This site was created and is maintained by Freyashawk, aka Eugenia Martino.
13 August 2018
Sea World Exhibition and Darryl's House
(Above, screenshot of Sea World items for Darryl's House as well as the special outfit unlocked if you complete the entire Exhibition Set)
You will find the post for the current Yosakoi Festival Quest as well as the Princess and the Frog Farm Beauty Contests below this one. Here are links:
Yosakoi Festival Quest
The Princess and the Frog Farm Beauty Contest
There is a new Exhibition for Furniture for Darryl's House. Many of us have wondered why the youngest member of the family is the only one to have a proper house in this game, but some have surmised it is in fact a 'Wendy House'. In this genderless age, when boys and girls are expected to leap across traditional divides, it is possible that boys are as likely as girls to play at washing laundry and serving afternoon tea. Be that as it may, the Darryl's House option is one that is becoming increasingly important as the first half of any 11 day Quest recently has delivered a special Reward in the form of a new item of furniture for Darryl's House.
Sea World Exhibition
You always can purchase furniture for Darryl's House through the Furniture Store, the little building on the far left between Darryl's House and your Building Area. To the right of that is another small building where Exhibitions are displayed. The first Exhibition had a Wedding motif. This current Exhibition has a Sea World Theme. Exhibitions are temporary sales and once the Exhibition closes, you will NOT be able to purchase or obtain the special items shown in the Exhibition.
Currently, you can obtain a number of Sea World items from the Exhibition. They are as follows:
Sea World Wallpaper: No House Point value
Purchase with 5 RC
Sea World Double Sofa: 15 House Points
Purchase with Cash
Sea World Sofa: 10 House Points
Merge in Factory
Sea World Double Bed: 20 House Points
Purchase with Cash
Sea World Table: 10 House Points
Merge in Factory
Sea World Floor Tile: No House Point Value
Purchase with 5 RC
Sea World Wardrobe: 5 House Points
Purchase with 10 RC
There is a second (lower) tab to the Exhibition Menu that offers a Sea World Fishbowl. You need to use Cash to purchase it.
Sea World Fishbowl: 15 House Points
No point limit!
As you can see, there are items that can be purchased with existing RC, items that require cash (in whatever currency you use, which is why I did not include the prices) and finally, items that can be merged in your Factory.
Factory Sea World Items
Complete Coffee House Orders to obtain the Blue Rolls needed to merge the Sea World Table and two Sea World Sofas. You receive 1 Blue Roll each time you receive the Blue Mystrons Rewards essentially and you will receive them whether you choose 1 Star Difficulty Level or 2 Star Difficulty Level. The difference between 1 Star and 2 Star in the Coffee House is reflected only in the number of Blue Mystrons you receive. The Blue Roll reward is the same for both. You need a total of 3 Blue Rolls to merge one Sea World Sofa (and you can merge two of these) and a total of 4 Blue Rolls to merge one Sea World Table. You can merge these until the end of August.
Sea World Diving Suit
As with the former, now vanished Wedding Outfit, you can earn a special outfit that will disappear after 60 days by obtaining one of each of the special Sea World items. This is the Sea World's Diving Suit. When you have obtained one of each item, including floor tile and wallpaper, go to the Wardrobe to 'Claim' the outfit. The timer will begin at that point. I personally do not comprehend why these Exhibition Outfits are temporary rather than permanent but...
How the System Works
Every item of furniture that can be placed in Darryl's House, apart from 'Special Furniture' has a point value and a category in which it belongs. Every category allows a specific number of items of that type to be counted towards house point total. If you exceed the total number of items allowed, placement of further items in THAT category will not add to your House Point total and therefore will not serve to increase your House Level.
Perhaps it is easiest if I give an example.
If you open the House Menu, either for the Furniture Store or the Furniture Warehouse, you should see a little window at the top left of the screen. This will give you your current House Level with the total number of House Points you have and beneath it, a category of furniture with the maximum number of items in that category that will count.
The first category is Chairs and the maximum allowed is 9, which if you have placed 9, will display a notification of: Max Counted: 9/9.
Two sub-categories to the right is Beds. You will see that you are allowed a total of 2 Beds. The Standard Bed with which you start only has a House Point value of 2. If it is placed currently in your House, only one more Bed will be counted. If you placed the Fancy Blue Bed you obtained as a Quest Reward for the original Darryl House quests, you will have a total of 6 points from that Bed plus the 2 Points for the Standard Bed. That gives you a total of 8 points for Beds.
All other Beds that you can obtain have higher values than this but if you place them in addition to the two mentioned, you will not raise your House Point total. By removing the Standard Bed and the Fancy Blue Bed and placing two of the Beds that have a House Point value of 15 each, you will be given credit for 20 House Points instead of 8.
The Sea World Double Bed has a very high value of 20 House Points incidentally but if you have two other beds on the floor before you place it, your House Point total will not be raised.
Special Furniture
Special Furniture is found in the second tab of the Exhibition Menu. This is furniture that is not limited in number and when placed, ALWAYS will raise your House Point total. For the Sea World Exhibition, it is the Sea World Fishbowl, purchased for cash, with a House Point value of 15. It is animated.
House Door
Since I wrote the original post about Darryl's House, you now can tap on the Door of the House to bring Darryl outside. You can change the colour of the Door as well. Even when roaming the farm, however, Darryl performs no tasks.
Here is my original post as to how Darryl's House works as well as the little Quests that unlock the various rooms of the House:
Darryl's House
Darryl's House is a new option that exists next to the original Building Area on your Seaside Farm. There are a total of four plots that are allocated to Darryl's House. It is located between the Building Area and the Gallery.
By completing Darryl's House, you will meet new requirements for a Seaside Farm expansion but beyond this, you will receive two gifts per day from the House and Darryl. One is based on the Level you have for Darryl's House and is a gift box below the actual House. The other is obtained by accessing the interior of the House and tapping on the gift bag over Darryl's head. Both will be available once daily at reset.
Tap on the unfinished House to obtain the first expansion. The only requirement is:
Reach Level 23.
Once the house is built, you will be required to look in the wardrobe for clothing changes. He has a pair of jim jams.
You then need to place a Bed, which you will find in a new building called the Furniture Warehouse. Here you can obtain furniture for the House.
To unlock the 2nd area:
Have 10 House Points
Save and use 10000 Coins to unlock the area
Use 30 Lily to unlock the area
To unlock the 3rd area:
Have 20 House Points
Save and use 20000 Coins to unlock the area
Use 10 Roasted Tomato Soup to unlock the area
To unlock the 4th and final area:
Have 45 House Points
Save and use 50000 Coins to unlock the area
Use 10 Stuffed Turkey to unlock the area
Furnishing Level Rewards: These are on timers.
There is a little Quest that accompanies the new House option:
My New House
My New House 1
Darrykl: We are such good friends. You must miss me a bit when I'm at my own farm, right? Never mind. I decided to stay near here and keep you company. But I want to build a house to live in. Can you help me?
Place 2 Brown Wooden Chairs in Darryl's House
Skip for 5 RC
You will find these in the Chair tab of the Furniture Warehouse for 1000 Coins
Place 1 Round Wooden Table in Darryl's House
Skip for 5 RC
You will find this in the Table tab of the Furniture Warehouse for 1000 Coins
Reach 10 House Points
Skip for 10 RC
This will occur when you have placed the required furniture items as each item has a specific House Point value attached to it.
Reward: 1000 Coins, 230 XP
Darryl: Now we can add m ore space to the House. Make it bigger!
My New House 2
Darryl: I feel like the house is missing something: a kitchen! I always have wanted to cook as well as Felicia. Her pancakes are fabulous!
Prepare 12 bowls of Roasted Tomato Soup
Skip for 12 RC
Each requires 2 Ketchup and 1 Egg Soup
Place 1 Stove in Darryl's House
Skip for 5 RC
Expand to the third area to be able to buy a Stove
Reach 20 House Points
Skip for 3 RC
Note that each item of furniture has a House Point value. When you purchase an item with an RC price, it is worth more than coin price items. You need to raise your House Points to 20 before you can expand to the third area which is a requirement for unlocking the Stove!
Rewards: 1000 Coins, 230 XP, 1 Fancy (Blue) Bed
Darryl: Great! We can add another area now. Try to open the whole house. There is no such thing as too much living space after all!
N.B. Find the Fancy Bed in your Gift Box and place in Darryl's House to raise the House Point total. It has a value of 4 House Points.
How to Decorate Darryl's House
The Key to the House, whether to buy new furniture, move existing furniture or to store items is the little Furniture Warehouse building. Access that by tapping on it at any time and you should see a Move tool at the top right of the screen as well as the Shop tabs at the bottom.
You earn House Points by buying and placing new items. Please look at the Furniture Warehouse Menu to see all House Point values for each type of furniture. The RC furniture is worth more than the Coin price furniture for the most part.
Note that certain types of furniture have a maximum limit for the points you can obtain by purchasing and placing them. For example, you can have a maximum of 9 Chairs of any kind that will count for points. If you have reached the maximum for any category, any new item in that category that is placed will not affect the House Point total UNLESS you first remove a different item in that category. Generally speaking, the items that had a Coin price have the lowest House Point values.
Storing and Moving Items
To store or move any item IN the House, use the Move Tool by tapping on it. A new Tool Menu will open allowing you to move it, turn it, leave it where it stands and finally store it.
Actually, if you simply wish to move or store items, you can use the regular Move Tool in the general Farm Tool Menu to move or store any items in Darryl's House provided only that you have opened the House to display the interior.
It is when you wish to retrieve stored items from the Furniture Warehouse that you must access the actual Furniture Warehouse Building.
Significance of House Points
Your House Point total is linked to some other options in the game. Having a total of 60 House Points is a requirement for the new and largest expansion of the Seaside Farm.
Your House Point total is linked to the new Furnishing Level shown to the right of the Furniture Warehouse. When you tap on it, you should see a timer and a gift. The list of 'Possible Rewards' becomes more comprehensive when your Furnishing Level increases. At Level 8, for example, you can receive the following:
Coins, TC, Super Fertiliser, (some item that will not load at the moment), Super Watering Can, Gasoline (Petrol), Lucky Wheel Tokens
60 House Points will give you a Furnishing Level of 6. The biggest difference between Level 6 and Level 8 Rewards is regular Organic Fertiliser and Watering Cans instead of the more potent varieties.
125 House Points are required to reach Level 9.
160 House Points are required to reach Level 10.
Level 9 does not give different Rewards from those given at Level 8 but you may receive a slightly larger number of Rewards. The Rewards are not that significant at any level.
I raised my Furnishing Level to 9 only to be able to write this guide. It was a waste of RC really... you cannot purchase enough Coins items to reach the point total needed and in fact, the House now is stupidly overcrowded.
To reach the higher levels, however, you must spend RC. At this point in time, the highest House Point total NEEDED is 60. This may change!
Note on 20 May: With the addition of the Wedding Theme, you now can raise your total House Point level to 11 and possibly even 12 if you buy two of the Flower Petal Shooters, each worth 15 points.
The Effect of Storing Furniture
Your Furnishing Level and House Point total depends on the furnishings actually in your House. When you store any item, your House Points may decrease. You need to be aware of the way the system works, however.
There are various categories of furniture and each category has a maximum number of items that will count in terms of points. If you exceed that limit, adding more of the same type of furniture will not give you any more points. It is only by storing an item in the same category with a lower value and then placing a new item with a high value that your points will increase. Bear this in mind. I have a sneaking suspicion that they may add a new Category to the Farm Beauty Contest in the future that is based on Darryl's House.
How to Retrieve Stored Items
When you access the Furniture Warehouse, you will see a little icon of a Warehouse above the Shop Menu. It will show the Furniture Store by default. Tap on it to change that to Furniture Warehouse and you will have access to any items you have stored.
Darryl's House on Screen
Go to Settings, Switch and for Darryl's House Interior, choose 'Off' to make the house smaller on your screen. In fact, it is quite pretty. (Thanks, Cindy!)
Darryl's Daily Gift
If you do not put him to bed permanently (ha ha!), Darryl will be on a sort of endless pacing manoeuvre throughout the day and night with little icons over his head that indicate various tips and notifications. Each day, however, you should see a little gift bag at some point over his head. Tap on that to receive gifts that can include TC. Again, not really that significant in value, but I suppose every item helps a little.
Darryl on the Prowl
Initially, one had to lift Darryl above the ground and then drag him out of his house to place him on a path. Now, one only need tap on the door of his house to send him outside. There is no practical purpose in this, however.
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