
09 January 2022

AC New Horizons Happy Home Paradise

A dear friend wanted me to have the expansion for New Horizons.  It reminds me a little of Pocket Camp, a free online Nintendo game.  This expansion, however, is not free.  You can purchase it as paet of a special premium Nintendo membership, or as downloadable content using a code.  

New Horizons is fabulous in the fact that new items are inteoduced regularly and you never have to pay.  Once you pay for the fame itself, you are set.  This expansion is like an entire second game, although it will unlock new options ultimately on your island.

For me, the excitement will increase with the seventh home that will unlock the ability to call amiibos to the vacqtion islands.  This gives you the ability to interact with the animals you like best.

Imcidentally, there are vines and glowing moss to harvest and the diy I was given was for a vine lamp.

In the initial stages, you are sent to another group of islands to build dream homes for rzndom animals.  You are not paid in Bells, but in Pokis, a currency you can spend only in Lottie's shop.  Items sold tend to be new ones introduced in the last big update.

The number of dream homes you decorate determines the new options you unlock.  With four homes, you unlock the ability to polish furniture.  With the fifth, you are given a DIY and told a crafting bench soon will arrive.

A crafting bench was ordered, and it will arrive, and you will be able to find bottles on the beach the next day.

Lottie now will hire you to design a school in an abandoned building and this unlocks the option to resize rooms.  On completion, you will be paid 25,000 Poki.

I designed one more house after choosing a client from the beach, and an amiibo scanner was introduced.  Immediately given the option of calling an amiibo if I had one.

Ten houses and they throw a party.  I was given a partition DIY.  An animal gave me a wall I never had on my island.

I noticed items from my own catalogue were available.  Once you use a new item for a Vacation home, it becomes available for other vacation homes.

Prior to this, when I decorated the school, I was given the option to resize rooms.

I was given a job to renovate a café or a restaurant.  Animals randomly go there to eat.

I was given 2 DIYs to create pillars 

After using them to create a vacation home, ome of the resident Animals came to the office, saying he would like a housemate.

I then redesigned his home with partitions.  He shares the house now with another Animal.

Niko wants to perform more DIY.  You need to give him materials:
30 branches
10 Wood

Nico gave me more DIY recipes, pillar and partition.

I was given the soundscape option after sitting with Wardell at the beach.
I think it was the 17th home that gave me the option to design two floors.

On the sqme day, after buying items, Wardell said henceforth I could make special orders for any vacation item used in a home design.  I believe this was unlocked by the number of items I had purchased there.

My 20th home generated another party.  At the party, Lottie suggests a music festival.  She says we need a total of 30 homes and completion of the other facilities first.

Now events occurred thick and fast.  I had a surgical procedure this week, and still dealing with effects.  I actually was readuly to fly back to my Island, but had no chance to opt for that. 

Partly my fault, all of this.   I needed almost 120 000 Pokis to make a special order for a double-edged sword feom Wardell.  I was less than 100 Poki short if the mark.  I therefore was trying to complete one more job.

There was a party, as I had mentioned, with juice and food.

What happened next was that Lottie took a sudden turn and had to be flown out of Paradise to hospital.  

Qe had to hold the fort.  Almost immediately, a little bear named Stitches walked through the office door and ordered a holiday home.

Did this, and found Lottie back in the office.  She paid me 15,000 Poki for completing the Stitches job, and gave me some special food (after telling me her illness had probably been caused by the special food).

Once I had the money, I ordered my double-edged sword and went home.

Items in Shop and in Home Orders

The items in the office shop change daily, as do the Animals that are available to become clients.  If you are really interested in a specific item or Animal, get it sorted before the next day.

Using a Paradise item makes it available for use again as well as placing it in the Special Orders catalogue when you unlock that option.  If you see a rare item in the Orders menu that you like, place it in the house or grounds to add it to the special catalogue.

I am not certain that only items I actually used in designs became available for Special Orders.

The next upgrade event is that Lottie will insist you work on the hospital as soon as you change for work.

At the same time, she announced a new ABD machine where you can exchange Poki for Bells and vice versa.  Please be aware there is a limit on how many Bells you can exchange daily, and they are worth a third of what the Pokis are worth approximately.  So exchange 100000 Bells for about 30,000 Poki more or less.

The day after this, Lottie said Wardell had scaffolding to work on a venue.  After I designed a second house for the day, Tom Nook was with Lottie and said any Nook catalogue items now could be used.

I am not certain what triggers new items in Paradise Special items.  I used some classical pillars to design a home for Julian, but contrary to my hopes, they were not added.  A throne, however, for over 720,000 Pokis was added.

I now was receiving 15,000 Poki to design any home.  Two homes later, Lottie demanded I help her build the Café.  I received 25,000 Poki when I did this.

Nico and Materials

Nico has a list of materials for his DIY projects.  I forgot about this for a time.  I completed his second list today.  It consisted of Clay, Softwood and one other material.

So far, he has given me DIYs for various pillars, but not the one I like, which I suspect is a vine DIY.  

When I completed the 30th home, there was an event with K.K.  that lasted a long time.  Any animal afterwards will ask if you want to dance.  If you say you do, the event will occur again.

Tom Nook the next morning will announce that you now can remodel animal homes on your own island.

The next day at Paradise Nat appeared looking for the school.

He gives a bug lecture and tells every one there to choose a bug from their pockets and set free in vacation home garden.  

Evidently what this means in fact is that insects you catch at home can be donated to Paradise clients to roam in their gardens.

Once I had designed an Art Gallery above the Café, I was given a better title and the next house designed, I received 22,000 Poki because 'the client asked for you by name.'

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