
13 February 2023

Exhibition Hall

Last updated on 16 May with Level 6 upgrade information.

N.B.  As stated from the beginning, neighbour visits or interactions are NOT required to obtain either the gift boxes nor to count collections for the Exhibition Hall.  Only the timer of 48 hours matters.

Note from Freyashawk:
I would like to wish every reader a very Happy St. Valentine's Day.  There is a very charming new premium Animal in Seaside in the form of the Valentine White Horse who eats Love Fruit and produces Valentine Horse Hair.  These special festive Animals never are required for quests but the product can be requested randomly by a dragon or whatnot.  In any case, the little horse is adorable.   I would like to thank players for their votes always for HM. Freyashawk. I know I am too sentimental about old neighbours who are inactive to get the maximum number of votes nowadays but a part of me still wishes I could be in the top 10.  I was at 11 in the last contest, thanks to all who voted for my farm.  I am grateful!  It makes me feel the work is appreciated, even if I cannot do what I once did.

The latest update offers a new building called the Exhibition Hall.  You do not need to buy or build it.  It will appear to the left of the platform for Darryl's Adventure when your farm rwceives the update.  Updates always are staggered.  I received mine on the second day after it first was released.  The Rewards from the Exhibition Call only are given every 48 hours.
Essentially, you are given 12 slots in the Exhibition Hall at Level 1.  Each slot can hold a decoration or a base or a stacked base.  In this, it differs from the Warehouse where bases and their decorations must be stored separately.
Thus, you can move a fully stacked base from your farm to the Exhibition Hall into one slot and then view it as you did on your farm with the premium animated decorations interacting with one another.  This really is the function of the Exhibition Hall as its name suggests.  
You will receive 1 'Reward' every 48 hours for each slot that has been filled.  You need a total of 60 to upgrade the Exhibition Hall to Level 2.  Note that a fully loaded base consisting of 5 items (base plus 4 decorations) gives only 1 Reward, just like a simple single decoration would.  So do not send fully loaded bases fo the Exhibition House for any Reward.  Do it only if your farm is crowded and you enjoy seeing the animated bases you no longer can for on your farm and would like to be able to move them back to the farm fully loaded when needed.  
The other advantage of the Exhibition Hall is that every decoration stored there will give the appropriate gift box without being cleaned by your neighbours.   You will receive the gift boxes only every 48 hours, unlike those from decorations on your farm or in your warehouse, but the gift boxes are guaranteed when the base or decoration is in the Exhibition Hall.
That really is the purpose of the Exhibition Hall, mainly drsigned for high level players who have purchased every premium item through the years and feel they no longer can enjoy them because their farm is choc a bloc with everything even when fully expanded.
It is useful as well for those farmers who feel they do not receive sufficient visits from their neighbours.
So if you are not one of those farmers, just pop 12 decorations you do not want on your farm in the Exhibition Hall to fill the 12 slots so you can earn 12 Rewards every 48 hours as well as the gift boxes associated with those decorations.  The Rewards are used to upgrade the Exhibition Hall itself.
Other requirements to upgrade to Level 2:
20,000 Coins
10 Cannoli (Red Star version) from Stove House
10 Relief Tile (Neighbour Request or pay 1 RC each)
60 Rewards

As you can see, with a maximum of 12 Rewards every 48 hours, you cannot upgrade quickly!

Slow as upgrading is, there are options unlocked at higher levels.
There are two 'skins' that rqndomly increase Rewards.
At Level 5, you unlock a new skin that gives a 10% chance of doubling rewards after collecting them.
At Level 9, another new skin that gives a 20% chance of doubling after collecting rewards.
This is very much far in the future at this point!
Note after Collection:  I have 12 fully stacked bases in the Exhibition Hall.  I collected the following:
3 Purple Cleaning Gift Boxes
6 Blue Cleaning Gift Boxes
1 Golden Cleaning Gift Box

The decorations' gift boxes appear according to the schedule of when the items were placed in the Exhibition Hall rather than reset time.  As I filled the slots at different times, collection of Rewards and gift boxes was staggered.  I was able to collect more Rewards and gift boxes ultimately when the 48 hour cycle for all 12 was completed.  I verified  with Support that you will receive gift boxes for the decorations and bases in the Exhibition Hall without the action of any neighbour.  I did receive 12 Rewards total.

Upgrade Requirements for Level 6:

I did not log the precise requurements for the first 5 lebels but they did not change much.  The lower quality Cannoli continued to be a matweial needed through Level 5.  At Level 5, a new 'skin' became available without cost.

Level 6 Requirements:
20 Pavlova
Collect Rewards 180 times
10 Vibrant Paint Bucket (1 RC each)
60000 Coins

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