
29 April 2022

Maypole Dance Quest and Flower Ball Collection Mission

Flower Ball Collection Mission

70 from Pasture
50 from Buffalo Milk
30 from Lemon Macaron
10 from Cherry

Reward: Cheese Press (Collectable)

Maypole Dance Quest

Harvest 40 Corn
Collect 40 Eggs
Harvest 8 Apples

Harvest 40 Chardonnay
Collect 20 Honey
Harvest 8 Lemons

Harvest 40 Cane
Produce 40 Sugar
Harvest 8 Almonds

Harvest 40 Onions
Produce 40 Milk
Prepare 8 Butter

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Oat
Produce 50 Oat Flour
Prepare 8 Crumb Topping

Harvest 50 Wheat
Produce 50 Wheat Flour
Prepare 8 Batter

Harvest 50 Rice
Collect 15 Haskap Berries
Prepare 8 Haskap Berry Jelly

Harvest 50 Ginger
Place the Cheese Press on your Farm (Collection Reward)
Prepare 8 Grilled Streetcorn Salad

Reward: Clown Pet House Hat

Harvest 60 Rye
Produce 60 Rye Flour
Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Harvest 60 Blue Roses
Produce 60 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Soft Dough

Harvest 60 Pineberries (Island)
Produce 60 Champagne
Prepare 8 Finnish May Day Fritters

Harvest 60 Flax (Island)
Harvszt 8 Tamarillo Fruits
Prepare 8 Baked Tamarillos

Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Produce 60 Linen (Island)
Produce 60 Blue Rose Essential Oil (Island)
Prepare 8 Apple Chutney

Harvest 8 Chestnuts (Island)
Produce 60 Chestnut Flour (Island)
Prepare 8 Tamarillo Chutney

Produce 60 Dried Pineberries (Island) (High Mastery)
Produce 60 Pineberry Bread (Island)
Prepare 8 Haskap Berry Crumble

Cook 4 Cheese Onion Rings in Stovehouse
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Corn Fritters

Final Reward: Miniature Maypole Decoration

15 April 2022

Easter Egg Hunt Quest and Easter Bunny Card Collection Mission

A new 11 day Quest has been released in tandem with a Collection Mission.  The premium Sandwich Machine required can be purchqsed wirh cash or RC.  The Breadfruit Tree can be earned by completing the Collection Mission or purchased with cash in a sale.

The only special task is the Botanical Garden.

Easter Bunny Card Collection Mission
70 from Blueberries
50 from Wheat
30 from Turkey Sandwich
10 from Cinnamon

Reward: Breadfruit Tree*
*Breadfruit Tree can be purchased in a special sale.

To complete this Mission, you need the new Sandwich Machine

Easter Egg Hunt Quest

Special Rewards:
Clown Pet House Ears
Easter Bunny Car Decoration

Harvest 40 Rye
Produce 40 Rye Flour
Harvest 8 Lychees

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Bread
Collect 20 Honey

Harvest 40 Grapes
Produce 40 Grape Juice
Collect 40 Milk

Harvest 40 Rice
Produce 40 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Butter

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Lavender
Produce 50 Black Bread
Prepare 8 Honey Syrup

Harvest 50 Tulips
Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
Prepare 8 Grape Milkshakes

Harvest 50 Lilies
Collect 15 Pisanski* 
  *can use OP to speed whether on farm or in Collectable House
Prepare 8 Easter Babkas

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Place the Breadfruit Tree on your farm (Reward from Collection Mission)
Prepare 8 Boules

Special Reward: Clown Pet House Ears

Harvest 60 Coffee Beans
Produce 60 Buffalo Milk
Prepare 8 Coffee Cookies

Harvest 60 Strawberries
Produce 60 Buffalo Milk Cheese
Prepare 8 Lavender Cheese

Harvest 60 Cane
Produce 60 Sugar
Prepare 8 Coffee Biscuits

Produce 60 Lily Bouquets
Harvest 8 Tamarind
Prepare 8 Tamarind Sauce

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood (Island) *Use Electric Saw
Produce 60 Mohair  (Island)
Prepare 8 Tofu Stir-Frieds with Tamarind Sauce

Produce 60 Mohair Yarn (Island)
Craft 6 Scarecrow Toys (Island)
Prepare 8 Vegan Tamarind Dinner

Produce 60 Dried Strawberries (Island)
Produce 60 Tulip Essential Oil (Island)
Prepare 8 Broiled Asparagus

Cook 4 Brocciu Omelwttes in the Stovehouse
Tend Flowers in Botanical Garden 12 times
Prepare 8 Bunny Bread Bowl Dips

Final Reward; 
Easter Bunny Car Decoration

02 April 2022

Penny's Riddle Solutions April 2022

You can solve three riddles each day wuthout paying.  Additional solutions cost 1 RC each.  I paid 18 RC today to be able to post these and claim the baelse.

The base when placed will boost theme in the Farm Beauty Contest by 9 votes daily.  If you are low on theme, pay RC to complete the base on the first day of the contest. 

1.  Grape, Corn
2. Cane, Pear
3. Nitrogen Drop, Sugar
4. Clover, Venison Steak
5. Gisela Cherry, Angora Hair. Grape Juice
6. Chardonnay, Nectar, Nitrogen Drop
7. Zebra Print, Angora Hair, White Grape
8. Loquat, Scallop, Maple Sugar
9. Caramel, Cane, Orange Juice
10. Tilapia, Wheat Bread, Chardonnay
11. Buffalo Milk Cheese, Crayfish, Buffalo Milk
12. Mud Crab, Maple Sugar, Clover
13. Witch's Potion, Crayfish, Orange Juice
14. Gulfweed, Caramel, Nectar. Corn
15. Buffalo Milk Cheese, Loquat, Mutton, Tilapia
16. Zebra Print, Grape, Niteogen Drop, Gulfweed
17. Pear, Hairtail, Gisela Cherry, Venison Steak
18. Grape Juice, Sugar, Scallop, Buffalo Milk
19. Mud Crab, Maple Sugar, Mutton, White Grape
20. Tilapia, Sugar, Orange Juice, Loquat
21. Witch's Potion, Wheat Bread, Hairtail, Mutton

01 April 2022

April Fool's Day Quest and Clown Hat Collection

Clown Hat Collection
70 from Cucumber
50 from Beef
30 from Onion Rings
10 from Coconuts

Reward: Black Bean Plant

April Fool's Day Quest

Harvest 40 Wheat
Produce 40 Wheat Flour
Harvest 8 Oranges

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
Produce 40 Ketchup
Harvest 8 Cinnamon

Harvest 40 Carrots
Produce 40 Milk
Prepare 8 Butter

Harvest 40 Onions
Produce 40 Buffalo Milk
Prepare 8 Sour Cream

Reward: Mission Gift Box

Harvest 50 Rice
Produce 50 Turkeys
Prepare 8 Roasted Turkeys

Harvest 50 Sunflowers
Collect 50 Turkey Sausages
Prepare 8 Flower Salad

Harvest 50 Red Bell Peppers
Collect 15 Oregano (can use OP to speed whether on farm or in Collectable House)
Prepqre 8 Roast Chicken with Oregano

Harvest 50 Ginger
Place the Black Bean Plant on your farm (Reward from Collection Mission)
Prepare 8 Canned Black Beans

Reward: Cloen Pet House Base

Harvest 60 Daisies
Produce 60 Chili Sauce
Prepare  8 Adobo Sauce

Harvest 60 Pumpkins
Produce 60 Beef Salami
Prepare 8 Sliced Sausages

Harvest 60 Garlic (Island)
Produce 60 Buffalo Milk Cheese
Prepare 8 Sausages Casserole

Harvest 60 Daffodils (Island)
Harvest 8 Azarole
Prepare 8 Toast with Azarole Jam
Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Harvest 60 Zucchinis (Island)
Produce 60 Dried Zucchini (Island)
Prepare 8 Azarole Mousse

Harvest 60 Cassava (Island)
Produce 60 Cassava Flour (Island)
Prepare 8 Rainy Afternoon Snacks

Produce 60 Daisy Essential Oil (Island)
Produce 60 Pumpkin Pies (Island)
Prepare 8 Camp Pot Roast Chickens

Cook 4 Pilaf in the Stovehouse
Tend flowers in Botanical Garden 15 times
Prepare 8 Vegan Chili

Final Reward: Jack in the Box Decoration for Seaside