14 March 2025

Garden Party Quest and Flower Collection Mission

Note from Freyashawk:

First of all, thanks to all who continue to vote for HM. Freyashawk.  It means a lot.

Second, if you have not placed the Mushroom House yet, this would be a good time to do so as the tasks in the Quest will give you Lucky Clovers randomly.
Third, the Angora Wool Fabric is made on the Island Loom and requires a gear.  The gear was one of the recent Card Collection Rewards but you may find it in the Island Market under Machines, Materials.

Flower Collection
70 from Pasture
50 from Beef
30 from Pho Noodles (Noodle Machine)
10 from Lemons

Reward: Sakura Cookie Tree

Garden Party Quest

Harvest 40 Onions
Collect 40 Milk
Harvest 8 Coconuts

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Peaches

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Prepare 8 Condensed Milk

Harvest 40 Rice
Produce 40 Turkey
Prepare 8 Butter

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Kebabs

Harvest 50 Tomatoes
Produce 50 Ketchup
Prepare 8 Roast Turkeys

Harvest 50 Potatoes
Collect 15 Oregano
Prepare 8 Roast Chickens with Oregano

Harvest 50 Green Lettuce
Place Sakura Cookie Tree on your Farm
Prepare 8 Sakura Cookie Platters

Reward:  Carp Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Rye
Produce 60 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Milk Cookies

Harvest 60 Oat
Produce 60 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 60 Golden Kiwifruit
Collect 60 Eggs
Prepare 8 Sponge Cakes

Produce 60 Angora Hair*
Harvest 8 Pink Snowball Flowers
Prepare 8 Pink Cake Pops

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Angora Wool Fabric*
Harvest 8 Oak Wood*
Prepare 8 Snowball Flower Cakes

Harvest 8 Red Sandalwood*
Craft 8 Wooden Panels*
Prepare 8 Golden Kiwifruit Muffins

Craft 8 Wooden Cylinders*
Craft 6 Flower Tables*
Prepare 8 Rural Cakes

Cook 4 Slovakian Dumplings in the Stove House
Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times*
Prepare 8 Garden Cakes

Final Reward: Butterfly-Chasing Kitten

28 February 2025

Art Workshop Quest and Watercolour Paint Collection Mission

The old Girls' Day Festival known as Hinamatsuri occurs on 3 March.  Seaside once had a ahinamatsuri Quest and the reward is a traditional Hina decoration for the Island that depicts the Empwror and Empress seated side by side.  I miss the days when Seaside Quests embraced all the festivals of the world.  My old posts gave background always with the actual Quest tasks. 

Note from Freyashawk: Obviously I really do not update this site to obtain votes.  It would be nice if the Contests were not so clearly rigged, but there we are.  It would be wonderful if so many of my original neighbours had not quit the game or died.  I suppose I really ought to delete inactive neighbours but I seldom do, hoping they might return.
This morning, I saw a message in Global Chat asking a question that had an easy answer.  And THAT is why I continue to update my site.  My neighbours are intelligent and many had demanding careers but with increasing age and disability, what once was simple can be confusing to many.  I took care of my grandaunt when she developed dementia.
I really do believe it helps people with that condition if they continue to involve their minds and stay active mentally.  For their sake, too, I continue to update my site...
And for my friends and others who have been kind and compassionate as I went through cancer and other physical disability issues.
We play tgese games for so mant reasons.  They ought to lessen anxiety and stress, not add to it.
I do understand people no longer really read, that many prefer pictures to text.  I am sorry I write rather than uploading images.  I always have been a writer.
Thank you all for your support of HM. Freyashawk through the years.

Watercolour Paint Collection:
70 from Corn
50 from Buffalo Milk
30 from Black-Eyed Peas Kimchi (Set machine to make 90)
10 from Maple Syrup

Reward: Biscuit Maker 

Set Monkey Boost to use less OP

Crop List:
40 Black-Eyed Peas
40 Wheat
40 Oat
40 Rye
50 Tomatoes
50 Green Beans
50 Onions
50 Spinach
60 Rice
60 Beans
60 Cane
60 Pineberry*
60 Cotton

Art Workshop Quest

Harvest 40 Black-Eyed Peas
Collect 40 Milk
Harvest 8 Cinnamon

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Peaches


Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Quick Bread Batter

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Tomatoes
Produce 50 Ketchup
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Green Beans
Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Pasta

Harvest 50 Onions
Collect 15 Cumin
Prepare 8 Cumin Powder

Harvest 50 Spinach
Place the Biscuit Maker on your farm (receive 12 Buttermilk Biscuits immediately)
Prepare 8 Ham and Cheese Biscuits

Reward: Painter's Easel for Darryl's House

Harvest 60 Rice
Collect 60 Turkey
Prepare 8 Spinach Salad

Harvest 60 Beans
Produce 60 Buffalo Milk Cheese
Prepare 8 Chickpea Salad

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Bean Stew

Harvest 60 Pineberry*
Harvest 8 Pawpaw
Prepare 8 Pawpaw Pulp

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 20 Chestnuts*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Pawpaw Quick Bread

Produce 60 Dried Pineberry*
Produce 60 Pineberry Bread*
Prepare 8 Falafel

Harvest 60 Cotton
Produce 60 Cotton Cloth*
Prepare 8 Turkey Pot Pie

Cook 4 Spinach Lasagna in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times*
Prepare 8 Turkey Biscuit Stew

Final Reward: Famous Monkey Painter Decoration

25 February 2025

Worried Uncle Carlo Flashback

This is the second flashback.  Activate at the menu from the same island as Treasure Island activities.

Once activated, any previous story will close in 24 hours.  You have five days to complete the time-limited Rewards.

As soon as I activated, my game crashed, but I was able to reload.

Note from Freyashawk: I always have asked only that players vote for my farm HM. Freyashawk to try to help me with my farm's rank.  All farmers really could organise their farms to reach 6000 points by the end of the contest.  If they choose not to do that, of course that is their right, but I cannot reach any rank without the votes of other farmers.  I always felt those votes showed how much use my site actually was.  It appears that it is far less useful than it ever was as my farm is not even in the top 20 now.
I do realise however that the contests are rigged and it is kibd of amazing if I still can show on the board.
We all need a little motivation.  I know a lot of my old neighbours no longer play the game.  It has become very demanding.  I have tried to step up to create posts about all the new options to help farmers navigate and make their choices.  It is discouraging when people who either are my neighbours or members of my Facebook group do not even know what is included on this site... the Research lab upgrades both on Seaside and the Cloud, and every farm expansion requirement are only two examples.  

Tomorrow, I will see the results of this Farm Beauty Contest and a new Quest will be released that I will log for this site.  I never have received either a single oenny or any recognition for this work from Funplus.  I did not demand any.  In the early years, they offered little or no explanation for anything in the game.  Their Support now is far better, so perhaps my site is less valuable.  
To be fair, players still do reach out occasiomally to thank me for my work and I appreciate that.

The Rewards are given with Heart Points as follows:
20 heart points: 20 Super Fertiliser
55 heart points: Spring Trip Male Dog Sack
90 Heart.points: Spring Trip Female Dog Sack
130 Heart points: 1 RC
175 Heart points: Flower Crown

In other words, the main rewards are accoutrements or accessories for Dog Pets

1. Check in at Registration Desk: 5 hearts
To do this, clear postbox for 13 E
Registration Desk: 2 Pens, 2 Envelopes

2. Get barcode at Service Desk: 2 Pens, 2 Files
To access, clear barruer for 26 E

3. Activate card at input screen: 4 Data Chips, 1 Volunteer Card, 1 Barcode Strip
To access, clear giardrail: 2 Encelopes, 2 Files

Some objects make obstacles drop spevial materials, effect immediate when built. Upgrade to get more materials.
4. Upgrade Input Screen

To upgrade to drop  x2 materials requires 2 Files, 2 Data Chips, 3 Volunteer Badges: makes it 1 Star

To upgrade to 2 Stars: 2 Workgloves, 2 Toolbox: to access these, you must clear a guardrail requiting 2 sets of Golden Tools or 60 Gems

To upgrade to 3 stars requires 1 Work Glove, 1 Toolbox
To access thrse, you must clear a giardrail requiring 1 set of Golden Tools or 30 Gems

Upgrading this increases the numbet of aVolunteer Badges with each item you clear

I have one heart now with the Uncle as Hopeful 

5. Look at Map Display Board: 2 Paper, 2 thumbtack, 16 Volunteer Badges
To access this, clear obstacle costs 13 E.

6. Cross the Drawbridge: 2 Files, 2 Thumbtacks, 12 Volunteer Badges

7. Rescue the White Puppy:
2 Canned Pet Food, 6 Milk, 16 Volunteer badges

8. Clock im at the apunch Clock: 6 Copper Wires, 2 Pliers, 1 Photograph
To access this, clear an obstacle for 26 E

9. Look Around: to do this, open a gate: 3 Gloves, 3 Pliers, 34 Volunteer Badges

10. Rescue the Grey Kitten: 3 Ropes, 6 Milk, 34 Volunteer Badges (a photo appears on top of this)

11. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 4 Screwdrivers, 6 Screws, 1 Photograph
To access this one, clear obstavle for 26 E
Completing this quest gives me 2 Hearts, Reassured

12. Look Around: 3 Gloves, 2 Screwdrivers, 20 Volunteer Badges to open the gate

13. Rescue the Baby Bird: 4 Wooden Planks, 8 Milk., 38 Volunteer Badges
A photograph is generated

14. Find the Punch Clock: 
To reach it, clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 3 Rope, 30 Volunteer Badges

15. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 6 Copper Wire, 4 Gear, 1 Photograph

16.  Look Around: 2 Pliers, 4 Gear, 38 Volunteer Badges

17. Reacue the Brown Puppy: 6 Towels, 8 Milk, 42 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

18. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 8 Screws, 4 Battery, 1 Photo
To reach it, clear obstacle for 13 E

With completion, 3 Hearts: Optimistic
(8978, 200)

19. Look Around: 2 Gloves, 6 Screws, 30 Volunteer Badges

20. Rescue the Tabby Cat: 6 Canned Pet Food, 8 Towels, 38 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

20. Find the Punch Clock: 
You must clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 4 Shovels, 28 Volunteer Badges

21. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 8 Screwdrivers, 6 Solar Pabels, 1 Photograph

22. Cross the Drawbridge: 2 Wooden Planks, 6 Solar Panels, 34 Volunteer Badges
To reach it, open gate: 2 Wooden Planks, 4 Shovels, 30 Volunteer Badges

23. Bathe the Kitten: 8 Showwr Gel, 4 Bath Sponges, 44 Volunteer Badges
To reach it, clear Flower Patch: 2 Gloves, 6 Copper Wire, 2 Shovel
This quest generates a photo

24. Bathe the Puppy: 10 Shower Gels, 4 Washcloths, 48 Volunteer Badges
To reach this, you must clear an obstacle for 26 E.
A photo is generated

25. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 2 Gears, 6 Battery, 2 Photographs
You must clear obstacle for 13 E
Completing generates another heart: Pleased

26. Open the Fence Gate: 3 Pliers, 4 Wooden Planks, 36 Volunteer Badges

27. Groom the Kitten: 12 Towels, 4 Hairbrush, 48 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

28. Walk across the lawn:
Clear Flowerbed: 4 Gloves, 6 Shovels, 36 Volunteer Badges

29. Groom the Puppy: 12 Towels, 4 Hairbrush, 48 Volunteer Badges
A photo is generated

30. Find the Punch Clock
To reach it, clear Flowerbed: 3 Gloves, 6 Shovels, 24 Volunteer Badges

31. Clock in at the Punch Clock: 12 Copper Wire, 6 Solar Panel, 2 Photos

32. Open the Fence Gate: 4 Pliers, 4 Rope, 50 Volunteer Badges

33. Prepare a Feast for the Animals: 8 Canned Pet Food, 8 Milk, 50 Volunteer Badges

34. Organise a Pet Adoption Station:  12 Files, 8 Canned Pet Food, 68 Volunteer Badges
To reach this, clear obstacle for 26 E.
And open Guardrail: 4 Screwdriver, 6 Screws, 2 Gear
Complete quest for 5th heart: Buoyant

This completes the Flashback.  You earn all Rewards as well as 5 Uncle Carlos Toolkits that can be used on his Seaside Workshop

I spent almost 6000 Energy to complete this quest as well as Gem cost of Golden Tools

At the End: 6936 E 743 Gems
After Gift Boxes without final Golden Tool area: 9406 743
With Final Golden Tool area: 9776 743

I have a total of 8 toolboxes:

Increase capqcitu of each room of Tree Nursery from 7 to 9: 3 Toolboxes

Increase basic capacity of Seaside Farm Warehouse by 10%: 2 Toolboxes

Increase Pet House Max Level by 1.  Pet House now also includes a Feeder: 3 Toolboxes

Then: increase Pet House max Level by 2.  Feeder produces extra Pet Food: 3 Toolboxes

I have 2 Toolboxes left.  I do not need more Warehouse capacity

Upgrade Pet House to Level 5: 12 Bedding Rolls, reach Level 55, 20 Ruby Glass, 80 Black-eyed Kimchi

Upgrade allows a fifth active Pet

For Level 5: 20 Bedding Rolls, Reach Level 70, 100 Toy Reindeer Snow Globe, 30 Screwdrivers

Upgrade allows 6 Active Pets

14 February 2025

Happy Valentine's Quest and Heart Balloons Collection Mission

Note from Freyashawk:  One of the first tasks is to collect 20 Honey.  I always kerp filled Beehives in my Warehouse, but I thought it might be useful to remind farmers of the Research Leb techs that can be used.  
Flight of the Bumblebee requires ripe Clover but Gold Finger does not require any ingredients.

Heaet Balloon Collection:
70 from Red Rose
50 from Milk
30 from Daisy Floral Tea
10 from Cherry

Reward: Valentine's Tree

Crop List
40 Daisies
40 Wheat
40 Grapes
40 Chardonnay
50 Oat
50 Rye
50 Onion
50 Love Fruit
60 Strawberries
60 Potatoes
60 Rice
60 Flax*

Happy Valentine Quest:

Harvest 40 Daisies
Collect 20 Honey
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Apples

Harvest 40 Grapes
Produce 40 Grape Juice
Prepare 8 Apple Cider

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
Produce 40 Champagne
Prepare 8 Lemon Champagne

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Oat
Produce 50 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Lemon Cocktails

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Onions
Collect 15 Purple Broccoli
Prepare 8 Roasted Broccoli with Lemon

Harvest 50 Love Fruit
Place the Valentine Tree on your Farm (Collection Reward)
Prepare 8 Valentine's Cookies

Reward: Pink 5 Star Card Packet

Harvest 60 Strawberries
Produce 60 Strawberry Juice
Prepare 8 Rose Punch

Harvest 60 Potatoes
Produce 60 Strawberry Jam
Prepare 8 Cherry Cider

Harvest 60 Rice
Collect 60 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Roasted Turkey with Mashed Potatoes

Harvest 8 Morus Leaves*
Harvest 8 Pralines
Prepare 8 Praline Cakes

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Collect 8 Natural Silk*
Produce 8 Silk*
Prepare 8 Cottage Cheese

Harvest 60 Flax*
Produce 60 Linen*
Prepare 8 Valentine's Cheesecakes

Harvest 8 Oak Wood*
Ceaft 6 Oil Painting Frames*
Prepare 8 Valentine's Desserts

Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Cook 4 Cheese Onion Rings in the Stove House
Prepare 8 Valentine's Cakes

Final Reward: Sweetheart Panda

07 February 2025

Photo Studio Activity February

This is a merge map, and if you have done it before, you will not need instructions.

What I would like to say here is that, based on experiences of farmers who still lack only one or two five star cards to complete the Card Collection Activity, with the cards given both by the Free and VIP Pass here, you should be able to conplete the Collection.  I have listed all the rewards below.

The Romantic Swans must be placed on Water.  They eat Love Fruit and produce Heart-Shaped Feathers.

Generators are indicated with a lightning bolt on the lower right corner. I merge Energy to maximum and store it until I need it.  The book that lists all objects gives small rewards, including Energy for each new item and generator.
Items that are locked on the map simply need to be merged.  The ability to obtain the item needed depends on your level.

You only earn points by filling Orders.  At the start, you will see two Orders on the left.  As yiu gain in Level, the number of Orders will increase.  At certain points in the game, you will see a Double Point Bonus that lasts a quarter of an hour.
The 3rd Order appears at  Level 5.

If you need to purchase Energy, note that the price of 100 Stamina and the Stamina Chest will increase with each purchase until reset.  The first purchase of 100 Stamina will be 10 Gems.  The second is 20 and it increases from there.  For the Stamina Chest, the first purchase costs 12 Gems.  The second cost 24 Gems.  Try to limit your purchases to one of each daily.

Strategy Tips:  
1.  The temporary generator that yields 20 items is the Delivered Invitation.  At higher levels, you will find thia generator included in Orders.  So as not to waste it, use 19 Orders first and then fill the Order.

2.  The Double Point boost only activates when your Energy falls below 100.  It lasts for 15 minutes.  Some players love it because it gives double value to every order filled. Other farmers find it very stressful.   Its purpose is to persuade you to purchase more Energy.  Try not to buy in desperation.  Look for the Energy purchase that suits you best.
Another tip with respect to this boost.  When your Energy comes close to a point where it will go below 100, try to set up all four Orders to be as valuable in points as possible but do not fill them!  Creste the items needed, but hold onto them.  Start filling them as soon as you activate the Double Point Boost.  It may be usegul in this context to use your ability to change the Order if, during the boost period, you find one too difficult to fill.  You are given a specific number of opportunities to 'refresh' Orders daily.

Note that the Double Point Boost is confirmed to be unlocked only when you reach Level 11.  You never will activate it, however, until your Energy falls below 100.  In other words, there is nothing random about it.

Note from Freyashawk:  If you can, please vote for HM. Freyashawk in the Farm Beaty Contest.  I cannot achieve rank without the votes of other farmers.  It is all I ever ask for the work I do on this site.  I spend more than I really can afford to complete my guides as quickly as possible, but I receive no financial benefit from Google or any one else as I will not allow advertising on my sites.  Many thanks.

As with Treasure Island, Energy will regenerate at a slow rate when you go below your limit.  I believe it is 100 unless you have purchased special deals that augment it on a daily basis.  The VIP pass is one of these, raiding it to 150.  

Free Pass rewards include Little Cupid Avatar, a pink 5 star card, Romantic Rose Avatar Frame, and Swinging Teddy Bear Decoration
VlP Pass gives red 4 star card, pink 5 star card, red 5 star card, Romantic Swans (Animal) and Cupid's Music Box Decoration

Level 1: Gift Bag that generates Roses

Level 2: unlocks Gift Box that generates both Roses and Chocolates

Level 4 unlocks Small Desk that generates Date Invitation items.  The item at maximum level, the Delivered Invitation is a temporary Generator that yields 20 items before it disappears.
Delivered Invitation produces Date Drinks

At Level 6: unlock the Small Dressing Table that produces Cosmetics

Level 7 unlocks the Power Boost switch.  Each tap tgen costs 2 Stamina but produces a higher level of item 

Level 8 unlocks the first recipe:
Toy Stall: Large Heart Box of Chcolate + Teddy Bear with Roses= Cuddly Teddy Bear

Level 10 unlocks the Medium Desk that produces higher level of Date Invitation item randomly

At Level 10, 4th Order appears

At Level 11, Double Point Boost first appeared for me.  Rember that this is activated only when you fall below 100 Energy.  It is designed to persuade you to purchase a special offer of Energy and Gems, now with a card pack as well.  I have confirmed that it is unlocked only when you reach Level 11.

At Level 12, unlock Small Dining Table that generates Romantic Dinner items.

At Level 14, unlock the Large Dressing Table thst generates Romantic Clothes as well as Cosmetics.

At Level 16, unlock the second recipe:  Matching Rings:  Enclosed Invitation + Champagne Cocktail= Engagement Ring

At Level 18, you unlock the Heart Gift Box that produces no new types but produces higher level items.

At Level 20, you unlock the Large Desk.  No new items, but generates items of a higher level randomly.

At Level 22, you unlock the Large Dining Table that generates Desserts as well as Romantic Dinners.

At Level 24, the final new item in the form of the third recipe is unlocked.  Fittingly, it is the Wedding Invitation that produces a Wedding Dress. 
Evening Gown + Valentine Day's Cake = Wedding Dress

05 February 2025

Penny's Magic Cauldron Riddle Solutions February 2025

The areward is a new Water Base in the form of the Pink Petal Vase valued for 9 theme votes if you do not have maximum foe theme.

1. Pink Rose, Iris
2. Iris, Pumpkin
3. Blue Rose, White Rose
4. Sweet Leaf, Birch Tree Syrup
5. Sweet Leaf, Maple Syrup, Horse Hair
6. Wool, Wild Rose Fruit, Almond
7. Wheat Flour, Loquat, Coconut
8. Goose Feather, Rye Flour, Oat Flour
9. Grape Juice, Buffalo Milk, Orange Juice
10. Gulfweed, Celery Juice, Coconut
11. Tilapia, Horse Hair, Menhaden
12. Sea Lettuce, Crayfish, Oat Flour
13. Egg, Message in a Bottle, Celery Juice
14. Duck Egg, Sweet Leaf, Pumpkin, Iris
15. Blue arose, Pink Rose, Wild Rose Fruit, Almond
16. Coconut, Loquat, White Rose, BirchTree Syrup
17. Goose Feather, Horse Hair, Buffalo Milk, Maple Syrup
18. Gulfweed, Wheat Flour, Wool, Tilapia
19. Menhaden, Grape aJuice, Rye Flour, Oat Flour
20. Sea Lettuce, Celery Juice, Orange Juice, Almond
21. Egg, Crayfish, Menhaden, Duck Egg

31 January 2025

Wine Coffee Shop Quest and Coffee Capsule Collection

Coffee Capsule Collection:
70 from Cucumbers
50 from Buffalo Milk
30 from Agave Ice Sculpture
10 from Cherry

Reward: Chocolate Melter

Wine Coffee Shop Quest

Harvest 40 Agaves
Produce 40 Agave Jam
Harvest 8 Oranges

Harvest 40 Rice
Collect 40 Eggs
Harvest 8 Maple Syrup

Harvestv40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 40 Oats
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Pirog Pies

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Grapes

Harvest 50 Grapes
Collect 50 Milk
Prepare 8 Butter

Harvest 50 Tomatoes
Collect 15 Poblano Peppers (Collectible)
Prepare 8 Roasted Poblano Peppers

Harvest 50 Blackberries
Place Chocolate Melter on your farm
Prepare 8 Milk & White Chocolate Bars

Reward: 1 Pink 5 Star Card Pack

Harvest 60 Strawberries
Produce 8 Cherry Jam
Prepare 8 Semi-Dried Tomatoes

Harvest 60 Cauliflowers
Produce 8 Maple Sugar
Prepare 8 Mixed Rice Filling

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Grape Milkshake

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood*
Harvest 8 Guelden Rose Berry
Prepare 8 Guelden Rose Jelly

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 60 Chamomiles*
Produce 60 Chamomile Essential Oil
Prepare 8 Stuffed Poblano Pepoers

Produce 60 Wool
Produce 60 Wool Yarn*
Prepare 8 Guelder Rose Pirog Pies

Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles
Craft 6 Chamomile Aroma Bottles
Prepare 8 Hot Fudge Pudding Cakes

Cook 4 Pavlovas in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Marshmallow Chocolate Cakes

Final Reward: Dog in a Cup Decoration

27 January 2025

Simple Introduction to the Cloud Farm

29 January:
First Day of the Lunar New Year.
Work in progress:

I have written two very detailed posts now about the Cloud Farm.  They both essentially are walkthroughs, written as I progressed in increasing my Levels and unlocking new areas.  All of my posts are chronological.  Scroll down to find the initial walkthrough and then the advanced Cloud Farm Level walkthrough.

The walkthroughs have not been edited so they may appear less than elegant,  but you should be able to find all the informarion you need.  The most important details are the level requirements for every new option, lists and amounts of materials required for unlocking every new area,  level increases in the Cloud Lab and requirements for every Cloud Farm tech.

I wrote a separate post on the Card Collection Activity.  Note that this is an Activity that connects the Cloud Farm to Seaside in that you can earn card packs by completing actions in the Cloud Farm and rewards include items for the Clous Farm.

(Currently, you can obtain a 3 star card pack daily for sending off your Zeppelin with all orders filled.  Remember that the card menu has a tab that gives valuable card packs when you reach specific point totals.  Even if you no longer need 3 star cards, their value in points will move you closer to the goals that might give you the cards you still need.)

The Cloud Farm operates on Energy and Cloud Coins as well as Reputation points.  It is the same Energy used for the Treasure Island activities.
Not everything will allow you to earn the Reputation points you need to increase your Levels.  Clearing items from the map has no effect.  I am using the Treasure Island terminology here, referring to the Cloud Farm as a map where new areas must be unlocked.  It is a farm as well where you can place Crops, buildings and Animals but beneath it all is a map where objects constantly are being generated.  
Filling orders is what earns both Cloud Coins and Reputation points.  Reputation point totals increase your general Cloud Farm level, unlocking new options.  Orders require the 'wild' items you harvest from the map.  Be aware that enormous amounts of items are required to unlock and activate the techs in the Cloud Lab.

It is the Cloud Farm Lab basically that impacts your gameplay on your other farms through various techs.  Once you unlock the Cloud Lab, you first will find techs for the Seaside Farm.  A second tab has Island techs.  The third has Cloud Farm techs.

All techs follow a specific order and the only way to progress to the next group of techs is by completing at least one of the previous ones.  For requirements, you will see a required experience level for the Lab, but also one that demands that you have completed a 'prerequisite tech'.  The third requirement will be one or more research owls.  There are techs that allow you to earn more owls to work on advanced techs.

In short, there are two different Levels in the Cloud Farm you need  to increase.  One is your general Reputation level earned through Orders.  The other is the Cloud Lab level, each with its own specific requirements.  All of these are documented in my two Walkthroughs.

Cloud Farm Lab techs in my opinion fall into three different categories.

The first is shortening specific crop growth times.  These techs exist for Seaside, the Island and the Cloud.  I did not find them very useful but they tend to be part of a chain that unlocks new and more interesting techs.  I personally found the sprinkler system quite adequate where crop growth times are concerned and sprinklers are not crop-specific.  Wherever a sprinkler is placed, that is where growth time will be shortened.

The second category is automatic harvest or collection of one type or another.  In my view, the point of these is to reduce the need to tap on everything.  I am not terribly enamoured of these myself but again, they are part of a chain.

These techs for Seaside and Island are Batch View and Batch Pick Up.  Production Overview simply shows status.
There also is a Cooking Stand Automation tech that I do not find helpful.  In tandem with the new announcements by Darryl about the cooked dishes consumed, the Cooking Stand now is a mess at least visually and Darryl's interference slows actual work down.

The third category is automatic collection as well but it actually appears to make a difference.  The ones I find interesting are the Bon Voyage collection for Seaside and the One-Tap Sweep for the Island.
These are the highest techs in their respective chains.

The Bon Voyage tech allows your pet to collect 30 bags from the boats of others using batch visits.  The One-Tap Sweep allows me to play the Submarine game and collect coins 5 times daily without being required to go through the map manually.  (I have to confirm whether all farmers have 5 games per day or not.)

So, with the Bon Voyage tech, you can either choose your 15 buddies and 15 of your favourite farmers (or 30 neighbours on whatever basus you wish) to receive a pet visit for their boats or you can reciprocate the visits you had from others.

Another recent addition to the Cloud Farm is the Fountain.  This allows a return of Energy for every 500 Energy spent.  There are a series of upgrades to reach 5 Water Jugs and 50 Energy, all documented in my second Cloud Farm post.

My tip for the Cloud Farm is, while watching your Energy total and Cloud Coin totals is to collect items from the map to fill orders without bankrupting yourself and to try to acquire the new Animals and Trees as they are unlocked.  The Ice Crystal Butterfly Deer is unlocked as a quest when you reach Level 5 and unlock the area with the Cloud Lab.  The others become available in the Market at specific levels.

Note that only a set number of items of any one kind will be generated within any time period.  You therefore may find an item you need for a recipe has become 'unavailable' briefly if you concentrated on collrcting as many as possible within a short time period.

There are two builds with Activities needed to collect badges.  The first is the Adventurer's Zeppelin and the second is the Adventurer's Fortune.  The Zeppelin Orders can be filled daily with orders for Cloud Farm items.  The Adventurer's Fortune is a weekly event with Orders for items from all farms.

I am going to mention the 'free owls' here that are an integral aspect of the Cloud Lab because people are confused often about these.
'One free owl' describes a requirement for learning a new tech.  It does not indicate that you will be given an adfitional owl.  Wgenever you learn a tech, an Owl does the time and the research.  There are techs that allocqte more Owls to you.  These are fairly advanced in the tech again and my walkthrough gives these details.  I have a total of three owls now.  If you have only one owl, you only will be able to research one tech at any given time.  Alao advanced techs may require the research efforts of more than one owl.

17 January 2025

Year of the Snake Quest and Chinese New Year Ornament Collection

Tips: You will need 120 Chestnut Flour to complete Island tasks and you will need to collect more Candied Strawberries to prepare the final dish.  
No chest digging required!

N.B.  When you complete step 8, your Reward will be a pink 5 Star Card pack.

I wrote a post about the Card Collection Activity, but perhaps one strategy tip is worth mentioning here.
There are a number of digferent tavs in the Card menu.  One is a series of time- related collections that assign point values to each card and then, within the allocated time period will give you a card pack for meeting four different totals.  The first period ends at reset tonight.  I do not have the game in front of me, but I believe the four rewards required: 50 points, 100 points, 200 points, 300 points.

Suppirr and some players will advise you to save your high star cards to open later, but that is not the whole story.  You need to open EVERY card pack now if you have not reached all four of those goals!  Begin with the 1 Star packs but keep opening until you reach 300 points.  Then stop.  Any unopened card packs can be opened when the new timed point event begins.  Later events will not even count 1 Star card packs towards points.  So open all of those and then keep going until you can collect the 300 point reward before reset tonight.

Collection Mission:

70 from Pasture
50 from Buffalo Milk
30 from Grape Ice Cream
10 from Apples

Reward: Candied Fruit Rack

Year of the Snake Quest:

Harvest 40 Grapes
Collect 40 Milk
Harvest 8 Coconuts

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Cheddar Cheese
Harvest 8 Peaches

Harvest 40 Carrots
Produce 40 Beef
Prepare 8 Beef Stew

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Prepare 8 Coconut Milk

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Oat
Produce 50 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Cottage Cheese

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Sweet Potatoes
Collect 15 Parsnips
Prepare 8 Roasted Parsnips

Harvest 50 Strawbwrries
Place a Candied Fruit Rack on your farm (Collection Reward)
Prepare 8 Strawbwrry Cream Cheese

Reward: Pink 5 Star Card Pack

Harvest 60 Wheat
Produce 60 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Sago Bubbles

Harvest 60 Rice
Collect 60 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Sago Pudding

Harvest 60 Leeks
Produce 60 Leek Sauce
Prepare 8 Chicken and Leek Pies

Harvest 60 Garlic*
Harvest 8 Golden Peaches
Prepare 8 Golden Peach Sago Pudding

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 20 Chestnuts*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Parsnip Stew

Produce 60 Garlic Bread*
Harvest 60 Zucchini*
Prepare 8 Beef Broth

Produce 60 Dried Zucchinis*
Produce 60 Zucchini Bread*
Prepare 8 Strawberry Cheesecake

Cook 4 Strawberry Gazpacho
In the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Candied Strawberry Cakes

Final Reward: Baby Snake Decoration for Seaside

10 January 2025

Forest Exploration Card Collection Event

Some one asked me to write a post about this.  I will make a simple one that I hope will help a little.

19 January update:
2nd event begins:
Point values:
1 star = 1
Green 2 star = 2
Yellow 3 star = 10
Green 3 star = 12
Red 4 star = 12
Pink 4 star= 15
Pink 5 star = 15
Red 5 star = 28

100 points for 1 gold 3 star
200 points for 1 red 4 star
300 points for 1 pink 4 star
400 points for 1 pink 5 star
After end of 1st trade event, I saved 10 1 star, 7 2 star, 5 gold 3 star, 1 red 4 star and 1 pink 5 star

With these, I completed the 100 point trade for 1 gold 3 star pack

12 January Update: After completing the float on Treasure Island, raising my Star total to 1500, I received card packs, that allowed me to complete all the Card rewards apart from the last one.  I was missing one 5 star card.

I believe that last card which for me was the Tornado only can be found in a Red 5 Star card.  If that is all you need and are impatient to finish, do not waste money on a pink 5 star card.  It is only on Day 35 that you receive a red 5 Star card as the daily card gift.

First of all, the Event lasts 42 days.  It ultimately celebrates the Lunar New Year.   The object is to collect all of the cards required to claim each reward.  In doing so, you can claim a final Reward in tbe form of 1000 Energy and a Cloud Farm decoration, the Unicorn Rocking Horse.  Like other Cloud Farm decorations, its rewards are time regulated.  Tapoing on it gives RC for the first ten days and Energy every 24 hours thereafter.

Here is a list of all the rewards:
1.  2 RC, 25 Fertiliser
2. 288 Energy, 200 OP
3. Forest Vine Avatar Frame, 50 Super Fertiliser
4. 2025 Topiary, 50 Super Watering Can
5. New Topiary, 388 Energy
6. Angora Wool Fabric Vear Token, 1 Rain
7. Spring Outing Bunny Island Decoration, 50 Gasoline
8.  Year Topiary, 388 Energy
9. Chinese Zodiac Snake Topiary, 50 Power
10. Black-eyed Peas Kimchi Gear Token, 488 Energy
11. Napping Fairy Avatar, 1 Thunderstorm
12. Flower Butterfly Deer Skin for Cloud Farm, 588 Energy

How to obtain the cards you need to complete the Collections:

First of all, the star value of a card is only part of the equation.  The colour of the card determines its rarity.  Some cards will be collected again and again so you will have duplicates.  The most valuable in any category are more difficult to obtain.

There are a number of cash offers that give you cards of dicferent values.  The easiest way to obtain the rarest cards,especially those of 4 and 5 star value, is through cash purchase.  The cards you receive, however, always are random.

Each day, you can obtain cards  performing the folloeing:
Each chest on the Daily Quest path yields 1 card.
The first chest give a blue 1 Star card.
The second chest gives you a green 2 star card.

The third chest gives a green 2 star card.
The fourth chest gives a gold 3 star card.

Reset is the time when a new day begins in the actual Card menu.  Each day when you log into the game, collect the card for that day.

I believe the first time you collect the Dedicated Farmer Bonus after reset, you will receive 1 card.

I received 1 gold 3 star card for sending off the Zeppelin just now in the Cloud Farm.  You receive one each timr you send off the Zeppelin.

Each order on the Order Board includes 1 card as a reward.  Today I saw 1 gold 3 star card, 2 blue 1 star cards (2 Orders), 2 green 2 star cards (2 Orders).

Other ways to collect cards:
The Photo Studio Pass from the next Photo event
The 8th Step of the Special Mission for the next Mission
Reward from the Exclusive Pass

The fourth tab of the Card Menu offers timed Events rewards when you collect specific totals of specific cards for point totals.  The first 7 day event is active now and gives:

Pack Points:
For 50 points: 1 Gold 3 Star card
For 100 points: 1 Gold 3 Star card
For 200 points: 1 red 4 Star Card
For 300 points: 1 pink 5 Star card.

Each event is different and point requirements increase.  For this purpose, point value is both star and colour values.

The fifth tab gives all the cash offers.

Other card yields: No mention was made of this now, but last time, completing the Adventurer's Fortune gave a card.  Also box from Adventurer's Bazaar, but did not see that either this time.  I will continue to monitor both.

Strategy:  some players only open the low star cards in the first weeks and save the 4 and 5 stars for the end.  I simply get on with it.  I hate incomplete quests and activities but also when writing guides, the quicker I can suss it out, the better.

The Magic Returns Treasure Island

Walkthrough now complete as of 11 January  through 1500 Stars.  Includes Snow Globe Machine, Flower Pot House and Dream Crystal Ball Float.

Snow Globe Machine Makes the following: two ingredient Machine, one always Fern Flower:
Lucky Star Snow Globe
Festival Cracker Snow Globe
Light Bulb Snow Globe
Musical Note Snow Globe
Toy Reindeer Snow Globe
Nitrogen Drop Snow Globe

Please note that you cannot reach 1500 Stars without completing the Float!  This is a change from other Treasure Islands.

1st map: 5275 Energy, 36 Diamonds
Second map: 7423 Energy, 66 Diamonds (?)

 I document the materials required for each task.  You can collect them as needed or collect in advance for the Star Rewards.
The significant rewards are the new Snow Globe Machine given for 1100 Stars and the Flower Pot House given at 1300 Stars that no doubt will be a theme decoration in the next Farm Beauty Contest.
The other significant Reward comes from the Trader.  It is a second chance to obtain the Everlasting Flower Machine if you do not have one.

As this Activity coincides with the Card Collection Event, it may be worth mentioning that three of the Star Rewards include Card Packs: 1 Gold 4 Star Pack, 1 Pink 5 Star Pack, 1 Red 5 Star Pack.  Star Rewards extend to 1500 Points in this Treasure Island.

Note that Energy used for the Treasure Island will count towards recovery via Water Jugs on the Cloud Farm.  At Maximum Level, use 500 Energy for 50 Energy (5 Jugs is maximum as well).

Energy Strategy:
You have a number of different options that are based on Energy totals, time and Energy use.

The first of these is the permanent Energy Bar.  The total that determines automatic recovery over time depends on many factors, including the purchase of VIP Pass.  My base is 200.  Farmers who do not boost their capacity usually will be at 100.  What this means is that, whenever your Energy falls below this baseline, you will bevin to recover 1 point every two minutes until it reaches that total again.
Below the permanent Energy is the Temporary Energy bar.  The total here depends on the progrwss you have made on the map.  I try to document whenever I see it increase.  When it first appears, it will be at 100.  By the end,on the second map, it will be 400.
Temporary Energy is kind of the oppoaite of permanent Energy.  It only will begin to accrue when you are at the baseline on your psrmanent Energy or higher.  In other words, if my baseline is 200, Temporady Energy only begins to accrue if I am at 200 or above.  I only can withddaw it and add it to my permanent Energy, however, if I fall below 200.

Another source of Energy is the Trading Energy Fountain.  The cap here to be able to trade at all is 1000 Energy I believe.  

The Trading Energy Fountain is on the left in the area where you begin.

At Level 1, it offers only 30 Energy and you can trade farm aids like Fertilisers and Watering Cans for 30 Energy.  After making a trade, you must wait 8 hours before you can use the option again. I advise using your gems to increase the level to maximum, giving you 200 Energy each time you trade.  As far as I am concerned, gems are useful to increase the Fountain Level and to clear areas that require Golden Tools when you have none.


Energy is shared between the Cloud Darm and Treasure Island.  I suggest that ypu do not collect any gift boxes that remqin on the Treasure Island until the last day.

Instead, use your Energy on the Cloud Farm each day until it is reduced to an amount below your permanent Energy cap.  Mine is 200.  Then withdraw ALL temporary Energy.  By the end of the Quest, that should be 400.  Now go to the Trading Fountain and trade for 200 more.  Use it one the Cloud Farm now and collect water jugs as well.  Try to leave your Energy at 200 or whatever your cap is when you leave the game so that temporary Energy will accrue again over time to 400.

N.B.  The Star Rewards as well as Piggy Bank rewards do not need to be collected immediately.  My strategy now is NOT to collect them until I have withdrawn all temporary energy and traded at the fountain.  I then collect rewards so I can advance on the Quest as far as possible.  Try to make certain you can begin to accrue the temporary energy for the next session when you are inactive.

There is a new float linked to this Activity in the form of the Dream Crystal Ball Float.  It gives 15 Power every 6 hours when active in the Parade

1. 12 E to clear grass
2. Restore Budding Bridge: 3 Water Drop, 3 Grass
52 E gives 3 Water Drops, 7 Iridescent Flowers, then 35 E. for 2 Water Drops, 5 I. Flowers, then 18 E for 1 Water Drop and 2 Iridescent Flowers
3. Activate the Trumpet Flower: 4 Magical Notes, 2 Water Drops
Horn costs 31 E. gives 2 Musical Notes, 3 I. Flowers, then 16 E for 1 Note, 2 IF

N.B. to the right of the Trumpet is a Budding Bridge that requires 2 sets of Golden Tools or 60 Diamonds
4. Remove the Mossy Hollow Tree: 4 Vine, 10 Grass
41 E gives 2 Vine, 4 IF, 21 gives 1 Vine, 3 IF
Blue bag contains 1 Rubber Duck
Pink bag contains 1 Toy Train
5. Fix the Pollen Pond: 8 Musical Notes, 4 Water Drops, 2 Wood
6. Remove the Mossy Hollow Trunk: 5 Vine, 2 Grass, 50 I Flowers
7. Activate the Crystal Tree: 4 Magic Flowers, 4 Crystal Gems
47 E for 2 M flowers, 5 I flowers, then 24 E for 1 M flower, 2 I flowers
39 E for 2 Crystal Gems, 5 IF then 20 E for 1 Crystal Gem, 3 IF
8.  Activate the Crystal Tree:
4 Magic Grass, 9 Crystal Gems, 10 Grass
To reach it, clear the Vine:
3 Thistle Flowers, 1 Water Drop
51 E for 2 Thistle, 3 IF, then 26 for 1 Thistle, 2 IF
Pink bag contains Teddy Bear
45 E. For 2 Magic Grass, 7 IF, then 23 E for 1 M Grass, 2 IF

The Trader is here: 
1 Toy Train for 30 E
6 Rubber Ducks for 2 RC
4 Teddy Bears for 1 Golden Pickaxe
4 pink Rocking Horses for 1 Golden Saw
2 Ship Models for 2 Golden Spades
Collect all for Final Reward of 
Everlasting Flower Machine or 1000 Energy

Blue gift bag contains 1 Rubber Duck
58 E for 3 Crystal, 6 IF, then 39 E for 2 Crystal, 5 IF, then 20 E for 1 Crystal, 2 IF

Below the Budding Bridge is the Trading Energy Fountain
You can upgrade it to Level 4 to trade for 200 Energy every 8 hours
Blue bag contains Rubber Duck

9. Clear 1 Bush: 18 E
10. Help the Pumpkim Goblin: 6 Water Drops, 6 Musical Notes

Temporary Energy Gauge has appeared for 100 Energy

11. Restore the Budding Bridge: 4 Water Drops, 4 Kettle, 100 Iridescent Flowers

43 E for 2 Kettle, 5 IF, then 22 E for 1 Kettle, 3 IF

1st Magic Fog in south requires 2 sets of Golden Tools

12.  Remove the Mossy Bollow Trunk: 10 Vine, 4 Grass
To reach Vines, you must clear grass for 12 E

13. Fix the Potions Lab: 9 Vine, 6 Crystal Gems, 2 Branch
To reach it, clear Grass for 12 E
Blue bag contains Pink Rockinghorse

14. Fix the Acorn Mortar and Pestle:
8 Acorns, 5 Vines, 2 Stone
To reach it, clear a Vine: 6 Thistles, 4 Water Drops
76 E. For 3 Thistle, 11 IF, then 51 E for 2 Thistle, 6 IF, then 26 E for 1 Thistle, 2 IF
55 E for 2 Acorn, 6 IF, then 28 E for 1 Acorn, 3 IF

15. Go through the Vines: 6 Tbistles, 2 Water Drops

16. Help the Pixie: 10 Water Drops, 10 Musical Notes, 6 Grass
To reach,  clear Bush for 21 E
Blue bag contains Rubber Duck

I can buy both Piggy Banks and collect both rewards from the 1st and the  15 Star reward from the 2nd.  There was no prompt that told me either had been unlocked.

Temporary Energy gauge now at 200.

2nd Magic Fog to the North requires 2 sets of Golden Tools

17. Cover 1 Pit: 6 Vines, 3 Magic Grass, 150 IF

18. Activate the Magic Formula Machine: 4 Magic Flower, 8 Magic Grass

19. Fix the Wand Stand: 12 Crystal Gem, 10 Musical Notes, 4 Stone
To reach, you must clear 1 Mossy Hollow Trunk: 10 Vine, 4 Grass

20. Help the Fairy Godmother: 18 Water Drops, 8 Musical Notes, 200 IF
To reach her, I had to clear an obstacle for 23 Energy and then clear Thorns: 2 Thistle, 2 Grass
Pink bag contains Teddy Bear

The 1st Mary Surprise is behind the Fairy Godmother.
Gives 200 Energy, 50 Diamonds

Large horn needs 46 E for 3 musical notes and 7 IF, then 31 E for 2 Music and 3, then 16 for 1 Music and 2 IF

21. Drive away the Evil Plant: 
Esuriens Flower: 2 Thistle, 5 Magic Formula
To reach this, clear a vine: 6 Thistle, 3 Water Drops

You make Magical Formulae at the Magical Formula Factory:
1 for 2 Magic Flowers, 4 Grass, takes 3 minutes
Add a second slot for 3 Diamonds
To make 4:  8 Magic Flowers, 16 Grass, takes 12 minutes

3rd Magic Fog requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools to the southeast of the Esuriens Flower

28 E for 1 Acorn, 2 IF

22.  Restore 1 Budding Bridge: 8 Water Drops, 8 Kettle

23. Save the Bird: 4 Water Drops, 15 Acorns, 220 IF
Blue bag contains Rubber Duck

24. Open the Palace Door: 4 Magic Formula, 6 Crystal Gems
Blue Bag contains Pink Rockinghorse

25.  Drive away Evil Esurians Flower: 10 Thistle, 2 Magic Formula

26. Open Inner Palace Door: 6 Crystal Gems, 1 Key

27. Help Cinderella: 14 Bells, 6 Musical Notes, 100 IF

94 E gives 3 Bells, 10 IF, then 63 E for 2 bells and 10 IF, then 32 E for 1 Bell and 3 IF

28.  Evade the Guard: 8 Rope, 4 Vine
First build Inner Palace Door: 4 Keys, 3 Pliers

61 E for 2 Pliers, 6 IF, then 31 E for 1 Pliers, 4 IF

30 E for 1 key, 2 IF

79 E for 3 Rope, 10 IF, then 53E for 2 Rope, 5 IF, 27 E for 1 Rope, 3 IF

29. Drive Away the Evil Plant: 12 Thistle, 2 Magic Formula
Must clear plant for 18 E

30. Create a Time Hourglass: 8 Magic Formula, 16 Crystal Gems

Pink chest contains 1 sailboat
Clead obstacle for 12 Energy

31. Evade the Guard: 12 Rope, 8 Vine
You first must clear a plant for 12 E, then Drive Away an Esuriens Flower: 12 Thistle, 3 Magic Formula, 280 IF
Blue bag contains Rubber duck

Inner Palace Door north of guard requires 2 sets of Golden Tools or 60 Diamonds

32. Open Inner Palace Door: 6 Keys, 4 Pliers

33. Create a Sleep Bell: 8 Magic Formula, 12 Bells, 6 Musical Notes

34.  Open Inner Palace Door: 8 Keys, 5 Pliers

35. Open the Palace Door: 8 Crystal Gem, 4 Keys, 240 IF

36. Create a Portal in the Magic Well: 12 Magic Formula, 8 Magic Grass, 12 Crystal Gems

2nd Mary Surprise Cow to the left of the Well
Gives: 200 Energy, 50 diamonds

37. Go to the Magic Forest: go to the second map


Temporary gauge now at 300

38. Ask Mr. Owl: 6 Bells, 4 Musical Notes 

39. Activate the Firefly Lighthouse: 6 Firefly, 4 Crystal Gems
To reach this, you must cover a Pit: 4 Vines, 4 Magic Grass, 200 IF

Large sunflower for 71 Energy gives 2 Firefly, 8 IF, then 36 E for 1 Firefly and 3 IF

40. Go through the vines: 4 Thistles, 3 Water Drops

41. Help Mr. Mushroom: 2 Magic Formula, 4 Water Drops, 6 Mushrooms

77 E for 2 Mushrooms, 8 IF then 39 E for 1 Mushroom and 2 IF

Pink bag contains Teddy Bear

42. Fix the Acorn Street Lamp: 8 Acorns, 8 Vines
To reach it, cover 1 Pit: 4 Vines, 6 Magic Grass

43. Go through tbe thorns: 4 Scissors, 6 Water Drops, 180 IF

To the southeast, Magic Fog requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools

31 E for 1 Scissors, 3 IF

Temporary gauge at 300

44. Fix the Mushroom House: 4 Vine, 7 Crystal Gem, 6 Mushrooms

45. Restore the Budding Bridge: 10 Water Drop, 6 Kettle
To reach it, clear Water Drop flower for 18 E

46. Help Mr. Parsnip: 8 Magic Formula, 8 Vine

47. Fix the Barrel House: 13 Acorn, 12 Pile of Petals
To reach it, build Vine: 8 Thistle, 1 Water Drop, 200 IF

Blue bag contains Pink Rockinghorse

85 E for 3 Petal, 9 IF, then 57 E for 2 Petal, 8 IF, then 29 E for 1 Petal, 3 IF

Magic Fog to the left requires 3 sets of Golden Tools

48. Restore the Weathervane: 5 Magic Formula, 7 Pile of Petals
To reach it, clear Mossy Hollow Trunk: 15 Vine, 4 Grass

To the northeast, Magic Fog requiring 2 sets of Golden Tools

49. Cover 1 Pit: 4 Vines, 6 Magic Grass

50. Fix the Telescope: 10 Magic Formula, 8 Crystal Gem, 240 IF

Temporary Energy now at 400

51. Go through the Vines: 6 Thistles, 4 Water Drop

52. Help the Flower Pot Goblin: 6 Magic Formula, 13 Mushrooms

53. Help the Flower Pot Goblin: 8 Magic Formula, 13 Pile of Petals, 10 Crystal Gems
To reach, clear a pile of petals for 29 E.

Pink bag contains Teddy Bear

54. Remove the Mossy Hollow Trunk: 22 Vine, 4 Grass, 280 IF

55.  Activate the Magic Dew Device:  4 Piles of Petals, 5 Firefly

To make 1: 2 piles of Petals, 2 Grass
To make 4: 8 Piles of Petals, 8 Branches
Add a slot for 3 Diamonds

56. Fix the Acorn Street Lamp: 12 Acorns, 8 Vine
To reach it, cover a Pit: 5 Vine, 5 Magic Grass

57. Restore the Budding Bridge: 8 Water Drops, 12 kettle, 200 IF

Blue bag containing 1 pink Rockinghorse

58. Evade the Guard: 16 Rope, 10 Vine

59. Save the Bird: 12 Water Drops, 16 Acorn
To reach it, open a metal door 2 Magic Formula, 10 Crystal Gems

60. Open the Palace Door: 9 Crystal Gems, 1 Key

61: Create the Magic Aroma Lamp: 10 Magic Dew, 9 Crystal Gems

62. Open the Palace Door: 4 Keys, 5 Pliers
To reach it, clear the Armoured Guard: 10 Rope, 11 Vines, 350 IF

63: Rescue the Palace Official: 8 Magic Dew, 6 Bells, 6 Musical Notes

The 3rd Mary's Surprise Gift is here, giving 200 Energy, 50 Diamonds

64. Open the Screen: 6 Rope, 6 Pliers
To reach it, you must open an inner palace door: 6 Keys, 9 Pliers, 80 IF

65. Purify the Evil Fountain: 12 Magic Dew, 8  Crystal Gems, 8 Water Drops

66. Drive away the Guard: 10 Rope, 9 Vine, 340 IF

There is a Door in the South that requires: 13 Crystal Gems, 8 Keys (a task after the Prince)
To the left is an Inner Palace Door that requires 3 sets of Golden Tools

67. Rescue the Prince: 8 Magic Dew, 8 Mushrooms, 4 Musical Notes

68. Cleanse the Evil Tree: 12 Magic Dew, 11 Magic Grass, 80 IF
To reach it, you must open the Door: 13 Crystal Gems, 8 Keys

69. Open the Fence Gate: or Guardrail: 4 Scissors, 12 Pliers

70. Make the Stepsister go away: 9 Magic Formula, 8 Magic Dew, 320 IF

Magic Fog to the east requires 4 sets of Golden Tools

71.  Go through the Thorns: 4 Scissors, 18 Water Drops

72. Make the Stepmother Go Away: 8 Magic Formula, 9 Magic Dew

Pop up offer for an hour 1600 Energy and 20 Magic Formula.  Without a walkthrough, I have no idea!  As it happens, all 20 were needed.

73. Open the Fence Gate: 4 Scissors, 12 Pliers, 100 IF

74. Crown Cinderella: 11 Magic Formula, 12 Magic Dew

Pink chest to the right of the piano on the dais has the last toy in the form of the Ship Model
Go to the first map and trade wirh the Trader for the Everlasting Flower Machine or 1000 Energy

Remove Mossy Hollow Trunk:
22 Vine, 4 Grass, 320 IF

75.  Fix the Dream Cryatal Ball Float: 

Stage 1: 6 Rope, 2 Scissors, 6 Pliers
Stage 2: 10 Bells, 6 Acorns, 6 Crystal Gems
Stage 3: 14 Magic Formula, 10 Water Drop, 10 Musical Note
Stage 4: 16 Magic Dew, 8 Firefly, 350 IF

The Magic Returns
Clear 1 Water Calla Lily 10 Stars
Restore 1 Budding Bridge 15
Activate 1 Trumpet Flower 15
Remove 3 Mossy Hollow Trunks 25
Restore 3 Budding Bridges 30
Clear 20 Grass 25
Clear 30 Grass 25
Clear 50 Grass 30
Have 30 Musical Notes 25
Have 35 Water Drops 25
Have 30 Vines 25
Activate 1 Pollen Pond 20
Activate 1 Crystal Tree 20
Go through 1 Vines 20
Help the Pumpkin Goblin 25
Remove 3 Mossy Hollow Trunks 25
Help 1 Pixie 25
Go through 4 Vines 30
Restore 3 Budding Bridges 30
Dispel 2 Magic Fog 35
Activate the Magic Formula Machine: 30
Have 15 Magic Grass: 25
Have 30 Thistle Flowers: 25
Help the Fairy Godmother: 30
Go through 4 Vines: 30
Restore 3 Budding Bridges: 30
Drive away 1 Evil Plant: 30
Have 30 Magic Flowers: 25
Have 60 Crystal Gems: 30
Help Cinderella: 35
Have 25 Bells: 30
Create a Time Hourglass: 45
Have 20 Ropes: 30
Have 120 Crystal Gems: 35
Have 25 Keys: 35
Create a Sleep Bell: 30
Dispel 4 Magic Fog: 35
Have 70 Acorns: 35
Have 10 Fireflies: 40
Have 180 Magic Flowers: 40
Clear 20 Bushes: 25
Clear 30 Bushes: 25
Clear 50 Bushes: 30
Find 1 Mary's Surprise: 30
Find 2 Mary's Surprise Gift: 30
Open 8 Doors: 30
Dispel 7 Magic Fog: 40
Have 110 piles of petals: 40
Find 3 Mary's Surprise Gifts: 50
Purify the Evil Fountain: 30
Rescue the Prince: 40
Dispel 7 Magic Fog: 40
Fix the Dream Crystal Ball Float: 150

Star Rewards;
50 Stars: 100 E. 5 Diamonds
100 Stars: 200 E. 5 Diamonds
200 Stars; 200 E., Flower Pot Goblin Avatar
350 Stars: 200 E. 10 Diamonds
500 Stars: 10 Diamonds, Time Hourglass
700 Stars: 300 E. 15 Diamonds, 4 Star Gold Card Pack
900 Stars: 300 E. 15 Diamonds, Magic Forest Avatar Frame
1100 Stars: 450 E. 20 Diamonds, Snow Globe Machine
1300 Stars: 20 Diamonds, Animated Flower Pot Goblin Avatar, Flower Pot House
1400 Stars: 450 Energy, 30 Diamonds, Pink 5 Star Card Pack
1500 Stars: 45 Diamonds, 1 Pink 5 Star Card Pack, 1 Red 5 Star Card Pack

03 January 2025

Bowling Night Quest and Bowling Pin Collection

Crop List included below.  See both of my Cloud Farm posts for all details relating to the Cloud Farm.

I wish all visitors to this site a Happy and healthy New Year.  I want to thank all those who have shown kindness to me as I went through yet another battle with cancer.  I am not alone in having found 2024 difficult.  
We may not be able to command world leaders to act with morality, ethics, honesty and compassion, hoaever much we wish we could.  What we can do is show compassion and decency in our own lives and in our interactions on social media and in games like Seaside.  We are real human beings with real issues.  

When farmers lash out at neighbours or buddies for not doing what they would like, take a moment to remember that they too are individuals who may be suffering from health issues or grieving from the loss of a loved one.  A small act of kindness or sympathy can change an individual's day.

On a personal note, the 3rd was my mother's birthday.  With absolutely no connection to bowling that features in this Quest, she really liked the New Year option of serving beans for good luck and made Black-Eyed Peas on New Year's Day for family and friends for many decades.  It made me smile to see the dish in this Quest.

New Year traditions in the West include making Roast Pork with Sauerkraut and a Pig moulded with peppermint sugar.  A tiny hammer then would be used to smash the pig into fragments and share it with every one for good fortune.

There are many special breads and cakes that are traditional both at Christmas and the New Year.  

One rather universal custom was to sweep all the dirt and dust through the front door and leave the door open for a time so that all negative and evil influences are driven out.

Some people make a list of positive Resolutions at the New Year.  

I would like to see a kinder world that cares more about people than profit and does not enforce a corrupt 'peace' without recognising the rights of the people who have no power to demand them for themselves.   

Wishing every one the very best: courage with compassion, and the strength to meet every challenge.  Most of all, may you be supported by the power of friendship and love.  People need to be reminded that others still care about them.  

Crop List:
40 Coffee Beans
40 Onions
40 Oats
40 Rye
50 Grapes
50 Spinach
50 Celery
50 Ginger 
60 Cane
60 Rice
60 Chardonnay

Bowling Pin Collection

70 from Corn
50 from Milk
30 from Coffee Energy Drink
10 from Cherry

Reward: Thyme Planter

 Bowling Night

Harvest 40 Coffee Beans
Produce 40 Beef
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Onions
Collect 40 Buffalo Milk
Harvest 8 Apples

Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Butter

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Sour Cream

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Grapes
Produce 50 Wine
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harcest 50 Spinach
Produce 50 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Spinach Salad

Harvest 50 Celery
Collect 15 Black Eyed Pea Pods (Collectible, do not confuse with the crop)
Prepare 8 Black-Eyed Pea Salad

Harvest 50 Ginger
Place Thyme Planter on your Farm
Prepare 8 Lemon and Thyme Sauce

Reward: Treadmill for Darryl's House

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Apple Chutney

Harvest 60 Rice
Collect 60 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Meat Broth

Harvest 60 Chardonnay
Produce 60 Champagne
Prepare 8 New Year's Black Eyed Peas

Dig 15 Chests on the Paths
Harvest 8 Tamarillo Fruits
Prepare 8 Baked Tamarillos

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 20 Chestnuts*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Tamarillo Chutney

Produce 60 Dried Kiwi Fruits*
Produce 60 Kiwi Fruit Bread*
Prepare 8 Rosé

Harvest 60 Flax*
Produce 60 Linen*
Prepare 8 Baked Chicken Breast

Cook 4 Crystal Rock Cakes in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Lemon Thyme Chicken

Final Reward: Athlete Lion Decoration