
26 January 2018

Northern Lights Quest and Boots Collection Mission

First of all, I would like to thank every one who voted for Freyashawk's farm, Harvest Moon FDC in the last Farm Beauty Contest.  I never received so many votes and placed 9th!  I am deeply grateful for your continuing support.  Thanks to each and every one!

THIS POST NOW IS COMPLETE.  If you do not see all tasks, you need to refresh the page.

Issue with Lingonberry Pot fixed and Felicia gave every player 10 Lingonberries in a Message.  You therefore should be in good shape to make the first Lingonberry dish and do not skip that one as you will need it as an ingredient later in the Quest.

The full list of tasks in the traditional Quest sequence is given below, but farmers often find a list of all Crops and all Batch Production items useful.  Here they are:

Crops List

40 Cucumbers
40 Pasture
40 Corn
40 Rice
40 Blue Roses

Batch Production List

40 Milk
40 Cheddar Cheese
40 Eggs
50 Sugar
50 Buffalo Milk
50 Beef
50 Ostrich Feathers
50 Camel Hair Yarn (Island) (Spinning Machine, 2 Star Mastery)
50 Blueberry Pies (Island) (Pie Machine, 2 Star Mastery)
30 Strawberry Bread (Island) (Flavoured Bread Machine, 2 Star Mastery) (Dehydrator, 2 Star Mastery)
50 Ostrich Hats (Island) (Hat Machine)

Premium Trees:

Plum Tree
Blackcurrant Bush
Matcha Tree
Ice Tree

Other Premium Items

Chia Seeds (can purchase from Neighbours)

Other Useful Items

Seaweed (remember you can purchase it in the Fish Market!)

Boots Collection Mission

The reward for the Collection Mission is a 'Collectable' in the form of the Lingonberry Pot that produces every 4 hours.

Strategies and Tips:

Every farmer has his or her own preferences, but my first recommendation is that you complete the Collection Mission before you move on to begin the traditional Quest sequence.  Low level farmers in particular should focus on the Collection Mission as they may not be able to perform all Quest tasks.  Usually the Collection Mission item will appear in the Market after the Mission expires, but it will require RC to purchase.  Furthermore, in this case, where the Collection Mission Reward is a 'Collectable', you need to place it on your farm as early as possible to allow collection of the product to proceed.  There is no way to speed the harvest of a 'Collectable'.

Every Collection Mission requires a Premium Tree.  In this case, it is the Plum Tree.  There is no point in 'dodging the bullet' so to speak by not purchasing the premium tree.  It will be required again and again in these Missions.  Buying Tree fruits from other farmers is great when it is only the fruit that is needed, but in these Missions, you actually need to HARVEST the Tree.  If you are reluctant to spend RC, look in the Green Mystron department of the Market on a daily basis and in the Daily Deals section where you can use TC instead.  You can find premium Animals and Machines randomly in the Green Mystrons section of the Market as well.  Ultimately, you will need all Animals, Trees and Machines.  The developers have increased use of premium items in these Quests recently.

N.B.  You now can keep a Tree in the Tree Nursery and harvest it individually as well as obtain the Collection item needed if it is part of a Collection Mission.  In other words, if your Plum Tree is in the Tree Nursery, you can obtain Pink Boots from it randomly by using Watering Cans/Super Watering Cans on it.

My second tip is to set the Monkey Boost to reduce Machine/Animal OP cost.  This is done by selecting the 2nd icon of the Machine in the Monkey Boost Menu.  In this particular Quest in particular, there are many tasks that require production by Animals and Machines.  Reducing OP cost can make a significant difference.

This Quest, however, requires a prodigious amount of Power as well, so perhaps farmers would be best served by looking at the ingredients for every dish that is given as a task so the ingredients, when themselves Kitchen dishes, can be made in advance.  I know I used over 300 Power to complete the traditional Quest.

Note for New Farmers:  You will find that the second half of the Quest requires a higher level than the first and includes some Island tasks.  Island Machines have a system of 'Mastery' wherein new Products are unlocked when you have made a specific number of Products using that Machine.  There are a couple of Products that require advanced Master in the form of the Strawberry Bread and the Ostrich Hats.  The Machines themselves are fairly advanced.  On the Island, you need a specific number of Dev Points or a specific expansion in order to be able to unlock a new Machine.  In some cases, the Machine will be placed on a specific expansion so if you lack sufficient Dev Points to purchase it from the Market, you can obtain it by completing the expansion.

Neighbour Request Items:

This is a note for new players.  There are two different types of Neighbour Requests.  One is contained in specific Quests such as the request for the Fleece Neck Gaiters.  When you make this sort of Request, it goes into the Chat option in the game and you then need to collect your Items from Chat.  Go then to the task list and choose 'Use' from the task menu itself.  You cannot use these items from your Gift Box.

It is the OTHER type of Request, which is made from the Free Gifts Menu or from an Upgrader Menu or other Upgrade Menu in a Building that will go into a Message to your Neighbours and/or Buddies.  When you receive the Item, you usually can use it either from the Upgrade Menu itself (where it shows a gift box icon for any items received) or from your Gift Box, but of course, you need to collect them first by collecting all the items sent through the Messages option.

You can make one item request daily from the Free Gifts Menu.  Lately, players have been using far too many items from their Barns because of all the new options in the game.  Need for Wheat Flour, Milk, Honey and Cheddar Cheese has thus increased even among advanced players.  There is one Recipe ingredient in the traditional quest sequence that requires 5 Honey and 2 Cheddar Cheese to make.  You will need 12 of these, which means a total of 70 Honey and 24 Cheddar Cheese.  This is only one example.  The Quests are becoming more demanding in general.

I have included the amount of Power required for each Dish or Task in brackets next to the item required.  Adding all of these gave me a total of 434 Power required if you did not have any of the required ingredients in your Barn.  I am not the best with a calculator and that was what I used... in any case, it is a tremendous amount of Power!

Island Mastery

It has been a long time since I first unlocked the Island and built all the Machines and earned the Mastery required to make all the products.  I researched it again for this Quest and found that EVERY ISLAND MACHINE TASK in this Quest requires 2 Star Mastery.  Be warned!  It appears that the developers are making these quests increasingly challenging... 3 Star Mastery may be required soon!

Northern Lights Quest

Northern Lights 1

Felicia:  When was the last time we travelled together?  Was it last month when we went to the Highlands to see Nessie?

Harvest 40 Cucumbers
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 40 Pasture
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 40 bottles of Milk
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Felicia:  That's right!  You were looking for Nessie in Scotland with me!  That was a fun trip!

Northern Lights 2

Felicia:  There are many places I have not visited yet, but there is one place on my 'bucket list' that I really want to see.

Collect 20 Jars of Honey
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 8 Lemons
  Skip for 8 RC

Produce 40 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Felicia:  I really would love to go but... wait, my grandma is looking for me!  I will be right back, farmer!

Northern Lights 3

Felicia:  I always have dreamed of seeing the Northern Lights in Lapland!  A few years ago, we looked for the Aurora Borealis in Norway but this time, I really want to go to Finland.  Would you be willing to join me, Farmer?

Harvest 40 Corn
  Skip for 20 RC

Collect 40 Eggs
  Skip for 20 RC

Prepare 12 Bags of Cake Flour
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 2 Oat Flour and 2 Rye Flour . (12 Power)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia:  Great!  I will ask Grandma if we can take a few days off.  I hope she will allow it!  We have been working awfully hard lately.

Northern Lights 4

Felicia:  As I had expected, it is fine with Grandma but with one condition: we must finish all of the farm work before we leave!

Harvest 12 Oranges
    Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 12 Batter
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 2 Wheat Flour and 1 Egg . (12 Power)

Harvest 40 Rice
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia: Let's focus on our work so we have more time to prepare for our trip!

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box

Northern Lights 5

Felicia:  While I harvest all the Crops on the Farm, you can feed the Cows, Chickens and Limousin Cattle.  Oh, and please do not forget to collect the Duck Eggs from the Duck Pond as well!

Produce 50 Sugar
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 8 Coconuts
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 12 plates of Coconut Pudding
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Coconut Milk and 3 Corn (12 Power)
  Each Coconut Milk requires 1 Coconut and 2 Sugar (12 Power)

  N.B.  You will use this dish later.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Felicia:  Did we miss anything?  Oh yes, we still need to finish some orders we have received from customers!

Northern Lights 6

Felicia:  We handled this very well, if I do say so myself!  We need to make certain that the quality of the products is excellent and we then will be free to leave!

Produce 50 Bottles of Buffalo Milk
  Skip for 25 RC

Produce 50 Beef
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 Dishes of Sunrise Porridge
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Orange Crumble and 1 Cornmeal (12 Power)
  Each Orange Crumble requires 1 Batter and 3 Oranges (12 Power)
  Each Cornmeal requires 1 Corn and 1 Corn (12 Power)
  You should have the Batter from an earlier task.

Felicia:  Let me share some of my ideas about our trip.  Please feel free to do the same!  This should be an experience to remember!

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Northern Lights 7

Felicia:  Before we leave, let's go through our packing list for Lapland!  Warm clothes first: Beanie, Winter Boots, Gloves... oh no, I forgot to buy a Fleece Neck Gaiter!  Should we ask our Neighbours for one?

Place a Lingonberry Pot on your Farm
  (Reward from the Collection Mission)
  Skip for 10 RC?  (I had placed mine previously unfortunately but will try to confirm cost of skipping task later.)

Prepare 12 plates of Beef Risotto
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Steak Tartare and 2 Rice (12 Power)
  Each Steak Tartare requires 2 Beef and 1 Egg (12 Power)

Ask your Neighbours for 15 Fleece Neck Gaiters
  Skip for 5 RC

N.B.  This is a Request that is made within the Chat option in the game.  You first need to collect the item from Chat and THEN go to the Task itself in the Quest and choose 'Use'.  You cannot use these items from your Gift Box.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  Our neighbours are the BEST!  I now am ready!  Let's rock, Farmer!

(Ditto, Felicia:  MY NEIGHBOURS ARE THE BEST!!!!  Thanks from Freyashawk for your support of Harvest Moon FDC!)

Northern Lights 8

Felicia:  Good Morning from Ivalo!  It was a long journey but it's lovely to be here.  Did I mention to you that we are going to spend the night in an Igloo under the stars?

Prepare 6 Chia Puddings
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Coconut Pudding and 1 Chia Seeds (6 Power)
  N.B.  You should have the Coconut Pudding from a prior task.

Harvest 8 Blackcurrants
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 bowls of Blackcurrant Sauce
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Sour Cream and 1 Blackcurrant Jello (8 Power)
  Each Sour Cream requires 2 Buffalo Milk and 2 Butter (8 Power)
  Each Butter requires 1 Milk and 1 Milk (16 Power)
  Each Blackcurrant Jello requires 1 Blackcurrant and 2 Sugar (8 Power)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  I am being drawn into a snow filled Winter Wonderland!

Special Reward: Koala Pet House Base
(Although this Animal is as far removed from Lapland as possible, you now should have a complete Koala theme for your Pet House if you have been completing all the time-restricted Missions)

Northern Lights 9

Felicia:  Let's store our things and refresh ourselves a little.  I heard that there are many activities for us during our stay apart from watching the Northern Lights.  Shall we take a snowmobile through the forests later?  I have never driven one!

Prepare 12 Lychee Scones
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Soft Dough and 2 Lychee (12 Power)
  Each Soft Dough requires 1 Cake Flour and 1 Batter (12 Power)
  Each Batter requires 2 Wheat Flour and 1 Egg . (12 Power)
  Each Cake Flour requires 2 Oat Flour and 2 Rye Flour) but you may have this from the earlier task.    (12 Power)

Fish 8 times with the Squid Hook
  Skip for 8 RC
  N.B.  You can miss one catch deliberately to complete this task using your 7 default tries without spending money or extra time waiting for the numbers to refresh.

Prepare 6 Chia Porridge
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Sunrise Porridge and 1 Chia Pudding (you should have both from previous tasks) (6 Power)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia:  The scenery is amazing!  And we look very cool in our Thermal Suits!

Northern Lights 10

Felicia:  It was so much fun driving snowmobiles but I feel I used half of my energy for this activity. May we grab some local food to eat before we begin our next activity?

Produce 50 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 8 Lingonberry Sauce
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is a new Recipe
  Each requires 2 Lingonberry and 2 Maple Sugar (8 Power)
  If you do not have the Lingonberry Pot yet or have not been able to harvest sufficiently, you can pay 30 TC for each Lingonberry you need. (Thanks, Suz Farm for pointing out the typo!  Not RC, TC!)

N.B.  You will need these dishes in a later task, so do not skip task... better to pay for extra Lingonberries or wait.

Produce 50 Camel Hair Yarn
  Skip for 25 RC
  This is an Island Task
  N.B.  You will need 50 Camel Hair from the Camel and then the Spinning Machine to make this.  Furthermore, you need 2 Star Mastery of the Spinning Machine.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia:  The combination of sweetness and tartness of the Lingonberries woke me up!  Let's get back on track here!

Northern Lights 11

Felicia:  Shall we try ice fishing?  It shouldn't be that difficult as we have fishing on our farm.  I was told that we need to use a core drill to  make a hole in the ice as well as fishing gear in order to be able to catch the fish.

Prepare 12 bowls of Roasted Tomato Soup
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 2 Ketchup and 1 Egg Soup (12 Power)
  Each Egg Soup requires 1 Egg and 1 Seaweed (12 Power)

Prepare 12 dishes of Mushroom Risotto
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Mushroom Salad and 2 Beef Risotto (12 Power)
  Each Mushroom Salad requires 2 Mushrooms and 1 Cheese Salad (12 Power)
  Each Cheese Salad requires 5 Honey and 2 Cheddar Cheese (12 Power)

Harvest 40 Blue Roses
  Skip for 20 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Being an ice fisher is not as easy as I thought... need more time to practice this!

Northern Lights 12

Did you know that Finland has nearly 200,000 lakes?  And since the lakes have frozen, perhaps we can do an ice skating tour.  I heard it is one of the more popular winter activities here.  What do you think?

Prepare 12 Autumn Dinners
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Mushroom Risotto and 1 Roasted Tomato Soup (you should have both from prior tasks) (12 Power)

Produce 50 Blueberry Pies
  Skip for 25 RC

Craft 6 Blue Hearts in the Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 5 Blue Roses, 3 Fern Flowers and 1 Glass.  Takes 22 minutes but task completes as soon as item enters slot

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Felicia: It is good to explore other parts of the country where we are staying.  I think I've had enough of the great outdoors for one day, however.  It's freezing!

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Northern Lights 13

Felicia:  The air is fresh but dry so I am going to apply a moisture masque and sit in the sauna.  I heard that the sauna is a substantial aspect of Finnish culture.  For them, the sauna is a place to relax with friends and family and kill sickness!

Craft 6 Rose Facial Masks in the Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Clay Facial Mask, 2 Blue Roses and 2 Red Roses and takes 15 minutes to complete, but task is counted as soon as item enters slot
  Each Clay Facial Mask requires 2 Algae Powder, 1 Batter and 1 Distilled Water (6 RC for Batter!)

Harvest 8 Matcha
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 Matcha Lychee Pancakes
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Matcha and 1 Lychee Scone . (8 Power)
  You should have the Lychee Scones from an earlier task.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  I feel very good after the sauna.  I'll definitely sleep well tonight!

Northern Lights 14

Felicia:  Time to watch Nature's most spectacular light show!  I'm so excited!  Let's get some drinks and snacks while we are waiting for the magic to begin!

Prepare 8 Cinnamon Bun Cakes
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Speculoos and 2 Batter (8 Power)
  Each Speculoos requires 1 Pepernoten and 2 Taai Taai (8 Power)
  Each Pepernoten requires 1 Cinnamon and 2 Rye Flour (8 Power)
  Each Taai Taai requires 1 Wheat Flour and 1 Honey (8 Power)
  Each Batter requires 2 Wheat Flour and 1 Egg (8 Power)

Prepare 8 Glasses of Mulled Wine
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Wine and 1 Aniseed (8 Power)

Produce 30 Strawberry Bread
  Skip for 15 RC
  Like the task for Camel Hair Yarn, this is a two-part task.  First, you need to process 30 Strawberries in the Dehydrator and this requires 2 Star Mastery.  You then need to use the Dried Strawberries in the Flavoured Bread Machine with 2 Star Mastery to make the Strawberry Bread.)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  We are ready now!  I hope we will have a chance to see the Northern Lights tonight!

Northern Lights 15

Felicia:  Look over there, Farmer!  I can see the Northern Lights beginning to shine in the night sky.  Now I understand why people say it looks as though the lights 'dance'.  It's an incredible sight!

Prepare 8 Cinnamon Bun Cake with Lingonberries
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Lingonberry Sauce and 1 Cinnamon Bun Cake (8 Power)
  You should have both from previous tasks

Harvest 6 Cedar Wood
  Skip for 6 RC
  This is an Island Task
  N.B.  If you use an Electric Saw, you can harvest 2 Cedar Wood from one Cedar Tree.

Produce 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 2 Wool Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood as well as 1 Power to produce (6 Power)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Felicia:  This is one of the most memorable trips I ever have taken!  I can't wait to tell Grandma about all of these experiences!

Northern Lights 16

Felicia:  There are more cool activities to do here.  It's too bad we have to leave soon but a farmer's work never is done!  I know I will return to Lapland one day, however!

Produce 50 Ostrich Hats
  Skip for 25 RC
  (Requires 2 Star Mastery of the Hat Machine)

Harvest 8 Ice Cubes
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 12 Matcha Orange Ice Cream
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Matcha and 1 Orange Ice Cream (12 Power)
  Each Orange Ice Cream requires 1 Ice Cube and 2 Orange Smoothies (12 Power)
  Each Orange Smoothie requires 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Orange Jam (24 Power)
  Each Condensed Milk requires 1 Milk and 1 Sugar (12 Power)

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Felicia;  Thank you for coming with me on this wonderful journey, Farmer.  See you again soon!

Final Reward: Penguin Decoration

Collection Set

The Collection Set this time consists of the new Lingonberry Pot, the Penguin Decoration and the Plum Tree.  If you complete registration of all three within the time period allocated, you will receive a Clam Friendship Flower as well as the usual rewards of 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC.

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