
25 September 2022

10th Anniversary Cake Activity

The primary reason to perform this Activity is to reach Level 15 for the Chef's Little Apprentice Decoration that gives a Blue Box when cleaned.  Players who do not wish to spend cash in this game especially shoikd take every opportunity to obtain the coveted 'Blue Box decorations' whenever possible.
The Cake Activity can be frustrating and costly if you do not understand the actual goals and the way it works.  Essentially, you need to complete the tasks to acquire gems to raise your Level.  Level 20 is the maximum.  At the same time, unlock all the cake bases you can.  Try to synchronise the unlocking of a new base with the task that asks for it.  Otherwise you will have to make that cake again when the task appears.  Follow the tasks for best results.  You will be given a limited amount of Stamina each day.  You can purchase another Stamina for 1 RC.  There is no limit to the amount you can buy.  Point totals and the number of ingredients that are allowed increase as you make more cakes and unlock the 'add 1 more ingredient' option.  There is one of those options in the Activity Shop and another in the  Candy Cake Pass Rewards.  A third is given by the VIP Pass.

Bear in mind the fact that variations in a specific type of ingredient will raise cake point totals but you do not need different ingredients of the same type to unlock a new cake base.  In other words, if a Recipe asks for a Strawberry ingredient, ANY Strawberry ingredient should result in success.

All Cakes can be unlocked with more than one recipe variation.  Some are unlocked with the VIP Pass.  Even if you do not have the VIP Pass, you can unlock most of the Cakes by making the correct Recipe.
Although some ingredients can be obtained only if you have purchased the VIP Pass, you can use a different ingredient from the one given by the VIP Pass to unlock the Recipe as long as it falls into the same category.  In other words, if you need Cream ingredient, it dies not matter which Cream ingredient you choose, but you cannot substitute an ingredient of an entirely different type.

N.B.  There are only a few ingredients that really matter.  You can use duplicate ingredients to unlock a new Cake.  I am adding recipes that use the simplest ingredients.  Where there are two variationa given here, the second one simply has higher point totals.


Unlock Chocolate Cake with Plain Sponge and two Chocolate Semicircles

If you do not have an ingredient, try one that is from the same category.  Variations work.  

The unfortunate aspect of this game is the inability to see either your bases or ingredients unless you are inside the 'Bake a Cake' Menu.
There you have no access to the other menus!

There really are only a few different ingredient types:


I initially believed Fruit included Strawberry ingredients, but this cannot be the case as when I tried to use a Strawberry ingredient in place of a Fruit one, the Recipe was not successful.

When you buy new ingredients, first try to obtain one of each type.  Only after that, buy the ones with the highest point values.  I have listed all the types above.

When you go to the Task Corner, the tasks give hints as to how to unlock new bases.
There are a few Cake bases that are optional as they are not given as tasks.  These include the two Shaved Ice Recipes and the Berry Parfait.

Support has confirmed that Ice Cream has no recipe and only is obtained through the VIP Pass.  Thus, the Cakes that require the Ice Cream base can be made only by players with the VIP Pass.

The purpose of the game is to complete the Candy Cake Pass by reaching Level 20.  Although the VIP Pass offers special decorations, ingredients and an extra 'add one ingredient' that can boost your point total, as well as the Ice Cream Base,  you do not need it to complete the game.

To advance, try to obtain at least one of each type of ingredient.  The game is deceptive.  You can pile duplicate ingredients, one on top of the other, to obtain results.

It is by completing the Task Corner tasks that you obtain Gems to raise your level.

Once you have completed all rasks, earn the maximum to buy all the game aids in the Activity Shop Menu by making the followibg cake again and again:
Anniversary Cake + Fruit Pyramid x 4 
for a total of 965
(x 5 if you have VIP Pass for a total of 1160)
Anniversary Cake = 280
Fruit Pyramid= 120
Adding additional Fruit Pyramids activates Soft Combo, Fruit Combo, Colourful Combo, Soft Palette Combo to maximise points

There are cake bases that are not required for tasks, including the Ice Cream, Parfait and both Shaved Ice Cakes.

Making Cakes gives you coins to purchase new cake decorations.

Note that the key here when looking at the recipes for the cake bases is to know how many ingredients you can add currently.  If you can use only three ingredients, you will have to wait to unlock some of the cakes.

This is important when you are given the task of making an Anniversary Cake.  It requires a total of five ingredients to make.

Note that I bought the VIP Pass and spent considerable RC to add Stamina so I could complete this post.  I now am going through all the recipes again to document the cheapest and easiest variations for players who do not have the VIP Pass..

I unlocked the Ice Cream Base with the VIP Pass.  This is the only way to obtain the base, as it never appears in the Tasks.  I have confirmed you cannot create Ice Cream.

The following are lists of ingredients.  Within any category, you should be able to use ANY of those decorations when a Recipe calls for that type.

I have separated ingredients here by type.


Cream Semicircle
Cream Flowers
Cream with Edible Pearls
Cream Butterfly Right
Cream Butterfly Left
Cream Plaque

Chocolate Semicircle
Chocolate Cookie Right
Chocolate Cookie Left
Chocolate Sauce
Chocolate Gummy Bear
Chocolate Plaque

One Strawberry
Strawberry Garnish Right
Strawberry Garnish Left
Strawberry Jam
Three Strawberries
Strawberry Plaque
Strawberry Heart

Tart Fruit Medley
Fruit Pyramid
Berry Semicircle
Berry Medley
Orange Bowl

Candy Semicircle
Candy Swirls Right
Candy Swirls Left

Rainbow Swirls and Sprinkles
Rainbow Gummy Bear
Rainbow Candy Arch

There are recipes where a Rainbow ingredient appears to be necessary.  The Rainbow Shaved Ice comes to mind.

One other point: there are two different fruit types: Strawberry and Fruit.  Do not substitute Strawberry for Fruit or Fruit for Strawberry!  Rainbow likewise is not Candy.

Strategy Tips:  You need to focus in two primary gials at the start.  Try to obtain all of the 'Add 1 ingredient' options as quickly as possible.  

Try to make certain you have one of each type of ingredient, whether you obtain it as a Candy Cake Pass, or buy it in the Activity Shop.  This means: 1 Strawberry, 1 Cream, 1 Candy, 1 Fruit and 1 Rainbow Ingredient.

When you have achieved these goals, you will be able to unlock every Cake, apart from those that require the Ice Cream exclusive to the VIP Pass.

The only task that requires a specific ingredient is the one that directs you to make a Cake using Chocolate Sauce.

1.  The first cake is a Plain Sponge Cake.

2.  The tutorial unlocks the 2nd cake which is Strawberry Cake.
It is made with:
Sponge Cake, 1 Strawbwrry, Cream Semicircle

3. Chocolate Cake: 
Sponge Cake, Chocolate Semicircle x 2
Sponge Cake, Chocolate Sauce, Chocolate Gummy Bear

(Alternately unlock with Sponge Cake and any two Chocolate decorations)

4. Fruit Cake: Sponge Cake, Tart Fruit Medley, Candy Swirl

Sponge Cake, Rainbow Gummy Bear, Tart Fruit Medley

5.  Cream Puff:  Sponge Cake, Candy Swirl x 2

Sponge Cake, left candy swirls, Cream with Edible Pearls, Candy Semicircle

6.  Lava Cake: 

Cream Puff, Tart Fruit Medley,
Chocolate Semicircle x 2, Candy Swirl

Cream Puff, Fruit Pyramid, Chocolate Sauce, Right Candy Swirl, Gummy Chocolate Teddy Bear

7.  Jello: Free

8.  Fresh Milk Jello: Jello, 1 Cream Butterfly, Happy Birthday Plaque

Or  use : Jello, Cream Semicircle, Cream Semicircle

Or use: Jello, Cream Flowers, Cream Flowers

9.  Macaron Cake: 
Fruit Cake, Tart Fruit Medley x 2, Candy Swirl

Fruit Cake, Orange Bowl, Tart Fruit Medley, Candy Swirl

10.  Cream Pie: 
Fresh Milk Jello, Candy Swirl x 2, Cream Semicircle

Fresh Milk Jello, Cream with Edible Pearls, Tart Fruit Medley, Candy Swirl Left, Candy Swirl Right

11.  Tiramisu: 

Chocolate Cake, Cream Semicircle, Candy Swirl, Chocolate Semicircle*

*As one task is to buy Chocolate Sauce, I thought it might be needed for Tiramisu.  Although it increases point total, you can use any Chocolate and it is a simpke cake requiring only three ingredients.


Chocolate Cake, Cream semicircle, Candy Swirl, Chocolate Sauce

Chocolate Cake, Left Cream Butterfly, Candy Swirl Right, Chocolate Sauce

12.  Pudding: 
Jello, Candy Swirl, Cream Semicircle, Chocolate Semicircle

(What this translates to is:  Jello, 1 Cream ingredient, 1 Candy Ingredient, 1 Chocolate ingredient)

Jello, Candy Swirl Right, Cream Pearl, Chocolate Sauce, Rainbow Candy Arch*
(*Rainbow Candy Arch adds points only)

13.  Ice Cream: Free with VIP Pass.  No recipe!  Exclusive VIP Reward

14.  Parfait: 
Ice Cream, Chocolate Semicircle x 2, Cream Semicircle


Ice Cream, Chocolate Sauce, Cream with Edible  Pearls, Left Chocolate Cookie, Right Chocolate Cookie

15. Two Tier Cake:
Strawberry Cake, One Strawberry x 2, Cream Semicircle

Strawberry Cake, Strawberry Jam, Cream with Edible Pearls, Strawberry Heart

16. Anniversary Cake:

Two tiered Cake, 1 Cream Semicircle, 1 Candy Swirl, 1 Berry Semicircle, One Strawberry

Two tiered Cake, 1 Cream Semicircle, 1 Candy Swirls, 1 Berry Semicircle, 1 Strawberry Jam

Two tier Cake, Cream with Edible Pearls, Berry Semicircle, Left Cream Butterfly, Candy Swirls Right, Strawberry Plaque

17.  Fruit Pudding: 
Pudding, Tart Fruit Medley x 2, Candy Swirl

(Translates to: Pudding, 2 Fruit ingredients, 1 Candy Ingredient)

Pudding, Rainbow Gummy Bear, Orange Bowl, Tart Fruit Medley

(This option uses Pudding, 2 Fruit ingredients, 1 Rainbow Ingredient)

18.  Layered Heart Pudding

Pudding, One Strawberry x 2, Cream Semicircle

Pudding, Strawberry Heart x2, 
Cream with Edible Pearls

Pudding, One Strawberry, Cream Semicircle, Strawberry Jam

19.  Shaved Ice: 
Ice Cream, Rainbow Candy Arch, Strawberry Jam, Tart Fruit Medley, Strawberry Heart

20. Rainbow Shaved Ice: Shaved Ice, Strawberry Jam, Fruit Pyramid, Rainbow Swirls

21.  Berry Parfait: 
Parfait, Cream Semicircle x 2, Candy Swirl, Berry Semicircle

Low Calorie or Low Sugar Cake: 
Jello, Cream Semicircle Finish now!

High value Cakes:  This is how you are rated on the leaderboard.  While you still need coins for ingredients and items in the Shop, it is useful to rack up points.  Otheise, better to try to create new cakes.

So for high value:
Anniversary Cake base worth 280
Any ingredients worth 120 x 5

Total: 1020 points

For highest value:
Anniversary Cake, Fruit Pyramid x 5
Total: 1160 points

Combos boost points higher to 1160.

Note that you will not be able to use five ingredients unless you have the VIP Pass.  With 4 Fruit Pyramids, the total is 965.

You should be able to see any combo flashing when you choose another ingredient.
Also, a cake base with a lower value when used with ingredients that create combos can boost your total to 1160, and have included a recipe below.  In my experience, a combo can be boosted to a value of 'x 3'.  There are Red and White Combos, Perfect Palette Combos, Fruit Combos, and so on.

Anniversary Cake, Rainbow Gummy Bear x 4


Anniversary Cake, Fruit Pyramid, Rainbow Swirls and Sprinkles, Cream Flowers, Chocolate Sauce

*This is a task.

Highest Score cake: 1160 for
Anniversary Cake and Fruit Pyramid x 5

Task Corner:

Essentially includes tasks to unlock new cakes and create cakes with higher values.

Some Specific Other Tasks

Make a Cake using Chocolate Sauce

Make a Sweet Cake

Make one cake and score over 900

Make a high calorie cake

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