
Quests, Missions and Expansions for Seaside and Island and Time Machine Missions

Please see my comprehensive post on the Island for everything related to the Island, including Quests, Materials, Machine requirements and so on at:

Everything you need to know about the Island

At the end of this page, you will find all the Island items as well,

This Page is devoted to the ordinary Quest sequences that appear in the top left of the Farmer's screen. Special time-restricted Quests, such as the Easter Quest sequence, will be given their own Page or Post.  Farm Expansions with their Requirements will be found at the bottom of this Page.

Now there is a second Farm in the form of an Island with its own Mission sequences.   The Island is unlocked by completing a six part Mission in the form of a Puzzle.  Missions then are available on the Island that are entirely separate from Missions/Quests on the original Seaside Farm.  All Island Missions and Expansion requirements as well as the original Puzzle that unlocks it, are to be found below the original Seaside Farm Missions and Expansions.

This Guide is sort of a record of my own experiences with Family Farm Seaside.  It now includes records from three different Farms and therefore, three different games at different points in time. The most recent is the Kindle Farm.  It should be up-to-date for all the Quets and options that will be experienced at the start of the game.

The reason I began the Kindle Farm Guide was in order to experience not only the many recent additions to the game and how they had been incorporated into the ordinary Quest sequences but also in order to be able to log the differences between various systems.  On the Kindle, for example, there has been an ongoing problem with the Balloons that carry Green Mystrons and that option therefore has been disabled.  It therefore is more difficult to earn Green Mystrons if you are playing on a Kindle than if you play on an IPad or Nook.  I do believe that Family Farm Seaside can be played on some smartphones but not on all.

The Kindle Farm is the only one of the three that is not mine simply because I do not own a Kindle.  I borrowed a friend's Kindle to play the game.  I do not know how long I will be able to continue with it but it should not matter for the purpose of the Guide as ALL ordinary Quest sequences are included on this page.  When you find that the Kindle Farm and Rosewood Farm do not continue past a certain point, go to the original Harvest Moon farm.  On that Farm, I no longer have any ordinary Quests to complete and therefore everything to date should be in that section.  Only the time-restricted Quests will not be found here.  They always are in the form of posts on the main page of this site.

Purchase of premium cash or RC can help your progress enormously but many players either are reluctant to invest or cannot afford to do so.  On the Kindle Farm, as it is not mine, I made only one investment of the smallest amount of RC simply to find out how purchases for Seaside operated through Amazon.   It is interesting to see how difficult the game can be if one cannot purchase extra RC!  Many of the Machines will be incomplete when purchased and uaually one material requires a specific amount of RC.  The same is true for some of the Animals, Trees and Recipes for Cooking.  In the Kitchen, Utensils sometimes are required to cook a Dish.  In some cases, you can purchase the Utensil using Coins but in other cases, you need RC.

If you do not purchase RC, you will find that you receive 1 RC whenever you go up a Level in terms of Experience.   The fifth and final Achievement of any kind usually carries an RC Reward.  Once in awhile, the game will give you RC but not often.

Players do need to understand that the game is free but that the developers need to be paid and there are other costs to the production and maintenance of any internet game.  If they love Family Farm Seaside and can afford to do so, they really ought to be willing to spend a little real money on this game.  In the years since Facebook first was created, I have seen a number of wonderful games disappear simply because players were not willing to invest in them.  I should hate to see Family Farm Seaside fall into the abyss of vanished games for the same reason.

If you consider it logically, a game made for any other platform, whether it is the DS, the Playstation, XBox or Wii will cost a considerable sum to purchase.  Once you have purchased it, you should be able to play it forever unless your system breaks and cannot be repaired but it never will change.  That can be both positive and negative.  Online games constantly are changing, and in most cases, they improve with these changes and expand in terms of the options they offer.  You have no guarantee that you will be able to play them forever, but investment in terms of premium cash certainly helps the company that produces them.

Enough said on that topic, but by starting the Kindle game, I have become painfully aware of the difficulties of advancing in Seaside when one cannot purchase RC!   Even a small purchase allows one to progress so much more than a player who must rely on the RC given within the confines of the game itself.

The second Farm is the Rosewood Farm.  It is my second Farm and includes many but not all Quest sequences.

The third and final Farm is the Harvest Moon Farm.  All advanced Quests and Island Quests are included in the Harvest Moon Farm Guide.  I hope this is not too confusing.  Perhaps one day I will consolidate all three farms, but I expect that the game will continue to change and one never will be able to create a Quest Guide that will remain complete forever!  Note that there is a separate site for the Island that has all the Island Quests and more details about gameplay there than this page.

Note that the special time-limited Quests/Missions are unlocked only when the player has reached Level 20.  The Fishing Pier is unlocked only at Level 22.  Time-restricted Quests are published as posts on this site and are not included on this page.

I originally did not understand that ALL ordinary Quests do have their own Level requirements.  These depend on the Items that are needed to complete the various tasks.  In other words, if a specific Crop that is included in the tasks is unlocked only when the Player reaches Level 30, the Quest sequence will not appear on the Player's screen until he/she reaches Level 30.   Unfortunately, I did not make a note of the Level I had attained when specific Quests appeared.  I originally thought that they were NEW Quests... some were, but some simply had not appeared yet because my Experience Level was insufficient.   You therefore may see a note to the effect that the next sequence of Quests appeared immeidately after I completed the prior sequence... that was MY experience but it may not be yours.  All of it depends on your Experience Level... my guides always are based on my own game rather than being copies of information found elsewhere.  This means that I know my information is correct (unless I make a typographical error, especially with number totals, which is a common error of mine) but where these Quests are concerned, it means that my Experience may be different from yours in terms of timing of Quest appearances.   Sorry about that!

No buildings are unlocked in the Market at Level 8. Here are some of the functional buildings and the Level one must attain to unlock them:

Kitchen: 2500 Coins
  Unlock at Level 9

Seafood House: 5000 Coins
  Unlock at Level 25

Order Board: 3000 Coins
  Unlock at Level 20

Greenhouse: 15000 Coins
  Unlock at Level 11

Water Well: 10000 Coins
  Unlock at Level 20

Warehouse:  15000 Coins
  Unlock at Level 12

Tree Greenhouse: 12000 Coins
  Unlock at Level 25

There are little Quests that appear on your screen when specific Buildings are unlocked.  For example, there is a Quest sequence that involves Felicia that will appear when you unlock the Kitchen.  With any untimed Quests, you have the choice as to when and in what order you wish to complete them.  Coins will be a concern at the start of the game, and many of the Quests will require a coin investment in the form of the purchase of a Decoration, Tree, Animal or Machine.   You therefore may wish to prioritise your goals.

For example, there is a fairly early Quest that requires that you purchase a Ladder.  A Ladder is utterly useless in this game, even though it is of great use in the real world.  The cost of a Ladder is 1000 Coins.  If you have not purchased a Warehouse or important Machine, Tree or Animal yet and are attempting to save money towards that goal, delay the purchase of the Ladder until you have attained your own goal.

Purchases of Coins and RC

Early in the game, you will be offered a chance to purchase RC at a 'deep discount'.  Oddly enough, this is a good purchase and a very useful one.  You will NEED RC to purchase specific parts for Machines as well as certain Animals and Trees.  Coins on the other hand, NEVER ARE A GOOD PURCHASE!!!  You can earn Coins in the process of playing the game.  Even if you cannot complete a goal as quickly as you would like because you lack a specific coin total, it is better to EARN those Coins than purchase them.  Although you can earn RC as well, the amounts that you will earn are very small.  An infinite amount of Coins, on the other hand, can be earned in time.

The Purpose of Quests

Quests serve as Tutorials to some extent in many games, including Family Farm Seaside.  Quests tend to occur in sequences, unlocking the next quest in the queue when you complete the current set of tasks.  Rewards in Seaside usually are a specific total of Coins and XP.  The Coin amounts are not enormous but the XP can speed your journey to the next Level.  Furthermore, Quests work in tandem with other aspects of the game, such as Achievements.  If there is an Achievement for making a specific number of loaves of Oat Bread, for example, and a Quest requires that you produce X number of loaves of Oat Bread, you will have killed two of the proverbial birds with a single stone by completing the tasks.  Ordinary Quests are not time-limited.  You therefore can complete them at your leisure.

When special time-limited Quests are released, it may be best to take a break from the ordinary Quests if you have not completed all of them in order to concentrate on the special time-restricted Quests.

You will notice that you have the option to buy your way out of each of the Requirements in any given Quest for a specific amount of premium Cash or RC.  Here it is useful to note that if one is willing to spend Premium Cash to complete Quests, there are better ways of doing it.  For example, you can purchase Organice Fertiliser or Super Fertiliser in order to speed the growth process of required Crops.

For example, in the Beef it Up IV Quest, you must Harvest 12 Tomatoes.  Tomatoes are a slow-growing Crop that take  Hours to mature.  Instead of spending 6 RC to skip the step, you could spend 3 RC for 25 portions of Super Fertiliser.  A single application of Super Fertiliser will bring a Crop that has been planted a moment earlier to full growth.  If you use 12 applications of Super Fertiliser to complete the first step of the Quest, you still will have 13 more applications for use later.

For 1 RC, you could purchase 25 applications of Organic Fertiliser.  It requires 4 applications of Organic Fertiliser to bring a Crop that was planted a moment earlier to maturity.  Organic Fertiliser is best used to bring a Crop that is almost mature to full maturity in order to complete a requirement or to clear the field for another Crop.

In the same way that Fertiliser speeds the growth of Crops, Watering Cans speed the growth of Fruit on Trees.  For 6 RC, you can purchase a Super Watering Can containing 25 applications of Water.  2 RC purchases a Watering Can with 25 applications of Water.  The Super Watering Can will bring Fruit on a Tree that has been harvested a moment earlier to full maturity.  Like Organic Fertiliser, the regular Watering Can would require 4 applications in the same situation.

Cherry Trees take 12 hours to mature.  If the Tree has been harvested recently, the Player probably should use Super Watering Can for a single application.  If, however, the Tree needs 8 hours more to mature, three applications of the regular Watering Can rather than the full four applications will ripen the fruit fully.

In practical terms, therefore, instead of spending 6 RC to skip the first step of the Quest and 4 RC to skip the third for a total cost of 10 RC, you can spend 9 RC for a Super Watering Can and Super Fertiliser, use both and still have sufficient applications for another Quest.

Cheddar Cheese is produced in a Cheese Maker from Cow Milk.  Cows are fed Clover, a Crop that grows in half an hour.  You therefore probably should plant the Clover and simply wait for it to mature naturally in order to complete the second part of the Quest in this example.

Tip for Completing Quests in Half the Time

Most Machines in Family Farm Seaside are not limited in terms of the number a Player can possess or place.  When a Quest requires a large number of product from any Machine, it therefore can be beneficial to have two Machines of the type that produce the Item.  Keep them both running until the required number of Items has been made.  If the Machine in question requires RC to complete, many players will be reluctant to duplicate it on the Farm, but when it is a Machine that requires materials that can be requested from Neighbours, it always is a good idea to have another one.  Make certain that you build a Warehouse to be able to store these Machines though.  Space always is a problem in any farming simulation game!

The first quests that appear in Family Farm Seaside, like those in the original Family Farm are essentially tutorials to teach the player how to plant, fertilise and harvest the low level Crops like Clover, Wheat and Grapes.   The introduction to Animal Husbandry includes the placement of a Beehive and then the purchase of a Holstein Cow and finally a Chicken Coop and two more Chickens.  The introduction to Machines includes the Cheese Maker and the Jam Maker.  Using a Watering Can, one is taught how to speed the growth of an Apple Tree and then to make Apple Jam.  One then purchases Grapes, uses Fertiliser to speed their growth and then make Grape Jam.

Automation is unlocked at Level 8.

Finally, one must purchase a Shovel and then perform the first Farm Expansion.

Using RC to skip a Task in a Quest

There are times when one may wish to use RC to skip a Task in a traditional Quest sequence, but you need to look closely at the price required to do so.  Where untimed Quests such as all those found on this Page are concerned, there really is no true benefit in spending RC to skip any Task as you have unlimited time to complete these.  It is only in the framework of the Time-Restricted Quests that allow a limited time period to complete the entire sequence that you may find it expedient to pay RC to skip a Task that is unuaully difficult for you.

The Virtue of Untimed Quests

The untimed Quests generally appear when you have reached a specific Level in the game.  I logged them as they appeared in MY game but you may find that another sequence does not appear immediately after you complete the preceding one.  If this is the case, it is because your experience Level is not high enough.

Usually, the Level at which a Quest will be unlocked is the Level required to unlock all the Crops, Trees or Animals needed to complete the Tasks.   It does not make sense to unlock a Quest sequence if the Player cannot grow all the Crops or purchase the Trees or Animals required to perform the various tasks.

Where Time-Restricted Quests offer tangible Rewards or Prizes in the form of Decorations, Trees or Machines as well as Coins and XP, the untimed Quests usually offer nothing more than Coins and XP.  Note, however, that the amount of Coins and XP given for completing any Task in an untimed Quest may be far greater than the amount you receive when you complete a Task in a Time-Restricted Quest sequence.  For example, in the Beach Party Quests, you may receive a total of 700 Coins and 200 XP for completing three Tasks in one of the Parts in the Quest sequence.  In a Time-Restricted Quest, on the other hand, it is unusual to receive anything more than 110 Coins or 18 XP.

Untimed Quests, therefore are useful because they allow you to gain the XP you need to increase your Experience Level to unlock new Quests and new Items in the Market.  There is no urgency to them but it is a good idea to perform the Tasks at your own pace if you wish to be able to participate in all the features of Seaside.  As previously indicated, it is seldom beneficial to use RC to skip any Task in an untimed Quest.  The cost, in fact, can prove prohibitive.

In a Time-Restricted Quest, the Cost of skipping any Task tends to be fairly standard, as follows:

The cost of skipping a Crop harvest usually is half the number of Crops required.  In other words, if you must harvest 20 of a specific Crop, the price of skipping this task will be 10 RC.

The cost of skipping a Machine Production task usually is half the amount of product required.  In other words, if the task is to produce 50 Cakes of a specific type, the cost of skipping this task will be 25 RC.

The cost of skipping a Kitchen production task usually is equal in RC to the number of Recipes required.  In other words, if you must produce 6 of a specific Recipe, the cost will be 6 RC.

The cost of skipping a task that requires an Item that must be requested from Neighbours usually is equal to the number of Items required.  If you need 20 Items, the cost will be 20 RC.

In the case of Machine Production or Tree harvests or Crop harvests, the cost will diminish according to the number of Items you are able to produce.  In other words, partial achievement will result in a lower cost in tierms of the RC needed to complete the Task.  Where Neighbour requests are concerned, however, the cost remains constant.  You could obtain 16 out of 20 items requested and the cost for skipping the Task will remain 20 RC.

Tasks usually should not be skipped at all if the Quest is untimed.  In the case of any Quest, whether timed or untimed, you need to look at the entire sequence before you skip any Task that requires Crops, Tree Harvests, Machine Product, Animal Product or Kitchen Recipes.  The reason for this is that you usually will find that the Item is needed for a later Task in the Quest sequence.  There is no point in skipping a Task if you then will find yourself with the Items necessary to perform another Task.

It is far better in these cases to purchase INGREDIENTS if necessary, especially where Kitchen Recipes are concerned.  Ingredients usually cost 1 RC each.  It is fishing product that can be most useful to purchase as the results of any fishing expedition always are random within the list generated for any specific fishing hook.  In terms of harvests, it usually is better to purchase Fertiliser or Watering Cans to speed harvests rather than skipping the task completely.

Update to this Guide in February 2015

In February 2015, I finally had the opportunity to begin a new game on a new farm or at least a farm that was almost unplayed.  Since I first wrote this Guide, a number of new options have been incorporated into Family Farm Seaside, including Kitchen, Cooking Stand, Beauty Shop Fishing Pier and a second Farm called the Island.  Although many of the Quests remain unchanged, there are new Quest sequences that are based on the new options.

The earliest Missions are split between Darryl and Felicia.  Darryl's Missions are the first that you will encounter in the form of the 'Welcome to Seaside' Missions.  Unfortunately, the first two Missions had been completed by the previous player before I inherited my new farm.  This Guide therefore begins with the third in the sequence:

How to Play Initially

Every farmer has his/her own style and one of the aspects of farming simulation games that I like most is the ability to do things the way one wishes rather than being forced to perform in a specific fashion.  Although Quests are linear in nature, gameplay need not be so.

I have been playing Family Farm Seaside now for a few years and had all the expansions on my Seaside Farm as well as recently, obtaining all the expansions on the new Island.  Having performed all time-restricted Quests apart from one, I had more Decorations than I could place and more Trees than could fit comfortably on my Farm.  When I had the chance to create a new Farm, I jumped at it, mainly because I fancied the idea of having an uncrowded farm...

In less than a day, my new farm was overcrowded, mainly with Machines and Animals.  The game now includes large Buildings that really have to be built in order to participate in the time-restricted Quests and other activities.  These include the Kitchen, Cooking Stand, Beauty Shop and Seafood House.   On the very first day, I was able to gain sufficient experience to unlock Quests that required the placement of the Kitchen and Cooking Stand.  It was too much...

I therefore realised that a Farmer really needs to build a Warehouse at the earliest possible moment.  Even with three expansions, I had no free space!

A Warehouse costs 15000 Coins.  To complete it, you need to hire three Neighbours or else pay 5 RC for each 'employee'.  Once you have the three employees, further upgrades require Materials instead.  Once you have invited Neighbours to serve, you need not do more.  When three have accepted, your Warehouse will be completed automatically.  You then will be able to store a total of 20 items.  This should help with the clutter enormously!

You will find that, as Quests progress, you will be required to spend a fair amount of Coins on various items, including utensils for the Kitchen.  I personally advise players to save 15000 Coins for the Warehouse before they move forward with other tasks!  With a Warehouse, you can clear your land, storing Machines and Animals you do not need until they are required to produce specific items for you.

Note that it may be a mistake to sell items you have produced in a Quest task until a Quest requires their sale.  In many cases, one Quest will require the production of a specific number of items and the Quest that immediately follows will require their sale.  If you sell them BEFORE the Quest appears, you will be placed in the awkward position of repeating the task.  It never is a mistake to produce items but there always is a coin cost in terms of the raw ingredients.  Best to follow the course of the Quests until you have sufficient coins to do more.

A Very Useful Machine

The Coffee Machine is a very useful Machine at the start of the game.   You will have to purchase it using RC, as the cost of a Coffee Machine is 15 RC, but it will turn a nice profit for you.  Note that Machines that cost RC usually will not be used in the untimed Quest sequences, although they often WILL be used in time-restricted Quests.  Coffee Beans may be expensive, costing 110 Coins, but when combined with 1 Milk, will produce Mocha Coffee that sells for 159 Coins.  The cost of the Clover that the Cow needs to eat to produce Milk is only 18 Coins.  Coffee Beans take 6 Hours to mature, a fairly fast growing Crop, but if you need Coins, it may be worth your while to speed growth with Fertilisers.

Other Ways to obtain Coins

There are other ways to obtain Coins apart from the sale of Items from your Barn or the completion of Quests.  A fairly new option is the Loyal Player Reward.  Stay in the game to receive  the Dedicated Farmer Bonus, consisting of 1000 Coins and a Loyal Player Gift Bag.  The latter often contains Coins as well as Farm Aids such as OP and Power.  Neighbours will send Coins as a thank you for sending them Gifts.  Working on a Neighbour's Farm will give you a Coin Reward as well.  Finally, Achievements can give you Coin Rewards.

Time-Restricted Quests

Every option in Seaside is related to experience Level and it was interesting to begin a new game to discover when and how the current time-restricted Mission unlocked for me.  The actual traditional Quest sequence became visible at Level 10 or so, but did not unlock until I had attained Level 18.  At Level 20, the Collections Mission has not appeared and may not do so before the Quest expires as one fo the items needed for Collections in the form of the Candy Machine requires a higher level than I have attained.

It is interesting to note that, although the Winter Break Quest became unlocked at Level 18, some of the tasks were not within my reach at that point.  I could have used RC to skip the Crumbly task but in fact waited until I achieved Level 20 in order to be able to complete it.

I do not know how far I will be able to go in this sequence before it expires.  Why then embark upon a Quest that I cannot complete?  Well, the fact of the matter is that lately, the time-restricted Quests have had Coin Rewards and XP Rewards that far outweigh those given in the untimed Quests and past time-restricted Quests.  In the Winter Break sequence, each completed section gives 100 Coins and 170 XP.  By completing Winter Break IV, I received some farm aids.  If I can complete Winter Break VIII, I will receive a cleanable Decoration.

Tips about Quests

At first, you will have only two different Quest icons on your screen but as you advance, you may have up to six active Quests.  Only four of these will be displayed at any point in time, but you can tap on the Exclamation Point at the top left corner of the screen to see a list of all active Quests.  You cannot interact with them, however, from the list display.  To interact with your active Quests, scroll up and down using the tiny arrows at the top and bottom of the active Quest icons that are displayed.  Try not to forget about this, as you often can complete an active Quest once you tap on it.  At the same time, you may find that Quests overlap and that making a Product for one Quest will complete a Task in another one.  That is one of the purposes of this Guide, in fact.  By knowing the Quests that will follow the current ones, you can delay or speed the progress of one in order to make your activities count more.

Tip about OP Use

There are two ways to speed production.  One is by filling an Animal's tray or a Machine completely (the limit always is 3 in terms of food or ingredients) and then sliding the OP bar to produce the three products instantly.  This will cost you 10 OP per product.  Be careful as well as if you have forgotten to fill one ingredient, your efforts will result in fewer products.  One of the only reasons to use this option is to clear an Animal or Machine for instant storage or use in Batch Production.

Batch Production is a BETTER option.  You will find that you have two slots for Batch Production and you can upgrade to obtain more if you wish.  (You will need a total of four as one of the Puzzle requirements for access to the Island ultimately.)  Tap on the upward arrow in the centre of the bottom of your screen to access your Batch Production slots.  The cost of using Batch Production is far less than the cost of instant production using the slide bar.  It takes longer, but the items will continue to be produced automatically until the total you have chosen is reached.

Farm ID

Your Farm ID is one of the ways to obtain new Neighbours.  I think I have the maximum allowed on Harvest Moon but my Rosewood Farm could use new Neighbours.  Farm ID there is: FBPUBUU.  Send a Request if you want to add it to your Neighbour List.


Having played now on three different systems, I find that the Kindle is 'out of sync' far more frequently than the IPad or Nook.  The Nook appears to be the most reliable of the three systems in terms of being able to play without interruption and being able to move quickly from Seaside to Island without any trouble.  The IPad depends on the Game Centre, which is a bother.  

Format of this Guide

This Guide at present is a bit disorganised as it represents two different farms and two different games.  The first is my second farm, created only a couple of days ago.  It is the beginning of February 2015.  What is interesting in particular to me is how the current time-restricted Mission has become available and what cannot be achieved at this point in my own game at my own level.  On my first farm, I was able to complete both the Collections Mission and the Winter Break Quest sequence in the first two days.  On my second farm, I am struggling to complete a few of the tasks, while the Collections Mission is not even on the screen at Level 20.

What you will find, therefore, is the early sequence of Missions in my second game, followed by ALL untimed Quests and ALL Island Quests afterwards, based on gameplay on my first farm.  There are some duplications in that Missions achieved on the second farm may be given in the section that deals with my first farm as well.

On the second farm, I tried to organise the Missions by the individual who gives them.  In other words, Darryl's Missions are first, followed by Felicia's Missions.  Where Darryl takes over a Mission that was started by Felicia, I continue to log it in Felicia's section.

All Expansions with their requirements are given in their own section at the end of this Page but in the first section, I give them as I completed them.  I try to include information about my current Level whenever it appears to be pertinent to the appearance of a new Quest.

The Appearance of New Quest Sequences

There are a number of different factors that determine the appearance of a new sequence of Quests on your farm.  One is your Level of Experience.  Quests that are not time-restricted may appear only when you have achieved a specific Experience Level.  Another factor where these Quests are concerned may be the completion of ANOTHER Quest sequence that precedes it.  The final factor may be the creation of a new Quest sequence.

Note that there are three different types of Quest sequences now.  There are Quests for the original Seaside Farm.  There are Quests for the Island Farm.  Finally, there are the time-restricted Quests that now tend to combine both tasks for the original Seaside Farm and the Island Farm.   Where the latter are concerned, if the Farmer does not have access to the Island, he/she usually can 'skip' Island tasks by paying RC, although the price paid will be expensive.

July 2015

I believe that I first began to write this guide over three years ago.  Since then, the game has expanded enormously and there are a number of time-restricted options that can slow the progress of the ordinary Quest sequences for a player determined to complete as many tasks and activities as possible on a daily basis.

At Level 18, the ordinary time-restricted Quests that begin on Fridays and last for 11 days are unlocked.   They now are divided between tasks that can be performed on the original Seaside Farm and tasks that require access to the Island Farm.  There are a total of 12 groups of 3 tasks each in the traditional Quest sequence and at the end of the 8th, you usually receive a cleanable Decoration for the original Seaside Farm.  At the end of the 12th and final group of 3 tasks, you will receive a cleanable Decoration for your Island Farm.  It is only group or Part IX through XII that includes Island tasks.  You therefore should try to complete as many of the tasks as you can, at least through Part VIII, if you do not have access to the Island.

Time-restricted Quests usually give Farmers more Coins and XP for each group of tasks completed than ordinary Quests.  1000 Coins and from 160 to 210 XP generally are given for completion of each group of tasks in the 12 time-restricted Quests in the sequence.  Even if you cannot perform all the tasks to obtain the Seaside Decoration, you still should attempt as many as possible for the Coins and XP.

There are other time-restricted tasks and activities now as well.  There is the Daily Order Board where specific Orders are made for the sale of items from your Barn.  There is the Weekly Activity where you must make a specific amount of a single Item in order to obtain the Reward of 10 Yellow Mystrons.  Yellow Mystrons allow you often to purchase Decoraitons that were given as Rewards in a time-restricted Quest.  Now there are Blue Mystrons as well, available to Players who have completed the entire sequence of ordinary Rewards for the Daily Order Board.  They allow the purchase of final Reward Decorations from past time-restricted Quests.

In the month of July, there is a Decoration that requires completion of a weekly group of tasks.  You can obtain the materials required to complete the Decoration only by completing all the tasks in the weekly Quest sequence.

In other words, there is an almost overwhelming number of tasks for a player, especially one who is not at a high level of Experience.  If you are fairly new to the game, what should you do?

First of all, remember always that the ordinary Quest sequences have no time limit.  If there is a current time-restricted Quest, try to perform THOSE tasks instead whenever possible.

In July 2015, with the weekly Mini Garden tasks and the time-restricted 11 Day Quest sequence both running concurrently, my experience with the low level Kindle Farm, where I only unlocked the time-restricted 11 Day Quest very recently made me aware of the impossibllity of completing both that Quest and the Mini Garden Quest.  My best option, I believe, and that of other players in the same situation, is to focus on the 11 Day Roman Holiday Quest to complete as many of the tasks as I can, trying at least to obtain the Seaside Decoration.  On that Farm, the Island has not been unlocked.

The Mini Garden reminds me a little of the Jack O'Lantern Machine Quest that allowed players to obtain Materials only for a limited time through fishing.  It was a nightmare frankly and many players were unable to complete it before the Quest expired.  You will see Materials for the Jack O'Lantern machine now randomly in the Yellow Mystron Mystron Shop for those who never were able to obtain the materials needed to complete the Machine.

With respect to the Mini Garden, however, materials are specific to the current week.  In other words, for the best result, you need to begin in the first week and try to complete the first week's tasks if you wish to be able to complete the Mini Garden.  It is possible that materials will be offered in the Yellow Mystron Mystery Shop afterwards, but that is an arduous way to obtain them.

On my Rosewood Farm, I am at Level 46 now.  I am not as driven to complete Quests on this farm as I am where my original Harvest Moon Farm is concerned, as the Harvest Moon Farm is the one at the highest Level and therefore the one from which I log all tasks for new Quests as I can complete them quickly usually on that farm.  All Island Machines apart from the Pizza Machine have been unlocked and Mastered as well as having all possible land Expansions on both Seaside and Island Farms.  I was able to complete the current Mini-Garden tasks within the first two days, partly because I used Farm Aids  When the current Roman Holiday 11 Day Quest was released, I was in a position to focus on that, because I did not have any other outstanding Quests on that Farm.

Rosewood, however, is a different kettle of fish.  I was only in the middle of Mini Garden III when Roman Holiday began.  I have fewer Farm Aids available on that Farm because I have fewer cleanable Decoraitons.  The Harvest Moon Farm, having been played for over 800 days, has all Cleanable Decorations apart from the Flamingo, a sale item that I missed.  I therefore have many Decorations that yield Blue Gift Boxes when cleaned by my neighbours.

On the Rosewood Farm, therefore, I have only two days to complete Mini-Garden IV and V, but a week still to complete the Roman Holiday Quest.  If I intend to commit myself to the completion of the Mini Garden, I should complete the two remaining groups of Quests before I continue the Roman Holiday sequence.

Note that huge numbers of Cooked Dishes are required for the Mini Garden Quest sequence.  I finally was able to unlock the Island expansion that included the Volcano, giving the Rosewood Farm access to more Power but it still will not be easy to cook all necessary dishes in the required amount of time.  What I must do is to forget about making Dishes for the Cooking Stand until I have completed the Mini Garden sequence.

That is another time-restricted Activity that deserves a mention in terms of game strategy.  The Cooking Stand now is located in the Building Plot area and is unlocked when you complete one of the expansions there.  Details are given in the Kindle Farm Guide as, originally, all of the Buildings were separate entities purchased from the Market and placed on the regular farmland of the Seaside Farm.  It is only recently that the Building Plot option was created.

The Cooking Stand Contests run for a number of weeks, with four different 'Rounds' that must be completed.  There are various Rewards that are given when one completes a 'row' on a Bingo-style Board.  The final Reward is a Cleanable Decoration.

Each Round consists of  arequirement to cook four specific Dishes.  You must cook a total of 200 to advance to the next Round.  Completion of any Round, however, does not entitle you to advance automatically.  Each Round is time-restricted in its start time.   The Countdown for completion, however, is for ALL Rounds.

If you are a low level player who cannot hope to complete the Mini Garden tasks, you should make Dishes for the Cooking Stand Contest even if you have no hope of completion of the current Contest there either.  It will give you Coins and some Farm Aids.

Cleaning Gift Boxes

I, and many other Farmers always thought that the Blue Cleaning Gift Boxes contained the most valuable Farm Aids and still do, but the values of the other Gift Boxes depend on the items you need most.   Today, when I opened a number of Golden Cleaning Gift Boxes, I received more OP and Power than I did from a similar number of Purple Gift Boxes.  Note that Island Gift Boxes can give you Farm Aids that are Island-specific, such as Electric Saws.

Using Farm Aids

The proliferation of time-restricted tasks, quests and activities has been accompanied by more opportunities, thankfully, to obtain Farm Aids without spending RC.  The various types of fertilisers that can be used to speed the harvest of Crops and Trees often are found in cleanable Gift Boxes, the Dedicated Farmer Bonus and other Rewards.  There are time-restricted Sales as well that often give specific Farm Aids such as Rain with a Cleanable Decoration that cannot be obtained by another method as well as some RC.  Farm Aids can be very useful when one has a limited amount of time to complete a Quest sequence.

Knowing which Farm Aid to use can be helpful as well.  Super Fertiliser can take a newly planted Crop to maturity but it is wasted on Crops that are almost ripe.  You should use Organic Fertiliser in the latter case.  I tend to save my Farm Aids for time-restricted Quests but sometimes save them when I should use them.  Rain, for example, will ripen EVERY Crop on the field by 25%.  Better to use that than Organic Fertiliser if you need to bring a large number of Crops to maturity.

To purchase Farm Aids:

1 Rain costs 8 RC  (25% maturity for ALL Crops and Trees)
25 Organic Fertilisers cost 1 RC (25% maturity for 1 Crop)
25 Super Fertilisers cost 3 RC (Instant maturity for 1 Crop)
200 Super Fertilisers cost 21 RC (Instant maturity for 1 Crop, 200 Uses)
1 Rainbow Rain costs 30 RC (Instant maturity for all Crops and Trees)

These are only a few of the Farm Aids in the Market but knowing which to use can save money in the end.   

Multiple Machines and OP Use

OP is the fuel that is used for automation of Animal and Machine Production both    You can speed the production of any Animal or Machine on your field by using OP to complete up to 3 items but Batch Production is the way to make a large number of items without being forced to do so manually.  OP can be purchased in the Market but is quite expensive.  You can obtain it randomly from cleanable Gift Boxes and other Bags and Rewards.

Having two Machines of the same type often is useful as well.  If you need two different types of Jam, for example, having two Jam Machines allows you to make both at the same time.  It can speed production of a single item as well whether or not you wish to use Batch Production or OP.  If you need 50 Grape Juice, you either can use two slots in Batch Production to make 25 each, thus halving the amount of time required to produce them or you can make it manually on your field, using both Machines.

Three Guides in One

Originally, I wrote this Guide when I began to play the game on my first Farm, named Harvest Moon Farm.  You will find the original Harvest Moon Guide AFTER the Rosewood Farm Guide, which is the more recent Guide I have been making as I play on the second farm.  The Harvest Moon Guide will have ALL the Quest Sequences to date, but as some tasks and rewards were changed in the course of the three years since I first wrote it, the new Rosewood Farm Guide, alhtough incomplete, may be more accurate in some cases.  I do not know if I will continue to log the quests for the Rosewood Farm Guide or not.  Players really should have most of the important information by following the Harvest Moon Farm Guide.

Note, however, that I just borrowed a Kindle from a friend to see if the game differed at all from mine.  I found that the initial Quests and introductions were quite different.  I therefore added these first to this guide.  I do believe that this is not specific to the Kindle but represents a change in the game for all platforms.

Furthermore, because of some new options that were introduced recently, there are some new tutorial Quests as well as some Quests that are logged in the Rosewood Farm Guide but at the point when they first appeared, which makes their appearance later.  I therefore continued the Kindle Guide to a point where I felt all the new options had been introduced.

Some of the New Options

Some of the new options I saw when I began a new game on the Kindle I had borrowed include the 'Drift Bottle', a method by which random Farmers are contacted with a request to become  your Neighbour.  This is an extremely useful option as I remember how difficult it was 'back in the day' to obtain Neighbours for mobile games.  There was the ability to register on Facebook but this limits you to a specific Facebook Account.  If you ever lose your account, you will lose your Farm as well as they are tied together.  There are advantages to the Facebook option as Seaside will give you 4 RC if you do tie your farm to a Facebook account, but many players are choosing not to do so at this point in time, as Facebook policies can be a little disturbing.

The other way to obtain Neighbours is by sharing your Farm I.D. with other farmers, either by joining a Facebook Group for Seaside or by doing so independently.  If you go into your Settings on Family Farm Seaside, you will find your Farm I.D.

The Drift Bottle, however, makes all of this optional rather than necessary, at least at the beginning.  With the Drift Bottle, I was able to obtain over 100 new Neighbours before the icon disappeared.  I am not certain if it vanishes when you attain 100 Neighbours or when you reach Level 14.  In any case, 100 Neighbours allows me to request materials for new builds as well as other items and gives any Farmer a nice base for obtaining the Rewards for daily neighbour visits.

Other new options that did not exist when I wrote the guide for Rosewood and Harvest Moon Farms are the Dedicated Farmer Bonus and Daily Task Rewards, both of which offer random Farm Aids and other useful items such as Mystrons.

Kindle Purchases

Every device appears to be different in terms of method of purchase of premium cash.  If you use the Kindle, purchases are made through theAmazon App Store and you can purchase either by buying specific amounts of RC directly or through the purchase of Amazon Coins.  The lowest denominator is a purchase of 500 Amazon Coins.  Note that it is by making one purchase of RC that you unlock the following:

Capacity to 'send' and 'receive' ALL gifts in Requests, Maximum Power increases by 2, Coin Store reset increases by 1, Refresh Daily Orders twice
This gives you a Club Pack in your Calendar Menu.

The Mystery Store and Yellow Mystrons

The Yellow Mystron Menu of the Mystery Shop will not be unlocked until you reach Level 23.  The Coin Store and Green Mystron Menu will be unlocked much earlier.

Leveling Up

One of the easiest ways to increase your Level early in the game is by visiting all your Neighbours.  I wanted to reach Level 18 on the Kindle as quickly as possible so as to be able to unlock the current time-restricted Quest.  I visited many of my neighbours and managed to raise my Level to 18 accordingly.

At Level 18, you unlock Pineapples, Cane, Coconut Tree,  Sugar Machine, Greenhouse and a number of Decorations.  You can unlock the 3rd Expansion Plot at Level 18 as well without skipping a requirement.

What is annoying here, however, is that the traditional Quest sequence of the 'Roman Holiday' is unlocked at Level 18, but the Collections Mission required to complete it as the Reward, a Caper Bush, cannot be purchased in the Market, DOES NOT APPEAR!

Changes in Quest Sequences

Please note that I do not get paid for this site at all.  I am not employed by FunPlus and all of the information I gather is done by me over the course of time on a strictly volunteer basis.  This page represents a tremendous amount of effort (and tedium).  I began it with the Harvest Moon Forever FDC farm.  When changes occurred, I logged the Quests from the Rosewood Farm, but frankly grew weary of the task.  I cannot spend my entire life on this.  I do make certain that all the time-restricted Missions are given as quickly as possible as posts on this site, but these regular Missions sometimes are changed and this page sometimes will not have registered all the changes.  I apologise for this, but 99% of this page still should be accurate.  Many thanks for your understanding.

Recently, a member of my wonderful Facebook Group, Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk alerted me to the fact that the Movie Night Quests had changed.  I will try to find a way to log the new Quest sequence...

Kindle Farm Missions

The Kindle game begins with a letter from the Father stating that he is off on a mission to find the ultimate fertiliser.  He writes to his son and daughter and tells them that Grandma will care for them in his absence and that a 'friend' will help as well.  The friend is you.

Kindle Game

The general format at the start, once you have completed a couple of Quests, is to see two Quest icons on your screen on the left side.  One belongs to Darryl's Quests and one belongs to Felicia's Quests. At the very start, however, you will see only Darryl's Quest icon.  Very quickly, however, a second icon will be introduced and within a short time, you will see multiple icons on the left side of the screen.  Note that the large exclamation point at the top left of your screen will bring up a menu that shows ALL Quests that are current in your game both on the Seaside Farm and the Island Farm as well as all current Helicopter Orders.  You will not have access either to the Island or the Helicopter, however, when the game begins, so ignore those tabs!

Welcome to Seaside Quests

These are Darryl's Quests as he is the first person you meet in the game.

Welcome to Seaside I

Plant 4 Clovers

Fertilise 4 times

Harvest 4 Clovers

Reward: 100 Coins

Welcome to Seaside II

Plough 4 new plots of land

Plant 4 grapes

Reward: 100 Coins

Welcome to Seaside III

Produce and collect 1 bottle of Milk

Add 1 bottle of Milk to Cheese Master

Reward: 110 Coins

Welcome to Seaside IV

Produce and collect 1 Cheddar Cheese

Plant 4 Clovers

Fertilise 4 times

Reward: 110 Coins, 1 Beehive

This on the Kindle now is followed by:

Farming is Magic Quests

Farming is Magic I

Plough 3 new plots of land

Plant 3 Clovers

Reward: 100 Coins, 26 XP, 25 Super Fertiliser

Farming is Magic II

Get the Fertiliser from your Gift Box

Fertilise 3 Clovers

Harvest 3 CLovers

Reward: 400 Coins, 26 XP

Followed immediately by:

Cheese Please Quests

Feed the Holstein Cow 3 times

Produce and collect 3 bottles of Milk

Reward: 400 Coins, 33 XP

Cheese Please II

Add 3 bottles of Milk to Cheese Master

Produce 3 Cheddar Cheese

Sell 3 Cheddar Cheese from Barn

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Congratulations!  You have finished your first Achievement!  Let's claim your Reward!

N.B.  There is a separate page on this site for the Achievements.

Millionaire Achievements

Millionaire 1: Earn 50 Coins from selling something in the barn
  Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

N.B.  Achievements are another way to earn Coins, XP, OP and even RC!

Daily Bread Quests

Daily Bread I

Add 3 sacks of Wheat to Dutch Mill

Produce 3 sacks of Wheat Flour

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 33 XP

Daily Bread II

Buy a Chicken Coop
  Cost is 900 Coins

Add 2 Chickens to Chicken Coop
  Cost for each extra Chicken is 250 Coins
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 600 Coins, 33 XP, 25 Super Fertiliser

Daily Bread III

Plough 6 new plots of land

Plant 6 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 6 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 500 Coins, 33 XP

Daily Bread IV

Feed the Chicken 3 times

Use fast production to produce an Egg
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce and collect 3 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 36 XP, 100 OP

Daily Bread V

Plant 3 Oats
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 3 Oats
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 36 XP

Daily Bread VI

Get to Level 6

Save 1400 Coins

Get a Baker
  Skip for 2 RC
  Baker costs 1400 Coins

Rewards: 380 Coins, 45 XP

Daily Bread VII

Add 3 Wheat Flour to the Baker
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 bottles of Milk to the Baker
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Eggs to the Baker
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 34 XP

Daily Bread VIII

Produce 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell out 6 loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Note that Oats are unlocked only at Level 6.  Rye is unlocked at Level 5.  There appears to be a glitch in the Kindle wherein I should be at Level 7 but the Crops are not unlocked.  I believe if I log out and log in again, perhaps this will be remedied.  It was, but I had to perform some of the Quests again!  At Level 7, you unlock Orange Tree, Cucumber and Buffalo.  At Level 8, you unlock Coffee Beans, Coffee Maker, Lychee Tree, Juice Maker and some new Decorations.  The Coffee Machine costs 15 RC and is complete.  The Juice Machine is the first that is incomplete when purchased.  It costs 900 Coins, but you will need Neighbours if you wish to complete it unless you want to spend RC to do so.

Daily Bread VIII is followed by

More Eggs Please

Produce and collect 3 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 288 Coins, 41 XP

(This completes with the name 'More Cheese Please' for some reason)

Daily Bread IX
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx6 RC

Sell 3 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 288 Coins, 41 XP, 25 Watering Cans

Last quest in sequence, followed by:

Cherry-licious Quests

Cherry-licious I

Purchase a Cherry Tree
  Skip for 1 RC
  Cost is 350 Coins

Water a Cherry Tree 4 times
  Skip for 1 RC

Harvest 1 Cherry
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 360 Coins, 51 XP, 6 Honey

Cherry-licious II

Produce 1 Jar of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 1 Jar of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 240 Coins, 34 XP, 10 Honey

Into the Woods Quests

Into the Woods I

Register the Holstein Cow in the Gallery
  Skip for 2 RC

Feed the Holstein Cow 3 Times

Rewards: 125 Coins, 45 XP

This Quests sequence appears later in the Rosewood Farm Guide as the Gallery option is fairly new to the game.  It is a method by which you can earn Farm Aids by 'registering' items that you have on your Farm.  When you complete registration of the Holstein Cow, you will receive 2 Medals and 12 Clovers.

Into the Woods II

Collect 3 bottles of Milk

Register a Hay Bale in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 125 Coins, 48 XP

Into the Woods III

Plant 3 Clovers

Get A Scarecrow
  Cost is 200 Coins

Register a Scarecrow in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 125 Coins, 50 XP

Reward for registration of Scarecrow is 1 Medal, 30 OP

N.B.  This site has a separate guide or page for the Gallery and you will find the Rewards for registration of every Item listed there.  The Reward for the Hay Bale is 2 Medal and 8 Organic Fertiliser.  You need 4 Organic Fertilisers to take a newly planted crop to maturity.  It is useful, however, if the Crop is almost ripe and you need to speed it along.

On the Kindle, Into the Woods III was followed oddly by Into the Woods VIII!  Into the Woods IV did appear at the same time though.

Into the Woods IV

Register a Beehive in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Fertilise 3 Clovers

Collect 3 jars of Honey

Reward: 125 Coins, 53 XP, 5 Super Fertiliser

Registration reward is 2 Medals, 700 unspecified items

Into the Woods V

Add 3 bottles of Milk to the Cheese Master

Register a Cheese Master in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 125 Coins, 57 XP

Into the Woods VI

Plant 5 Wheat
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Dutch Mill in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 125 Coins, 60 XP

Into the Woods VII

Harvest 2 Apples
  Skip for 2 RC

Register an Apple Tree in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Have 10 Gallery Points

Rewards: 125 Coins, 65 XP

As indicated elsewhere, the next 'Into the Woods' Quest may appear far earlier than some of the preceding.  The order in which Quests appear depends on the way you complete them as well as your current level of Experience.

Into the Woods VIII

Add 3 Bottles of Milk to the Baker
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Baker in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 125 Coins, 15 XP

Registration Reward: 2 Medals, 12 Eggs

As soon as this was completed, a new Felicia Quest appeared called 'Photographer'.  You will find it listed in her Quest section.

Another new option is the 'Drift Bottle at the top centre of the screen.  Tap the bottle tpo send out a Neighbour request.  You will see 5 random Neighbours that can be contacted by request.  Neighbours are a very important aspect of the game, as you can request materials and other items from them on a daily basis, as well as visiting their farms for rewards.  The Drift Bottle icon disappeared at Level 14 in the Kindle game.  I do not know if it was level-based or whether it disappeared because there is a limit to the number of Neighbour requests that can be made and accepted in this way.  In any event, it is a great change made by the developers as new players often in the past had trouble obtaining neighbours and neighbours are absolutely essential!

Note the other icon in the top centre of your screen.  It is the Level Up Reward.  The first is received when you reach Level 5 and is Fertiliser.  The second is for Level 7 and consists of 8 Bread.

I see a problem with the Kindle that does not exist with the IPad or Nook in that you evidently have to log out and log in again in order to make progress sometimes.  The second Beehive that I purchases as well as the experience I had earned to Level Up were NOT registered twice now and I had to redo Quests in order to make it register.

Think Big Quests

Expand your Farm to 14 x 14
  Skip for 10 RC

Plough 15 new plots
  Skip for 7 RC

Rewards: 360 Coins, 51 XP, 1 Rainbow Rain

Think Big II

Plant 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 1 Cherry Tree

Use Rainbow Rain one time

Rewards: 468 Coins, 67 XP, 1 Cropinator, 20 Gasoline

Note that the Rainbow Rain will ripen EVERY Crop and Tree on your Farm.  Do not use this until you have newly planted Crops on every plot

Think Big III

Get the Cropinator from your Gift Box

Tap the Cropinator to use it 1 time
  Skip for 1 RC

Harvest 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 324 Coins, 46 XP

This Quest introduces the Cropinator, a Machine that takes up a lot of space and that I find rather annoying personally as it harvests everything in sight even though you can use it only for Trees or to sow Crops.    Later in your game, you may wish to plant crops in advance for use in time-restricted Quests and if you use the Cropinator, that effort will have been wasted essentially.   Youu can choose three different actions with the Cropinator as previously indicated.  One it  is to sow, one to harvest and the third to pick all Trees.

Note that the first Building Plot expansion option is unlocked at Level 13 with the Cooking Stand option. Building Plots allow you to place certain Buildings and items such as the Cropinator OUTSIDE your Farmland.  When you reach Level 13, perform this Quest then as even if you do not have the expansion, you will be in a position to complete  it and move the Cropinator there when you do.

Annoyingly, the first Building Plot is not large enough for the Cropinator to join the Cooking Stand. You will need the second Building Plot expansion requiring the following:

Reach Level 15
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce and use 15 bottles of Wine
  Skip for 3 RC

  Wine Maker costs 650 Coins and is complete when purchased.

Prepare and use 3 Polish Dumplings with Sour Cream
  Skip for 6 RC

Last quest in sequence, followed immediately by Grab a Bite'

Grab a Bite Quest

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 4 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 4 jars of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 4 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Note:  Here you will see the ordinary cost of skipping tasks for the first time.  Prior Quests have had exorbitant skipping ccosts probably because the developers do not want you to skip those tasks.  Here, however, the tasks are routine ones and the cost of skipping them is routine as well.  The 'rule of thumb' is that the cost of skipping a Crop harvest is half the total number of crops needed in RC.  The cost of skipping a tree harvest is the same as the total of harvests in RC.  The cost of skipping a production is the same as the total of items needed in RC.  In other words, if 4 Crops are required, the cost will be 2 RC to skip it.  If 2 Tree harvests are required, the cost of skipping the harvest will be 2 RC.  If 4 products such as Jam are required, the cost of skipping production will be 4 RC.  The only real reason why you might wish to skip such tasks ifs usually in terms of time-restricted Quests where either you have not unlocked an item yet or the cost of producing it in time would be prohibitive.  Finally, there are the items that are known as Collectables.  These cannot be speeded in terms of production.  Sometimes you will find it better to skip a task that requires a Collectable if the cost of doing so is less than the cost of buying the actual item with RC.  More about this later.

Last in this sequence, now followed by:

A Cry for Rye Quests

A Cry for Rye I

Plant 12 Rye
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Rye
  Skip for 6 RC

Add 3 Rye to the Dutch Mill
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Last quest in sequence, followed immediately by:

Get Juicy Quests

This is the Quest sequence that introduces the Juice Machine.  I was dying to buy and complete one earlier but wished to see when the Quesst would appear and it will not appear until you have completed the 'Cry for Rye' sequence.

Get Juicy I

Get a Juice Machine

Build a Juice Machine

The Juice Machine costs 900 Coins and is incomplete when purchased.  It requires the following materials:

Screw x 2 (Requrest from Neighbours or pay 1 RC each)
Gear x 2 (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC for each)

Get Juicy II

Add 3 Apples to the Juice Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 5 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 5 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 5 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Get Juicy III

Plant an Orange Tree

  As Orgnae Tree is a Free Gift, you may be able to find one in your Gift Box

Buy a Ladder from the Store
  Skip for 1 RC

Cost is 1000 Coins

Harvest 2 Oranges
  Skip for 2 RC

Rewards: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Get Juicy IV


Add 3 Oranges to the Juice Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 3 glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 3 RC

Sell 3 glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 3 RC

Rewards: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Last quest in sequence, followed by:

Ready for a Rabbit Quests

Ready for a Rabbit I

Buy a Rabbit from the Store

  Cost is 2200 Coins

Plant 12 Carrots
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Carrots
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward; 324 Coins, 46 XP

Ready for a Rabbit II

Feed Carrots to the Rabbit 3 times
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 12 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 12 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Who loves Tasty Food Quests

Who Loves Tasty Food I

Harvest 16 Corn
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Cornmeal
  Skip for 8 RC

Rewards: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food II

Produce 6 loaves Corn Bread
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 2 jars of Honey Syrup
  Skip for 4 RC

Rewards: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food III

Prepare 2 lots of Batter
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 6 Oranges
  skip for 4 RC

Prepare 2 Orange Crumbles
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food IV
Have 5 Neighbours

Fertlise 8 times on Neighbours' Farms
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food V

Produce 3 sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

PRepare 3 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

Rewards: 600 Coins, 85 XP

The following is another fairly new Quest sequence based on the Gallery Registration option:

Amusement Park Quests

Amusement Park I

Collect 5 jars of Honey

Register the Kitchen in the Gallery
   Skip for 1 RC

Have 45 Gallery Points
  The cost of skipping this depends on the total number of points that you have, I believe.
  Each Golden Medal earned when you register an item is equal to 1 Gallery Point.

Rewards: 380 Coins, 45 XP

Amusement Park II

Feed Buffalo 3 times with Cucumber
  Skip for 3 RC

Feed the Holstein Cow 3 times
  Skip for 3 RC

Complete the Fa-moo-ly Set in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 264 Coins, 38 XP

N.B.  This quest introduces the Collections Tab in the Gallery.  Here you can earn special Rewards, including RC, if you have registered all three items in any set.  Note that many of the Collections are time-restricted and involve the 3 Rewards from a time-restricted Quest.  Once that Quest expires, that particular Collection no longer can be completed after a couple of days.  The Fa-moo-ly Collection, however, is NOT time-restricted.  It requires registration of a Holstein, a Buffalo and a Limousin Cattle and the Rewads are: 5 Medals, 100 OP, 5 Super Fertilisers. No RC in this case!

Amusement Park III

Feed a Sheep 5 times
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Burger Machine in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 264 Coins, 38 XP

Amusement Park IV

Harvest 2 Oranges
  Skip for 2 RC

Register a Gisela Cherry Tree in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Register a Sauce Machine in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 264 Coins, 38 XP


At the same time as the Beehive is obtained, the first  Felicia Quest appears:

Busy Bees Quest


Place a Beehive on your Farm

Produce and collect 1 jar of Honey

Reward: 220 Coins, 25 XP, 25 Super Watering Cans

/When you have completed these, you should be at Level 3, unlocking Cherry Tree and Jam Machine with a Reward of 1 RC and 150 Coins

This is followed immediately by:

Apple Tree Quest

Get a Watering Can from your giftbox

Water the tree with a Super Watering Can

Harvest 1 Apple

Reward: 220 Coins, 25 XP

Note that the Farm Aids now are not placed on your farm but go to the bar at the top right of the screen.

Completing this Quest should take you to Level 4 with Corn, Chicken, Hay Bale unlocked and rewards of 1 RC and 150 XP.

Apple Tree Quest followed immediately by another Felicia Quest:

Jam in Store Quest

Jam in Store I

Purchase a Jam Machine from the store

Add 1 Apple to Jam Machine

Add 1 jar of Honey to Jam Machine

Reward: 220 Coins, 25 XP

N.B.  Jam Machine costs 650 Coins

Jam in Store II

Collect 1 Jar of Apple Jam

Sell 1 Jar of Apple Jam from Barn

Reward: 250 Coins, 30 XP

Immediately followed by:

Pure White Quest
Buy 1 Milky White Fence

Plant 3 Clovers

Reward: 210 Coins, 35 XP

Jam in Store III

Plant 5 Grapes

Purchase 6 Super Fertilisers
  Cost is 1 RC

Use Super Fertiliser to fertilise 5 times
  Skip for 1 RC

N.B.  This is the first task that you can 'skip' by opting to pay RC instead.

Reward: 250 Coins, 31 XP

Jam in Store IV

Add 3 jars of Honey to Jam Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Grapes to Jam Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 220 Coins, 31 XP

Jam in Store V

Produce 3 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 3 jars of Grape Jam from Barn
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 250 Coins, 31 XP

At this point, you should see the following on your Farm:

2 Apple Trees

1 Holstein Cow, 1 Chicken Coop, 1 Beehive

1 Dutch Mill, 1 Cheese Master, 1 Jam Machine,

Decorations: 8 Milky Fences, 2 Hay Bales, 1 Welcome sign, 4 Stone Road

When you complete Jam in Store V, you should see a new Quest:

Tree Farmer

Purchase a Shovel
    Skip for 2 RC
  Cost is 350 Coins

Expand your farm to 13 x 13
  Skip for 4 RC
  Requirements: Upgrade to Level 4, Save and use 500 Coins, Produce 5 Cheddar Cheese to buy expansion

Rewards: 250 Coins, 31 XP

N.B.  The cost and requirements for all Expansions is in this Guide in a later section.

Followed by:

The More the Merrier

Have at least 2 Neighbours

Fertilise 5 times on your Neighbours' farm
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 31 XP

At Level 9, you will receive another Level Up Reward in the form of 50 OP .  You will unlock Carrots, the Angora Rabbit, the Cropinator and another Decoration.

Another Day, Another Plot Quest

Plough 6 new plots of land
  Skip for 3 RC

Plant 6 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 6 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 216 Coins, 30 XP

Followed immediately by:

A Big Friend Quests

A Big Friend I

Buy a Buffalo

Feed Buffalo 3 times with Cucumber
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 6 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards 315 Coins, 45 XP

A Big Friend II

Add 3 Buffalo Milk to Cheese Master
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 6 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 6 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Into the Woods VIII, listed in Darryl's section was followed immediately by a new Felicia Quest entitled:

Photographer Quests

Photographer I

Feed Buffalo 3 times with Cucumber
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Buffalo in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Registration Reward: 2 Medals, 12 Cucumbers

N.B.  You really should register any new item in the Gallery as soon as you obtain it.

Photographer II

Add 3 jars of Honey to a Jam Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Apples to the Jam Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Jam Machine in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 250 Coins, 25 XP, 1 Stone Road Decoration

Registration Reward: 1 Medal, 15 Honey

Photographer III

Get the Stone Road from your Gift Box

Register the Stone Road in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Register Welcome Sign in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 250 Coins, 25 XP
Stone Road Registration Reward: 1 Medal, 2 Organic Fertiisers
Welcome Sign Registration Reward: 3 Medals, 12 Organic Fertilisers

Photographer IV

Ploant 6 Grapes
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Shovel in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Last Quest in this sequence until you purchase and complete a Juice Machine

Photographer V

Harvest 2 Apples

Register a Juice Machine in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Registration Reward: 1 Medal, 30 OP

Photorgraph VI

Register Cropinator in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Use the Cropinator 1 time
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 250 Coins, 25 XP

For the Store Quests

For the Store I

Plant 8 Clovers
m  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 jars of Honey
  Skip for 8 RC

Rewards: 360 Coins, 51 XP

For the Store II

Plant 8 Tomatoes
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 8 Tomatoes
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 8 Tomatoes
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 288 Coins, 41 XP

For the Store III

Sell 8 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 5 Suffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 5 RC

Buy 2 Hay Bales
  Skip for 2 RC
  Cost is 225 Coins each

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

End of sequence, followed by:

Coffee Bean

Plant 7 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 7 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Forever Friends Quests

Forever Friends I

Reach Level 9

Have at least 5 Neighbours

Buy a Ranch Bell
 Cost is 820 Coins
  Skip for 2 RC

Rewards: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Forever Friends II

Plant 10 Grapes
  Skip for 5 RC

Plant 12 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 270 Coins, 38 XP

Forever Friends III

Ferrtilise 15 times on your Neighbours' Farm
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 10 Grapes
  Skip for 5 RC

Harvet 12 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Forever Friends IV

Produce 12 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

At Level 12, the 'Felicia's Secret Quest sequence will appear.

Felicia's Secret Quest

Felicia's Secret I

Get a Kitchen
  Cost is 2800 Coins

Finish building the Kitchen

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

It is here that you will find Neighbours useful.  The Kitchen when purchased is incomplete.  You will need the following:

White Floor x 3 (Ask or pay 1 RC for each)
Yellow Floor x 3 (Ask for pay 1 RC for each)
Sink (Ask or pay 6 RC)
Fireplace (Ask or pay 8 RC)

As you can see, the most valuable Requests will be for the Sink and Fireplace.  Do these first as you will not wish to pay RC for them.  Of course, there is no time limit on this but if you wish to move forward quickly, you will want to complete the Kitchen quickly.

The next task is your first Cooking task.

Felicia's Secret II

Prepare 1 jar of Honey Syrup
  Skiop for 6 RC

Collect 2 Honey Dippers from Neighbours
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Felicia's Secret III

Harvest 4 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 4 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 1 Cheese Apple
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Felicia's Secret IV

Plant 12 Wheat
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 sacks of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Here is the first of Felicia's Quests that has a routine price for skipping tasks.  I discussed this in Darryl's section of this guide.  Note, however, that you would be better served by using Farm Aids such as Fertiliser and Watering Cans to speed production rather than using RC to simply skip any of these particular tasks.

Felicia's Secret V

Prepare 3 Gorgonzola Baked Apples
  Skip for 6 RC

To make this dish, you will need to purchase a Fork first for 2200 Coins.

Make 1500 Coins by selling goods from the Barn
  Skip for 10 RC
  Rewards:  405 Coins, 58 XP

Last Quest in sequence, followed by:

Begin to Cook Quests

Begin to Cook I

Plant a Maple Tree

Harvest 2 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 2 RC

Harvest 4 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Begin to Cook II

Produce 8 jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 2 jars of Apple Jelly
  Skip for 3 RC
  N.B.  A Jar is required costing 500 Coins

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Begin to Cook III

Harvest 3 Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Prepare 1 lot of Fruit Butter
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Aprons from your Neighbours
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

N.B.  This is the first request that actually requires you to ask for an item from your Neighbours.  This sort of item, unlike building materials, is useless once you have obtained the requisite total.  You can trade extras for coins, but for very little profit.  I have hundreds of these unneeded items in my own Gift Box!  In the original FF, you could trade them for OP.  I keep hoping that will happen one day in Seaside.

Begin to Cook IV
Produce 12 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewads: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Begin to Cook V

Produce 6 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 2 Whole OatFruit Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 2 Whole Oat Fruit Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Followed by 'Who Loves Tasty Food' in Darryl's section of this guide

Wine and Dine Quests

Get a Wine Maker from the Store

Buy 2 Wooden Barrels from the Store
  Skip for 4 RC
  Cost is 300 Coins each

Collect 5 Wine Glasses from your Neighbours
  Skip for 5 RC

Rewards: 324 Coins, 46 XP

About Cooking

The Kitchen is unlocked at Level 12 but you will have access only to a few Recipes at that point as follows:

Oat Milkshake
Apple Milkshake
Grape Milkshake
Coffee Cookies
Lavender Cheese
Coffee Biscuit
Honey Syrup
Cheese Apple
Gorgonzola Baked Apple
Cheese Salad

Tip: Cooked Dishes are worth more than raw ingredients.  Cheddar Cheese and Honey both can be requested as free gifts from Neighbours on a daily basis.  They are the ingredients in Cheese Salad.

At Level 15, you will obtain a Reward of 25 Organic Fertilisers.  At Level 15, the Daily Orders will be introduced in a new Quest sequence run by Grandma entitled:

Grandm'as Orders

Grandmas's Orders I

Unlock the second plot in the Building Area

Have 6 Apple Trees

Reward: 468 Coins, 67 XP

Grandmas's Orders II

Plant 25 Clovers

Plant 15 Cucumbers

Rewards: 390 Coins,, 55XP

Grandma's Orders III

Collect 15 jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 15 Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 468 Coins, 67 XP

Grandma's Orders IV

Produce 15 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 5 RC

Prepare 3 Cheese Apples
  Skip for 5 RC

Check the Order Board and finish the order

Reward: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Grandma's Orders V

Wait and complete the next day's orders
  Skip for 5 RC

Rewards: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Grandma:  If you get enough points you will get the BIG REWARD.  I look forward to you receiving the final Reward.

N.B.  The Daily Order Board has changed.  You now have Orders from a number of different people.  You need not wait until the 'next day' if there still is any outstanding Order on the Board to complete.  Note that by completing ALL outstanding Orders, you can see a preview of the next day's Orders now.  Furthermore, you can refresh to change an Order if you are unable to complete it.

This is the last Quest in this sequence by the way.

At Level 16, you unlock the Peacock, Rice, Lemon Tree and Sakura Tree

At Level 16, you unlock the ability to participate in any time-restricted Quests or Missions
New Changes:

On the Kindle, the second time you log into your farm, you will have access to the Calendar.  It is almost the end of June and yet ALL the boxes for previous days were credited to this game!
The fairly new option to obtain a Dedicated Farmer's Bonus will be available as well.  It looks like a little Treasure Chest and is seen at the top left of your screen.  Tap on it to receive the bonus.  The more you play, the more bonuses you can obtain.  The items received can be useful.

Daily Quests will appear as well as an Exclamation Point in the top left of your screen.  These consist of tasks that you can complete on a daily basis.  Usually, many are completed simply by playing the game but you should try to garner the Rewards as quickly as possible so you can set the sequence again for more Rewards.

At Level 10, you unlock the Wine Maker, some flag Decorations, the Matcha Tree and White Grapes
The Level 10 Level Up Reward is 5 Super Watering Cans
At Level 11, you will unlock Onion, Pitaya,  Gisela Cherry Tree, Cashew Tree and Mailbox, as well as the ability to purchase another Holstein Cow

At Level 11, a prompt will appear to tell you that you can purchase a Kitchen at Level 12.  At Level 12, you unlock the Sheep, Lavender, White Chocolate Tree, the Kitchen and a new Decoration.

At Level 12, the 'Felicia's Secret Quest sequence will appear.  This is your introduction to cooking.

At Level 13, you unlock: Pasture, Limousin Cow, Burger Machine, Cooking Stand,  and Mango Tree

Cooking Stand

A new addition to the game is the Building Plot area where certain buildings can be placed instead of taking space on your farm.  The Cooking Stand is in the Builidng Plot area.  Once completed, you   Once you unlock the first plot there, you can move the Kitchen and Cropinator there as well.  To unlock the first plot, you need to satisfy three requirements, the same sort of requirements given for any expansion in Family Farm Seaside.  In this instance, they are:

Reach Level 13

Save and use 3000 coins to buy expansion

Prepare and use 6 plates of Grape Cornbread
  Skip for 6 RC

N.B.  Grape Cornbread is a recipe that requires two Cooked Dish ingredients.  You will have 30 Power initially.  Each Cooked Dish takes 1 Power.  Power is restored over the course of time.

Initially, I intended to wait to see if there were a new Quest sequence that would appear involving the Building Plots but I finally went ahead and  completed the first Building Plot expansion.

To make Grape Cornbread, you first must purchase a Pan for 3 RC to make the No-Flour Cornbread that is one of the ingredients.  Note that in this particular farm, I have not and will not purchase any RC as it is not being played on  my system.  Furthermore, it is a good test of how quickly one can progress without purchasing RC!

I had hoped to purchase a Coffee Maker for 15 RC with the RC earned through game Rewards but when forced to purchase a Pan for 3 RC, I saw that the Coffee Maker plan would have to be delayed.  It is a Machine that allows you to make a good profit, however, when you can afford it.

First Building Plot

Even if you choose to meet all requirements for this expansion rather than using RC to skip any of the three tasks, you will be required to spend 3 RC on the Pan that is needed to make one of the ingredients for the Grape Cornbread, as previously indicated.  Ultimately, you will need all Utensils, you so there is no point in delay here.  Bite the bullet as it were and spend the RC on the Pan.

With the completion of this expansion, you will have a completed Cooking Stand.  You can begin to make Dishes for sale to Neibhbours.  This is a good source of income as well as a method by which you can obtain Farm Aids early in the game.

I am not certain how the Cooking Stand operates for players who are only at Level 13 but certainly in this particular case, ast the end of June, you shoujld be able to complete Round 1 as all the dishes required are unlocked for you at this stage.  For the record, they are: Oat Milkshake, Grape Milkshake, Coffee Cookies and Lavender Cheese.  You will need a Juice Machine though, to make the Grape Milkshake.

At Level 14, you will unlock Chardonnay, the Butterfly House and the Almond Tree

Neighbour Requests

The Requests that have been answered as well as those made by Neighbours are in the Envelope Icon on the top right of your screen.  When you receive a Materials for an incomplete structure, you will see the icon of a wrapped Gift next to the Material.  Tap on it to use the Material.

Mystery Shop

You will have access to the Mystery Shop and be able to trade Mystrons as well as using Coins to buy random items.  At a low level, however, you will have only 1 option to change the Screen in the Coin Shop and only after 4 hours will you obtain another.  (Compare with Level 75 where you have a total of 4 possible screens)

Early Strategies:

Although the game basically is giving you step-by-step instructions, you are free to plough more plots, plant more crops and harvest them, as well as using the items to make products in the Machines.  At this point, you always should have Clover growing in your field and bees constantly available to produce Honey. In order to allow the Bees to make Honey, you must leave the Clover on the land until they fertilise it. A fertilised Crop changes colour.  Clover changes from purple to pink with fertilisation.   Only three Honey can be made by any Beehive before you have to harvest it in order to allow more to be made.   Honey is important.  Not only is it the primary ingredient in any Jam, but you will need it in bulk when you unlock the Island.  Stockpile as much as possible. A second Beehive costs 2000 Coins and it is a good investment. Do not be too quick to sell the Items in your Barn.

Make Milk on a constant basis and when you have a Chicken Coop, make Eggs.  Buffalo Milk is useful as well.  Chickens eat Corn and Buffaloes eat Cucumbers.

Register all new Items in your Gallery.  You will see that there are Quests that require this, but you can do it independently as well to earn the Rewards sooner.  Collect your Achievements Rewards.  Early Achievements include:

Leprechaun 1: Harvest 40 Clovers
  Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Rich Landlord 1: Expand your Farm to 13 by 13
  Reward: 20 Coins, 20 XP

More Early Achievements

Scrambler 1: Collect 60 Eggs
  Reward: 100 Coins, 10 XP

Public Figure 1: Have 6 Neighbours
  Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Public Figure 2: Have 80 Neighbours
  Reward: 250 Coins, 30 XP

Good Neighbour 1: Fertilise Neighbour Farm 50 times
  Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Culinarian 1: Cook 5 different kinds of Dishes
  Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Time-restricted Quests will appear on your Screen at Level 10, but will be unlocked only at Level 16, I believe.  Certainly that is the point where the current one is unlocked.

Daily Order Board

The Daily Order Board is unlocked when you complete the 2nd Building Expansion.  Tap on the Board to open the Menu.  At Level 16, you will receive two Orders each day.  Complete both to be able to see a preview of the next day's orders.

15 x 15 Expansion

At Level 16, with access to time-restricted Quests, you may wish to expand again:

Upgrade to Level 10

Save and use 4000 Coins to buy expansion

Produce 30 glasses of Grape Juice to buy expansion

At Level 17, you will unlock Red Rose, Daisy, Chocolate Tree, Black Ostrich and a number of Cleanable Decorations

Making Money Early in the Game

Family Farm Seaside has changed since I wrote the first Guide for the Harvest Moon Farm over three years ago.  There are so many more options and ways to make money.  In those days, you could use machine production to make a small profit on items.  Now, there are the Cooking Stand Contests and Daily Order Board along with so many more Missions and Quests.

The Cooking Stand Contest is basically a monthly Contest that involves four rounds of cooking.   When you first begin to play Seaside, it will be unlikely that you will begin at the start of a new Contest.  You may find that there is only a week or two left to the current contest.  This, however, should not dissuade you from making the dishes required in Round 1.

You may not be able to obtain the special Decoration that is the end Reward, but you will make a profit from the Dishes that Neighbours buy as well as possibly earning Farm Aids.  It can help you enormously even if you cannot complete any of the Rounds.  Visiting Neighbours to eat their Dishes will give you useful Farm Aids as well.


At Level 18, you may find that the need for a Warehouse to store items you are not using currently has become rather pressing.  The Warehouse once was an independent building that could be purchased from the Market.  It now is part of the 3rd Building Plot and therefore will be available only when you have unlocked this Expansion.

The third Building Plot expansion has the following Requirements:

Reach Level 18
Produce and use 12 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 6 RC
Prepare and use 5 bowls of Spaghetti
  Skip for 10 RC
  N.B.  The recipe for Spaghetti is Soft Dough and Soft Dough, but you will need to purchase a Noodle Press for 2 RC before you can make this.

The Burger Machine is an incomplete Machine that requires the following:
10 Burger Pipes
  Request or pay 1 RC for each
1 Burger Chimney
  Cost is 6 RC
As you can see, you must pay 6 RC if you want a Burger Machine

The Requirements for building your Warehouse once you unlock the 3rd Building Plot are as follows:

You need 3 Neighbours to accept positions in the Warehouse:

The Manager
  Invite or skip for 5 RC

The Guard 1
  Invite or skip for 5 RC

The Guard 2
  Invite or skip for 5 RC

The sooner, the better for this, as you may have reached a point where every inch of your Farm is occupied by a plot, tree, animal or machine.

You only need the three neighbours to complete the Warehouse, but any upgrades will require Materials.  At the beginning, the Warehouse will house up to 20 items.  There is a separate section now strictly for Decorations, although Decorations can be stored in the Main Warehouse as well.  The Decorations section houses up to 5 Decorations until upgraded.

Level 20 unlocks Red Pepper, Lily, White Rose, Turkey, Provincial Beehive, Perfume Machine, Order Board (but that isn't true any longer!  I had it by unlocking Building Plot). 

Level Requirement for Collections Missions

I discovered this recently with the Kindle Farm.  The current time-restricted Roman Holiday Quest sequence was unlocked at Level 18 but the corresponding Collections Mission did not appear on the screen until I reached Level 20.  The reason for this, I believe now, is because the Crop that delivers one of the colours of Italian Gelato needed to complete the Collection is Lily, unlocked only when you reach Level 20.  I therefore believe that every Collections Mission may have a different Level requirement that depends wholly on the items needed to complete it.

Basics for Cooking

In the context of the 3rd Building Expansion, where one of the items requires 2 Soft Dough to make, it may be useful to mention the Basic Recipes that are used again and again in Cooking.  These include Cake Flour, Batter and Soft Dough, along with a few others.  Cake Flour and Batter are used to make Soft Dough in fact.  You will need to begin to stock all of these items for use in Quest sequences as you will find that Power never is sufficient for all your needs and unless you use free time to Cook Basic Recipes, you may find that you will be forced to wait to cook a more advanced Recipe until your Power is refilled.  If, however, you keep at least 20 Cake Flour, 20 Batter and 20 Soft Dough in your Barn at all times, it will allow you to progress more quickly when a Quest requires a Cooked Dish.

Time-Restricted Quests

At Level 18, you should gain access to the time-restricted Quests that begin on Fridays and last for 11 days.  On the Kindle Farm, I did not invest in any RC.  What that means is that I shan't be able to complete any of the time-restricted Quests probably.  For example, the one that began today, on 3 July is the Roman Holiday Quest sequence.  It requires the possession of a Coffee Machine costing 15 RC.  I do not have sufficient RC to purchase it.

Note that I am not advocating this approach but as it is not my Kindle, there is no point in spending money on a farm that isn't mine.  Furthermore, it is important to have a sort of Guide for other Farmers who are willing to play only within the confines of the money that the game itself gives to them.

My advice is to begin to participate in the time-restricted Quests and perform as many of the tasks as you can before you are brought to a halt.  Each group of tasks gives 1000 Coins and some decent XP.  You do not need to complete all of them to profit a little by doing what you can.
Here is the Rosewood Farm Guide:
Rosewood Farm Guide

First two Welcome to Seaside Quest missing as some one else started the game before I inherited the Nook.

Welcome to Seaside III

Produce and collect 1 bottle of Milk

Add 1 bottle of milk to the Cheese Maker

Reward: 110 Coins

Welcome to Seaside IV

Move a Hay Bale

Get a Scarecrow

Flip a Scarecrow

Reward: 110 Coins

Welcome to Seaside V

Produce and collect 1 Cheddar Cheese

Plant 4 Clovers

Fertilise 4 times

Reward: 110 Coins, 1 Beehive

This sequence was followed immediately by another Darryl sequence, entitled:

Farming is Magic

Farming is Magic 1

Darryl:  Let me show you a magic trick.  ARe you ready?  First I ned some crops.

Plow 3 new plots of land
plant 3 Clovers

Good job!  Ready for Lil Darry's magic?

Reward: 400 Coins, 21 XP, 25 Super fertilisers

Farming is Magic II

Get the fertiliser from your Gift Box

Fertilise 3 Clovers

Harvest 3 Clovers

Reward: 400 Coins, 21 XP

Cheese Please Quests

Cheese Please I

Feed the Holstein Cow 3 times

Produce and collect 3 bottles of Milk

REward: 400 Coins, 25 XP

Cheese Please II

Add 3 Bottles of Milk to Cheese Master

Produce 3 Cheddar Cheese

Sell 3 Cheddar Cheese from Barn

Reward: 400 Coins, 56 XP

Daily Bread Quests

Daily Bread I

Add 3 sacks of Wheat to Dutch Mill

Produce 3 sacks of Wheat Flour

Rewad: 1000 Coins, 30 XP

Daily Bread II

Buy a Chicken Coop

Add 2 Chickens to Chicken Coop
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 600 Coins, 25 XP, 25 Super Fertiliser

Daily Bread III

Plow 6 new plots of land

Plant 6 Corn

Harvest 6 Corn

Reward: 500 Coins, 30 XP

Daily Bread IV

Feed the Chicken 3 times

Use fast production to produce an Egg

Produce and collect 3 Eggs

Reward: 500 Coins, 36 XP, 100 OP

Daily Bread V

Plant 3 Oats
  SKip for 6 RC

Harvest 3 Oats
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 Sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 36 XP

Daily Bread VI

Reward: 380 Coins, 45 XP

This task completed automatically but I believe it asked the farmer to buy a Baker.

Daily Bread VII

Add 3 Wheat Flour to Baker
  skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Bottles of Milk ot Baker
  skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Eggs to Baker
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 34 XP

Daily Bread VIII

Produce 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell out 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
   Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

More Eggs Please

Produce and collect 3 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

More Cheese Please completed!  I could have sworn it was called: More Eggs Please

Darryl:  Good job!  Eggs now fill the barn.  Find out what happens next on the farm!

Reward: 288 Coins, 41 XP

Daily Bread IX

Produce 3 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 3 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 288 Coins, 41 XP, 25 Watering Cans

Immediately followed by:

Cherry-licious Quests

Cherry-licious I

Purchase a Cherry Tree

Water A Cherry Tree 4 times

Harvest 1 Charry

Reward: 360Coins, 51 XP, Honey x 6

Cherrylicious II

Produce 1 Jar of Cherry Jam

Sell 1 jar of Cherry Jam

Reward: 240 Coins, 34 XP, 10 Honey

Immediately followed by one of Felicia's Quests, 'For the Store'

Think Big I

Expand your Farm to 14 X 14

Plow 15 new plots
  Skip for 7 RC

Darryl:  Well done! Now ready to put your new plots to good use?

Reward:  360 Coins, 51 XP, 1 Rainbow Rain

Think Big II

Plant 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 1 Cherry Tree
  Skip for 1 RC

Use Rainbow Rain 1 time
Rewards:  468 Coins, 67 XP, 1 Cropinator, 20 Gasoline

Think Big III

Get the Cropinator from the Gift Box

Tap the Croponator to use it one time

Harvest 12 Corns

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Grab a Bite

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 4 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 4 ars of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 4 RC

Rewward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

A Cry for Rye I

Plant 12 Rye
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Rye
  Skip for 6 RC

Add 3 Rye to theDutch Mill
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

A Cry for Rye II

Produce 12 sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 6

Produce 12 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 12 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

When you have a number of open Quests, they may not appear on the screen.  Look for arrows to scroll up or down to find hidden Quest sequences.  There was another one early in the game that involved Darryl:

Get Juicy

Get Juicy II

Add 3 Apples to the Juice Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 5 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 5 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Get Juicy III

Plant an Orange Tree
  N.B.  Having an Orange Tree on your Farm before this will not satisfy the requirement.  You will be forced to buy another.  Each Orange Tree costs 500 Coins.

Buy a Ladder from the Store
  Skip for 1 RC
  N.B.  Cost of Ladder is 1000 Coins

Harvest 2 Oranges
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Get Juicy IV

Add 3 Oranges to the Juice Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 3 Glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 3 RC

Sell 3 glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Immediately followed by:

Ready for a Rabbit Quests

Ready for a Rabbit I

Buy a Rabbit from the Store

Plant 12 Carrots
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Carrots
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46XP

Ready for a Rabbit II

Feed Carrots to the Rabbit 3 times
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 12 bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 12 bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 6 RC''

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Followed immediately by:

Frank's Order I

Plant 12 Tomatoes
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Tomatoes
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 12 Tomatoes
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Followed by the appearance of a Felicia Quest entitled 'Wine and Dine' which appears in her section.

Who Loves Tasty Food?

Harvest 16 Corn
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Cornmeal
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food II

Produce 6 Loaves of Corn Bread
  Skip for12 RC

Prepare 2 Jars of Honey Syrup
  Skip for 4 RC

No, that is not an error!  Do not know why they made this one so expensive to skip!

REward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food III

Prepare 2 lots of Batter
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 6 Oranges
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 2 Orange Crumbles
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food IV?

Have 5 Neighbours

Fertilise 8 times on your Neighbours' Farms
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food V?

Produce 3 Sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 3 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

N.B.  The cost of skipping tasks here is utterly random!

Reward: 600 Coins, 85 XP

(Now a series involving Felicia, entitled 'Felicia's Dessert Shop' appears.  You will find this in Felicia's list of Quests.


After 'Who Loves Tasty Food IV?', I reached Level 18 and the time-restricted Quest was unlocked.  It began with Winter Break II and did not include the Collections Mission!  It will be interesting to see how far I can go in this Mission as Winter Break VII requires 50 Peacock Feathers and 50 Goose Feathers.  The Peacock is unlocked but The Goose Poind will not be unlocked until I reach Level 22.  I therefore do not see how I can complete the second group in this Quest sequence unless it is different at this Level.  So far, however, it has shown the same Tasks as it does for higher level Players.  Actually, I see that the Salami Machine, which is required, only unlocks at Level 20.

Winter Break II

Harvest 40 Green Beans
Harvest 40 Daisies
Collect 40 Eggs (and this one is completed when I begin the quest sequence, oddly enough)

Winter Break III
Harvest 50 Oats
Produce 40 Wheat Bread
Prepare 20 Lots of Batter

Winter Break IV
Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Prepare 10 Bowls of Crumbly
Harvest 4 Maple Syrup

In my game, I had reached Level 19 by the time I accessed Winter Break IV.  Crumbly is not unlocked until you reach Level 20.

Winter Break VI
Harvest 50 Spinach
Produce 50 Veggie Burgers
Produce 50 Beef Salami

Winter Break VII
Place Plumeria Tree
Collect 50 Goose Feathers
Collect 50 Peacock Feathers

Winter Break VIII
Harvest 4 JAckfruit
Prepare 6 Soft Dough
Prepare 6 Tofu

At Level 23

Winter Break IX
Produce 60 Rice Flour
Produce 12 Plates of Fried Vegetables with Soy Sauce
Produce 12 Tofu Vegetable Soup

Winter Break X
Collect 20 Thai Greeting Postcards from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC
Harvest 4 Plumeria
Harvest 60 Lavender
  Skip for 30 RC

Flower Shop Frenzy

Plant 14 Lavender
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 14 Lavender
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Follwed immediately by:

Lunch Break

Lunch Break I

Plant 12 Rye
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 15 Clovers
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 42 XP

Lunch Break II

Produce 15 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 7 RC

Produce 12 sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 7 RC

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Lunch Break III

Produce 12 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 12 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 6 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Lunch Break IV

Plant 14 Cucumbers
  Skip for 7 RC

Produce 14 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 7 RC

Sell 14 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Beef It Up

Beef it Up I

Reward: 300 Coins, 42 XP

Completed Automatically

I expect it required the purchase of a Limousin Cow.

Beef it Up II

Plant 15 Pasture
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 15 Pasture
  Skip for 8 RC

Rewards: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Beef It Up III

Feed Pasture to the Cattle 3 times
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 15 Beef
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 15 Beef
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Beef It Up IV

Harvest 12 Tomatoes
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 4 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Beef It Up V

Plant 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Beef

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Immediately followed by:

Grandma's Burgers Quests

Grandma's Burgers I

Get a Burger Machine from the Store

Build the Burger Machine

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Grandma's Burgers II

Harvest 20 Wheat
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Sacks of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Grandma's Burger Machine III

Add 3 Loaves of Wheat Bread to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Cheddar Cheese to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 12 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 12 RC

As luck would have it, the Weekly Activity in my game at Level 23 is to produce 60 Cheese Burgers.  I therefore can kill two birds with one stone here.

Reward:450 Coins, 64 XP

Grandma's Burgers IV

Add 3 loaves of Wheat Bread to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Beef to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 10 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Grandma's Burgers V

Produce 6 Glasses of Cherry Juice
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 15 Glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Grandma's Burgers VI

Sell 15 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 15 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 6500 Coins from the Barn
  Skip for 60 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Last quest in this sequence, followed by:

Barbecue Ball Quests

Barbecue Ball I

Reach Level 15

Ask 10 BBQ Forks from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Barbecue Ball II

Plant 20 Pasture
  Skipf or 10 RC

Harvest 20 Pasture
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards:  495 Coins, 70 XP

Barbecue Ball III

Plant 20 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 20 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Get a Sauce Machine

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Barbecue Ball IV

Add 3 Tomatoes to the Sauce Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 20 Ketchup
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Barbecue Ball V

Harvest 6 Oranges
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 8 Cups of Orange Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Rewards: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Barbecue Ball VI

Add 3 Tomatoes to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Wheat Bread to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 12 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Barbecue Ball VII

Sell 25 Beef
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 12 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 4000 coins worth of goods from the Barn
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed immediately by one of Felicia's Quests entitled 'Pitaya Aid', which will be found in her Quest section.


Level 20 Unlocks Well and Sprinklers
Level 22 Unlocks Fishing Pier

Sweet Sheep Quests

Sweet Sheep I
Reach Level 11

Save 5000 Coins

Buy a Sheep
  N.B.  An existing Sheep will count.

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Sweet Sheep II

Plant 12 Wheat
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Wheat
  Skip for 6 RC

Feed the Sheep 3 Times
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Sweet Sheep III

Produce 15 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 7 RC

Sell 15 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Followed immediately by:

More Wine and Dine Quests

Note that the original 'Wine and Dine' are listed with Felicia's Missions.

Sell 5 Glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 15 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 15 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 8 RC

N.B.  Here is an example of the virtue of NOT selling items from the Barn until you must do so.  Unfortunately, early in the game, you will need the Coins from sales and may not be able to hold onto your Wine and White Wine until you reach this Mission!

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Now a new Mission appears at once:

Grow your Business

Expand your Farm to 15 x 15

Plant 15 Oats
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

At Level 22, Fishing Pier is unlocked and this Quest appears:

First Fishing Trip Quests

First Fishing Trip I

Catch any two items from the Sea
  Skip for 2 RC

Fish 4 times using the Squid Hook
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

TIP:  For the best results, do invest in the best Rod, the Panda Rod, that costs 15 RC.  The price may be high but you will not miss your Fish!

Fishing Trip II

Plant 50 Pasture
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Pasture
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 25 Beef
  Skip for 13 RC

Rewards: 540 Coins, 77 XP

First Fishing Trip III

Catch 1 Gulfweed
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 1 Mud Crab
  Skip for 1 RC

Fish 7 times using the Squid Hook
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

First Fishing Trip IV

Plant 50 Corn
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Corn
  Skip for 25 RC

Buy 1 Butterfly House
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

First Fishing Trip V

Plant 60 Red Roses
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Red Roses
  Skip for 30 RC

Have 3 Lychee Trees on your Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

First Fishing Trip VI

Catch 1 Old Boot
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 1 Coral
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 1 Hairtail
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

First Fishing Trip VII

ollect 20 Jars of Nectar from the Butterfly House
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Ptepare 20 Apple Kulfi
  Skip for 20 RC

N.B.  Stupidly, I did not log this so had to take the tasks from the original Guide I made.  The reward is different... and perhaps the number of items required in each case is different as well!

Reward: 720 Coins, 103 XP

First Fishing Trip VIII

Catch 5 fish at the fishing pier
  Skip for 5 RC

Catch 1 item in less than 5 taps
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 2 fish which are at least 1 star in weight
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

First Fishing Trip IX

Plant 60 Lotus Flowers
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Lotus Flowers
  Skip for 30 RC

Collect 60 Goose Feathers
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 780 Coins, 111 XP

First Fishing Trip X

Catch 2 items which are two stars in weight
  Skip for 2 RC

Catch 1 item in less than 7 taps
  Skip for 1 RC

Fish 3 times with the Bone Fishhook
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 535 Coins, 83 XP

Last in sequence, followed by:

Holy Smokes Quests

This is one of Grandma's Quest sequences.

Holy Smokes I

Have a Salt Pond on your Farm

Have a Smoke House on you Farm

Collect 1 Salt from your Salt Pond
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Holy Smokes II

Catch 3 Yellow Croakers
  Skip for 3 RC

Rewards: 535 Coins, 83 XP

Note that this is a situation where you should use the Boost.  When you access your fishing pier, tap on the Hook, which in this case should be the Squid Hook.  You will see the option to 'Boost'.  When you tap on that, you will see all the items you can catch with this Hook.  The ordinary cost of using the Squid Hook is 10 Bait and it consumes 1 try.  With the Boost, you use 25 Bait and 3 Tries but you will catch the specific item chosen in the Boost Menu.  

Holy Smokes III

Add 3 Yellow Croakers to the Smoke House
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Salt to the Smoke House
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Yellow Croakers from the Smoke House
  Skip for 3 RC

Rewards: 535 Coins, 83 XP

Holy Smokes IV

Add 1 Hairtail to the Smoke House
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Smoked Hairtail
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 468 Coins, 67 XP

Holy Smokes V

 Add 1 Tilapia to the Smoke House
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Smoked Tilapia
  Skip for 1 RC

Rewards: 468 Coins, 67 XP

Holy Smokes VI

Add 1 Flatfish to the Smoke House
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Smoked Flatfish
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 468 Coins, 67 XP


Darryl's Quests, Seafood House,  Level 25

At Level 25, a new Quest involving Darryl appeared.

Beach Party Quests

Beach Party I

Have a Surf Board on your Farm
  Surf Board costs 2300 Coins

Have a Seafood House on your Farm

Fish 6 times with the Squid Hook
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Beach Party II

Process 6 Crayfish in the Seafood House
  SKip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Bowls of Steamed Egg with Shrimp
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 plates of Custard Crab
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 1014 Coins, 145 XP

Darryl's Cookbook Quests

Darryl's Cookbook I

Harvest 20 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 jars of Ketchup
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl Cookbook II

Harvest 20 Pasture
  Skip for 5 R

Produce 20 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl's Cookbook III

Prepare 5 Flank Steaks
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 5 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 5 Cornbread Meatloaf
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 660 Coins, 94 XP

Darryl Cookbook IV

Harvest 6 Jars of Maple Syrup
   Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Harvest 10 Apples
  Skip for 5 RC

Rewards: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl Cookbook V

Prepare 4 lots of Fruit Butter
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl Cookbook VI

Produce 16 Sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Eggs
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl Cookbook VII

Produce 16 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Loaves of Whole Oat Fruit Bread
  Skip for 16 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl Cookbook VIII

Sell 8 Whole Oat Fruit Bread
  Skp for 16 RC

Sell 8 Orange Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward; 495 Coins, 70 XP

Last in sequence, followed by:

Darryl's Cake Stall Quests

Darryl's Cake Stall I

Produce 30 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 15 Cake Flour

Reward; 660 Coins, 94 XP

On 13 February, a new Quest sequence involving Darryl was released:

Into the Woods

Into the Woods I

Darryl:  Howdy Farmer! I found something amazing in the woods.  It's a Gallery, an ancient place where you can present your farm successes and record all the farm activities.  And if you don't believe me, come and see yourself!

Register your Holstein Cow in the Gallery

Feed the Holstein Cow 3 times

Reward: 125 Coins, 45 XP

Into the Woods II

Collect 3 bottles of Milk

Register a Hale Bale in the Gallery
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 125 Coins, 48 XP

Into the Woods III

Plant 3 Clovers

Register a Scarecrow in the Gallery

Reward: 125 Coins, 50 XP

Into the Woods IV

Register a Beehive in the Gallery

Fertilise 3 Clovers

Collect 3 jars of Honey
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 125 Coins, 53 XP, 5 Super Fertilisers

Into the Woods V

Add 3 Bottles of Milk to the Cheese Master

Register a Cheese Master in the Gallery

Reward: 125 Coins, 57 XP

Into the Woods VI

Plant 5 Wheat
  Skip for 3 RC

Register a Dutch Mill in the Gallery

Reward: 125 Coins, 60 XP

Into the Woods VII

Harvest 2 Apples
  Skip for 2 RC

Register an Apple Tree in the Gallery

Have 10 Gallery Points

Reward: 125 Coins, 65 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence.

Hickory Dickory Duck Quests

Hickory Dickory Duck I

Buy 4 Water Pond and place them 2 x 2
  Go to Store

Place a Green Duck on the Water

Place an extra Green Duck in the Duck Pond
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Existing Pond Water and Green Ducks do not count here.

Hickory Dickory Duck II

Plant 20 Oat
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 20 Oats
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Hickory Dickory Duck III

Feed 3 Oats to the Ducks
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 20 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Last quest in this sequence, followed by:

Cherry Good Question

Plant a Gisela Cherry Tree

Harvest 3 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

At Level 40:

Obi's Orders Quests

Obi's Orders I

Plant 22 Rice
  Skip for 11 RC

Harvest 22 Rice
  Skip for 11 RC

Harvest 25 Cucumbers
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 495  Coins, 70 XP

Obi's Orders II

Add 3 Duck Eggs in the Sauce Machine
  skip for 3 RC

Produce 25 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Obi's Orders III

Produce 25 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 25 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 18 Eggs
  Skip for 9 RC

Reward: 660 Coins, 94 XP

Last in sequence, followed by:

Chez Charelle Quests

Place a Peacock on the Farm

Feed Rice to the Peacock 3 times
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 22 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 11 RC

REwards: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Chez Charelle II

Sell 22 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for11 RC

Sell 20 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 20 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards:396 Coins, 56 XP

Immediately followed by:

Oh My Ostrich Quests

Oh My Ostrich I

Plant 35 Daisies
  Skip for 15 RC

Harvest 35 Daisies
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 432 Coins, 61 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall Quests

Darryl's Cake Stall I

Reward: 660 Coins, 94 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall II

Produce 30 Wheat Flour
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Eggs
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 15 Batter
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 660 Coins, 94 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall III

Harvest 8 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 10 Soft Dough
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 Cherry Flans
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall IV

Produce 10 Cherry Jam
  Skip for 10 RC

PRepare 5 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall V

Harvest 8 Lychee
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 10 Lychee Scones
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall VI

Sell 10 Lychee Scones
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 5 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 15000 coins worth of goods from the Barn
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed immediately by a Quest sequence from Grandma:

Picnic Time

Picnic Time I

Harvest 30 Rice
  Skip for 15 RC

Harvest 30 Oats
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 432 Coins, 61 XP

Picnic Time II
Produce 30 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 15 Rice Krispies
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 720 Coins, 103 XP

Picnic Time III

Harvest 30 Blueberries
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Blueberry Jam
  Skip for 15 RC

Rewards: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Picnic Time IV

Harvest 4 Chocolates
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 8 Chocolate Dream Bars
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Picnic Time V

Produce 30 bottles of Wine
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Aftter completing Felicia's 'Language of Love' Quests, the following appeared with Darryl:

Good Life Quests

Good Life I

Harvest 10 Apples
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 15 cups of Apple Juice
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 25 bottles of Wine
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP


The second early group of Quests involves Felicia:

Busy Bees

Hi, I'm Felicia.  Darrul's sister.  Do you like insects?  We can watch the busy bees!  STand still and maybe they won't sting!

Place a Beehive on your farm

produce and collect 1 jar of honey

Felicia:  Sweet job!  Don't sell your Honey yet!  You will need it soon!

Reward: 220 Coins, 21 XP, 25 Super Watering Cans

Apple Tree

Get a Watering Can from your gift box

Water the tree with a Super Watering Can

Harvest 1 Apple

Reward: 220 Coins, 21 XP

Jam in Store Quests

Jam in Store I

Purchase a Jam Machine from store

Add 1 apples to Jam Machine

Add 1 jar of Honey to Jam Machine

Reward: 220 coins, 21 XP

Jam in Store II

Collect 1 Jar of Apple Jam

Sell 1 Jar of Apple Jam ifrom Barn

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Follwed immediately by::

Pure White

Buy 1 Milky Fence
  Skip for 2 RC

Plant 3 Clovers
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 30 XP

Jam in Store III

Plant 5 Grapes

Purchase 6 Super Fertilisers

Use Suepr Fertiliser to fertilse 5 times
  SKip for 1 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 25 XP

Jam in Store IV

Add 3 jars of Honey to Jam Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Grapes to Jam Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Jame in Store V

Produce 3 Jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 3 Jars of Grape Jam from Barn
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Immediately followed by:

True Farmer

Purchase a Shovel
  Skip for 2 RC

Expand your farm to 13 by 13

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Now followed by:

The More the Merrier

Have at least 2 Neighbours

Fertilise 5 itmes on your neighbours' farm
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Another Day, Another Plot

Plow 6 new plots of land

Plant 6 Cucumbers

Harvest 6 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Well done!  You can sell or keep the cucumbers!  Find out later what anial eats them!  Share this news with your friends!

Reward: 216 Coins, 30 XP

Immediately followed by:

Farm Wealth I

Reward: 216 Coins, 30 XP

Followed immediately by:

A Big Friend I

Buy a Buffalo

Feel Buffalo 3 times with Cucumbers
  skip for 3 RC

Produce 8 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 315 Coins, 45 XP

A Big Friend II

Add 3 Buffalo Milk to Cheese Master
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 8 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 8 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

For the Store I

Plant 3 Clovers
Produce 8 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 8 jars of Honey
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins,  51 XP

For the Store II

Plant 8 Tomatoes
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 8Tomatoes
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 8 Tomatoes
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 288 Coins, 41 XP

For the Store III

Sell 4 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 5 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 5 RC

Buy 2 Hay Bales
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Coffee Bean

Plant 7 Coffee Beans

Harvest 7 Coffee Beans

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Forever Friends:

Reach Ranch Level 9

Have at least 5 NEighbours

Buy a Ranch Bell

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Forever Friends II

Plant 10 Grapes
  Skip for 5 RC

Plant 12 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 38 XP

Forever Friends III

Help your neighbours by fertilisering their growing crops.  It will give you coins, XP and they'll visit your farm, too.

Fertilise 15 times on neighbour farms
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 10 Grapes
  Skip for 5 RC

Harvest 12 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Forever Friends IV

Produce 12 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Forever Friends V

Sell 12 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6  RC

Sell 12 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Immediately followed by:

Family Picnic Missions

Family Picnic I

Place 12 new plots
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 12 Oats
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Family Picnic II

Plant 12 Clover
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Family Picnic III

Harvest 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Collect 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Family Picnic IV

Harvest 4 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 6 Cherry Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Ask for 3 Jam Jars from your Neighbours
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Family Picnic V

Sell 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 6 Cherry Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 8 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 RC

Family Picnic VI

(This is Darryl now)

Plant 12 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Family Picnic VII

Have at least 7 Neighbours

Harvest 7 Apples
  Skip for 7 RC

Produce 7 Glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Family Picnic VIII

Harvest 14 Carrots
  Skip for 7 RC

Feed Carrots to the Rabbit 3 times
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 14 bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Family Picnic IX

Sell 10 Glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 14 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 7 RC

Sell 14 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

End of Sequence, immediately followed by:  'Sweet Sheep' Quests.  You will find this sequencce in Darryl's list.

Felicia's Cooking Stand

Felicia:  We've got a new cooking stand on the farm!  I'm so happy!  Now I can invite my neighbours to enjoy my delicious food!

Place a Cooking Stand on your Farm
  Cost is 500 Coins and it is complete when purchased.

Prepare 5 jars of Honey Syrup
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Cooking Stand

When I placed the Cooking Stand, I was given access to the current Cooking Stand Contest, which requires from me the following:

A total of 200 Dishes with 60 potential of each of these:

60 Oat Milkshake
60 Grape Milkshake
60 Coffee Cookies
60 Lavender Cheese

This is the first Round in the current Contest by the way. 

Went up to Level 8 and OP was unlocked.

Went to Level 10 and now there are four different Quests on the board.

Felicia's Secret I

Darryl is always making fun of me that I cannot cook... Well, I've followed some cooking courses latelhy, and I am gonna give Grandma and Darryl a big surprise.  But I will need to have a Kitchen.

Get a Kitchen

Finish building the Kitchen

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Felicia's Secret II

Gorgonzola Baked Apples would be good to mke, what do you think?  Let's see, first we make the Honey Sauce.  We need to get some Honey Dippers to keep m7 hands clean when gathering the Honey.

Prepare 1 jar of Honey Syrup
  Skip for 6 RC

 Collect 2 Honey  Dippers from Neighbours
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Felicia's Secret III

Harvest 4 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 4 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 1 Cheese Apple
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Felicia's Secret IV

Plant 12 Wheat
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 sacks of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Felicia's Secret V

Prepare 3 Gorgonzola Baked Apples
  Skip for 5 RC
You have to buy a Fork for 2200 Coins

Make 1500 Coins by selling goods from the Barn

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Begin to Cook I

Felicia:  Grandma told me that every young lady should be able to cook to be a good housewife.  I don't agree with this traditional way of thinking, but it sure is useful to be able to cook!

Plant a Maple Tree

Harvest 2 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 2 RC

Harvest 4 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Rewards: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Begin to Cook II

Produce 8  jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 2 jars of Apple Jelly
  Skip for 3 RC
  N.B.  You need to purchase a Jar for 2500 Coins in order to make Apple Jelly in the Kitchen.

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Begin to Cook III

Harvest 3 Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Prepare 1 lot of Fruit Butter
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Aprons from Neighbours
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 405 Coins, 58 XP

Begin to Cook IV

Produce 12 sacks of Oat Flour
   Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Begin to Cook V

Produce 6 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 2 Whole Oat Fruit Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 2 Whole Oat Fruit Breads
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

(Followed now by Darryl's Mission, 'Who Loves Tasty Food?')

One of the quests that now appears on the screen is the time restricted mission that won't unlock until I reach Level 18

Purchase your 13 x 13 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 4

Save 500 Coins to buy expansion

Produce 5 Cheddar Cheese to buy expansion

Purchase your 14 x 14 expansion

Upgrade to Level 6

Save 1500 Coins to buy expansion

Produce 5 jars of Apple Jam to buy expansion
  Skip for 12 RC

Purchase your 15 x 15 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 16
  Skip for 14 RC

Save 10000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of White Wine for expansion
  Skip for 40 RC

Purchase your 17 x 17 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 16

Save 25000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 50 bundles of Wool to buy expansion
  Skip for 50 RC

Wine and Dine I

(This appeared after I completed Darryl's Rabbit Quests at Level 16 but this one involves Felicia)

Get a Wine Maker from the Store

Buy a Wooden Barrel from Store
  Skip for 2 RC

Collect 5 Wine Glasses from your neighbours
   Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 324 Coins, 46 XP

Wine and Dine II

Plant 12 Grapes
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Grapes
  Skip for 6 RC

Add 3 Grapes to the Wine Maker
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 454 Coins, 64 XP

Wine and Dine III

Produce 12 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 12 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 8 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Wine and Dine IV

Plant 14 White Grapes
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 14 White Grapes
  Skip for 7 RC

Add 3 White Grapes to the Wine Maker
   Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Wine and Dine V

Produce 14 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 7 RC

Sell 14 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 7 RC

Sell 12 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

As soon as this Mission was completed, a Mission involving Darryl entitled 'Flower Shop Frenzy' appeared.  It is listed under Darryl's Quests.

Fellicia's Dessert Shop

Felicia's Dessert Shop I

Harvest 4 jars of Maple Syrup
  Skip for 4 RC

Harvest 8 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 4 jars of Apple Jelly
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 600 Coins, 85 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop II

Harvest 16 Oats
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 16 Rye
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop III

Produce 8 Jars of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Light Muffins
  Skip for 8 RC

Collect 10 Brochures from your Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Note the cost of skipping the Neighbour requirement.  The game really has become quite aggressive in terms of Neighbour totals and interactions.  If you can find a Family Farm Seaside Group on Facebook and place your Farm ID and Farm Name in the Add Me post thread, you will benefit by obtaining more Neighbours.

Reward: 600 Coins, 85 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop IV

Produce 16 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 16 RC

Prepare 4 Cheese Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 4 Gorgonzola Baked Apples
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 26 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop V

Harvest 20 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 10 Cornmeal
  Skip for10 RC

Produce 10 Loaves of Corn Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop VI

Sell 4 Gorgonzola Baked Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Sell 9 Light Muffins
  Skip for 18 RC

Sell 10 Cornbread
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Fellicia's Dessert Shop VII

Prepare 4 lots of Batter
  Skip for 4 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Harvest 10 Apples
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Fellicia's Dessert Shop VIII

Prepare 4 Cornmeal
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 4 Lots of Sunrise Porridge
  Skip for 4 RC

Sell 4 lots of Sunrise Porridge
  Skip for 8 RC

You need a Spoon costing 4500 Coins to make Sunrise Porridge

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by Darryl's Cookbook Quests, listed under Darryl's Quests


At Level 20, the following appeared:

Grandma's Orders

Grandma's Orders I

Purchase an Order Board
  Cost is 3000 Coins

Have 6 Apple Trees
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 468 Coins, 67 XP

Grandma's Orders II

Plant 25 Clovers

Plant 15 Cucumbers

Reward: 390 Coins, 55 XP

Grandma's Orders III

Collect 15 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 15 Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 468 Coins, 67 XP

Grandma's Orders IV

Produce 15 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 3 Cheese Apples
  Skip for 5 RC

Check the Order Board and finish the Order
  Unfortunately, I was unable to get the game to accept my completion of the third order, so had to wait for the following day.

Reward: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Grandma's Orders V

Wait and complete the next day's Order
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 585 Coins, 83 XP

THIS IS THE LAST QUEST IN THIS SEQUENCE.  It basically was a tutorial for the Daily Order Board.  Three different items are requested per day.  Sell them to receive the Reward.  Bonus points are given if you complete all three.  The various 'Sheep' that can be placed for different farm aids are the 'Big' Rewards of which Grandma speaks at the end.  The Sheep can be registered in the Gallery.

Note that, as soon as the Daily Order Board is placed, you will have access to the Daily Orders.  At my current level, they are:

Sell 10 Apples
Sell 10 Jars of Pitaya Jam
Sell 5 Sacks of Cake Flour

As there are too many Quests on the screen that conflict with these orders, I will ignore them.  They will change in half an hour in any event.

Purchase your 19 x 19 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 22

Save 100000 Coins to buy expansion

Have a complete Warehouse on your ranch
   I completed my Warehouse some time ago, so only need to complete the other two tasks.  It may be better to use RC to skip the Coin total and simply reach Level 22.  The cost then would be 10 RC for the upgrade.

Coming Cold Quests

Coming Cold I

Buy 2 Woodpiles
  Skip for 4 RC

Collect 5 sets of Gloves from Neighbours
  Skip for 8 RC'

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Coming Cold II

Collect 18 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 9 RC

Collect 18 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 9 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Coming Cold III

Plant 15 Lavender
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 15 Lavender
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Coming Cold IV

Produce 12 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Coming Cold V

Plant 15 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 15 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

Coming Cold VI

Produce 6 Jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 Jars of Orange Jam
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Coming Cold VII

Produce 16 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 15 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 450 Coins, 64 XP

Coming Cold VIII

Produce 16 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 360 Coins, 51 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed by:

Honourable Orders Quests

Honourable Orders I

Plant 16 Chardonnay
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 16 Chardonnay
  Skip for 8 RC

Add 3 Chardonnay to the Wine Maker
  Skip for 2 RC

Rewards: 460 Coins, 64 XP

Honourable Orders II

Produce 16 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 8 XP

Sell 16 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Honourable Orders III

Produce 18 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 9 RC

Sell 18 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 9 RC

Sell 16 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Honourable Orders IV

Sell 20 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Save 12,000 Coins

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

This is the last of this sequence, followed immediately by a Darryl Mission entitled 'Hickory Dicker Duck', found in Darryl's section.
WARNING:  At this point in the game, you probably will have more than four Quest sequences active at any given time.  Make certain that you always scroll up and down to view them in order to complete the tasks.  Otherwise, you may forget some of the active task requirements.  You can tap on the exclamation point ABOVE the Quest icons to see all active Quests but you cannot interact with them from that viewpoint.


Daily Order Board, Level 21, Day 3: Sell 10 Clovers, Sell 10 jars of Honey, Sell 3 Cheese Apples


Level 22

When I reached Level 22, I was able to buy a Goose Pond in order to produce the Goose Feathers required for the time-restricted 'Winter Break' Quest.

At Level 22, the Collections Mission for Surfboards, part of the current time-restricted Mission, appeared finally on the right side of the screen.  I believe it appears only now because the Candy Machine has been unlocked finally.

Note that all time-restricted Quests will be found on this site as Posts.  I do not include them on this Quest page ordinarily as they are valid only for a specific number of days before they expire.

At Level 22, the Fishing Pier is unlocked as well and a new Quest appears on the screen with a Fish Icon.

It is one of Darryl's Quests and is entitled 'First Fishing Trip'.  I therefore am listing it iwith Darryl's Quests.

At Level 22, the following Quest appeared on the Screen.  It is one of Felicia's Quests, so I am including it here:

Farm Movie Fest Quests

Farm Movie Quest I

Have a Stone Mailbox on youf farm
  Skip for 6 RC

Have 2 Cinnamon Trees on your Farm
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 4 Cinnamon
  Skip for 6 RC

Note that this is a very expensive Quest as each Cinnamon Tree costs 15000 Coins and the Stone Mailbox costs 4000 Coins!

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Farm Movie Fest II

Have 5 Lemon Trees on your Farm
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 baskets of Pepernoten
  Skip for 16 RC

Prepare 8 baskets of Speculoos
  Skip for 16 XP

N.B.  You must buy a Cookie Cutter for 2 RC to make Speculoos

Reward: 540 Coins, 77 XP

(Different Quest: Reward: 600 Coins,  85 XP)

Farm Movie Fest III

Produce 5 Banana Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 5 Lemon Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 25 pitchers of Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 25 RC

Must purchase Goblet for 5000 Coins to unlock Recipe for Lemon Champagne

Reward: 720 Coins, 103 XP

Farm Movie Fest IV

Plant 200 Grapes
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 200 Grapes ?
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 25 Jars of Grape Jam ?
  Skip for 20 RC

(Did not log this one, but I think these are the tasks)

720 Coins, 103 XP

Farm Movie Fest V

Plant 200 Blackberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 200 Blackberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 25 Jars of Blackberry Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 720 Coins, 103 XP

Farm Movie Fest VI

Produce 10 glasses of Cherry Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Fish 30 times with the Treble Hook
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 3 Octopus Balls
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 720 Coins, 103 XP

Farm Movie Fest VII

Have a Sundial on your Farm

Plant 200 Chardonnay
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 200 Chardonnay
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 585 Coins, 83 XP

Farm Movie Fest VIII

Produce 50 bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 10 Glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 780 Coins, 111 XP

Farm Movie Fest IX

Prepare 25 plates of Arabic Kabsa
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 25 Roast Turkeys
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 25 Stuffed Turkeys
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 780 Coins, 111 XP

Pitaya Aid Quests

Pitaya Aid I

Plant 22 Pitaya
  Skip for 11 RC

Harvest 22 Pitaya
  Skip for 11 RC

Collect 22 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 11 RC

Rewards: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Pitaya Aid II

Produce 22 jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 11 RC

Sell 22 jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 11 RC

Place a Sundial on the Ranch
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP''

Last in this sequence, followed immediately by:

Language of Love Quests

Language of Love I

Plant 25 Love Fruit
  Skip for 12 RC

Harvest 25 Love Fruit
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Language of Love II

Gat a Cake Machine
  Go to Store

Complete Building the Cake Machine

Collect 10 Love Cards from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 495 Coins, 70 XP

Language of Love III

Add 3 Love Fruits to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Sacks of Wheat Flour to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Eggs to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Language of Love IV

Produce 25 Love Cakes
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 25 Love Cakes
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Language of Love V

Produce 5 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 5 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 396 Coins, 56 XP

Language of Love VI

Sell 20 jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 8 Jars of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 8 RC

Rewards: 432 Coins, 61 XP

Language of Love VII

Get a Flower Basket
  Skip for 2 RC
  Cost is 2500 Coins

Fertilise on your Neighbours' Farms 30 times
  Skip for 30 RC

Rewards: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Language of Love VIII

Harvest 30 Love Fruits
  Skip for 15 RC

Harvest 30 Lavenders
  Skip for 15 RC

Rewards: 540 Coins, 77 XP

Last in sequence, followed by Darryl's 'Good Life' Quests in his section.

Grandma's Quests

Recipe for Success Quests

This sequence introduces the Beauty Shop

Recipe for Success I

Have a Beauty Shop on your Farm

Harvest 100 Blue Roses
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 100 Red Roses
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 780 Coins, 111 XP

Recipe for Success II

Process 4 Gulfweed in Seafood House
  Skip for 8 RC

Craft 6 Clay Facial Masks in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC

Craft 6 Rose Facial Masks in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 780 Coins, 111 XP

Recipe for Success III

Process 6 Coral in Seafood House
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 70 Goose Feathers
  Skip for 35 RC

Craft 3 Goose Feather Earrings in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 3 RC
Reward: 1014 Coins, 145 XP

Recipe for Success IV

Harvest 70 Sugar Beets
  Skip for 35 RC

Prepare 10 bowls of Peche au Caramel
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 5 Peach Cobblers
  Skip for 10 RC

N.B.  To prepare Peach Cobbler, you need a Pan that costs 2 RC

Reward: 780 Coins, 111 XP

Here you may find it is useful to invest in a second Sugar Machine.  They cost 9900 Coins and are complete when purchased.  With two machines, you can make Maple Sugar and Caramel at the same time.  With three Sugar Machines, you can make Sugar, Maple Sugar and Caramel at the same time.  This group of tasks requires both Caramel and Maple Sugar for Caramel Sauce, one of the ingredients in Peche au Caramel.

Recipe for Success V

Prepare 2 plates of Crab Meat Yi Mein
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 2 plates of Wakame Salad
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 2 plates of Seafood Salad
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 1014 Coins, 145 XP

Recipe for Success VI

Craft 10 Red Cord Necklaces in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 35 RC

Craft 2 Pearl Necklaces in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC

Craft 2 Banana Facial Masks in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 1014 Coins, 145 XP


What follows now is the original Guide.  Some Quest sequences are repeated, but I will clean up the file in time...  I was not as experienced obviously with respect to the game and the way it operated when I logged the early Quest sequences.  You therefore will find them simply as they appeared on my screen.

Harvest Moon Farm

True Farmer
Purchase a Shovel

Expand your Farm to 13 x 13
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 600 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed by:

The More the Merrier

Have at least 2 Neighbours

Fertilise 5 times on your neighbours' farm

Reward: 220 Coins, 30 XP

Another Day, Another Plot

Plow 6 new plots of land
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 6 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 6 Cucumbers
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 30 XP

This is followed instantly by:

Farm Wealth I

Reach Level 7
  Skip for 2 RC (per level)

Save 2,300 Coins
  Skip for 16 RC

Reward: 350 Coins, 35 XP

This is followed by:

A Big Friend I

Buy a Buffalo

Feed Buffalo 3 Times with Cucumbers
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 8 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 320 Coins, 38 XP

A Big Friend II

Add 3 Buffalo Milk to Cheese Master
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 8 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 8 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 350 Coins, 38 XP

Evidently, this is the last quest in this linear progression at Level 8.

Daily Bread Quests

Daily Bread IV

Feed the Chicken 3 Times

Use fast production to produce an Egg

Produce and collect 5 Eggs
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 180 Coins, 22 XP

Daily Bread V

Plant 5 Oat
  Skip for 5 RC

Harvest 5 Oat
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 5 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 45 XP

Daily Bread VI

Get to Level 6

Save 1, 400 Coins
  Skip for 5 RC

Get a Baker
   Skip for 2 RC
  N.B.  Baker costs 1,400 Coins

Reward: 300 Coins, 22 XP

Daily Bread VII

Add 3 Wheat Flour to Baker
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 bottles of Milk to Baker
  Skip fo 3 RC

Add 3 Eggs to Baker
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 22 XP

Daily Bread VIII

Produce 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell out 6 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 25 XP

More Eggs Please*

Produce and collect 6 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

More Cheese Please*

Reward: 240 Coins, 25 XP

My cousin, who is playing on Bluestacks and trying to help me with these initial quests for the guide, neglected to make complete notes for these two quests, although they appear to be part of the Daily Bread sequence in a strange way.

Daily Bread IX

Produce 6 Loaves of Oact Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 6 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

There are two original separate Quest sequences, shown above and continued here:


1st Sequence:


Beef It Up Quests

Beef it Up III
  Feed Pasture to the Cattle 3 Times
  Produce 15 Beef
  Sell 15 Beef
     Skip for 8 RC

Rward: 150 Coins, 38 XP

Beef It Up IV

Harvest 12 Tomatoes
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 4 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 38 XP

Beef it Up V

Plant 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 12 Corn
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Beef
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 38 XP

N.B.  This is the last quest in this sequence.  This now is followed by 'Grandma's Burgers'

Grandma's Burgers Quests

Grandma's Burgers I

Get a Burger Mahine from the Store

Build the Burger Machine
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 38 XP

N.B.  The Burger Machine costs 2100 Coins.  To build it, you must pay 2100 Coins.  You then must build it.  Two different materials are required.  One Burger Chimney must be purchased using 6 RC.  The other materials is a Burger Pipe, of which a total of 10 are required.  You may request these from Neighbours or purchase them for 1 RC each.

Grandma's Burgers II

Harvest 20 Wheat
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Sacks of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 38 XP

Grandma's Burgers III

Add three loaves of Wheat Bread to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Cheddar Cheese to Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 12 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 38 XP

Grandma's Burgers IV

Add 3 loaves of Wheat Bread to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Add 3 Beef to the Burger Machine
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 10 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 180 Coins, 40 XP

Grandma's Burgers V

Produce 6 Glasses of Cherry Juice
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 8 Glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 15 Glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Grandma's Burgers VI

Sell 15 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 15 Beef Burgers
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 6500 Coins worth of goods from the Barn
  Skip for 60 RC

Reward: 210 Coins, 38 XP

This sequence now is followed by:

Barbecue Ball Quests:

Barbecue Ball 1:

Reach Level 15

Ask 10 BBQ Forks from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 215 Coins, 40 XP

Barbecue Ball II

Plant 20 Pasture
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 20 Pasture
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 35 XP

Barbecue Ball III

Plant 20 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 20 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Get a Sauce Machine

Reward: 220 Coins, 40 XP

Barbecue Ball IV

Add 3 Tomatoes to the Sauce Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 20 Ketchup
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 215 Coins, 35 XP

Barbecue Ball V

Harvest 5 Oranges
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 8 Cups of Orange Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 225 Coins, 40 XP

Barbecue Ball VI

Add 3 Tomatoes in the Burger Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Wheat Bread in the Burger Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 12 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 42 XP

Barbecue Ball VII

Sell 25 Beef
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 12 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 4000 coins worth of goods from the Barn
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 215 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in the Barbecue Ball Sequence, now followed by:

Pitaya Aid Quests

Pitaya Aid I

Plant 22 Pitaya
  Skip for 11 RC

Harvest 22 Pitaya
  Skip for 11 RC

Collect 22 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 11 RC

Reward: 225 Coins, 42 XP

Pitaya Aid II

Produce 22 jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 11 RC

Sell 22 jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 11 RC

Place a Sundial on the Ranch
  Skip for 3 RC
  N.B.  Cost of Sundial is 2300 Coins.  It is fairly small, so not difficult to place, even on a crowded Farm!

Reward: 230 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last event in this sequence and is followed by:

Language of Love Quests

Language of Love I

Plant 25 Love Fruit
  Skip for 12 RC

Havest 25 Love Fruit
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 225 Coins, 42 XP

Language of Love II

Get a Cake Machine

Complete building the Cake Machine

Collect 10 Love Cards from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 235 Coins, 38 XP

Language of Love III

Add 3 Love Fruits to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Sacks of Wheat Flour to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Eggs to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 42 XP

Language of Love IV

Produce 25 Love Cakes
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 25 Love Cakes
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 235 Coins, 42 XP

Language of Love V

Produce 5 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 5 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 240 Coins,  45 XP

Language of Love VI

Sell 20 Jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 8 Jars of Cherry Jam
  skip for 8 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 38 XP

Language of Love VII

Get a Flower Basket
  Skip for 2 RC

Fertilise on your Neighbours' Farms 30 times
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 39 XP

Language of Love VIII

Harvest 30 Love Fruits
  Skip for 15 RC

Harvest 30 Lavender
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 235 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this particular sequence, now followed by:

Good Life Quests

Good Life I

Harvest 10 Apples
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 15 Cups of Apple Juice
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 25 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 42 XP

Good Life III

Harvest 35 Cucumbers
  Skip for 18 RC

Produce 35 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 17 RC

Collect 10 Chair Sets from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 45 XP

This is the last quest in this particular sequence, followed now by:

Daily Fodder Quests

Daily Fodder I

Harvest 38 Carrots
  Skip for 19 RC

Produce 38 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 19 RC

Sell 38 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 19 RC

Reward: 240 Coins,  38 Coins

Daily Fodder II

Harvest 38 Wheat
  Skip for 19 RC

Produce 38 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 19 RC

Sell 38 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 19 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

Picnic Pals Quests

Picnic Pals I

Reach Level 19

Get a Picnic Basket
  Skip for 2 RC  (The Basket costs 1500 Coins, making the expenditure of RC on it rather absurd!)

Reward: 250 Coins, 42 XP

Picnic Pals II

Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 215 Coins, 45 XP

Picnic Pals III

Collect 40 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 38 XP

Picnic Pals IV

Harvest 42 Tomatoes
  Skip for 21 RC

Produce 42 Ketchup
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 225 Coins, 42 XP

Picnic Pals V

Harvest 45 Grapes
  Skip for 22 RC

Harvest 5 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 42 XP

Picnic Pals VI

Produce 45 Cups of Grape Juice
  Skip for 22 RC

Produce 8 Black Forest Cakes with Gisela CHerries
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 8000 Coins worth of Goods from the Barn
  Skip for 50 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 42 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed now by:

Party Hardy Quests

Party Hardy I

Collect 10 Party Tickets from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 45 Ostrich Feathers to make masques
  Skip for 22 RC

N.B.  The Black Ostrich costs 4800 Coins and will produce an Ostrich Feather every minute and a half when fed Daisies.

Reward: 250 Coins, 40 XP

Party Hardy II

Get a Salami Machine

Collect 10 Peppermint from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 42 XP

Party Hardy III

Add 3 Beef to the Salami Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 45 Beef Salami
  Skip for 22 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 38 XP

Party Hardy IV

Produce 45 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 22 RC

Produce 45 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 22 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 40 XP

Party Hardy V

Produce 10 cups of Cherry Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 45 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 22 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 40 XP (?)

Party Hardy VI

Produce 45 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 22 RC

Produce 45 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 22 RC

Reward: 235 Coins, 45 XP

Party Hardy VII

Produce 50 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 25 RC

Sell 10,000 Coins worth of goods from the Barn

Reward: 240 Coins, 45 XP

Party Hardy Aftermath

Plant 55 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 28 RC

Harvest 55 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 46 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

White Turkey Quests

White Turkey I

Plant 60 Rice
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Rice
  Skip for 20 RC

Place a White Turkey on the farm

Reward: 250 Coins, 48 XP

White Turkey II

Feed Rice to the Turkey 3 Times
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 60 Turkey Meat
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 255 Coins, 42 XP

White Turkey III

Produce 30 Turkey Burgers
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Turkey Sausages
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 42 XP

Felicia's Date Quests

Felicia's Date I

Produce 20 loaves of Rye Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 30 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 15 RC

As previously indicated, from the start of the game, there are two icons for ordinary Quests that appear on the left side of the screen until completed.  This is quite apart from any special time-restricted Quest sequences connected to a holiday or real-life theme.  The first sequence has been given above.  The second sequence of Quests is as follows:


2nd Quest Icon Sequences:


Coming Cold Quests

Coming Cold I
  Did not write this down sadly!

Coming Cold II

Collect 18 Bundles of Wool
Collect 18 Bundles of Angora Wool

Reward: 350 Coins, 40 XP

Coming Cold III

Plant 15 Lavender
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 15 Lavender
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 40 XP

Coming Cold IV

Produce 12 Sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 340 Coins, 40 XP

Coming Cold V

Plant 15 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 7 RC

Harvest 15 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 350 Coins, 40 XP

Coming Cold VI

Produce 6 jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 Jars of Orange Jam
  Skip for 3 RC

Coming Cold VII

Produce 16 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 40 XP

Coming Cold VIII

Produce 16 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last Quest in this Sequence.   The Catching Cold Quests now will be replaced with 'Honourable Orders'.

Honourable Orders Quests

Honourable Order I

Plant 16 Chardonnay
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 16 Chardonnay
  Skip for 8 RC

Add 3 Chardonnay to the Wine Maker
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 36 XP

Honourable Orders II

Produce 16 Bottles of Champagne
Skip for 8 RC

Sell 16 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 8 RC

Rewards: 265 Coins, 38 XP

Honourable Orders III

Produce 18 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 9 RC

Sell 18 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 9 RC

Sell 16 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

Honourable Orders IV

Sell 20 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Save 12,000 Coins

Reward: 260 Coins, 42 XP

This is the last event in this Quest sequence, followed now by:

Hickory Dickory Duck Quests:

Hickory Dickory Duck I

Buy 4 Water Pond and place them
  Skip for 4 RC
  Note that, should you HAVE a Duck Pond, you still must purchase 4 more Water squares to satisfy this requirement, although the Duck Pond will be recognised for the sake of the next requirement.

Place a Green Duck Pond on the Water

Place an extra Green Duck in the Duck Pond
  Skip for 2 RC
  (Cost of Green Duck is 1 RC)

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

Hickory Dickory Duck II

Plant 20 Oat
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 20 Oat
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 38 XP

Hickory Dickory Duck III

Feed 3 Oats to the Ducks
Skip for 3 RC

Collect 20 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 36 XP

The last quest in this little sequence, now followed by:

Cherry Good Question

Cherry Good Question 1:

Plant a Gisela Cherry Tree
  Skip for 2 RC

Harvest 3 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 45 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

Obi's Orders Quests:

Obi's Orders I

Plant 22 Rice
  Skip for 11 RC

Harvest 22 Rice
  Skip for 11 RC

Harvest 25 Cucumbers
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 42 XP

Obi's Orders II

Add 3 Duck Eggs in the Sauce Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

N.B.  Ducks eat Oats, not the Rice that you produced for Obi's first order!

Produce 25 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 40 XP

Obi's Orders III

Produce 25 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 25 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 18 Eggs
  Skip for 9 RC

260 Coins, 38 XP

This is the last Quest in this Sequence, now followed by:

Chez Charelle Quests

Chez Charelle I

Place a Black Peacock on the Farm

Feed Rice to the Peacock 3 times
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 22 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 11 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 42 XP

Chez Charelle II

Sell 22 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 11 RC

Sell 20 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 20 Bundles of Angora Wool
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this particular sequence and is followed by:

Think Big IV

Reach Level 17

Save 35,000 Coins
  Skip for 37 RC  (Could be 40 RC possibly if you have 0 Coins)

Reward: 280 Coins, 45 XP

This is the last Quest in this sequence, followed by:

Friendly Birds Quests

Friendly Birds I

Build an Aviaries Park

Reward: 260 Coins, 42 XP

Friendly Birds II

Collect 8 Park-keeper Caps from Neighbours
  Skip for 8 RC

Plant 20 Oat
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 20 Corn
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

Friendly Birds III

Collect 8 Park Guides from Neighbours
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 25 Cups of Grape Juice
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 25 Cups of Grape Juice
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 42 XP

Friendly Birds IV

Sell 25 Cheese Burgers to the visitors
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 25 Ketchup to the visitors
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 46 XP

N.B.  This quest is a good example of the advantages of NOT selling items such as Cheddar Cheese and Wheat Bread, themselves 'Products' but that are items used to make other Products.  Without Wheat Bread or Cheddar Cheese in the Barn, the Farmer will be forced to make the two ingredients required in the Burger Machine in order to produce the Cheese Burgers.

Friendly Birds V

Collect 8 Mementoes from Neighbours
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 25 Mayonnaise to the visitors
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 42 XP

Friendly Birds VI

Harvest the Aviaries Park once
  Skip for 2 RC

Sell 30 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 15 RC

Sell 30 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, and is followed by:

Oh My Ostrich Quests

Oh my Ostrich I

Plant 35 Daisy
  Skip for 17 RC

Harvest 35 Daisy
  Skip for 17 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 36 XP

Oh my Ostrich II

Place a Black Ostrich on the Farm

Feed 3 Daisy to the Black Ostrich
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 35 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 17 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 45 XP

Oh my Ostrich III

Sell 35 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 17 RC

Sell 35 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 17 RC

Reward: 280 RC, 42 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

Tiramisu for Tanya Quests

Tiramisu for Tanya I

Plant a Chocolate Tree
  N.B.  An existing Chocolate Tree on your Ranch satisfies this requirement.

Harvest 2 Chocolates
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 40 XP

Tiramisu for Tanya II

Add 3 Chocolates to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Sacks of Wheat Flour to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Eggs to the Cake Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 255 Coins, 38 XP

N.B.  Although most players will be aware of this, it is important to know that the Cake Maker option needs to be switched to Tiramisu in order to add the proper ingredients.

Tiramisu for Tanya III

Produce 3 Tiramisu Cakes
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 3 Tiramisu Cakes
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 8 Cups of Orange Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, and is followed by:

Jamie's Jam Joint Quests

Jamie's Jam Joint I

Plant 40 Blueberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Blueberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 36 XP

Jamie's Jam Joint II

Produce 40 Jars of Blueberry Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Sell 40 Jars of Blueberry Jam
 Skip for 20 RC

Sell 30 Jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 45 XP

This appears to be the very last quest in this sequence, as you will see the following prompt, after which there will be no new icon and no new quest to follow this one:

COMPLETE:  A Richer Ranch
Great Job!  You can now grow more crops, use more mchines, raise more animals, and so on!  Share the news!
Reward: 275 Coins, 42 XP

Third Sequence of Quests

At Level 30, shortly after completing my Greenhouse, a new Quest Icon popped up on my screen beneath the two existing icons that are associated with the two ordinary sequences of Quests.  It was:

Harry the Hermit Quests

Harry the Hermit I

Plow 20 new plots of land
  Skip for 20 RC

Plant 45 Rye
  Skip for 22 RC

Fertilise on your neighbours' farm 40 Times
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 40 XP

Harry the Hermit II

Produce 45 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 22 RC

Sell 45 Loaves of Rye Bread
  Skip for 22 RC

Sell 20 bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 38 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed now by:

Nut a Joke Quests

Nut a Joke I

Plant 2 Almond Trees *
  Skip for 4 RC

*For this task, unfortunately, having two existing Almond Trees on your Ranch will not fulfil the requirement.  Almond Trees cost 1800 Coins each, so it would be better to buy them and then sell them if you have no space for additional Trees than to skip the step by paying 4 RC.

Harvest 4 Almonds
  Skip for 8 RC

Collect 10 Nut Crackers from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

Nut a Joke II

Produce 8 Almond Cakes
  Skip for 8 RC

  Ingredients:  Almond, Wheat Flour, Egg

Sell 8 Almond Cakes
  Skip for 8 RC

Sell 12 Jars of Orange Jam
  Skip for 12 RC

  Ingredients:  Honey, Orange

Ingredients Needed:
  Crops:  Wheat, Corn, Clover
  Trees: Almond Tree, Orange Tree
  Machines:  Mill (either one), Cake Machine, Jam Maker
  Animals:  Beehive, Chicken Coop

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence and is followed by:

Darryl on a Roll Quests

Darryl on a Roll I

Harvest 18 Apples to treat them
  Skip for 9 RC

Harvest 55 Cucumbers to make Salads
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 38 XP

Darryl on a Roll II

Collect 10 Mini Tents
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 60 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 275 Coins, 40 XP

Darryl on a Roll III

Harvest 60 Pasture to feed the Cattle
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 60 Beef Salami
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 36 XP

Darryl on a Roll IV

Catch 10 Butterfly Nets
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 60 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 45 XP

Darryl on a Roll V

Harvest 60 Corn for the camp fire
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 18 Jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 9 RC

Reward: 280 RC, 42 XP

Darryl on a Roll VI

Collect 10 Swim Rings
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 6 Tiramisu Cakes with Chocolate
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed by:

All About Acting Quests

All About Acting I

Buy 9 Pond Water and place them 3 x 3*

*Having an existing 3 x 3 Pond does not count for the purpose of this quest
  Skip for 6 RC

Place a Goose Pond on the Water

Reward: 285 Coins, 38 XP

All About Acting II

Plant 65 Lotus Flowers
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 65 Lotus Flowers
  Skip for 20 RC

Feed 3 Lotus Flowers to the Goose
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 45 XP

All About Acting III

Collect 65 Goose Feathers
  Skip for 20 RC

Sell 65 Goose Feathers to the Hat Factory
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

All About Acting IV

Harvest 65 Rice
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 65 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 20 RC

Sell 65 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 48 XP

All About Acting V

Harvest 70 Daisies

Produce 70 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 20 RC

Sell 70 OStrich Feathers
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 48 XP

This is the last Quest in this sequence and when it is completed, no new icon will appear in its place.

New Quest Sequences in May 2013

I believe these were unlocked when I achieved a specific Level.  Unfortunately, at the time, I thought they were 'new' Quest sequences that had been added to the game and not existing Quests that were unlocked by Level.

Felicia's Secret Quests

Felicia's Secret 1

Get a Kitchen

Finish Beulding the Kitchen

Felicia's Secret II

Produce 3 Jars of Honey Syrup
  Skip for 4 RC

Collect 5 Honey Dippers from Neighbours
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 150 Coins, 16 XP

Felicia's Secret III

Harvest 4 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 12 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 Cheese Apples
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 150 Coins, 18 XP

Felicia's Secret IV

Plant 12 Wheat
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Sacks of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 140 Coins, 18 XP

Felicia's Secret V

Produce 3 Gorgonzola Baked Apples
  Skip for 6 RC

Make 1500 Coins by selling goods from the Barn
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

This is the last quest in this particular sequence and now is followed by:

Begin to cook I

Plant a Maple Tree

Harvest 2 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 2 RC

Harvest 8 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 200 Coins, 22 XP

Begin to Cook II

Produce 8 Jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 3 Jars of Apple Jelly
  Skip for 3 RC
  Reward: 220 Coins, 22 XP

Begin to Cook III

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 lots of Fruit Butter
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Aprons from your Neighbour
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 26 XP

Begin to Cook IV

Produce 12 Sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Eggs
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 200 Coins, 22 XP

Begin to Cook V

Produce 12 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 3 Whole Oat Fruit Bread
  Skip for 6 RC

Sell 3 Whole Oat Fruit Breads
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 25 XP

This is the last quest in THIS sequence, but is followed by another Cooking Quest sequence entitled:

Who loves Tasty Food?

Who Loves Tasty Food I

Harvest 16 Corn
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Cornmeal
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 21 XP

Who loves Tasty Food II

Produce 12 Loaves Corn Bread
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 4 Jars of Honey*
  Skip for 4 RC

*This is an erroneous description as it should read 'Honey Syrup.  The prompt declares that you should 'Craft' the item.  Honey is not made in the Kitchen but is produced by Bees when they pollinate Clover.  Honey Syrup is the item made in the Kitchen using Honey and Milk.

Reward: 240 Coins, 22 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food III

Produce 8 Lots of Butter
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 8 Oranges
   Skip for 4 RC

Produce 8 Orange Crumbles
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 25 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food IV

Have 9 Neighbours

Fertilise 15 Times on your Neighbours' Farms
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 25 XP

Who Loves Tasty Food V

Produce 10 sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 5 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 25 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

Felicia Dessert Shop Quests

Felicia's Dessert Shop I

Harvest 4 Jars of Maple Syrup
  Skip for 4 RC

Harvest 8 Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 4 Jars of Apple Jelly
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 22 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop II

Harvest 16 Oat
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 16 Rye
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 8 RC

Felicia's Dessert Shop III

Produce 8 Jars of Cherry Jam
  SKip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Light Muffins
  Skip for 8 RC

Collect 10 Brochures from your Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 24 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop IV

Produce 16 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 4 Cheese Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 4 Gorgonzola Apples
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 26 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop V

Harvest 20 Corn
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 10 Cornmeal
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 10 loaves of Corn Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop VI

Sell 4 Gorgonsola Baked Apples
  Skip for 4 RC

Sell 9 Light Muffins
  Skip for 18 RC

Sell 10 Cornbread
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 22 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop VII

Produce 4 Lots of Batter
  Skip for 4 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Harvest 10 Apples
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 200 Coins, 18 XP

Felicia's Dessert Shop VIII

Produce 4 Cornmeal
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 4 Lots of Sunrise Porridge
  Skip for 4 RC

Sell 4 Lots of Sunrise Porridge
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 210 Coins, 20 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

Darryl Cookbook Quests

Darryl Cookbook I

Harvest 20 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Jars of Ketchup
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl Cookbook II

Harvest 20 Pasture
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 20 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 20 XP

Darryl Cookbook III

Produce 5 Grilled Flank Steaks
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 5 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 5 Meatloaves
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 24 XP

Darryl Cookbook IV

Harvest 6 Jars of Maple Syrup
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 3 RC

Harvest 10 Apples
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl Cookbook V

Produce 4 lots of Fruit Butter
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 24 XP

Darryl:  I was too excited and got carried away with the cooking.  I am still a kid!  I am not allowed to drink alcohol at all.  What a waste!

Darryl Cookbook VI

Produce 16 Sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Eggs
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 16 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl Cookbook VII

Produce 16 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 8 Loaves of Whole Oat Fruit Bread
  Skip for 16 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl Cookbook VIII

Sell 8 Whole Oat Fruit Breads
  Skip for 16 RC

Sell 8 glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 30 XP

This appears to be the last Quest in this sequence and no new sequence appears.

Felicia's Date Quests

Felicia's Date 1

Produce 20 Loaves of Rye Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 30 Jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 11 RC

Reward: 255 Coins, 38 XP

Felicia's Date II

Collect 7 Chewing Gum from Neighbours
  Skip for 7 RC

Plant 60 Lavender to make Perfume
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 60 Lavender
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 40 XP

Felicia's Date III

Plant a Lemon Tree
  Skip for 2 RC

Harvest 3 Lemons
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

Felicia's Date IV

Collect 7 Cupid's Arrows to help Destiny
  Skip for 7 RC

Produce 5 Lemon Cakes as a gift
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 255 Coins, 42 Coins

This is the last Quest in this Sequence for the time being, although it continues later and now is followed by:

Grandma's Birthday Quests

Grandma's Birthday I

Harvest 40 Love Fruits
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Red Roses
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

Grandma's Birthday II

Produce 40 Love Cakes
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 10 Candles from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 225 Coins, 35 XP

Grandma's Birthday III

Produce 6 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 6 Almond Cakes
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 230 Coins, 40 XP

Grandma's Birthday IV

Produce 35 Beef
  Skip for 17 RC

Produce 35 Loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 17 RC

Produce 35 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 235 Coins, 42 XP

Grandma's Birthday V

Harvest 65 Rice
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 65 Turkey Meat
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 30 Turkey Sausage
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 45 XP

Grandma's Birthday VI

Plant 65 Blueberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 65 Blueberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Jars of Blueberry Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 35 XP

Grandma's Birthday VII

Produce 20 cups of Apple Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 12 Cups of Cherry Juice
  Skip for 12 RC

Sell 12,000 Coins worth of good from Barn
  Skip for 60 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 38 XP

At the end of this Quest, the icon changes abruptly to:

Felicia's Date V

Produce 35 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 17 RC

Produce 35 Ketchup
  Skip for 17 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 36 XP

Felicia's Date VI

Produce 35 Turkey Burgers
  Skip for 17 RC

Produce 35 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 17 RC

Felicia's Date VII

Buy and Place a Sugar Machine

Plant 65 Cane

Harvest 65 Cane

Reward: 265 Coins, 38 XP

Felicia's Date VIII

Add 3 Cane to the Sugar Machine
  Skip for 3 RC

Produce 65 Sugar to make Popcorn
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 70 Corn to make Popcorn
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 42 XP

Felicia's Date IX

Collect 10 DVDs from friends
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 25 bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 17 RC

Produce 12 cups of Orange Juice
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 230 Coins, 40 XP

Grandma's Orders Quests
Grandma's Orders I

Purchase an Order Board

Have 6 Apple Trees
  Skip for 4 RC

100 Coins, 5 XP

Grandma's Orders II

Plant 25 Clovers

Plant 15 Cucumbers

Reward: 100 Coins, 5 XP

Grandma's Orders III

Collect 15 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 15 Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 10 XP

Grandma's Orders IV

Produce 15 Buffalo Cheese
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 3 Apple Cheeses
  Skip for 5 RC

Finish all Current Orders

Reward: 100 Coins, 10 XP

N.B. Completing one day's three Orders may give you the first Reward of 25 Fertiliser as well.  In my case, however, I had completed a total of 5 Orders (two from the previous day) so it may be a total of 5 Orders that gives the first Reward.  The second Reward is more difficult to achieve, requiring a total of 295 Points.

 Grandma's Orders V

Wait and complete the next day's orders
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 10 XP

This is the last Quest in this Sequence.

New Quest Sequence in July

Darryl's Cake Stall Quests

Darryl's Cake Stall I

Produce 30 Sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 11 RC

Produce 30 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 14 RC

Prepare 15 Cake Flour
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 220 Coins, 22 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall II

Produce 30 Wheat Flour
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Eggs
  Skip for 15 RC
Prepare 15 Batter
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 240 Coins, 24 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall III

Harvest 8 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 10 Soft Dough
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 Cherry Flan
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 200 Coins, 25 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall IV

Produce 10 Cherry Jam
  Skip for 5 RC

Prepare 5 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl's Cake StallV

Harvest 8 Lychee
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 10 Lychee Scones
   Skip for 10 RC

Rward: 240 Coins, 23 XP

Darryl's Cake Stall VI

Sell 10 Lychee Scones
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 5 Light Muffins
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 15000 coins worth of goods from the Barn
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 25 XP

This sequence now is followed by:

Picnic Time Quests

Picnic Time I

Harvest 30 Rice
  Skip for 15 RC

Harvest 30 Oat
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 25 XP

Picnic Time II

Produce 30 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 14 RC

Produce 30 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 15 Rice Krispies
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 245 Coins, 24 XP

Picnic Time III

Harvest 30 Blueberries
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Blueberry Jam
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 28 XP

Picnic Time IV

Harvest 4 Chocolates
  Skip for 4 RC

Prepare 8 Chocolate Dream Bars
   Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 230 Coins, 26 XP

Picnic Time V

Produce 30 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 250 Coins, 27 XP

Picnic Time VI
Sell 30 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 15 RC

Sell 30 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 14 RC

Sell 8 Chocolate dream Bars
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 23 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, immediately followed by:

Secret Petanique Quests

Secret Petanique I

Produce 40 Feef
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Beef Salami
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 60 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 25 XP

Secret Petanique II

Prepare 8 Chorizo Frittatas
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 10 Rice Krispies
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 28 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence but is followed immediately by:

Magic Almonds Quests

Magic Almonds I

Have 2 Almond Trees

Harvest 8 Almonds
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 40 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 300 Coins, 30 XP

Magic Almonds II

Prepare 8 Almond Spread
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Almond Omelets
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward; 260 Coins, 25 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, immediately followed by:

The Italian Job Quests

The Italian Job I

Harvest 8 Chocolates
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 8 Tiramisu
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 24 XP

The Italian Job II

Plant 40 Corn
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Corn
  skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 Cornmeal
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 26 XP

The Italian Job III

Produce 20 Corn Bread
  Skip for 20 RC

Sell 20 Corn Bread
  Skip for 20 RC

Sell 8 Tiramisu
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 28 XP

Darryl's New Game

Darryl's New Game I

Have 2 Lemon Trees

Harvest 10 Lemons

Reward: 280 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl's New Game II

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 20 Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 28 XP

Darryl's New Game III

Harvest 40 Grapes
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 Lemon Cocktails
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 30 XP

Darryl's New Game IV

Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Ketchup
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 10 Grilled Flank Steak
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 24 XP

Darryl's New Game V

Prepare 10 Cake Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 Batter
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 Soft Dough
  Skip for 10 RC

N.B.  This Quest is significant in a way as it requires the Player to make three of the staple ingredients used in Cooking in the Kitchen.  In fact, the Player should make these Items on a daily basis when his/her Power is not being used to create cooked dishes for a specific Quest.

Reward: 280 Coins, 28 XP

Darryl's New Game VI

Harvest 12 Gisela Cherry
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare  10 Cherry Flan
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 10 Cherry Flan
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 26 XP

Darryl's New Game VII

Harvest 10 Lychees
  Skip for 5 RC

Prepare 10 Lychee Scones
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 10 Lychee Scones
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 24 XP


New Quest Sequences in August 2013

Note that these Quest sequences may appear only when the Player has reached a specific Level as the Items involved are unlocked only at higher levels of experience.

Baking Contest

Baking Contest I

Reach Level 23

Plant 70 Blackberries
  Skip for 35 RC

Harvest 70 Blackberries
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

Baking Contest II

Collect 70 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 35 RC

Produce 70 Jars of Blackberry Jam
  Skip for 35 RC

Sell 70 Jars of Blackberry Jam
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 45 XP

Baking Contest III

Plant a Banana Tree

Harvest 5 Bananas
  Skip for 5 RC

Produce 5 Banana Cakes
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 42 XP

Baking Contest IV

Harvest 8 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 8 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 4 RC

Collect 12 Forks from Neighbours
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

Baking Contest V

Harvest 8 Chocolates
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 8 Tiramisu
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 40 Glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 42 XP

Baking Contest VI

Plant 60 Oat
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Oat
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 42 XP

Baking Contest VII

Harvest 60 Rice
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 30 Rice Krispies
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 36 XP

Baking Contest VIII

Harvest 60 Blueberries
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 30 Blueberry Krispy Bars
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 45 XP


Water Fun Quests

Water Fun I

Purchase a Surf Board from Store
  Cost: 10,000 Coins
  Personally, I find this Task vexing.  It is a Decoration that does not appeal to every Player.  I have no desire for a Surfboard on my Farm.

Collect 10 Inflatable Toys from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 42 XP

Water Fun II

Harvest 60 Pasture
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Beef
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 40 XP

Water Fun III

Harvest 8 Lemons
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 255 Coins, 38 XP

Water Fun IV

Produce 30 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 30 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 30 Sugar
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 40 XP

Water Fun V

Prepare 30 Cups of Condensed Milk
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 30 Jars of ORange JAm
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 30 Glasses of Orange Smoothie
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

Water Fun VI

Collect 10 Sunglasses from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 60 Steak Burgers to buy Marine Park Tickets
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 45 XP

This appears to be the last quest at this point in time or at my own Level which is Level 42.  No quests remain on the screen.

The Big Launch Quests

The Big Launch I

Expand your ranch to 17 x 17

Plow 15 new plots

Reward: 265 Coins, 36 XP

The Big Launch II

Have 2 Peach Trees on your Farm

Harvest 8 Peaches
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 45 XP

The Big Launch III

Plant 60 Sugar Beet
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Sugar Beets
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Caramel
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 275 Coins, 42 XP

The Big Launch IV

Harvest 8 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 30 Maple Sugar
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 40 XP

The Big Launch V

Prepare 30 Caramel Sauce
  Skip for 15 RC

PRepare 15 Peche au Caramel
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 38 XP

The Big Launch VI

Produce 60 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Eggs
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Bottles of Milk
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

The Big Launch VII

Produce 60 Black Bread
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 25 Jars of Blueberry Jam
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 40 Jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

The Big Launch VIII

Produce 20 Glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 12 Glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 6 RC

Collect 10 Coasters from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 38 XP

Last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

Candy Perfection Quests

Candy Perfection I

Place a Candy Machine

Complete Building the Candy Machine

As I had an existing Candy Machine, the Quest did not complete until I reloaded the game after placing the Machine.  I therefore did not see the Reward screen.  Apologies.

Candy Perfection II

Harvest 65 Cane
  Skip for 32 RC

Produce 65 Sugar
  Skip for 32 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 38 XP

Candy Perfection III

Add 3 Sugar to the Cndy Machine

Add 3 Grapes to the Candy Machine

Produce 30 Grape Candies
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 45 XP

Candy Perfection IV

Produce 20 Orange Candy
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Lychee Candy
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 10 Goodie Bags from neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 42 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed immediately by:

HUGE Coffee Boost

Plant 65 Coffee
  Skip for 32 RC

Harvest 65 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 32 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 40 XP

This is followed immediately with:

The Three Wise Farmers Quest

Produce 16 Almond Cakes
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 16 Bottles of Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 16 RC

Prepare 16 Lemon Cocktails
  Skip for 16 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 38 XP

This appears to be the last quest in this slot at this point in time or at my current level, which is Level 42.

Surprise for Grandma Quests

Surprise for Grandma I

Reach Level 26
Plant 70 Blue Roses
Harvest 70 Blue Roses

Reward: 280 Coins, 45 XP

Surprise for Grandma II

Harvest 70 Red Roses
  Skip for 35 RC

Produce 70 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 42 XP

Surprise for Grandma III

Harvest 12 Peaches
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 Peach Candies
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 40 Blueberry Candies
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

Surprise for Grandma IV

Collect 10 Handkerchiefs from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 70 Bundles of Wool to make new gloves
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 42 XP

Surprise for Grandma V

Prepare 15 sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 15 RC

PRepare 15 lots of Batter
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 15 Soft Dough
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 46 XP

Surprise for Grandma VI

Harvest 15 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 7 RC

Prepare 15 Cherry Flans
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 42 XP

Surprise For Grandma VII

Harvest 10 Lychee
  Skip for 5 RC

Prepare 10 Lychee Scone
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 40 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by:

The Wedding Quests

The Wedding I

Build a Flower Packing Machine (evidently as it completed itself automatically and I had one on my farm)

Reward: 280 Coins, 36 XP

The Wedding II

Add 3 Red Roses to the Flower Packing Machine

Produce 70 Red Rose Bouquets
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 45 XP

The Wedding III

Harvest 8 Chocolate
  Skip for 4 RC

Produce 40 Apple Candies to throw to the couple
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 70 Almond Cakes
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 42 XP

The Wedding IV

Produce 70 Blue Rose Bouquets
  Skip for 35 RC

Produce 70 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 35 RC

Collect 10 Goblets from your Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 40 XP

The Wedding V

Place a Tree Arch on your Farm

Collect 10 Cameras to record the Wedding
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 255 Coins, 38 XP

The Wedding VI

Plant 80 Love Fruits
  Skip for 40 RC

Harvest 80 Love Fruits
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 40 XP

The Wedding VII

Harvest 70 Daisies to make Flower Rings
  Skip for 40 RC

Produce 80 bundles of Angora Hair to make soft carpet
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 36 XP

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed at once by:

Movie Night Quests

N.B.  It is possible that this quest has changed.   A helpful member of my Facebook Group, Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk alerted me to the fact that one part was missing.  She thinks I skipped V, so I am adding her results here.

Movie Night I

Plant 90 Raspberries
  Skip for 45 RC

Harvest 90 Raspberries
  Skip for 45 RC

Produce 90 jars of Raspberry Jam
  Skip for 45 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 45 XP

Movie Night II

Produce 90 Turkey
  Skip for 45 RC

Produce 45 Turkey Burgers
  Skip for 23 RC

Produce 45 Turkey Sausages
  Skip for 22 RC

Reward: 275 Coins, 42 XP

Movie Night III

Produce 80 Beef
  Skip for 40 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of Ketchup
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 10 Grilled Flank Steaks
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 40 XP

Movie Night IV

Harvest 20 Lemons
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 90 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 45 RC

Prepare 10 Bottles of Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

Movie Night V (new)

Produce 90 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skiip for 45 RC

Prepare 10 Lemon Cocktails
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 780 Coins, 111 XP

 Movie Night VI

Produce 90 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 45 RC

Produce 90 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 45 RC

Collect 15 Hair Clips from Neighbours
  Skip for 15 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

Movie Night VII

Produce 90 Daisy Bouquets
  Skip for 45 RC

Produce 90 Lavender Bouquets
  Skip for 45 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 38 XP


The Campfire Quests

The Campfire I

Collect 10 Guitars from your neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 85 Lavenders
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 275 Coins, 40 XP

Campfire II

Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 80 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 36 XP

The Campfire III

Collect 10 Mandolins
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 80 Sweet Potatoes
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 45 XP

The Campfire IV

harvest 80 Blackberries
  Skip for 40 RC

Produce 80 Jars of Blackberry Jam
  Skip for 40 RC

Produce 40 Jars of Cherry Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 42 XP

The Campfire V

Collect V Drums
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 80 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 290 Coins, 40 XP

The Campfire VI

Produce 70 Beef Salami
  Skip for 35 RC

Harvest 70 Chardonnay
  Skip for 35 RC

Produce 70 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 35 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 38 XP

The Campfire VII

Collect 10 Banjos
  Skip for 10 RC

Fertilise your Neighbours' Crops 50 times
  Skip for 50 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

This is the last mission in this sequence, followed immediately by:

Felicia's Interview Quests

Felicia's Interview I

Sell 80 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 40 RC

Sell 80 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

Felicia's Interview II

Sell 90 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 45 RC

Sell 90 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 45 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 48 XP

Felicia's Interview III

Sell 60 Turkey Burgers
  Skip for 30 RC

Sell 60 Veggie Burgers
  Skip for 60 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 48 XP

Felicia's Interview IV

Sell 90 Ketchup
  Skip for 45 RC

Sell 90 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 45 RC

Reward: 280 Coins, 40 XP

Felicia's Interview V

Sell 10 Banana Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Sell 15 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 12 Cake Boxes from your Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 285 Coins, 38 XP

Felicia's Interview VI

Sell 90 Jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 45 RC

Sell 90 Jars of Blackberry Jam
  Skip for 45 RC

Reward: 260 Coins, 45 XP

Felicia's Interview VII

Sell 100 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 50 RC

Sell 100 Peacock FEathers
  Skip for 50 RC

Collect 10 Vacuum Bags from Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

Felicia's Interview VIII

Sell 100 Bundles of Wool
  Skip for 50 RC

Sell 80 Bundles of Angora Hair
  Skip for 40 RC

Sell 80 Goose Feathers
  Skip for 40 RC

Reward: 270 Coins, 38 XP

Felicia's Interview IX

Expand your Farm to 18 by 18

Produce 100 bottles of Wine
  Skip for 50 RC

Reward: 265 Coins, 40 XP

At Level 48, this is the last Quest in this sequence and location on the screen.

New Quests for 2014

On Twelfth Night, a new Quest sequence appeared on the screen.  As it is based on fishing, I would imagine that the level requirement would be Level 20, as the Fishing Pier is not unlocked at a lower level.

A note about fishing in general.  It really is almost pointless to try to fish if you do not upgrade your Fishing Rod.  You do not need the Rod that requires premium cash to purchase but you DO need the second rod that requires coins to purchase.  If you buy that rod, you will find that you can catch ANY Item on the list without any trouble, provided always that you have the right bait for each item.

First Fishing Trip Quests

First Fishing Trip I

Catch any two items from the sea
  Skip for 2 RC

Fish 4 Times using the Squid Hook
  Skip for 4 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

N.B.  This one can be annoying as you complete it on the Pier, which means that while you are busy clicking on the prompt, you may miss the next catch.  Fortunately, the bait for this hook is only 10.

First Fishing Trip II

Plant 50 Pasture
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Pasture
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 25 Beef
  Skip for 13 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip III

Catch 1 Gulfweed
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 1 Mud Crab
  Skip for 1 RC

Fish 7 Times using the Squid Hook
  Skip for 7 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip IV

Plant 50 Corn
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Corn
  Skip for 25 RC

Buy 1 Butterfly House*
  Skip for 1 RC
  *Oddly, the Quest did not recognise the five completed Butterfly Houses on my Farm and I therefore had to buy a new one in order to satisfy the task.

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip V

Plant 60 Red Roses
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Red Roses
  Skip for 30 RC

Have 3 Lychee Trees on your Farm

500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip VI

Catch 1 Old Boot
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 1 Coral
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 1 Hairtail
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip VII

Collect 20 Jars of Nectar from the Butterfly House
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Ptepare 20 Apple Kulfi
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip VIII

Catch 5 Items using your Fishing Pier
  Skip for 5 RC

Catch 1 Item in less than five taps
  Skip for 1 RC

Catch 2 Fish which are at least 1 Star in Weight
  Skip for 2 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip IX

Plant 60 Lotus Flowers
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 60 Lotus Flowers
  Skip for 30 RC

Collect 60 Goose Feathers
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

First Fishing Trip X

Catch two Items which are two stars in weight
  Skip for 2 RC

Catch 1 Item in less than 7 taps
  Skip for 1 RC

Fish 3 times with the Bone Fishhook
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP


Holy Smokes Quests

Holy Smokes I

Have a Salt Pond on your Farm

Harve a Smoke House on your Farm

Collect 1 Salt from your Salt Pond
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

Holy Smokes II

Catch 3 Yellow Croakers
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

Holy Smokes III

Add 3 Yellow Croakers to the Smoke House
  Skip for 3 RC

Add 3 Salt to the Smoke House
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Smoked Yellow Croakers from the Smoke House
  Skip for 3 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

Holy Smokes IV

Add 1 Hairtail to the Smoke House
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Smoked Hairtail
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

Holy Smokes V

Add 1 Tilapia to the SMoke House
  SKip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Smoked Tilapia
  Skip for 1 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 100 XP

Holy Smokes VI

Add 1 Flatfish to the Smoke House
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Smoked Flatfish
  Skip for 1 RC

Farm Movie Fest Quests

Farm Movie Fest I

Have a Stone Mailbox on your Farm
  Skip for 6 RC
  Cost of Stone Mailbox is 4000 Coins

Have 2 Cinnamon Trees on your Farm

Harvest 4 Cinnamon
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 600 Coins, 150 XP

Farm Movie Fest VII

Reward: 600 Coins, 150 XP

Farm Movie Fest VIII

Produce 60 Bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 10 glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 20 RC

Beach Party Quests
New in July 2014, with no time restrictions:

Beach Party I

Have a Surfboard on your Farm
  (N.B.  This is the second Quest that required this particular item... might as well keep it on your farm!  Mine is hidden behind some trees...)
  Find in Decorations section of Market for 10,000 Coins.  This Decoration cannot be cleaned.

Have a Seafood House on your farm
  N.B.  Once built, this cannot be demolished, stored or sold, but you do need it if you wish to participate in all Missions or Quests.

Fish 6 Times with the Squid Hook
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Can you smell the wonderful sea breeze?  I can't wait for our beach party!

Beach Party II

Darryl:  Wow, I tried my first surfing lesson it was super fun!  But now I am hungry!  I should try the seafood, it is the best near the seaside!

Process 6 Crayfish in the Seafood House
   Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Bowls of Steamed Egg with Shrimp
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 plates of Custard Crab
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Beach Party III

The shrimp dishes tasted really good, but now I feel like eating something sweet.  I've heard coconut is really popular at the moment!

Have 3 Coconut Trees on your Farm

Harvest 10 Coconuts
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 10 Coconut Cakes
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl: Good wether, good drinks and cake!  What more can you wish for?

Beach Party IV

Darryl:  Felicia taught me some special dishes and I want to present them at the party!  Are you ready to cook?

Prepare 10 Coconut Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 10 Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 10 Thai Green Curry
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  That food was a nice choice!  I'm sure every one will like these dishes!

Beach Party V

Darryl:  The beach party offers a lot of exotic dishes!  Have you tried the sweet dishes?  It's not a party without some treats!

Have a Candy Machine on your Farm
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 10 Lychee Candy
  Skip for 20 RC

Fish 20 Times with the Squid Hook
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 700 Cons, 200 XP

Darryl:  You know what?  I thnk Lychee Candy will be my favourite candy from now on!

Beach Party VI

After the delicious seafood we ate, my friends and I want to go out on the sea and try to catch some fish ourselves!

Fish 6 Times with the Bone Hook
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Fried Crab Sticks
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Creamed Crab Cakes
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  I picked up quite a tan out there!  Looking good!

Beach Party VII

Darryl:  The beach party has a theme and we will walk on the red carpet.  I'm so excited!

Have a Carpet Top on your Farm
  Find in Decorations section of Market for 1500 Coins

Have  a Carpet Middle on your Farm
  Find in Decorations section of Market for 1500 Coins

Have a Carpet Bottom on your Farm
  Find in Decorations section of Market for 1500 Coins

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  Do you think I look like a movie star?  It's really an amazing feeling!

Beach Party VIII

Darryl:  I didn't expect so many people to show up for the party!  We need more food!  Maybe some chili dishes will do the trick!

Plant 200 Red Bell Pepper
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 6 Shrimp Chili
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 4 Seafood Chili
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  We made our own delicious shrimp dishes.  But I still feel a little bit hungry.

Beach Party IX

Darryl:  Grandma called to check up on me!  When I told her that we still need more dishes, she told me some of her secret recipes!

Prepare 50 Bowls of Rice Noodles
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 6 Bowls of Egg Crayfish
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Bowls of Pad Thai
  Skip for 6 RC

Darryl:  I'm really full with Pad Thai now.  I should also cook something for Grandma and Felicia, as a thank you!

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Beach Party X

Darryl:  Grandma said a good present to bring from the beach is special beach fertiliser.  The neighbours will be more than thankful.  We can walk around and try to find some from the small beach vendors.

Fertilise 10 times on your neighbours' farms
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 70 Loaves of Corn Bread
  Skip for 35 RC

Collect 70 jars of Honey
  Skip for 35 RC

Darryl:  Wow!  The beach vendors did not only have fertiliser, but they also had some delicious snacks and sweets!

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Beach Party XI

Darryl:  Is that a fish market over there?  I'll try one more time to catch some extra fish before it's dark.  But if the fish don't bite, I'll just buy some fish and tell every one I caught it, haha!

Fish 30 times with Treble Hook

Prepare 6 Seafood Platter
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 2 Wasabi Fried Mackerel
  Skip for 2 RC

Every one loves a seafood platter!  I'm sure Grandma and Felicia will love it too!

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

Beach Party XII

Darryl:  Oh, I almost forgot aout our neighbours!  I want to surprise them with some Asian seafood dishes!  They will love my sushi!

Prepare 6 plates of Warship Sushi
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 plates of Crab Rice Warship Sushi
  Skip for 6 RC

Darryl:  It's time to go home!  The party was a big success!  I'll never forget this beach party!

Reward: 700 Coins, 200 XP

On 12 February 2015, a new Quest sequence involving Darryl  was released that deals with the Gallery.  It is entitled: Into the Woods

Into the Woods Quests

Into the Woods I

Register the Holstein Cow i the Gallery

Feed the Holstein Cow 3 times

Reward: 125 Coins, 45 Coins

Ranch Expansions

Farm Expansions are a necessity both in the original Family Farm and in Seaside if you have any intention of completing Quests and Missions.  You will not have sufficient space on your original Farm to grow the Crops needed or to place the many Trees, Animals and Machines required to complete these Goals.

To some extent, you can make do with a smaller Farm by building a Warehouse and placing all Animals and Machines not being used for current Missions or Quests into storage.  You can build a Well and place Sprinklers on all your plots to speed growth by 25%.  Of course, you do have to possess sufficient land to PLACE the Warehouse and the Well.  The Warehouse takes considerable space.

Moreover, the new Kitchen option requires the construction of another large Building in the form of the Kitchen.  With the original Farm, it is unlikely you will have sufficient space for the Warehouse and the Kitchen.

Players tend to be divided between those who are willing to splash out by purchasing premium Cash and those who feel that it should be possible to play the game with the resources one is given.  One can earn RC, albeit slowly.   One can earn premium Items sometimes in the form of Rewards for Quests and Missions completed.  Basically, though, if you wish to be able to complete ALL the Missions and Quests in a timely manner and increase your Level fairly quickly, you probably will need to invest in premium Cash.

Where Expansions are concerned, it is possible to complete the requirements for the first two or three without 'cheating' by paying RC to skip a Requirement.  If, however, you need the space and do not have the means to complete all three Requirements in the near future, which requirement should you skip?

Never Skip a Requirement to complete a Building.  Buildings usually are too useful to justify 'skipping' them by paying premium Cash.  For example, the 18 x 18 Expansion requires the Player to complete a Warehouse.  It is more important to do that than to save 200,000 Coins.  Furthermore, Coins can be spent on other improvements.  

Where the larger Expansions are concerned, I believe that the requirement that can be skipped is that of attaining a specific Level.  It takes more and more time to reach a higher Level as you advance in the game.  If you need more space, skip the Level Requirement, paying RC to do so.

The Coin price for the Expansion will increase with every Expansion.  Again, it is better to skip that Requirement often by paying RC if you are nowhere near the Goal than to spend all your Coins on the Expansion.  

NEVER skip the Requirement to make a certain number of a specified Item.  With a little diligence and determination, you always should be able to make the required number of Goods to complete that requirement for an Expansion.    Skipping the Requirement by paying RC only cheats your own Farm in the end.

The first Farm Expansion is a goal in the original tutorial Missions that allow the player to learn how to play the game:

True Farmer

Purchase a Shovel

Expand your Farm to 13 x 13
  Skip for 4 RC

13 x 13 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 4

Save 800 coins to buy expansion

Produce 8 Cheddar Cheese to buy expansion

14 x 14 Expansion

Reach Level 9

Have 3,000 Coins to buy Expansion

Make 6 Apple Jam

15 x 15 Expansion

Reach  Level 11

Have 10,000 Coins to buy Expansion

Produce 30 Grape Juice to buy Expansion

16 x 16 Expansion

Reach Level 14

Have 40,000 Coins to buy Expansion

Produce 40 White Wine

17 x 17 Expansion

Reach Level 17

Have 75,000 Coins to buy Expansion

Produce 50 Wool for Expansion

18 x 18 Expansion

Reach Level 23.

Have 200,000 Coins to buy expansion.

Complete a Warehouse

N.B.  This is from memory and may be slightly inaccurate, alas!

If you have the Warehouse, you can buy the Expansion for a total of 40 RC.

20 x 20 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 26
  Skip for 20 RC

Save 300,000 Coins for expansion.
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 100 Packs of Angora Hair to buy expansion.
  Skip for 20 RC

In other words, if you have satisfied none of the requirements, you still can purchase this expansion for 65 RC.

21 x 21 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 29
  Skip for 20 RC

Save 420,000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 45 Almond Cakes to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

If you have not met any of the three requirements:  Expand for 70 RC

22 x 22 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 32
  Skip for 20 RC

Save 550,000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 120 loaves of Corn Bread to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

If you wish to skip all three requirements, you can expand for a total of 70 RC at once

25 x 25 Expansion  ( This is what it announced, although it should be 23 x 23 I believe)

Upgrade to Level 35
  Skip for 25 RC

Save 700,000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 35 RC

Have a complete Water Well on your ranch
  (Here I do not know the cost to skip the requirement, as I had the Water Well long before I reached this stage)

24 x 24 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 38
  Skip for 25 RC

Save 900,000 Coins to buy expasion
  Skip for 35 RC

Produce 180 Turkey Sausages to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

If you have not met ANY of the three requirements, you can expand immediately for 80 RC

25 x 25 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 41
  Skip for 25 RC

Save 1,100,000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 40 RC

Produce 200 Sugar to buy expansion
  Skip for 25 RC

If you have not met ANY of the three requirements, you can expand instantly for 90 RC

26 x 26 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 44
  Skip for 30 RC

Save 1, 350,000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 40 RC

Complete a Tree Greenhouse in your farm *
  Skip for 25 RC

*Note here that the Tree Greenhouse is a building that needs materials as follows:

15 Tree Greenhouse Glass Panes
  Cost: 1 RC Each or Request from Neighbours

15 Tree Greenhouse Pipe Stacks
  Cost: 1 RC Each or Request from Neighbours

3 Ventilation Windows
  5 RC Each:  No other way to obtain these!!!

In other words, you will spend a minimum of 15 RC to complete the Tree Greenhouse.  It requires a fair amount of space as well, so prepare for that.

Expand immediately for 95 RC if you have not met any of the three requirements.

27 x27 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 47
  Skip for 30 RC  (not certain if the cost changes according to your current level or not but I would doubt it as the other expansions had the same RC price for 'skipping' level requirement irrespective of current level)

Produce 220 Jars of Watermelon Jam for expansion
  Skip for 30 RC

If none of the three requirements have been met, you can expand instantly for a total of 105 RC

Save 1,600,000 Coins to buy expansion
  SKip for 45 RC

29 x 29 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 53
  Skip for 35 RC

Save 2,200,000 Coins to buy expansion
  Skip for 55 RC

Produce 80 Cups of White Mocha to buy expansion
  Skip for 35 RC

If none of the three requirements have been met, you can expand instantly for 125 RC

30 x 30 Expansion

Upgrade to Level 56

Save 2,500,000 Coins to buy Expansion

Produce 300 Rose Perfume to buy expansion

31 x 31 Expansion

Increase Landscape Points to 2000 Points
Save and use 4,000,000 Coins to buy the Expansion
Produce 500 Red Eggs to buy Expansion
  Skip for 35 RC

If you have met the Landscape Point requirement, you should be able to  expand immediately for 95 RC.

As of April 2017, this is the largest Farm Expansion
Island Missions and Expansions

This Page is a Quick Reference Guide to all the Island Quests/Missions as well as the original Puzzle Mission that unlocks the Island.  Strategies for gameplay as well as all other aspects of the Island are discussed in the General Guide.

There is a new update for Family Farm Seaside that introduces an Island.  This will be a second farm.  In order to unlock the Island to gain access, you will need to complete a puzzle that consists of six different pieces.  Unlock each piece by completing the three specific required tasks as follows:

Completing the Puzzle

Puzzle Piece 1

Expand your Farm to 19 x 19

Expand your Batch Production to Level 4

Sell 300,000 worth of goods from the Barn

Puzzle Piece 2

Harvest 200 Love Fruit
  Skip for 100 RC

Have 15 Polish Dumplings with Sour Cream
  Skip for 15 RC

Have 20 Grape Cornbread
  Skip for 20 RC

Puzzle Piece 3

Harvest 99 Red Roses

Have 15 Red Cord Necklaces

Have 10 Conch Earrings

Puzzle Piece 4

Catch 6 Blue Swimmer Crabs
  Skip for 12 RC

Have 10 Steamed Blue Swimmer Crab from the Seafood House
  Skip for 20 RC

Have 10 Dried Starfish from the seafood House
  Skip for 20 RC

Puzzle Piece 5

Upgrade your Warehouse to Level 4

Place 1 Balloon Door on your Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Place 1 Bonfire Tent on your Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Puzzle Piece 6

Fertilise your Neighbour's farms 100 times
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 50 Photos from Neighbours
  Skip for 25 RC

Have 99 Daisy Bouquets as a thank you gift for Neighbours
  Skip for 99 RC?

Note that in some cases, I have not included the RC price for 'skipping' the step because my farm had the requirement before the Island was offered.

When you have collected all the Puzzle Pieces, the Island will be unlocked.  As soon as you arrive, you will be able to start new Missions that involve both Felicia and her father.

Island Missions

The new missions are as follows:

One Exciting Day! Missions

One Exciting Day I

Father: It's been so long since I met my sweet children!  I am so happy that they are coming to see me!  Will you help me to harvest some crops and prepare the farm for their visit?

Harvest Flax (12)
  Skip for 12 RC

Harvest Alfalfa
  Skip for 12 RC

Harvest Cassava
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

Father: The crops and trees on the Island are so different to the ones at the seaside!  They will love it here!

One Exciting Day II

Father: Do you think they still remember me?  You know, now I would trade all the super fertilisers in the world to spend more time with my kids!  Oops, with all this talking, I forgot to feed my goat!

Feed Angora Goat
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect Mohair
  Skip for 1 RC

Father:  It is a bit chilly here at night, but mohair will keep us all warm!

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

One Exciting Day III

I hope they can stay with me here for a while so we can spend more time together.  I will teach them all the farm secrets that I know!  For example, how to make yarn.

Produce Mohair Yarn
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect Mohair Yarn
  Skip for 1 RC

Father:  Actually, the kids' grandma will be more interested in the yarn production.  I can simply show the kids all the fun stuff they can do on the island.

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

One Exciting Day IV

Father:  While we are preparing the farm, let's plant some delicious cranberries!  They might be ready by the time the kids arrive, so the kids can have some to eat.  I don't think they've tried cranberries before.

Add Plot
  Skip for 9 RC

Plant Cranberry
  Skip for 9 RC

Father:  To be honest, i don't know what to prepare for them to eat.  I never cook for myself.  I just eat what nature gives me here.

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

One Exciting Day V

Father:  I sent a zeppelin to pick them up.  They should be here very soon.  We should be quick with finishing all the tasks, so that I can spend more time with my precious children!

Plant 6 Alfalfa
  Skip for 6 RC

Plant 10 Flax
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 3 Mohair
  Skip for 6 RC

Father:  Do you see that little dot in the sky?  It is them!  Oh no, we still haven't finished all the work!

Reward: 500 Coins, 90 XP

This sequence is followed by:

Welcome to the Island

Welcome to the Island I

Father:  Welcome!  Finally we are all on the Island!  First I will show you around!  Haha!  Have you ever seen a water mill?  This water mill is doing a really great job!

Have a Water Mill
  Cost is 20000 Coins

N.B.  The Water Mill is incomplete.  You need a total of six parts.  Three can be requested from Neighbours and the other three crafted in the Hardware Shop.  Otherwise, pay a total of 6 RC to complete the building.  Note that use of Materials is different on the Island.  When you have the Items needed, tap on the ? and you will be given the option to use the Materials in your BARN rather than your Gift Box.
Refill Water Mill
  Skip for 3 RC

Father:  Do you see how effective the Water Mill is?  It's really great to have a water mill on your Farm!

Reward: 600 Coins, 90 XP

Welcome to the Island II

Father:  The water mill produces flour, and we can even make cassave flour!  Can you help me plant some cassava?

Plant 15 Cassave
  Skip for 15 RC

Harvest 15 Cassava
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 6 Cassave Flour
  Skip for 6 RC

Father: Aren't you guys excited to see what we can make with cassava flour?

Reward: 600 Coins, 90 XP

Welcome to the Island III

Father:  Kids, there are many reasons why I have decided to stay here.  Can you guess one of them?  Oh!  You already found one!

Plant 15 Alfalfa
  Skip for 15 RC

Feed Angora Goat 12 times
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 12 Mohair
  Skip for 12 RC

Father:  I was a bit afraid you wouldn't like my angora goat, but who couldn't like this super cute animal?!

Reward: 600 Coins, 90 XP

Welcome to the Island IV

Father:  It's easy to forget about farm work when you are taking care of these cute animals.  Can you please help me with some tasks before I show you more of the island?

Help 10 Neighbours
  Skip for 10 RC

Plant 10 Flax
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 10 Flax
  Skip for 10 RC

Father:  Ha ha!  You got me.  I tried to show them more of the fun stuff, rather than work, so that they will visit me more often.

Reward: 600 Coins, 90 XP

Welcome to the Island V

Kid, where are you?  Oh!  You already learned how to produce linen!  You're so talented!

Produce 10 Linen
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 10 Linen
  Skip for 10 RC

N.B.  In order to unlock the Loom, you need to complete the second farm expansion.

When you have made the expansion, you then must complete the first Loom before it can be used or another one purchased.  The first loom will require the followsing:

5 Warp Beams  (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)

5 Lag Bolts  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

3 Nails  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

20 Nuts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

Father:  I'm so proud of you!  I knew the seaside farm was in good hands!

Reward: 750 Coins, 113 XP, 10 Dev Points

Welcome to the Island VI

Father:  I got the spinning machine especially for Felicia!  Let's see if she can handle it on her own!

Spinning Machine Mastery Points
  You need 80 Points for 1 Star Mastery

Produce 12 Angora Hair
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 12 Angora Hair
  Skip for 12 RC

N.B.  When you have achieved 1 Star Mastery, Angora Hair Yarn and Wool Yarn will be unlocked.  You will need to transport the Angora Hair and Wool from the original Seaside Farm before you can use it in the Machine.

Father:  She is a natural.  Her Grandmother taught her really well!

Reward: 750 Coins, 113 XP, 10 Dev Points

Welcome to the Island VII

Learning is about repetition.  Do you remember how to use the water mill?  Let's have a walk and you can show me what you have learned!

Water Mill Mastery Points
  You need 80 for 1 Star Mastery

Harvest 2 Chestnut Trees
  Skip for 2 RC

Produce 2 Chestnut Flour
  Skip for 2 RC

Father:  Great job!  I can see that you will also be good farmer on the island.

Reward: 750 Coins, 113 XP, 10 Dev Points


Family Reunion

Family Reunion I

Finally my children are back for a visit!  And Darryl already wants to tell me about his idea!  He thinks the products here are amazing and we should start trading items between both farms!

Produce 15 Wool Yarn
  Skip for 15 RC

Transport 15 Wool Yarn to the Seaside Farm
  Skip for 15 RC

Sell 15 Wool Yarn at the Seaside Farm
  Skip for 15 RC

Father:  Woohoo!  What great trades!  We can also produce more, so that both our farms become even more popular!

Reward: 750 Coins, 113 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion II

Your father really loved to eat my pies... For a long time he couldn't enjoy them, but he must be really missing my pies now!  Let's get a pie machine and surprise him!

Buy Pie Machine
  Pic Machine costs 33000 Coins and is unlocked when you have 250 Dev. Points

Build Pie Machine

The Pie Machine will be unfinished when purchased and will require the following materials:

Feed Tray:x 5 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 8 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nut x 25 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)

You can purchase all parts and skip immediately for 43 RC

Father:  Now that we have a pie machine, we can make pies everyday!  I wish I had more ingredients to make more pies...

Reward: 1150 Coins, 174 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion III

Father:  Actually your father's favourite fruit is cranberry!  Let's make more cranberry pies!  I am sure the taste will be amazing!

Plant 10 Cranberry
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 10 Cranberry Pies
  Skip for 10 RC

Note that the Pie Machine requires Honey as an ingredient.  Honey cannot be made on the Island but must be transported from the Seaside Farm.  To transport 10 Honey takes a total of 40 Minutes by zeppelin. 

The other ingredient used to make Pies is Cassave Flour, which is produced on the Island itselt using the Watermill.

Father:  He loved the cranberry pie!  To me, he is still my little boy!

Reward: 690 Coins, 104 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion IV

It may be Expand to the next Plot or have 1 Mastery of Loom

It's been many years, but he still can't do anything without me!

Reward: 575 Coins, 87 XP, 10 Dev Points

N.B.  I never saw the tasks as I evidently had completed all of them previously!

Family Reunion V

Father:  What is that dusty thing?  Oh!  It's a loom!  It seems like it has not been used for a long time... I'll show you some loom magic!

Loom Mastery Points
  Earn 1 Star

Produce 12 Wool Cloth
  Skip for 12 RC

Harvest Tea Tree once
  Skip for 1 RC

Father:  The loom has not been used for such a long time!  But it works and we can even attract more new customers!

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion VI

Father:  There is so much stuff that you can find on the island.  It's all so interesting, like a treasure hunt!  Let's expand our land and see what's happening next!

Have 300 Dev Points

Add 15 Plots
  Skip for 15 RC

Plant 15 Cactus
  Skip for 15 RC

Father:  We have a bigger farm now!  Let's make more food and wait for our new customers on the island farm!

Reward: 575 Coins, 87 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion VII

Father:  Do you want more pies?  Do you think the seaside customers would also like cranberry pies?  We should send some to our seaside farm!

Harvest 15 Cactus
  Skip for 15 RC

Make 25 Pies
  Skip for 25 RC

Transport 10 Cranberry Pies to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Father:  Every one on the seaside farm enjoyed the food!  I should open a pie business!  I'm sure I'll earn a lot of money!

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion VIII

Sometimes the Island life can be hard... I'm sure my son will handle it well... But just in case, let's save enough money so we can help him!

Sell  10 Cranberry Pie at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Earn 70000 Coins at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 7 RC

Father:  We have enough money now, se he can continue with his experiments and I don't need to worry!

Reward: 690 Coins, 104 XP, 10 Dev Points

Family Reunion IX

Have a Camel

Not certain what the other task is as on both farms, I completed it instantly...

Family Reunion X

Father: I hope every one likes the camel!  By the way don't forget to feed the camel in time, otherwise it will starve.

Feed Camel 15 times
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 15 Camel Hair
  Skip for 15 RC

Father:  Great!  Now the animals on the farm are fed and the machines are clean.

Reward: 690 Coins, 104 XP, 10 Dev Points


Essential Oil Expert Quests

Essential Oil Expert I

Felicia:  A long weekend is a perfect reason to visit the island.  grandma asked me to go out and find some ingredients for a special pie!  I hope I can find some delicious ingredients!

Pie Machine Mastery Points 1 Star

Produce 15 Love Fruit Pies
  Skip for 15 RC

Felicia:  I feel energised from the love fruit pies!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 10 Dev Points

Essential Oil Expert II

Felicia:  I feel a bit sleepy after eating now.  How about a short nap under the tea tree?... Wow!  Was this standing here all the time?  I closed my eyes just for a second and now I find an essential oil machine!

Harvest Tea Tree two times
  Skip for 2 RC

Produce 2 Tea Tree Essential Oil
  Skip for 2 RC

Felicia:  I tried to use the essential oil machine.  It's a bit harder than I thought, but I'll get better and better!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 10 Dev Points

Essential Oil Expert III

What other kinds of oil can we made with the essential oil machine?  Let's go get some more products!

Have 480 Dev Points

Plant 25 Barley
  Skip for 25 RC

Plant 25 Cassava
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  Woops, I almost forgot to plant the products we need to produce oil.  Ha ha...

Reward: 650 Coins, 98 XP, 10 Dev Points

Essential Oil Expert IV

If lavender already smalls good, lavender oil should have an amazing scent!  Let's ask Darryl to bring us some lavender from the Seaside Farm and try to make lavender oil!

Transport 20 Lavender from Seaside Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Lavender Oil
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Oh my goodness!  Darryl just said that I have made the worst lavender oil he has ever smelt... I can't believe it.  What went wrong?

Reward: 976 Coins, 147 XP, 10 Dev Points

Essential Oil Expert V

Felicia:  Darryl thinks he can demotivate me, but it just spure me on!  No success without failure!  Now I'm even more eager to learn how to use this essential oil machine!

Transport 20 Daisies from Seaside Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 20 Daisy Essential Oil
   Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  This time Darryl asked me what the beautiful smell was!  I made it!  Haha!

Reward: 975 Coins, 147 XP, 10 Dev Points

Essential Oil Expert VI

Felicia:  I feel liuke I'm an essential oil expert!  Now I want to make some for Dad. I bet he will be proud of me!

Have 640 Dev Points
  (With 539 Points, skip for 2 RC)

Plant 30 Camomile
  Skip for 30 RC

Felicia:  Oh!  Dad was really impressed by my camomile oil!  Challenges are always exciting!

Reward: 950 Coins, 98 XP, 10 Dev Points

Essential Oil VII

Felicia:  Dad even forgot that he had that machine because he has no nose for this oil business, haha!  What else can we make?

Gain Essential Oil 1 Star Mastery (80 Points)

Produce 30 Camomile Essential Oils
  Skip for 30 RC

Felicia:  Now the whole farm is smelling amazing!  I really love it!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 10 Dev Points

This is the last quest in this sequence, followed now by Grandma's Quests in the form of the Holiday Store sequence.

Holiday Store Quests

Holiday Store I

I'm still impressed with the island farm.  There are so many new things here, such as the machines...  You kow what/ Just staying here for the holidays is boring!  Let's open a small trade business!

Achieve 2 Star Spinning Machine Mastery
  Need 600 Points

Produce 15 Camel Hair Yarn
  Skip for 15 RC
  N.B.  You will need to achieve 2 Star Mastery of the Spinning Machine in order to unlock Camel Hair Yarn.

Grandma:  Now we've got our first product and I think I'm mastering the new machines.  It's not so different from the seaside farm after all.

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 10 Dev Points

Holiday Store II

Grandma:  The good thing about a holiday business as hobby is that we can sell whatever we want!  And I'd love to sell some homemade pie.  At least I know for sure that my son will buy some!

Produce 50 Cassave Flour
  Skip for 50 RC

Produce 20 Cranberry Pies
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 30 Love Fruit Pie
  Skip for 30 RC

Grandma: Yummy!  They smell delicious.  It reminds me of the good old times, when Dad was still on the farm.

Reward: 975 Coins, 147 XP, 10 Dev Points

Holiday Store III

Grandma:  Flour is easier to transport.  We can't wait for customers to come to the island and visit us.  For our business, we have to transport the products to them!

Earn 2 Star Water Mill Mastery Points
  Reach 600 Points

Produce 25 Barley Flour
  Skip for 25 RC

Grandma:  So what did I say?  Ah, yes.  Once, when Dad was young, he ate a whole cranberry pie and got really sick.  Eyes too big for his belly!

Reward: 975 Coins, 147 XP, 10 Dev Points

Holiday Store IV

Grandma:  I can't believe it has been such a long time since he was lost.  I should show him that he can share the work with his family!  Let us help him to expand the island farm.  Family is not a burden!

Have 800 Dev Points

Add 15 Plots
  Skip for 15 RC

Plant 50 Honeysuckle
   Skip for 50 RC

Grandma:  Puh, thank you.  That was hard work, but we did it.  We even found some honeysuckle.  My son will be impressed!

REward: 725 Coins, 109 XP, 10 Dev Points

Holiday Store V

Grandma:  I know it's early, but for our business, we can already begin preparing some wool clothes for winter.  They won't turn bad and it's a useful investment!

Harvest 50 Honeysuckle
  Skip for 50 RC

Produce 20 Wool Cloth
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 20 Linen
  Skip for 20 RC

Grandma:  We can sell them even cheaper in summer.  But just to be sure, let us make some more products!

Reward: 1087 Coins, 164 XP, 12 Dev Points

Holiday Store VI

Grandma:  You can make so much with cotton cloth and they are easy to transport.  Perfect for becoming creative during the holidays and making some profit.

Earn Loom Mastery 2 Star Points

Collect 50 Cotton Cloth
  Skip for 50 RC

Grandma:  Thank you for all your help.  That should be enough for now.

Reward: 1450 Coins, 219 XP, 12 Dev Points

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by Felicia's Quests:

Emergency Preparation Quests

Felicia:  We came to the island again on the zeppelin, and brought a lot of nice things for Dad!  But this time it was a bit scary!  We could see dark thunder clouds from a distance.

Transport 50 Grapes to the Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Transport 50 Red Roses to the Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Transport 50 Blue Roses to the Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Felicia:  The storm is coming to the island.  We should prepare ourselves!

Reward: 1047 Coins, 164 XP, 12 Dev Points

Emergency Preparation II

Felicia:  I realised that Dad never prepared an emergency package for the Island!  We should do that fast!  The most important thing during an emergency situation is to stay calm.  Let's include some calming essential oils in the emergency package!

Produce 30 Red Rose Essential Oil
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 30 Blue Rose Essential Oil
  Skip for 30 RC

Felicia:  Oh, just producing these already makes e calmer and more focused.  Let's see what else we can put in the emergency pack.

Reward: 1067 Coins, 164 XP, 12 Dev Points

Emergency Preparation III

Felicia:  The dark clouds are coming closer.  If something happens we definitely need food to survive, something that can be stored for a long time.  I think dried fruit would be perfect for the package!

Have 1200 Dev Points

Buy a Dehydrator

Build Dehydrator

Felicia:  Oh, I can't wait to make this dried fruit!  I am sure Dad will like them as well!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 RC, 12 Dev Points

Emergency Preparations IV

Let us start with some easy storable fruits.  Raisins and dried cranberry sound good!  Healthy, storable and delicious.  Of course, we can also try some right now!

Produce 25 Raisins
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 25 Dried Cranberry
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  Oh, I keep snacking on these dried fruits, they are so delicious!  But I should start putting them in storage packages!

Reward: 960 Coins, 145 XP, 12 Dev Points

Emergency Preparation V

Felicia:  There are some other items I would like to put into the emergency package, but they are from our farm.  Let's look for shelter for now, until the storm passes, and then send the zeppelin to get us the items!

Transport 50 Blueberries to Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Tranport 20 Peaches to Island Farm
  Skip for 20 RC

Transport 50 Litlies to Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Felicia:  Oh, that was a strong storm, but luckily at passed by very fast.  And the zeppelin from our farm has already brought new things!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 12 Dev Points

Emergency Preparation VI

Felicia:  We got through this storm safely, but Dad should always be prepared for the next storm.  I will make some more dried fruits and maybe some vegetables as well.

Have 1440 Dev Points
Plant 25 Zucchini
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  These zucchin are delicious raw, cooked and even dried!

Reward: 960 Coins,  145 XP, 12 Dev Points

Emergency Preparations VII

Felicia:  Dad loves the emergency package and even thinks we could make a business with it.  He asked me to rpdocue some more samples so we can send them out to his customers to test.

Earn 1 Star Mastery Dehydrator Points

Produce 15 Dried Zucchini
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 15 Dried Zucchini
  Skip for 15 RC

Felica:  Oh Dad's customers loved the emergency packages!  And he praised me, saying I definitely have a nose for good business!

Reward: 960 Coins, 145 XP, 12 Dev Points

This is the last quest in this sequence, now followed by another sequence involving Felicia, as follows:

The Party is Coming Quests

The Party is Coming I

Felicia:  We've been working very hard lately.  It's time to invite all of our family members to celebrate our reunion.  Let's have a pie contest to choose the best one for the party.

Earn 2 Star Mastery (600) for Pie Machine

Produce 20 Blueberry Pies
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 20 Peach Pies
  Skip for 20 RC

Felicia:  Grandma's pies are the best!  The guests will love them!

Reward: 1312 Coins, 198 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming III

Felicia:  Hosting a party is very tiring.  I have to make sure that everything goes well.  Perhaps we should divide all the tasks between the family!

Have 1600 Dev Points

Plant 50 Wild Wheat
  Skip for 50 RC

Harvest Wild Wheat
  Skip for 50 RC

Felicia:  Hope Darryl also wants to help.  We have plenty of work to do!

Reward: 1050 Coins, 150 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming III

Felicia:  Hey Grandma!  We will need a lot of pastries for the party!  Darryl is already producing flour, so you can start making them!

Produce 25 Cassava Flour
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 10 Chestnut Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 25 Barley Flour
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  It is so nice to work as a team!  Our party is going to be the best we ever had!

Reward: 1312 Coins, 198 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming IV

Felicia:  Dad!  It is very sunny here so we need to protect our guests' heads from the sun.  Can you buy a hat machine?

Buy Hat Machine
  Skip for 20 RC

Build Hat Machine

Transport 15 Peacock Feathers to Island Farm
  Skip for 15 RC

N.B.  The Hat Machine is unlocked in the Market at 1690 Dev Points and costs 170000 Coins.

Felicia:  Dad is so good at building stuff!  Now we are ready to make some beautiful hats!

Reward: 1750 Coins, 265 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming V

Felicia:  This hat machine is so shiny!  I want to try it out first!  Would you help me to produce some hats?

Produce 15 Camel Hair
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 15 Peacock Hats
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 15 Peacock Hats
  Skip for 15 RC

Felicia:  These first hats are fine, but I am sure we can do better!

Reward: 1312 Coins, 198 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming VI

Felicia:  I have so much stuff to prepare that I have no time for lunch!  I will pick up some fruit and eat it on the way!

Have 1760 Dev Points

Have 2 Morus Trees
  Skip for 2 RC

Harvest 2 Morus Leaves
  Skip for 2 RC

N.B.  The cost of your first Morus Tree is 7000 Coins.  The cost of the second is 15000 Coins.  Once you have purchased the two Trees, you can use Super Watering Can to speed the harvest, skip it for 2 RC or wait for the natural time limit to be reached.

Felicia:  Yummy!  I can't get enough of those fruits!  I feel that I am full of energy again!  Back to work!

Reward: 1050 Coins, 159 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming VII

Felicia:  Parties are not only about food but also about having nice atmposphere!  Now it is my turn, let's prepare some essential oils to bring all of the island's aromas to the party.

Have 2 Star Mastery of Essential Oil Machine

Produce 25 Honeysuckle Essential Oils
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 25 Lily Essential Oils
  Skip for 25 RC

Felicia:  We have so much oil for the party, maybe I can take some for my evening bath!

Reward: 1312 Coins, 196 XP, 12 Dev Points

The Party is Coming VIII

Felicia:  Almost everything is ready for the party.  While Dad is away bringing some food from the seaside farm, I will prepare silk outfits for all of us!

Have 1920 Dev Points

Have 1 Silkworm Home
  Skip for 1 RC

Produce 3 Natural Silk
  Skip for 3 RC


The second sequence of Missions that is available upon arrival involve Felicia:

On the Way to Dad

On the Way to Dad I

Felicia:  I cannot believe we will see Dad soon!  Darryl is going wild too!  Of course we will not go empty handed, so let's prepare something as a gift for him!

Buy Chestnut Tree
  Skip for 6 RC
  Cost is 4000 Coins

Harvest Chestnut Tree
  Harvest the 2 that are ripe.

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

Felicia;  Chestnuts are delicious and I remember Dad used to collect them with us.  I think it's a nice walk down memory lane!

On the Way to Dad II

Felicia:  Wow, Dad sent a zeppelin to pick us up as well as some money for the trip.  I am already feeling a bit dizzy.  I never flew before!  I think I need to spend the money on some airsickness medicine!

Transport Chestnut to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Sell Chestnut at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Felicia:  Thank goodness the medicine works!  The view from the zeppelin is beautiful!

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

On the Way to Dad III

Felicia:  Darryl and Grandma seem to love the flight!  Darryl even asked if we can fly back and forth all day long: seems like he totally forgot his excitement for Dad!

Transport to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 1 RC

Transport to Island Farm
  Skip for 1 RC

N.B.  What this means essentially is that you need to transport at least one Item to Seaside and one to the Island.

Felicia:  We are arriving soon!  I am so excited to see Dad again!

Reward:  500 Coins, 75 XP

 On the Way to Dad IV

The island looks nice!  I can totally understand why Dad settled here!  But where is he?  Grandma said he probably found an interesting farming project again and forgot the time!

Have a Hardware Store

Craft Crosscut Saw
  Skip for 2 RC

Collect Crosscut Saw
  Skip for 2 RC

Felicia;  Grandma was right!  He was working in the hardware store!

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 RC

On the Way to Dad V

Felicia:  Dad is so happy to see us and wants to show us the whole island!

Expand to Plot 4

Earn 10,000 Coins at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 6 RC

Felicia:  There is so much to see here!

Reward: 2500 Coins, 90 XP

This sequence is followed by another one that involves Felicia:

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek I

Felicia:  What a beautiful day!  Dad is busy right now, so let's have some fun on our own and play hide and seek!  Darryl, prepare yourself!  Are you ready?  1, 2, 3, GO!

Harvest Oak Tree four times
  Skip for 4 RC

Craft 1 Wooden Cylinder
  Skip for 1 RC

Felicia:  He accepted the challenge!

Reward: 500 Coins, 75 XP

Hide and Seek II

Felicia:  This oak tree is huge!  Do you think that Darryl can find me if I will hide in it?  Let's try it out!

Collect 4 Wooden Cylinder
  Skip for 4 RC

Transport 3 Wooden Cylinder to Seaside FArm
  Skip for 3 RC

Sell 3 Wooden Cylinder at Seaside FArm
  Skip for 3 RC

Felicia:  I'm so good at this game!

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP

Hide and Seek III

Felicia:  Oh, I can't go higher!  I have an idea!  Let's craft a ladder and get even higher!  First I need some nuts for the ladder!

Craft 5 Nuts
  Skip for 5 RC

Collect 5 Nuts
  Skip for 5 RC

Felicia:  Besides the ladder, we could use these nuts to build a sawmill later!  What do you think?

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP

Hide and Seek IV

Felicia:  What are nuts without the lag bolts, right?  So let's craft some of those too!  Our ladder is almost done!

Create 3 Lag Bolts
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Lag Bolts
  Skip for 3 RC

Felicia:  Amazing!  Now let's hurry up and climb the tree.  Darryl will never find me!

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP

Hide and Seek V

The ladder worked perfectly.  I can see everything from up here.  Is that Darryl?  What is he doing over there?  I better go help him!

Have 4 Oak Trees

Harvest 8 Oak Trees
  SKip for 8 RC

Craft 8 Wooden Cylinders
  Skip for 8 RC

Felicia;  Poor Darryl, he's so bad at this game!

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP

Hide and Seek VI

Felicia;  Cool!  We found a whole new area.  I guess there are still a lot of things to be discovered on this huge island.  Let's do it!

Expand to Plot 5

Earn 20000 Coins at Seaside Farm

Felicia:  Life on the Island is so much fun!

Reward: 862 Coins, 130 XP


The Little Craftsman Quests

The Little Craftsman I

Darryl:  Hide and seek with Felicia was so much fun!  Oh, look!  There's a helicopter on the Island!  So cool!  Now it will be a lot easier to send products to the seaside Farm to sell!

Have a Loom

Finish 3 Helicopter Orders
   Skip for 3 RC 

(There may be a glitch here because it was only when I began a fourth that the quest completed.)

Darryl:  The loom is ready for usage!

Reward: 5000 Coins, 147 XP, 8 Dev Points

The Little Craftsman II

Darryl:  Everything is almost ready for sending!  All we need are some nails that Grandma asked me to craft!  I guess we'll have to ask for Felicia's help, since she's an expert at using the sawmill.  Wait... did I say 'Ask for Felicia's help'?

Craft 1 Nail
  Skip for 1 RC

Collect 1 Nail
  Skip for 1 RC

Transport 1 Nail to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 1 RC

N.B.  Note that Nails are crafted at the Hardware Store and NOT the Sawmill.

Darryl:  She thinks she's the best at using the sawmill!  I wish it wasn't true!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 8 Dev Points

The Little Craftsman III

Yeah!  We made all the orders just in time!  Now let's sell the nails at the seaside farm to earn some money.  Oh, I almost forgot!  Grandma asked us to bring back some angora hair to the island farm for the new spinning machine!  So cool!

Earn 50000 Coins at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Sell 1 Nail at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 1 RC

Transport 15 Angora Hair to Island Farm
  Skip for 15 RC

Darryl:  Helping Dad and Grandma on the Island farm is so much fun!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 8 Dev. Points

The Little Craftsman IV

Darryl:  I have finally some free time to learn som carpentry skills and Felicia promised to teach me!  She said we should first find some good wood. Let's have a look in the forest there!

Have 150 Dev Points

Have 3 Cedar
  Skip for 3 RC

Each Cedar Tree costs 4500 Coins.  You can have a total of 7.

Darryl:  This Cedar that I found in the forest is just perfect!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 8 Dev Points

The Little Craftsman V

Darryl:  Now that we have found the wood, we can start crafting planks to build a tree house!  That would be so cool!  First things first, let's craft what we need!

Harvest 3 Cedar
  Skip for 3 RC

Craft 3 Wooden Planks
  Skip for 3 RC

Collect 3 Wooden Planks

Darryl:  Job's done!

Reward: 975 Coins, 147 XP, 8 Dev Points

The Little Craftsman VI

Father said you can make good woodn furniture with wooden planks.  So I guess the tree house will have to wait, as she is planning to sell the planks at the seaside farm.

Transport Wooden Plank to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 1 RC

Sell Wooden Plank at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 1 RC

Darryl:  Customers really like our island farm products!  Dad will be proud!

Reward: 780 Coins, 118 XP, 8 Dev Points

The Little Craftsman VII

Darryl:  The island farm is growing fast, so we need more space!  Dad said we need to deliver some orders to earn money for expanding!

Expand to Plot 6

Finish 10 Helicopter Orders
  Skip for 10 RC

Darryl:  Yeah, we earned enough money to expand the Island farm!  So we have plenty of space to try out new stuff!

Reward: 7500 Coins, 147 XP, 11 Dev. Points


Super Dad Quests

Super Dad I

Father:  My kids will visit me today and I promised Darryl to spend the day with him in the workshop, like when he was a little kid.  I am honestly a bit nervous, so can you help me?

Have a Workshop on your Island

Collect 8 Wooden Cylinders
  Skip for 8 RC

 Father:  I still remember when he was a young boy, standing at the door and watching me crafting.  Now he is already old enough to help me!

Reward:  1067 Coins, 164 XP, 11 Dev Points

Super Dad II

All right, time to start!  While I am finishing a chair, he can get creative and make an awesome scarecrow!  I bet he will like that!

Craft 1 Wooden Chair in Workshop
  Skip for 1 RC

Craft Wooden Aroma Bottlle in Workshop
  Skip for 1 RC

Craft Scarecrow Toy in Workshop
  Skip for 1 RC

N.B.  You need 1 Power to craft each Item.

Father:  He loved it!  But that scarecrow isn't going to scare any crows, that's for sure!

Reward: 870 Coins, 131 XP, 11 Dev Points

Super Dad III

Father:  Darryl is such a smart boy. He reminds me of myself when I was young, haha!  I think I can teach him some more.  Do you think he would like to learn more about carpentry?

Harvest Oak Tree 8 Times
  Skip for 8 RC

Craft 4 Oil Painting Frames in Workshop
  Skip for 4 RC

Recipe:  Linen x 2, Oak Wood x 2

Father:  Wow!  He understood everything that I taught him!  I can't wait to teach him more!

Reward: 1087 Coins, 164 XP, 11 Dev Points

Super Dad IV

Father:  I'm no longer nervous around him at all, it feels like before I left!  Now I will show him the transport process.  Come and join if you want to learn it too!

Transport 2 Oil Painting Frames to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Sell 2 Oil Painting Frams on Seaside Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Father:  Thanks for helping and teaching my son while I was away!  You did a great job!

Reward: 870 Coins, 131 XP, 11 Dev Points

Super Dad V

By the way, that transporting also works the other way around!  If we need something from the Seaside Farm, we can ship it here too!

Craft 5 Wooden Plank
  Skip for 5 RC

Transport 25 Wool to Island Farm
  Skip for 25 RC

Father:  We can make a lot of things out of the wool on the island Farm.  And I am sure we can sell it for a good price afterwards!

Reward: 1087 Coins, 164 XP, 11 Dev Points

Super Dad VI

It is getting a bit crowded over here.  Let's invest the fruit of our labour in expanding the island in the meantime.  Darryl can keep an eye on the orders.

Expand to Plot 7

Fniish 20 Helicopter Orders
  Skip for 20 RC

Father:  Great job!  What a great day!  I loved being with Darryl!

Reward: 10000 Coins, 219 XP, 11 Dev Points

End of sequence, now followed by:

Outgrown Quests

Outgrown I

N.B.  Evidently had completed all tasks before Quest began as it simply completed...  I think it may be to build an Essential Oil Machine.

Father:  Preparations are all done.  Well, let's see if Felicia wants to spend her day with her old Dad!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 13 Dev Points

Outgrown II

Father:  Awesome, she instantly agreed to help me!  This is a good opportunity to learn more about my young lady.  I still remember her as the little girl when I left...

Transport 3 Tea Tree Essential Oil to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 3 RC

Transport 3 LAvender Essential Oil to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 3 RC

Transport 3 Daisy Essential Oil to Seaside Farm

Father:  The first oils have been transported to the seaside farm.  Felicia really has a nose for this stuff!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 191 XP, 13 Dev Points

Outgrown III

Father:  Felicia said that in the beauty shop, back on the farm, she can even make better beauty products!  I never thought that playing with dolls could teach her a thing or two about make-up...

Transport 5 Starfish Mirror to Island FArm
  Skip for 5 RC

Craft 5 Wooden Plants
  Skip for 5 RC

Father:  I'd never knew Felicia was so good with this business!  Even I learned a few things from her!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 13 Dev Points

Outgrown IV

Father:  I bet Grandma taught her things about make-up.  Seeing my kids here on the farm makes me regret that I missed all those years with them..  I hope we can make up the lost time!

Craft 5 Make-Up Boxes
  Skip for 5 RC

Transport Make-up Boxes to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 5 RC

Sell 5 Make-up Boxes at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 5 RC

Make-up Boxes are crafted in the Workshop using 4 Wooden Planks and 1 Starfish Mirror for each   To unlock, have 600 Dev Points.

Father:  I feel Felicia is still a bit upset about the lost years, but we are making progress!  The make-up boxes arrived, so let's continue!

Reward: 1600 Coins, 242 XP, 13 Dev Points

Outgrown V

Luckily there are lots of things we can do together!  Like making wrenches in the workshop.  What do you think?  Would she be interested?

Craft 2 Wrenches
  Skip for 2 RC

Collect 2 Wrenches
  Skip for 2 RC

Father:  I am really proud of her!  Although it was not her speciality at all, she listened carefully!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 13 XP

Outgrown VI

Now let's finish the last aroma bottle, so that Felicia can make more great aroma a thte seaside farm.  We are a good taam!

Craft 10 Wooden Aroma Bottles in the Workshop
  Skip for 10 RC

Transport 10 Wooden Aroma Bottles to the Seaside Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

Father:  if you share the work, everytng goes so much faster.  I really missed my family being around me!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 13 Dev Points

Outgrown VII

Father:  Bing bing!  Nearly sold out, just a few left!  What do you think?  Would tea tree aroma bottles sell?

Craft 5  Tea Tree Aroma Bottle
  Skip for 5 RC

Transport 3 Tea Tree Aroma Bottle to Island Farm
  Skip for 3 RC

Father:  Working with Felicia made me realise that she is a young lady now!  But in my heart she will always be my little girl!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 13 Dev Points

Outgrown VIII

Father:  Finally, the last bottle!  But I kinda wish there were more, so that I could spend more time with my Felicia.  Well, we still have some work left before going home for dinner.

Craft 5 Lavender Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 5 RC

Transport 3 Lavender Aroma Bottles to Island Farm
  Skip for 3 RC

Father:  Let's call it a day and have dinner!  Tomorrow is a new day to work on the island farm!

Reward: 1200 Coins, 181 XP, 13 Dev Points

This is the last Mission in this particular sequence, followed now by:

Expanding the House Quests

Expanding the House I

Father:  it is getting a bit crowded in the hut with the kids here.  Let's get some wood to expand the dining room!

Have 1120 Dev Points

Have 2 Red Sanders Trees
  Skip for 2 RC

Father:  I found a perfect tree!  There will be enough wood to even make some furniture!

Reward: 860 Coins, 145 XP, 13  Dev Points

Expanding the House II

Father:  All this renovation costs a lot.  Let's chcek the orders and see if we can earn some money!

Expand to Plot 8

Finish 30 Helicopter Orders
  Skip for 30 RC

Harvest 4 Red Sandalwood
  Skip for 6 RC

Father:  We did some good business!  It should be enough for now!

REward: 15000 Coins, 315 XP, 13 Dev Points

Expanding the House III

Father:  When you are building something, there is no such thing as too many wooden panels!  So let's craft a lot!

Craft 4 Wooden Panels
  Skip for 4 RC

Collect 4 Wooden Panels
  Skip for 4 RC

Father:  There were some wooden panels left, so Darryl took them for the tree house!

Reward: 1312 Coins, 198 XP, 15 Dev Points

Expanding the House IV

Father:  Our new dining room is almost done.  With some furniture here and there we can have a deliicious meal in a beautiful dining room!  Let's make all the furniture ourselves!

Craft 2 Coral Dressing Table in Workshop
  Skip for 2 RC

Transport 2 Coral Dressing Table to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Sell 2 Coral Dressing Tables at Seaside Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Father:  Felicia didn't like the tables we made, so we sold them at the seaside farm!

Reward: 1312 Coins, 198 XP, 15 Dev Points

Expanding the House V

Father:  Oh no!  We broke the screwdriver!  Now I have to make another one to finish the table!  Do yu want to see how to make one?

Craft 2 Screwdrivers
  Skip for 2 RC

Collect Screwdrivers in Hardware Store
  Skip for 2 RC

N.B.  You must have 1400 Dev Points to unlock the Screwdriver in the Hardware Store.

Father:  With Darryl helping e it didn't take long at all.  He is such a nice boy!

Reward: 1050 Coins, 159 XP, 15 Dev Points

Expanding the House VI

Father:  We need to finish this table soon, so we can have our first family dinner in the new dining room!

Craft 12 Wooden Cylinders
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 12 Wooden Cylinders
  Skip for 12 RC

Craft 12 Flower Table
  Skip for 12 RC

N.B.  The Flower Table is unlocked at 1500 Dev Points.

Father:  We finished just in time for the great feast that Grandma and Felicia prepared for us!

Reward: 1313 Coins, 198 XP, 15 Dev Points

This is the last quest in this particular sequence, followed now by a Mission involving Felicia.

Spacing Out Quests

Spacing Out I

Felicia:  Expanding the house made so much mess on the island!  Daddy and I are going to move some stuff to our seaside farm.  Do you need me to bring anything from there?

Transport 150 items to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 150 RC

Transport 150 items to Island Farm
  Skip for 150 RC

Felicia:  The zeppelin is so coo!  I wonder if Daddy will let me fly it next time!

Reward: 1750 Coins, 265 XP, 15 Dev Points

For these tasks, you can choose any items you wish but depending on how many expansions you have completed, you may find it useful to transport items needed for expansions.

Seaside Items always needed on Island include Honey and Goat Milk, two required ingredients in Island Machines.  Grapes, Blueberries, Daisies, Red Roses, Blue Roses. Wool, Alpaca Hair, Angora Hair, Cotton Bolls Pineapple, Apricot, Peach, Banana, Plum and Chocolate are ingredients used to make specific items in Island Machines.

Island Items needed on Seaside Farm:  Wooden Aroma Bottles are used in the Beauty Shop on Seaside.  There really are not that many Island Items that are required for use or even that are possible to use on Seaside at this point, but if you need Coins and you have valuable Island Items that you wish to sell, the only way to do that is by shipping them to the Seaside Farm.  Generally speaking, Machine Products are worth far more than the raw ingredients used to make them.

If you are beginning to feel the pinch financially where your Coin total is concerned, transport the more valuable Items, such as the various Pies from the Island to the Seaside Farm.  Note, however, that any Machine Product takes far longer to transport than simple Crops.  If, therefore you simply wish to complete this Mission as quickly as possible, transport Crops in both directions.

Spacing Out II

Felixia:  Felicis asked us to bring so much stuff from th seaside farm, so now we don't even have space to walk.  Time to expand!

Expand to Plot 9
  (Plot numbers were impossible to ascertain when I wrote this guide... I originally thought that all expansions would be numbered from left to right but this is not the case.) 

Finish 40 Helicopter Orders
  Skip for 40 RC

Felicia:  We got some extra money from the orders, which we can use on a new machine for the island farm.

Reward: 22000 Coins, 265 XP, 15 Dev Points

Spacing Out III

Felicia:  Much better now, but it's still not enough space!  We need more money for expansions!  Grandma can prepare some fruit bread to sell!  They are popular among our customers!

Have Flavoured Bread Machine

Transport 50 Garlic Bread to Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC
  N.B.   THIS IS AN ERROR.  Garlic Bread is made on the Island, not on Seaside.  The task should be:

Transport 50 Garlic Bread to Seaside Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Transport 50 Strawberry Jam to Island Farm
  Skip for 50 RC

Felicia:  All of the fruit bread was sold out in the blink of an eye!  Our islan farm is becoming more and more famous!

Reward: 1600 Coins, 287 XP, 15 Dev Points

Spacing Out IV

Felicia:  Now we have enough money for expansion!  Are you ready for great advantures on our big island farm?!

Expand to Plot 10

Expand to Plot 11

Expand to Plot 12

Felicia:  Great job!  Our island farm is so big and beautiful!  I want to stay here forever!

Reward: 4710 Coins, 376 XP, 15 Dev Points

At this point in time, at the beginning of Janurary 2015, this is the very last Mission in this particular thread.

On Plot 12, there is an unfinished Warehouse.


The unfinished Warehouse is on Plot 12.  To begin its construction, you will need to hire three Neighbours or pay 5 RC for each of the following positions:

The manager
  Invite or pay 5 RC

The Guard 1
  Invite of pay 5 RC

The Guard 2
  Invite or pay 5 RC


Island Expansions

Island Expansions are required tasks in specific Quests and often unlock a new Machine or other Item.  Note that, whenever there is a specific total for an Item requirement for an expansion, you will be unable to count a partial completion.  In other words, if the expansion requires 50 Linen, 45 Linen will NOT decrease the RC price to skip completion of the Item production.

1st Island Expansion

Save 20000 Coins to buy expansion

Have a Sawmill on your Island Farm
  Skip for 2 RC

Have 15 Mohair Yarn to buy expansion
   Skip for 10 RC

In the 1st Expansion, you will unlock Oat Trees.  You need to craft Saws  or purchase an Electric Saw for 1 RC to cut the Tree.

2nd Island Expansion

Save 50000 Coins to buy expansion

Have 10 Wooden Cylinders to buy expansion
  Skip for 10 RC

Have 30 Cassava Flour to buy expansion
  Skip for 15 RC

With the 2nd expansion, the Heliport should be unlocked and you should see the following message:

Congratulations!  Now you have your own personal heliport!  Let's see what we can do with it!

Complete Heliport Orders to gain Dev Points

Today, only the first two Helicopter Orders I completed gave me 10 Dev. Points each.  After that, I received only 5 Dev. Points for each Order completed.  With each 5 Orders completed after that, the Dev Point Reward until midnight will continue to decraase.  At midnight, outstanding Orders, if unaccepted, will be reset to 10 again.

3rd Island Expansion

Save 150000 Coins to buy expansion

Have 50 Linen to buy expansion
  Skip for 15 RC

Have 50 Angora Hair Yarn to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

Note that 50 Angora Hair must be transferred by zeppelin from the original Seaside Farm in order to be able to make the Angora Hair Yarn.

You must complete the requirements for the total number of items requested.  Partial completion does not reduce the RC price of the task.

When you have completed the 3rd Expansion, you will have unlocked the Workshop there.  Initially, you can make a Wooden Chair in your Workshop, using 4 Wooden Cylinders and 1 Wooden Plank.

Unfortunately, use of the Workshop requires Power.

4th Island Expansion

Save 300000 Coins to buy expansion

Have 75 Wool Cloth to buy expansion
  Skip for 15 RC

Have 20 Wooden Planks to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

When you have unlocked this Expansion, you will find an unfinished Essential Oil Machine on the land.

To build it, you will need:

Pump x 10 (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 10  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Nail x 10  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 3  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

Skip all tasks and pay 43 RC for instant completion

5th Island Expansion

Save 500000 Coins to buy expansion

Have 40 Camomile Aroma Bottle to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

Have 150 Love Fruit Pie to buy expansion
  Skip for 40 RC

Love Fruit must be transported from the Seaside Farm as must the Honey that is a required Ingredient in every Pie.  With respect to the Camomile Aroma Bottle, you will not be able to unlock Camomile as a Crop until you have amassed a total of 640 Dev Points.

With this expansion, you will have your first Dehydrator.  It is incomplete, however and you will have to complete it before you can use it.  To complete the Dehydrator, you will need the following:

Outer Case x 15  (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
 Nail x 10  (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 20  (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Wrench x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)

Complete instantly for a total of 50 RC.

6th Island Expansion

Save 1000000 Coins to buy expansion
  (With 85000 Coins, it offered to allow me to skip the task for 15 RC, but the other tasks never allow partial completion so perhaps the price for skipping this task always is 15 RC)

Have 300 Raisins to buy expansion
  Make these in the Dehydrator
  Skip for 30 RC

N.B.  Your first Dehydrator is given to you in the previous expansion but other Dehydrators require 1200 Dev Points to unlock

Have 300 Peacock Hats to buy expansion
   Skip for 40 RC

N.B.  The Hat Machie requires 1680 Dev Points to unlock


Note that the numbers I have given to the expansions are arbitrary, designated for each from left to right on the Map.

7th Island Expansion

Requirements for the 7th Island Expansion are:

Save1500000 Coins to buy Expansion

Have 500 Zucchini Bread to buy expansion
  Skip for 50 RC

Have 500 Violet Essential Oil to buy expansion
  Skip for 50 RC

This expansion has a smouldering Volcano on the land that produces Power every three hours!  Received 6 Power in my first harvest.

Note that Zucchini as a Crop is unlocked when you have earned a total of 1440 Dev Points.  Although the Flavoured Bread Machine in which it is made is unlocked at 2160 Dev Points, you will have your first Flavoured Bread Machine from the previous expansion.  Violets as a Crop are unlocked only when you reach 2960 Dev Points and Violet Essential Oil cannot be made until you have 3 Star Mastery of the Essential Oil Machine.

What this means in essence is that you should not be in any hurry to purchase the 7th Island Expansion if you have not earned the requisite number of Dev Points to unlock Zucchini and Violets.  100 RC is a hefty price to pay to skip the two Machine Product tasks.

A New Source of Power

The Volcano is a new source of Power for farmers, yielding Power every 3 hours.  In my first hour, I received 6 Power.  It will be a working 'Collectable' as soon as you complete the Expansion.  It does not require any building and in fact, you can move it if you wish.

8th Island Expansion

Save 1500000 Coins to buy expansion

Have 200 Strawberry Pies to buy expansion
  Skip for 20 RC

Have 220 Make-up Boxes to buy Epansion
  Skip for 36 RC

N.B.  The ingredients needed to make a Make-Up Box are:  Wooden Plank, Starfish Mirror.
The Starfish Mirror must be made on the original Seaside Farm in the Beauty Shop.  Ingredients needed for the Starfish Mirror are: Lavender Bouquet x 2, Dried Starfish, Glass.  Once the Starfish Mirror is made, it must be transported to the Island in order to be able to make the Make-Up Box in the Workshop.

This expansion has an unfinished Tea Master on the land.

Building the Tea Master

Tea Master Materials

To complete your Tea Master, you will need the following:

Firing Bowl x 25 (Request as Free Gift from Neighbours or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 50  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 20  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Screwdriver x 8 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)

Complete instantly for 103 RC

10th Island Expansion

Save 1500000 Coins to buy expansion

Have 80 Coral Drassing Tables to buy expansion
  Skip for 80 RC

Have 800 Stetsons to buy expansion
  Skip for 50 RC


Another name for these could be 'Gallery Missions' as you will find them in the last tab in the Gallery.

There is a tab in the Gallery that gives you access to something initially called the 'Time Machine'. 

The rewards from these missions are placed on the Bird House Base which you can purchase in the Market for 25 RC.  You can buy a second Bird House Base for 40 RC.  The Charm Point value of the Decoration is 5 Charm even when unfinished (empty).

Note that you can perform these Missions and place the Decorations directly on your Farm without ever purchasing the Bird Home Base.  I do believe that the Charm Value of the Decorations combined with the Bird Home Base may be greater when the items are placed within it, but that needs confirmation.  The Bird Home Base does have a large footprint so you will need space on your farm for it.  It rather defeats the purpose therefore to place Decorations outside of it if you have purchased it.  If not, however, it is good to know that the little Decorations can be obtained without having it and can be placed directly on your Farm. 

You can place a total of four stackable Bird Decorations on the Bird Bases but each has a specific spot allocated to it.  Therefore, if two have been given the same spot, you must choose between them.  For example, the Hamster Friend and the Mini Water Pump occupy the same location so you can have only one on a single Bird Base.  Unfortunately, it is the Bird House that appears to initiate most of the animations and it can be placed only on one Base.  With the Bird Seesaw, it will cause a little yellow bird to come out of the house to join the other yellow bird on the seesaw.  They will go up and down on it.  With the Mini Water Pump, Bird Ball Pool and Bird Pool in place,  it is the Blue Bird that comes out of the house and who first will float on a ball in the large pool, will fly to the top of the pump to use it, go down to the water to drink, return to the pump handle to roost, fall asleep and tumble down into the Ball Pool where all you will see are a few floating blue feathers afterwards.  The Hamster when placed on the Base with the Bird House has a friend who exits the house, eats from the food stand and then goes back inside. The Hamster Friend does a little somersault within the wheel and then begins to run on the wheel.  As you can see, the Bird House is the Decoration that initiates the various little animations.

There are some additional Decorations associated with the Bird Bases that have not been released yet.  One of them is another house.  It is possible that having two houses would allow one to experience two of the sequences at once.  At present, however, you have to choose whether to pair the Bird House with the Seesaw, the Hamster Friend or the Mini Water Pump.

The Gallery is not unlocked until you reach Level 5. Although you can purchase the Bird Home Base in the Market for 25 RC even at that Level, the Time Machine missions will not be unlocked until you reach Level 18.

Your will find the first four Gallery Missions below the new ones.

Four new Gallery Quests have been released.  All Tasks are posted below.  The Missions are:

Neighbour's Day Reward: 5 Medals and Inflatable Chair

Japanese Wonder: Reward:: 5 Medals and  Hamster Friend

Midsummer Night: Reward: 5 Medals and Bird Hot Air Balloon

Felicia's Wonderland.  Reward: 5 Medals and  Mini Water Pump

For all the Missions except one, once activated, you have three days to complete the section of the Mission that has been activated.  This will be HALF of the Mission actually in most cases.  Each of the Missions is in two parts except for the Japanese Wonder Mission which is in THREE parts, the final part being given four days to complete.

Be advised again that once you begin one of this Missions, you will not have access to any other time-restricted Mission.  What this means in effect is that, if Family Farm Seaside keeps to its usual schedule, the regular time-restricted Mission will begin on Friday and it would be best to have completed whatever Gallery Mission you have started by then.  Gallery Missions are in two parts, and you can complete the first part and delay the performance of the second if you feel you have insufficient time.

Once activated, the Mission is accessed through a new icon that will appear on the left of your screen.  These Missions are linked to the 2nd Bird Base that is sold in the Market, but you can complete them without purchasing the Bird Base first.  You can place them on the 1st or 2nd Bird Base in any case and can combine them with Decorations from the first four Quests, although I suspect the animation is triggered only by specific combinations.   Moreover, you can place the Decorations you earn on your farm directly although they will not be cleanable.  Only the Bird Base is cleanable and gives a Blue Box.

So far, I placed the Hamster Friend on the 2nd Base and all it does is a little somersault... I transferred the Bird Ball Pool from the 1st base and added that, but it has no effect.  On the 1st Base, it really is the Farm Bird House and the Seesaw that together have the best animation.  The little birds go up and down on the Seesaw and the Bird slides out of the house.  

As with previous Gallery Missions, this is a cooperative venture, and I thank the members of my group, Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk for their help in logging tasks.  I usually do everything by myself but in this case, I feel it is more beneficial if visitors are able to see all the new Quests to decide which they wish to pursue first and that means I need help from my group members as you only can perform one time-restricted Mission at a time.  I have a fantastic group and appreciate their efforts here immensely.

How to Complete any Part of a Gallery Mission

Gallery Missions are divided into two or three parts.  When you complete any Part of the Mission, you no longer will see the icon that represented it on your screen.  Go then to the Gallery and find the page with the Mission on it.  You will see a new item on the right page.  Each item has a slot on the left page that has its form.  Drag the item that is on the right page into the slot on the left side of the page.  You then will have completed that part of the Mission.  You can activate the next part by tapping on the next empty slot on the left page or you can wait, depending on your own schedule.  Remember that you have 3 days to complete any part of a Gallery Mission except in the case of Part III of the Japanese Wonder Mission, the only one with three parts and for which you are given four days to complete the final third.

Planning for Gallery Missions

The Gallery Missions tend to require the same items again and again.  As you have limited time to complete any part of a Mission once it is activated, it is best to make certain that you have adequate stocks of the items you will need in advance.  Making certain that you have Beef and Turkey on hand will help with a couple of the Missions as will large amounts of Eggs and Sugar.  It always is a good idea to keep as much Cake Flour, Batter, Soft Dough and Condensed Milk in your Barn as you can.

There are other items that will be needed for specific Gallery Missions.  For the Midsummer's Mission for example, you will need Wool and Yeast.  In one of the steps in the Felicia's Wonderland Mission, you will have to make two separate Dishes that both require more than 1 Spice each!   Before all the new updates were released, I always had more Yeast and other 'Collectable' items than I felt I ever would need.  Sadly, my stock in everything has been much depleted of late.  It now is a good idea to invest in the temporary Collectables such as Yeast Barrel, Spice Rack and Soy Sauce Barrel on a regular basis as everything is needed more often than it once was.

Placement on Bird Base

Although you can place Decorations from any of the Gallery Quests on the Bird Bases, as with any base, they do require a specific spot on the base.  Thus, if you wish to place the Bird Hot Air Balloon, you cannot place the Bird Pool on the same base as they both occupy the same spot.  It is the same with respect to the Hamster Friend and the Bird Seesaw.  You must choose between one and the other.

Neighbour's Day Mission

Contributors  Deborah Mance, Kathy Marcum and Cherie Austin Johnson

Neighbour's Day I

Lately, very few people have come to visit the farm.  Maybe it's not decorated enough?  How about putting some flowers as decorations?  Daisies are such beautiful flowers and their perfume is so nice!

Harvest 40 Daisies
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Sunflowers
  Skip for 20 RC

Buy a Welcome Arch for Neighbour's Day
  (An existing Arch will count)
  Skip for 5 RC

Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Darryl:  The farm looks much better.  Now that I think about it, it reminds me of  something but I can't remember what.

Neighbour's Day II

Darryl  I'm so forgetful sometimes.  Felicia told me it's going to be Neighbour's Day soon!  Let's prepare some drinks for everybody!  Oh, and don't forget some yummy juice for us kids!

Produce 40 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Bottles of Orange Juice
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 70 Coins, 14 XP

Darryl  Neighbour's Day means we should make a great meal and invite our neighbours to join in with the fun!

Neighbour's Day III

Darryl:  Every one is going to have fun!  Grandma Blair doesn't want us to go in the kitchen while she makes Love Cakes.  Oh, how about we put flyers everywhere to invite our Neighbours?

Ask for 20 Neighbour's Day Flyers from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Love Cakes
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 glasses of Maple Milk Tea
  Skip for 20 RC
  Each requires 2 Milk and 1 Maple Syrup

Reward: 90 Coins, 16 XP

Darryl:  Ready!  The appetisers are now done!  Smells so good!  Did you put the flyers up already?  Can't wait to have fun with the neighbours!


Go to the Gallery page and take the King of Hearts Card on the right side of the page and drag it into the empty slot on the lest side of the page.


Neighbour's Day IV

Darryl  Grandma is the best!  She will make some burgers while Felicia and I set up the little football table.  This is gonna be fun!  Could you help Grandma out for me please?

 Produce 50 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Turkey Burgers
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 plates of Coffee Biscuits
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Coffee Cookies and 1 Lavender Cheese

Rewards: 100 Coins, 18 XP

Darryl:  My team won!  Oh, everything is ready now?  Let's eat!  I'm starving!

Neighbour's Day V

Darryl:  All this playing has made the Neighbours thirsty.  Let's prepare some drinks for everybody and have a toast.  There should be some snacks too.

Prepare 20 mugs of Dark Beer
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 10 Beer Snacks in the Kitchen
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Cashews
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Darryl:  I didn't think we had that many neighbours.  Look, everybody is having fun!  Oh dear, Felicia looks so tired...

Neighbour's Day VI

Let's give the Neighbours something beautiful to look at!  They'll love a good old-fashioned flower display!  Think you could help with the flower arranging?

Produce 50 Lavender Bouquets
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Daisy Bouquets
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Lily Bouquets
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 120 Coins, 22 XP

Darryl:  We made too many bouquets!  But the smell is amazing!

Neighbour's Day VII

Darryl:  A great success!  Everybody's leaving with a smile on their face!  Since we're great hosts, let's offer snacks to the leaving guests.  Although I wish I could just go to bed.

Harvest 6 Pecans
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 10 Summer Toast
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Creamed Crab Cakes
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 150 Coins

Darryl:  The guests left the place in a mess, haha!  And next year we'll do it all again!  Hmm... time to sleep!  What a great day!

END OF MISSION: Go to Gallery page and drag the football on the right side to the empty slot with its shape on the left.  You will find the Inflatable Chair in your Gift Box.

Japanese Wonder Mission

Contributor: Eugenia de Conde Martino


Japanese Wonder I

Felicia:  Look at my dress,  It's a Kimono!  I have become very interested in Japan.  The fashio is cool and the food is tasty.  Let me show you some secrets of the Japanese kitchen I found, starting with Rice!

Harvest 40 Rice
  Skip for 20 /RC

Collect 40 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Felicia;  Rice is famous across the world.  When it's cooked correctly it gives off a wonderful smell.

Japanese Wonder II

Felicia:  We can prepare more ingredients for our Japanese cooking while watching a DVD about the famous Fujiyama Mountain!

Harvest 40 Rye
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 20 Fujiyama DVDs from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 60 Coins, 12 XP

Felicia:  Yummy, but we have lots more to do!  We're halfway to success!

Japanese Wonder III

Felicia;  What kind of sushi shall we make first, cucumber or egg?  Let's go with Egg, I think.  Every one will like it and I want Darryl and his friends to try it!  It's simple to make, so more time for other dishes.

Harvest 40 Corn
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 40 Eggs
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 loaves of Corn Bread
  Skip for 20 RC
  Cornmeal is made in the Kitchen and Corn Bread made in the Baker using it.

Reward: 70 Coins, 14 XP

Felicia:  We have too many eggs?  Ah, never mind!  We can use them in some other dishes!

Japanese Wonder IV

Felicia:  It's still raining outside!  I hope it doesn't put Darryl and his friends in a bad mood! They might not want to try my new food!  Oh, I know a solution!  Let's make Udon Noodles.  I still have the flour in the Barn.

Produce 40 Wheat Flour
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Bags of Oat Flour
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 Bowls of Udon
  Skip for 20 RC
  Each requires 1 Wheat Flour and 1 Oat Flour

Reward: 80 Coins, 16 XP

Felicia:  That should cheer them up and make the rest of the dishes much better!

THIS IS THE END OF PART I.  Go now to the Gallery and find the Japanese Wonder Mission.  A DVD will have appeared on the right page in the middle of the page.  Drag that DVD into the empty Slot that has its form at the top of the left page.  You now have completed the first part of the Mission.


Japanese Wonder V

Felicia:  Don't forget the Tempura!  Have you thought of eating your vegetables battered and deep-fried?  That's how tempuras are made! Let's make some Carrot Tempura!  It is delicious and carrots are good for your skin.

Harvest 50 Carrots
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 Batter
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 12 Carrot Tempuras
  Skip for 12 RC
 Each requires 2 Carrots and 1 Batter

Reward: 80 Coins, 16 XP

Felicia:  Hmm, not bad for a first go.  I'm not that good at frying yet, however.  I am very happy I didn't get any oil on my clothes.

Japanese Wonder VI

Darryl just came back from school and is very excited to try the new food.  He asked if he can invite more friends.  We will need to prepare some more food and I thought about some Manga comics for them to read!

Produce 12 Tempura Udon
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 3 Udon and 1 Carrot Tempura

Collect 20 Manga Comics from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 8 Matcha
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 85 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia: Ha ha, Darryl wants to be like a Japanese Superhero character and have the biggest farm in the world.  Keep on dreaming, Darryl!

Japanese Wonder VII

Felicia:  The Udon and the Manga really cheered them up.  I'll prepare the dinner while they are pretending to be superheroes. We had a really good onion harvest so we can use some to make the perfect Soup Base!

Fish 8 times with the Squid Hook
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 50 Onions
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 8 Matcha Lychee Pancakes
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 90 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia  I cant wait to try the sauce!  Should taste delicious with all the high quality ingredients from our farm!

Japanese Wonder VIII

Felicia:  The boys need some meat with the soup.  I know the perfect dish for this.  Sukiyaki!  Traditionally Japanese farmers cooked it using their farming tools.  Im glad we can just use the Kitchen.  It's much easier!

Harvest 50 Pasture
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Beef
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 6 bowls of Matcha Pudding
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 95 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia:  We made it!  Every one is smiling as they are happy and full!  What a great meal!

Go to the Gallery now and find the page with the Quest.  You will see an open book on the right page.  Drag it to the empty slot with the same shape on the left side of the page.   This completes the second part of the Quest.  You now either can activate the third part or wait.

You will have four days to complete the following tasks for this final part of the Quest.

Japanese Wonder IX

Felicia  Finally time for me to relax.  We can make some more snacks while Darryl and his friends enjoy the DVD about the famous Fujiyama Mountain with a glass of apple juice!

Produce 50 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Turkey Sausages
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 22 XP

Felicia:  Japan is so beautiful.  I wish I could go visit my pen pal, Yoshiko again.  I would love to see her and the Sakura Trees.

Japanese Wonder X

Felicia:  Now that I think of my penpal, Yoshiko, she didn't write for a long time.  I am wondering... maybe Darryl played a trick on me again!  Once he hid the letters in the Burger Box!

Produce 50 Bottles of Ketchup
  Skip for 25 RC

Process 6 Scallops in the Seafood House
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 Warship Sushi
  Skip for 6 RC

Rewards: 100 Coins, 22 XP

Felicia:  I knew it!  He tricked me again! Not very nice, but I finally found my letters from Japan!

Japanese Wonder XI

Felicia:  Wow, Yoshiko told me such a romantic story about her last date.  Reminds me of my friend who just started dating the boy of her dreams!  I think I can help... I have an idea... a romantic picnic under a Sakura Tree.

Harvest 8 Sakura
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 4 Sakura Tea
  Skip for 4 RC
  Each requires 1 Sakura and 2 Honey

Prepare 4 Sakura Candy
  Skip for 4 RC
  Each requires 2 Sakura and 1 Honey Syrup

Rewards: 120 Coins, 24 XP

Felicia:  So romantic!  Yoshiko also mentioned that Sakura is useful in the kitchen.  Let me tell you about the recipe she sent me...

Japanese Wonder XII

Felicia:  First is the Sakura-shaped Candy.  They look so cute on the picture and they are easy to make!  We can complement the candy with, of course, more Candy!  I bet Darryl would like to try some as well!

Produce 50 Grape Candies
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 6 Adzuki Paste
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Adzuki and 1 Honey Syrup

Prepare 10 sticks of Cotton Candy
  Skip for 10 RC
  Each requires 1 Sugar Cube and 1 Honey Syrup

Reward: 140 Coins, 25 XP

Felicia:  So adorable!  It will be a cute date.  We have made good use of the Sakura and that's not even the end yet!

Japanese Wonder XIII

Felicia:  Yoshiko is so right!  She told me Love Cakes are out of date and it's all about Sakura Cake.  It also looks so much tastier!  Let's make some!

Produce 10 Cake Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 4 Sakura Cakes
  Skip for 4 RC
  Each requires 2 Sakura and 3 Cake Flour

Prepare 8 Layered Mochi
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Sweet Dumplings and 1 Sakura

Reward: 150 Coins

Felicia:  The date went really well, and my friend is so grateful.  More importantly, Darryl was happy with the food and didn't make any trouble!  Hehe!

Now go to the Gallery and drag the air post envelope on the right page into the final empty slot on the left.  You will receive the final rewards of 5 Medals and the Hamster Friend Decoration which will go into your Gift Box to be collected.

Midsummer Night Mission

Part I contributed by Eugenia de Conde Martino and Amanda Max

Part II contributed by Cherie Austin Johnson

Midsummer Night I

Felicia:  Darryl's penpal is coming from Scandinaiv.  We want to surprise her with a Scandinavian Midsummer's Night party.  We know there is a lot to prepare from her letters so we need a big breakfast today.  Can you help?

Harvest 40 Wheat
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 40 Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Lavender
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 80 Coins, 16 XP

Darryl:  Mmm, that was a great breakfast.  Now let's read more of her letters and check what we need to prepare for our midsummer's celebration!

Midsummer Night II

Darryl:  'Dear Darryl, the most important part of our midsummer's party is the bonfire.  It has to be as big as possible, so ask every one living in theare to help build it.'  OK, let's build a big bonfire!  Are you ready?

Collect 20 Broken Furniture from your Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Turkey Burgers
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 6 Gorgonzola Baked Apples
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Honey Syrup and 1 Cheese Apple

Rewards: 85 Coins, 17 XP

Felicia:  This is going to be the best bonfire ever seen!  I now need your help with something else, but you have to keep it a secret from Darryl!

Midsummer Night III

Felicia:  'Every year on this day we have a sedding by the sea.  It's not a real wedding, two kids dress up as a bride and groom and get something yummy after!'  Darryl's penpal can be the bride and Darryl can be the groom.  Let's get ready!

Harvest 50 Daisies
  Skip for 25 RC

Collect 50 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 10 Orange Crumbles
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 90 Coins, 18 XP

Felicia:  Wonderful!  They're going to look adorable together, and the Orange Crumble will make Darryl happy, so don't worry about him!

End of Part I

Go to the Gallery page to find the Table on the right page and drag it to the top of the left side of the page into the empty slot with its form.


Midsummer Night IV

Felicia:  'Before we light the Bonfire, the kids dress up in costumes and bring musical instruments to the parade.  They make a racket to scare off any evil spirits lingering around!'  Wow, this sounds like fun!  Let's prepare for the parade!

Craft 6 pairs of Conch Earrings
  Skip for 6 RC

Craft 6 Red Cord Necklaces
  Skip for 6 RC

Collect 20 Pots and Pans from Neighbours to make Drums
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia:  I feel like drumming on the pots and pans now, but Grandma will get mad!  We'll wait until the parade.  Let's read what else we need!

Midsummer Night V

Felicia:  'One of the best things about the Midsummer's party is the tasty food!  We eat barbecue and mum makes her special salad'.  Grandma Blair found a recipe in her old cooking book for a delicious Midsummer's meal.  Let's help her cook!

Produce 50 Bags of Sugar Popcorn
  Skip for 25 /RC

Produce 50 Beef Salami
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 Bottles of Cherry Cider
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 3 Yeast and 2 Cherries

Felicia:  Mmm, I never knew salami could be this good!  Grandma is a great cook!  There's one more thing to do before the celebrations start!

Rewards: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Midsummer Night VI

Felicia:  'It's said: on the night of the bonfire, evil spirits linger round the celebrating people.  To show them what happens if they haunt us, we burn a fake witch.'  I'm sure we can find materials on the farm for a fake witch.  Let's go!

Collect 20 Tattered Outfits from Neighbours to dress the Witch
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 50 Pasture to use as Stuffing
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Pineapples to make the Witch's Head
 Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 110 Coins, 22 XP

Felicia:  This witch looks horrifyingly scary!  It'll look great when we burn it on the bonefire!  Everything is ready!

Midsummer Night VII

Felicia:  Even Darryl's penpal thought that was an amazing midsummer's celebration.  She was so happy we did this for her.  Midsummer's Day is the longest day of the year.  Let's celebrate with some delicious ice cream!

Harvest 8 Ice from the Ice Tree
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 10 Orange Ice Cream
  Skip for 10 RC
  Each requires 1 Ice and 2 Orange Smoothies

Prepare 12 Orange Jam Cookies
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Orange Jam and 2 Orange Cookies

Reward: 120 Coins, 23 XP

Felicia:  Ah, delicious!  We should do this again next year!

Go to the Gallery and find the Blue Robe on the right side of the page.  Drag it into the empty slot with its form on the left side of the page beneath the table.  The Hot Air Balloon Decoration will go immediately into your Gift Box.  Place it on your Farm first to register it and then place it on any Bird Base.

Felicia's Wonderland Mission

Contributors: Kathryn Thompson and Cherie Austin Johnson and Eugenia Martino de Conde

Falicia's Wonderland I

Felicia:  Hooray!  Summer holidays are finally here!  I had no special plans this year until Darryl asked me to help him change the farm into a magical farm.  I am still wondering why.  Well, anyway, I could use some help.  Are you in?

Harvest 40 Pineapples
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Red Roses
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 12 Carrot Cupcakes
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Carrot and 1 Cake Flour

Reward: 80 Coins, 16 XP

Felicia:  Ooh, it's looking so cute.  We can have a tea party in the garden like in the book I was reading.  I hope it's not too girly for Darryl.

Felicia's Wonderland II

Felicia:  Wow,  Darryl was totally fine with the tea party idea.  He even said it can't get cute enough... He is hiding something for sure!

Produce 40 Jars of  Pineapple Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 plates of Feta
  Skip for 20 RC
  Each requires 2 Buffalo Milk Cheese and 2 Goat Cheese

Produce 40 Sugar
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 85 Coins, 17 XP

Felicia:  Great, we have some jam and some feta.  This tea party will be sweet, but hopefully not too cheesy!

Felicia's Wonderland III

Felicia:  I was thinking about bringing butterflies on the farm, but Darryl's friends want entertainment first.  ... Hmm, what do you think about making some food and skipping ropes?

Ask for 20 Skipping Ropes from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 10 Allspice Crumbles
  Skip for 10 RC
  Each requires 3 Spice and 1 Orange Crumble

Prepare 8 Spicy Flank Steaks
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 6 Spice and 1 Grilled Flank Steak

Reward: 90 Coins, 18 XP

Felicia:  Finally Darryl let slip that he invited a special girl to our farm.  Oh, Darryl is in love!  Ah, so cute!  I need to check her out, haha!

Felicia's Wonderland IV

Felicia:  Let's collect some Butterfly Nectar to make some sweets for the tea party.  I have a special idea for magic sweets!

Harvest 6 Lychees
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 8 jars of Nectar
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 20 Black Forest Cakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Rewards: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia:  Great!  Darryl's 'She's just my friend' but really his girlfriend should be impressed.  Can't believe he didn't tell me before!  She's lovely!

END OF PART I:  Go to the Gallery page for this Quest and drag the teacup on the right side of the page into the empty slot bearing its shape on the left.


Felicia's Wonderland V

Felicia:  We can't forget the other children, so I already placed some games on the farm.  I want them to believe that if they drink the apple juice and eat these snacks, they will shrink!

Prepare 12 Roast Turkeys
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Turkey and 1 Ketchup

Produce 30 glasses of Apple juice
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 8 Tiramisu
  Skip for 8 RC

Felicia:  I hope they believe they shrank!  Could the garden be any more fun?  If the girl thinks Darryl is boring, it's not my fault, hehe.

Rewards: 100 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia's Wonderland VI

Felicia;  Grandma still has some old garden gnomes we can hid acorss the farm for people to try to find.  We can use them if we make some wine for her, no problem!

Ask for 20 Goodie Bags from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 60 bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Bottles of Wine
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 110 Coins, 22 XP

Felicia:  Super!  It feels so magical with gnomes and butterflies flying around!  I'll give out these goodie bags later... What fun!

Felicia's Wonderland VII

Felicia:  Nearly done, but Darryl has one more wish,  perhaps a kiss, hehe?  He wants me to take pictures while they are playing to collect some memories.  I have Grandma's old camera, but the roll of film fell somewhere in a patch of Mushrooms.

Harvest 60 Mushrooms
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 12 dishes of Mushroom Risotto
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Mushroom Salad and 2 Beef Risotto
  Each Beef Risotto requires 1 Steak Tartare and 2 Rice
  Each Steak Tartare requires 2 Beef and 1 Egg

Prepare 12 Bowls of Roasted Tomato Soup
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 2 Ketchup and 1 Egg Soup
  Each Egg Soup requires 1 Egg and 1 Seaweed

Felicia:  Yay!  We found the film while harvesting Mushrooms!  Pictures from old cameras still look the best, can't wait to see them!

REward: 120 Coins, 23 XP

Felicia's Wonderland VIII

Felicia:  At the exit of the farm, I will give the children the goodie bags we made earlier.  It's like taking a little bit of magic home and any leftover food can be sold!

Prepare 16 Apple Kulfi
  Skip for 16 RC
  Each requires 1 Kulfi and 2 Apple Jam
  Each Kulfi is made with 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Nectar

Prepare 8 Elderberry Pancakes
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Apple Kulfi and 1 Elderberry

Produce 60 Blueberry Candies
  Skip for 30 RC

Rewards: 120 Coins, 25 XP

Felicia; Nothing was left over and Darryl's NOW girlfriend will remember the day for sure.  'Love is in the air', hehe.  Thanks for all your help!

Go now to the Quest Gallery page and drag the little cow-headed teacup from the right side of the page to the empty slot on the left that has its shape.

The mini Water Pump Decoration will go immediately to your Gift Box.

First Four Gallery Missions, aka Time Machine Missions

The first four Gallery Missions are::

Easter Bunny Genie:
  Rewards: 5 Medals, Bird Seesaw
  50 Green Mystrons

  Rewards: 5 Medals, Bird Ball Pool
  50 Green Mystrons

Queen's Day
  Rewards: 5 Medals, Bird Pool
  50 Green Mystrons

Mother's Day
  Rewards: 5 Medals, Farm Bird House
  50 Green Mystrons

Each of the Decorations can be registered in the Gallery once you have completed the Mission.  If you place them in the Bird Home Base before registering, you must remove them temporarily to register them and then place them back in the Base.  The second Bird Home Base will have its own Decorations.  These are listed in the Decorations section of the Gallery but the actual Missions are not available yet.


Here is the complete Mother's Day Quest which is in two parts: 

Mother's Day I

Oh Mother's Day will be here soon, even for us Geese.  Can you help me prepare a beautiful day for my mom?  I want to show her how much I love her.  A good day always starts with a good breakfast!

Produce 40 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Goose:  The breakfast is healthy and delicious.  Mom loved my breakfast.

Mother's Day II

Goose:  Something is missing.. We should decorate the table with a bouquet.  Which one is Mom's favourite flower again?  Oh, I know!

Produce 40 jars of Pineapple Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 10 Orange Jam Cookies
  Skip for 10 RC

Get 20 Ribbons from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 70 Coins, 14 XP

The flower bouquet looks great!  Thank you!  Mom is always busy at taking care of me, now I want to do something for her.

Mother's Day III

Even the prettiest table won't look nice if the room around it is messy.  I will  tidy up and make our home beautiful, my friends can help me make some lovely decorations to hang on the walls.

Harvest 8 Lychees
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 40 bottles of Ketchup
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 10 sticks of Cotton Candy
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 85 Coins, 18 XP

Goose:  Wow!  Our house looks so pretty now!  Thank you, my dear friends!

When you complete this first part, you will be taken to the new Gallery Page for this Mission where you will see a little card with the name of Love.  Sweep this card into the first of the two empty slots on the top left of the page and you will gain access to the second half.  You will be asked, however, if you wish to activate the next part of the Quest as you only will have three days for it as well.

This is only the first of two quest sequences for this Story as indicated above.

You receive a Love Token for the first part but then must unlock the second.

Mother's Day IV

Goose:  Hmm, I want to get mom a gift that she will remember forever.  How about we make a carpet so that we can roll it out when the summer comes?

Produce 60 Wool
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Angora Wool
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 22 XP

Goose:  The materials are ready!  We can start making the carpet now.

Mother's Day V

Goose:  Just a card is missing.  I want to give mom a Card as a surprise, we can hide it under some Love Cakes.  I know you are good at drawing, you will not refuse to help me, right?

Harvest 60 Love Fruits
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 Love Cakes
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 60 bags of Sugar Popcorn
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 120 Coins, 22 XP

That's great!  We can go out and have a picnic with Mom!

Mother's Day VI

I've got a great idea!  Let's get some special mugs full of love for breakfast.  Some hearty breakfast filled with love and something sweet!

Prepare 10 bowls of Egg Soup
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 10 Polish Donuts
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 60 Maple Sugar
  Skip for 30 RC

Reward: 120 Coins, 24 XP

Goose:  Hmm, I wonder if I am making the Love Cakes for Mom, or because I love them too!

Mother's Day VII

Goose:  Lastly, as the cherry on the top, I want to get Mom a reward for 'Best Mom Ever'.  Let's drink champagne to celebrate! Oh, we kids better drink some juice instead!

Produce 60 Daisy Bouquets
  Skip for 30 RC

Craft 10 Rose Facial Masks
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Wild Rose Marmalade
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 300 Coins

Goose: Mom will never forget this day!


Go to the Gallery and find the page with the Mother's Day Quest information.  Swipe the Mom card on the right into the slot on the left.   Find the Farm Bird House and Mystrons in your Gift Box.  Choose 'Use' for the Bird House and take it to the Bird Home Base.  Tap on the icon of the House with jigsaw pieces inside and it will be placed correctly to allow placement of other Reward items when you complete those quests.  The Farm Bird House is worth 3 Charm Points.

Queen's Day

Queen's Day I

Felicia:  I've been feeling strange lately, a little light headed and having mood swings.  I laugh and I'm happy for no apparent reason!  And suddenly love the colour orange!  How strange!

Produce 40 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 Milk Cookies
  Skip for 20 RC

Complete the Orders on the Ordar Board
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Felicia:  I know what it is!  Today is Queen's Day in the Netherlands.  Let's celebrate the birthday of the Queen!

Queen's Day II

Felicia:  The Queen is going to abdicate on Queen's Day.  We will have a King after more than 100 years!  Let's put on an Eccentric Hat, just like the Queen  Oh, and we need some Tulips to decorate the place!

Harvest 40 Rice
   Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 sacks of Rice Flour
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 20 lots of Butter
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward:  70 Coins, 15 XP

Felicia:  Queen's Day means that the Dutch princes will take part in activities with their people.

Queen's Day III

Felicia: Every one is having fun with all sorts of activities on the streets.  Let's also organise a tin can alley match on the farm!  Hmm, how about Cheddar Cheese and Black Forest Cake as prizes?

Harvest 8 Oranges
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 40 jars of Orange Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 80 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia: Look, I'm not the only one!  There seems to be Orange Madness everywhere.  It looks like Grandma Blair is the only one immune from it.


This is the end of the first part of this Quest.  Go to the Gallery and find the Quest page to swipe the little blue wooden shoes on the right side of the page into the empty slot on the left.

Now tap on the empty slot beneath it that is the same shape to activate the second part of the Story.

Queen's Day IV

Felicia:  Grandma wants to sell Orange Juice in the Queen's Day Market.    I 2remember that last year it was really crowded and every one was wearing orange clothes.  I sold a lot of old stuff that day!

Harvest 8 jars of Birch Tree Syrup
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 glasses of Birch Tree Kvass
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 20 bowls of Cottage Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 200 Coins, 24 XP

Felicia:  Hey, look there!  There is a girl crying in the middle of the crowd!

Queen's Day V

Felicia:  Aw, poor kid, she is hungry and lost her Doll in the middle of all that orange madness.  Let's help her out!

Collect 8 jars of Nectar
  Skip for 8 RC

Collect 50 Duck Eggs
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Mayonnaise
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 80 Coins, 20 XP

Felicia:  Wow, that was an awesome Queen's Day!  Looking forward to next year's King's Day now!

Queen's Day VI

Felicia:  We should get a beer and have a toast in honour of his Majesty!  Oh, and of course have a dance too!  Will you dance the traditional Dutch Clog Dance with me?

Harvest 25 Tulips
  Skip for 12 XP

Produce 60 Tulip Bouquets
  Skip for 30 RC

Craft 6 Lemon Facial Masks
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 300 Coins

Felicia:  A toast in honour of his Majesty!.

You have completed the second half of the Quest.  Go to the Gallery page for the Quest and swipe the golden Wooden Clogs from the right side of the page into the empty slot on the top left of the other side.  Now fetch your Reward from your Gift Box and place it either on your Farm directly or in the Bird Home Base.

Final Rewards;  5 Medals, Bird Pool

N.B.  The Bird Pool gives 2 Charm when placed outside the Bird Home Base.  When I took it from the farm and used the Jigsaw puzzle icon to place it properly in the Bird Home Base, I saw +1 Charm, which I take to signify that you receive an added Charm Point, making it worth more inside the Base than outside of it, which would make sense.

Thumbelina Quest

Story page:   Once upon a time, a peasants wife kissed an oat bud and I,Thumbelina emerged from it.   One night a toad carried me away, so I had to ask the butterflies for help.  They carried me to a safe place...

Contributed by Minh Le, Jean Murray Johnson and Janett Megapolis from my Facebook Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Group:

Thumbelina:  You don't know who I am?  I will tell you my story.  Once upon a time, a peasant's wife kissed an Oat Bud.

Thumbelina I

Harvest 40 Oats
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 60 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 30 RC

Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 50 Coins, 10 XP

Thumbelina:  I emerged from an Oat bud!  Yes, I'm Thumbelina!

Thumbelina II

Thumbelina:  The peasant and his wife often cooked some delicious food for me.  Oh, I miss the taste of their food.  Could you make some?

Produce 40 Steak Burgers
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 20 jars of Apple Jam
  Skip for 10 RC?

Collect 20 Napkins from Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Thumbelina:  I love delicious food!  Life is good! 

Reward: 70 Coins, 14 XP 

Thumbelina III

One night, I was carried off by a toad.  I had to ask the butterflies for help.  They used my ribbon to carry me to a safe place.

Harvest 50 Lavender
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Angora Hair
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 10 Apple Tarts
  Skip for 10 RC 

Thanks, I wanted to go home, but then winter came.

Reward: 85 Coins, 18 XP

Thumbelina IV

Brr, winter was on its way.  I had to prepare something to keep me warm! 

Produce 50 bundles of Wool
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 Blueberry Krispy Bars
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 12 glasses of Mango Juice
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 22 XP 
Thumbelina:  At least I wasn't cold or hungry during winter.

This marks the end of Part I.  Go to the Gallery Page and swipe the little red butterfly on the right page to the top left corner of the left page into the empty slot with its pattern. Now when you are ready to start Part II, tap on the empty slot beneath it.

Reward: 100 Coins, 22 XP

Second part of mission:

Thumbelina V:

When spring arrived, I walked out.  Then... can you imagine what I saw?  I bet you can, if you plant some of these flowers.

Harvest 6 Grapefruits
  Skip for 6 RC

Craft 10 Blue Hearts
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 20 sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 120 coins, 22 XP

Hard to believe!  But it's true!

Thumbelina VI

He was just my size and looked like me:  a flower fairy prince!  He asked me to marry him and I said yes!  Did you see my ring?

Produce 50 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 50 Fern Flowers
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Lily Bouquets
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 120 Coins, 24 XP

I received a pair of wings and traveled with him from flowwr to flower!

Thumbelina VII

He introduced me to Darryl and Felicia and showed me their farm.  Could you help me prepare some food here on your farm?

Produce 50 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 Grapefruit Pies
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 140 Coins, 26 XP 

Thanks, Friends!  We will back  and have a party!

Thumbelina VIII

Oh, thank you!  My parents will be so happy!  Which reminds me... Can you help us prepare some dinner?

Harvest 50 Daisies
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Beef Salami
  Skip for 25 RC

Fertilise your Neighbours' Farms 50 Times
  Skip for 25 RC

Reward: 300 Coins 

Thanks for your help!  We have a happy life together!

Go to the Gallery Page and swipe the pin butterfly from the right page to the top of the left page into the empty slot.   Now go to your gift box

Find the Decoration and place it on your farm first to register it before placing it in the Bird Home Base.  By itself, it is worth 1 Charm Point.

Easter Bunny Genie

At present, contributions from my group members, including Nadia Carta, Minh Le, Deidania Medina:

Easter Bunnie Genie I

Easter Bunny:  Hi there!  I am the Easter Bunny Genie!  I have a problem: being a Genie, I can't build a Toy Easter Bunny myself.  Can you help me>  But before you do, I am kind of hungry.

Produce 40 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Loaves of Oat Bread
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 60 Coins, 12 XP 

Well done!  Thanks for your help.

Easter Bunny Genie II

Ah!   Your tomatoes are great!  Now let's get to work.  The Toy Bunny should ride a bicycle.  I think you can handle  that, right?

Harvest 40 Carrots
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 40 Sugar
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 10 Carrot Cupcakes
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 75 Coins, 12 XP

Excellent!  I feel great right now!

Easter Bunny Genie III

Bunnies have long, hairy ears, so that's what we need right now!  Do you know a way to get them?

Harvest 40 Cane
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 12 plates of Lavender Cheese
  Skip for 12 RC

Feed Carrots to the Angora Rabbit to produce 40 Angora Hair
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 80 Coins, 18 XP

Great job!  I love its beautiful ears!

Easter Bunny Genie IV

This is awesome!  The Toy Bunny will look super cute!  But how will it be able to see?

Harvest 6 Cherries
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 40 Pitaya
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 8 Jugs of Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 100 Coins, 20 XP 

Awesome!  The pink eggs are lovely!  Share the news with your Neighbours!

My comment to the Easter Bunny Genie: What pink eggs, dear chap?

This marks the end of the first part of the Quest. Go to the Easter Bunny Genie page and swipe the icon of the Green Bunny on the lower corner of the right page into the top empty Bunny slot on the left page to receive your Reward.  You then need to tap on the second empty Bunny slot on the left page to activate the second part of the Quest.

Easter Bunny Genie V

Another essential part of Bunnydom around Easter time is the tail.  The Toy Bunny needs one... a cute one!

Produce 50 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 25 RC

Fish 12 times with Bone Fishhook

Great!  I love the little short tail!

Reward: 100 Coins

Easter Bunny Genie VI

Easter Bunny Genie:  I see you are doing great on the coloured eggs!  But as an Easter Bunny, I also must ring chocolate eggs and bunnies and stuff to the people.  Can you help me with that, too?

Process 6 Crayfish in the Seafood House
  Skip for 6 RC

Harvest 8 Chocolate
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 12 Chocolate Eggs
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 150 Coins, 25 XP

Well done!  Thanks for your help!

Easter Bunny  Genie VII

It looks like you have everything!  I'm so excited!  But how will we transport all the eggs you found?  We need baskets!

Get 20 Baskets from your Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 50 Love Cakes
  Skip for 25 RC

Make 6 Milk Facial Masks
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 150 Coins

Excellent!   Go to Gift Box to see your Toy Bunny on Bike.  Let's transport  the Easter Eggs!

In fact, this declaration has no meaning.  You need to go back to the Gallery to find the Easter Bunny Genie Quest page, and swipe the Pink Bunny on the right page over to the top of the left page into the empty slot.  When you have done this, you will be able to find the Bird Seesaw in your Gift Box with 50 Green Mystrons  but you will not receive the Toy Bunny on Bike Decoration at all.  The Bird Seesaw  is worth 3 Charm by itself.  Place it directly on the farm first to register it in the Gallery and then move it into the Bird Home Base, using the puzzle piece icon to place it properly.


Gallery Registration

The Time Machine Quest Decorations have been added to the Gallery now for registration along with the remainder of the special Halloween Sale Items.   They are as follows:

Bird Home Base:
   4 Medals, 15 Green Mystrons

Farm Bird House
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Stone Bird House
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Mini Water Pump
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Bird Seesaw
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Hamster Friend
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Bird Swing
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Bird Pool
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Bird Hot Air Balloon
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Bird Ball Pool
  1 Medal, 5 Organic Fertiliser

Inflatable Chair
  1 Medal, 5 Organic Fertiliser

Letter Blocks
  1 Medal, 5 Organic Fertilisers

These obviously cannot be placed in a single Bird Home Base which probably is why you have the ability to purchase two in the Market.  The price for the second is higher at 40 RC, making it similar to Island price patterns for duplicate item purchases.

This information is included in my General Guide for the Island but I felt it might be helpful if farmers had a quick reference guide for items that need to be transported from the Seaside Farm early in Island gameplay.  You will find my General Guide for the Island at:

Family Farm Seaside Island Guide

In this post, you will find a section as well giving the uses for Island Crops, Trees and Animals.

Seaside Items Needed for Island Machines

You can begin to collect Seaside Items on the Island even before you are able to use them in the Island Machines.  As Zeppelins are limited and transport of Items always takes time, it is good to know which Items you will need in the future.

As a general rule, there are two Items that should be transported regularly, at least until you have earned 3 Star Mastery of the Pie Machine and Yogurt Machine.  These are Honey and Goat Milk, required ingredients in these Machines.  Honey is required to make any type of Pie and any type of Yogurt and Goat Milk is required to make any type of Yogurt.

The following Items will be needed on the Island in Machine Production to complete Missions in the early stages of Island gameplay:

Honey  (use in Pie Machine and in Yogurt Machine)
Wool (use in Loom and Spinning Machine)
Cotton (use in Loom)
Lavender (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Red Rose (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Blue Rose (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Love Fruit (use in Pie Machine)
Goat Milk (use in Yogurt Machine)
Grapes (use in Dehydrator)
Peacock Feathers  (use in Hat Machine)
Goose Feathers (Use in Hat Machine)

Note that some of these Items, like Honey and Goat Milk, are necessary ingredients if you wish to use the Machine at all and that others, like the Lavender and Love Fruit, are used to make particular types of Items in an Island Machine.  There are other Items that are used in Island Machines that may not be involved in early Quests but which must be transported from the Seaside Farm in order to be used in Island Machines.  Many ARE required for advanced Missions.  These include the following:

Daisy (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Tulip  (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Lily (use in Essential Oil Machine and in Flower Basket Machine)
Sunflower (use in Essential Oil Machine)
White Rose (use in Flower Basket Machine)
Jasmine (use in Flower Basket Machine)
Pink Rose (use in Flower Basket Machine)
Angora Hair (ise in Loom)
Alpaca Hair (use in Loom)
Horse Hair (use in Loom and in Hat Machine)
Jackfruit (use in Dehydrator and Flavoured Bread Machine)
Strawberry (use in Pie Machine, Dehydrator and Flavoured Bread Machine)
Lemon (use in Dehydrator)
Banana (use in Pie Machine and in Dehydrator)
PIneapple (use in Yogurt)
Apricot (use in Pie Machine)
Blueberry (use in Pie Machine and use in Yogurt)
Chocolate (use in Pie Machine and Yogurt Machine)
Peach (use in Pie Machine and in Yogurt Machine)
Pear (use in Pie Machine)
Pumpkin (use in Pie Machine)
Watermelon (use in Yogurt Machine
Peacock Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Katchup (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Beef Salami (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Pork Sausage (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Venison Sausage (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Peacock Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Goose Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Ostrich Feathers (use in Hat Machine)

Items Needed for Expansions:

You will need large quantities of specific Items to complete required Tasks for Island Expansions.  Here are all of the Items you will need to complete all current Island Expansions:

15 Mohair Yarn
  Feed Alfalfa to the Angora Goat, then process the Mohair in the Spinning Machine
10 Wooden Cylinders
  Harvest Oak Tree for Oak Wood, then process in the Sawmill
30 Cassava Flour
  Harvest Cassava, then process in Watermill
50 Linen
  Harvest Flax, then process in Loom
50 Angora Hair Yarn
  Feed Carrots to Angora Rabbit on Seaside Farm, transport Angora Hair to Island, then process in Spinning Machine
75 Woolen Cloth
  Feed Wheat to any Seaside Sheep, transport to Island, then process in Loom (need 1 Star Mastery)
20 Wooden Planks
  Harvest Cedar Tree for Cedar Wood, then process in the Sawmill
40 Camomile Aroma Bottles
  Harvest Camomile, craft Wooden Aroma Bottles in the Workshop using Wool Yarn (x 2) and Cedar Wood, transport both Camomile and Wooden Aroma Bottles to the Seaside, craft Camomile Aroma Bottles in Beauty Shop, then transport finished Camomile Aroma Bottles back to the Island (Each Camomile Aroma Bottle is made using 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Camomile Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water, harvested from Water Fountain or requested from neighbours)
150 Love Fruit Pies
  Transport Love Fruit and Honey to the Island and make Love Fruit Pies in the Pie Machine using Love Fruit, Cassava Flour (made in Watermill) and Honey
300 Raisins
  Transport Grapes from the Seaside Farm and process them in the Dehydrator
300 Peacock Hats
  Transport Peacock Feathers from the Seaside, feed Camel Cactus to produce Camel Hair and make Peacock Hats in the Hat Machine using Camel Hair and Peacock Feathers
500 Zucchini Bread
  Harvest Zucchini, make Dried Zucchini in the Dehydrator, harvest Chestnuts from the Chestnut Tree and process in Watermill to make Chestnut Flour, then add Chestnut Flour and Dried Zucchini to the Flavoured Bread Machine
500 Violet Essential Oil
  Harvest Violets and process in the Essential Oil Machine (requires 3 Star Mastery)
200 Strawberry Pies
  Transport Strawberries from Seaside, then make Strawberry Pies in the Pie Machine using Strawberries, Honey and Cassava Flour (process Cassava in the Watermill)  (Strawberry Pies require 3 Star Mastery to make in the Pie Machine
220 Make-Up Boxes
  Transport Starfish Mirros from Seaside and craft Make-up Boxes using Wooden Plank made in the Sawmill from Cedar Wood and Starfish Mirror (Each Starfish Mirror requires 2 Lavender Bouquets made with Lavender in the Flower Packing Machine, 1 Dried Starfish made by processing Starfish in the Seafood House and 1 Glass, a Free Gift)
60 Coral Dressing Tables
  Transport Coral Rose Mirrors from the Seaside and craft Coral Bressing Tables in the Workshop using Coral Rose Mirror and Wooden Panel made in the Sawmill using Red Sandalwood cut from the Red Sanders Tree (Each Coral Rose Mirror is made using 2 Red Rose Bouquets made with Red Rose in the Flower Packing Machine, 1 Polished Coral Twig, a Bonus item from Coral processed in the Seafood House, and 1 Glass, a Free Gift)
800 Stetsons
  Feed Carrots to Horse on Seaside Farm, transport Horse Hair to the Island and craft Stetsons in the Hat Machine using Horse Hair (requires 3 Star Mastery)

There is no doubt that many of the Seaside Items will be required again and again for Missions at some point and could be included in Helicopter Orders at ANY point in time.

Note that your ability to use any Ingredient will depend upon your Mastery Level of the Machine you are using.  It would be practical therefore to transport the ingredients that require the least Mastery first and only transport those that require 3 Star Mastery later.

Honey, being a required ingredient in two Machines that you will obtain early in your Island progress, should be transported as often as possible.  I sometimes prefer to transport a small amount frequently instead of loading the zeppelin with a large amount, simply because that gives me more options.  When a zeppelin is on a 24 hour trip, for example, you will be unable to use it until that time period has elapsed, where a zeppelin that is on a transport trip that will take only a couple of hours will be free to transport something else after that time period.

Materials to Build Machines on Island

Unlike some of the Machines you buy on the original Seaside Farm, almost ALL the Machines you buy or obtain through Farm Expansions on the Island will be incomplete.  Each will have its own specific Materials List.  In almost every case, one of the Materials can be requested from your Neighbours but the others must be made in the Hardware Store.  Even the Machines that require RC to purchase will be incomplete upon purchase and you will find that the number of Materials needed is significant.  You will need some of the same Materials if you wish to build new Zeppelins as well.

Although you can own more than one of every type of Machine or Building on the Island, the Hardware Store is one of the very few where I feel the farmer truly benefits from owning two.   Even the Machines that are available initially requires quite a few Nails, Lag Bolts and Nuts.  For example,  to build a Loom, you will need the following Materials:

Loom Materials List

5 Warp Beams  (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)
5 Lag Bolts  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
3 Nails  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
20 Nuts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

For a second Loom, you will pay 12 RC and need the same materials to complete it.

This is nothing compared to the Materials List for some of the Machines.  Furthermore, the Materials that you craft in your Hardware Store can be sold for a fair amount of Coin if you transport them to the Seaside Farm, although personally I think you should ssve them all for use in building projects.

Here are some more Materials Lists:

Watermill:  20000 Coins

Roof Tile x 3 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Nut x 3 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)

Pie Machine Materials List

The Pie Machine will be unfinished when purchased and will require the following materials:

Feed Tray:x 5 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 8 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nut x 25 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)

Essential Oils Machine Materials List

When you have unlocked the 4th Island Expansion, you will find an unfinished Essential Oil Machine on the land.

To build it, you will need:

Pump x 10 (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 10  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Nail x 10  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 3  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

Yogurt Machine Materials
At 900 Dev Points, you will be able to buy your first Yogurt Machine for 100000 Coins.  The Yoghurt Machine will be incomplete and you will need the following to complete it:

Tap x 10  (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 10  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 20  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 4  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)

Or complete instantly for 43 RC

Hot Dog Machine Materials

With 1050 Dev Points and 12 RC, you can purchase your first Hot Dog Machine.  It will be unfinished and will require the following Materials:

Black Wheel x 20  (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 15 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 20  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 6  (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)

Flavoured Bread Machine Materials

Mixing Basin x 25  (Request from Neighbours or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 20 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 10 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Screwdriver x 2 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

In many cases, such as the Zeppelin project, you will find that you need MORE Materials when you attempt to build another one.

Zeppelin Materials List

Here are Zeppelin Material requirements:

You will begin with two Zeppelins.  To add a third, you must build it or pay a total of 99 RC to skip the requirements for materials.  Materials are:

20 Rope  (Request from Neighbours as Free Gift or pay 1 RC each)
25 Nuts ( Craft or pay 1 RC each)
25 Lag Bolts (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
25 Nails (Craft or pay 1 RC each)

Whjen you have completed the third zeppelin, you will be able to build another using the following Materials:

Rope x 35 (Request from Neigbhours or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 50  (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 50 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Cart x 2 (2 RC each)

Skip all for instant completion with 139 RC

When the 4th Zeppelin is complete, you will have the option to build a fifth as follows:

Rope x 50 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Wrench x 40 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 50 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Zeppelin Shell Cloth x 2 (6 RC each)

Note that you will be unable to craft some of the Items, such as the Wrench, until you have gained Dev Points on the Island.

Hardware Store Crafting

Here is a list of the Materials you can make in the Hardware Store with the value and price of each:

Crosscut Saw: 0 Coins
  Cost of crafting: 25 Coins

Nut: 110 Coins
  Cost of crafting: 100 Coins

Lag Bolt: 675 Coins
  Cost of crafting: 650 Coins
  5 Minutes to complete

Nail: 1256 Coins
  Cost of crafting: 1200 Coins
  12 Minutes to complete

Wrench: 7220 Coins
  Cost of crafting: 7000 Coins
  1 Hour to complete

Screwdriver: 13800 Coins
  Cost of crafting:

Tip:  If you decide that you wish to buy some of the Materials needed to complete a Machine or Building project, buy the ones that have the greatest Coin price and take the longest to complete.  After all, if each Material costs 1 RC, it is better to obtain the most for your premium cash!  In other words, if Wrenches are needed, those are the Materials you should buy with RC instead of paying RC to buy Nails!  The more expensive the Material, the longer it takes to craft as well, providing another reason to use your RC to purchase the most expensive Materials.

Uses for Island Items

There is a list of Items and their Values in my General Island Guide as well as a Page on my original Family Farm Seaside site, but I thought it might be helpful to make a List of Island Items with their Uses here.

Island Crops and their Uses

Alfalfa:  Feed to Angora Goat to produce Mohair.   Mohair is used in the Spinning Machine to produce Mohair Yarn.

Flax:  Use in Loom to produce Linen.

Cassava:  Use in Watermill to produce Cassava Flour.  Cassave Flour is one of the three required Ingredients in any Pie made in the Pie Machine.

Cranberry:  Use in Pie Machine to make Cranberry Pie, in Yogurt Machine to produce Cranberry Yogurt and in Dehydrator to produce Dried Cranberry.

Cactus:  Feed to Camel to produce Camel Hair.  Use in Spinning Machine to produce Camel Hair Yarn.

Camomile:  Use in Essential Oil Machine to produce Camomile Essential Oil.

Barley:  Use in Watermill to produce Barley Flour.  Barley Flour is a required ingredient in any Hot Dog produced by the Hot Dog Machine.

Garlic:  Use Garlic in the Flavoured Bread Machine to produce Garlic Bread.

Honeysuckle:  Use Honeysuckle in the Essential Oil Machine to produce Honeysuckle Essential Oil.

Zucchini:  Use Zucchini in the Dehydrator to produce Dried Zucchini.  Dried Zucchini is used in the Flavoured Bread Machine to produce Zucchini Bread.

Kiwi:  Use Kiwi Fruit in the Yogurt Machine to produce Kiwi Yogurt and in the Dehydrator to produce Dried Kiwi.  Dried Kiwi is used in the Flavoured Bread Machine to produce Kiwi Fruit Bread.

Wild Wheat:  Process Wild Wheat in the Watermill to produce High Gluten Flour.

Island Trees and their Uses

Fruit Trees

Chestnuts:  Chestnuts are harvested from the Chestnut Tree.  Use in the Watermill to produce Chestnut Flour.  Chestnut Flour is a required ingredient in any Bread made in the Flavoured Bread Machine.

Tea Tree Leaf:  Tea Tree Leaves are harvested from the Tea Tree.  Use in the Essential Oil Machine to produce Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Bamboo Shoot:  Bamboo Shoots are harvested from the Bamboo Tree.   Feed to the Panda to produce Baskets.

Morus Leaf:  Morus Leaf is harvested from the Morus Tree.

Wood Trees:

Oak Wood:  Harvest Oak Wood from the Oak Tree.  Oak Wood can be made into Wooden Cylinders in the Sawmill.  Both Oak Wood and Wooden Cylinders are used in the Workshop to craft items.

Cedar Wood: Harvest Cedar Wood from the Cedar Tree.  Cedar Wood can be made into Wooden Planks in the Sawmill.  Both Cedar Wood and Wooden Planks can be used in the Workshop to craft items.

Red Sandalwood:  Harvest Red Sandalwood from the Red Sanders Tree.  Red Sandalwood can be made into Wooden Panels in the Sawmill.  Use both Red Sandalwood and Wooden Panels in the Workshop to craft items.

Animal Products:

Angora Hair:  Angora Hair is produced by the Angora Goat when it is fed Alfalfa.  Use Angora Hair in the Spnning Machine to produce Angora Hair Yarn.

Camel Hair:  Camel Hair is produced by the Camel whe it is fed Cactus.  Use Camel Hair in the Spinning Machine to produce Camel Hair Yarn and as the primary ingredient in the Hat Machine to make any type of Hat.

Bamboo Basket: Bamboo Baskets are produced by the Panda when it is fed Bamboo Shoot and is the primary ingredient in the Flower Basket Machine to produce any type of Flower Basket.

Natural Silk:  Natural Silk is produced by the Silkworm Home.

All Island Machine Ingredients

If you are wondering where to find the Items used in any of the Island Machines, this section should be extremely useful.  Some of the information is repeated in other sections of the guide, but it is here that you will discover whether an Item is made on the Seaside Farm and therefore must be transported by zeppelin before it can be used in the Machine or whather it is a 'native' Island Item.

The Machines that can be built on the Island use both Seaside Items and Island Items to make products.  I am including ALL Items in this list.

Watermill Products:

The Watermill is a single ingredient Machine that produces the following types of Flour:

Cassave Flour: 163 Coins
  Dassava is an Island Crop.

Chestnut Flour: 40 Coins
  Chestnut is harvested from the Chestnut Tree, an Island Tree.

Barley Flour: 128 Coins
  Barley is an Island Crop.

High Gluten Flour: 186 Coins
  Wild Wheat is an Island Crop.

Spinning Machine Products:

The Spinning Machine is a single-ingredient Machine.

Mohair Yarn: 47 Coins
  The Angora Goat, an Island Animal, produces Mohair when fed Alfalfa.

Angora Hair Yarn: 101 Coins
  The Angora Rabbit, a Seaside Animal, produces Angora Hair when fed Carrots.

Wool Yarn: 67 Coins
  Any Sheep, Seaside Animals, will produce Wool when fed Wheat.

Camel Hair Yarn: 65 Coins
  The Camel, an Island Animal, will produce Camel Hair when fed Cactus.

Alpaca Hair Yarn: 208 Coins
  The White Alpaca, a Seaside Animal, will produce Alpaca Hair when fed Green Lettuce.

Horse Hair Yarn: 115 Coins
  The Horse, a Seaside Animal, will produce Horse Hair when fed Carrot.

Loom Products:

Linen: 78 Coins
  Flax, an Island Crop, is used to produce Linen.

Wool Cloth: 68 Coins
  Wool, the product of any Sheep, a Seaside Animal, is used to produce Wool Cloth.  Feed any Sheep Wheat to produce Wool.

Cotton Cloth: 278 Coins
  Cotton, a Seaside Crop, yields Cotton Boll when harvested.  Cotton takes 6 hours to mature.

Silk: 53 Coins
  Natural Silk is the product of the Silkworm Home, an Island 'Animal'.

Pie Machine Products:

The Pie Machine is a three-ingredient Machine.  The two primary ingredients that are used in every sort of Pie are Barley Flour, produced when Barley, an Island Crop is used in the Watermill, and Honey, a Seaside Item, produced when Bees a Seaside Animal, pollinate Crops of various types.  The primary Crop that produces Honey when pollinated is Clover.
It is the third ingredient that determines the type of Pie that is made.

Cranberry Pie: 323 Coins
  Cranberry is an Island Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.

Love Fruit Pie: 423 Coins
  Love Fruit is a Seaside Crop that takes 20 hours to mature.

Apricot Pie: 237 Coins
  Apricot is harvested from Apricot Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 16 hours.

Chocolate Pie: 224 Coins
  Chocolate is harvested either from the Chocolate Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 12 Hours or from the Chocolate Dragon, a Seaside Collectable.

Blueberry Pie: 288 Coins
  Blueberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 3 hours to mature.  You can request Blueberries as a Free Gift from Neighbours as well.

Banana Pie: 238 Coins
  Banana is harvested from the Banana Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 22 Hours.

Peach Pie: 228 Coins
  Peach is harvested from the Peach Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 24 Hours.

Pear Pie: 196 Coins
  Pear is harvested from the Pear Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 4 hours.

Strawberry Pie: 410 Coins
  Strawberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 9 hours to mature.

Pumpkin Pie: 505 Coins
  Pumpkin is a Seaside Crop that takes 15 hours to mature.

Essential Oil Machine Products

The Essential Oil Machine is a single ingredient Machine that produces the following:

Tea Tree Essential Oil: 32 Coins
  Tea Tree Leaf is harvested from the Tea Tree, an Island Fruit Tree, every 4 hours.

Lavender Essential Oil:  59 Coins
  Lavender is a Seaside Crop that takes 2 hours to mature.

Daisy Essential Oil: 41 Coins
  Daisy is a Seaside Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.

Camomile Essential Oil: 272 Coins
  Camomile is an Island Crop

Red Rose Essential Oil:  53 Coins
  Red Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 4 hours to mature.

Blue Rose Essential Oil: 151 Coins
  Blue Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 12 hours to mature.

Honeysuckle Essential Oil: 103 Coins
  Honeysuckle is an Island Crop that takes 40 minutes to mature.

Tulip Essential Oil: 145 Coins
  Tulip is a Seaside Crop that takes 22 hours to mature.

Lily Essential Oil: 328 Coins
  Lily is a Seaside Crop that takes 10 hours to mature.

Violet Essential Oil: 603 Coins

Sunflower Essential Oil: 373 Coins
  Sunflower is a Seaside Crop that takes 20 hours to mature.

Dehydrator Products

The Dehydrator is a single ingredient machine.  Its products are used primarily in the Flavoured Bread Machine.  The Dehydrator will produce the following:

Dried Cranberry: 144 Coins
  Cranberry is an Island Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.

Dried Raisins: 74 Coins
  Raisins are produced from Grapes, a Seaside Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.

Dried Zucchini: 308 Coins
  Requires 1 Star Mastery
  Use Zucchini, an Island Crop that takes 4 Hours to mature, to produce Dried Zucchini.

Dried Jackfruit: 34 Coins
  Requires 1 Star Mastery
  Jackfruit is harvested from the Jackfruit Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 10 hours.

Dried Kiwi Fruit: 417 Coins
  Requires 2 Star Mastery
  Use Kiwi, an Island Crop, to produce Dried Kiwi Fruit.

Dried Lemon: 38 Coins
  Requires 2 Star Mastery
  Lemon is harvested from the Lemon Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 10 Hours.

Dried Strawberry: 222 Coins
  Requires 2 Star Mastery
  Strawberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 9 hours to mature.

Dried Pineberry: 513 Coins
  Requires 3 Star Mastery
  Pineberry is an Island Crop.

Dried Banana: 43 Coins
  Requires 3 Star Mastery
  Banana is harvested from the Banana Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 22 Hours.

Yogurt Machine Products

The Yogurt Machine is a three ingredient Machine.  The two ingredients that never change are Honey and Goat Milk.  Goat Milk is produced by the Goat, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Pasture.  Honey is produced by Beehives, a Seaside 'Animal' when they polinate specific Crops, primarily Clover.  Honey can be requested as a Free Gift as well.  It is the third ingredient that determines the type of Yogurt produced.

Cranberry Yogurt: 184 Coins
  Cranberry is an Island Crop.

Pineapple Yogurt: 257 Coins
  Pineapple is a Seaside Crop that takes 1 Hour to mature.

Blueberry Yogurt: 141 Coins
  Blueberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 3 hours to mature.  Blueberry can be requested as a Free Gift as well.

Raisin Yogurt: 124 Coins
  Requires 1 Star Mastery
  Raisins are produced by Grapes, a Seaside Crop, that takes 6 hours to mature, when processed in the Dehydrator.

Chocolate Yogurt: 74 Coins
  Requires 1 Star Mastery
  Chocolate is harvested from the Chocolate Tree, a Seaside Tree or from the Chocolate Dragon, a Seaside Collectable.

Blackberry Yogurt: 185 Coins
  Requires 2 Star Mastery
  Blackberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.

Kiwi Yogurt: 447 Coins
  Requires 2 Star Mastery
  Kiwi is an Island Crop.

Peach Yogurt: 88 Coins
  Requires 3 Star Mastery
  Paach is harvested from the Peach Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 24 hours.

Watermelon Yogurt: 329 Coins
  Requires 3 Star Mastery
  Watermelon is a Seaside Crop that takes 10 hours to mature.

Hot Dog Machine Products

The Hot Dog Machine is a three-ingredient Machine.  Barley Flour and Ketchup are the two ingredients that never change.  It is the third ingredient that determines the type of Hot Dog made. Barley Flour is an Island Crop.  Ketchup is made in a Sauce Machine, a Seaside Machine, using Tomato, a Seaside Crop.  Any Meat used to make a Hotdog must be processed first in the Salami Machine, a Seaside Machine.

Beef Hotdog: 238 Coins
  Beef is produced by Limousin Cattle, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Pasture.  Process it in the Salami Machine to make Beef Salami.

Turkey Hotdog: 441 Coins
  Requires 1 Star Mastery
  Turkey is produced by a White Turkey, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Rice.  Process it in the Salami Machine to make Turkey Sausage.

Pork Hotdog: 432 Coins
  Requires 2 Star Mastery
  Pork is produced by a Pig, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Sweet Potato.  Process it in the Salami Machine to make Pork Sausage.

Venison Hotdog: 727 Coins
  Requires 3 Star Mastery
  Venison Steak is produced by a Deer, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Bean.  Process it in the Salami Machine to make Venison Sausage.

Flavoured Bread Machine Products

The Flavoured Bread Machine is a two-ingredient Machine.  The primary ingredient is Chestnut Flour.  It is the second Ingredient, often produced in the Dehydrator that determines the type of Bread that is made.

Dried Cranberry Bread: 211 Coins
  Dried Cranberry is produced in the Dehydrator, an Island Machine, using Cranberry, an Island Crop.

Raisin Bread: 139 Coins
  Raisin is the product of Grape, a Seaside Crop, when it is processed in the Dehydrator.

Zucchini Bread: 400 Coins
  Dried Zucchini is produced in the Dehydrator using Zucchini, an Island Crop.

Jackfruit Bread: 45 Coins
  Dried Jackfruit is the product of the Jackfruit, harvested from the Jackfruit Tree, a Seaside Tree, when it is processed in the Dehydrator.

Garlic Bread: 171 Coins
  Garlic is an Island Crop that takes 9 hours to mature.

Kiwi Fruit Bread: 525 Coins
  Dried Kiwi is produced in the Dehydrator using Kiwi, an Island Crop.

Strawberry Bread: 320 Coins
  Dried Strawberry is the product of Strawberry, a Seaside Crop, when it is processed in the Dehydrator.

Pineberry Bread: 635 Coins
  Dried Pineberry is produced in the Dehydrator using Pineberry, an Island Crop.

Cinnamon Bread: 122 Coins
  Cinnamon is harvested from the Cinnamon Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 14 hours.

Tea Master Products

The Tea Master is one of the more advanced Machines, even though you can obtain one by completing an expansion even when you have not earned sufficient Dev Points on the Island.  It is a two-ingredient Machine.  The primary ingredient used to make every type of Tea is Tea Plant, an Island Crop.  Note that this is quite different from the Tea Leaf produced by the Tea Tree!  It is the second ingredient that determines the type of Tea that is made.

Minty Morocco: 284 Coins
  Mint is an Island Crop.

Lemon Tea: 100 Coins
  Lemon is harvested from the Lemon Tree, a Seaside Tree.

Maple Tea: 91 Coins
  Maple Sugar is made with Maple Syrup, harvested from the Maple Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 9 hours, then processed in the Sugar Machine, a Seaside Machine.

Cranberry Tea: 210 Coins
  Cranberry is an Island Crop.

Camomile Tea: 321 Coins
  Camomile is an Island Crop.

Elderberry Tea: 88 Coins
 Elderberry is harvested from the Elderberry Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 8 Hours.

Ice Tea: 95 Coins
  Ice Cube is harvested from the Ice Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 10 Hours, or is produced by the Ice Dolphin, a Seaside Collectable.

Honeysuckle Tea: 156 Coins
  Honeysuckle is an Island Crop.

Flower Basket Machine Products

Camomile Basket: 328 Coins
  Camomile is an Island Crop.

Lily Basket: 376 Coins
  Lily is a Seaside Crop that takes 10 hours to mature.

White Rose Basket: 147 Coins
  White Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 4 hours to mature.

Honeysuckle Basket: 175 Coins
  Honeysuckle is an Island Crop.

Jasmine Basket: 107 Coins
  Jasmine is harvested from the Jasmine Bush, a Seaside Tree, every 10 hours.

Violet Basket: 642 Coins
  Violet is an Island Crop.

Pink Rose Bouquet: 276 Coins
  Pink Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 8 hours to mature.

Hat Machine Products

The Hat Machine is a two-ingredient Machine.  The primary ingredient is Camel Hair, produced by the Camel, an Island Animal, when it is fed Cactus.

Peacock Hat: 226 Coins
  Peacock Feathers are produced by the Peacock, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Rice.

Goose Hat: 128 Coins
  Goose Feather is produced by the Goose, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Lotus Flower.

Ostrich Hat: 123 Coins
  Ostrich Feather is produced by the Black Ostrich, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Daisy.

Stetson Hat: 197 Coins
  Horse Hair is produced by the Horse, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Carrot.

Hardware Store Products

Crosscut Saw: 0 Coins
Nut: 110 Coins
Lag Bolt: 675 Coins
Nail: 1256 Coins
Wrench: 7220 Coins
Screwdriver: 13800 Coins
Copper Ingot: 1458 Coins
Iron Ingot: 2155 Coins
Silver Ingot: 3655 Coins
Gold Ingot: 7042 Coins
 Diamond: 11957 Coins

Glass Factory

The new Glass Factory costs 10,000 Coins and is complete when purchased.  You can make the following:

Mirror: 4157 Coins
Ceramic Plate: 1636 Coins
Emerald Glass: 1526 Coins
Ruby Glass: 3606 Coins
Amethyst Glass: 6075 Coins
Golden Glass: 9194 Coins

Sawmill Products:

Wooden Cylinder: 255 Coins
  Use Oak Wood from Oak Tree

Wooden Plank: 695 Coins
  Use Cedar Wood from Cedar Tree

Wooden Panel: 3962 Coins
  Use Red Sandalwood from Red Sanders Tree

Pickaxe: 1755 Coins
  Ingredients:  Wooden Cylinder x 2,
  Cost: 1185 Coins

Sawdust: 925 Coins
  Ingredients:  Oak Wood x 1, Cedar Wood x 1
  Cost: None

Workshop Products:

Wooden Chair: 1745 Coins
  Ingredients:  Wooden Cylinder x 4, Wooden Plank

Scarecrow Toy: 779 Coins
  Ingredients:  Mohair Yarn x 2, Cedar Wood

Oil Painting Frame: 676 Coins
  Ingredients:  Linen x 2, Oak Wood x 2

Wood Aroma Bottle: 819 Coins
  Ingredients:  Wool Yarn x 2, Cedar Wood

Make-Up Box: 1090 Coins
  Ingredients:  Wooden Plank, Starfish Mirror

Coral Dressing Table:  4248 Coins
  Ingredients:  Coral Rose Mirror, Wooden Panel

Flower Table: 5602 Coins
  Ingredients: Wooden Cylinder x 6, Wooden Panel

Gunpowder: 1333 Coins
  Ingrdients:  Nitre x 1, Sawdust x 1
  Nitre is obtained from the Mine and Sawdust is crafted in the Sawmill.

Dynamite: 2768 Coins
  Ingredients:  Nitre x 2, Bamboo Shoot x 1
  Nitre is obtained from the Mine and Bamboo Shoot is harvested from the Bamboo Tree

Bomb: 3558 Coins
  Ingredients:  Gunpowder x 1, Iron Ingot x 1
  Gunpowder is crafted in the Workshop and Iron Ingot is crafted in the Hardware Store.

Barrel Bomb: 5401 Coins
  Ingredients:  Gunpowder x 1, Wooden Panel x 1
  Both ingredients are crafted in the Workshop

Stone Brick:2805 Coins
  INgredients:  Ceramic Plate x 1, Claystone x 2
  Ceramic Plate is made in the Hardware Store and Claystone is obtained from the Mine

Water Pipe: 3575 Coins
  Ingredients:  Lag Bolt x 2, Iron Ingot x 1
   Lag Bolt and Iron Ingot both are crafted in the Hardware Store

Grill: 33298 Coins
  Ingredients:  Copper Ingot x 15, Iron Ingot x 5

Cauldron: 58405 Coins
  Ingredients:  Nail x 25, Iron Ingot x 12
  Both ingredients are crafted in the Hardware Store

Cornerstone: 74763 Coins
  Ingredients:  Mirror x 8, Golden Glass x 3

Cornerstone (Silver): 55229 Coins
  Ingredients:  Silver Ingot x 5, Diamond x 3

Cornerstone (Diamond): 97569 Coins
  Ingredients:  Diamond x 8

Horn of a Unicorn: 118443 Coins
  Ingredients:  Diamond x 5, Gold Ingot x 8

The Cost of a 2nd Machine

iIsland Machines have a limit as to how many you can own and the cost of a second Machine of any type, with the exception of the Yogurt Machine, is a premium RC price.  These Machines are unfinished as well and must be completed before they can be used.  Here is a list of the price of each Machine when purchased as a second Machine:

Spinning Machine Materials List

A second Spinning Machine will cost 12 RC.  A third will cost 20 RC.  They will be incomplete and each requires the following Materials:

5 Spinning Wheels (Request from Neighbours or buy for 1 RC each),
5 Lag Bolts (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
20 Nuts (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)

Loom Materials List

A second Loom will cost 12 RC.  A third will cost 30 Rc.  They will be incomplete and both will require the following materials:

5 Warp Beams  (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)
5 Lag Bolts  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
3 Nails  (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
20 Nuts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)

Watermill: 15 RC

Pie Machine: 15 RC

Hat Machine: 12 RC

Flavoured Bread Machine: 10 RC

Tea Master: 12 RC

Yogurt Machine: 200000 Coins

Hotdog Machine: 20 RC

Decorations in the Market

With the release of the new Mining Option and the Glass Factory in mid-February of 2015, new Decorations were added to the Market that must be built using Materials one can craft.  These Decorations when purchased are incomplete obviously but completing one for the first time will earn the Farmer Dev Points.

Rabbit Plant Stand: 4 RC

Panda Plant Stand:: 8 RC

White Octopus: 4 RC

Little Duck Parasol: 6 RC

Little Round Table: 50000 Coins

White Fish: 100000 Coins

Deck Chair: 70000 Coins

Sheep Plant Stand: 120000 Coins

White Dolphin: 80000 Coins
  Requires 3500 Dev Points

Cow Plant Stand: 120000 Coins
  Requires 4200 Dev Points

Landmark Decorations

Cranberry  Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 100 whe built for the first time

Cactus Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 120 when built for the first time

Flax Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time

Roast Spit: 500 Coins
   Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time

Cauldron Fire: 500 Coins
 Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time

Unicorn Child: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time

Unicorn Mother: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 250 when built for the first time

Unicorn Father: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 300 when built for the first time

Crafting the new Landmark Decorations

Cranberry Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 100 whe built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Wooden Panel x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Silver Ingot x 1 (or pay 1 RC each)
  Emerald Glass x 2 (Craft in Glass Factory or pay 1 RC each)
  Ruby Glass x 1 (Craft in Glass Factory or pay 1 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 5 RC

  A Wooden Panel is made in the Sawmill using 1 Red Sandalwood.  It takes 30 minutes to complete.
  A Silver Ingot is made in the Hardware Store using Silver Ore.
  Emerald Glass is made in the Glass Factory using 1 Quartz and 12 Cactus.  It takes 20 minutes to complete.
  Ruby Glass is made in the Glass Factory using 1 Quartz and 20 Cranberries.  It takes 1 hour to complete.

Cactus Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 120 when built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Wooden Panel x 2 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Silver Ingot x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Emerald Glass x 3  (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Amethyst Glass x 1 (Craft of pay 1 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 7 RC

Flax Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Wooden Panel x 4 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Silver Ingot x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
   Emerald Glass x 4 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Golden Glass x 1 (Craft or pay 2 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 11 RC

Roast Spit: 500 Coins
   Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Grill x 1: Craft or pay 10 RC)
  Wooden Plank x 3 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Claystone x 8 (1 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 21 RC

Cauldron Fire: 500 Coins
 Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time
 Materials List:
 Cauldron (Craft or pay 15 RC each)
 Wooden Plank x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
 Claystone x 20 (Pay 1 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 40 RC

Unicorn Child: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Stone Brick x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Water Pipe x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Cornerstone (Silver) x 1 (Craft or pay 5 RC each)
  Horn of a Unicorn (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 41 RC

Unicorn Mother: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 250 when built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Stone Brick x 12 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Water Pipe x 2 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Cornerstone (Diamond) x 1 (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
  Horn of a Unicorn x 1 (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 54 RC

Unicorn Father: 500 Coins
  Increases Dev Points by 300 when built for the first time
  Materials List:
  Stone Brick x 20  (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Water Pipe x 4 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
  Cornerstone (Gold)  Craft or pay 15 RC each)
  Horn of a Unicorn (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
  Complete instantly for 59 RC

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