A new time-restricted traditional Quest sequence of 16 parts has been released in tandem with a Collections Mission.
Premium Items Needed:
This is one of the first Quests for a very long time that requires a Coffee Machine, a premium machine. It costs 15 RC in the regular Market but will be complete when purchased. Other premium items you will need, inter alia, include a Heart Tree, a Mango Tree and a Lime Tree. New Pet apparel has been added to the Special Sales but sadly I do not see that the Coffee Machine is being offered in any packet deal, nor are either of the Trees that I mentioned as of Friday 24 March.
Note that you often can find items in the Green Mystrons Shop randomly that otherwise can be purchased only with RC. As previously indicated, the appearance of these items is random, but do look regularly for any premium Tree or Machine or Animal you may be missing as it is better to pay Green Mystrons (if you have them) then RC. Another place you now can find Trees randomly is the Special Deals (Daily) section of the Market where you pay TC (the new currency that can be earned in-game) rather than RC for premium Trees. In my Daily Special Deals today, I see the Heart Tree is listed for 700 TC. I have all the Trees after four years but many players may find a needed Tree here instead of in the regular Tree Department of the Market, although every player will find a different selection both in the Green Mystrons Shop and the Daily Special Deals Shop.
For new players, you do have 11 days to complete both the Collections Mission and the traditional Quest sequence. Now, if you cannot complete the traditional Quest in time, either because you have not unlocked the Island yet or for any other reason, you should be able to find this Quest after it expires in the Lighthouse and finish it from that location. The biggest difference between a Quest that is completed while 'active' and one that is completed later through the Lighthouse is that you will not receive a Clam Friendship Flower if you do not complete it (and complete the Collection Set registration) while it is 'active' for all players. It is great, though, that they have given players opportunities now to complete 'timed' Missions that they either missed in the past or were unable to complete because they lacked something that was needed at that point in time.
The Herb Garden is the Collectable that gives you Herbs. It is a premium item found in the Collectables section of the Market for 3 RC. Although I like to have all the Collectables on my farm as it takes time always to amass a good quantity of their products, you now can purchase these items in the Flea Market or E-Mart... our group has a thread where players can request specific items. You can use TC to simply buy a product needed for a Kitchen Recipe as well in-game.
Neighbour Requests
There are two separate tasks in the quest sequence that require items from Neighbours. I always have trouble on Harvest Moon FDC possibly because I am too sentimental with respect to my old neighbours who have become inactive and thus do not send the item I request. Again, you do not have to complete the quest sequence in a single day but if you are a player who likes to do precisely that, divide your Neighbour list in two and ask only half of them for the first item. Unfortunately, I am fortunate if I receive 20 items from 150 players in a 24 hour period and often have to use RC to skip the task to finish the guide quickly. If you are not near the quest deadline for expiration, however, you are better served by exercising patience and allowing the items to trickle back to you.
Crop List:
One of the best uses of a guide for a quest like this is to see which Crops you will need to harvest next. The Crops that are given in the tasks are in the following order: 40 Clover, 40 Carrots, 40 Pasture, 40 Rice and finally 60 Peanuts. You will need to collect 20 Honey from your Beehives for another task so if you do not have it on your Farm at the time when the Clover ripens, wait for the Clover to be pollinated before you harvest it so that you can collect a total of 20 Honey. Many players, including myself either keep extra Beehives on the farm at all times or buy additional ones when a task like this is listed in order to be able to collect 20 Honey quickly... note as well that you can use the Flight of the Bumblebee to collect Honey from regular Beehives.
Finally, Cane is the Crop for the Collections Mission. Depending on the size of your farm and your strategy, you either can grow a little at a time from the very start, complete that aspect of the Collections Mission in one fell swoop through the use of farm aids (Fertilisers, Rain, Thunderstorms and Rainbow Rain) or opt out of it by paying RC... or a combination of these.
ATTENTION: One of the tasks ask that you sell 30,000 Coins worth of items from your Barn. Most of the cooked dishes you make in the course of the traditional quest sequence will be needed later as ingredients for OTHER dishes. I suggest you do not sell ANY Cooked Dishes that appear in the task list!
Island Tasks
There are few Island Tasks in this quest sequence. One is to transport 50 Lavender Essential Oil to the Seaside Farm. You will need 6 of these later to make 6 Lavender Aroma Therapy Bottles which means that you will need 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles, another Island Product. Transport the Wooden Aroma Bottles to Seaside in advance if you do not have them there. Unlike the transport of the Lavender Essential Oil, it is not included as a separate task.
Sakura Farm Beauty Contest
A little note: Harvest Moon FDC is losing rank in the Farm Beauty Contest now. If you have ANY votes to spare now, please direct them to Freyashawk's Harvest Moon FDC farm.
Collect Bike Helmets
The reward for the Collections Mission is a Cayenne Pepper Rack, a Collectable.
Farm Delivery 1
Darryl: What am I doing? I'm writing something! What am I writing? I'll tell you when I have finished!
Harvest 40 Clovers
Skip for 10 RC
Harvest 6 Cherries
Skip for 6 RC
Collect 40 Eggs
Skip for 10 RC
Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP
Darryl: It's not a secret. I can't wait to tell you, but don't tell any one else!
Farm Delivery 2
Darryl: I was writing a business plan. It's an awesome idea, believe me! I'll tell you after we have finished working on the farm, okay?
Feed Holstein Cow 40 Times
Skip for 10 RC
(The task completes when you begin the batch production if you use Batch Production)
Harvest 40 Carrots
Skip for 10 RC
Harvest 4 Cinnamon
Skip for 4 RC
Reward: 2500 Coins, 160 XP
Darryl: You see, I told you it's awesome. We need to earn more money to make this plan happen!
Farm Delivery 3
Darryl: Where does my idea come from? I saw a food delivery man drive past our farm recently. So I thought we could do something similar. It's good to expand our farm business in alternative ways.
Produce 8 Cherry Jam
Skip for 4 RC
Produce 40 Sugar
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 8 Condensed Milk
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Milk and 1 Sugar
Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP
Darryl: How about a 'Farm to Door' service? Customers order our products via an app, and once we receive their Orders, we can deliver their products to their door.
Farm Delivery 4
Darryl: We had best enact this plan now, before other farmers do! Let's start by earning some money by selling products in the market. We need money to buy delivery bicycles, right?
Collect 20 Honey
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 8 Cake Flour
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 2 Oat Flour and 2 Rye Flour
Sell Products worth 30000 Coins from your Seaside Barn
Skip for 5 RC
(Note that you can sell 330 Blueberries to make more than 30,000 Coins. If you have been playing for any length of time, you should have more Blueberries than you need. Irrespective of this, this morning, in a rush, I wrote: This honestly is one I am going to skip because I find I never have enough products now for all the Guest Orders and Coffee House Orders and Daily Order Board... would rather pay 5 RC... and I am probably the ultimate packrat, so you may not wish to follow my example at ANY level...and for low level farmers, you may wish to sell your stuff, as reaching specific sales totals often is a farm expansion requirement as well. This comment of mine elicited a storm of response from group members who suggested selling blueberries, Old Boots, Sand, and so on but it goes against the grain for me personally to get rid of anything in Seaside now. Perhaps those Old Boots will be used to merge something in the Factory one day...)
Darryl: Well done, farmer. Let's prepare for the next step!
Reward: 2500 Coins, 170 XP
Special Reward: Mission Gift Box
Farm Delivery 5
Darryl: Okay, now we have bicycles to deliver products, but we haven't installed any delivery boxes on the bicycles yet. Where can we find those boxes?
Ask for 20 Delivery Boxes from your Neighbours
Skip for 20 RC
Prepare 8 Butter
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Milk and 1 Milk to make.
Harvest 40 Pasture
Skip for 5 RC
Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP
Darryl: Good idea, asking the Neighbours for help. They were so kind to us and now we can save our budget for something else. Good job, farmer!
Farm Delivery 6
Darryl: Transportation checked! Hang on, may we pause our delivery business to do some chores please before Grandma complains?
Finish Today's Order Board
Skip for 10 RC
Note that the second material for the Springtime Base should appear as one of the Rewards for the highlighted Order on the Daily Order Board but is not appearing on Friday 24 March yet. It makes more sense here to refresh individual orders you cannot or do not wish to complete than to pay 10 RC to skip the entire task!
Produce 40 Beef
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 8 Milk Cookies
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Wheat Flour
Darryl: Thank you for today. I think it should be okay for now. Let's continue planning our business venture tomorrow.
Reward: 2500 Coins, 180 XP
Farm Delivery 7
Darryl: I looked at the barn inventory this morning, and I have to say 'WOW!' We have so many different products. I do think it's better to choose a few types of products to sell on the app first to find out customer demands. What do you think?
Place Cayenne Pepper Rack on your Farm
Reward from Collection Mission
Skip for 10 RC
Prepare 8 Heart Cookies
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Pink Heart Fruit and 1 Milk Cookie
Fish with the Bone Fishhook 8 Times
Skip for 8 RC
Note that you can 'miss' one catch to drive the total of attempts up to 8, even though you are given only 7 casts.
Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP
Darryl: Maybe it's time to tell every one what we've been working on. Hopefully they won't laugh at my idea.
Farm Delivery 8
Darryl: We got so carried away talking about our business plan that we forgot to eat this morning. Shall we grab something to eat now?
Harvest 6 Limes
Skip for 6 RC
Prepare 8 Glasses of Limeade
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Lime and 2 Sugar
Harvest 40 Rice
Skip for 10 RC
Reward: 2500 Coins, 190 XP
Darryl: That was delicious! Should we add it to the selling list?
Special Reward: Cat Themed Pet House Base
Farm Delivery 9
Darryl: Apart from selling raw products, we also should have customisable options for our customers. Maybe we can try beverages first. Customers can customise their own drink by choosing a few raw products. Then we will make the drink for them.
Produce 8 Glasses of Cherry Juice
Skip for 8 RC
Harvest 8 Coconuts
Skip for 8 RC
Prepare 8 Coconut Milk
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Coconut and 2 Sugar
Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP
Darryl: I hope this will work. I'm getting nervous!
Farm Delivery 10
Darryl: I think we should not only customise our beverages but also customise our food!
Prepare 8 Sticky Rice
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 2 Rice and 1 Coconut Milk
Prepare 8 Cheddar Cheese Sauce
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 2 Cheddar Cheese and 2 Butter
Prepare 6 Potatoes with Fresh Herbs
Skip for 6 RC
Each requires 2 Sweet Potatoes and 1 Herb
Reward: 2500 Coins, 200 XP
Darryl: What else should we do? Can we open an online shop soon? I want to see some feedback!
Farm Delivery 11
Darryl: One more thing, farmer! I think we should create our own packaging too! Good packaging and interesting designs will attract the attention of potential customers! Let's ask our neighbours to help us again!
Ask for 20 Paper Bags from Neighbours
Skip for 20 RC
Craft 6 Red Cord Necklaces
Skip for 6 RC
The task is counted as soon as it is begun in the Beauty Shop. Each requires 1 Angora Hair, 1 Wool and 2 Roses.
Prepare 8 Baked Fish Cayenne Pepper
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Fish and Potatoes and 2 Cayenne Pepper
You can purchase 1 Cayenne Pepper for 40 TC. If you do not have TC, the conversion rate is 100 TC for 1 RC, making the cost for buying this ingredient for the Recipe almost 1 RC per recipe. If you have NO Cayenne Pepper yet, the cost of buying it for this Recipe is 7 RC rather than the 8 RC needed to skip the task. You WILL need this dish later in the sequence for the Fish Pie.
Darryl: All good now! I think we're ready to launch our business and let the world see it!
Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP
Farm Delivery 12
Darryl: Today's the day! Let's see how many orders we get! I'll be the delivery man. Hehe!
Transport 50 Lavender Essential Oil to Seaside Farm
Skip for 12 RC
(You actually will need only 6 Lavender Essential Oil on Seaside but it always is useful to transport items in both directions in this game! Split the transport between more than one zeppelin to speed the task.)
Harvest 8 Mangoes
Skip for 8 RC
Prepare 8 Dishes of Sweet Mango
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Mango and 1 Honey Syrup
Each Honey Syrup requires 8 Honey and 4 Milk
Reward: 2500 Coins, 210 XP
Special Reward: Island Mission Gift Box
Not bad! Our first day launching this business and we received far more orders than we expected!
Farm Delivery 13
Darryl: Wow! We received a lot of good reviews from our customers! Shall we send them thank you gifts?
Harvest 60 Peanuts
Skip for 15 RC
Craft 6 Lavender Aroma Bottles
Skip for 6 RC
Make certain that you have 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles on your Seaside Farm in advance. Each requires 2 Wool Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood. Transport them to Seaside to make the Lavender Aroma Bottles in the Beauty Shop.
Each requires 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Lavender Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water. Distilled Water is a free gift but it can be collected from the Water Fountain as well, a Decoration that is part of the current Sakura Theme in the Farm Beauty Contest, and one of the most beautiful in the game.
Prepare 8 Hamburger Steak
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 2 Beef and 1 Fried Vegetables with Soy Sauce
Each Fried Vegetable with Soy Sauce requires 1 Soy Sauce and 1 Spinach
Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP
Darryl: I'm glad we decided to do this, farmer! You're the greatest business partner I could have asked for!
Farm Delivery 14
Darryl: Now, not only have we received good comments but also suggestions for improvements. It's good to know what our customers think about our products so we can try to make them better next time!
Produce 60 Bottles of Peanut Sauce
Skip for 15 RC
Prepare 8 Soft Lime Ice
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Lime and 1 Condensed Milk
Prepare 8 Churros Soft Ice
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Churros and 1 Lime Soft Ice
Each Churros is 1 Cinnamon and 1 Soft Dough
Reward: 2500 Coins, 220 XP
Darryl: I think we're all tired from today. Let's go back, have a rest and continue again tomorrow!
Farm Delivery 15
Darryl: I forgot to tell you. One of our customers suggested that we add Island Farm Products to the app too,. I think that this is a good idea, so let's go to the Island Farm to prepare some products!
Prepare 8 Homemade Burger Sets
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Hamburger Steak and 1 Limeade
Prepare 6 Plates of Fish Pie
Skip for 6 RC
Each requires 1 Cheddar Cheese Sauce and 1 Baked Fish Cayenne Pepper
Prepare 8 Mango with Sticky Rice
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Sticky Rice and 1 Sweet Mango
Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP
Darryl: Our customers were right! We have many good products on our Island Farm.
N.B. Nothing in these tasks is linked to the Island actually.
Farm Delivery 16
Congratulations, Farmer! Our business is running as smoothly as we hoped. Let's Celebrate Success Together!
Produce 60 Cups of Mocha Coffee
Skip for 15 RC
Batch production requires 180 OP and takes 55 minutes.
Produce 8 Glasses of Mango Juice
Skip for 8 RC
Prepare 8 Tropical Fruit Muffins
Skip for 8 RC
Each requires 1 Light Muffin and 1 Mango Juice
Each Light Muffin requires 1 Cake Flour and 2 Cherry Jam
Darryl: Thank you again for helping me. You're the best farmer!
Reward: 2500 Coins, 230 XP
Special Reward: Flower Barrel Decoration
Collection Set
The Collection Set this time consists of the Cayenne Pepper Rack, the Flower Barrel Decoration and the Heart Tree. When all three have been registered in the Gallery, you should see an exclamation point over your Lighthouse. Tap on it to go to the correct Mission where you can collect your Reward. If you complete this before the expiration of the Quest, you will receive a Clam Friendship Flower as well as the usual 88 Green Mystrons and 1 RC. If you cannot complete it in time but must complete it later by activating the tasks you missed from the Lighthouse, you still can register the Collectin to receive the Green Mystrons and 1 RC but you will not be able to claim the Clam Friendship Flower.
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