
28 November 2013

Time-Restricted Sinterklaas Quests

As usual, there are two separate parts to this.  There are the regular Missions or Quests, which here are the Sinterklaas Quests and the Steam Boat, where one collects Mitres from Crops, Animals, Machines and Trees to redeem for various prizes.

You will not be able to perform these Quests if you have not reached a high enough Level in the game.  The Steamboat is unlocked at Level 10 but the Sinterklaas Quest sequence actually requires that you attain Level 20.

Find the Steamboat in the Market for 500 Coins and place it to begin the Mitre Quest.

The Prizes are:
Roe Stick (used to improve your luck at finding Mitres)
  1 Mitre each at the start

Saint and Pete
  30 Mitres for the first decoration

30 OP
  1 Mitre each at the start

5 Green Mystron
  1 Mitre each at the start

The number of Mitres required tends to increase as you redeem your prizes.  For example, to redeem a second Green Mystron will cost 2 Mitres.  To redeem a second batch of 30 OP will cost 2 Mitres.   A second Saint and Pete costs 50 Mitres.  It is only the Roe Stick that continues to require only 1 Mitre as you redeem more of them.    You only need to redeem one of each to unlock the final prize which is a Cinnamon Tree.

Once you have redeemed one of each prize, you will be able to redeem the Cinnamon Tree for 150 Mitres.  If you have reached Level 50, you can buy a Cinnamon Tree any day in the Market for 15,000 Coins.

  This is an option that you will find that the bottom of the Steam Boat Screen.  You can upgrade your Steam Boat to Level 5 by collecting Chocolate Letters and Roe Sticks.  Chocolate Letters can be requested from Neighbours.  Roe Sticks can be redeemed with Mitres.  Improving your Luck simply means improving your chance of obtaining Mitres.  At Level 5, you have a random chance of obtaining 2 Mitres instead of 1 from any given harvest.


Note that you will need a Cinnamon Tree to complete Sinterklaas Quest IV.  You therefore must be either at Level 50 or have collected 150 Mitres to redeem the Cinnamon Tree by the time you reach Sinterklaas IV unless you are willing to spend RC to skip this Quest.

Sinterklaas Quests

Sinterklaas I

Amerigo:  I have lost Sinterklaas.  I have been looking for him the entire morning since we arrived on our ship from Spain.  I am satarving from the journey.  Please feed me...

Harvest 40 Carrots to feed Amerigo
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 20 Sugar Cubes to feed Amerigo
  Skip for 20 RC

Place a Steam Boat on your Farm

Reward: 80 Coins, 16 XP

Sinterklaas II

I'll ask Pete the Chimney Sweep or help to find Sinterklaas as he is good friend.  His face is black because he climbs down chimneys to deliver presets to the children.  After he finishes his tasks, he can help us look.

Sounds good!

Harvest 40 Wheat
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 sacks of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 20 jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 85 Coins, 17 XP

Sinterklaas III

Sinterklaas is a National Holiday celebrated on the 5th or 6th of December in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.  Help prepare some Marzipan for Pete the Chimney Sweep and start looking for Sinterklaas.

Harvest 6 Almonds
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Almond Paste
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Sinterklaas Marzipan
  Skip for 6 RC

  Reward: 90 Coins, 18 XP

Sinterklaas IV

We need to prepare treats to give to the children on the 5th of December.  So let's make some typical Sinterklaas treats!

Harvest 6 Cinnamon
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 6 Pepernoten
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 12 Taal Taal
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Sinterklaas V

We still haven't found him!  Where could he be?  If we prepare Sinterklaas' favourite snack Speculoos, perhaps he will come back when he smells the aroma of this delicious treat.

Good idea!

Prepare 8 Speculoos*
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Smoked Hairtails
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 20 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 10 RC

*For the Speculoos Recipe, you will need a Cookie Cutter that costs 2 RC.

Reward: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Sinterklaas VI

Look who's here!  Sinterklaas appeared out of nowhere!  I knew he would not be able to resist the Speculoos smell.  Let's help Sinterklaas to make some toys and make the children all over the world happy!

Place a Saint and Pete from Steam Boat on your farm

Produce 20 Red Teddy Bears
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Blue Teddy Bears
  Skip for 15 RC

New Recipes that are featured in these Quests have been added to the Kitchen, but they appear to be permanent additions rather than time-limited:

Sugar Cubes:  316 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients: Sugar x 2

Almond Paste: 53 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients: Almond, White Chocolate

Sinterklaas Marzipan: 414 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients: Sugar Cube, Almond Paste

Reward: 110 Coins, 22 XP

Sinterklaas VII

At night, Sinterklaas and Pete give nicely wrapped presents and candy to the children who have been good this year.  Pete climbs down the chimney and fills the shoes of the children which have been placed near the door.

Collect 10 Purple Gift Ribbons when harvesting Lavender
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 20 Carrot Shoes from your neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 130 Coins, 23 XP

Good job!  You made Pete's job a lot easier now.  Let's watch him climb down that chimney to give the children their presents.

Sinterklaas VIII

Our job here is done.  Thank you for your help farmer!  We hope to see you again next year.  However, is there any chance you could make us some food for our way back home?

Prepare 6 Grilled Flank Steaks for Sinterklaas
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 10 Apple Kulfis for Pete the Chimney Sweep
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 4 Sakura Candies for Amerigo
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 120 Coins, 23 XP

Such a great day!  Let's look forward to Sinterklaas coming again new year!

Congratulations!  Check out your special reward in your Gift Box!

Final Reward is a Dark Chocolate Tree


Pepernoten: 263 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients:  Cinnamon, Rye Flour x 2

Taai Taai: 74 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Honey

Speculoos: 471 Coins, 1 XP
  Ingredients: Pepernoten, Taai Taai
  Special Utensil:  Cookie Cutter  (Unlock permanently for 2 RC)

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