
10 December 2013

When it is Better NOT to Produce or Sell an Item

It appears that many of the new Quests will include some Seafood Item.  In the last time-restricted Quest, one needed a specific number of Hairtails.  Fishing results are somewhat random, although the bait and the position where the fishing rod is placed do determine the catch to some extent.    I therefore feel it is best to save all fish that are caught until a Quest or Mission requires them.  Otherwise, one may find oneself in the frustrating position of fishing again and again for a specific item that one does not catch.

I previously had smoked all the Fish I had caught.  I will not do so again.  It simply is not worth the frustration when a new Quest requires a specific Fish.

There are other situations where it is better to hoard the items one collects or at least keep a specific number, such as 100 of each in the Barn for use in a future Quest or Mission.  The Crops and Trees unlocked at higher levels usually will not be required for time-restricted Missions or Quests.  One therefore can use the items without fear that they may be required the next day in a new Quest.  It is the low level basic stuff of life that is required usually or, in the case of the recent Quests, the NEW items.  In any event, there are plenty of items one can sell without having recourse to the raw Fish.

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