
26 May 2020

Aquarium in Resort


Above, the Fish purchased in the Lottery packet, including a rare 3 Star Cupcake Fish.  The fish you receive are random.

Above, the Shop Menu that gives the option of purchasing 1 Fish for 100 Aquarium Coins or 10 for 900 Aquarium Coins.

Above, the Breeding Option.  As of now, you only have the first Baa Baa that the tutorial allowed to reach maturity.

Above, the option to expand.  The price increases with each expansion.

Note from Freyashawk:  I still am experimenting with the Aquarium but some facts have become clear.


The most recent update creates what is virtually a fish breeding mini-game in the Resort.  You only will be able to access it if you have unlocked the 6th plot in the Resort.  It therefore requires a fairly advanced Resort progress even to be able to engage in it.

You will see the Aquarium at the top of your Resort screen.  Tap on it and you will be given a little tutorial.  Mine froze the game, so I had to reload.

Essentially, you use special currency in the Aquarium that is earned by performing little fishy missions.  The currency is branded as Aquarium Coins.

This is essentially a rather basic fish breeding game.  The goal would be to complete the Fish Book ultimately with all of the Fish that can be purchased or obtained through breeding.  Note here that EVERYTHING IS RANDOM.  You can purchase a Fish. and the Fish you obtain can be a 1 Star or 3 Star Fish.  It can be a rare Cupcake, Doughnut or other rare variety or it could be an ordinary Baa Baa Fish.  Moreover, these ordinary varieties do have three different levels.  I purchased a total of 16 fish on the first day.  I received NO rare varieties, but I received three different star levels of the Mew Mew Fish.  So it is all chance.

As far as breeding is concerned, the requirement is that the Fish is mature and NOT currently involved in any Mission.  At reset, Missions are activated.  They last two to three hours, at least at this point in time.  I fed my fish and activated all the Missions, which are now a total of 5 because I upgraded my Aquarium initially to be able to complete this guide with the prices and results of each upgrade.

The mistake I made last night was in activating the Missions BEFORE I performed any Breeding.  There is no real positive result for breeding, however, apart from emptying your tank a little.  You lose the two parents, and the result is utterly RANDOM, but all that is certain is that by breeding two fish of the same star level, you will receive one fish of THAT same level with a small chance that it will be one star higher.  There is a chance only that you will obtain a higher star level or different variety of fish through breeding, and if you breed two fish of the same variety, the baby will be THAT type of Fish as well.

You begin with 1500 Aquarium Coins and 1 fish known as a Baa Baa fish that resembles a sheep.  The game will bring this one fish speedily to maturity but be aware that the fish you purchase, even when fed, will not become mature at once.

The best option now is to buy the 'Lottery' pack of 10 fish using 900 coins.  Your maximum capacity is 15.  You only can increase this by using 1000 TC to upgrade with five more slots.  You now could buy 2 more fish for 100 coins each.  This gives you a total of 17 fish.

Two more actions can be undertaken now.  The first is to feed all the new fish.    Note that the option to 'Feed All' is a little misleading.  Any fish can be fed only once a day, so choosing 'feed all' simply will feed the ones you never fed on that day.  You can tap on a Fish and feed it individually as well if it has not been fed that day.

Another note:  The Fish menu that shows the type of fish and its Star rating, shows its Stamina and its maturity level as well.  Initially I thought the heart icon was linked to Stamina.  That is not the case.  The Heart Icon shows the Maturity of the Fish.  For the first Baa Baa you are given, for example you should see 200/200 which means it is fully mature and eligible for breeding.  More about this later.

The Stamina is shown by the bar menu that resembles a piece of paper (referring to Missions I believe).  Stamina will diminish for any fish chosen for a Mission.  

First to explore the Aquarium Menu.  When you look at it, you will see four icons at the top right. 

The first is to display all Missions.

I had three as follows:

Prepare Birthday Gifts for Mum
  50 Coins

Welcome New Friends
  50 Coins

Build a New House for Baa Baa
  30 Coins

You can refresh this list after reset.  These initial specific missions take from two to possibly ten hours, depending on the star ratings of the fish that are required.  I now have seen missions that require 5 Star fish.  Those missions simply cannot be completed at this point by me.

Later:  Having completed these Missions, there was no option to refresh early and no new Missions appeared.  The 'day' begins at reset.

Note here that you can refresh any Mission on the board, for a total of three refreshes to change to another.   Use the little 'wheel' icon to change to a different mission.

There are missions that take up to 10 hours and are worth 200 Coins.  You have to judge whether or not to perform the missions you are given with fish that can be used, or whether to gamble on a new Mission that may or may not require fish that you do not have yet.

Three Star fish are the only ones that have a chance of creating a four star fish.  Many of the more valuable Missions require 4 and 5 Star Fish.

The second icon takes you to the Fish Shop where you can purchase additional Fish and Decorations.

As previously stated, I opted for the Fish Lottery, giving me 10 random Fish for 900 Aquarium Coins.  The option declares that if you do buy the packet of 10 fish, at least one of them will be a 3 Star fish.

The third icon is one that shows the actual Fish you. own and their current condition.  Each Fish has a star rating and a Stamina total. When your Fish are engaged in a Mission, their Stamina is used.

Each Fish has an icon that gives its Star Rating and stamina.  I asked the game to choose the fish to perform the Missions, but I now see it may be useful to choose them yourself.  Further, if you do this, you can borrow one Buddy Fish per day for a Mission.  That way, you save your own Fishes' Stamina a little.  Moreover, if you do not have a fish at a high level, a Buddy might have one you can borrow.

You have three opportunities to 'refresh' to change the Mission displayed if you cannot perform it. Mission requirements are for each individual Fish in the Mission, so a Mission that requires one 4 Star Fish can be completed if you have a Buddy with a 4 Star fish and have not borrowed another fish on that day.  (One Buddy Fish per day can be borrowed for Missions.)

Note here that all Fish purchased whether in the Lottery or individually are random.  Not only this, but the same species can be 1 Star, 2 Star or 3 Star.  I have three of the catfish, named I believe Mew Mew Fish, and 1 is 1 Star, the second is 2 Star and the third is 3 Star.  All were purchased today.  

Breeding results ALWAYS are random in terms of star rating, but you will not receive a fish that is of lower star level than the two parents.  You may randomly receive a fish at the next star level.  It is wasteful to breed a two star with a one star fish, therefore, as you could receive a 1 Star fish!

The rare fish can appear in any purchase.  One player received the Cupcake Fish, the Doughnut Fish and the Hot Dog fish today.  I have none of these!

At the bottom of this menu is a plus sign.  This is the Expansion option.  You can do the following:

Expand from 15 to 20 fish by paying 1000 TC.

Expand from 20 to 25 fish by paying 2000 TC.

Expand from 25 to 30 by paying 5000 TC.  (I confirmed this now myself.)

Expand from 30 to 35 by paying 8000 TC.

There really is no point in expanding at this time any further than the first expansion, as you cannot possibly gain enough Aquarium Coins to fill an expanded tank right now!

To the right of the plus sign to expand, is an option bar to Feed All Fish.  This will bring up a wheel giving feed options.  Every item has a different value.  Cooked dishes are worth more than Resort Crops.  The food you feed restores stamina and raises any young fish to maturity faster so it is worthwhile to feed them the most valuable food if you intend to engage in as many missions as possible.

I saw that the Cooked Dishes on the screen would give 100 Stamina where the Resort Crops gave only 60 Stamina.

Finally,, look to the left and you will see three tabs.  The first one is the screen I discussed above.  The second is the Breeding Tank.  

The Breeding Tank allows you to add Mature Fish and then Breed them,.   You can feed fish only once per day.  Different fish require different totals to reach maturity.


When you breed two fish, the results are random.  Two 1 Star Fish might produce another 1 Star Fish or a 2 Star Fish.  You lose both parents in the process.  It appears that you cannot 'jump' two levels.  The best result is a fish that is higher by one star level.

It is only by purchasing Fish in the Lottery that you have a chance of obtaining a 3 Star fish without breeding.

The highest star level is 5.  To reach this would require multiple breedings of your 3 Star Fish, and remember you will lose both parents.  I am not going to even attempt to breed my 3 Star Fish. until I have filled my upgraded tank to capacity.  I do believe that you can receive a 5 Star Fish only randomly by breeding two four star fish.

The third tab is your Fish Book, similar to the Flower Book in the Botanic Garden.  It is a record of all the fish you have owned and bred and so on.

The fourth icon on the top of the General Aquarium Menu is a leadership board that shows all your neighbours who have unlocked and are participating in this breeding game.  You can borrow one fish from a buddy per day.  As far as leadership goes, I see no rewards other than bragging rights.

I do believe that if you breed two fish of the same SPECIES, the result will be a fish of THAT species, but the star level can be the same or one level higher.  If you breed two fish of DIFFERENT species, the result can be a fish of either parent type or even entirely different, but again, the star level will be either the star level of the parents or randomly can be one star higher.


When a Buddy borrows your fish, you will receive some coins and green mystrons.  The sad part of this is that many players began the game without any three star fish.  The fish that one tends to borrow are the three star fish, as they are required for many of the missions.

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