
30 July 2014

Felicia's Cooking Stand, Letter Decorations and Loyal Player Rewards

There are a couple of new options in Family Farm Seaside.  Personally,, I am not certain that they are positive.  Among them are new 'Letters' of different colours, new Loyal Player Gift Bags and finally, Felicia's Cooking Stand.  The Cooking Stand is connected with a new single Quest that appears to have no time limit.

The Cooking Stand is found in the Buildings section of the Market for 500 Coins.  There are two problems with it:  it, like the other Craft Buildings, such as the Kitchen, is absolutely ENORMOUS.  it takes up a lot of space and furthermore, cannot be sold or stored.  Very vexing to be certain.  I daresay that one will need it, however, and so I purchased it and placed it, making it virtually impossible now for me to have any Machines or Animals on my Farm...  If the developers EVER read this post, I beg them to offer us another farm expansion.  This is becoming ridiculous.  I have all the expansions and my Warehouse is upgraded to the point where a new upgrade would cost a veritable fortune.  I need an expansion and I daresay I am not the only farmer who feels this way.

The Cooking Stand Mission is a single one and is as follows:

Felicia's Cooking Stand I

Place a Cooking Stand on your Farm

Prepare 5 Honey Syrup

Reward: 100 Coins, 10 XP

Once you have placed the Cooking Stand, you need to fill it with cooked dishes that Neighbours are supposed to buy from you.  The business of purchasing Dishes from the Cooking Stand is very similar to that of cleaning Decorations.  If there are any Dishes to be purchased, you will see the icon of a Roast Turkey floating over the Cooking Stand on your Neighbour's Farm.  Now there will be an icon at the top of your screen as well that shows how many Dishes you have purchased.  You are allowed a total of 10 on any given day I believe in the same way that you can clean a total of 300 Decorations on any given day (chance should be so lucky!)

So far on this, the first day of the Cooking Stand option, I have found only three Neighbours with Dishes available for me to collect.  I have visited at least 40 of my Neighbours.  Sadly, I have found only 2 Decorations to clean as well.  Again, if the developers were to offer another Expansion for our Farms, it would allow more Decorations to be placed!

If any Neighbours visit my Farm, they should find plenty of Cleanable Decorations as well as Cooked Dishes!  I do place as many cleanable Decorations on my Farm as possible although I do not have the space to include all of them.

As each Dish displayed in your Cooking Stand is sold, you will be able to replace it with another.   The Cooked Dish Gift Bags appear to include the same sort of items that the Cleaning Gift Bags have: sometimes you will receive OP or Power, but mainly you will receive Coins.   Recently, however, the developers have made it possible for these Gift Bags to contain multiple Rewards.

If no Neighbours purchase your Dishes, you can purchase them yourself for 1 RC each.  The game operates in 'Rounds'.  Round 1 features four different Dishes.  The Dishes that you can set out for sale in Round 1 are Cheese Salad., Light Muffin, Spicy Fish and Chocolate Pave.   You can set out a total of six of each of these.   If you have these Dishes in your Barn, you can place them immediately.  If not, you need to make them before you can place them.   Each one when sold will give you 1 Red Mystron.   These are added to make the Player eligible for Rewards in the Bingo game evidently.

Meanwhile, Yellow Mystrons are used to purchase the green hedge Letters that are decorations to be placed on your farm.  I do not see any option to purchase Yellow Mystron and am not certain how to obtain more than the initial 15 I had.   I have no idea where the Letters will go on MY Farm!  I am not quite certain what effect, if any, the Letters have.  I do know that they are connected somehow to the Japanese Tanabata Festival as you can write Messages to the Cowherd of the Weaver Girl if you wish or to any of your Neighbours.

Meanwhile, the entire Cooking Stand business appears to be a Bingo Game of sorts.  As you sell Dishes, you will unlock new Dishes and there is a graph that is like a Bingo Card where you need a full row filled in order to earn a Reward or Prize.  More about this as I investigate further.  The actual 'card' has the following Rewards:

Vertical Rewards:  100 Green Mystron, 50 Fertiliser, 6 Power, 1 RC
Horizontal Rewards: 25 Super Fertiliser, 25 Watering Cans, 150 OP, Thunderstorn
in the corner, where Horizontal and Vertical intersect, there is a Mini-Beach Decoration.

There is a countdown for this which is a total of 7 Weeks.  I am not certain what will happen to the Cooking Stand after that period expires.  Perhaps a new Card will be issued... who knows?

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