heart points: 20 Super Fertiliser
55 heart points: Spring Trip Male Dog Sack
90 Heart.points: Spring Trip Female Dog Sack
130 Heart points: 1 RC
175 Heart points: Flower Crown

In other words, the main rewards are accoutrements or accessories for Dog Pets

1. Check in at Registration Desk: 5 hearts
To do this, clear postbox for 13 E
Registration Desk: 2 Pens, 2 Envelopes

2. Get barcode at Service Desk: 2 Pens, 2 Files
To access, clear barruer for 26 E

3. Activate card at input screen: 4 Data Chips, 1 Volunteer Card, 1 Barcode Strip
To access, clear giardrail: 2 Encelopes, 2 Files

Some objects make obstacles drop spevial materials, effect immediate when built. Upgrade to get more materials.
4. Upgrade Input Screen

To upgrade to drop  x2 materials requires 2 Files, 2 Data Chips, 3 Volunteer Badges: makes it 1 Star

To upgrade to 2 Stars: 2 Workgloves, 2 Toolbox: to access these, you must clear a guardrail requiting 2 sets of Golden Tools or 60 Gems

To upgrade to 3 stars requires 1 Work Glove, 1 Toolbox
To access thrse, you must clear a giardrail requiring 1 set of Golden Tools or 30 Gems

Upgrading this increases the numbet of aVolunteer Badges with each item you clear

I have one heart now with the Uncle as Hopeful 

5. Look at Map Display Board: 2 Paper, 2 thumbtack, 16 Volunteer Badges
To access this, clear obstacle costs 13 E.

6. Cross the Drawbridge: 2 Files, 2 Thumbtacks, 12 Volunteer Badges

7. Rescue the White Puppy:
2 Canned Pet Food, 6 Milk, 16 Volunteer badges

8. Clock im at the apunch Clock: 6 Copper Wires, 2 Pliers, 1 Photograph
To access this, clear an obstacle for 26 E

9. Look Around: to do this, open a gate: 3 Gloves, 3 Pliers, 34 Volunteer Badges

10. Rescue the Grey Kitten: 3 Ropes, 6 Milk, 34 Volunteer Badges (a photo appears on top of this)

11. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 4 Screwdrivers, 6 Screws, 1 Photograph
To access this one, clear obstavle for 26 E
Completing this quest gives me 2 Hearts, Reassured

12. Look Around: 3 Gloves, 2 Screwdrivers, 20 Volunteer Badges to open the gate

13. Rescue the Baby Bird: 4 Wooden Planks, 8 Milk., 38 Volunteer Badges
A photograph is generated

14. Find the Punch Clock: 
To reach it, clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 3 Rope, 30 Volunteer Badges

15. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 6 Copper Wire, 4 Gear, 1 Photograph

16.  Look Around: 2 Pliers, 4 Gear, 38 Volunteer Badges

17. Reacue the Brown Puppy: 6 Towels, 8 Milk, 42 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

18. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 8 Screws, 4 Battery, 1 Photo
To reach it, clear obstacle for 13 E

With completion, 3 Hearts: Optimistic
(8978, 200)

19. Look Around: 2 Gloves, 6 Screws, 30 Volunteer Badges

20. Rescue the Tabby Cat: 6 Canned Pet Food, 8 Towels, 38 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

20. Find the Punch Clock: 
You must clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 4 Shovels, 28 Volunteer Badges

21. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 8 Screwdrivers, 6 Solar Pabels, 1 Photograph

22. Cross the Drawbridge: 2 Wooden Planks, 6 Solar Panels, 34 Volunteer Badges
To reach it, open gate: 2 Wooden Planks, 4 Shovels, 30 Volunteer Badges

23. Bathe the Kitten: 8 Showwr Gel, 4 Bath Sponges, 44 Volunteer Badges
To reach it, clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 6 Copper Wire, 2 Shovel
This quest generates a photo

24. Bathe the Puppy: 10 Shower Gels, 4 Washcloths, 48 Volunteer Badges
To reach this, you must clear an obstacle for 26 E.
A photo is generated

25. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 2 Gears, 6 Battery, 2 Photographs
You must clear obstacle for 13 E
Completing generates another heart: Pleased

26. Open the Fence Gate: 3 Pliers, 4 Wooden Planks, 36 Volunteer Badges

27. Groom the Kitten: 12 Towels, 4 Hairbrush, 48 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

28. Walk across the lawn:
Clear Flowerbed: 4 Gloves, 6 Shovels, 36 Volunteer Badges

29. Groom the Puppy: 12 Towels, 4 Hairbrush, 48 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

30. Find the Punch Clock
To reach it, clear Flowerbed: 3 Gloves, 6 Shovels, 24 Volunteer Badges

31. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 12 Copper Wire, 6 Solar Panel, 2 Photos

32. Open the Fence Gate: 4 Pliers, 4 Rope, 50 Volunteer Badges

33. Prepare a Feast for the Animals: 8 Canned Pet Food, 8 Milk, 50 Volunteer Badges

34. Organise a Pet Adoption Station:  12 Files, 8 Canned Pet Food, 68 Volunteer Badges
To reach this, clear obstacle for 26 E.
And open Guardrail: 4 Screwdriver, 6 Screws, 2 Gear
Complete quest for 5th heart: Buoyant

This completes the Flashback.  You earn all Rewards as well as 5 Uncle Carlos Toolkits that can be used on his Seaside Workshop

I spent almost 6000 Energy to complete this quest as well as Gem cost of Golden Tools

At the End: 6936 E 743 Gems
After Gift Boxes without final Golden Tool area: 9406 743
With Final Golden Tool area: 9776 743

I have a total of 8 toolboxes:

Increase capqcitu of each room of Tree Nursery from 7 to 9: 3 Toolboxes

Increase basic capacity of Seaside Farm Warehouse by 10%: 2 Toolboxes

Increase Pet House Max Level by 1.  Pet House now also includes a Feeder: 3 Toolboxes

Then: increase Pet House max Level by 2.  Feeder produces extra Pet Food: 3 Toolboxes

I have 2 Toolboxes left.  I do not need more Warehouse capacity

Upgrade Pet House to Level 5: 12 Bedding Rolls, reach Level 55, 20 Ruby Glass, 80 Black-eyed Kimchi

Upgrade allows a fifth active Pet

For Level 5: 20 Bedding Rolls, Reach Level 70, 100 Toy Reindeer Snow Globe, 30 Screwdrivers

Upgrade allows 6 Active Pets

14 February 2025

Happy Valentine's Quest and Heart Balloons Collection Mission

Note from Freyashawk:  One of the first tasks is to collect 20 Honey.  I always kerp filled Beehives in my Warehouse, but I thought it might be useful to remind farmers of the Research Leb techs that can be used.  
Flight of the Bumblebee requires ripe Clover but Gold Finger does not require any ingredients.

Heaet Balloon Collection:
70 from Red Rose
50 from Milk
30 from Daisy Floral Tea
10 from Cherry

Reward: Valentine's Tree

Crop List
40 Daisies
40 Wheat
40 Grapes
40 Chardonnay
50 Oat
50 Rye
50 Onion
50 Love Fruit
60 Strawberries
60 Potatoes
60 Rice
60 Flax*

Happy Valentine Quest:

Harvest 40 Daisies
Collect 20 Honey
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Apples

Harvest 40 Grapes
Produce 40 Grape Juice
Prepare 8 Apple Cider

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
Produce 40 Champagne
Prepare 8 Lemon Champagne

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Oat
Produce 50 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Lemon Cocktails

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Onions
Collect 15 Purple Broccoli
Prepare 8 Roasted Broccoli with Lemon

Harvest 50 Love Fruit
Place the Valentine Tree on your Farm (Collection Reward)
Prepare 8 Valentine's Cookies

Reward: Pink 5 Star Card Packet

Harvest 60 Strawberries
Produce 60 Strawberry Juice
Prepare 8 Rose Punch

Harvest 60 Potatoes
Produce 60 Strawberry Jam
Prepare 8 Cherry Cider

Harvest 60 Rice
Collect 60 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Roasted Turkey with Mashed Potatoes

Harvest 8 Morus Leaves*
Harvest 8 Pralines
Prepare 8 Praline Cakes

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Collect 8 Natural Silk*
Produce 8 Silk*
Prepare 8 Cottage Cheese

Harvest 60 Flax*
Produce 60 Linen*
Prepare 8 Valentine's Cheesecakes

Harvest 8 Oak Wood*
Ceaft 6 Oil Painting Frames*
Prepare 8 Valentine's Desserts

Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Cook 4 Cheese Onion Rings in the Stove House
Prepare 8 Valentine's Cakes

Final Reward: Sweetheart Panda

07 February 2025

Photo Studio Activity February

This is a merge map, and if you have done it before, you will not need instructions.

What I would like to say here is that, based on experiences of farmers who still lack only one or two five star cards to complete the Card Collection Activity, with the cards given both by the Free and VIP Pass here, you should be able to conplete the Collection.  I have listed all the rewards below.

The Romantic Swans must be placed on Water.  They eat Love Fruit and produce Heart-Shaped Feathers.

Generators are indicated with a lightning bolt on the lower right corner. I merge Energy to maximum and store it until I need it.  The book that lists all objects gives small rewards, including Energy for each new item and generator.
Items that are locked on the map simply need to be merged.  The ability to obtain the item needed depends on your level.

You only earn points by filling Orders.  At the start, you will see two Orders on the left.  As yiu gain in Level, the number of Orders will increase.  At certain points in the game, you will see a Double Point Bonus that lasts a quarter of an hour.
The 3rd Order appears at  Level 5.

If you need to purchase Energy, note that the price of 100 Stamina and the Stamina Chest will increase with each purchase until reset.  The first purchase of 100 Stamina will be 10 Gems.  The second is 20 and it increases from there.  For the Stamina Chest, the first purchase costs 12 Gems.  The second cost 24 Gems.  Try to limit your purchases to one of each daily.

Strategy Tips:  
1.  The temporary generator that yields 20 items is the Delivered Invitation.  At higher levels, you will find thia generator included in Orders.  So as not to waste it, use 19 Orders first and then fill the Order.

2.  The Double Point boost only activates when your Energy falls below 100.  It lasts for 15 minutes.  Some players love it because it gives double value to every order filled. Other farmers find it very stressful.   Its purpose is to persuade you to purchase more Energy.  Try not to buy in desperation.  Look for the Energy purchase that suits you best.
Another tip with respect to this boost.  When your Energy comes close to a point where it will go below 100, try to set up all four Orders to be as valuable in points as possible but do not fill them!  Creste the items needed, but hold onto them.  Start filling them as soon as you activate the Double Point Boost.  It may be usegul in this context to use your ability to change the Order if, during the boost period, you find one too difficult to fill.  You are given a specific number of opportunities to 'refresh' Orders daily.

Note that the Double Point Boost is confirmed to be unlocked only when you reach Level 11.  You never will activate it, however, until your Energy falls below 100.  In other words, there is nothing random about it.

Note from Freyashawk:  If you can, please vote for HM. Freyashawk in the Farm Beaty Contest.  I cannot achieve rank without the votes of other farmers.  It is all I ever ask for the work I do on this site.  I spend more than I really can afford to complete my guides as quickly as possible, but I receive no financial benefit from Google or any one else as I will not allow advertising on my sites.  Many thanks.

As with Treasure Island, Energy will regenerate at a slow rate when you go below your limit.  I believe it is 100 unless you have purchased special deals that augment it on a daily basis.  The VIP pass is one of these, raiding it to 150.  

Free Pass rewards include Little Cupid Avatar, a pink 5 star card, Romantic Rose Avatar Frame, and Swinging Teddy Bear Decoration
VlP Pass gives red 4 star card, pink 5 star card, red 5 star card, Romantic Swans (Animal) and Cupid's Music Box Decoration

Level 1: Gift Bag that generates Roses

Level 2: unlocks Gift Box that generates both Roses and Chocolates

Level 4 unlocks Small Desk that generates Date Invitation items.  The item at maximum level, the Delivered Invitation is a temporary Generator that yields 20 items before it disappears.
Delivered Invitation produces Date Drinks

At Level 6: unlock the Small Dressing Table that produces Cosmetics

Level 7 unlocks the Power Boost switch.  Each tap tgen costs 2 Stamina but produces a higher level of item 

Level 8 unlocks the first recipe:
Toy Stall: Large Heart Box of Chcolate + Teddy Bear with Roses= Cuddly Teddy Bear

Level 10 unlocks the Medium Desk that produces higher level of Date Invitation item randomly

At Level 10, 4th Order appears

At Level 11, Double Point Boost first appeared for me.  Rember that this is activated only when you fall below 100 Energy.  It is designed to persuade you to purchase a special offer of Energy and Gems, now with a card pack as well.  I have confirmed that it is unlocked only when you reach Level 11.

At Level 12, unlock Small Dining Table that generates Romantic Dinner items.

At Level 14, unlock the Large Dressing Table thst generates Romantic Clothes as well as Cosmetics.

At Level 16, unlock the second recipe:  Matching Rings:  Enclosed Invitation + Champagne Cocktail= Engagement Ring

At Level 18, you unlock the Heart Gift Box that produces no new types but produces higher level items.

At Level 20, you unlock the Large Desk.  No new items, but generates items of a higher level randomly.

At Level 22, you unlock the Large Dining Table that generates Desserts as well as Romantic Dinners.

At Level 24, the final new item in the form of the third recipe is unlocked.  Fittingly, it is the Wedding Invitation that produces a Wedding Dress. 
Evening Gown + Valentine Day's Cake = Wedding Dress

05 February 2025

Penny's Magic Cauldron Riddle Solutions February 2025

The areward is a new Water Base in the form of the Pink Petal Vase valued for 9 theme votes if you do not have maximum foe theme.

1. Pink Rose, Iris
2. Iris, Pumpkin
3. Blue Rose, White Rose
4. Sweet Leaf, Birch Tree Syrup
5. Sweet Leaf, Maple Syrup, Horse Hair
6. Wool, Wild Rose Fruit, Almond
7. Wheat Flour, Loquat, Coconut
8. Goose Feather, Rye Flour, Oat Flour
9. Grape Juice, Buffalo Milk, Orange Juice
10. Gulfweed, Celery Juice, Coconut
11. Tilapia, Horse Hair, Menhaden
12. Sea Lettuce, Crayfish, Oat Flour
13. Egg, Message in a Bottle, Celery Juice
14. Duck Egg, Sweet Leaf, Pumpkin, Iris
15. Blue arose, Pink Rose, Wild Rose Fruit, Almond
16. Coconut, Loquat, White Rose, BirchTree Syrup
17. Goose Feather, Horse Hair, Buffalo Milk, Maple Syrup
18. Gulfweed, Wheat Flour, Wool, Tilapia
19. Menhaden, Grape aJuice, Rye Flour, Oat Flour
20. Sea Lettuce, Celery Juice, Orange Juice, Almond
21. Egg, Crayfish, Menhaden, Duck Egg