
01 November 2019

The Missing Book Quest and Poems Collection Mission

Post complete!

(Above, a photo of the fruits of the Azarole Tree)

A new 11 day Quest sequence has been released in tandem with a Collection Mission that gives a new premium Tree in the form of the Azarole Tree as its reward.  Unfortunately, farmers will need the new Wrap Machine in order to be able to complete the Collection Mission.  You will need to have the Icelandic Sheep for the traditional Quest sequence.  It costs 15 RC. So they are making this an expensive Quest for any one who does not own both a completed Wrap Machine and an Icelandic Sheep.  A total of 35 RC is required for those unfortunate farmers.

The Wrap Machine can be purchased for 20000 Coins from the Market, but will be incomplete.  To complete it, you will need to make RC purchases in the form of 2 Stovepipes for 5 RC each and 2 Square Stoves for 5 RC each.   I think the developers should have made a gift of 20 RC to farmers for the purpose of being able to complete this Collection Mission.  They often do this in other games, such as Nintendo's Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.  Another potential issue is the fact that many farmers, including farmers at high levels as well as myself, have used prodigious amounts of farm aids to complete the Activity Stage Trick or Treat Mission to obtain the Devil Duck.  They may find themselves in a less than ideal position to complete this new Quest.  The question here is:  how much can the makers of a game, however beloved, demand of their players before those players decide to pack it in because it has become too expensive to continue to complete all Quests  Band Activities.  I always was the sort of player who tried to attain 100% completion in games like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory.  I approached Family Farm Seaside in the same way, but when they introduced the Farm Beauty Contests and added the Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place to the Gallery, any hope of attaining 100% completion vanished.  So we do what we can, but how far does that go when the game demands more and more from us?  I hate to lose good neighbours, veterans of the game who have been faithful to it for almost 7 years, but that occurs more and more sadly.  I do hope the developers will take note of this, and reduce their requirements to a manageable level for ALL farmers.

For a farmer who does not have the Wrap Machine, you have the following choices:

Buy it and complete it for 20 RC.
Skip this part of the Collection Mission for 30 RC.
Wait until the Tree becomes available in the Market AFTER the Quest expires and purchase it then for RC... if you choose this option, you should simply wait until the traditional Quest sequence becomes available from the Lighthouse, or perform a quarter of it now, and wait to perform the rest when it has expired.  (These quests are divided into four parts in the Lighthouse and you will be given Credit, not for each step, but for each QUARTER that you have complete.  1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, in other words.)


Poems Collection Mission

70 Black Poems from Cane
50 from Angora Hair
  (Was able to obtain by setting Batch Production for 160 Angora Hair)
30 from Beef Wrap
  (Beef Wrap requires Beef, Lettuce and Wheat Flour.  I received 30 Poems by setting Batch Production at 86, but the cost of this was prohibitive, especially as I had to do it twice... once to set Batch Production and then to speed it so I could move on with this guide.  The more ingredients a Machine requires, the greater the OP requirement.  Make certain that your Monkey Boost is set to reduce OP here.  Even with that, I paid almost 700 OP to complete this part of the Collection Mission.)
10 from Maple Syrup
  (I had to harvest from the Maple Tree almost 30 times to obtain the 10 Poems required.)

Reward: Azarole Tree
  The Azarole Tree produces Azarole every 11 hours, but you can use Watering Cans to speed the harvests.

Crop List

40 Tomatoes
40 Pasture
40 Carrots
40 Wheat
40 FDC Rice
50 Red Roses
50 Daisies
50 Green Lettuce
50 Timothy Grass
60 Beans
60 Flax (Island)

Batch Production List

8 Maple Sugar
40 Beef
40 Wheat Flour
40 FDC Turkeys
50 Sugar
50 Buffalo Milk
50 Ostrich Feathers
8 Orange Juice
50 Mutton (Icelandic Sheep)
60 Wool
60 Mutton Wraps (Wrap Machine)
60 Venison Steak
60 Linen (Island)

Other Special Requirements

Do not cast a Net if you wish to complete the Quest as quickly as possible, as you will be required to fish 8 times with the Bone Hook.  Do not allow your Pets to perform their duty of digging all the Chests as they will need to dig 12 for the Quest.  I always try to remember (but too often forget) to turn off the switch that allows them to open all of the Chests automatically.  Even so, the task always is a little glitchy in the way it counts your Chests.  My own experience is that it is better not to travel to the Island or Watertown while this task is current, nor to speed the completion of a Pet's digging by using OP.   It appears, in theory at least, to be the act of starting to dig that counts rather than the collection of an opened Chest.  I had four Pets outside the Pet House, and only one was finding and digging up Chests, so that is how glitchy it can be.

As previously stated, you will need both a completed Wrap Machine and an Icelandic Sheep.  Although you should be able to use the Mechology tech, Out of Nowhere, and the Zoology tech, Wild Hunger on Machines and Animals, you cannot use Wild Hunger at this point in time on the Icelandic Sheep.

The Missing Book Quest

The Missing Book 1

Grandma Blair:  Oh dear!  I did not hear you coming.  I haven't seen you in awhile.  You look as though you have lost weight.  Are you eating properly?

Harvest 40 Tomatoes
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 40 Pasture
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 8 Maple Sugar
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Blair:  Let me treat you to some mousse I prepared a few hours ago.  The secret ingredient is azarole!

The Missing Book 2

Blair:  Is it good?  I am glad you like it!  I am so happy to share my mousse with you as it always tastes better when I can offer it to a friend.  On a rainy day like this, a mousse is a perfect treat!

Harvest 40 Carrots
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Blair:  Let's enjoy some tea while we wait for the rain to stop.  After that, we can return to the endless farm chores that give us so much delight.

The Missing Book 3

Blair:  It looks as though the rain will continue, so you mustn't leave now, Farmer!  I will keep you company while you wait, and show you how I spend this sort of day.

Harvest 40 Wheat
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 40 bags of Wheat Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Cherries
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Blair:  Follow me to the attic, and I will show you!

The Missing Book 4

Blair:  I keep my book collection here.  I have been a passionate reader since I was a young girl.  My Grandma used to read to me before I learned how to do it myself.  (Why must these books be concealed in the attic?  One well might wonder...   Books occupy a place of honour and pride in any home of mine.)

Harvest 40 Rice
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 Turkeys
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Lychees
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Blair:  Yes, we shared a special bond.  She taught me the pleasure that literature gives, a wider view of the world and history.  As a Grandmother now myself, I try to do the same with my grandchildren...

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

The Missing Book 5

Blair:  See those fairytale books there?  These are the same books she read to me... and now I read them to Darryl and Felicia.

Harvest 50 Red Roses
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Sugar
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 50 bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Blair:  The stories are classics, and the illustrations are real works of art.  These books may be valuable, but apart from monetary worth, they are priceless heirlooms to me.

The Missing Book 6

Blair:  There are other genres as well... novels, poetry, biographies and books about science.  Here are some books on Botany!  This is the library of a Farmer, after all.

Harvest 50 Daisies
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 50 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Butter
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Milk and 1 Milk

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Blair:  I will show you my favourite now... but first I need to find it!

The Missing Book 7

Blair:  It should be somewhere here... so strange I cannot find it, but actually, it has been some time since I last read it.

Harvest 50 Green Lettuce
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 8 glasses of Orange Juice
  Skip for 8 RC

Harvest 8 Oranges
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Blair: It is a very special book of poetry!

The Missing Book 8

Blair:  I read these poems when I was a romantic young girl.  Yes, Farmer, I once was a young girl, a long time ago.  I still am very attached to that particular book...

Harvest 50 Timothy Grass
  Skip for 12 RC

Collect 50 Mutton
  Skip for 12 RC
  N.B.  The Icelandic Sheep produces Mutton when fed Timothy Grass

Place an Azarole Tree on your Farm
  (Reward from Collection Mission)
  Skip for ?  (Usually costs 10 RC to skip this task)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Blair:  I had filled it with my notes as well, dreaming of love and romance, as young girls do.

Special Reward:  Grandma's Book Collection for Darryl's House

The Missing Book 9

Blair:  When I met Grandpa and we began to date, I read my favourite poems to him.  I have many memories stored in that book... I wonder why it is not here now.

Produce 60 bundles of Wool
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 Mutton Wraps
  Skip for 15 RC
  Each requires Lettuce, Wheat Flour and Mutton.  Batch production costs 238 with the reduced OP Monkey Boost in place

Prepare 8 Toast with Azarole Jam
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is a new Recipe
  Each requires 1 Azarole and 2 Wheat Flour
  N.B.  You can pay 40 TC for Azarole but it is better to use Farm Aids to speed harvests

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Blair:  I recall now that Sylvia was tidying the place last winter... perhaps she borrowed my book.

The Missing Book 10

Blair:  Perhaps she wished to read it, then forgot to put it back in its place.  She likes poetry as well.  I will find her, so I can show you the book.

Harvest 60 Beans
  Skip for 15 RC

Produce 60 Venison Steak
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Sour Cream
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Buffalo Milk and 2 Butter

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Blair:  Perfect!  Let's find her.  I am becoming a little anxious about my missing book.

The Missing Book 11

Blair:  Oh dear.  Sylvia claims she never saw the book, and has no idea where it could be.  Who could have taken it?  I would be heartbroken if it is lost.

Craft 6 Red Cord Necklaces
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Angora Hair, 1 Wool and 2 Red Roses; takes 3 minutes to complete but counts as soon as items enter the slot

Dig 12 Chests on the path
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Azarole Mousse
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is a new Recipe
  Each requires 1 Azarole and 1 Sour Cream

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Blair:  Oh my precious book!  How could I have lost it?!

The Missing Book 12

Blair:  I am sorry you have to see me in such a sorry state, Farmer!  In times like this, I tend to seek out Grandpa for comfort but he has gone to the City on business...  what time is it now?

Harvest 60 Flax
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Crop

Harvest 8 Blackcurrant
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 bowls of Blackcurrant Jello
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Blackcurrant and 2 Sugar

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Blair:  Oh, he will return shortly then!  Will you keep me company, Farmer, until he returns?  I do not wish to be alone.

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

The Missing Book 13

Blair:  I do not think material possessions are that important... what matters is sharing with your loved ones.  Perhaps I should put my belief into practice now and forget about my book.  My memories still are with me!

Harvest 8 Oak Wood
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Wood Tree.  You cannot use Watering Cans but you can use Weather aids.  You can use the Electric Saw as well to obtain 2 pieces of Wood in a single harvest

Produce 60 Linen
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island Machine

Prepare 8 bowls of Blackcurrant Sauce
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Sour Cream and 1 Blackcurrant Jello

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Blair;  Well, Grandmas are supposed to be wise, aren't we?  Here is Grandpa now!

The Missing Book 14

Blair:  Oh Farmer!  I cannot believe it!  Grandpa had the book, and now he has given it back to me.  What an enormous relief!

Craft 4 Oil Paintings
  SKip for 4 RC
  This is an Island task
  Each requires 2 Linen, 2 Oak Wood and 1 Power in the Workshop

Fish 8 times with the Bone Fishhook
  SKip for 8 RC
  As always, task counts casts rather than catches, so you can 'Miss' deliberately and it will count towards completion number

Prepare 8 bowls of Candied Walnuts
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Maple Sugar and 1 Walnut

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Blair:  Let me explain what happened... A few days ago, he took the book from my collection in the attic...

The Missing Book 15

Blair:  Initially, he took the book in order to read it, to remember the past when we went on dates.  Then he noticed the binding and cover were a little shabby, so he thought of a plan to surprise me by having it rebound!

Process 12 Janthina Sea Shells in the Seafood House
  Skip for 4 RC
  Each takes 16 minutes to process, but task counts when item enters slot

Harvest 8 Hazelnuts
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 bowls of Nut Mix
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Hazelnut and 1 Candied Walnut

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Blair:  He then added a new dedication:  'To the love of my life.  May we live up to the love and happiness captured by these poems.

The Missing Book 16

Blair:  My husband, as much as I, is a romantic at heart, even after so many decades spent together.  The best part is that we DO experience the love and happiness described in those poems, even now.  I am so blessed!  Look, the rain has stopped...

Craft 3 Conch Necklaces
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Red Cord Necklace, 1 Conch, 2 Ostrich Feathers.  Task takes 12 minutes to complete but counts as soon as item enters slot

Prepare 8 Rainy Day Snacks
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Toast with Azarole Jam and 1 Azarole Mousse

Prepare 8 Blackcurrant Turkeys
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 3 Turkeys and 1 Blackcurrant Sauce

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Final Reward: Grandma's Rocking Chair

Blair:  Thank you, Farmer, for sharing my rainy day with me, and for letting me tell you about the romance this book symbolises to me.

Collection Set

The Collection Set consists of the Azarole Tree, the Grandma's Book Collection Decoration and the Grandma's Rocking Chair Decoration.  Register all three before the timer expires to receive a Gallery Book Friendship Flower as a bonus Reward with the regular rewards of 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC.

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