
18 November 2022

2nd Magic Wonderland Activity

Refresh this post frequently as I will add details to it as time permits.  Last update on Sunday.

My extensive  post from August that explains the principles of this Activity now is given here comprehensively.   This one features the Phoenix instead of Unicorns, but operates in the same fashion.

It is easy to forget there are multiple goals in this Activity.  The one that matters most are the paths in the Magic Wonderland screen.  One is Free and the other is the VIP path.  I recommend that players invest in the VIP path.  This is an activity where the VIP rewards include both a new gear and a new Animal.
You increase your Level with EXP point totals.  Experience points are earned when you create any Phoenix.  A higher level phoenix gives more EXP towards the next level.

The Phoenix eats Fern Flowers and produces Phoenix Feathers.  The Baby Phoenix is the final Reward on the free path and is a Seaside Decoration that gives a Blue Box when cleaned.

On the Free path of rewards there is a Soap Machine Mastery ticket that is wasted on players who have full mastery of that Island Machine.

If you opt (wisely) to pay for the VIP path, simply choose 'Use' from your gift box to add the Peanut Butter gear to your Popcorn Machine.  The reason I recommend paying in this case is because it may be the only way ever to obtain this gear and the Phoenix Animal.
Unfortunately the Peanut Butter Popcorn is an RC item that limits sales in the Market Stall.

The other reason I suggest farmers pay to unlock the VIP Rewards is because this is a very labour and time intensive Activity, but the VIP Pass is relativwly inexpensive.  It is the same amount of labour, so why not obtain all the rewards?

There are other goals, however.  One is to unlock all possible items by upgrading with merges.   Another is to unlock all possible areas on the map.  The goal of unlocking all possible items will help unlovk all map areas but neither is necessary to complete the Activity.  The Activity is completed when you reach Level 10 in the Magic Wonderland paths.  Be advised that this is a very labour and time intensive Activity but one that can be rather addictive.  I far prefer it to those Room Renovations.

Another subsidiary goal is that of earning Stars to use to purchase farms aids the shop.
You may find this is the least important goal as you soon will have more Stars thsn you can use.

How to play:

Merge three or five items on the map to obtain one or two items of the next level.  Merging five produces two items of the next level with bonus Feathers.  It is the feathers that, when merged, produce a Phoenix Egg and the Egg when merged produces a baby Phoenix.  There then are higher levels of Phoenix birds.
It is better to wait for five items of the same kind before merging unless there are no empty spaces on your map.   If you must merge three instead of five, there are two valid incentives:
1. To clear spaces for new items
2. To merge and thus unlock a new item at a higher level that can unlock a new area on the map.
Be aware you can move an item from one space to another and even another area on the map.

It is items of higher levels that unlock new areas.  Generally but not always, it is a higher level of Phoenix that unlocks a new area.

New areas may reveal new items when obstacles are cleared.

Tip:  For me, the items most difficult to find were the Crystals and they were found most often ultimately by clearing obstacles in the last areas at the top of the map.

Go to the Magic Gallery to see the items unlocked in each category.  Do not forget to claim rewards for unlocking new items in the Magic Gallery.  You can receive Stamina and Coins.  20 Stamina is a fairly common Reward.

The icon in the top left is the Magic Wonderland reward panel where you claim rewards and unlock the VIP rewards by paying cash.  This is worth doing as it is only with the VIP pass that you receive a new (gadget or) gear and a new Animal in the form of a Phoenix.  The gear in this case is a Peanut Butter Popcorn Gear for the Popcorn Machine.

The other important icons are the  book on the bottom left that shows the Magic Gallery and the Magic Store icon on the bottom right with two tabs.  The first offers coin and RC purchases of items that can be merged.  The other should be ignored until later.  It is where you can use the Stars to purchase farm aids.

Stamina is key here and you obtain more stamina whenever your general level increases and you can purchase additional Stamina each day using coins first and then RC. Stamina refreshes as well over time.  Stamina is used to clear obstacles and create Phoenix birds.

Tip: This is a long activity.  Try to collect daily Stamina even if you have no time to play.  It will accumulate for you.  Buy. I the Stamina allotment every day using Coins.

Unlocking new areas:
The items you need are :

1st area: Phoenix Fledgling (2 to create)
2nd area: Juvenile Phoenix (5 to create)
3rd Area: Immature Phoenix  (10 to create)
4th Area: Large Bearberry Cluster (Level 7)
5th Area: Flame Flower Cluster (Level 7)
6th Area: Dazzling Crystals (Level 7) 
All areas unlocked!

You  will need high level items from the Bearberry category, Crystal and Flame Flower categories.  All are Level 7 items.

Magic Gallery

Phoenix Items
Phoenix Feather
Phoenix Egg
Phoenix Hatchling (1 Stsmina to create)
Phoenix Fledgling
Juvenile Phoenix
Immature Phoenix
Adult Phoenix
Venerable Phoenix

Bearberry Items

Bearberry Bud
Bearberry Sprout
Small Bearberry Cluster
Medium Bearberry Cluster
Blossoming Bearberry Cluster
Blooming Bearberry Cluster
Large Bearberry Cluster
Magical Bearberry

Flame Flower Items

Flame Flower Bud
Flame Flower Sprout
Flame Flower Seedling
Blossoming Flame Flower
Blooming Flame Flower
Mature Flame Flower
Flame Flower Cluster

Crystal Items

Shattered Crystal
Rough Crystal
Polished Crystal
Small Crystal Cluster
Medium Crystal Cluster
Large Crystal Cluster
Dazzling Crystals

Magic Star Items

Magic Star Sprout
Magic Star Sapling
Magic Star Tree
Magic Star Grove*

*This delivers Stars

Lava Chest Items

Small Lava Chest
Medium Lava Chest
Large Lava Chest

Arcane Chest Items

Small Arcane Chest
Medium Arcane Chest
Large Arcane Chest

Coin Items
Several Coins
A Bunch of Coins
A Pile of Coins
Note that unlocking new items in the Magic Gallery not only allows access to new areas on the map in certain instances but can give significant rewards.  

High level items, especially Flame items, yield bonus items in the form of Eggs instead of Feathers.

N.B.  Instead of collecting the coins initially, upgrade by merging until you have unlocked the Pile of Coins.  Collecting that gave me 20,000 Coins.

Level Requirements:

I logged these in my August post and did not do it this time.  I am verifying now.

To reach Level 1, you need 15 EXP.  60 Stamina Reward
To reach Level 2, 45 Stamina
Reward 60 Stamina
To reach Level 3, 200 EXP, Reward 60 Stamina
To reach Level 4, 500 EXP, Reward 70 Stamina
To reach Level 5, 1250 EXP,
Reward 70 Stamina
To reach Level 6, 2500 EXP
Reward: 80 Stamina
To reach Level 7, you need 5000 EXP
To reach Level 8, you need 10,000 EXP
To reach Level 9. 15000 total.
To reach Level 10 requires 20,000 total.  (I reached Level 10 with 16,885 points but there were high level Phoenix in the process of being created, so the total probably would have equalled 20000.  Reward for reaching Level 10 was 3 RC)

Note that as you reach new levels, special sales bundles will become available that offer Stamina, RC and Power.  Try to resist.  I feel it might be better to spend the RC you have if you feel you must continue, but remember, this Activity was set to run 11 days and Stamina replenishes over time as well as being offered every day once for 1000 Coins.

There is an option in the bottom left to toss out items.  I never once felt the need to do that.  As you unlock new areas, you will have plenty of space.  At the start when spaces are limited, merge 3 items if you must instead of tossing anything in the bin, or simply collect the coins instead of waiting to merge them.  The least useful items are the coins and Magic Star items.

I did note that on another farm a Yogurt Machine Mastery Ticket was offered for 8000 Stars.

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