
10 January 2020

Sleigh Bells Ring! Quest and Mittens Collection

(Above, the exquisite and magical sleigh of King Ludwig of Bavaria, who was neither mad nor bad, but a very progressive thinker who acted, among other things, as patron to the great composer Wagner and was murdered for his ideas about creating a more democratic government for Bavaria.)

A new 11 day quest has been released in tandem with a Collection Mission.  The reward for the Collection Mission is a premium Tree in the form of the Sea Buckthorn Tree.


Mittens Collection:

70 from Corn
50 from Sugar
30 from Peanut Sauce
10 from Butternut Squash

Reward: Sea Buckthorn Tree

The Sea Buckthorn Tree takes 11 hours to produce a Sea Buckthorn fruit, but you can use Super Watering Cans or ordinary Watering Cans to speed the process.

Note:  For the Collection Mission, I always set the Animal or Machine that needs to deliver 50 Collection items to produce 160.  I set the Animal or Machine that needs to produce 30 to 90 or 100.  For any premium Tree that needs harvest, the ratio appears to be 1 in 3 harvests to produce the item.  These are only my own experiences.

Special Tasks:

Dig 12 Chests on the Paths
Take care of Flowers in Botanic Garden 12 times

Strategy Tips

First of all, I usually set the Monkey Boost to the one that decreases the amount of OP you need to use for any Batch Production task.  All of these timed Quests requires significant Animal and Machine production.  Island Machines are particularly greedy in terms of the amount of OP needed.

Second, I urge low level farmers or those who look at the Crop and Batch Production List and then feel it is impossible or too expensive for them to consider seriously to at least complete the Collection Mission for the premium Tree.  Once the Quest expires, it will become available for completion from the Lighthouse at your leisure, but the Collection Mission will not be available again.  The reward instead will be offered in the Shop for an RC price.  Any new premium Tree tends to cost between 9 and 10 RC when it is in the Shop.   So do complete the Collection Mission to earn the Tree.

Third, I think the safest way to prevent yourself from collecting the maximum number of Pet Chests before the Quest even has been released is by turning off the automatic collection switch at reset on Thursday night when you know there will be a new Quest on Friday.  When I forget to do this, I am forced to pay RC to complete the Quest for this site as quickly as possible, as often I do not have enough Pet Chests left for my Pets to open!

Although this particular Quest does not require fishing, so you can cast a Net and not worry if you have that ability, you do have to tend flowers in your Botanic Garden 12 times.  So refrain from tending any of them if you wish to complete the Quest quickly.

There is no real NEED to complete the Quest quickly, however.  You do have over 11 days for these Quests and Collection Mission.  I do it to be able to complete a guide quickly for other players, but otherwise would not use double OP or endless Fertilisers and Weather aids.  It can be very expensive now, as the Quests become increasingly demanding.

Research Active Techs:

If you attempt to use Wild Hunger or Out of Nowhere for a Collection Mission, you will not receive the Collection Item.  You can use both, however, if a task requires an Animal or Machine Product.

Note from Freyashawk:

Any individual who has a Facebook Group for this game is welcome to post a link to my site and my posts, but please do not simply copy and paste the work I have done without giving credit to Freyashawk.  I am happy to share with all farmers.  My site is freely accessible and free from advertising.

Finally, I wish to thank all the farmers who have voted for HM. Freyashawk and continue to do so in the Farm Beauty Contests.  I do try to keep my site updated, and I have been trying my best to help other farmers enjoy this game for 7 years now!  It may appear silly, but your votes and being able to rank in the top 10 inspire me to continue.  Moreover, having my farm in the top 10 is an indication to other farmers that I still remain active, and that my site therefore still is being updated by me regularly.  I thank you all for your kindness from the bottom of my heart!

Crop List:

40 Cane
40 Rye
40 Tomatoes
40 Sunflowers
50 Strawberries
50 Rice
50 Peanuts
60 Carrots
60 Chamomile (Island)
60 Beans
60 Zucchini (Island)
60 Lavender

Batch Production List

40 Eggs
40 Rye Flour
40 Buffalo Milk
40 Ketchup
40 Sunflower Bouquets
50 Strawberry Juice
50 Turkeys
50 Beef
60 Horse Hair
20 Chamomile Baskets (Island)
60 Venison
60 Dried Zucchini (Island)
60 Beef Hotdogs
60 Lavender Essential Oil (Island)
60 Turkey Hotdogs (Island)

Sleigh Bells Ring! 1

Grandpa:  I thought winter was almost over, but it has been snowing all night.  Look at the fresh snow on the ground.  It is very lovely.

Harvest 40 Cane
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 20 jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC
  N.B.  I tend to keep fully stocked Beehives in my Warehouse for these Quest tasks.  When the game requires 20 jars of Honey, I simply place them on the farm and collect instantly.  There are other ways, of course, but I find this easiest.

Collect 40 Eggs
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Grandpa:  Come!  We mustn't waste a beautiful day like this one.  It may be cold, but bundle up and we'll be fine!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 2

Have you dressed in your warmest clothes?  Excellent!  Now we can enjoy the beautiful Winter Wonderland that Nature has created on our farm.  The snow glistens, and the air is crisp and fresh...

Harvest 40 Rye
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 sacks of Rye Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Grandpa:  Ho ho ho!  Your face is ruddy from the cold... you say my nose is red as well?  Well, that is part of the experience, and it is a price that is worth paying!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 3

Grandpa:  Where are my grandchildren?  They should not be inside on a special day like this one!  When I was a child, I never would miss a chance to build a snowman or have a good old-fashioned snowball fight, no matter how cold it was!

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 bottles of Ketchup
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Lemons
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Grandpa:  Felicia and Darryl!  Join us for a day outside.  Make certain that you dress as warmly as possible... this will be a day to remember!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 4

Grandpa:  The children are having fun in the snow.  Felicia's snowman is impressive and Darryl is busy making a veritable army of snow angels, but I have an idea to make this day even more memorable!

Harvest 40 Sunflowers
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 Sunflower Bouquets
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 bowls of Cottage Cheese
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Cheddar Cheese and 2 Milk

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Grandpa:  Ring a ding ding!  The bells should provide a clue!

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box containing Farm Aids

Sleigh Bells Ring!  5

Grandpa:  You guessed correctly!  Those are sleigh bells.  Is it not a perfect day for a sleigh ride with our family?

Harvest 50 Strawberries
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Strawberry Juice
  Skip for 12 RC
  N.B.  Produce these in the Juice Machine

Prepare 8 plates of Custard
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 3 Milk and 2 Eggs

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Grandpa:  There is an old sleigh in the barn.  I will get it ready while you fetch the horses!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 6

Grandpa:  We need hot drinks and some food for the expedition.  Let us pack some torches as well in case we are out after dark.  Winter days are short.

Harvest 50 Rice
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 50 Turkeys
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Beef
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Grandpa:  Ready?  Climb into the sleigh, every one!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 7

Grandpa:  Let's go!  The snow may be deep, but our horses are strong.  Hold on, every one!

Harvest 50 Peanuts
  Skip for 12 RC

Harvest 8 Red Currants
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 plates of Butternut Squash Roll Cake
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Butternut Squash and 3 Cottage Cheese

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Grandpa:  We are moving very fast!  What fun!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 8

Grandpa:  Are you cold, Blair?  Let's budge up together to stay warm like we did in our romantic sleigh rides when we were young.

Dig 12 Chests on the path
  Skip for 6 RC
  N.B.  This task requires that the Pet actually dig the Chest, not that you collect the contents, so it is best to set your switch to 'Off' at reset until the task becomes active, then switch it back 'On'

Place a Sea Buckthorn Tree on your Farm
  Skip for ?  (Usually the price is 10 RC, but mine was placed.  There really is no point in skipping this task.  The most valuable part of these Quests is the Reward from the Collection Mission.)

Prepare 8 Lemon Honey Syrups
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Honey Syrup and 1 Lemon

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Grandpa:  Your cheeks are rosy and you are as beautiful as you were when first we took a sleigh ride together.  We must do this more often!

Special Reward: Snow Pet House Base

Sleigh Bells Ring! 9

Grandpa:  I see some children playing in the snow over there.  They are waving at us, and appear to be quite excited!

Harvest 60 Carrots
  Skip for 15 RC

Collect 60 Horse Hair
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Red Currant Coulis
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Red Currants and 2 Sugar

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Grandpa:  Are those your friends, Darryl?  Let's stop then!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 10

Grandpa:  Darryl has asked if we can take his friends for a sleigh ride.  Unfortunately, we have no space for any one else on this sleigh...

Harvest 60 Chamomile
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Crop

Produce 20 Chamomile Baskets
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 plates of Red Currant Creme Brulee
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Custard and 1 Red Currant Coulis

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Grandpa:  I think I may have an idea.

Sleigh Bells Ring! 11

Grandpa:  We can tie their small sleds to our sleigh and then pull them behind us!  We did that ourselves as kids.

Harvest 60 Beans
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 Venison Steak
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Butter
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Milk and 1 Milk

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Grandpa:  Of course, I will not drive the sleigh as quickly now as we did before.

Sleigh Bells Ring! 12

Grandpa:  Every one ready?  Make certain that you hold on tight!  We do not want any accidents, do we?

Harvest 60 Zucchini
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Crop

Produce 60 Dried Zucchini
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Sour Cream
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Grandpa:  Ho, ho, ho, this is fun!  The children are excited and delighted.  Listen to their cheers.  Oh, but what is that?

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Sleigh Bells Ring! 13

Grandpa:  Whoa, whoa!  One of the children has fallen out of his sled into a deep snowdrift.  We must rescue him.
.  He is
Produce 60 Beef Hotdogs
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 8 Butternut Squash Puree
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Butternut Squash and 1 Sour Cream

Prepare 8 Sea Buckthorn Jelly
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Sea Buckthorn and 1 Sugar
  This is a new Recipe.  If you do not have the Sea Buckthorn, you can purchase it for 37 TC each, but it is far better to finish the Collection Mission, collect the Tree and use Super Watering Cans on it to make the quantity needed.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Grandpa:  There he is!  I can see his legs sticking up out of the snow.  He is buried head first, and that is a dangerous situation.  We must hurry!

Sleigh Bells Ring!  14

Grandpa:  Thank God!  We saved him in time.  He is a little chilled but fine.  Come onto the big sleigh, and have some of the tea from my flask.  Burrow under the blanket if you like, and you will be warm very soon.

Harvest 60 Lavender
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 bottles of Lavender Essential Oil
  Skip for 15 RC

Make 6 Lavender Honey Hand Creams in the Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 2 Honey, 1 Lavender Essential Oil and 1 Glass Bottle (Free Gift from Neighbours)
  The task takes a quarter of an hour to complete but is counted as soon as the item enters the slot

Reward: 2500 Coins, m 220 XP

Grandpa:  It is becoming dark now.  We need to turn for home.  No worries, child...  you will be seated in front of a roaring fire in no time!

Sleigh Bells Ring! 15

Grandpa:  It's very, very dark now.  I am glad we brought some torches with us.  The snowy forest looks utterly magical in the light of the flames, doesn't it?

Harvest 8 Juneberries
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Juneberry Dots
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Cottage Cheese and 1 Juneberry

Prepare 8 Sea Buckthorn Tea
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is another new Recipe.
  Each requires 1 Sea Buckthorn Jelly and 1 Lemon Honey Syrup, both of which you should have from prior tasks in this quest sequence.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Grandpa:  Let's take all the neighbours' children home first.  I would not wish for them to become lost in the forest in the dark, especially on a cold winter night, however magical.

Sleigh Bells Ring! 16

Grandpa:  What do you think?  We had a jolly time, didn't we?  It was a day to remember.  There is nothing quite like a sleigh ride with friends and family on a gorgeous winter day like today!

Take care of flowers in the Botanic Garden 12 times
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 60 Turkey Hotdogs
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island task

Prepare 8 Butternut Squash Pies
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Butternut Squash Puree and 1 Butternut Squash Roll Cake

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Grandpa:  Let us all sit in front of the fireplace together with a cup of tea.  That would be the perfect ending to a perfect family outing and a perfect day!

Special Final Reward: Horse Sleigh Decoration for Seaside Farm, can be stacked on the Ice Base

Collection Set:

The Collection Set consists of the Sea Buckthorn Tree, the Horse, and the Horse Sleigh Decoration.  Register all three before the timer expires to receive a bonus reward in the form of a Gallery Book Friendship Flower as well as the usual ordinary rewards of 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC.

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