
02 March 2023

Crazy Fruit Activity

The Crazy Fruit Activity to me seemed simple yet bewildering.  The game instructions as often left gaps in the chain of events that became apparent only when one began to play.  I found it vexing but not worth the trouble of truly analysing it.  I simply shot the balls at the balls identical to them and hoped for the best.
Although you cannot purchase any of the Rewards or add to your points using RC, you can buy Grapefruit tickets with RC to use to play the game.  You can use 1 RC to purchase a bomb or other 'aid' as well.  The value of this is a little random as often the bomb does not improve the total. 
The other way to obtain the Grapefruit tickets you need to olay is by growing the temporaey crops and tree.  They then can be processed for items of greater value.
The develipers unfortunately have found our Achilles Heel which is watering cans.  They look to that by generating more orders for the fruit from the tree than the crops.  It is slightly helpful to plant the meximum numbers of this tree and you can change the order by refreshing it.  Even so, the numbet of watering cans required nowadays can be brutal.
The action is simple: point the fruit gun and shoot.  Now here is where strategy can be employed.  If you shoot at an identical fruit, the two merge to create the next in size.  In other words, two tiny blue fruits create one red fruit.  If you create a formation where the fruits in the circle are perfectly placed to increase gradually, and then shoot the fruit in the gun at the one identical to it, it will generate a chain reaction to blast all the fruits in the chain and merge into the next size larger than the one at the very end.
It is imlortant to understand that some of these fruits only appear through merging.  The smallest of these merged fruits is the 'peach'  that is created with two lemons.  Next there is the orange, created by two peaches.  The other large fruits all must be created through merging.
It sounds simple, but again, paying attention to the order of the fruits in the circle can be helpful.  For example, if you have a tiny blueberry between two lemons, you have two options to improve that:
1.  Shoot another blueberry at it to create an apple, then shoot an apple to create the purple fruit.  Now you have the fruit directly below the lemon in the chain and when you shoot a purple fruit at its mate, a short chain will exist to take the lemon as well.
2.  The second strategy is to leave the blueberry in place, but shoot an apple, the next size of fruit, to its side.
The results are not that different, but creating chains within the circle really is the point of this game, and the longer the chain, the more points you receive when the chain reaction that merges the fruits occurs.
Each round of the game is on a timer, so you do need to make fairly quick decisions.
Note that a chain can be created at either end of the circle, as well as in the middle of all the other fruits.  You do not need to deal solely with the fruit at either end of the circle.
Essentially though, the main thing is to create the largest fruit and if possible, wipe as many off the table with your own chain reaction before the timer expires.  As I wrote at the start, I never really studied it in the past and simply shot at whatever fruit was identical.  
My real issue with an activity like this one is the inabilty to opt out by paying RC for the prizes, and the sheer smount if time required to earn all of the prizes.  Instead of farming, we are playing a merge game.
As previously indicated, you can nake products that are worth more than the original ingredient when exchanged for Grapefruit tickets.
The Bomb and Random Fruit can be purchased for 1 RC and then when you touch either, it will load into the gun taking the place of the fruit there.  So do not do it when the fruit in the gun is useful!
I found little value in the bomb.  The Random Fruit is good for ceearing the largest posdible merge fruit, especially if it then can be used in a chain.  The bomb simply cleara three fruit from the curcle.  Useful I suppose if you are running out of time and three fruit are obstacles to a chain.  For example, if you have two nice dragon fruit in the centre of your circle but there is a blueberry, a lemon, and an apple between them, and little time left, you can use the bomb to get rid of those three, bringing the two dragon fruits together for a merge.  It is better to make those obstacle fruits larger and then make them into their own little chain if you can, but if you do not have sufficient time, the bomb can clear them from the centre of your circle.
Yakon Cake in Cake Machine
Prickly Pear Jam in Jam Maker
Prickly Pear Jam Bread
Yogurt Yacon Cake
Starfruit and Indian Gooseberry Juice

It is difficult to take notes while playing because of the timer but I believe the merge fruits in order are:
Pink Dragon Fruit 
Brown Fruit
Green Fruit?

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