
01 September 2023

Trade Voyage Quest and Options

The post for the current Quest is below this one.  I am creating a brief post for the Trade Voyage because so many players are confused.
First, please bear in mind that the Trade Voyage Quest is not time-restricted.  There is absolutely no reason to push yourself to complete it.

The untimed quest appeared recently.  It is designed to encourage players to become involved in this new extra aspect of the game.

I wrote a post about Unlocking the Port when the option was released.  You can find it on this site.  I am not going to repeat that information.

Once you have unlocked the port, you can send your boat to trade between New York and Rio de Janeiro.

Tip:  When you activate the tutorial, exit without using any Maritime Coins to make the purchase.  It takes time to earn Maritime Coins.  Save them to unlock the third port. All the Maritine Coin totals for unlocking each port are in my earlier post.

You must be able to trade the first two items in order to activate a voyage.  The third item is not required.  It will give you the greatest number of Maritime Coins perhaps, but if you do not have the required token, do not worry about it.  I find I almost never am able to use the token items I have earned.  Someday, when all ports have been unlocked, I will be able to use them all.

Note that if you neither have nor can make the items required for the first two trades, you can refresh the orders.

Trade Voyage Quest:

Trade 15 times in the Trade Voyage
Light up 1 set of furniture in the Trade Voyage
Visit 3 neighbours' Trads Voyage ships
Rewards: 2500 Coins, 250 Experience

I will add to this post as time permits.  For noe I want to explain the Auest rask of lighting a room.

Tap on the boat icon on the bottom left of your screen to see the cabins you have unlocked. In that menu, you can place, move or store furnishinfs.

The first icon on the bottom right shows the Market and the first tab shows the furnishings you can purchase with Maritime Coins.

You will notive there are different set themes.  To light up a room, you must have and place every furnushing in a single set.

The themes in the Market are: Modern, Retro, Royal, Relaxing, Cozy.

There is one more theme in the form of the Cozy Set.  One item in this theme is offered in a time limited special sale offer each time you unlock a new port.  It may be a quicker way to complete a full set if you are willing to spend cash.

The third tab in the menu shown by the book icon shows all the furniture you have.

The fourth tab shows each room.  When you complete a full set, you can claim a reward here.

New additions to the Voyage option are two chests that appear each day in the water.  They may be free or cost 1 RC each.  The items they contain are random

The other new option is that of visiting the boat of a neigbbour or buddy.  When you visit any buddy or neighbour, you will see a boat icon has been added on the right of your screen.  Visiting the boats of three neighbours is the third task in the Trade Voyage Quest.

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