
10 October 2017

Halloween Party Farm Beauty Contest

As of Tuesday, 10 October, a new Farm Beauty Contest with a Hallowe'en Party Theme.  It has had one of the strangest timelines, having appeared first on Kindle and not being available for Android or IOS until the next day.  All theme items are listed below with prices, the manner in which each can be obtained (or if unavailable currently) as well as prices and any that are worth more than one vote.

Note that the Activity Stage Fortune Hunt has Decoration Rewards that are included in the Theme list as follows:

Halloween Fence
Pumpkin Fountain
Spider Tombstone

Note:  The Boards and Rewards earned in the Fortune Hunt Activity SHOULD be cumulative.  In other words, with a total of 16 Boards, you should be able to claim ALL Rewards.

Other ways to obtain these are included in the Theme List below with prices.

Freyashawk's Harvest Moon FDC: If you find my site helpful, please consider sending votes to Harvest Moon FDC.  My avatar is a photograph of a hawk in a tree against a dark sky.  One reason I try to place in the top ten is to direct new players to this site and to our Facebook Group.  The name under which I have written game guides for a couple of decades is Freyashawk and Harvest Moon was a favourite series of games that I covered, writing over 250 guides for those games over the years.

Here is a link to Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Group:

Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Group

We have a pinned post there with a Member List with Farm I.D.s for players who are looking for new neighbours as well as posting useful information about new options in the game.

Basic Rules for Farm Beauty Contest

The following is taken from a post I wrote for an earlier Farm Beauty Contest but I believe all the same rules still apply:

You really do need to maximise the Votes from the four Characters if you wish to achieve the Decoration at 4000 Votes or the Avatar at 6000 Votes.  Asking for Votes from other players is NOT the answer unless you are very close to 200 Votes per day from the 4 Characters or 300 Votes per day from the same 4 Characters.  Try to organise your farm to maximise votes from the very first day.  It can make a huge difference to your vote total.

Originally, you would obtain the Reward Decoration in the Contest if you were receiving a total of 200 votes per day from the Characters without ever needing votes from other farmers.  The Contest length was changed... now I believe you need 182 votes per day to reach the 4000 Vote total that gives you the Decoration.  The Decoration is the most important reward of the contest.

It is the current photograph or Snapshot of your Farm that is the basis for ALL Votes, not the current state of your Farm if you changed anything.  In other words, take your time to organise your Farm BEFORE you take the initial 'Snapshot' for entry to the Contest.  This can make a big difference as every day counts in these contests.

You can take a new snapshot every day but there is no reason to do so if you have maximised your Farm for all possible Votes.

The key to this is balance.  You need to have a variety of Crops on the Farm.  Try to have 16 different Crops growing... the total number needed may be lower from 12 to 13 but it is easy to grow different Crops and you have nothing to lose.

You need to have at least 12 different Machines on your Farm to obtain the maximum Votes for Machines from Dad.  Some players claim that the Salad Machine has counted as two Machines in the past but again, to be safe, move as many Machines onto your Farm as possible before you take your initial Snapshot.

Do the same with respect to your Trees.  You need a variety of Trees.  Duplicates never count.  Most players should not have any trouble in placing 16 different types of Trees on the farm.  I believe that the total needed is less, possibly 12 or 13 but again, it does no harm to be safe.

Finally, there are the Animals.  Butterfly Houses and Beehives of each type count as Animals and every type counts as a different Animal.

Landscape Points count for Votes with three of the Characters.  You do not even need 2300 Landscape Points to maximise these votes.  I believe the actual total is close to 2250 points but need to confirm for the current contest.  Recently, the game changed to add Landscape Points to Charm Points for a new total.  I will try to pinpoint the number required for maximum votes.

Expansions are another good source of votes.  You only need to have performed a few expansions to gain maximum votes from Felicia and Dad for expansions.

Another category is your Gallery.  Now that you can register Crops and other items, even low level players should be able to maximise votes for a good Gallery.  Votes are based on the totals of the items you have registered.  Your Gallery 'upgrades' at specific totals.

Finally there are votes for a 'high level' farm.  I have not achieved the maximum on Harvest Moon FDC yet because I believe you have to be at Level 150 now for this.

'Theme' gives votes from three of the four Characters.  Your best bet to maximise your Theme Votes if you have not played long or did not collect Reward Decorations for any other reason would be to purchase the Dracula Decoration from the special sale offer in the top right of the screen and when they appear in the near future, the Vampire Queen and the Spider Pumpkin Tree.  They are expensive but if you are not at maximum for Theme, the first  can give you 9 extra Votes for theme each day from the Characters and the Vampire Queen and the Spider Pumpkin Tree each can give 6 extra votes for theme from the Characters..  If you are unwilling or unable to do that, at least place the Hallowe'en Stage for 6 more Votes per day for theme.

Note that both the Jack O'Lantern Machine and the Hallowe'en Stage are included as Theme items in this contest.  You can purchase an unfinished Hallowe'en Stage in the Decoration section of the Market for 3000 Coins and all the materials for it for 15 RC in a bag offered in the Daily Special Deals section.  You can buy another even if you have one from the past.  You do need to complete the first before purchasing a second I believe.  You can buy multiple Hallowe'en Stages but can only buy 1 bag of materials each day to complete each.  My cousin has confirmed that, even if unfinished, the Hallowe'en Stage will be counted as a Theme item.

You can purchase the Jack O'Lantern Machine for 1000 Coins in the Machine department of the Market.  The following are required to complete it:

Jack O'Lantern Machine:
300 Ghost Candles
150 Dracula Wings
50 Witch Cauldrons

To obtain these Materials, equip the special Hallowe'en Hook.  It requires 125 bait per cast but it will give you special Hallowe'en seafood (some included in recipes) and each successful cast will give you one Hallowe'en Hook Lucky Bag that contains 1 Material for the Jack O'Lantern Machine.

If you fish only once each day with the Halloween Hook,  you receive 7 materials.  You need a total of 500 materials.  That means you need at least 30 per day before the Halloween Hook expires on 3 November. Furthermore, if each material costs 1 RC, it would be better to spend your RC by changing it to TC to purchase 5 extra tries with the hook for 200 TC.  That would give you 5 more materials instead of 2.

Above is a photograph of an empty Hallowe'en Stage.  You can purchase the Halloween Stage in the Decoration department for 3000 Coins.  Buy a bag containing ALL Materials for the Stage in the Daily Specials for 15 RC.  You can own a total of 3 Halloween Stages but only one unfinished Stage at a time and you only can buy one bag of materials per day.

Above, three (maximum allowed in game) Hallowe'en Stages, each filled with stackable decorations. Special animations occur when some of the premium Decorations are stacked.  For example, the Vampire Queen issues forth a stream of bats.  The Ghost will become invisible, then transform into a cloud of bats.  Unfortunately, this photograph shows him as invisible!  A little spider climbs round the cobweb on the new Spider Pumpkin Tree as well.

Current Hallowe'en Stage Stackable Decorations List: Position 1: Dracula, Skeleton Rockstar Diva, Shovel, Witch legs, Mystic Rose, White Ghost; Position 2: Vampire Queen, Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, Bunny Reaper, Pumpkin Owl, Alraun Scarecrow; Position 3: Spider Pumpkin Tree, Stereo Coffin, Oak Tree with Owl, Steampunk Scarecrow, Fanoos Ramadhan; Position 4: Pumpkin Tower, Ghost Broom, Pumpkin Light, Wind Chimes, Flower Stand, Spider Tombstone, Pumpkin Cat, Skeleton Candle, Ghost Mirror

Jack O'Lantern Machine:  The developers told me they were aware of the fact that many of the newer players never had a chance to buy one of these....  It now is available in the Market on a temporary basis.  Details elsewhere in this post.

Lucky Wheel:  Many of the Theme Decorations now appear in the Lucky Wheel.  These include the following:

Pumpkin Light: 12 RC
Pumpkin Tower: 10 RC
Straw Witch: 10 RC
Pumpkin Tombstone: 15 RC (But if you buy from Gallery, only 10 RC)
Spider Tombstone: 10 RC
Pumpkin Fountain: 12 RC
Vampire Scarecrow: 12 RC

Theme List:

Spider Tombstone: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel or Buddy Share Box for 10 RC

Skeleton Rockstar Frontman:  Available from past and now in DIY offer

Pumpkin Light: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel or Buddy Share Box for 12 RC or buy from Gallery for 300 Blue Mystrons

Pumpkin Cat: Available from past

Stereo Coffin: Available from past and now in special sales offer

Jack O'Lantern Machine: Available from the past and for 1000 Coins now in Market

Spooky Tree: Available in the Market in various departments

Pumpkin Tower: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box for  10 RC

Bat House:  Available from past and now in Animal Department of Market for 18 RC

Straw Witch: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box for 10 RC or buy directly from Gallery for 300 Blue Mystrons

Vampire Queen: Available in special sales offer; Gives 2 Votes per day from 3 of the Characters

Ghost Broom:  Available from past

Pumpkin Tombstone: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box for 15 RC or buy directly from Gallery for 10 RC; can be claimed as a Reward for Fortune Hunt Activity Stage

Running Mummy:  Available from past and now in DIY offer

Spider Pumpkin Tree:  Available in special sales offer: 2 Votes each from 3 of the 4 characters if you have not attained maximum for Theme yet

Hallowe'en Fence:  Available in past and now in Decoration section of Market; can be claimed as a Reward for the Fortune Hunt Activity Stage board game

White Ghost: Available from past and now in DIY offers

Skeleton Candle: Reward for attaining 4000 Votes in current Contest

Dracula Decoration: Available now in special sales offers. 3 Votes each from 3 of the 4 Characters if you have not reached maximum votes for Theme

Guarana Tree:  Available in various sections of the Market

Bunny Reaper: Available from past

Hallowe'en Stage: Available from past and in Market again for 3000 Coins.  Must build.  Find all materials for 15 RC in Daily Specials.

Scarecrow: Available in Decoration section of the Market

Witch Legs:  Available in past and now in special sales offer

Oak Tree with Owl: Available from past and now in DIY offer

Skeleton Rockstar Diva: Available from past

Pumpkin Fountain: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box for 12 RC; can be claimed as a Reward in the Fortune Hunt Activity Stage board game.

Vampire Scarecrow: Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box for 12 RC

DIY Special Offers and Kindle Users

Above is a photograph of the Special Offers Menu as it will appear for Android and IOS players.  Players using Kindle will NOT see the second tab with the DIY offers.  Support told me there is an issue currently with Amazon.  If you play on Kindle, you may wish to contact Amazon directly to ask that this be added!  Amazon Coins offer discounted prices for Family Farm Seaside items in a sense, so it makes sense if Kindles are used to play, but if we don't have access to the same offers as players on other platforms, Amazon ultimately will be the loser in this game.

Best Bait for Fishing

As the Jack O'Lantern Machine requires a total of 500 materials gained now from fishing, a list of good bait items may be useful for players:

Peach Cobbler: 953 Bait

Drunken Crab: 858 Bait

Crab Meat Yi Mein: 507 Bait

Octopus Ball: 449

Paella: 359

Spaghetti: 349 Bait

Cooking Wine: 328 Bait
  Ingredients: 1 Wine, 3 Beans

Sakura Cake: 274 Bait

Summer Toast: 274 Bait

Chocolate Dream Bar: 207 Bait

Bag of Sea Sand: 199 Bait

Lychee Scone: 182 Bait

Cherry Flan: 182 Bait

Blueberry Krispie Bar: 177

Lemon Banana Daiquiri: 172

Orange Ice Cream: 159

Love Cake: 155 Bait

Turkey Burger: 144 Bait

Grape Cornbread: 131

Strawberry Candy: 128 Bait

Caramel: 93

Venison: 76 Bait

I am listing only a few popular items here... Peach Cobbler has one of the highest values but takes a lot of Power and ingredients to make.  Players often have quite a few Love Cakes in the Barn which is why that was included.  Venison is a product, so it requires no Power to obtain.

Personally I do not use the Seafood items I have listed above even though they have high values.  They are needed too often to complete Guest orders and I am not an ardent fisherwoman, so tend to save my seafood items and ingredients.

I am not including the 'basic' ingredients or dishes that are used constantly in the Kitchen such as Soft Dough, worth 154 Bait but too useful elsewhere.  Something like Cooking Wine is good because you do not need it often for other purposes!

You do obtain bags of Bait randomly when your Pets open Chests so that is a good way to obtain more Bait.  The Bait Sheep when cleaned by a visitor gives Bait as well.  It is one of the 'Decoration' Rewards from the Daily Order Board.

I believe bags of bait appear randomly in the Coin section of the Market as well.  I always buy EVERY item that appears in my Coin Market except for the Machine parts that I will not need again.

Freyashawk's Farm Harvest Moon FDC

Harvest Moon FDC is my farm.  If you use this site and find my guides helpful, please consider sending votes to Harvest Moon FDC in the Farm Beauty Contest.

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