
04 November 2017

Thanksgiving Dinner Farm Beauty Contest

A new Farm Beauty Contest began only a couple of days after the end of the last one.  This is unprecedented.  If you did not collect all your Rewards, therefore, from the last Contest, you will have lost them now.  In the past, you could continue to collect earned Rewards once the Contest expired for a few days afterwards.

The current 11 day Quest is to be found in the next post.  Here is a link:

A Farm Organiser Quest

Thanksgiving Base

This was one of the very first Bases that ever was created in this game.  Veteran players probably have one and in the past, one was the limit.

The Thanksgiving Base now is in the Decorations section of the Market as of 4 November and shows a timer of 20 days.    You can own a total of three of these but at this point in time, unless you are willing to spend 1 RC for each material, you will move slowly towards completion as materials found in the various Mystrons Shops:

Thanksgiving Base: 3000 Coins

Materials list:
8 Rope Coil (Currently in Blue Mystron Shop for 8 Blue Mystrons)
10 Knots (Currently in Red Mystrons Shop for 20 Red Mystrons)
14 Sunflower Vines  (Currently in Green Mystron Shop for 50 Green Mystrons)
8 Fruit Vines (Currently in Yellow Mystrons Shop for 10 Yellow Mystrons)

You are limited to one purchase per day per item in these Mystron Shops, so it will be a slow process to complete for new players unless you are willing to pay RC instead.  Take heart, however.  An unfinished Thanksgiving Base has the same value in boosting Theme votes as a completed one.  If you are not at maximum for Theme, you can gain up to 6 more theme votes per day for the Thanksgiving Base.

Thanksgiving Base Decorations:  To see the comprehensive list of Decorations that can be stacked on the Thanksgiving Base, simply use the Move Tool on the Base itself and then, while still active, use the Search (magnifying glass) tool on it.  You can see every stackable Decoration as well as the position it would occupy on the Base.  The same holds true for the Thanksgiving Arch, now an item that can be merged in the Factory using the Maple Leaf rewards from the Thanksgiving Guests.  You can own a total of two Thanksgiving Arches and 3 Thanksgiving Bases.

Basic Rules for Farm Beauty Contest

The following is taken from a post I wrote for an earlier Farm Beauty Contest but I believe all the same rules still apply:

You really do need to maximise the Votes from the four Characters if you wish to achieve the Decoration at 4000 Votes or the Avatar at 6000 Votes.  Asking for Votes from other players is NOT the answer unless you are very close to 200 Votes per day from the 4 Characters or 300 Votes per day from the same 4 Characters.  Try to organise your farm to maximise votes from the very first day.  It can make a huge difference to your vote total.

Originally, you would obtain the Reward Decoration in the Contest if you were receiving a total of 200 votes per day from the Characters without ever needing votes from other farmers.  The Contest length was changed... now I believe you need 182 votes per day to reach the 4000 Vote total that gives you the Decoration.  The Decoration is the most important reward of the contest.

It is the current photograph or Snapshot of your Farm that is the basis for ALL Votes, not the current state of your Farm if you changed anything.  In other words, take your time to organise your Farm BEFORE you take the initial 'Snapshot' for entry to the Contest.  This can make a big difference as every day counts in these contests.

You can take a new snapshot every day but there is no reason to do so if you have maximised your Farm for all possible Votes.

The key to this is balance.  You need to have a variety of Crops on the Farm.  Try to have 16 different Crops growing... the total number needed may be lower from 12 to 13 but it is easy to grow different Crops and you have nothing to lose.

You need to have at least 12 different Machines on your Farm to obtain the maximum Votes for Machines from Dad.  Some players claim that the Salad Machine has counted as two Machines in the past but again, to be safe, move as many Machines onto your Farm as possible before you take your initial Snapshot.

Do the same with respect to your Trees.  You need a variety of Trees.  Duplicates never count.  Most players should not have any trouble in placing 16 different types of Trees on the farm.  I believe that the total needed is less, possibly 12 or 13 but again, it does no harm to be safe.

Finally, there are the Animals.  Butterfly Houses and Beehives of each type count as Animals and every type counts as a different Animal.

Landscape Points count for Votes with three of the Characters.  You do not even need 2300 Landscape Points to maximise these votes.  I believe the actual total now is closer to 2100 points but need to confirm for the current contest.  Recently, the game changed to add Landscape Points to Charm Points for a new total.  I will try to pinpoint the number required for maximum votes.

Expansions are another good source of votes.  You only need to have performed a few expansions to gain maximum votes from Felicia and Dad for expansions.

Another category is your Gallery.  Now that you can register Crops and other items, even low level players should be able to maximise votes for a good Gallery.  Votes are based on the totals of the items you have registered.  Your Gallery 'upgrades' at specific totals.

Finally there are votes for a 'high level' farm.  I have not achieved the maximum on Harvest Moon FDC yet because I believe you still have to be at Level 150 now for this.

'Theme' gives votes from three of the four Characters.  Your best bet to maximise your Theme Votes if you have not played long or did not collect Reward Decorations for any other reason would be to purchase the Turkey Magician from the special sale offer in the top right of the screen and  the Owl Lady and Owl Clock,  They are expensive but if you are not at maximum for Theme, the first  can give you 9 extra Votes for theme each day from the Characters and the Owl Lady and Owl Clock each can give 6 extra votes for theme from the Characters..  If you are unwilling or unable to do that, at least place the Thanksgiving Base for 6 more Votes per day for theme.


Theme List is as follows:


Note that you must have these placed on your Farm and not in the Tree Nursery to count for Theme.

Jasmine Bush
  Available in Tree section of Market for 7 RC and randomly in Green Mystron Shop for Green Mystrons  or Daily Special Deals for TC.

Birch Tree
  Available in Tree section of Market for 7 RC and randomly in Green Mystron Shop for Green Mystrons  or Daily Special Deals for TC.


Harvest Hat
  Available from past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Boxes for 10 RC.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Thanksgiving Arch (This is a Base from last year)
  Available from past and now can be merged in Factory.

Apple Ornament
  Available from past.  This is a stackable decoration for the Arch.

Sunflower Ornament
  Available from past.  This is a stackable Decortion for the Arch.

Grape Ornament
  Available from past.  This is a stackable decoration for the Arch and can be merged in Factory using Maple Leaf from Thanksgiving Guests.

Pumpkin Ornament
  Available from past.  This is a stackable decoration for the Arch and can be merged in Factory using Maple Leaf from Thanksgiving Guests.

Owl Oranment
  Available from past.  This is a stackable decoration for the Arch and can be merged in Factory using Maple Leaf from Thanksgiving Guests.

Candle Ornament
  Available from past.  This is a stackable decoration for the Arch and can be merged in Factory using Maple Leaf from Thanksgiving Guests.

Barley Ornament
  Available from past.  This is stackable Decoration for the Arch and can be merged in Factory using Maple Leaf from Thanksgiving Guests.

Turkey Ornament
  Available from past.  This is a stackable decoration for the Arch and can be merged in Factory using Maple Leaf from Thanksgiving Guests.

Male Thanksgiving Owl
  From past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Box for 20 RC

Indian Hat
  Available from past.  Reward from old Farm Beauty Contest.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Tree House
  Available from past and now in special sales offer

Thanksgiving Base
  Available from past and now in Decoration section of Market for 3000 Coins but must be built.  Details given above.  Will give up to 6 Votes per day for Theme if you have not reached maximum for Theme even if unfinished!

  Available from past.   Available in Special Sales Offer.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Colourful Tent
  Available from past and now in Special Sales Offer.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Thanksgiving Turkey
  Available from past and now in Special DIY offer.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Turkey in the Pumpkin
  Available from past and available as Special Sales offer.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Autumn Chick Basket
  Available from past and currently in special DIY offer.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Autumn Pumpkin
  Available from past and now in special DIY offer.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Mountain of Flowers and Fruits
  From past and now in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Boxes randomly for 15 RC

  Available from past and can be purchased directly from the Gallery for 100 Yellow Mystrons as well as found in Lucky Wheel/Buddy Share Boxes for 15 RC.

Pumpkin Candle
  Reward for having attained 4000 Votes in current Contest.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Turkey Magician
  Available in Special Sales Offers currently.  Will give up to 9 Votes per day for Theme if you have not reached maximum for Theme.  Will give 5 Blue Mystrons when cleaned as well for 7 days. Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Owl Lady
  Special Sales Offer.  Will give up to 6 Votes per day for Theme if you have not reached maximum for Theme.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Owl Clock
  Special Sales Offer.  Will give up to 6 Votes per day for Theme if you have not reached maximum for theme.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

  Market for 3 RC.  Can appear randomly in Green Mystrons Shop.  Can be stacked on Thanksgiving Base.

Japanese Garden
  Available from past and now included in special DIY offer

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