
04 July 2023

Underwater Expedition

I am writing a brief post becauae so many playeds are confused about this.  It really is quite simole.  Do not be distracted!  It is a maze game essentially.
When you first start, you have options to boost one of three aids.  To do any of these, you need 5 of the special reward coins as well as a Seaside item.  I feel it is coubterproductive to spend the reward coins.  You can conplete the activity usually without the boosts.
Press Play.
You have a little submarine on a map covered completely by fog.  You see numbers from 1 to 10 with exclamation points.  Ignore all of them at this point.  Simply clear every patch of fog.  Collect every reward but do not engage with any creature!
Once you have done this, find every creature with the number one and defeat it.  Your energy total and level are displayed on the top left.  When your level increases to 2, find the level 2 crsatures and defeat them. Continue in this way until you have defeated all the creatures.  If you fight at your own level, you can do this without any problem ordinarily.
If indeed you run out of energy, you have a choice to pay 1 RC to replenish.  Up to you.
Sometimes a little fog cannot be cleared without defeating a creature.  Do not engage until you are at the same level.
If you are not bothered by the loss of 5 coins, get the boost that strengthens the hull before you begin.  I myself prefer to save the coins.  Witb 600 Reward coins, you can purchase an avatar or a frame.  I thought I saw a decoration as well, but have not found it again.  Will confirm later.

N.B.  when you stand directly in frobt of any creature, its stats will be displayed in the top right of the screen.  Comoare with your stats to make certain your energy and level are sufficient.

This is the game.
The special coins can be used at the shop for special rewards.

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