
22 November 2018

New Game Update with Pinkleby, Meerkat and new Community Options

(Above, screenshot of the Pinkleby, a giant creature who must be fed regularly with rare items)

Post last updated on 20 December with specific Chapter Demands by Pinkleby.  If your Community intends to activate any Chapter, you should be able to prepare in advance as demands are chapter-specific.

A new update has been released in Family Farm Seaside that opens the final area of the Wilderrness known as the Cave, a new Pet in the form of the Meerkat, a new 35 x 35 Expansion, a Level 5 upgrade to Community and more.  Will discuss all aspects of update below.  Meanwhile, however, this is a work in progress.  My posts always are based on my own game experience as well as that of my administrators.

Note on Thursday, 29 November:  This actually has been a series of updates, now including two new Pet Slots and 4 new Lighthouse Missions that give Bedrolls as rewards.  Pet Slot requirements are given at the end of this post.

The Lighthouse Missions that give Bedrolls as rewards have been logged and are available in another post.

Note from Freyashawk:  Unfortunately, I have been forced to archive both of my old Facebook Family Farm Seaside Groups because of some unpleasantness from past members... many know that I have serious health issues at the moment and am fighting cancer which was not completely removed by a surgical procedure.  I therefore must make every effort to avoid stress of any kind.  The best way of resolving the issue was to cut the Gordian Knot as it were by making the groups inactive.  You are welcome always to contact me on Facebook at if you have any game questions.

I want to thank every farmer who has supported HM. Freyashawk, both with votes in the Farm Beauty Contest and in sending messages of hope and their prayers.  Bless you all.  It inspires me, not only to try to continue to log updates and quests but to fight this disease with some courage.  Rated in 10 ten again because of all of you!!!  Heartfelt, true gratitude... it makes me feel that you still have confidence in my work, despite my health issues.

I wish to thank my wonderful administrators, who have stayed with me through the years and continued to help with the game and my groups.  For this particular post, both Kaye and Anne gave their results to compare with mine.  The moral support of ALL my administrators, including Vostie and Debbie, and their kindness throughout, is much appreciated!

I shall make every effort, however, as I am doing now, to continue to help farmers in the game by updating my site with all new developments and Quests.

I want to thank all the farmers who wrote to Support when use of my Cropinator by error harvested every precious Iris and the one Pink Primrose I owned.  Much to my surprise and delight, Support deposited some Iris Seeds and 1 Pink Primrose Seed in my Gift Box to restore some of the beauty to my farm.  My heart overflows... We may be frustrated at times by Support, but this is clear and compelling proof that they can act in an humanitarian manner!  I am truly grateful, dear Felicia and grateful to every farmer who made the effort upon my behalf.  I still hope that our pleas to add the Iris, Primrose, Carnation and other rare seeds to the market permanently will result in this action being taken.

Water Town Activities Tip:  There now is a fourth tab in the Menu that has the 'Exclamation Point' icon directly below your Avatar.  Tap on the Community Icon to see active Challenges.  Not certain if it would display current Achievement task or not, as we have completed all Achievements to date.  When you open the Menu, it will display all the current Challenges, totals and the number that has been completed for each task.  (Thanks, Cindy!)

You will receive a message from Felicia with update gifts, including6 Super Watering Cans, 1 Research Topic Switch Ticket, 150 OP, 100 TC

New Cave Area in Wilderness

The final area of the Wilderness Map in the form of the Cave has been unlocked.  Requirements to unlock area are as follows:


Cave 1 Star Guests:

1 Star guest group consists of the following:

Difficulty: Easy
Likes: Snacks
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Difficulty: Easy
Likes: Seafood
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Dififculty: Easy
Likes: Sweet Foods
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Difficulty: Easy
Likes: Seafood
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Actual Orders:

Claude: 1 Pink Heart Smoothie, 2 Candied Walnut, 1 Pink Heart Smoothie
Reward: 1 TC

Rohn: 1 Gingerbread, 1 Sea Snail Shell, 1 Pearl
 Reward: 1 TC

Alice: 2 Fruit Salads, 3 Jasmine Nectar, 2 Fruit Salads
  Reward: 1 Pink Paint, 1 Meerkat Card, 1 TC

Nathan: 1 Beef Hot Dog, 1 Sliced Sausages, 3 Juniper Sausage
  Reward: 1 Meerkat Card, 1 TC

11579 Earned

125 Stamina for each Order

Another set of 1 Star Orders:

Nathan: 3 Juniper Sausages, 1 Sliced Sausage, 3 Juniper Sausages
Claude: 2 Shaved Ice, 1Pink Heart Fruit Smoothie, 1 Beef Hot Dog
Rohn: 3 Jasmine Nectar, 1 Sea Snail Shell, 3 Coconut Ice Cream
Alice: 2 Gourmet Apples, 1 Gingerbread, 2 Gourmet Apples

2 Star Cave Guests

To actually invite 2 Star Guest Group, you need the following on your farm:

35 Paths, 15 Water Paths

2 Star Guest Group

Bargaining Cost: 325

Difficulty: Medium
Likes: Featured Dishes
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Bargaining Cost: 325
Likes: Fur
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Bargaining Cost: 325
Likes: Knitting Products and Dolls
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Bargaining Cost: 325
Likes: Meats
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Actual 2 Star Guest Orders

3 Smoked Mackerel Pate
1 Custard Crab
2 Tilapia with Chutney Sauce

2 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 2 Meerkat Card

1 Pierogi
1 Japanese Pizza
1 Pierogi

2 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 2 Meerkat Cards

9 Red Teddy Bear
11 Natural Silk
8 Toy Alpaca

2 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 1 Meerkat Card

14 Mohair Yarn
14 Wool Yarn
18 Cotton Cloth

1 Meerkat Card, 2 Pink Paint

1 Sausage Sauce
4 Sliced Sausages
4 Steak Burgers

1 Meerkat Card, 2 Pink Paint

Final Reward: 35 Essence, 500 Coins

3 Star Cave Guest Groups

To unlock the 3 Star Guest Groups, you need the following:

60 Telescopes
4000 Dev Points
Resort Level 6
50 Water Canteens (1 RC each)

As you can see, the requirements are quite demanding.  Is it vital to unlock the 3 Star Guests?  I very much doubt it at this point although I will do so for the guide.  There appears to be NO alternative to the expenditure of 50 RC.

To actually invite the 3 Star Guest Group, you need the following on your farm:

50 Paths, 15 Water Paths

3 Star Guest Group:

All 3 Star Guests, apart from Barrett, give 4 Orders. Barrett gives 6.

Difficulty Level: HARD
Likes: House Decorations
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Difficulty Level: HARD
Bargaining Cost: 850
Gives 6 Orders, 3 Rewards
Likes: Precious Gifts
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Difficulty Level: HARD
Likes: Seafood
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Difficulty Level: HARD
Likes: Dairy Products
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat CArd

Difficulty Level: HARD
Likes: Botanic Products
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Difficulty Level: HARD
Bargaining Cost: 325
Gives 4 Orders, 2 Rewards
Likes: Big Dinner Meal
Chance to give: Pink Paint, TC, Meerkat Card

Actual 3 Star Guest Orders

From Freyashawk:


7 Oil Painting Frames
2 Wooden Chairs

1 Meerkat Card, 1 Pink Paint

7 Oil Painting Frames
7 Wooden Aroma Bottles

1 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 2 Meerkat Cards


2 Champagne Punch
3 French Fries (Bronze)

1 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 2 Meerkat Cards

2 Champagne Punch
3 French Fries (Bronze)

3 Meerkat Cards, 1 Pink Paint


9 Mulled Wine
31 Pink Rose Bouquets

2 Meerkat Cards, 1 Pink Paint

1 Flower Table
9 Mulled Wine

1 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 2 Meerkat Cards


6 Sour Cream
17 Goat Cheese

2 Meerkat Cards, 1 Pink Paint

10 Blueberry Yogurt
6 Sour Cream

1 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 2 Meerkat Cards


100 Lotus Flowers
53 Rice

2 Meerkat Cards, 1 Pink Paint

100 Lotus Flowers
53 Rice

1 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 3 Meerkat Cards


10 Smoked Ray Finned Fish
10 Smoked Tuna

1 Pink Paint, 1 TC, 1 Meerkat Card

10 Smoked Sardine
10 Smoked Mackerel

2 Meerkat Cards, 1 Pink Paint

Final: 70 Essence, 1500 Coins

From Kaye:

Barrett Orders:

2 Champagne Punch
1 Amethyst Glass

1 TC, 1 Meerkat Card, 1 Pink Paint

2 Champagne Punch
3 French Fries (Bronze)

2 Meerkat Cards, 1 Pink Paint

2 Champagne Punch
3 French Fries (Bronze)

1 TC, 4 Meerkat Cards, 2 Pink Paint

Note from Freyashawk:  For the Bronze French Fries, I placed Potatoes, setting timer for 24 minutes.  Added Sugar and tapped 'Finish' almost instantly.  Certainly with 5 minutes, 50 seconds still remaining to the 30 minute maximum, the Bronze Star was activated.  I think you could place potatoes, set timer for 22 minutes, add sugar, set timer for 2 minutes and tap 'Finish' as soon as Bronze Star activates.

Community Options


You have a choice between a male or a female 'Helper'.  Evidently, once chosen, you cannot change to another Helper.  There is a changing room and shopping mall where you can outfit this 'Helper.'  Some of the options require RC expenditure.


This is a large rabbit-like purple creature who sits in the centre of your Water Town area and sleeps.  The character needs to be fed and must be fed with rare items from the Research Lab Storehouse.  All items have different values in terms of rewards earned.  For example, 1 Glass Gem Corn gives only 7 Medals.  Donut Peach and Surinam Cherry give 30 Medals.

Introduction to Pinkleby:

FEEDING PINKLEBY: For members of Communities who have not participated yet, a quick explanation.  Every Chapter has the same basic system in place.  First, the Pinkleby will ask to be fed 'anything'.  Only Research Lab items or their Water Town derivatives are accepted, however.  Each member can feed 5 items in this way per day.  Reset with another chance to feed 5 items of your choice will occur at reset.  When the Pinkleby reaches 100% in this stage, it then will demand x number of a specific item.  Again, it will be a Research Lab item or its Water Town derivative.  When that phase is completed, 'feed anything' again.  The items and quantities depend on the Chapter you activate.  The first time you complete a Chapter, you receive a Deco that can be placed on a pedestal in Water Town by a leader or sub-leader and will have a Beauty point value.  Whenever you replay a Chapter, you will not receive a new Decoration, but if you have a better score than before, it will boost the value of the existing Decoration that you have.  Each replay, however, will give both Community Gems and Reputation Medals.

IMPORTANT TIP:  All of the items demanded by the Pinkleby are Research Lab items that require Essence to grow or make.  Essences are given by any Guest Groups.  You can invite them and simply send them away without filling ANY Orders to obtain the Essence if you are too busy or lack resources to fill their orders.  Obviously, you will not obtain any Pink Paint or Pet Cards when you follow this strategy but if you need Essences, it is the fastest and easiest way to obtain them.

Buddies who visit your Farm can donate Essence, but in very small quantities.  The number a Buddy can donate is based on Buddy Level.  For any Crop or Tree, the Buddy taps on the actual Crop or Tree that needs the Essence but for Zoology or Mechology, you tap on the Rare Material Bank, formerly the Seed Bank, but now outfitted with refrigeration for the Animal and Machine materials!

Note that EACH Member of a Community should be able to feed the Pinkleby 5 times in one time period until it reaches 100% in any phase.  In other words, every member has 5 chances to feed, but if the Pinkleby's hunger is satisfied, members who did not feed must wait until the next request for any item to use their chances.

The phases of Pinkleby Chapter feedings alternate between 'feed any item' and demands for a specific quantity of a specific item.

Beginning with Chapter 1, we discovered that 'feed any item 5 times' actually is restricted to the basic items one can obtain with any of the four Topics in Seaside as well as the Water Town 'baking station' dishes that are produced using those Seaside items.  Moreover, the 'feed any item' phase operates on a percentage of hunger bar and once it reaches 100%, the Pinkleby will demand a specific total of a specific item 'for winter'.  In other words, the bar may reach 100% without allowing every Member to feed the giant creature.  There will be other chances within the Chapter path, however, as the demands alternate between 'feed anything' and the specific demands.  The last phase will be 'feed anything'.  With 100% completion of the last phase, it began to build the decoration, giving a timer of 19 hours.

This Pinkleby is linked to a path where feeding takes you further to a Chapter reward in the form of a 'Beauty Decoration'.  Currently, there are two separate Maps and 8 Chapters to follow.  Only a Leader or Sub-Leader can choose a specific chapter to follow.  You can choose the same path more than once but you will earn the Beauty Decoration reward only the first time you complete a chapter.

The Decorations you obtain in this fashion will raise your Water Town Landscape Points.  Indeed for the first Chapter, we received a Beauty Decoration that I was able to place on any pedestal in Water Town that raised our Landscape Points there by 72 points.  Note here that other Communities received higher scores than this for the 1st Chapter.  If we replay the Chapter, we can raise our score.

When the second Chapter was activated.  The Pinkleby in this Chapter demanded items that must be prepared in the recipe Stations in Water Town. Specifically, Smoked Drumsticks.  To be able to make the Smoked Drumsticks, your current Topic has to be Zoology and you need to be at Level 1 for the Recipe in Water Town.

As the Pinkleby continued to demand items for the second Chapter, they included Clover Pudding which is the first Recipe in the Cropology Building.  Note that you can activate the same chapters again and again to earn rewards, but you will not receive more than one decoration for any Chapter.

The quality of the decoration or at any rate point total given to it evidently is based on the rapidity with which you completed the Chapter and the actual items given to the Pinkleby.  When you restart and complete any old Chapter again, you can boost your total Beauty Point reward if you perform it faster or better.  The real reason to do these again is to gain Community Gems and Reputation Medals.

In later Chapters, the items demanded required higher levels of upgrade both in Seaside and in the Water Town Techs.

Ideally, your Community should be organised so that you have at least one or two Members for each of the four Research Topics.  Anne and I have logged almost every Chapter demand now, so find the section below that gives the specifics for each Chapter BEFORE you activate the Chapter and try to prepare the items needed in advance.  That way, you will be able to respond to its demands instantly without spending any TC to speed the baking process or without being forced to purchase items in the E-Mart.

Strategy Tip:

Sadly, the game encourages speed and value in these gifts to Pinkleby above all.  The difference in the point value of the decoration for a Community that makes haste and one that allows contributions by as many members as possible remains to be seen, but our Community received 72 Points for the first Decoration when placed on a Pedestal and I know two other Communities who received 74 and 76 Points respectively.  So I do not think the difference that significant.  Our Community is trying to stockpile the Water Town Dishes for future use, but instead of one player switching active Techs, we feel it might be better for us to organise our contributions by keeping all four Techs active among Community Members and working out Pinkleby requests accordingly.

Pinkleby Item Values:

Here is a list of some of the item values.  It appears that the Crystal Olive Juice may be highest.

Item Values:

Cropology, Seaside:

Four-Leaf Clover: 3
Glass Gem Corn: 7
Pumpkin Tomato: 4
Hainan Pepper: 8
Fire Bean: 7
Morchella Mushroom: 7
Heart Watermelon: 8

Cropology: Water Town

Four-Leaf Porridge: 8
Glass Gem Corn Porridge: 13
Pumpkin Tomato Porridge: 11
Hainan Pepper Porridge: 16
Fire Bean Porridge: 16
Morchella Mushroom Porridge: 17
Heart Watermelon Porridge: 19

Treeology, Seaside:

Cubic Apple: 22
Rambutan: 23
Surinam Cherry: 30
Diamond Lemon: 34 Reputation Medals
Donut Peach:
Sand Pear: 31
Crystal Olive: 34

Treeology, Water Town:

Cubic Apple juice: 27
Surinam Cherry juice: 36
Rambutan juice: 30
Diamond Lemon Juice: 42
Donut Peach juice: 39
Sand Pear juice: 41
Crystal Olive juice: 42 or 45?

Mechology, Seaside:

Gluten: 8
Whey: 15
Toast: 15
Grape Seed Oil: 15
Dark Brown Sugar: 18
Beef Jerkey: 18
Dried Rose Petal: 18

Mechology, Water Town:

Baked Gluten: 13
Baked Whey Biscuits: 21
Baked Flavour Toast: 22
Baked Grape Seed Oil Biscuits: 23
Baked Dark Brown Sugar: 27
Baked Beef Jerky Biscuits: 28
Baked Rose Cake: 29

Zoology, Seaside:

Tenderloin: 15
Drumstick: 8
Lamb: 15
Duck: 15
Turkey Egg: 18
Golden Egg: 18
Ostrich Egg: 18

Zoology, Water Town:

Smoked Drumstick: 13
Smoked Lamb Rack: 21
Smoked Duck: 23
Smoked Tenderloin: 22
Smoked Turkey Egg: 27
Smoked Golden Egg: 28
Smoked Ostrich Egg:  29

Chapter 5:  When you open the second Map, only one destination or Chapter will be displayed.  When you complete it, the next will be displayed.  At this point, there are a total of 8 Chapters for Pinkleby, but when you look at Water Town, you will see there are pedestals for more Decorations (for the future...)

Pinkleby Beauty Point Totals

Once you have unlocked a Chapter and completed it, you can restart and complete as many times as you wish.  You will not receive a new Decoration when any Chapter is replayed, but if you obtain a better point total at the end of it, it will replace the old total, thus boosting your Beauty Points.

The primary reason to replay Chapters is to earn more Community Gems and Reputation Medals.

Pinkleby's Demands

We have discovered that although every Chapter may have different demands, the Chapter itself always will demand the SAME items.  You therefore can prepare for any Chapter before you start again,  Thanks to Anne for helping me log these Chapters and confirm items and Rewards.

Note that 'Feed 5 times any item' is the ability of each Member of the Community to donate up to 5 items of any kind from the Lab or Baking Station until the Pinkleby reaches 100% on a 'fullness' graph.  In other words, if you come to this late in  a 'feed anything' phase, one donation may push the total to 100%.  You then have to wait until the next 'feed' anything phase to use your other 4 chances to donate.  This 5 item ability will be given again at reset, so if your Community does not complete the Chapter BEFORE reset, each member will have the ability to donate up to 5 items again.

Furthermore, there is a limit to the number of specified items that each Community member can donate in a day.  The limit appears to be change with the item requested.   With a replay of Chapter 2, for example, HM. Freyashawk had the total number of Baked Gluten required, but after donating 6 was unable to donate the last two needed.  Another member, however, was able to feed 8 of the 10 Smoked Drumstick, which is odd.

N.B.  Dishes cooked in the Kitchen using the rare Research Lab Topic items cannot be given to Pinkleby.  You must give him either the basic rare Topic item (Crop, Fruit, Meat Tech Item, Machine Tech Item or the items made in the Water Town Baking Stations with those original basic items.

For example, you can give Rambutan or Rambutan Juice but NOT Fruity Layer Cake, which is the Kitchen Recipe unlocked in the Lab when you upgrade Molecular Gastronomy for Treeology at Seaside.

In other words, the Pinkleby gastronomic menu is a little different from the Seaside Topic upgrades.  The kitchen dishes that are unlocked in Molecular Gastronomy are used often in response to Guest demands on Seaside, to Coffee House Orders and for specific Lab Upgrades on Seaside.  The basic raw items associated with any Topic can be used both in Seaside and to feed Pinkleby, but the Baking Station Dishes so far are used solely to feed Pinkleby... or at least that is my own experience.  Note that you can purchase ALL of these in the Rare section of the E-Mart.  Materials are the only 'products' that cannot be bought or sold.  You must process them into the actual Item before they can be used in any Recipe or placed in the E-Mart or fed to Pinkleby.  (I refer here to the items in Mechology and Zoology known as Materials.)

A helpful tip with respect to Materials:  We all feel the pinch of lack of sufficient Essence.  If you are not obsessively trying to obtain cards for Pets, invite a 1 Star Guest Group daily and simply send them away to obtain Essence for processing.  A 2 Star Guest Group gives more Cards in any case.  If you have time to fill 2 Star Guest Orders, by all means invite them and fill the orders, but if not, you can follow the same strategy: invite and send away to obtain more Essence.  It is far better than not using your Passports at all!

Chapter 1 Demands:

2 Cubic Apples
10 Four-Leaf Clovers
6 Drumsticks
10 Gluten

Chapter 2 Demands:

Feed 5 of any item (per member until reaches 100%)
10 Smoked Drumsticks
Feed 5 of any item
3 Cubic Apple Juice
Feed 5 of any item
5 Four-Leaf Clover Porridge
Feed 5 of any Item
8 Baked Gluten
Feed 5 of any item

Chapter 3 Demands:

4 Glass Gem Corn
10 Baked Whey Biscuits
8 Smoked Lamb Rack
4 Rambutan

Chapter 4 Demands:

Feed 5 times any item
7 Toast
Feed 5 times any item
4 Diamond Lemon Juice
Feed 5 times any item
18 Pumpkin Tomatoes
Feed 5 times any item
6 Smoked Lamb Rack
Feed 5 times any item

Reward: 3750 Community Gems

Chapter 5 Demands:
Chapter 2-1
Feed any item 5 times
15 Glass Gem Corn Porridge
Feed any item 4 times
5 Surinam Cherry Juice
Feed any item 5 times
10 Smoked Lamb Rack
Feed any item 5 times
11 Baked Whey Biscuits
Feed any item 5 times

Reward: 3900 Community Gems

Chapter 6 Demands:

16 Gluten
5 Rambutan
16 Crystal Olives
19 Pumpkin Tomatoes

Chapter 7 Demands:

Feed 5 times any item
10 Smoked Tenderloin
Feed 5 times any item
20 Pumpkin Tomato Porridge
Feed 5 times any item
5 Rambutan Juice
Feed 5 times any item
11 Baked Flavour Toast

Reward: 4200 Gems

Chapter 8 Demands:

17 Duck
20 Grape Seed Oil
25 Hainan Peppers
8 Diamond Lemons

Decoration List Beauty Point Bar

When you visit Water Town, you now will see a bar on the top left of the screen with the icon of a pink musical note giving your current Beauty Point total.   There is an icon of a bag at the end of it.  Tap on that bag and you will receive a Reward daily... a bag that contains Coins and Tokens for the most part.

New Level 5

Maximum Level in Community no longer is Level 4.  To reach Level 5, you need to use 135000 Community Gems.  When Level 5 is reached, you unlock a new Slot in the Exotic Shop where you can purchase Chocolate Corgi Cards for 50 Medals each.

(Thanks, Anne, for alerting me to new level... There are so many different aspects to this update...)

(Above, a screenshot of the Chocolate Corgi option in the Pet House.  You can see that a total of 50 Chocolate Corgi Cards are needed.  These are available from the Exotic Shop in Water Town for 50 Medals each only when you reach Level 5.)

New Community Techs

There is a second tab now in the Town Office with the following:

Baking Chef (Passive Tech)
  Requires 8000 Gems to unlock
  Only Team Leader can unlock

VERY IMPORTANT:  UPGRADING THIS TECH IS TOPIC-SPECIFIC.  In other words, when you switch topics, you have to upgrade the Tech again for the new Topic and of course, unlock the ability to make all the Recipes for the NEW tech.

You need to upgrade this Tech once unlocked using Reputation Medals.  50 Medals required to upgrade to Level 1.  Upgrading this Tech is what unlocks the ability to cook another Dish in the Recipe Station.  As mentioned above, upgrading the Baking Chef for one Topic will not upgrade for any other Topics.  Each must be performed separately and you ONLY CAN UPGRADE YOUR ACTIVE TOPIC and use THAT Baking Station.  If you wish to upgrade all four Topics, you must switch Topics on your Seaside Farm first.

To upgrade to Level 2: 80 Reputation Medals

To upgrade to Level 3: 80 Reputation Medals

To upgrade to Level 4: 80 Reputation Medals

To upgrade to Level 5: 80 or 150 Reputation Medals

To upgrade to Level 6: 150 Reputation Medals

To upgrade to Level 7: 150 Reputation Medals

Level 7 is the highest level, unlocking all Recipe Stations for Mechology.

After a Recipe Station is unlocked, it MUST be upgraded from Level 0 to Level 1 before it can be used.

There are four Stations, each of which is connected to one of the Topics.  Will log all as time permits.

In Mechology, Level 1 allows you access to Baked Gluten at Recipe Station.
  Note that you can upgrade Recipe Stations as well, which reduces production time.  It is only by upgrading the actual Baking Chef Tech, however, that you gain access to more of the Recipe Stations.  You will have access only to the Baking Station for your current active Topic.

For Mechology, the Recipes you can unlock and upgrade are:

Baked Gluten
Baked Whey Biscuits
Baked Flavour Toast
Baked Grape Seed Oil Biscuits
Baked Dark Brown Sugar
Baked Beef Jerky Biscuits
Baked Rose Cake

Baked Gluten: to raise to Level 1: 20 Medals

(Above, a screenshot of the Baking Station that will appear if Mechology is your active Topic.)

Zoology Baking

The Chef Tech for Zoology is called Smoked Animal Chef.  You need to upgrade to Level 7 to have all the Recipes.

Smoked Drumstick
Smoked Lamb Rack
Smoked Tenderloin
Smoked Duck
Smoked Turkey Egg
Smoked Golden Egg
Smoked Ostrich Egg


Cubic Apple juice
Surinam Cherry juice
Rambutan juice
Diamond Lemon juice
Donut Peach juice
Sand Pear juice
Crystal Olive juice


Four-leaf Porridge
Glass Gem Corn Porridge
Pumpkin Tomato Porridge
Hainan Pepper Porridge
Fire Bean Porridge
Morchella Mushroom Porridge
Heart Watermelon Porridge

Production Time Reduction

Upgrade to Level 1 for 20 Medals, Level 2 for 50 Medals, to Level 3 for 80 Medals, to Level 4 for 80 Medals.  Each upgrade reduces production time, but you cannot even make the Recipe until you upgrade from Level 0 to Level 1.

At Level 1, production time reduced by 10%.
At Level 2, production time reduced by 15%.
At Level 3, the reduction in production time is 20%. At Maximum Level 4, the reduction in production time is only 25%.

When you choose a Recipe you have unlocked in the Baking Station, there is an option to request help from another member of your Community.  If you do, production time is further reduced AND the member received a little reward bag.  You can see the option to enlist help in the screenshot of the Recipe Station Menu above.

Treeology Recipes:

Cubic Apple Juice
Surinam Cherry Juice
Rambutan Juice
Diamond Lemon Juice
Donut Peach Juice
Sand Pear Juice
Crystal Olive Juice

Lab Storehouse Expansion

New expansion requirements:

Level 13 expansion, Storage increased to 260

200 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each or Ask Buddy)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC) each
20 Drumsticks
12 Gluten

(Thanks, Kaye!)

Level 14 expansion, storehouse increased to 280

200 Lab Storehouse Windows (1 RC each or Ask Buddy)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelf (1 RC each)
22 Lamb Rack
13 Whey


In June 2019:

Level 15

Increases Lab Storehouse Slots to 300

200 Lab Storehouse Windows (Ask Buddy or pay 1 RC each)
24 Large Lab Storehouse Shelves (1 RC each)
24 Tenderloin
14 Toast

Pumpkin Ladder Collection Mission

There is an old-style Collection Mission now that involves a decoration you collect from Felicia's Message, then upgrade to obtain better chances of receiving the items you need to exchange for the four regular Rewards and the one special Reward. Collect Candles from Crops, Trees,Machines and Animals randomly. Trade for Pink Maple Leaf (upgrade material), 12 Watering Can, Dandelion Pumpkin Basket (cleanable decoration), Thunderstorm. You need to redeem one of each to unlock the ultimate Reward: a Maple Candle Decoration.

Two New Pet Slots

The requirements for both are the same as follows:

300 Pink Paint
800000 Coins
80 Pink Rose Lamps
20 Bedrolls

Remember that you can purchase Bedroll Packages that may contain up to 4 Bedrolls each in the Daily Deals in the Market or you can complete Lighthouse Missions for them if you do not wish to pay RC.

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