
02 April 2022

Penny's Riddle Solutions April 2022

You can solve three riddles each day wuthout paying.  Additional solutions cost 1 RC each.  I paid 18 RC today to be able to post these and claim the baelse.

The base when placed will boost theme in the Farm Beauty Contest by 9 votes daily.  If you are low on theme, pay RC to complete the base on the first day of the contest. 

1.  Grape, Corn
2. Cane, Pear
3. Nitrogen Drop, Sugar
4. Clover, Venison Steak
5. Gisela Cherry, Angora Hair. Grape Juice
6. Chardonnay, Nectar, Nitrogen Drop
7. Zebra Print, Angora Hair, White Grape
8. Loquat, Scallop, Maple Sugar
9. Caramel, Cane, Orange Juice
10. Tilapia, Wheat Bread, Chardonnay
11. Buffalo Milk Cheese, Crayfish, Buffalo Milk
12. Mud Crab, Maple Sugar, Clover
13. Witch's Potion, Crayfish, Orange Juice
14. Gulfweed, Caramel, Nectar. Corn
15. Buffalo Milk Cheese, Loquat, Mutton, Tilapia
16. Zebra Print, Grape, Niteogen Drop, Gulfweed
17. Pear, Hairtail, Gisela Cherry, Venison Steak
18. Grape Juice, Sugar, Scallop, Buffalo Milk
19. Mud Crab, Maple Sugar, Mutton, White Grape
20. Tilapia, Sugar, Orange Juice, Loquat
21. Witch's Potion, Wheat Bread, Hairtail, Mutton

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