
06 March 2020

Festival of Love and Colour Powder Collection Mission

Festival of Love Quest and Colour Powder Collection Mission

By Freyashawk

A new 11 day traditional 16 part quest sequence has been released in tandem with a Collection Mission.  The theme is the Hindu Festival of Holi.

Dear readers and friends:  I confess I am exhausted.  I have lived in this Seaside world for seven years and tried to help other farmers with the game.  I still want to do that, but my real life has been fraught with problems, and no solutions in sight yet.  I will continue to do what I can.  Your votes for HM. Freyashawk in the Farm Beauty Contests are much appreciated, and remind me why I try to keep this site alive and updated.  I have made so many real friends by playing this game, and I love you all.  

I always include the directions for any Stove House Recipe that is required for a quest in the post.  Wizard Cake instructions therefore are included below.

As far as the Farm Beauty Contest is concerned, I always wrote a post for it immediately, but the need is less pressing now, as when you reference the Theme Book, it will show you whether or not you own the item in question, as well as where it is situated (farm or warehouse).  There is a glitch currently that does not allow many farmers to place items that should be stackable on their bases.  Included are the two Dwarves for St. Patrick's Day.  They should be stackable, but the option is greyed out for many.  This post, however, is devoted to the timed Quest.

I experienced the festival of Holi as a child.  I was with my best friend, and all of the boys from the two villages near the maidan followed us about all day throwing coloured powder on us.  It was fun to experience any festival, but they were a little insistent and made comments during their 'attacks'.  We were able to retaliate with our own coloured powders, however, so it was fun in the end, because I always was a warrior woman at heart, even as a child.  Furthermore, the colours and powder, as well as perfumes thrown by some, are considered a blessing, not that different from the tikas applied on the forehead at temples when you take an offering.  I am a great believer in embracing all blessings, irrespective of the identity of the god or goddess in charge of them.  It does not have to change your own loyalty to a specific religion or god.


70 from Pasture
50 from Sugar
30 from Steak Burgers
10 from Tamarind

Reward: Cardamon Pot (Collectable)
  Remember that you now can use OP to speed harvests, even when the item is in storage.
  Note that I obtained 13 Cardamon Seeds as a 'gift' when I placed the Cardamon Pot on my farm.

Crop List

40 Cane
40 Wheat
40 Sunflowers
40 Red Bell Peppers
50 Grapes
50 Corn
50 Pumpkins
60 Potatoes
60 Pineberries (Island)
60 Tulips
60 Daisies
60 Violets (Island, high dev Points)

Batch Production List

40 Wheat Flour
40 Sunflower Bouquets
50 Eggs
50 Beef
50 Wool
50 Wheat Bread
60 Dried Pineberries (Island, mastery required)
60 Ostrich Feathers
60 Wool Yarn (Island)
60 Violet Essential Oil (Island, mastery)

Strategy Tips:

All special tasks are required here, so do not cast a net, do not dig all of the Chests with your Pets and do not tend any flowers in your Botanic Garden if you wish to complete this quickly.  Furthermore, the Island Crop Violet and the Violet Essential Oil will be tricky if you have not developed your Island.  Violets are unlocked with fairly high dev points, and the Essential Oil requires Mastery.   Even Pineberries are not one of the first crops you unlock on the Island.

For new farmers or low level:  You probably will not be able to complete the traditional quest at this point if you have not obtained the necessary Development points on the Island to unlock the Pineberry or even more difficult, the Violet.  The Essential Oil Machine requires Mastery of the Essential Oil Machine on the Island.


Festival of Love 1

I wish I could dream winter away.  It's another cold morning.  Must make certain our animals are warm so they do not become ill.

Harvest 40 Cane
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 20 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Coconuts
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Festival of Love 2

Felicia:  Farm work in Winter, especially when it is bitterly cold outside, is exhausting, and I keep having dreams about warmth and sunshine.  Could it be a sign?

Harvest 40 Wheat
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Wheat Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Peaches
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Felicia:  I believe it is a sign that we need to take a holiday!

Festival of Love 3

Felicia:  I spoke to Grandma, and she would like to warm her old bones as well, so pack your bags, Farmer.  We are going on holiday!

Harvest 40 Sunflowers
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Sunflower Bouquets
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Cherries
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward; 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia:  Our destination needs to be decided, so I shall do some research.  Perhaps you can slave away on the farm tasks for me, meanwhile...

Festival of Love 4

Felicia:  It so happens that the Festival of Holi is beginning in India now.  It is known as the Festival of Love by some, and sounds interesting.

Harvest 40 Red Bell Peppers
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Coconut Milk
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Coconut and 2 Sugar

Harvest 8 Lemons
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia:  Grandma agrees it would be a fascinating experience, so I will book the tickets!

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Festival of Love 5

Felicia:  We need to finish all of the farm tasks, as well as completing all of the order from our clients, so you can do this and let them know we are swanning off to India to enjoy ourselves.

Harvest 50 Grapes
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 50 Corn
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 50 Eggs
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Felicia:  Are you done yet?  Then we can go!

Festival of Love 6

Felicia:  I managed to find some recent articles about the Festival.  We can read them en route to India.  

Harvest 50 Pumpkins
  SKip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Beef
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Sticky Rice
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Rice and 1 Coconut Milk

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Felicia:  We can study together and share our knowledge with old Grandma, who is snoozing in her seat.  

Festival of Love 7

Felicia:  This festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, with the triumph of Spring over Winter.  For many, it is a time to play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.  Unfortunately, it can be stressful for girls and women, as it can become an excuse for boys and men to bully them with their 'attacks'  of coloured powder!  What in the past was considered par for the course now is under some scrutiny.  Good fun is one thing, but bullying quite another.  There is a warning, however, in all the articles:  wear old clothes or white clothes, as everything you are wearing will be splashed with a rainbow of colour.  If you want a souvenir of Holi, all you need are the white clothes you were wearing when you leave your home or hotel!  They will be transformed!

Produce 50 Wool
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Wheat Bread
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 bottles of Tamarind Sauce
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Sugar and 1 Tamarind

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  The Festival of Holi is a Thanksgiving Harvest Festival as well.

Festival of Love 8

Felicia:  The Festival began last night with a big bonfire, and special rituals in front of the fire.  Tomorrow there will be the colour wars, where every one throws coloured powder and people spray one another with water.

Cook 3 Wizard Cakes in the Stove House
  Skip for 15 RC

  Ingredients:  1 Cake Flour, 2 Dark Chocolate, 3 Pumpkins, 7 Grapes.  7 Power

My own Bronze Star version is unlocked for automatic cooking, but I am trying the following now:  

  Place the Cake Flour, Dark Chocolate and Pumpkins, setting the timer for 5 minutes, 40 seconds.  When the Bronze Star activates, add the Grapes and tap 'Finish'.

Place the Cardamon Pot on your Farm
  Reward from Collection Mission
  Skip for ? 10 RC

Prepare 8 Thandai
  Skiip for 8 RC
  This is a new recipe
  Each requires 1 Milk and 2 Cardamon
  N.B.  You can use OP to speed the harvest of Collectables now whether on the farm or in the Collectable House

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  I cannot wait to experience this myself!

Special Reward: Spring Pet House Base

Festival of Love 9

Felicia;  We finally have arrived in India.  There is a scent of spice in the very air, although the crowds are dense.  Grandma's nap revitalised her, and she is determined to go to a spice market.

Harvest 60 Potatoes
  Skip for 15 RC

Fish 8 times with the Squid Hook
   Skip for 8 RC
   N.B.  As always, you can 'Miss' any catch deliberately to extend your 7 default casts to 8 without paying TC or waiting.

Dig 8 Chests on your Paths
  Skip for 8 RC
  This task requires that the Pet actually dig the Chest.  Open chests are not counted.  Best to switch off Automatic Pet digging until you reach this task.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia:  I wonder if she will be able to identity the spices she wants!

Festival of Love 10

Felicia:  The bazaar is crowded with little stalls that display and sell everything from cloth, spices, clothing and the coloured powders for the Holi Festival.  They are offering white shirts and trousers as well to the tourists.  We bought inexpensive clothes and all of the different coloured powders.  Grandma found cardamon here at the stall of a spice merchant.  It is a very expensive spice where we live, and can be used for currries and puddings, and even added to coffee.  In the Arab world, many people feel that a cup of coffee is not complete if it does not have cardamon in it!

Harvest 60 Pineberries
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Crop

Produce 8 Smoked Yellow Croakers
  Skip for 15 RC
  These are produced in the Smoke House.  Note that you can use 'Out of Nowhere' or 'Goldfinger' to make them without the fish ingredient.

Produce 60 Dried Pineberries
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island task that requires Mastery of the Dehydrator

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia;  I think we are ready now for the Festival!

Festival of Love 11

Felicia:  We now are starving... the trip, the bazaar shopping... I think it is time to eat!  Perhaps a drink as well...

Harvest 60 Tulips
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 15 Bamboo Leaves
  Skip for 15 RC
  These are from the COLLECTABLE Potted Bamboo Plant on Seaside and not the Bamboo Tree on the Island!

Prepare 8 Rice Dumplings
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Sticky Rice and 2 Bamboo Leaf (from Bamboo Pot Collectable, not Tree)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Felicia:  This drink is sweet and delicious!  Grandma wandered off while I was extolling the virtues of this wonderful beverage.  God help us all!  How will we find one little old lady in these crowds?

Festival of Love 12

Felicia:  Ah, there she is!  She appears to be queuing for something.   She has the energy and determination of a woman a quarter of her age!

Harvest 60 Daisies
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Tofu Stir Fries with Tamarind Sauce
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Red Bell Pepper and 1 Tamarind Sauce

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Felicia:  It is her extraordinary ability to sniff out anything new... she smelled something wonderful and joined the queue.

Special Reward; Island Mission Box

Festival of Love 13

Felicia:  This dish not only is absolutely delicious but has a wonderful fragrance to it as well.  Grandma of course is determined to recreate it at home for Darryl, Grandpa and our parents.  Amazing woman!

Harvest 8 Cedar Wood
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Task.  Electric Saw produces 2 pieces instead of 1, but you cannot use Fertiliser to speed harvests.  You can use Weather aids like Rain.

Produce 60 Wool Yarn
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island task

Prepare 8 Puran Poli
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is a new Recipe.  
  Each requires 1 Cake Flour and 1 Cardamon

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  Now that we have regained our energy with delicious food and drinks, we can sally forth to join the colour war!

Festival of Love 14

Felicia:  As soon as we emerged, people began to throw coloured powder on us.  Some guy even sprayed me with a beer from a tin!  Are you ready to retaliate, Farmer!  For our family, for Grandma Blair, and for ourselves!

Harvest 60 Violets
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Crop requiring fair amount of Dev Points

Produce 60 Violet Essential Oil
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Task requiring Mastery of the Essential Oil Machine

Prepare 8 Fruit Salad
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Banana and 2 Cherries

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  This is really fun. I am glad we bought the white shirts and trousers.  They will make great souvenirs to remind us of Holi, and we haven't ruined any of our other clothes!

Festival of Love 15

Felicia;  Grandma appears to be enjoying herself.  Even her white hair now is the colour of a rainbow.  I think a photo is in order here!  I wonder what Grandpa will think of this look!

Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC
  This is an Island Task
  Each requires 2 Wool Yarn, 1 Cedar Wood and 1 Power

Harvest 8 Pomegranates
   Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Pomegranate Fruit Salad
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Pomegranate and 2 Fruit Salad

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  Darryl is certain to be jealous of us.  This Festival was designed for a troublemaker like him.

Festival of Love 16

Felicia:  Well, it is time to return home to the farm.  Grandma declares we will make this trip again with Darryl... perhaps next year?

Tend flowers in Botanic Garden 15 times
  Skip for 15 RC

Craft 3 Violet Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 3 RC
  Each requires 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Violet Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water.  Task takes 20 minutes to complete, but is counted as soon as item enters the slot

Prepare 8 Dahi Vada
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is a new Recipe.
  Each requires 1 Potato and 1 Peach Yogurt. (Yogurt are made on the Island, and Peach Yogurt requires Mastery of the Yogurt Machine)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Felicia:  Thank you for joining us, Farmer!  I hope you enjoyed the colour war as much as I did.

Final Special Reward: Rajasthani Musician Decoration for Seaside

Information about Holi

Detailed information on Holi Dates
Timing: It is highly prohibited to perform the bonfire of the Holika Dahan before the Sunset as that can be not really be the cause for bringing in a lot of misfortune in life. It must be performed on a specific time on the Purnima Tithi only after the Sunset. It is very important to choose a good Muhurat in order to perform the ritual of Holika Dahan. Ideally it must be performed on Pradosh Kaal when the night and day are believed to meet each other.

It is prohibited to perform the ritual of Holika Dahan until the Bhadra Tithi. Also, the the exact time for the same varies from state to state all over in India.

Perfect Timing for 2020 Holika Dahan:
In Mumbai - 18:47 to 21:11

In Delhi – 18:26 to 20:52

On the day of Holika dahan, a special type of Puja has to be performed so as to keep children and the other family members in good of the health and keep away from them all types of evils.

The celebration of Holika Dahan is carried out in order in the remembrance of the Holika. In an attempt to fulfil the wish of her demon brother Holika tried to sit in the fire and burn him as he worshipped Lord Vishnu and not her brother. As she had that blessing of not getting affected by the fire so she sat with Prahalada in the fire. But, because of the great devotion of Prahalada, he was saved and Holika was burnt to death.

On the day of Holi, people enjoy by splashing colors over each other and they also play with liquid colors. This part of playing with colours goes on till the end of the afternoon and from the evening people start off with preparing delicious meals.

Also in various parts of the country Holi is celebrated in different way and with different names.

Holi celebration in Vrindavan and Mathura
Holi celebration in Vrindavan is a week-long celebration and that it starts with the Phoolon wali Holi that starts by splashing flowers at the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan during Aanola Ekadasi at 4 p.m. The week-long celebration of Holi Vrindavan will be starting on 4th of March 2020. The celebration will be concluding of 10th of March 2020 which is the day before Holi celebration when people throw colors over each other. During afternoon the celebration starts in Mathura at around 3 p.m.

Lathmar Holi
There is the tradition of beating up the men by women in the village of Nandgaon and Barsana which is performed a week before the Holi celebration. Lathmar Holi in 2020:

In Barsana – 4th March

In Nandgaon – 5th March

So go ahead mark the Holi date 2020 in your personal calendar and start preparing for Holi 2020!!

History of Holi
Holi is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as 'Holika'. The festivals finds a detailed description in early religious works such as Jaimini's Purvamimamsa-Sutras and Kathaka-Grhya-Sutras. Historians also believe that Holi was celebrated by all Aryans but more so in the Eastern part of India.

It is said that Holi existed several centuries before Christ. However, the meaning of the festival is believed to have changed over the years. Earlier it was a special rite performed by married women for the happiness and well-being of their families and the full moon (Raka) was worshiped.

Calculating the Day of Holi
There are two ways of reckoning a lunar month- 'purnimanta' and 'amanta'. In the former, the first day starts after the full moon; and in the latter, after the new moon. Though the amanta reckoning is more common now, the purnimanta was very much in vogue in the earlier days.

According to this purnimanta reckoning, Phalguna purnima was the last day of the year and the new year heralding the Vasanta-ritu (with spring starting from next day). Thus the full moon festival of Holika gradually became a festival of merrymaking, announcing the commencement of the spring season. This perhaps explains the other names of this festival - Vasanta-Mahotsava and Kama-Mahotsava.

Reference in Ancient Texts and Inscriptions
Besides having a detailed description in the Vedas and Puranas such as Narad Purana and Bhavishya Purana, the festival of Holi finds a mention in Jaimini Mimansa. A stone incription belonging to 300 BC found at Ramgarh in the province of Vindhya has mention of Holikotsav on it. King Harsha, too has mentioned about holikotsav in his work Ratnavali that was written during the 7th century.

The famous Muslim tourist - Ulbaruni too has mentioned about holikotsav in his historical memories. Other Muslim writers of that period have mentioned, that holikotsav were not only celebrated by the Hindus but also by the Muslims.

Reference in Ancient Paintings and Murals
The festival of Holi also finds a reference in the sculptures on walls of old temples. A 16th century panel sculpted in a temple at Hampi, capital of Vijayanagar, shows a joyous scene of Holi. The painting depicts a Prince and his Princess standing amidst maids waiting with syringes or pichkaris to drench the Royal couple in coloured water.

A 16th century Ahmednagar painting is on the theme of Vasanta Ragini - spring song or music. It shows a royal couple sitting on a grand swing, while maidens are playing music and spraying colors with pichkaris.

There are a lot of other paintings and murals in the temples of medieval India which provide a pictoral description of Holi. For instance, a Mewar painting (circa 1755) shows the Maharana with his courtiers. While the ruler is bestowing gifts on some people, a merry dance is on, and in the center is a tank filled with colored water. Also, a Bundi miniature shows a king seated on a tusker and from a balcony above some damsels are showering gulal (colored powders) on him.

Legends and Mythology
In some parts of India, specially in Bengal and Orissa, Holi Purnima is also celebrated as the birthday of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (A.D. 1486-1533). However, the literal meaning of the word 'Holi' is 'burning'. There are various legends to explain the meaning of this word, most prominent of all is the legend associated with demon king Hiranyakashyap.

Hiranyakashyap wanted everybody in his kingdom to worship only him but to his great disappointment, his son, Prahlad became an ardent devotee of Lord Naarayana. Hiaranyakashyap commanded his sister, Holika to enter a blazing fire with Prahlad in her lap. Holika had a boon whereby she could enter fire without any damage on herself. However, she was not aware that the boon worked only when she enters the fire alone. As a result she paid a price for her sinister desires, while Prahlad was saved by the grace of the god for his extreme devotion. The festival, therefore, celebrates the victory of good over evil and also the triumph of devotion.

Legend of Lord Krishna is also associated with play with colors as the Lord started the tradition of play with colours by applying colour on his beloved Radha and other gopis. Gradually, the play gained popularity with the people and became a tradition.

There are also a few other legends associated with the festival - like the legend of Shiva and Kaamadeva and those of Ogress Dhundhi and Pootana. All depict triumph of good over evil - lending a philosophy to the festival.

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