
12 January 2018

Eagle Hunter Quest and Eagle Feather Collection Mission

The new 11 day quest is based on an ancient and still enduring tradition in Mongolia wherein young men and women hunt eagles.  Darryl is dressed in his version of traditional Mongolian clothing here.

This post now is complete.

The Collection Mission is for Eagle Feathers and the Reward is another Stove House Recipe in the form of the Pilaf Recipe.  For new players:  please note that once you collect the Reward in the form of any Stove House Recipe from a completed Collection Mission, you then must collect it from your Gift Box in order to be able to use it in the Stove House!

The Premium Tree required for this is the Lime Tree.  Please note that you now can apply Super Watering Cans to individual Trees even when in the Tree Nursery to obtain the Collection Item!

This site was created and is maintained by Freyashawk.  If you wish to post a link to any post or page in your Facebook Group, you are welcome to do so, but please do not copy and paste information without giving credit to Freyashawk.  Many thanks.

If you use this site and find it helpful, please consider voting for Freyashawk's Farm Harvest Moon FDC in the Farm Beauty Contest.  Missed placing in the top 10 last time for the first time in months because I needed about six more players to vote for me on a daily basis.  So if you can do this, you would have my heartfelt gratitude.

Our Facebook group is Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk.

Crop List

40 Pasture
40 Cane
40 Red Peppers
50 Coffee Beans
50 Mushrooms
60 Cranberries (Island)

Batch Production List

40 Rye Flour
40 Milk (Feed Cow, so counts immediately)
40 Beef
40 Eggs
40 Ostrich Feathers
3 Smoked Menhaden
40 Sugar
12 Tiramisu
50 Turkey
40 Black Bread
8 Natural Silk (Silkworm Habitat, Island)
8 Silk (Island)
60 Lily Essential Oil (Island)
50 Mocha Coffee

Premium Items

Among others:

Lime Tree
Brazil Nut Tree
Ice Tree (this is a Theme item in the current Farm Beauty Contest as well)
Coffee Machine

Pilaf Recipe

Ingredients:  2 Beef, 2 Carrots, 1 Wheat, 1 Garlic, 1 Red Bell Pepper, 6 Power

This is a simple dish.  Maximum time is 40 seconds so watch the clock and tap 'Finish' as soon as the option appears.  You should be able to prepare this in 27 seconds... the Red Bell Pepper will be down to 3 Flavour Points when the 'Finish' option appears, so it is the only tricky ingredient here.  If you set the timer for 27 seconds, however, all ingredients can be placed in the skillet at once.

Some Strategy Tips:

If you are a low level player or lack sufficient Island Mastery or expansions for some of the later tasks, do complete the Collection Mission FIRST.  Recently, the developers have been including Stove House Recipes in other activities so you may need it at some point even if you do not complete this Quest sequence.  After the 11 day Quest expires, the new Recipe should appear in the Market but the price will be in premium cash in the form of RC.  If the actual Quest sequence can be accessed and completed later from the Lighthouse, you will be unable to perform the Collection Mission originally linked with it.  So do it now!

Premium Item purchases:  In the past, premium Animals and Machines were not used much in the time-restricted Quests but recently, they HAVE been included.  You can find premium Animals and Machines randomly in your Green Mystrons Shop.  Try to make certain that you purchase a Coffee Machine, either with RC or with Green Mystrons.  It does appear now in more than one Quest as well as the products from it that may appear in the Ocean Cafe and so on.  You really need all the premium Trees, Animals and Machines now in this game!

Island Tasks Strategy Tips:  All Island Machines require Mastery to produce specific items.  As far as harvesting Wood Trees is concerned, you cannot use Watering Cans to speed growth but all the Weather Farm Aids do operate on these Trees as well as on the Crops and other Island Trees.  If you have a task that requires a specific wood harvest, using the Electric Saw can be beneficial as you will receive 2 pieces of wood for each harvest instead of 1.

Upgraders:  Not every one is willing to spend the premium cash (RC) to upgrade the various Upgraders but if you are, you can use the new Burger Machine Upgrader in the course of this Quest for Batch Production of Steak Burgers for the Collection Mission as well as some of the older Upgraders (Holstein Cow, Dutch Mill, Chicken Coop).  The special Products that you can make at higher levels of the Upgraders have become increasingly important in the game.  As far as regular products are concerned, you will find that Steak Burgers are required again and again, oddly enough.

Monkey Boost:  If and when you choose to use the Monkey Boost is for you to decide, but lately I have found it very useful to use on days when I perform a time-restricted Quest.  If you do use Batch Production for the tasks that involve Animals and Machines, you can reduce the amount of OP needed by setting the Monkey Boost to OP reduction.

Eagle Hunter Quest

Eagle Hunter 1

Darryl:  Howdy, Farmer.  It has been awhile.  There is a lot of work for us today and I would like to finish it as soon as possible so I will talk to you later.

Produce 40 Rye Flour
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 10 Honey
  Skip for 5 RC

Harvest 8 Cinnamon
  Skip for 8 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Darryl:  If you help me, I will tell you why I need to finish as soon as possible.

Eagle Hunter 2

Darryl:  You will help?  Great!  I am going to feed the Cow now.  Can you please harvest the Crops while I do that?  The faster we finish, the sooner you will know!

Feed the Holstein Cow 40 times
  Skip for 10 RC
  Task completes as soon as Animal enters Batch Production

Harvest 40 Pasture
  Skip for 10 RC

Collect 40 Beef
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP

Darryl:  Finally, all is complete for now, so let me tell you...

Eagle Hunter 3

Darryl:  We are going to watch a film today.  The faster we finish our tasks, the sooner we can watch the film and have fun!  Don't you agree?

Collect 40 Eggs
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 8 Soft Dough
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cake Flour and 1 Batter

Harvest 40 Cane
  Skip for 10 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Darryl:  Let's see.  What film should we watch?

Eagle Hunter 4

Darryl:  Look what I found!  There is a film about the Eagle Huntress.  Should we choose this one? What do you think?

Harvest 6 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 6 RC

Fish 3 times for Menhaden
  Skip for 6 RC
  Use the Boost to guarantee a Menhaden catch

Prepare 8 plates of Churros
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cinnamon and 1 Soft Dough

Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP

Darryl: Wait, we might need some snacks before we begin the film!

Special Reward: Mission Gift Box containing Farm Aids

Eagle Hunter 5

Darryl:  Let's prepare some snacks and drinks so we won't have to pause the film in the middle.  What do you think?

(Good idea, but not certain how the Ostrich Feathers fit this profile...)

Produce 40 Ostrich Feathers
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 40 Red Bell Peppers
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 3 Smoked Menhaden
  Skip for 6 RC

  You should have 3 Menhaden from the earlier task but note that Gold Finger can be used (if fully upgraded) on the Smoke House!

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Darryl:  We're ready now.  Let's begin!

Eagle Hunter 6

Darryl:  This film is about the journey of a girl who becomes the first female ever to win the Eagle Festival Competition!  Let's watch it now!

Produce 40 Sugar
  Skip for 10 RC

Prepare 12 Milk Cookies
  Skip for 12 RC
  Each requires 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Wheat Flour

Produce 12 Tiramisu
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP

Darryl:  The film was fascinating.  I didn't know an eagle could do so much!

Eagle Hunter 7

Darryl:  While we were watching the film, orders were piling up.  Let's finish some of them before we're buried beneath them!  Can you help me again?

Prepare 8 glasses of Limeade
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Lime and 2 Sugar

Harvest 6 Brazil Nuts
  Skip for 6 RC

Prepare 6 plates of Brazil Nut Cookies
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 2 Milk Cookies and 1 Brazil Nut

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Darryl:  Orders complete now!  We have some free time if you'd like to spend it with me.

Eagle Hunter 8

Darryl:  I have a great idea!  Why don't we try to train our own Eagle?  The girl in the film looked so valiant.  I would love to be like her and see if I can hunt with my very own Eagle.  Are you with me?
(Typical Darryl fantasy!  You have to love him...)

Cook 4 Pilaf in the Stove House
  Skip for 10 RC

Pilaf Recipe

Ingredients:  2 Beef, 2 Carrots, 1 Wheat, 1 Garlic, 1 Red Bell Pepper, 6 Power

This is a simple dish.  Maximum time is 40 seconds so watch the clock and tap 'Finish' as soon as the option appears.  You should be able to prepare this in 27 seconds... the Red Bell Pepper will be down to 3 Flavour Points when the 'Finish' option appears, so it is the only tricky ingredient here.  If you set the timer for 27 seconds, however, all ingredients can be placed in the skillet at once.

Prepare 8 Hamburger Steaks
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Beef and 1 Fried Vegetables with Soy Sauce

Produce 50 Turkey
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP

Darryl:  Yay!  I knew you would be interested in joining me!

N.B.  The second half of any 11 day traditional Quest sequence includes Island tasks and usually requires a higher level than the first half.

Special Reward: Koala Pet House Hat (kind of a stovepipe hat)

Eagle Hunter 9

Darryl:  First of all, we shall need to find our own Eagle.  Let's research this a bit.  Hmm, it says it is easier to train a female Eagle and best to begin her training when she still is a baby.

Harvest 50 Coffee Beans
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Cups of Iced American Coffee
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Coffee Beans and 1 Ice Cube
  N.B.  Iced American Coffee is featured in Round 2 of the current Cooking Stand Contest as well

Harvest 8 Oak Wood
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Task
  N.B.  As previously stated, you cannot use Watering Cans on Wood Trees on the Island, but the Weather Aids such as Rain and Thunder DO work on these as well as on every Tree and Crop on the Island.  If you use the Electric Saw, moreover, each Oak will yield two Oak Wood instead of one.

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  Where can we find one?

Eagle Hunter 10

Darryl:  Good news!  Dad says he has a friend who is an Eagle Hunter and he will try to obtain a baby eagle for us.  We're so lucky.  Don't you agree?  (Incredibly lucky, I'd say!)

Harvest 8 Morus Leaves
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Task
  N.B.  Ordinary Watering Cans/Super Watering Cans can be used.

Produce 8 Wooden Cylinders in the Sawmill
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Task
  N.B.  You can speed production with OP but each takes only 2 minutes to complete.

Prepare 8 Homemade Burger Sets
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Hamburger Steak and 1 Limeade

Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP

Darryl:  Look, our baby Eagle has arrived!

Eagle Hunter 11

Darryl:  While the baby Eagle is growing, I will need to prepare a gauntlet to protect my hand when training begins.  A good gauntlet is made from cowhide so it can withstand the razor sharp talons of an Eagle!

Produce 40 Loaves of Black Bread
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 50 Mushrooms
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Lime Soft Ice
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Lime and 1 Condensed Milk

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Darryl:  Dad promised to help me make a gauntlet and I trust his crafting skills, so consider it done!

Eagle Hunter 12

Darryl:  Our Eagle is ready for training.  To start, we need to train the Eagle to come back to us when it is called.  It says you will need meat to lure it to you.  That should be easy, right?

Collect 8 Natural Silk
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Task

Produce 8 Silk
  Skip for 8 RC
  This is an Island Task
  N.B. Requires 3 Star Mastery of Loom

Prepare 8 Orange Ice Cream
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Ice Cube and 2 Orange Smoothie

Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP

Darryl:  Not as easy as I thought it would be, but with a few attempts using the delicious meat, I managed it!

Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box

Eagle Hunter 13

Darryl:  Next, we always need to make certain that the Eagle's talons and beak are in top shape!  Both are critical hunting tools for any bird of prey.  We will need to learn how to trim them properly.  Are you ready for this?

Cook 3 Macaroni and Cheese in the Stove House
  Skip for 6 RC
  This Recipe is given to you.  It requires 3 Wheat Flour and 2 Cheddar Cheese and 2 Power and maximum time is 15 seconds.  Simply place both ingredients in the Pot and tap 'Finish' after 11 seconds.

Prepare 8 Cooked Buckwheat
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 2 Buckwheat and 2 Butter

Craft 6 Oil Painting Frames in the Workshop
  Skip for 6 RC
  This is an Island Task
  Each requires 2 Linen and 2 Oak Wood and 1 Power

Rewards: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Darryl:  We've been training the Eagle for a few months now.  We should go on our first Eagle hunt now.  Are you ready?

Eagle Hunter 14

Darryl:  Let's go!  What do you think we will find?  Oh look, there's a snake over there.  That's the best prey we have found so far.  Let's send out our Eagle!

Harvest 60 Cranberries
  This is an Island Crop
  Skip for 15 RC

Prepare 8 Buckwheat with Mushrooms
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Cooked Buckwheat and 3 Mushrooms

Tend Flowers in your Botanic Garden 6 times
  Skip for 6 RC

Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP

Darryl:  What an amazing sight!  Our Eagle flew so fast, taking the snake instantly in its talons!  Our first hunt was a success!

Eagle Hunter 15

Darryl:  After awhile, Dad's friend came to take back the Eagle.  He said she needed to be set free now that she is an adult.  She will need to breed so she can lay eggs to produce new generations of Eagles.  In many parts of the world, Eagles are an endangered species.  I guess we have to say farewell to our beautiful powerful bird!

Produce 60 Bottles of Lily Essential Oil
  Skip for 15 RC
  This is an Island task

Produce 50 cups of Mocha Coffee
  Skip for 12 RC

Prepare 8 Churros Soft Ice
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Churros and 1 Lime Soft Ice

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Darryl:  I hope we shall meet again one day in the future!

Eagle Hunter 16

Darryl:  Although our Eagle adventure was brief, it was amazing!  I hope we will be fortunate enough to be able to train and hunt with an Eagle again someday!

Craft 6 Lily Aroma Bottles in Beauty Shop
  Skip for 6 RC
  Each requires 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Lily Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water, taking 8 minutes to complete, but task will be counted for Quest as soon as item placed in slot in Beauty Shop

Prepare 8 glasses of Kvass
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Black Bread and 2 Honey

Prepare 8 Russian Dinner Sets
  Skip for 8 RC
  Each requires 1 Buckwheat with Mushrooms and 1 Kvass

Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP

Darryl:  Thank you for sharing this adventure with me.  See you again soon!

Final Special Reward: Eagle Statue Decoration for Seaside Farm; can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base and gives a Purple Gift Box

Collection Set

The Collection Set consists of the Eagle Statue Decoration, the Coffee Machine and the Lime Tree.  If all three are registered within the time period allocated, you will receive a bonus reward in the form of a Clam Friendship Flower as well as the usual Rewards of 1 RC and 88 Green Mystrons.

The Eagle Hunters

This is a real tradition and the word 'Hunter' perhaps has the wrong connotations in the West.  These Hunters of Mongolia and Kazakhstan do not kill the Golden Eagles but rather catch them in their bare hands in order to tame them.  Among them was a 13 year old girl named Ashol Pan.  Although the tradition was male-dominated, her father chose to share his skills both with his daughter and his son.

Darryl refers to a real film as well, a recent 2016 documentary named 'The Eagle Hunter' about Ashol Pan.  You should be able to find it on Amazon.

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