
13 August 2022

Magical Wonderland Activity

This is a new option in Seaside.  I usually dislike the activities that are labour intensive, and require massive amounts of time, and this is both, but having played breeding games in the past that involved unicorns and ponies, I rather like this one.

I now have received the final Rewards, and although I set no alarm, I think it required about 15 to 17 hours of gameplay to reach the Level 10 status at a total of 2000 gems.  Maximum gems total is 20,000 gems.  That is a prodigious amount of time to spend in Seaside on an activity that has no link at all to my farm.

On the other hand, I adore the Unicorn and the presence of Unicorns and Pegasi was what drew me to the original Family Farm game.

This mini game is designed to persuade you to spend RC and cash.  The one option I recommend is the VIP Pass that is the only way to earn the actual Unicorn at the very end.  The free pass gives you special rewards including a Sleeping Unicorn Blue Box Decoration, an avatar and a frame, but the VIP Pass alone delivers an actual Unicorn.

The Unicorn is an Animal when, placed on your farm and fed Lucky Stars, will give you Unicorn Feathers.  The developers have confused Unicorns with Pegasi here, but however designated, it is a magical creature.

The Level Menu with its Pass format is on the top left of the screen.  You earn gems only by creating and merging Unicorns.  Like most of these games, the points required to reach the next level increase by leaps and bounds.  Nonetheless, it is a 10 day Activity.  My advice is to use patience if you do not like to spend RC or cash.

Note that you can refresh your Stamina once per day for a coin price of 1000 Coins.  The second refresh costs 1 RC, and after that, it is 2 RC per refresh.  Stamina will be replenished gradually as time passes but that is a slow process.

There will be a special sale offer each day on the top right offering Stamina and RC for cash.  After three of these 23 hour sales, there may not be further offers.  I did not see obe, but then, I had achieved my goals.  I believe you must reach a certain level to generate each of these.

The heart of this game is to create a chain of three or five matching items.  You then drag one item towards the other 2 or 4 to merge them into one that is higher on the scale.  Higher level items need to be created in order to unlock new screens that are obscured by fog.  Moreover, when they are unicorns, they are worth more in gems.  Only the Unicorns allow you to advance on the Free Pass and VIP Pass path.

Note that waiting to merge five items instead of three gives you two new higher level items instead of one.  It is more valuable when they are the higher level items that you are merging, but if you can resist the ability to merge three, it us worthwhile to hold out for the double reward for five items.

The plant items offer special little rewards as well.  I was able to create a Level 4 Magic Star Grove that released Stars at intervals two or three times before it disappeared.  The stars are currency for Seaside aids like OP.

You will be able to trade these in the Magic Store, found on the bottom right of the screen.
There are two tabs.  One is for Coin and RC purchases and the other is for Stars.

The Coin Menu offers three different Merge items for different prices.  It refreshes daily, but you can opt to refresh earlier if you pay.  Further, once the coin items are purchased, higher level items will appear.  You have to use RC for those.

N.B.  It is solely unicorns that give Gems towards the primary prizes for this activity.  The first item for creating unicorns is the Unicorn Horn.  Five of these creates two Unicorn Wings.  You receive Unicorn Horns as a sort of bonus item when you merge other items.  Unicorn Wings can be found in chests, but the Unicorn Horns are generated whn you merge other items.
Five Unicorn Wings are needed for two Baby Unicorns.  Where Unicorns are concerned, the benefit of waiting to merge 5 items instead of 3 is significant.

The items you have unlocked are listed in the Magic Gallery.  This menu is found by tapping on the book icon on the lower left side.  It is tge Magic Gallery that shows you the process by which you can obtain the specific items that unlock new areas on the map.

It is very important to unlock new areas on the map.  Look at the icon that is above the next area covered by fog.  You need to create this item, and then tap on the icon again to unlock that area.  Doing so gives you more spaces and often new items inside the obstacles you find there.

Sometimes you need to sacrifice items in the interest of space.  Merge three of the low level items if you need to clear spaces.

The other primary action is to remove obstacles on the map.  Tbese are rock and waterfall formations of various kinds.  Tap on each to see how much stamina is required to begin the process.  At each stage, items are released that can be merged.  At the final stage, a chest will appear that contains merge items.  The square on the map then will be clear.  These obstacles when removed clear a path or unlock new obstacles.

The lowest amount needed for any obstacle is 6 Stamina. The highest is 24 Stamina.  At each stage, you receive one or more merge items.

It took me a bit of time to see the function of the sun that falls down the screen.  Tap on it where there is a free space and it will become a random item.  Not very valuable, but it usually is a coin or plant.  If you are very lucky, it could drop Stamina in the form of a tiny lightning bolt.  Can be worth 10 Stamina.

N.B. You do not need empty spaces to be able to move any merge item, but in fact can place it on a space that is occupied by another merge item.  The merge item you replace will be moved to an empty space.  It can go to a different area on the map if there is no space for it on the same area.

Magical Gallery:

Unicorn Merges 

Unicorn Horn, Unicorn Wing, Baby Unicorn, Teenage Unicorn, Sparkly Unicorn, Fuchsia Unicorn, Winged Unicorn, Adult Unicorn

Glow Flower Merges
Glow Flower Bud, Glow Flower Sprout, Small Glow Flower Vine, Large Glow Flower Vine, Blooming Glow Flower, Small Glow Flower Cluster, Large Glow Flower Cluster, ?

Rainbow Tree Merges

Rainbow Tree Seed, Rajnbow Tree Sprout, Rainbow Tree Seedling, Raknbow Tree Sapling, Mature Rainbow Tree, Blooming Rainbow Tree, Old Rainbow Tree, ?

Ore Merges

Ore Pebble, Ore Vein, Ore Load, Ore Deposit, Crystal Ore, Crystal Rich Ore, Small Crystal Ore Chunk, ?

To unlock new areas:
(From Memory so hope the order is correct)

2nd area: Create Baby Unicorn
3rd area: Create Teenage Unicorn
4th area: Create Sparkly Unicorn
5th area: Create Winged Unicorn
6th area: Create Large Glow Flower Cluster
7th area: Create Old Rainbow Tree
8th area: Create Small Crystal Ore Chunk

15 Gem Total to reach Level 1, Reward 60 Stamina
45 Gem Total to reach Level 2
Reward 60 Stamina
200 Gem total to reach Level 3
Reward 60 Stamina
500 Gem Total to reach Level 4
Reward 90 Stamina
1250 Gem Total to reach Level 5
Reward 70 Stamina
2500 Gem Total to reach Level 6
Reward 70 Stamina
5000 Gem Total to reach Level 7
Reward: 80 Stamina
10000 Gem Total to reach Level 8
? to reach Level 9
Reward: 90 Stamina
20,000 Gem Total to reach Level 10

Special VIP Pass Rewards:
These are the unique Rewards you can obtain only uf you purchase the VIP Pass:
Toy Peacock Gear Token.  Add this to the Toy Machine to be able to produce Toy Peacocks.  
Unicorn: Place this Animal on Seaside and feed it Lucky Stars to obtain Unicorn Feathers

Toy Peacock Gear Token

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