
19 August 2020

Darryl's Adventure, Tasks 101 through 200

The following gives the new tasks for Darryl's Adventure from 101 through 200.  Below this list is a copy of the original posts that provided the tasks through 100.

I took photographs of the tasks and the cost of skipping each but not certain if I have time to add all of these details right now.  The cost tends to be between  8 and 20 RC.  Rather costly actually in some cases.

101.  Prepare 8 Cotton Candy
             Skip for 8 RC

102.  Produce 12 Orange Candy
            Skip for 12 RC

103.  Collect 70 Eggs
            Skip for 8 RC

104.  Harvest 70 Tomatoes
            Skip for 18 RC

105.  Produce 6 Roasted Tomato Soup
            Skip for 6 RC

106.  Produce 60 Veggie Burgers
            Skip for 15 RC

107.  Collect 12 Spice

108.  Prepare 8 Spicy Chicken

109.  Produce 70 Wheat Flour

110.  Harvest 80 Cane
            Skip for 20 RC

111.  Produce 70 Sugar
            Skip for 18 RC

112.  Harvest 12 Pears
            Skip for 12 RC

113.  Collect 10 White Vinegar
            Skip for 10 RC

114.  Prepare 8 Spicy and Sour Chicken
             Skip for 8 RC

115.  Harvest 70 Onions
            Skip for 18 RC

116.  Produce 20 Almond Cakes
            Skip for 20 RC

117.  Harvest 70 Pineapples
            Skip for 18 RC

118.  Produce 70 Pineapple Jam
            Skip for 18 RC

119.  Harvest 16 Peaches
           Skip for 16 RC

Special Reward: 15 Power

120.  Produce 12 Peach Candy
            Skip for 12 RC

121.  Collect 80 Milk
            Skip for 20 RC

122.  Harvest 70 Pumpkins

123.  Prepare 8 Egg Custard in Pumpkin

124.  Harvest 80 Pasture

125.  Harvest 10 White Chocolate

126.  Harvest 70 Cabbages

127.  Collect 70 Beef

128.  Produce 70 Buffalo Milk Cheese

129.  Collect 80 Honey

130.  Harvest 70 Green Beans

131.  Produce 40 Cabbage Kim Chi

132.  Harvest 70 Peanuts

133.  Prepare 8 Forest Soup

134.  Collect 80 Peacock Feathers

135.  Harvest 70 Cucumbers

136.  Harvest 70 Pitayas

137.  Prepare 70 Pitaya Jam

138.  Harvest 20 Apples

139.  Prepare 8 Korean BBQ

140.  Prepare 40 Cucumber Kim Chi

141.  Harvest 70 Duck Eggs

142.  Prepare 70 Peanut Sauce

143.  Harvest 70 Carrots

144.  Produce 20 Apple Juice

145.  Harvest 70 Lotus Flowers

146.  Prepare 8 Mixed Noodles

147.  Produce 70 Angora Hair

148.  Harvest 70 Lavender

149.  Collect 60 Goose Feathers

150.  Harvest 8 Dark Chocolate

151.  Prepare 8 Gourmet Apples

152.  Prepare 12 Tiramisu

153.  Produce 70 Lavender Bouquets

154.  Harvest 12 Pears

155.  Prepare 6 Korean BBQ Sets

156.  Harvest 70 Lilies

157.  Produce 70 Turkeys

158.  Harvest 16 Lemons

159.  Produce 60 Turkey Sausages

160.  Prepare 8 Sliced Sausages

161.  Produce 70 Champagne

162.  Harvest 70 Oreo Plants

163.  Produce 60 Oreo Cakes

164.  Collect 70 Ostrich Feathers

165.  Harvest 70 Grapes

166.  Produce 70 Grape Juice

167.  Prepare 8 Spider Cupcakes

168.  Harvest 12 Gisela Cherries

169.  Collect 70 Beef

170.  Harvest 8 Bananas

171.  Harvest 80 Pasture

172.  Prepare 8 Lemon Banana Daiquiri

173.  Produce 70 Lily Bouquets

174.  Harvest 70 Tulips

175.  Collect 40 Goat Milk

176.  Produce 60 Goat Cheese

177.  Prepare 8 Feta

178.  Produce 70 Tulip Bouquets

179.  Harvest 70 Blueberries

180.  Produce 70 Blueberry Candy

181.  Collect 18 Nectar

182.  Harvest 16 Olives

183.  Prepare 8 Apple Kulfi

184.  Harvest 70 Red Bell Peppers

185. Produce 70 Chilli Sauce

186.  Harvest 70 Love Roses

187.  Collect 70 Goose Feathers

188.  Produce 20 Corn Bread

189.  Collect 12 Soy Sauce

190.  Prepare 8 Beef Bulgogi

191.  Harvest 80 Corn

192.  Produce 70 Cheese burgers

193.  Collect 70 Duck Eggs

194.  Harvest 70 Mustard

195.  Produce 70 Eggs

196.  Produce 70 Mustard Sauce

197.  Prepare 6 Sukiyaki Sets

198.  Harvest 8 Sakura Flowers

199.  Prepare 8 cups of Sakura Tea

200.  Harvest 60 Pink Roses

Original Darryl's Adventure Tasks through 100

These are the tasks for the continuation of Darryl's Adventure.  Post now complete with all tasks.  Darryl's Adventure originally was activated from the regular Activity Stage.  It now possesses its own building next to the buildings devoted to Darryl's House.

Skipping most tasks costs 15 RC.  If it is the production of 8 items, the cost of skipping is 8 RC.  If it is production of 12 items, the cost is 12 RC.  The ordinary reward for completion of any task is 20 XP and 200 Coins.

51.  8 Corn Bread (You can use the Out of Nowhere Tech or the Goldfinger Tech)
52.  Harvest 60 White Roses
53.  Harvest 60 Carrots (20 XP, 200 Coins)
54.  Produce 60 Bundles of Wool (20 XP, 200 Coins)
55.  Produce 60 White Rose Bouquets
56.  Produce 60 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Special Reward: 6 Fire
57.  Harvest 8 Coconuts
58. Prepare 8 Coconut Milk
59. Harvest 60 Green Lettuce
60.  Collect 60 Peacock Feathers
61. Produce 60 Beef Salami
62.  Collect 60 Duck Eggs
63.  Prepare 8 Cheese Salad
  Special Reward: 10 Yellow Mystrons
64.  Harvest 8 Matcha
65.  Harvest 60 Lavender
66.  Produce 60 Mayonnaise
67.  Harvest 60 Daisies
68.  Prtoduce 60 Ostrich Feathers
69.  Prepare 8 plates of Coffee Cookies
  Special Reward: 15 Power
70. Produce 12 glasses of Orange Juice
71.  Harvest 8 Almonds
72.  Produce 60 Angora Hair
73.  Harvest 60 Love Fruits
74 . Produce 60 Turkeys
75.  Produce 60 Love Cakes
  Special Reward: Autumn Owl Decoration

76.  Prepare 8 Jars of Honey Syrup
77.  Harvest 12 Cinnamon
78.  Produce 12 Banana Cakes
79.  Cook 3 Macaroni and Cheese in the Stove House
         The price to skip this task is 6 RC
80.  Harvest 60 Green Beans
81.  Harvest 8 Lychees
  Special Reward: 50 Green Mystrons
82.  Prepare 8 Lavender Cheese
83.  Harvest 8 Cherries
84.  Produce 12 glasses of Cherry Juice
85.  Produce 12 Tiramisu
86.  Collect 30 Honey
87.  Prepare 8 Coffee Biscuits
          Skip for 8 RC
88.  Harvest 60 Sunflowers
  Special Reward: 10 Yellow Mystrons
89. Produce 12 Lychees
90.  Harvest 8 Maple Syrup
91.  Produce 12 Black Forest Cakes
92.  Prepare 8 dishes of Cheese Apples
93.  Harvest 60 Blueberries
94.  Produce 60 Sunflower Bouquets
  Special Reward: 15 Power
95.  Harvest 8 Oranges
96.  Prepare 8 Pepernoten
97.  Collect 8 jars of Nectar
98. Produce 30 Blueberry Jam
99.  Produce 8 Maple Sugar
100.  Produce 60 Cheese Burgers
  Special Reward: Autumn Tiger

Below is a copy of the original post that listed the first 50 tasks for Darryl's Adventure, when it was simply an activity on the Activity Stage.  It appears that, if you never completed these, you can begin where you stopped originally:

The Reward for completing 25 of these tasks is an Autumn Fox Decoration that gives a Purple Gift Box.  The Reward for completing 50 is an Autumn Raccoon Decoration that gives a Purple Gift Box.

Note to Low Level Farmers:  This Activity Stage Activity may be brutal to farmers who have few farm aids and smaller farmers.  You have a very limited time period to complete the 50 tasks that give two Purple Box Decorations.  I do know that some farmers do not complete the 11 day Quests immediately and some still may be struggling with tasks.  Complete the Collection Mission linked to the Quest at least.  You can complete the traditional Quest sequence later from the Lighthouse.  The only consideration here in terms of timing is whether you need 3 more theme votes per day from the Characters.  The Pug with the Rustic Sign Decoration IS a Theme Decoration in the current Farm Beauty Contest as is the Halloween Party Stage that can be completed by solving the Riddles.

If you are at a lower level, do not be discouraged.  You can CHOOSE simply to complete the activities or Quests that give you decorations you actually like.

The Cooking Stand Contest actually gives better rewards to farmers at lower levels than any of the timed Quests or Activity Stage Activities.  You will earn far more coins and a Decoration that gives a Gold Box when cleaned.   Furthermore, you often can buy ingredients and even the dishes themselves from your neighbours.

H.M. Freyashawk still needs votes for the Farm Beauty Contest on a daily basis for any hope to rank in the top 10.  The farm can accept a couple of new neighbours still.  I do wish to thank all of those farmers who are giving their votes to the farm,

I have added Crop Lists and Batch Production Lists now to help farmers plan ahead more effectively.  Please do not copy these without giving credit to Freyashawk.  Any one is welcome to use them, provided credit is given for my work.

Crop List

40 Corn
40 Wheat
50 Coffee Beans
50 Grapes
50 Rice
50 Cane
50 Chardonnay
50 Oats
50 Rye
50 White Grapes
40 Red Roses
40 Cucumbers
60 Pasture

Batch Production List

40 Eggs
40 Wool
40 Wheat Flour
50 Milk
50 Wine
50 Cheddar Cheese
50 Peacock Feathers
50 Sugar
50 Champagne
50 Oat Flour
50 Rye Flour
40 White Wine
40 Wheat Bread
40 Black Bread
50 Red Rose Bouquets
50 Grape Juice
40 Beef
12 Apple Juice
40 Oat Bread

Note that the active techs of Out of Nowhere (Mechology) and Wild Hunger (Zoology) can be used here to achieve totals.

Darryl's Adventure Map: 1-50


Harvest 40 Corn
  Skip for 18 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 40 Wheat
  Skip for 10 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 XP


Collect 8 Oranges
  Skip for 6 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 8 Cherries
  Skip for 8 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Collect 40 Eggs
  Skip for 10 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 40 Wool
  Skip for 10 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins

Special Reward: 6 Power


Collect 40 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 40 bags of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP 200 Coins


Harvest 50 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Collect 50 Milk
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 12 plates of Coffee Cookies
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 1 Coffee Bean, 1 Wheat Flour


Harvest 50 Grapes
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 50 Rice
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins

Special Reward: Bag containing 10 Yellow Mystrons


Produce 50 bottles of Wine
  Skip for 12 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 50 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 12 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 50 Peacock Feathers
  Skip for 12 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 50 Cane
  Skip for 12 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 8 Honey Syrup
  Skip for 8 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 2 Honey and 2 Milk


Harvest 50 Chardonnay
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins

Special Reward: 15 Power


Produce 50 Sugar
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 50 bottles of Champagne
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 8 Rose
  Skip for 8 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 3 Wine and 3 Champagne


Harvest 50 Oats
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 50 sacks of Oat Flour
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 50 Rye
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins

Special Reward: Autumn Fox Decoration for Seaside, gives Purple Gift Box when cleaned


Produce 50 sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 8 sacks of Cake Flour
  Skip for 8 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 2 Oat Flour and 2 Rye Flour


Harvest 8 Bananas
  Skip for 8 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 50 White Grapes
  Skip for 12 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 40 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 6 Batter
  Skip for 6 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 2 Wheat Flour, 1 Egg

Special Reward: 50 Green Mystrons


Harvest 40 Red Roses
  Skip for 10 RC
Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 40 loaves of Wheat Bread
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 6 Gisela Cherries
  Skip for 6 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 40 Cucumbers
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 10 Cornmeal
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 1 Corn, 1 Corn


Harvest 8 Lemons
  Skip for 8 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 12 bottles of Oat Milkshake
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 1 Milk and 1 Oat

Special Reward: 10 Yellow Mystrons


Harvest 12 Apples
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 60 Pasture
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Harvest 6 Chocolate
  Skip for 6 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 40 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 50 Red Rose Bouquets
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 50 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins

Special Reward: 15 Power


Prepare 8 Jars of Grape Milkshake
  Skip for 8 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 1 Milk, 1 Grape Juice


Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 20 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 12 glasses of Apple Juice
  Skip for 12 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Produce 40 Oat Bread
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins


Prepare 10 jars of Apple Milkshake
  Skip for 10 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins
  Each requires 1 Milk, 1 Apple Juice


Harvest 6 White Chocolate
  Skip for 6 RC
  Reward: 20 XP, 200 Coins

Special Reward: Autumn Raccoon

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