
05 January 2024

Sweater Knitting Quest and Ball of Yarn Collection Mission

I hope 2024 will become a better year than 2023.  If you use this site still, please consider voting for HM. Freyashawk in the Beauty Contest.  I was known once as a guide writer by the name if Freyashawk.  I do not advertise ever, but some people may still find this site useful.  The site is available to every one.  If HM. Freyashawk ranks in the Contest, at least it shows players I remain active.  I only ask for that reason, not to gain 3 RC!

Ball of Yarn Collection Mission
70 from Corn
50 from Milk
30 from Peanut Christmas Candy (Christmas Candy Machine)
10 from Cherry
Reward:  Paraná Pine Tree

Harvest 40 Grapes
Collect 20 Honey
Harvest 8 Apples

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
Collect 40 Eggs
Harvest 8 Maple Syrup

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Maple Milk Tea

Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Rye
Produce 50 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Honey Syrup

Harvest 50 Potatoes
Produce 8 Apple Jam
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 50 Cane
Collect 15 Parmigiano Reggiani Wedges
Prepare 8 Parmigiano Potato Wedges

Harvest 50 Pumpkins 
Place the Paraná Pine on your farm (Reward from Collection Mission)
Prwpare 8 Pine Nuts Tea

Reward: Husky Pet House Hat

Harvest 60 Peanuts
Produce 60 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Soft Dough

Harvest 60 Strawberrires
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Sugar Cubes

Harvest 60 Garlic*
Collect 60 Beef
Prepare 8 Garlic Steaks

Harvest 60 Flax*
Harvest 8 Dark Chocolate
Prepare 8 Cotton Candy

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Linen*
Harvest 8 Oak Wood*
Prepare 8 Pain au Chocolat

Craft 6 Oil Painting Frames*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Steak and Garlic Potato Wedges

Produce 60 Raisins*
Produce 60 Raisin Bread*
Prepare 8 Kitty Marshmallows

Cook 4 Slovakian Dumplings in the Stove House
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times*
Prepare 8 Fancy Marshmallow Tea

Final Reward: Snug Hedgehog

Today is the 5th of January.  It is the Anniversary of my Mother's death.  There have been far too many deaths and far too much heartbreak in the past three months.  I am sharing a poem by the extraordinary Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish entitled 'Ummi' ('Mother').  Almost every one knows the depth of the love of a child for a mother and that of a mother for her child.  I am offering this very simply for all those who understand the pain of loss.

'I long for my mother's bread,
My mother's coffee,
And my mother's touch.
And childhood grows inside me
Day upon breast of day,
And I love my life because
If I died
I would feel shame for my mother's tears.
Take me, if one day I should return,
As a shawl for your eyelashes,
And cover my bones with grass,
Baptised in the purity of your footsteps,
And fasten my bonds
With a lock of hair,
With a thread that trails in the train of your gown.
I could become a god,
A god I would be
If I could but touch the depth of your heart.

Put me, if I return
As fuel in your cooking stove,
As a clothesline on your rooftop,
For I have lost resolve,
Without your daily prayer.
I have grown old and weak.
Give me back the stars of childhood
That I may join the young birds
On the route of return 
To your nest that awaits me.'
'Ummi' by Mahmoud Darwish)

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