
26 July 2024

Happy Land Treasure Island

This is a Walkthrough, and finally complete.  There are some changes and new options you will discover immediately.  I will describe them as time permits.

The real usefulness of this Walkthrough, however, as with my quest guides, is to allow you to collect the materials you actually need for the next tasks rather than blindly cutting and clearing.  If you spend cash, it is a lot easier to plough through collecting everything, but if you use the temporary energy and trade fountain only, you will benefit from the lists of materials for every task.

One new option is Temporary Energy that accumulates only when Energy above maximum, but it cannot be withdrawn when Energy bar is full.  'Full' means 100 in this context.

So this requires some strategy.

Originally, the Temporary Energy limit evidently is 100.  It increases to 200 after you build the Pirate Ship.   It then goes to 300 as soon as you take the Hot Air Balloon to the 2nd map and then will increase to 400.   I believe the increase to 400 is when you complete the Bouncy Castle.  Will confirm this.    400 indeed is  the maximum.

You need to leave the Activity with the permanent energy at 100 or more to begin accruing temporary energy again.

N.B.  When you reach the task to build the Pirate Ship, a second row of tasks appears.  Follow that to reach the equivalent of a Workshop that allows you to craft the Arcade Coins needed to complete the Pirate Ship.

The same occurs on the second Map with a second icon displayed before you complete the Ball Pit Bouncy Castle.

Note a glitch I experience now whenever I enter the Activity.  If I exit on the second map, I must travel to the first map to activate the game.  All items and locations on the second map including the displayed task will be inactive until I make that trip and then return to the second map.  A bit of a nuisance.

Once you have the Daisy Magic Workshop, my advice is to craft Arcade Coins constantly.  Same with the Sunflower Magic Workshop, the Amusement Park Stickers, and the Bunny Headbands. 

Workshops:  If you are patient, instead of paying Diamonds to open more slots as I did, you can craft multiple Workshops of each type.

When you have completed all Trader trades, you receive either a Glove Machine or Energy.  If you have the Glove Machine, you can take the Energy instead.
Before 1426, after 2426.

1000 Energy is the alternative to the Glove Machine

Please be aware that the last toy is situated on an area on the second map that is one of the last to be reached.  You will attain 1300 Stars and all the other rewards apart from the Float long before you can collect the 2nd Ship Model.
The primary reward for this Activity is a Cotton Candy Machine.  The final reward is a Ball Pit Bouncy Castle that probably is a theme decoration in the Beauty Contest.  It gives a Red Gift Box when cleaned.

It really is NOT the final Reward, however, as that is another Float for the Parade in the form of the Merry-Go-Round Float that gives 25 OP every 4 hours.

Cotton Candy Machine: it is a 2 ingredient Machine and one is Sugar
Oreo Cotton Candy, Strawberry Cotton Candy,  Pumpkin Candy Cotton Candy (requires Pumpkin Candy) Peanut Butter Cup Cotton Candy, Matcha Cotton Candy, Galaxy Syrup Cotton Candy

To find toys or other items, tap on the magnifying glass next to the icon of the object of your search

Energy totals on both regular Maps without using Golden Tools or opening Mary's Surprises

Before 1st Map: 4956, 335
After: 7371, 335

Before, 2nd Map only,: 2426 Energy, 335 Diamonds
After: 4996, 335

First act: 9 Energy to clear grass
1. Cover 1 Pit: 2 Building Blocks, 3 Grass
(18 Energy to clear 1 set, yields 1)
2. Build 1 Ice Cream Truck: 2 Wood, 2 Building Blocks
To do this, you must clear 1 Bush for 18 Energy, and another for 18 Energy
3. Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 3 Branch, 3 Stone, 4 Building Blocks (to clear Large building block set: 48 Energy, 3 Blocks, 7 Badges; 34 Energy, 2 Blocks, 3 Badges;  18 Energy gives 1 Building Block, 2 Badges= 8 Building Blocks, 12 badges)
4. Cover 1 Pit: 3 Balloons, 5 Building Blocks
5. Build 1 Merry Go Round: 2 Grass, 50 Amusement Park Badge, 9 Balloon
To reach this, clear 1 Bush for 18

(Balloon yield:  small: 28 Energy, 2 Badges, 1 Balloon; larger 44 Energy 2 Balloon, 5 Badges, 23 1 Balloon, 2 Badges; large is 63 Energy, 3 Balloon, 7 Badges, 44 gives 2 Balloon 5 Badges, 23 1 Balloon, 2 Badges)
Tap Blossom Fountains for 2 Wood each
Tap Flowerbeds for 5 Energy each
Tap Pavilion for Energy
Toys: pink for Toy Train; 3 blue for Rubber Duckie

Trading Energy:  there are more upgrades now.
To Upgrade to Level 3, 20 Diamonds for 90 Energy
Upgrade to Level 4: 30 Diamonds for 207 Energy
Cooldown for Level 4 is 8 hours

1 Toy Train for 30 Energy
6 Duck for 2 RC
4 Teddy Bear for 1 Goldrn Pickaxe
4 Rockinghorse for Golden Saw
2 Ship Model for Golden Shovel
Trade all for 1000 Energy and a Glove Machine

Walkthrough continued:
There is Mist to the left that requires 1 set of Golden Tools to clear

6.  Build 1 Bridge: 3 Stone, 8 Building Blocks
7. Build 1 Sausage Cart: 10 Grass, 10 Balloons, 6 Building Blocks
To reach this, cover 1 Pit: 2 Balloons, 6 Building Blocks, 50 Amusement Park Badges
8. Cover 1 Pit: 6 Balloons, 6 Building Blocks
9. Build 1 Sausage Cart: 4 Wood, 6 Balloons, 8 Building Blocks
To do this, you must Cover 1 Pit: 8 Branch, 4 Balloon, 4 Building Blocks
1 blue bag with Rubber Duck

To the left, mist requiring 2 sets of Golden Tools

10. Cover 1 Pit: 6 Grass, 6 Branch, 6 Blocks
Pink bag with Teddy Bear

11. Build 1 Milk Tea Shop: 8 Grass, 8 Balloons, 10 Blocks
To reach it, cover 1 Pit: 4 Wood, 10 Blocks, 150 Badges

Collect 5 Energy from each Street Lamp

12.  Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 4 Wood, 6 Balloon, 8 Blocks

1st Piggy Bank now available:
700 Energy, 20 Diamonds, then 800, 30
Blue bag with Rubber Duck

13. Build a Pirate Ship: 12 Branch, 10 Balloon, 8 Arcade Coin
To do this, cover a Pond: 4 Branch, 10 Blocks

When the Pirate Ship is complete, tap on it to receive your second Ticket

Tap Swings for Energy.  Each give 5 Energy

Pink chest gives Ship Model

1st Mary's Cow above Pirate Ship

Mary's Cow: Before: 5, 325
After: 205, 375
So it gives 200 Energy and 50 Diamonds

Without completing the Pirate Ship, you can cover a Pond to the left of the Mary Cow, and it is a second row now for Tasks on the left of the screen.  In fact, these must be completed in order to reach the Workshop that crafts the Coins for the Pirate Ship.

2nd Row Tasks:
1. (14) Cover Pond: 6 Grass, 6 Balloons, 8 Blocks
2. (15): Cover 1 Pond: 6 Grass, 6 Balloons, 150 Badges
To reach this one, you must cover another Pond first: 8 Balloons, 8 Building Blocks
In this area is a building with no name displayed.  It is thr equivalent of the Workshop, named Daisy Magic that requires:
6 Stone, 4 Building Blocks, 50 Amusement Park Badges.
Build this to craft Arcade Coins needed to complete the Pirate Ship.
A second slot costs 3 Diamonds
A third slot costs 5 Diamonds.
2 Building Blocks + 2 Stone= 1 Coin
8 Blocks + 8 Stone= 4 Arcade Coins
3. (16) Build 1 Popcorn House: 4 Stone, 8 Balloons, 12 Arcade Coins
To reach this you must
Cover a Pond: 4 Wood, 8 Balloons
Blue bag contains Rubber Duck

Once you build the Pirate Ship, there only will be one task again on the screen.  For me, it was the building of the Popcorn House.

17. Cover 1 Pit: 4 Balloons, 4 Arcade Coins, 150 Amusement Park Badges

18. Cover 1 Pit: 8 Stone, 4 Balloon, 2 Arcade Coins

19.  Build 1 Milk Tea Shop: 2 Grass, 8 Balloons, 10 Arcade Coins

Pink bag contains Teddy Bear

20. Build 1 Bridge: 6 Grass, 6 Balloons, 200 Amusement Park Badges

21. Build 1 Ferris Wheel: 150 Amusement Park Badges, 8 Amusement Park Stickers, 8 Arcade Coins
Tap on Ferris Wheel for 3rd Ticket

22.  Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 4 Wood, 2 Amusement Park Stickers, 2 Colourful Flags

Colourful Flags from Flagpole requiring 72 Energy for 2 Colourful Flags and 9 Badges then 37 for 1 Colourful Flag and 3 Badges
Sometimes, pole costing 72 gives 2 and 8, then 1 and 4.

Pink bag contains Teddy Bear
Blue bag Pink Rocking Horse

To obtain Stickers, you must build a second Workshop called Sunflower Magic:

Amusement Park Sticker: 2 Balloons, 4 Grass
4 Amusement Park Stickers: 8 Balloons, 16 Grass

2nd slot costs 3 Diamonds
3rd slot costs 5 Diamonds

5 Balloons, 4 Arcade Coins

23.  Build 1 Merry Go Round: 8 Amusement Park Stickers, 6 Arcade Coins, 8 Colourful Flags
Collect 1 Ticket from Merry Go Round

Second Piggy Bank became available at some point: 700 Energy. 20 Diamonds at 15 Stars milestone, then 800, 30 at 35 Stars milestone

24.  Cover 1 Pit: 4 Grass, 2 Arcade Coins, 3 Colourful Flags

25.  Cover 1 Pit: 4 Wood, 4 Amusement Park Stickers, 3 Colourful Flags
To reach it, 
Cover 1 Pit: 6 Amusement Park Stickers, 7 Colourful Flags, 100 Amusement Park Badges

Bag with Teddy Bear

26.  Build 1 Bow Hot Air Balloon: 4 Tickets, 6 Amusement Park Stickers, 6 Arcade Coins
To reach it: 
Cover 1 Pond: 3 Amusement Park Stickers, 4 Colourful Flags, 100 Amusement Park Badges

Now tap Flowerbeds to receive 5 Energy from each

The 2nd Mary's Cow is here above the Hot Air Balloon
Gives 200 Energy and 50 Diamonds
Before: 405, 315
After 605, 365

Blue bag contains Pink Rocking Horse

27.  Go to the next area

The second map is overlaid over the first.  You can travel bqck and forth by tapping om the Bow Hot Air Balloon

Now there are two tasks icons again:

27.  Cover 1 Pit: 6 Amusement Park Stickers, 8 Colourful Flags

28. (1) Build 1 Ball Pit Bouncy Castle

29. (2) Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 4 Stone, 6 Amusement Park Stickers, 200 Amusement Park Badges

In this area, you can build another Daisy Magic Workshop: 6 Stone, 4 Building Blocks, 50 Amusement Park Badges

30.  Build 1 Ice Cream Truck: 200 Badges, 8 Arcade Coins, 12 Colourful Flags
To reach it, you must
Cover 1 Pond: 4 Amusement Park Stickers,  5 Colourful Flags

Tap on Flowerbeds for 5 Energy from each

31. Cover 1 Pit: 2 Grass, 5 Arcade Coins, 100 Badges

Tap on Flowerbeds and Street Lamp for 5 Energy from each

32.  Build 1 Pirate Ship: 8 Stickers. 8 Arcade Coins, 8 Lamps

Lamps require 44 Energy producing 1 Lamp, 5 Badges

Collect 1 Ticket from the Pirate Ship

33. Cover 1 Pit: 6 Stickers, 7 Colourful Flags

Now you can build another Sunflower Magic Workshop with 
5 Balloons, 4 Arcade Coins

34. Cover 1 Pit: 6 Grass, 18 Lamps, 200 Badges

35. Cover 1 Pit: 4 Arcade Coins. 6 Colourful Flags

Collect Energy from Hesrt-Shaped Pond

In other area, tap Blossom Fountain for Wood

36.  Build 1 Sausage Cart: 150 Badges, 12 Arcade Coins, 18 Colourful Flags

To reach it, Cover 1 Pond: 150 Badges, 10 Branch, 12 Arcade Coins

37. Cover 1 Pit: 4 Stone, 7 Stickers, 100 Badges

38.  Build 1 Popcorn House: 10 Colourful Flags, 10 Lamps, 150 Badges
To reach, clear Balloons for 23 Energy

39. Build 1 Bridge: 2 Grass, 2 Branch, 13 Colourful Flags

40. Build 1 Ferris Wheel: 200 Badges, 16 Arcade Coins, 16 Lamps

Collect 1 Ticket when complete.  Can collect again later

Note that the number of Badges you receive are a little random.  For 44 Energy, 1 Lamp and 4 to 6 Badges

Blue bag with Pink Rocking horse

41.  Build 1 Bridge: 4 Stone, 13 Lamp, 20 Badges

Tap Flowerbed for Energy

42.  Build 1 Ice Cream Truck: 30 Amusement Park Headband, 14 Lamps, 16 Colourful Flags
To reach it, clear Lamp for 44, then another Lamp for 44, 1 more Lamp for 44
Blue bag contains Pink Rocking horse

You need to build the Gacha Magic Workshop above it:
2 Grass, 3 Branch, 9 Lamps

10 Badges= 1 Headband
40 Badges= 4 Headbands

3 Diamonds for 2nd slot
5 Diamonds for 3rd slot

In this area is the 3rd Mary's Cow

Before: 14, 359
After: 214, 409
Clear 1 Lamp on the right to access a small area with dynamite
30 Diamonds to detonate
Before: 143, 389
20 Balloons, 12 Lamps
27 Balloons, 15 Lamps
Kind of a waste of Diamonds!
63, then 44 , then 23  Energy to clear Balloons to access the Ball Pit Bouncy Castle

Build 1 Ball Pit Bouncy Castle: 16 Stickers, 50 Headbands, 3 Tickets

43.  Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 4 Stone, 16 Stickers, 5 Headbands

44. Cover 1 Pit: 12 Lamps, 8 Colourful Flags

45.  Build 1 Merry Go Round: 13 Stickers, 12 Arcade Coins, 14 Colourful Flags

Collect 1 Ticket
You must clear a Flagpole for 72, 37

There is dynamite above the Merry Go Round for 30: 
Before 8 Lamps, 19 Flags, 96 Badges
After: 13 Lamps, 22 Flags, 96 Badges

Now there is only one task to build the Ball Pit Bouncy Castle: 16 Stickers, 50 Headbands, 2l3 Tickets

46. Cover 1 Pit: 20 Grass, 8 Lamp

47.  Build 1 Sausage Cart: 6 Stickers, 8 Lamp
To reach it, you must Cover 1 Pond: 12 Wood, 4 Colourful Flags, 5 Amusement Park Headbands

48. Cover 1 Pit: 4 Stone, 5 Colourful Flags
To reach it, either open a couple of gift boxes or clear a few items in the path

49.  Build 1 Pirate Ship: 4 Arcade Coins, 2 Amusement Park Stickers, 4 Lamp
To reach it, Cover 1 Pond: 2 Arcade Coins, 2 Lamp, 4 Colourful Flags

You can build a second Gacha Magic Workshop: 2 Grass, 3 Branch, 9 Lamps

Build a third to the eight of the Pirate Ship with 2 Grass, 3 Branch, 9 Lamp if you wish.

Tap on Street Lamps and Heart shaped Pond for Energy

50. Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 8 Grass, 8 Colourful Flags

51.  Cover 1 Pit: 6 Arcade Coins, 2 Lamps, 4 Colourful Flags
To reach it, Cover 1 Pond: 6 Grass, 5 Colourful Flags, 30 Headband

There is a dynamite stick nearby to detonate using 30 Diamonds.

Below the Pit (51) is Magic Fog requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools

52.  Build 1 Popcorn House: 10 Stone, 2 Amusement Park Stickers, 4 Colourful Flags

53. Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 20 Grass, 6 Amusement Park Stickers
Now a second task icon appears

54. Build 1 Merry Go Round Float

55. Build 1 Ice Cream Truck: 2 Stickers, 2 Arcade Coins, 2 Colourful Flags
To reach this, cover 1 Pond: 3 Stickers, 4 Coins
To reach this, 37 Energy to clear a Pole

You can build another Sunflower Workshop here: 5 Balloons, 4 Arcade Coins

56.  Cover 1 Pit: 8 Grass, 4 Lamps
To reach this, clear a Lamp for 44 Energy

57. Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 2 Arcade Coins, 4 Colourful Flags, 15 Headbands
To reach it, clear a Lamp for 44

58. Build 1 Milk Tea Shop: 6 Stone, 7 Stickers, 2 Colourful Flags

59. Cover 1 Pit: 4 Lamp, 2 Colourful Flags

60. Build 1 Merry Go Round: 10 Stone, 4 Arcade Coins, 6 Colourful Flags

61.  Cover 1 Pit: 4 Wood, 5 Flags, 20 Headbands

62.  Build 1 Milk Tea Shop: 4 Arcade Coins, 2 Lamp, 4 Colourful Flags

Gather a Ticket

Now only the one task remains:
Build 1 Merry Go Round Float: 14 Stone, 2 Arcade Coins, 12 Flags

Now you can collect the last Toy in a pink chest: 1 Ship Model in the corner to the left of the Float

Stage 2 of Float: 1 Ticket, 10 Flags, 8 Lamp

Stage 3 of Float: 8 Wood, 10 Stickers, 8 Lamps

Stage 4 of Float: 36 Headbands, 10 Coins, 12 Stickers

Tap on the Float to send it to Seaside

My strategy now:  all I lack is the headbands and ANY item almost gives the needed material for those.  As this is the last build, I will use Energy to cut Trees, clear Grass and Bushes and Rocks as these are the materials you can use for the next Treasure Island Activity
*  *  *  *  *

Golden Tool Areas:

Suspension Bridge above area with 2 Sausage Carts requires 
2 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 355, 237
After: 925, 245
Magic Fog to the left of the same area requires 2 sets of Golden Tools:
Before: 11, 452
After: 591, 460
Magic Fog below Pirate Ship requires 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 39, 409 (-90 Dismonds to buy tools) = 39, 319
After: 934, 327

Suspension Bridge below Milk Tea Shop requires 2 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 14, 347 (-60)
After: 594, 295
There is a Workshop to build here.  I am not building it as I have two of each type.
Workshop: 6 Stone, 4 Blocks, 50 Badges

Magic Fog to the left of the Hot Air Balloon requires 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 20, 517
After: 860, 517 (no additional diamonds)

Magic Fog to the left of the Trader requires 1 set of Golden Tools
Before: 60, 315 (-20) = 295
After: 355, 297

2nd Map Golden Tool areas

Magic Fog below Popcorn House requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 3, 387
After: 893, 397

Another Sunflower Magic Workshop in this area requires: 5 Balloons, 4 Arcade Coins
I think it was a waste, but it was not named until I actually completed it

To the right of the Pirate Ship, after Bouncy Castle, find Magic Fog that requires 1 set of Golden Tools.

Before: 92, 175
After: 342, 183

Below the Pond (51) is Magic Fog requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools
Bottom centre of map on small island that can be accessed by two different suspension bridges
Before: 7371, 335
After: 8226, 349

There is a Suspension Bridge below the Merry Go Round that requires 4 sets of Golden Tools:
Before: 8226, 349
After: 9426, 365

Happy Land Star Tasks and Rewards:

Clear 1 set Building Blocks: 10 Stars
Cover 1 Pit: 15
Build 1 Wooden Suspension Bridge: 15
Build 1 Merry Go Round: 20
Cover 4 Pits: 20
Build 3 Wooden Suspension Bridges: 20
Cover 7 Pits: 25
Have 30 Balloons: 25
Have 30 Building Blocks: 25
Build 1 Ice Cream Truck: 35
Have 50 Balloons: 25
Have 50 Blocks: 25
Have 100 Balloons: 30
Have 100 Blocks: 30
Find 1 Mary's Surprise Gift: 30
Clear 20 Bushes: 25
Clear 20 Grass: 25
Build 3 Sausage Carts: 25
Clear 30 Bushes: 25
Clear 30 Grass: 25
Have 200 Building Blocks: 30
Have 200 Balloons: 30
Build 1 Pirate Ship: 25
Build 2 Merry Go Rounds: 30
Build 1Popcorn House: 35
Build 2 Milk Tea Shops: 35
Build 1 Ferris Wheel: 45
Have 30 poles with Colourful Flags: 25
Find 2 Mary's Surprise Gift: 30
Build 1 Bow Hot Air Balloon: 45
Have 300 Building Blocks: 30
Have 300 Balloons: 100
Have 50 Colourful Flags: 25
Build 2 Ice Cream Trucks: 35
Have 100 Colourful Flags: 30
Build 3 Pirate Ships: 20
Build 3 Sausage Carts: 25
Dispel 2 Magic Fog: 35
Dispel 4 Magic Fog: 30
Find 3 Mary's Surprise: 50
Build 9 Wooden Suspension Bridges: 30
Clear 50 Bushes
Clear 50 Grass
Build 3 Ice Cream Trucks: 100
Build 3 Merry Go Rounds: 40
Dispel 7 Magic Fog: 40
Have 200 poles with Colourful Flags: 30
Have 300 poles with Colourful Flags: 100
Build 1 Ball Pit Bouncy Castle: 150

You will have 1300 Stars long before completing all of these.  The following were completed for me after reaching 1300:
Clear 50 Bushes: 25
Clear 50 Grass: 30
Dispel 7 Magic Fog: 30
Have 300 Poles: 100
Build 1 Ball Pit Bouncy Castle: 150

Star Rewards:
50 Stars: 100 Energy, 5 Diamonds
100 Stars: 200, 5
200 Stars: 200, Sweet Panda Avatar
350 Stars: 200, 10
500 Stars: 10 Diamonds, Bow Hot Air Balloon
700 Stars: 300, 15
900 Stars: 300, 15, Happy Land Avatar Frame
1100 Stars: 450, 20, Cotton Candy Machine
1300 Stars: 20 Diamonds, Animated Sweet Panda Avatar, Ball Pit Bouncy Castle

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