
08 September 2023

Candy Island

This Activity is much the same as others. Follow Felicia's prompts for best results. What counts ultimately, however, are the Stars earned by completing the Candy Island list on the bottom left of the screen.

Note the bags contain toys and no Energy is required to open them.  Toys are used in trades with the Trader.  You can receive Golden Toys in trades.

To find the Toys, go to the chest on bottom right and tap the Magnifying Glass next to the toy.  It will show you on the Map.

I only use Diamonds to open areas that require Golden Tools.  I will exchange my RC for 40 Diamonds and then exchange those for 400 Energy.

Felicia's tasks:
1. Fill 1 Chocolate Pit: Grass, 1 Hard Candy
2. Give a Candy Cane to Sweet Bunny Decoration

Trader with Exclamation Point:
Wants 1 Toy Train
6 Rubber Duckies
4 Teddy Bears
Give all for 5 RC
Clear bush for 21 Energy

Build Sweet Bunny
2 Stone
1 Candy Cane

Build Dessert Machine; 2 Grass, 3 Hard Candy, 3 Marshmallow
Make Candy Cane: 2 Hard Candy, 1 Marshmallow
Takes 1 minute
72 energy, open boxes: about 221 energy

2nd slot: 3 Diamonds
3. Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy

4.Give Candy Cane to Sweet Bunny: 4 Stone 2 Candy Cane 1 Sugar Star
Must build Wooden Flower Bridge: 5 Grass, 4 Hard Candy, 4 Sugar Stars
Open boxes; 149, 259
5.  Fill 1 Pit: 4 stone, 2 Hard Candy, 2 Marshmallow
6.  Stock up 1 Beverage Stall: 2 hard candy, 2 sugar stars, 2 marshmallow
7.  Build 1 wooden flower bridge: 5 grass, 4 hard candy, 4 sugar stars
51 energy, 171 energy
8.  Give Candy Cane to 1 sweet bunny gentleman: 5 stone, 2 candy cane, 1 sugar star
9. Fill 1 Pit: 5 wood 5 hard candy, 5 marshmallows
10. Build 1 chocolate fountain: 5 branches, 7 Sugar Stars, 7 Marshmallows
To do this:
Cover 1 Chocolate pit: 10 branch, 6 hard candy, 6 marshmallows
Then build a Lollipop Bridge
5 grass, 4 hard candy, 4 sugar stars
Boxes: before 725 energy, 18 diamonds.  After 828 energy 18 diamonds
11.  Build Lollipop Bridge: 5 grass, 4 hard candy, 4 Sugar Stars
12. Stock up 1 Beverage Stall: 7 hard Candy, u Sugar Stars, 7 Marshmallow
To reach it, you must cover a Chocolafe pit: 4 grass,  3 hard candy, 3 marshmallow
13.  Clear 1 cluster of Tall Rocks with Mushrooms
Now there are gift boxes:
Before: 207 Energy, afyer 307 Energy
14.  Give a Candy Cane to a Sweet Bunny Gentleman: 5 Wood, 2 Candy Cane, 2 Sugar Stars
An area I reached with golden tools has boxes as well.
Before: 62 energy  18 diamonds. After 292 energy, 26 diamonds
15.  Clear 1 bush: requires 21 energy
16.  Build 1 Chocolate Fountain: 5 branches, 7 sugar stars, 7 marshmallows
To reach it, you must cover a cbocolate pit: 4 grass 1 hard candy, then 
Build a Lollipop Bridge: 5 Grass, 4 Hard Candy, 4 Sugar Stars
17.  Fill 1 Pit: 5 Wood,  7 Hard Candy, 7 marshmallows

Use 1 set of Golden Tools to reach an area:
Before 307 46 after: 727 energy, 68 diamonds
18.  Stock up 1 Beverage Stall: 10 Hard Candy, 10 Sugar Stars, 10 Marshmallows
Another area with boxes requires 2 sets of golden tools or 60 Diamonds to dulisperse fog

Before 779 58 after 1299 70

19.  Clear 1 cluster rectangular rocks: requires 30, then 12 ebergy
20.  Build 1 chocolate fountain: 10 Wood, 7 Sugar Stars, 7 Marshmallows
You can open boxes now
Before 1016 70 after 1076 70
First you must cover a chocolate pit: 12 Stone, 8 hard candy, 8 marshmallow
Open boxes: 
Before 668 70 after 848 70
And here you find Mary Gift Cow at the bottom of the area
745 70 after 945 120
Now build a Lollipop Bridge

21: fill a chocolate pit: 7 Wood, 8 Hard Candy, 8 Marshmallow
22.  Stock up 1 Beverage Stall:
20 hard candy, 12 sugar stars, 12 marshmallows
Boxes to open:.becore 173 120
After 293 120
Where you found mary cow there is dynamite requiring 30 diamonds.  It gives a lot of Hard Candy.  I now have 57 of them.
There is a lollipop bridge requiring 2 sets of golden tools or 60 Diamonds
Before 22, 50 .  After 502 energy 66 diamonds
23.  Build 1 Lollipop Bridge: 5 grass 4 hard candy 4 sugar stars
24.  Give a Candy Cane to 1 Sweet Bunny Gentleman: 10 Stone, 12 Candy Canes, 12 Sugar Stars
To reach him, you must fill a Chocolate Pit: 7 Wood, 6 Hard Candy, 6 Marshmallow
There is Magic Fog that requires 3 sets of Golden Tools or 90 Diamomds
Before 39 106 after 720 76
25.  Fill 1 Pit 10 Wood, 5 Hard Candy, 5 Marshmallows
26. Stock up 1 Beverage Stall: 10 Hard Candy, 12 Sugar Stars, 12 Marshmallows
27.  Clear 1 Tall Grey Rock: 54 Energy, 30 Energy, 12 Energy
28.  Give Candy Cane to Sweet Bunny Gentleman: 5 Stone, 12 Candy Canes, 8 Sugar Stars
You can open boxes: before 140 91, after 360 91
29.  Build Lollipop Bridge: 5 Grass, 6 Hard Candy 6 Sugar Stars
30.  Build Chocolate Fountain: 10 Stone, 16 Hard Candy, q6 Marshmallow

Boxes to open here: bwfore 1080 171 after 1190 171
31.  Fill q Pit: 5 Wood, 7 Hard Cabdy, 7 Marshmallow
32.  Give Candy Cane to Sweet Gebrleman Bunny: 20 grass, 12 Candy Cane, 8 Sugar Stars
You have to fill a Chocolate Pit:
10 Wood, 13 hard candy, 13 Marshmallow
33. Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy,
34.  Stock 1 Beverage Stall: 20 Hard Candy, 20 Sugar Stars, 20 Marshmallows
Detonate a Bomb and clear some obstacles now for 2nd Mary's Cow
Before: 286 Energy, 72 Diamonds, after 486 Energy, 122 Diamonds
Also gift boxes:
486 122, after: 726 122
35.   Build Lollipop Bridge: 5 wood, 4 Hard Candy, 4 Zugar Stars
36.  Give Candy Cane to Gentleman Bunny: 5 Wood, 22 Candy Cane, 20 Sugar Stars
There is an area where fog can be dispelled with two sets of Golden Tools.
Before 163 171 after 643 187
There is an area where Magic Fog is dispelled with three sets of Golden Tools:
Before: 21 Energy, 67 Diamonds.  After 688 95
37. Fill 1 Pit: 5 Wood, 7 Hard Candy, 7 Marshmallow
38.  Stock up 1 Beverage Stall:
40 Hard Candy, 40 Sugar Stars, 30 Marshmallows
39. Clear 1 Rectangular Rock: 30 Energy, 12 Energy
Boxes to open:
Becord 990 energy, q75 diamonds.  After 1310, 175
40. Build a Chocolate Fountain:
10 Stone, 16 Hard Candy, 16 Marshmallow
You must first build a Lollipop Bridge: 5 Grass,  8 Hard Candy, 8 Sugar Stars
Then cover a Chocolate Pit: 35 Hard Candy, 16 Sugar Stars, 32 Marshmallows
Now there is a Lollipop Bridge to the left that requires 3 sets of Golden Tools:
Before 39 115, after 739 145
41. Clear 1 Bush: 21 Energy
42.  Build 1 Dessert Ferris
 Wheel: 30 Wood, 35 Candy Cane, 35 Sugaf Stars
First you must build a Lollipop Bridge : 5 Graas, 20 Hard Candy,  20 Sugar Stars
In this area, boxes:
Becore q05 153 after 427 153
I used energy by accident so total may be a little inaccurate.
Also 3rd Mary's Cow
Before 386 153 after 586 203

Above, Magic Fog dispelled with 1 set of Golden tools
Before: 322 145, after 552 153

50 Stars: 100 Energy, 5 Diamonds
100 Stars: 200 Energy, 5 Diamonds
200 Stars: 200 Energy, Sweet Bunny Gentleman Avatar
350 Stars: 200 Energy, 10 Diamonds
500 Stars: 10 Diamond, Sweet Bunny Gentleman
700 Stars: 300 Energy, q5 Diamonds
900 Stars: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds, Candy Island Avatar Frame
1100 Stars: 450 Energy, 20 Diamonds, Everlasting Flower Machine
1300 Stars: 20 Diamonds, Animated Sweet Bunny Gentleman Avatar, Dessert Ferris Wheel

Candy Island Task List:
Clear 1 cluster Candy Rock 10
Fill 1 Chocolate Pit 10
Vive 1 Candy Cane to sweet bunny 15
Build 1 Dessert Machine 20
Give Candy Cane to 2 Sweet 20
Dispel 1 magic Fog 20
Build 1 Wooden Flower Bridge 25
Byild 2 Wooden Flower Bridge 25
Fill 2 pits: 25 Ztars
Have 30 Hard Candy 25 Stars
Have 30 Sugar Stars 25
Have 30 Marshmallow 25
Build 2 Lollipop Bridges 30
Stock 2 Beverage Stalls 30
Fill 4 Chocolate Pits 30
Give Candy Cane to 4 Sweet 
Bunny 30
Have 50 Hard Candy 25
Have 50 Sugar Stars 25
Have 50 Marshmallow 25
Find 1 Mary Surprise Gift 30
Fill 3 Pits 35
Build 4 Lollipop Bridges 30
Build 3 Chocolate Fountains 30
Have 100 Hard Candy 30
Have 100 Marshmalliw 30
Build 7 Lollipop Bridges 25
Collect 100 Sugar Stars 30
Have 200 Hard Candy 35
Fill 8 Chocolate Pits 40
Have 200 Marshmallows 35
Find 2 Mary's Surprise: 30
Have 300 Hard Candy: 100
Dizpel 5 Magic Fog: 30
Give Candy Cane to 8 Sweet Bunny Gentlemen 40
Have 200 Sugar Stars 35
Stock 7 Beverage Stalls: 30
Cind 3 Mary Surprise Gifts 50
Build 12 Lollipop Bridges 150
And now I have 1300 Stars

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