This site was created and is maintained by Freyashawk, aka Eugenia Martino.
19 July 2014
Tanabata Festival Time-Restricted Quests
The Tanabata Festival Missions
As usual, there are two different elements to the Tanabata Festival. The first is a Collections Mission in the form of a Shaved Ice Stand, a special item that can be purchased in the Market for 500 Coins. Place it on your Farm and then begin to collect FEstival Fans randomly from any Crop, Tree, Animal or Machine.
Shaved Ice Stand: Collect Festival Fans from all kinds of crops, trees, animals and machines!
Can redeem the following with Festival Fans:
Festival Lantern
Total: 50
Require 1 Festival Fan each, need these to upgrade your Shaved Ice Stall
Bamboo Decoration
Total: 5
The first costs 100 Fans and is a Decoration that is needed for the Tanabata Festival Quest. The second costs 75 Fans, the third costs 50 Fans, the fourth 25 Fans and I believe the fifth and final Bamboo Decoration cost 15 Fans. (Did not log it sadly!)
Sack of Bait ( Each Sack contains 10 Bait)
Total: 200
The first costs 1 Fan, and the cost increases with each redemption. The cost essentially doubles until you reach the cost of 50 Fans.
Total: 50
The first costs 1 Fan, and the cost increases with each redemption. From 1 Fan to 2 Fans, then 4 Fans, then 8 Fans, 16 Fans, doubling basically until the cost reaches 50 Fans. It is rather expensive to redeem a single Power for 50 Fans, but what else will you do with your Fans at this point?
Redeem one of each of these prizes to unlock the final Prize, which is a Syrup Dispenser
The Syrup Dispenser requires 250 Fans. It produces a random quantity of Syrup, from 3 to 5 Syrups every four hours.
As is always the case, you can upgrade the Shaved Ice Stand. At Level 5, you will receive 2 Festival Fans randomly from any Crop, Tree, Animal or Machine.
The other element in the Festival is a traditional Quest sequence. Note that you will need both a Bamboo Decoration, one of the Prizes that can be redeemed with Festival Fans as well as the final Reward in the form of the Syrup Dispenser, in order to complete the Tanabata Festival Quest sequence.
Tanabata Festival Quests:
Felicia: Do you still remember my Japanese friend Yoshiko? She's inviting me over to spend the summer holiday in Japan. So let's finish our farm tasks and get ready to fly!
Tanabata Festival I
Place a Shaved Ice Stall on your Farm
Go to Store
N.B. The Shaved Ice Stall is the special Collections Mission building. You can find it in the Special Category in the Market and it will cost 500 Coins.
Harvest 40 Oat
Skip for 20 RC
Prepare 20 sacks of Cake Flour
Skip for 20 RC
Reward: 85 Coins, 10 XP
Felicia: I wonder how the Japanese people spend their summer holidays.
Tanabata Festival II
Felicia: It's so hot here, but I'm happy to see Yoshiko again. She says she will take me around to show me summer in Japan. But before that, let's get something to eat!
Prepare 10 Cherry Flan
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 10 Cheese Salads
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 5 Plates of Wasabi Fried Mackerel
Skip for 5 RC
Reward: 90 Coins, 12 XP
Felicia: That was some delicious food! Now we can enjoy the summer festival!
Tanabata Festival III
Felicia: Yoshiko told me before that I have to visit the summer festival to experience the real Japanese summer. There will be a lot of food and games! But first, let's help her to finish her errands.
Complete Orders on Daily Order Board
Harvest 40 Cabbage
Skip for 20 RC
Harvest 40 Sweet Potatoes
Skip for 20 RC
Reward: 100 Coins, 12 XP
Felicia: Yoshiko says we're going to have lots of fun at the festival!
Tanabata Festival IV
Felicia: The Japanese summer Festival celebrates Tanabata. It's a story of a weaver girl and a cowherd who can only meet once a year. I wonder what they do the rest of the year. Let's put a bamboo decoration on our farm to celebrate this festival!
Place a Bamboo Decoration on your Farm
(Redeem from Shaved Ice Stall for 100 Fans or purchase for 6 RC)
Produce 25 Lemon Cakes
Collect 20 Shaved Ice Cups from Neighbours
Skip for 20 RC
Reward: 100 Coins, 14 XP
Felicia: This bamboo decoration looks beautiful!
Tanabata Festival V
Felicia: Actually, Yoshiko wants to open a food stall at this festival. Let's help her prepare some food that we can sell!
Harvest 6 Ice Cubes from Ice Tree
Skip for 6 RC
Prepare 10 Candied Apples
Skip for 10 RC
Fertilise Neighbours' Farms 40 Times
Skip for 40 RC
Reward: 110 Coins, 16 XP
Felicia: We managed to sell all our food! Now it's time to explore the festival. I wonder what I will get to see.
Tanabata Festival VI
Felicia: The festival's parade will be starting soon, shall we get some refreshing drinks to keep us cool while watching?
Produce 20 Bowls of Lemon Ice Cream
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 6 Cups of Shaved Ice
Skip for 6 RC
N.B. You will need a total of 6 Syrup to produce six Shaved Ice in the Kitchen. If you have not been able to redeem the Syrup Dispenser but wish to continue without delay, purchase 6 Syrup for 1 RC each rather than skipping this step as you will need the Shaved Ice for another Recipe later. Note that the product from the Syrup Dispenser takes 4 hours to produce and is a random amount varying from 3 to 5 ordinarily.
Produce 50 Glasses of Apple Juice
Skip for 25 RC
Reward: 110 Coins, 15 RC
Felicia: The parade was amazing! Every one was dancing and having fun!
Tanabata Festival VII
Felicia: The parade was a lot of fun, but let's continue exploring the festival. I saw a fishing stall somewhere. Let's try to find it and test our fishing skills!
Fish 10 times with Bone Fishhook
Skip for 10 RC
Produce 50 Steak Burgers
Skip for 25 RC
Produce 8 Smoked Butterfish
Skip for 8 RC
Reward: 110 Coins, 15 XP
Felicia: I have to admit, Darryl is probably the better fisherman among the two of us.
Tanabata Festival VIII
Felicia: I hear there will be fireworks at the end of the festival! I wonder if there's a good spot to watch it. Oh, don't you think we need delicious snacks while watching the fireworks?
Prepare 6 Octopus Balls
Skip for 6 RC
PRoduce 50 Bottles of Champagne
Skip for 25 RC
Prepare 8 plates of Festival Food
Skip for 8 RC
Reward: 120 Coins, 16 XP
Felicia: Fireworks in Japan are so beautiful and colourful. I think Darryl would love to see it!
Tanabata Festival IX
Felicia: Yesterday's festival was so much fun, but now it's time to go home. I want to make something special for Yoshiko as a thank you gift. Can you help me?
Prepare 10 bowls of Japanese Fried Noodles
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 20 Japanese Pancakes
Skip for 20 RC
Produce 60 jars of Orange Jam
Skip for 30 RC
Reward: 120 Coins, 16 XP
Felicia: I wonder if I managed to make the dish taste the same as the one at the festival.
Tanabata Festival X
Felicia: It's good to be home and Darryl was so jealous when I told him about the Tanabata festival. He wants me to make all the good food I've tried in Japan for him now! Are you up for the challenge?
Prepare 20 Japanese Pizzas
Skip for 20 RC
Collect 6 Jars of Nectar
Skip for 6 RC
Produce 60 Glasses of Cherry Juice
Skip for 30 RC
Reward: 120 Coins, 16 XP
Felicia: I hope you enjoyed the Tanabata Festival as much as I did. Happy Tanabata Festival!
FINAL REWARD: Festival Palanquin, a cleanable Decoration
New Recipes are as follows:
Candied Apples: 39 Coins, 1 XP
Ingredients: Apple x 2, Maple Syrup
Shaved Ice: 42 Coins, 1 XP
Ingredients: Ice, Syrup
Festival Food: 99 Coins, 1 XP
Ingredients: Candied Apples, Shaved Ice
Japanese Fried Noodles: 639 Coins, 1 XP
Ingredients: Soy Sauce, Soft Dough
Japanese Pancake: 504 Coins, 1 XP
Ingredients: Cake Flour, Cabbage x 3
Japanese Pizza: 1194 Coins, 1 XP
Ingredients: Japanese Fried Noodles, Japanese Pancake
Strategies for Mission
The traditional Quest sequence is very much a Kitchen-oriented Quest. It is a very good idea to make as many basic Recipes as possible in advance. In this case, Batter, Cake Flour and Soft Dough are particularly useful. Nowadays, the more Cleanable Decorations that you have on your Farm, the better, as extra OP and Power can be found in the Gift Boxes. As there are so many Cooked Dishes involved in the traditional Quest sequence, you will need extra Power if you do not wish to pay RC for more or wait for your supply to be replenished naturally over the course of time.
As for other Items, if you can make certain that you have sufficient Wheat Bread and Beef for the Steak Burgers as well as Chardonnay for the Champagne, you will give yourself an advantage. Do not sell the Recipes made in earlier parts of the sequence or the Cabbage harvested for one of the early tasks. You will find that these are needed later in the sequence.
As is usually the case, you will need some of the Rewards from the Collections Mission in order to complete the traditional Tanabata Quest sequence. The Bamboo Decoration that can be redeeemed for 100 Festival Fans is needed for Tanabata Festival IV. You will need a total of 8 Syrup from the Syrup Dispenser that is the final Reward redeemable for 250 Fans after unlocking it by redeeming one of each of the lesser prizes. Six Syrup are needed for Tanabata Festival VI for the Shaved Ice Recipe and a further two Syrup to complete an order for 8 Festival Food in Tanabata Festival VIII.
If you wish to skip any tasks or take any shortcuts, you are better advised to purchase 8 Syrup rather than spending 6 RP to skip the task of making 6 Shaved Ice in Tanabata Festival VI. You should have plenty of time to complete both the Collections Mission to redeem the final prize of the Syrup Dispenser and to complete the Tanabata Festival Quest sequence but if you are the sort of player who prefers to complete Quests/Missions as quickly as possible, spending a total of 8 RC on Syrup probably is the best solution. You cannot purchase the Syrup Dispenser in the Market at this point, so you should continue to collect Fans until you have the necessary 250 to redeem the Syrup Dispenser, whether or not you do so before you complete the traditional Quest sequence.
Note as well that the Syrup Dispenser only produces Syrup every 4 Hours. Even if you do redeem it by the time you reach Tanabata Festival VI, you will have to wait for it to produce. It cannot be made to produce faster by using OP in the way that you can speed ordinary Machines. It is not really a Machine but is rather considered a Collectable like the Herb Garden or the Spice Rack.
It always is a good idea to upgrade your special building to Level 5 in any Collections Mission if you intend to obtain all the prizes. You will find that the acquisition of 250 Fans is far easier once you are able to collect two Fans instead of one randomly from any Crop, Tree, Animal or Machine. For some reason, I found this Collections Mission very slow until my Shaved Ice Stand was fully upgraded. I do not know how long it would have taken to collect 250 Fans if I were not able to double the yield.
The Legend of Tanabata
The Tanabata Festival is an ancient stellar festival, based on a tale about the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, represented by the stars Altair and Vega. They are separated throughout the year by the Milky Way and meet only briefly on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the year.
The Tanabata is based partly on a popular tale about the Weaving Princess and the Cowherd. Orihime, the Weaving Princess was the daughter of the Sky King, Tentei. She wove beautiful clothing by the banks of the Amanogawa (Heavenly River). Her father loved her weaving and she therefore worked constantly to please him but was sad because she never had time to meet any one. Her father arranged a marriage with a cowherd named Hikoboshi who lived on the other side of the Heavenly River. They fell in love at once and married but afterwards, Orhime neglected her weaving and Hikoboshi allowed his cows to stray all over heaven. Furious, the Sky King separated the two lovers and forbade them to meet.
Orihime was disconsolate and begged her father to relent. He agreed then to allow them to meet once each year, but without a bridge to cross the Heavenly River, this meeting was impossible. The magpies were moved by the plight of the lovers and promised to create a bridge with their wings. It is said, however, that if it rains on Tanabata, the magpies cannot fly to the river to make the bridge and the two must wait another year to meet...
Note that weaving is associated with a Goddess or indeed the Great Goddess in many ancient cultures. Prowess in weaving defined many heroines in old tales. Witness the Greek tale of the motral weaver Arachne who challenged the goddess Athena and was transformed into a spider for her presumption. Another tale that features weaving is that of the loyal wife of Odysseus or Ulysees who kept her many suitors at arm's length by promising to choose a husband when her tapestry was complete. Each day she worked on the loom and each night, she took apart all her work.
In the Northern traditions, weaving is the work of the Norns or Fate. Weaving always has been associated with destiny, time and strategy. The Japanese Festival of Tanabata was derived from an ancient Chinese Festival known as the 'Festival to Plead for Skills'. Children would wish for better skill in handwriting, sewing, weaving and other crafts, writing their wishes on small pieces of paper. In the Edo period, dew that had fallen upon taro leaves was used in making the ink with which the wishes were written. As with many old festivals, Tanabata incorporates a number of different ancient traditions but the tale of the Heavenly Weaver and Cowherd is one that endures.
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