
08 June 2018

The Little Mermaid Story Farm Beauty Contest

A new Farm Beauty Contest has been released.  It is based on a sea theme and is 'The Little Mermaid Story'.  The three new premium decorations finally were included as Theme items in the Book.
This post is designed to allow you to gain as many Votes as possible from the four characters by maximising your own Farm to achieve the highest number of Votes in every Category.

The Farm Beauty Contest can be confusing and difficult for new player.  Often, they are unaware of their own ability to increase the Votes from the 4 Characters to the point where they can obtain the Reward Decoration without any votes from their Neighbours.  It requires a little planning.  This post was created to show you how to do precisely that.  Every aspect of the Farm Beauty Contest as well as the rules by which each Category operates is covered here.

Remember ALWAYS that the votes you receive from the Characters are based on your current 'Snapshot'.  If you change your farm to obtain more votes, always take a new photograph or Character votes will not change!  You do not need to take a photograph more than once, however, if you set up your farm for maximum Character votes at the very start.

One more point about the 'Snapshot'.  If you play on more than one device, you may see your Photograph only on the device you were using when you submitted it.  Do not fret about this!  It remains valid for the duration of the Contest, even if you do not see it on your other devices.

Theme List now complete with values in terms of Theme Votes as well as where and how to obtain each.  This Contest gives multiple vote values to many old Decorations and for the very first time, a potential total of 12 Votes per day for the new Mermaid Princess.

Note from Freyashawk:

 I created this site 5 years ago shortly after the game first was released.  I maintain and update it with all new Quests and new options, as well as posts like this to help players with every aspect of the game.  I may not be the best farmer in the world, but if this site is useful to you, please vote for HM. Freyashawk in the Farm Beauty Contest.  Your vote for the farm is a vote of confidence for the site.  It is not a matter of personal ego but rather the desire to make players aware of the site.  When HM. Freyashawk places in the top ten in the Farm Beauty Contest, it reminds players that both this site and my Facebook groups for this game exist and, one hopes, can help them with any aspects of the game when needed.

Note to new Farmers

I believe that the Farm Beauty Contest still is unlocked at Level 30.  Even at that Level, it IS possible to maximise your Farm to obtain enough votes from the Characters to receive the Decoration Reward for having 4000 Votes.

You must start on the first day, however, with the best possible configuration, if you are at the lower levels and have not played long enough to have acquired many of the Theme items.

Tips:  Where Landscape Points are concerned, try to find a Buddy who is at a high level who will send you paths as Gifts.  If you are able and willing to spend RC, the Macaron Path and Pebble Paths can boost Landscape Point totals faster with less effort, but if you can place enough of the other Paths and make certain that your Decorations are within their sphere of influence, you can reach the necessary total for maximum votes in that category.

The theme list is to be found in the little red book in the Farm Beauty Contest Menu.  I publish a list of all Theme items in my post with details as to where and how they can be obtained.  Some Theme items originally were released as Mission Rewards.  In many cases, these old Missions can be activated from the Lighthouse and you can obtain the Decoration without paying RC for it.  Others can be purchased directly from the Gallery using Blue or Yellow Mystrons.  Try to do it at the start, however whenever possible and make certain that, should you improve your farm's configuration, you take a new screenshot immediately!  You do not have to take more than one screenshot during the course of the contest UNLESS you obtain items that improve the Character vote totals.

Every day counts!  Count the total number of votes you receive from the four Characters at the end of the first day of the Contest and then see how you can improve this number if, multiplied by 20 (days), you do not have 4000 Votes as the projected total.

The Little Mermaid Farm Beauty Contest

Oddly enough, the new Sea Base is NOT included in the Book as a Theme item at this point in time. The old Beach Base, however, is a Theme Decoration worth 3 votes per day from 3 of the 4 characters, meaning a potential 9 Votes per day for Theme.

You can own a total of 3 Beach Bases and can purchase it in the Market for 20 RC.  When purchased, it will be complete.


You need a total of 4000 Votes by the end of the Contest to receive the significant reward which is the Decoration.  Almost any farmer should be able to maximise the Votes of the 4 Characters to obtain this even without a single vote from a Neighbour.  You basically need a total of 200 Votes per day.

For the Avatar, you need 300 votes per day, but with the recent changes in Character Votes, it is not impossible by any means to reach these totals from the Character votes alone.  If you are receiving 300 votes per day from the four Characters, you will obtain the Avatar by the end of the Contest.  To obtain 300 Votes per day from the Characters alone, you need to have reached Level 90.  If all other categories give you the maximum number of votes, Level 80 - 90 will leave you short of 300 by only 1 Vote per day, however.


There are two significant changes from former Contests that became active in the last Contest.  The first is the addition of Pets as a Vote category for Grandma in the form of 'pets with fancy equipment'. The second is a decrease in the totals for the Levels required for Dad's Vote for 'high level farm'.

Pet Category

The total number of Votes that can be given by Grandma for Pets is 12.  Equipment (the collars, scarves and bow ties and so on) that you forge in the Factory each count for 1 Vote.  Apparel counts for the other Votes and it does not matter if it is premium Apparel or Temporary Apparel or even duplicate Apparel.  All will count equally.  A Buddy Pet does NOT count.  That was a glitch.


In other words, to gain 12 Votes from Grandma each day for the Pet Category, you need a total of 4 Pets, each wearing a piece of equipment and 2 pieces of apparel.

Some Pets cannot use three accessories.  For example,  the Kangaroo, although you can dress them in hats, do not have the second accessory and the Kangaroo cannot be equipped with any collar or other accessory that can be forged in the Factory.  You therefore need to make certain that the four active Pets do not include a Kangaroo at the point in which the photograph is taken.

High Level Farms

This has changed a few times through the years but I only know for certain that Freyashawk at Level 117 received 15/18 votes for 'high level farm' from Dad.  At Level 120, HM. Freyashawk now receives 16/18 votes from Dad for 'high level farm'.   This was NOT the case in the earlier Farm Beauty Contests.  At Level 145, another player received 18/18 but I believe the actual level requirement for maximum votes in this category is lower.

Basic Rules

It is your current photograph of your Farm or 'snapshot' that determines the Votes from the 4 Characters in the game every day.  In previous Contests, a Theme decoration often would be counted if it had been placed on the Farm, even if it had not been registered yet.  I think now it is a good idea to register all theme items as quickly as possible.

Balance and variety always is the key in these contests.  You need a variety of Crops, Animals, Trees, Machines and Theme Decorations on your farm to maximise the votes from the 4 Characters.  If you design your Farm for maximum votes from the 4 Characters, you should not need ANY Votes from your Neighbours to obtain the Theme Decoration Reward that requires a total of 4000 Votes by the end of the Contest.

Duplicates never have counted where Crops, Trees, Animals, Machines and Decorations are concerned.  I doubt that has changed.  The only change really is that duplicates of Pet Equipment and Apparel DO count.


Have at least 16 different Crops on your Farm to obtain maximum Votes from Darryl for 'variety of Crops'.  You may need less but Crops are easy to plant.  They do not have to be mature when you take the photo to count.


Try to have 16 different types of Trees ON YOUR FARM when you take the photograph.  Trees in the Tree Nursery will not be counted.  Again, you may need fewer than 16 types but it does not hurt to be safe to obtain maximum votes from Grandma for 'enough Trees'.


Beehives and Butterfly Houses as well as the Bat House are considered Animals so every different TYPE of Beehive or Butterfly House counts but duplicates of any type of Animal do NOT Count. You should not need a total of 16 different types of Animal to obtain maximum votes from Felicia for Animals but again, if you have 16, use them.


In Contests in the past, you only needed a total of 12 different machines to obtain maximum Votes from Dad for Machines but this may have changed.  Players claimed that the Salad Machine gave 2 Votes instead of 1, but never confirmed that.  In any case, duplicates do not count and if you can cram 16 onto your Farm before you take the photo, better to be safe than sorry.


Both Felicia and Dad give Votes for 'Big Farms'.  The good news is that you do not need many expansions on your original farm to obtain 16/16 from each of them.  A farmer who does not have even the 23 x 23 Expansion will obtain maximum 16/16 votes in this category!


Only Grandma does not vote for Theme, so you have Theme Votes from three out of four farm characters.  The Theme List always can be found in the little Red Book in the Farm Beauty Contest Menu.  I will include a list below as well with the price of each Decoration if you can purchase it and how to do so in each case.

Gallery Registration

Register as many items as possible BEFORE you take your photograph to maximise this Category.

Both Darryl and Grandma give Votes for Gallery... furthermore, you obtain rewards from the Gallery when you register any item.


'Beautiful Paths' is the term for your Landscape Point total.  As three of the four Characters vote for this Category, it is a very good idea to have Paths on your Farm and place as many Decorations as possible within their 'sphere of influence'.  I have covered the details of Paths and Landscaping elsewhere on this site.  The better the Path, the more points you receive when Decorations are placed next to it or near it.  The Macaron Path, Pebble Path and Snow Path each are worth 50 Landscape Points.  The Snow Path no longer is available but the other two can be purchased in the Paths Menu for 1 RC each.  The Wooden Path is worth 35 Landscape Points and costs 50000 Coins.  Next best is the Forest Path worth 25 Landscape Points with a price of 15000 Coins.  If you have Buddies, however, they can send Forest Paths and Stone and Flower Paths to you.  To send, go to the Special Gifts Buddy Menu.  You can send a Stone and Flower Path to a Buddy for 4000 Coins and a Forest Path for 12000 Coins.  You actually can send a Macaron Path to a Buddy for 1 RC.  There are Buddy Level requirements for sending some of the Special Gifts.

Remember that Landscape Point total is the total of the value of ALL the Paths PLUS the Decorations that are close enough to those Paths to boost Points.

In the past, you needed less than 2300 Landscape Points to achieve maximum... not certain what the current requirement is but here are some farmers who have less than that and their results in the current contest:

1059 Landscape Points: 16/24 Votes

1421 Landscape Points: 19/24 Votes

1484 Landscape Points: 20/24 Votes

1720 Landscape Points: 21/24 Votes

How to Maximise Landscape Points

First of all, you will not be able to move any Paths or perhaps even set any new Paths now if you have Pets roaming about your Farm.  You must place all of them in the Pet House before you can set new Paths or move existing Paths, including Water Paths as well as those on the land.

Remember that placement of Decorations and Bases is everything.  A Decoration or Base will give additional Landscape Points only if it is placed near a Path that has not used its maximum number of Points yet.  For example, the Macaron Path can give a boost of 50 Landscape Points when Decorations are placed close to it.  Once that amount is reached, however, piling more Decorations or Bases near it counts for nothing.  Use the Move Tool to hover over various spots to see how your Landscape Points will be affected.

Pet Category

This is a new Category and only Grandma votes for it.  To gain 12 Votes from Grandma each day for the Pet Category, you need a total of 4 Pets, each wearing a piece of equipment and 2 pieces of apparel.  A Buddy Pet on your Farm at the time you take your photograph will NOT count.  That was a temporary glitch.

You can purchase apparel for a temporary period in order to take a snapshot that will give you more Votes for this category.

High Level Farm

Only Dad gives votes for a 'high level farm'.  At Level 117, HM. Freyashawk received only 11 Votes for this category in previous contests but now is receiving 16/18 at Level 120.

Here are some current results:

Level 40: 6/18 Votes

Level 47: 6/18 Votes

Level 48: 7/18 Votes

Level 63: 8/18

Level 76: 10/18 Votes

Level 79: 10/18 Votes

(Thanks to my neighbours who sent this information to me)

Theme Items

This Contest differs from many of the early Contests  in that you can obtain multiple votes from the Characters by having Theme Decorations from the past, rather than being forced to buy the NEW premium Theme decorations to gain a high score from theme.  I am listing the values below.  I am not certain if this is intended or not, however, as well as the odd omission currently of the three NEW premium Decorations from the Theme Book.

N.B.  Go directly to the Gallery to see if a Decoration is available for purchase now.  I will add more information later about the Theme items that are available in the Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box.  I have listed those that can be found currently in the Wheel but had no luck whatsoever landing on any of them when I spun my Wheel so am collecting prices slowly.

Please be aware that often you can find premium decorations both in a current special sale offer on the top right of your screen AND in one of the Boutique Shops in your Market.  If you see the item in a special sale offer, however, you are best served by purchasing it in that way, as it usually is bundled with other items, including farm aids and/or Stove House Recipes and RC.  These sale offers expire at different times so the items I have listed below may no longer be available in a special sale offer in a day or two.

Theme Decorations

This time, there are no Theme Trees or Machines.

New Premium Decorations

Shell Background: 2 votes from each of 3 Characters daily if you have not reached maximum for Theme; that means a potential total of 6 votes per day for theme

Mermaid Princess: 4 votes from each of 3 Characters daily if you have not reached maximum for Theme; that means a potential total of 12 votes per day for theme for this decoration alone (This is the first time any Theme decoration has been given such a high value)

The Prince: 3 votes from each of 3 Characters daily if you have not reached maximum for Theme; that means a potential total of 9 votes per day for them for this decoration

In other words, if you have all three of the new premium Decorations, it can boost your Theme votes from the Characters to maximum probably without any other Theme decorations on your farm: these alone are worth 27 points for theme.

Coin Decorations

Surf Board: purchase in Market

Old Theme Decorations

Beach Base: from past, can be purchased in Market now for 20 RC and will be complete
  3 votes per day from 3 of the Characters, with potential to boost theme by 9 votes per day

Mini Beach: in Market
  2 votes per day from 3 of the Characters, with potential to boost theme by 6 votes per day

Chameleon:  from past, but available in special DIY sale offer now as well
  3 votes per day from 3 of the Characters if you are not at maximum, with potential to boost theme by 9 votes per day

Max the Raccoon: from past, but available now in special DIY sales offer
  3 votes per day from 3 of the Characters if you are not at maximum, with potential to boost theme by 9 votes per day

Blue Eyed Sloth: from past, included now in special DIY sale offers
  2 votes per day from 3 of the Characters if you are not at maximum, with potential to boost theme by 6 votes per day

Summer Lobster: from past, included now in special DIY sale offer as well

Sand Castle: from past, included in Lucky Wheel/Share Box or can purchase from Gallery with Yellow Mystrons

Pete the Pelican: from past,  included in special DIY sale offer now as well

Beach Changing Room: from past, included in special DIY sale offer now as well

Sand Bucket and Shovel: from past,  included in special sale offer now as well

Sand Bottle: from past, included in special sale offer now as well

Seashell Chest: from past, now included in Lucky Wheel/Share Box; you can earn it as well by performing the original Mission from the Lighthouse

Life Buoy Stand: from past, now in Lucky Wheel/Share Box for 12 RC

Fish Bowl: from past, now included in Lucky Wheel/Share Box for 12 RC

Soda Cooler: from past, now included in Lucky Wheel/Share Box; is a reward in the current Fishing Activity Stage Activity

Octopus in a Pond: reward from past Cooking Stand Contest

Pufferfish in a Pond: reward from past Cooking Stand Contest

Dolphin in a Pond: reward from past Cooking Stand Contest

Purple Corals:  Reward for reaching 4000 Votes in this Farm Beauty Contest

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