
26 May 2023

Fly a Kite Quest and Kite Spool Collection Mission

Note: Both the Peanut Butter Popcorn and the Toy Peacock Gears are available this week in the Weekly Deals in the Market for 10 RC each.  Although offerings previously could be different for every farm, I believe the developers listened to farmer complaints and are making these available now in order to allow them to acquire the items demanded at ports.

Note from Freyashawk:  I would like to thank every player who voted for HM. Freyashawk in the farm Beauty Contest.   I missed being in the top ten at the end only by 200 votes.  The rank helps me determine whether this site still is useful.  So if you think it is, please consider voting for HM. Freyashawk.  I also feel that when my name is in the top ten, it is visible to players who remember me as a guide writer.  They then can find this site and see that I continue to update it as best I can.

Kite Spool Collection Mission

70 from Cucumbers
50 from Buffalo Milk
30 from Pho Noodles (Premium Noodle Machine)
10 from Lemons

Reward: Fiddlehead Fern (Collectable)

Fly a Kite Quest

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Cherries

Harvest 40 Oat
Produce 40 Oat Flour
Harvest 8 Maple Syrup

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Ketchup
Prepare 8 Pasta

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Sweet Potatoes
Produce 8 Cherry Jam
Prepare 8 Sago Bubbles

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Produce 8 Maple Sugar
Prepare 8 Vinegar Cucumber Salad

Harvest 50 Onions
Collect 15 Edamame
Prepare 8 Edamame Salad

Harvest 50 Blackberries
Place the Fiddlehead Fern on your Farm (Reward from Collection Mission or purchase it)
Prepare 8 Pickled Fiddleheads

Reward: Astronaut Pet House Hat

Harvest 60 Spinach
Produce 60 Black Bread
Prepare 8 Spinach Salad

Harvest 60 Strawberries
Produce 60 Strawberry Juice
Prepare 8 Pasta Salad

Harvest 60 Kiwi Fruits*
Collect 30 Honey
Prepare 8 Cucumber Edamame Salad

Dig 15 Chests on your Paths
Harvest 8 Pistachio
Prepare 8 Pistachio Pudding

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 20 Chestnuts*
Produce 20 Chestnut Flour*
Prepare 8 Pistachio Halva

Produce 60 Dried Kiwi Fruits*
Produce 60 Kiwi Fruit Bread*
Prepare 8 Pistachio Desserts

Harvest 60 Flax*
Produce 60 Linen*
Prepare 8 Creamy Vegan Tomato Pasta

Cook 4 Pavlovas in the Stove House
Take care of Flowers in your Botanical Garden 15 times*
Prepare 8 Fiddlehead Pasta

Final Reward: Kite-Flying Puppy Decoration for Seaside

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