
10 January 2022

Tips for Beginners in Animal Crossing New Horizons

A neighbour in Seaside sent me a message to thank me for recommending this game.  I feel that, having recommended it, I should give some simple tips for a beginner.

She asked for help with Friend Codes, so I promised I would post instructions about that.

I have a surgical procedure this week, so may not be able to publish much more until that has bern completed.

First of all, my life in New Horizons was enriched immensely by my friend Cherie who gave me the game and then shared rare items with me.  A year and a half later, I am in a position to help others.


Unlike Seaside, once you buy the game, all updates and new items and options are free.  This, for me, is extraordinarily positive.  Seaside appears to release more and more oremium items each month.  The price is becoming untenable for many, including me.  I am the sort of player who strives for 100% collection.  Once, I did have every item in Seaside.  Now, the addition of all the Farm Beauty Contest trophies to the Galkery means one never can achieve 100% in terms of Gallery registration.  This is sad.

Animal Crossing is all about collections.  Items may be inexpensive or costly.  Many are seasonal.  Some must be crafted.  Others appear randomly in Nook's Shop.  You never have to pay with real money, however.  The currency is Bells.

What is helpful is having friends who own the items you want.  If your friend drops them on the ground (where they appear as green leaves), you can pick them up and drop them again to add them to your own Catalogue.  What this means is that you can order them at any time.  This is one benefit of having friends.

Friend Invites are the way to add friends in Animal Crossing.  I will give you detailed instructions here so you can find your Friend Code.

First, go to the Home Screen on your Switch.  You will find three sets of icons there.

At the very top are little round icons that represents all the users on the Switch.  Find the icon that represents you, and tap the A button.

This opens a pull down menu.  Find Profile at the top of this menu and press A.

This will open what sometimes is known as your Passport.  It is here that you will find a Friend Code.  Share this with any one with whom you would like to play this game.  I suggest you do not share your friend code with total strangers or people you do not trust.

One note here: You will need an active Nintendo Membership if you wish to play with others via wi-fi.  You can opt to pay for a membership for a single month or for a year.  This is the only other cost in real money for playing, and you need not pay if you only wish to play by yourself or with people in your home.

Tips for Beginners

Basically, you begin the game with two clear goals:

1.  Pay off your debt by earning 5000 Nook Miles
2.  Sell items to increase your income in terms of Bells.

Storage is a huge need in this game.  There is no storage in a tent.  Pay Nook his 5000 Miles as quickly as possible to upgrade to a house, thus acquiring storage space.

Almost anything you do in the game will earn you Nook miles.  Harvesting fruit, collecting shells, catching insects and fish, diving to catch sea creatures, talking to Animal neighbours, digging up fossils, planting flowers... all these give you Miles.  You need to sell as much as possible, but then buy everything in the shop to move forward.  Selling earns you Bells.  Buying moves the game forward.

When Nook upgrades, you are able to buy more items and better tools.  

One advantage of having a friend who is a veteran player is that he or she can give you superior tools that do not break as quickly.

A veteran player may be able to share duplicate DIY recipes with you.

Since a major update in the summer, you can pay 1000 Nook Miles each day for a trip by boat to a random island, but although all charqcters on yoyr island potentially are eligible, the character must gave used the Nook Miles Ticket left at the airport by Tom Nook before the kappa will allow you to take a tour.

The kappa islands can be any season, or special islands with vines and glowing moss.  They can be islands with shooting stars in which case you can find a star recipe on the beach and star fragments on the beach and by hitting rocks.

There will be a bottle with a recipe on every island.

N.B.  Every character needs to develop a relationship with Brewster to obtain special rewards.  With Freyashawk, he said 'Happy Valentine's Day.'  When I loaded another character, no special greeting.

Tips about Harv's Cooperatives

It really is worthwhile to open some of the stalls on Harv's Island.

Redd offers two works of art, inter alia.  If you purchase one, he will display another different one.  It therefore is wirth it to buy evrn a fake to get a chance at another piece.

On days when he is moored on your island, his stall will be shut.  Other than that, you can purchase one art work each day.

Fakes will not be accepted by Nook.  You will need to habe a rubbish bin of some sort (garbage pail or whatever) if you wish to dispose of them.  Some of the fakes make great decorations outdoors however.  The Warrior Statue comes to mind as the fake has a sword.

Katrina can give you special good luck items if you obtain a negative fortune from her.  Pay 1000 Bells for a fortune.  If it is bad, pay 10 000 for her to purify.  You will receive a special item in the post the next day.  These include:
Power Stone
Mini Dharma
Golden Turtle

Once received, these can be ordered from your catalogue.


Saharah has a number of new walls, floor and rugs.  Her wares change weekly.  It really is worth it.

Although the cost of opening a new stall is given as 100 000 Bells, donations mysteriously given will reduce the balance owed.  Not certain if reduction in balance owed is based on the number of stalls opened, friendship levels with animals or is random.

Tortimer has a stall where you can access your storage.  I jyst discovered he becomes Corimer in Autumn (I am in Southern Hemisphere) and he gave me 5 Acorns when I spoke to him today.

The most important stall is the llama pair where you can alter the colour and sometimes the dedign of items.  This is a total gamechanger.  You now only need one example of an item in your catalogue.  Take it to the llama pair and pay for every variation!  They will customise items from Nook shop, from Miles Redemption and other Special items. 

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