This is the second flashback. Activate at the menu from the same island as Treasure Island activities.
Once activated, any previous story will close in 24 hours. You have five days to complete the time-limited Rewards.
As soon as I activated, my game crashed, but I was able to reload.
Note from Freyashawk: I always have asked only that players vote for my farm HM. Freyashawk to try to help me with my farm's rank. All farmers really could organise their farms to reach 6000 points by the end of the contest. If they choose not to do that, of course that is their right, but I cannot reach any rank without the votes of other farmers. I always felt those votes showed how much use my site actually was. It appears that it is far less useful than it ever was as my farm is not even in the top 20 now.
I do realise however that the contests are rigged and it is kibd of amazing if I still can show on the board.
We all need a little motivation. I know a lot of my old neighbours no longer play the game. It has become very demanding. I have tried to step up to create posts about all the new options to help farmers navigate and make their choices. It is discouraging when people who either are my neighbours or members of my Facebook group do not even know what is included on this site... the Research lab upgrades both on Seaside and the Cloud, and every farm expansion requirement are only two examples.
Tomorrow, I will see the results of this Farm Beauty Contest and a new Quest will be released that I will log for this site. I never have received either a single oenny or any recognition for this work from Funplus. I did not demand any. In the early years, they offered little or no explanation for anything in the game. Their Support now is far better, so perhaps my site is less valuable.
To be fair, players still do reach out occasiomally to thank me for my work and I appreciate that.
The Rewards are given with Heart Points as follows:
20 heart points: 20 Super Fertiliser
55 heart points: Spring Trip Male Dog Sack
90 Heart.points: Spring Trip Female Dog Sack
130 Heart points: 1 RC
175 Heart points: Flower Crown
In other words, the main rewards are accoutrements or accessories for Dog Pets
1. Check in at Registration Desk: 5 hearts
To do this, clear postbox for 13 E
Registration Desk: 2 Pens, 2 Envelopes
2. Get barcode at Service Desk: 2 Pens, 2 Files
To access, clear barruer for 26 E
3. Activate card at input screen: 4 Data Chips, 1 Volunteer Card, 1 Barcode Strip
To access, clear giardrail: 2 Encelopes, 2 Files
Some objects make obstacles drop spevial materials, effect immediate when built. Upgrade to get more materials.
4. Upgrade Input Screen
To upgrade to drop x2 materials requires 2 Files, 2 Data Chips, 3 Volunteer Badges: makes it 1 Star
To upgrade to 2 Stars: 2 Workgloves, 2 Toolbox: to access these, you must clear a guardrail requiting 2 sets of Golden Tools or 60 Gems
To upgrade to 3 stars requires 1 Work Glove, 1 Toolbox
To access thrse, you must clear a giardrail requiring 1 set of Golden Tools or 30 Gems
Upgrading this increases the numbet of aVolunteer Badges with each item you clear
I have one heart now with the Uncle as Hopeful
5. Look at Map Display Board: 2 Paper, 2 thumbtack, 16 Volunteer Badges
To access this, clear obstacle costs 13 E.
6. Cross the Drawbridge: 2 Files, 2 Thumbtacks, 12 Volunteer Badges
7. Rescue the White Puppy:
2 Canned Pet Food, 6 Milk, 16 Volunteer badges
8. Clock im at the apunch Clock: 6 Copper Wires, 2 Pliers, 1 Photograph
To access this, clear an obstacle for 26 E
9. Look Around: to do this, open a gate: 3 Gloves, 3 Pliers, 34 Volunteer Badges
10. Rescue the Grey Kitten: 3 Ropes, 6 Milk, 34 Volunteer Badges (a photo appears on top of this)
11. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 4 Screwdrivers, 6 Screws, 1 Photograph
To access this one, clear obstavle for 26 E
Completing this quest gives me 2 Hearts, Reassured
12. Look Around: 3 Gloves, 2 Screwdrivers, 20 Volunteer Badges to open the gate
13. Rescue the Baby Bird: 4 Wooden Planks, 8 Milk., 38 Volunteer Badges
A photograph is generated
14. Find the Punch Clock:
To reach it, clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 3 Rope, 30 Volunteer Badges
15. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 6 Copper Wire, 4 Gear, 1 Photograph
16. Look Around: 2 Pliers, 4 Gear, 38 Volunteer Badges
17. Reacue the Brown Puppy: 6 Towels, 8 Milk, 42 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated
18. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 8 Screws, 4 Battery, 1 Photo
To reach it, clear obstacle for 13 E
With completion, 3 Hearts: Optimistic
(8978, 200)
19. Look Around: 2 Gloves, 6 Screws, 30 Volunteer Badges
20. Rescue the Tabby Cat: 6 Canned Pet Food, 8 Towels, 38 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated
20. Find the Punch Clock:
You must clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 4 Shovels, 28 Volunteer Badges
21. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 8 Screwdrivers, 6 Solar Pabels, 1 Photograph
22. Cross the Drawbridge: 2 Wooden Planks, 6 Solar Panels, 34 Volunteer Badges
To reach it, open gate: 2 Wooden Planks, 4 Shovels, 30 Volunteer Badges
23. Bathe the Kitten: 8 Showwr Gel, 4 Bath Sponges, 44 Volunteer Badges
To reach it, clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 6 Copper Wire, 2 Shovel
This quest generates a photo
24. Bathe the Puppy: 10 Shower Gels, 4 Washcloths, 48 Volunteer Badges
To reach this, you must clear an obstacle for 26 E.
A photo is generated
25. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 2 Gears, 6 Battery, 2 Photographs
You must clear obstacle for 13 E
Completing generates another heart: Pleased
26. Open the Fence Gate: 3 Pliers, 4 Wooden Planks, 36 Volunteer Badges
27. Groom the Kitten: 12 Towels, 4 Hairbrush, 48 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated
28. Walk across the lawn:
Clear Flowerbed: 4 Gloves, 6 Shovels, 36 Volunteer Badges
29. Groom the Puppy: 12 Towels, 4 Hairbrush, 48 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated
30. Find the Punch Clock
To reach it, clear Flowerbed: 3 Gloves, 6 Shovels, 24 Volunteer Badges
31. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 12 Copper Wire, 6 Solar Panel, 2 Photos
32. Open the Fence Gate: 4 Pliers, 4 Rope, 50 Volunteer Badges
33. Prepare a Feast for the Animals: 8 Canned Pet Food, 8 Milk, 50 Volunteer Badges
34. Organise a Pet Adoption Station: 12 Files, 8 Canned Pet Food, 68 Volunteer Badges
To reach this, clear obstacle for 26 E.
And open Guardrail: 4 Screwdriver, 6 Screws, 2 Gear
Complete quest for 5th heart: Buoyant
This completes the Flashback. You earn all Rewards as well as 5 Uncle Carlos Toolkits that can be used on his Seaside Workshop
I spent almost 6000 Energy to complete this quest as well as Gem cost of Golden Tools
At the End: 6936 E 743 Gems
After Gift Boxes without final Golden Tool area: 9406 743
With Final Golden Tool area: 9776 743
I have a total of 8 toolboxes:
Increase capqcitu of each room of Tree Nursery from 7 to 9: 3 Toolboxes
Increase basic capacity of Seaside Farm Warehouse by 10%: 2 Toolboxes
Increase Pet House Max Level by 1. Pet House now also includes a Feeder: 3 Toolboxes
Then: increase Pet House max Level by 2. Feeder produces extra Pet Food: 3 Toolboxes
I have 2 Toolboxes left. I do not need more Warehouse capacity
Upgrade Pet House to Level 5: 12 Bedding Rolls, reach Level 55, 20 Ruby Glass, 80 Black-eyed Kimchi
Upgrade allows a fifth active Pet
For Level 5: 20 Bedding Rolls, Reach Level 70, 100 Toy Reindeer Snow Globe, 30 Screwdrivers
Upgrade allows 6 Active Pets