
19 October 2017

Fortune Hunt Activity Stage

(Above, Fortune Hunter Activity showing a random task obtained by landing on a square with a scroll and the reward of one Die for completing the task)

This is the new Activity Stage activity.  Find the Activity Stage to the left of your farm and to the right of the Gallery and now you will see musicians on it again playing music.  Tap on the Stage and the menu will open to show you a new Activity.  This one is a sort of Board Game.  You have a Labrador Pirate who will move round the board according to the number of spaces given by the single die in the centre of the screen.  Claim your five free rolls of the dice by tapping on the lower left of the screen.  They will be refreshed at reset.

This activity has six and a half days to run now.  Use the dice to travel round the board.  The more times you circle the board, the more rewards you receive.

Free Dice x 5 each day.  You can purchase 3 more if you wish for 1 RC.   First claim the 5 Free Dice at the bottom left of the screen, then tap on the large die in the centre to roll.

Rewards include the following:

Board x 1: 1 Halloween Pumpkin Avatar

Board x 3: 1 Halloween Fence

Board x 6: 1 Pumpkin Fountain

Board x 10: Pumpkin Tombstone

Board x 16: Witch's Bat Cauldron

Some of the squares are empty.  Others give a bonus move forward or send you backwards.  Others have little rewards on them in the form of Candy or Power or OP and so on.  Finally, there are scrolls that assign you random tasks to complete for one free roll of the die.

NOTE:  Initially, I 'spent' Boards for rewards, but this is not how it should work.  The Rewards ought to be cumulative.  In other words, with a total of 16 Boards, you should be able to claim ALL the Rewards.

Roll the Dice by tapping on the dice in the centre of the Board.  Your Dog will move the number that the Dice reveals.  If he/she lands on a prize, you will receive it.

As previously indicated, one of the little 'rewards' on the board is a scroll.  If you land on this, you will be asked to perform a random task for more free dice.  Screenshots above show a random task and its completion.

One random task required that I make 50 White Wine, another that I make 15 Love Cakes.  I received only 1 Die each time.  Other tasks are to make 8 Butter, 8 Sago Bubbles or 3 Macaroni and Cheese.  All worth only 1 Die.

The configuration of the Board will change each time you complete it.

Note:  I think it is unlikely that players will be able to go round the board 16 times for the final reward unless they spend RC for additional Dice, but one could be terribly lucky, I suppose.

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