
17 November 2023

Harvest Island

This is a work in progress.

The Activity is not difficult but it is long and labour intensive.  You can purchase Diamonds, Energy and Golden tools in special sale offers for cash or use RC to transform that into Diamonds and then exchange diamonds for Energy.
You also can buy out of a Material requirement by using Diamonds but I do not recommend that.  I recommend using Diamonds to buy Golden Tools.  You also can trade Toys for Golden Tools.  These tool sets are used to open areas on the map that are not necessary for the Quest but do give you extra materials and Gift Boxes.
You obtain Rewards according to the total Stars earned.  Find the Menu to collect Stars from specific tasks at the bottom left of your screen.  I have listed these as well as goving the Rewards List.  The significant reward is not the final one but the one earned with 1100 Stars.  It is a Croissant Machine.  

There is a Fountain where you can use Fertiliser or Watering Cans, ordinary or Super, to trade for Energy. At Level 1, you receive 30 Energy.  For 10 Diamonds, you can upgrade to Level 2 to receive 60 Energy.  You can upgrade to Level 3 with 30 Diamonds.  I only upgrade to Level 2 usually.  It is on a 4 hour timer, so frankly I do not find it that useful myself.

How to play:  Always follow the prompts.  You must target the precise obstacle in the prompt.  'Clear 1 Bush' will refer to a specific bush.  Use the magnifying glass to find it when in doubt.

1.   Clear 1 Magic Grass (costs 12 energy)
2.  Cover 1 Water Pit: (4 Grass, 1 Maple Leaf)
3.  Wake up 1 gnome: (2 Grass, 2 Magic Leaf, 2 Sunflowers)
(Clearing Sunflower: cost is 90 Energy and gives 3 Sunflowers 2nd hit costs 32 and gives 1) Pile of Maple Leaves costs 48 and gives 2 for first hit, second hit costs 25 and gives 1 maple leaf)
Smaller Sunflower costs 32 and gives 1
Smaller Maple pile costs 25 and gives 1
9.  Restore 1 Maple: (4 Maple Leaf, 2 Sunflowers. 4 Pumpkins)
Pumpkin Basket costs 34 and contains 2 Pumpkins
4.  Clear 1 Bush 
There is a gift bag on this area:
Gift Bag Contains a Duck
5.  Wake up 1 Gnome (5 Grass, 3 Wood, 1 Harvest Wreath)
To do this, you must build a Fallen Leaf Bridge: 2 Grass, 5 Maple Leaf
Now Build the Workshop: (5 Grass, 5 Branch)
With the Workshop, make the Harvest Wreath: (1 Maple Leaf, 1 Sunflower)
3 Diamonds will give you a second slot that might be useful later, although I see only one item that can be produced here now
The pink gift bag gives you a Toy Train
6.  Cover 1 Pit :(4 Stones, 2 Pumpkins, 4 Maple Leaf)
4 Pumpkins on timers.  Each costs 17 Energy
Blue gift bag gives 1 Duck
You can meet the Trader now:
1 toy train= 30 Energy
6 Ducks= 2 RC
4 Bears= 1 Gold Pickaxe
4 Pink Rocking Horses= 1 Gold Saw
2 Sailboats= 2 Gold Spades
7.  Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: (4 Wood, 5 Sunflowers, 2 Pumpkins)
Cutting a small tree costs 17 Energy and gives 1 wood, 2 branches.  Big tree costs 50 energy and gives 3 wood, 5 branches
8.  Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: (2 Grass, 4 Maple Leaf, 2 Sunflowers)
9.  Clear 1 Bush (purple) costs 21 energy
10.  Wake up 1 Gnome: (3 Wood, 2 Pumpkins, 4 Harvest Wreath)
Blue bag contains 1 Duck
You should be able to obtain 2 RC from the Trader now
11.  Cover 1 Water Pit: (4 Grass, 6 Maple Leaf, 8 Pumpkins)
12.  Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 4 Wood, 8 Sunflowers, 8 Pumpkins
13.  Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: (20 Grass, 10 Branches, 5 Maple Leaf)
14.  Restore 1 Maple: 8 Maple Leaf, 8 Sunflowers, 4 Pumpkins
Blue Gift Bag contains 1 Duck
15.  Clear 1 Tall Rocks with Mushrooms (30 Energy, then 24 Energy, than 18 Energy)
16.  Wake up 1 Gnome: 10 Branch, 4 Pumpkins, 7 Harvest Wreath
Blue Gift Bag contains 1 Duck
17.  Clear 1 Bush (Purple): 21 Energy
18. Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 4 Wood, 8 Sunflowers, 6 Pumpkins

At this point, there are two optional area you can reach by using Golden Tools:

To the south of the Workshop, 
You can 
Build a Fallen Leaf Bridge: 1 Golden Pickaxe, 1 Golden Saw, 1 Golden Shovel

To the northwest of the Workshop:
Clear Magic Fog: 2 Golden Pickaxe, 2 Golden Saw, 2 Golden Shovel

19. Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: 20 Grass, 20 Branch, 10 Maple Leaf

A new area to be unlocked with Golden Tools to the North of the Pumpkin House:

Clear Magic Fog: 1 Golden Pickaxe, 1 Golden Saw, 1 Golden Shovel

Clearing this Magic Fog to the North:
Before 300 Energy, 210 Diamonds
After: 720 Energy, 232 Diamonds

20.  Wake up 1 Gnome: 15 Branch, 6 Pumpkin, 6 Harvest Wreath
21.  Clear 1 Bush (red): 21 Energy
22.  Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 10 Branch, 12 Sunflowers, 8 Pumpkins
Blue gift bag: Duck?
Pink gift bag: Bear
23.  Cover 1 Pit: 20 Stone, 8 Maple Leaf, 20 Grass
24. Restore 1 Maple: 10.Maple Leaf, 10 Sunflowers, 10 Pumpkins
25. Cover 1 Water Pit:  10 Grass, 8 Maple Leaf, 8 Pumpkins
26.  Wake up 1 Gnome: 10 Branch, 8 Pumpkins, 8 Harvest Wreath
27.  Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge:
20 Grass, 20 Branch, 12 Maple Leaf
28. Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 12 Wood, 8 Sunflowers, 8 Pumpkins
29. Clear 1 Cluster of Tall Rocks: 54 Energy, 30 Energy, 12 Energy
30. Restore 1 Maple: 20 Maple Leaf, 12 Sunflowers, 12 Pumpkins
Pink gift bag containing Bear
Going back to the area near the Trader, there is a Magic Fog that requires 2 sets of Golden Tools to clear:
Before, 38 Energy, 272 Diamonds: after, 558 Energy, 284 Diamonds
31. Cover 1 Pit: 15 Stones, 15 Branch, 12 Maple Leaf
32. Wake up 1 Gnome: 10 Branch, 4 Pumpkin, 8 Harvest Wreath
Blue Gift Bag contains rocking horse
33. Clear 1 Bush (red): 21 Energy
34.  Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 10 Branch, 12 Sunflowers, 8 Pumpkins
To reach this, you must cover 1 Water Pit: 10 Grass, 8 Maple Leaf, 8 Pumpkin
35. Clear 1 Cluster of Tall Rocks: 54 Energy 30 Energy, 12 Energy
36.  Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage:
20 Branch, 20 Sunflowers, 12 Pumpkin 
To do this, you must first Cover 1 Pit: 15 Stone, 8 Pumpkins, 12 Maple Leaf
Pink gift bag: 1 Bear
Then Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: 20 grass, 20 branch, 12 Maple Leaf
37.  Clear 1 Cluster of Tall Rocks: 30 Energy, 24 Energy, 18 Energy
38.  Restore 1 Maple: 12 Maple Leaf, 12 Sunflowers, 10 Pumpkins
Opened 1 gift box 25 energy (I was trying to leave them all unopened, until I could open them all at once and total the Energy gained
When I run out of Energy I use Golden Tools.  Below the Trader, a Fallen Leaf Bridge that requires 1 set of Golden Tools
Before: 10 Energy, 414 Diamonds
After: 240 Energy, 422 Diamonds.  Disappointingly small gain
39.  Cover 1 Water Pit: 20 Stone, 20 Maple Leaf, 16 Pumpkins
40. Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 10 Branch, 12 Sunflowers, 8 Pumpkins
1 blue gift bag: 1 rockinghorse
1 pink bag in the west I missed: 1 bear
41.  Clear 1 Bush (red): 21 Energy
42. Wake up 1 Gnome: 10 Branch, 12 Pumpkins, 12 Harvest Wreath
Out of Energy again.  Magic Fog requiring 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before: 23 Energy, 327 Diamonds. After 703 Energy, 357 Diamonds
1 blue gift bag screen to the right contains 1 rockinghorse
N.B.  in the area above the Fountain, dynamite is hidden in sunflowers.  Detonate for 30 Diamonds to receive 19 Sunflowers, wood and branches
43.  Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: 20 Grass, 16 Maple Leaf, 16 Sunflowers
44.  Restore 1 Maple: 28 Maple Leaf, 32 Sunflowers, 20 Pumpkins
Gift bag contains rockinghorse
You now can trade 4 of them for a Gold Saw

Below this area is anothet Magic Fog that requires 3 sets of Golden tools to clear
Before: 135 Energy, 287 Diamonds
After 805 Energy, 317 Diamonds
Two sets of Golden Tools required to clear another Magic Fog
Before: 15 Energy, 227 Diamonds
After: 495 Energy, 243 Diamonds
At the far north, a Fallen Leaf Bridge requires 3 sets of Golden Tools
Before 13 Energy, 243 Diamonds
After 714 Energy, 181 Diamonds
45. Cover 1 Pit: 15 Stone, 16 Maple Leaf, 16 Sunflowers
Magic Fog in the middle of the map requires 2 sets of Golden tools (60 Diamonds)
Before: 1 Energy, 196 Diamonds
After: 482 Energy, 152 Diamonds
46.  Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 10 Branch, 20 Sunflowers, 12 Pumpkins
New cylinder gift with pink bow contains sailboat
47.  Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: 20 Branch, 12 Maple Leaf, 16 Sunflowers
48.  Restore 1 Maple: 26 Maple Leaf, 28 Sunflowers, 20 Pumpkins
49. Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: 20 Grass, 16 Maple Leaf, 12 Sunflowers
50. Build 1 Pumpkin Castle: 30 Wood, 40 Pumpkins, 40 Harvest Wreath
(I now paid 5 Diamonds to obtain a third slot in the Magic Workshop as I have to make 40 Harvest Wreath)
By the way, trying to gather the materials for the Pumokin Castle, I made enough Stars to obtain the final reward of the Pumpkin Castle Decoration for 1300 Stars
It is in this area that I found the Mary's Surprise Gifts is found.
Before: 292 Energy, 102 Diamonds
After: 492 Energy, 152 Diamonds
Actually, I missed another Mary's Surprise Gift earlier.  It is on the area above the Fountain, two sections up on the far left.  There is a large Willow tree above it and a Maple Tree was restored in the centre of that area.
Before: 912 Energy, 84 Diamonds
After: 1112 Energy, 134 Diamonds
The third Mary's Surprise Gift is on the left shore of the large brown island one island to the right of the one farthest west.  You will find a pretty swing there and the Mary's Surpride Gift is above it and to the keft above a barrier that separates different areas on that island.
Before 387 Energy, 149 Diamonds
After 587 Energy, 199 Diamonds
There also is the last Golden Tool area that requires 4 of each to repair a Fallen Leaf Bridge
Before: 5 Energy, 52 Diamonds.
After 1075 Energy, 84 Diamonds

Gift with pink bow: 1 Sailboat
Trade now for 2 Golden Shovels
Get 5 RC
I now was able to claim the Croissant Machine.  Three ingredients are Milk, Wheat Flour and Jam

Another Fallen Leaf Bridge requires 1 set of Golden Tools
** ** ** ** **
Harvest Island Task Star List:
Clear 1 Leaf Pile: 10 Stars
Cover 1 Pit: 15 Stars
Wake up 1 Gnome: 15 Stars
Build 1 Workshop: 20 Stars
Build 1 Pumpkin Cottage: 20 Stars
Build 1 Fallen Leaf Bridge: 25 Stars
Clear 20 Bushes: 25 Stars
Clear 20 Grass: 25 Stars
Clear 30 Bushes: 25 Stars
Clear 30 Magic Grass: 25 Stars
Cover 3 Pits: 25 Stars
Restore 2 Maples: 25 Stars
Have 30 Maple Leaves: 25 Stars
Have 30 Sunflowers: 25 Stars
Have 30 Pumpkins: 25 Stars
Have 50 Maple Leaves: 25 Stars
Build 5 Fallen Leaf Bridges: 30 Stars
Wake up 5 Gnomes: 30 Stars
Clear 50 Bushes: 30 Stars
Clear 50 Magic Grass: 30 Stars
Build  4 Pumpkin Cottages: 30 Stars
Cover 4 Pits: 30 Stars
Have 50 Sunflowers: 25 Stars
Have 50 Pumpkins: 25 Stars
Reatore 3 Maples: 35 Stars
Build 6 Fallen Leaf Bridges: 35 Stars
Dispel 1 Magic Fog: 20
Wake up 5 Gnomes: 30
Build 4 Pumpkin Cottages
Dispel 2 Magic Fog: 30
Dispel 3 Magic Fog: 45
Restore 4 Maples: 30
Have 100 Maple Leaves: 30
Have 100 Sunflowers: 30
Have 100 Pumpkins: 30
Build 9 Fallen Leaf Bridges: 35
Build 7 Pumpkin Cottages: 30
Have 200 Maple Leaves: 35
Have 200 Sunflowers: 35
Have 200 Pumpkins: 35
Restore 7 Maples: 40
Cover 10 Pits: 40
Have 300 Maple Leaves: 100
Have 300 Sunflowers: 100
Have 300 Pumpkins: 100
 Build 13 Fallen Leaf Bridges: 150
Find 1 Mary's Surprise Gift; 30
Find 2 Mary's Surprise Gifts: 30
Find 3 Mary's Surprise Gifts: 50
Build 1 Pumpkin Castle: 200

Rewards List:
50 Stars: 100 Energy, 5 Diamonds
100 Stars: 200 Energy, 5 Diamonds
200 Stars: 200 Energy, Gbome Avatar
350 Stars: 200 Energy, 5 Diamonds
500 Energy: 10 Diamonds, 1 Gnone Decoration
700 Stars: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds
900 Stars: 300 Energy, 15 Diamonds, Harvest Island Avatar Frame
1100 450 Diamonds, 20 Diamonds, Croissant Machine
1300 Stars: 20 Diamonds, Animated Gnome Avatar, Pumpkin Castle Decoration

Total Gift Boxes: 
(This is the total of all that are on the areas that do not require Golden tools to access)
Before: 100 Energy, 199 Diamonds
2480 Energy, 207 Diamonds

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