
05 February 2021

Chinese New Year Party Quest and Mini Bamboo Steamer Collection Mission

A new 11 day traditional Quest has been released in tandem with a Collection Mission.  I always advise low level players to try to complete the Collection Mission even if they are unable to complete the Quest, but of late, the Animals or Machines required for the Collection Missions have been premium ones.  This one requires the Pancake Maker.  I would like to thank Kaye and Anne, two of my wonderful administrators in our Facebook Group,Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk for their help this morning sharing screenshots especially.  My computer was hacked by an old friend sadly, so until that issue is resolved, I am forced to work from mobile platforms.

As far as our group is concerned, we are changing the questions to make it easier to verify farmers who request admittance.  I apologise if your request was not accepted initially.  We really simply try to protect our members and their information from hackers, and therefore need to make certain that requests come from legitimate players.  It is a sad world now in many ways, but I certainly intend always to fight back.

If you still find this site helpful, your votes for HM. Freyashawk in the Farm Beauty Contest are greatly appreciated.  It is not the Rewards I seek by reaching the top 10, but visibility as Freyashawk, a name assiciated for a long time with strategy guides, although I no longer work on guides for any games apart from this one.  Updating this site is a time consuming job, however, and I am doing this singlehanded.  I created the site so that any one in the world, whether on Facebook or not, could access it.  I never allow Google to place any adverts on my sites, so I never make any money from this, and that is fine.  My motivation is to help players enjoy this game more.  Unfortunately, the game has become far too large and complex for many players, and older devices no longer can be used to play it.  The memory required is so significant that often players have to delete their other applications in order to continue to play.  I think this is counterproductive.  We do not need mini games and endless activities.  Furthermore, many of these are unlocked only at high levels.  I once played the original Family Farm, but stopped as the game became far too complex and unwieldy, no longer a pleasure, however beautiful visually.  I hope FunPlus will reconsider its current strategy of expanding this mobile version.  Give us new beautiful  Crops instead of these sressful activities and min games.  Make the fabulous ‘temporary’ Crops like the Koinobori Plant, (Carp Banner), now unavailable, as well as the Christmas Bow, the Akita Rice, the Snowman Crop, available in the Market, and permanent.

Finally, although there is nothing wrong with asking players to support a ‘free’ game by purchasing a few premium items, but the premium items have become totally excessive.  The Farm Beauty Contest premium decorations for new bases, new Friendship Flowers... all of these need a reduction in price or a less demanding schedule in terms of sales.

Farm Beauty Contest Strategy

Most players, if they have less than maximum votes from the four characters, lack votes either from Grandma for having four fully equipped Pets on their farm, or for Theme.  There always are deorations that count more towards Theme totals than others.  The new base, if obtained from Penny at the Magic Cauldron, placed on your farm, and then captured in a new Screenshot for the Contest, will add 9 votes each day to your total number of votes.  That is more than you would receive by  exchanging votes with another player.  I see players begging for vote exchanges in chat, but you can add more votes by doing this.

Another strategy, if you actually are invested in this game, is to create a second farm, and send the votes from that farm to your first farm.  Many veteran players have multiple farms.  I only ever ask for votes for HM. Freyashawk for rank.  As far as reaching 6000 votes is concerned giving all contest rewards, other farms that belong to my family can do that without ever obtaining a single vote from a neighbour. 

In all honesty, the reward that really matters for any farm is the Decoration gained with a total of 4000 votes.  That decoration will become a theme item in future Farm Beauty Contests.


 Mini Bamboo Steamer Collection


70 from Wheat

50 from Eggs

30 from Blueberry Pancakes

10 from Lemons

Reward: Spice Mixer (Collectable)

Strategy Tips: 


Set your Monkey Boost to reduce OP.  In the traditional quest, the only special tasks are tending flowers in the Botanical Garden, and you only need to perform the action 12 times, so you really do not need Friendship Flowers from neighbours for this quest if your Botanical Garden is at maximum level.  There is no fishing, and pets do not need to dig Chests.


Crop List:


40 Rye

40 Oat 

40 Tomatoes

40 Lucky Stars

50 Green Lettuce

50 Blueberries

50 Festival Crackers

50 Lilies

60 Mushrooms

60 Potatoes

60 Violets (Island)


Batch Production List


40 Rye Flour

40 Oat Flour

40 Ketchup

8 Cherry Juice

10 Orange Jam

60 Wool

60 Wool Yarn (Island)

60 Lily Essential Oil (Island)

60 Blueberry Pies (Island)

8 Natural  Silk  (Island)

8 Silk (Island)




15 Soy Milk


Chinese New Year Party Quest



Harvest 40 Rye

Produce 40 Rye Flour

Harvest 8 Oranges


Harvest 40 Oat

Produce 40 Oat Flour

Harvest 8 Cherries


Harvest 40:Tomatoes

Produce 40 Ketchup

Harvest 8 Almonds


Harvest 40 Lucky Stars

Collect 20 Honey

Prepare 8 Cake Flour

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box


Harvest 50 Green Lettuce

Produce 8 Cherry Juice

Prepare 8 Batter


Harvest 50:Blueberries 

Produce 10 Orange Jam

Prepare 8 Soft Dough


Harvest 50 Festival Crackers

Collect 15 Soy Milk

Prepare 8 Dairy Free Pie Dough


Harvest 50 Lily

Place Spice Mixer on your Farm

Prepare 8 Yellow Roasted Croaker

Special Reward: Chinese Knot


Harvest 60 Mushrooms

Produce 60 Wool

Prepare 8 Vegan Cream Cheese


Harvest 60 Potatoes

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood

   Use Electric Saw to obtain 2 pieces from each harvest

Prepare 8 Egg Soup


Harvest 60 Violets (Island)

Harvest 12 Bamboo Shoots (Island)

Prepare 8 Roasted Tomato Soup


Produce 60 Wool Yarn

Harvest 8 Tangerines

Prepare 8 Tangerine Sauce


Produce 60 Lily Essential Oil (Island)

Produce 60 Blueberry Pies (Island)

Prepare 8 Tangerine Chocolates


Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles (Island)

Produce 6 Lily Aroma Bottles in the Beauty Shop

Prepare 8 Tangerine Snack Sets


Collect 8 Natural Silk (Island)

Produce 8 Silk (Island)

Prepare 8 Pecan Pies


Cook 3 Oat Roll Noodles in the Stove aHouse

Tend Flowers in your Botanical Garden 12 times

Prepare 8 Yellow Croaker with Tangerine

Final Special Reward: New Year Lucky Bag Decoration

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