
22 November 2016

Thanksgiving Arch and Activity Tokens

(Photograph of Thanksgiving Arch with Turkey, Owl and Sunflower Ornaments on it.  See the last section of this post for a comprehensive list of all possible Decorations, how to obtain them and how they are displayed on the Arch.)

Note that the post that gives all tasks and details for the current time-restricted Quest, Magic Mystery,  is below this one and any older post always can be found by typing keywords into the Search box on this site.

I really am remiss here.  I should have written a post about the Thanksgiving Arch when it first appeared in the Activity Tokens Shop.  I wrote about it in our Groups but not on the site.  I suppose part of the reason is my now-ingrained hatred of the Coffee House which was the only source of the Activity Tokens until now.

Thankfully, yes, THANKFULLY (Thanksgiving being round the corner), that has changed.  You now receive the Activity Tokens by filling orders for the special Thanksgiving visitors that can be invited when you access the regular Map for the Guest House.  Now, temporarily, you will find a new icon in the bottom left cornder of the Map and looks either like a pink cake decorated with cones or a pink mountain range.  Tap on it and you will gain access to the special Thanksgiving Guests.

In case it matters to you, the names of all the guests are Tom, Huey, George, Jane and Cassidy.  They are regular Guests you may have encountered before, but now dressed in Thanksgiving costumes.

It is important to realise that, according to the splashscreen, you will receive only 1 Passport per day for the special Thanksgiving Guests.  I will confirm this after reset tonight but that is what it states.  Today, you only can invite the 1 Star Guests because one of the requirements for unlocking the 2 Star Guests is a total of 120 Coins earned in filling Thanksgiving Orders specifically.

After reset, however, provided you have all the requirements for unlocking 2 and 3 Star, you then can choose the 3 Star Guests with more Guests, Orders and therefore, more Activity Token rewards.

As with regular Map areas and unlocking 2 Star and 3 Star Guests for those areas, you will find two different sets of requirements.  One is for the actual Map Level and group of Guests that live there.  The other is for the Passports (2 Star, 3 Star) needed to actually bring the Guests to your Farm.  It is rather confusing... if I have it backwards, please forgive me.  In point of fact, both sets of requirements must be met in order to be able to invite the higher level of Guests to your Farm!

Thanksgiving Group Requirements

To be able to invite 1 Star Guests, you need the following:

10 Paths
A zero coin total in Thanksgiving Orders

To be able to invite 2 Star Guests, you need the following:

35 Paths
9 Water Paths

To be able to invite 3 Star Guests, you need the following:

50 Paths
10 Water Paths
Zero coin total

Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Party Requirements

All players who have a Pet House and Guest House and 10 Paths should be able to invite the 1 Star Thanksgiving Party I believe.

To be able to unlock 2 Star Thanksgiving Party, you need the following:

120 Coins Earned in filling Thanksgiving Orders
5 Telescopes  (obtain by opening Chests)

To be able to unlock 3 Star Thanksgiving Party, you need the following:

1000 Coins earned in filling thanksgiving Orders
10 Telescopes
500 Landscape Points

Actual Orders for 1 Star Thanksgiving Guests:

Turkey Burger
Betutu Chicken
Rose (the wine)
Stuffed Turkey

20 Stiamina used for each order.  4 Tokens from each of the two Guests and 600 to 700 Coins for each order.

2 Star Thanksgiving Group:

The 2 Star Group consisted of Huey, George, Tom and Jane.  Essentially, you will receive 1 Reward containing 4 Tokens and some Coins from those Guests who give only 2 Orders.  From those who give 4, you will receive 2 Gifts.  The first will contain 4 Tokens and some Coins and the 2nd will contain 8 Tokens and some Coins.

Huey makes 2 different Orders.
George makes 4 different Orders
Tom makes 2 different Orders
Jane makes 4 different Orders

Actual 2 Star Orders
4 Eggs x 352 Coins
4 White Wine x 344 Coins
1 Betutu Chicken Rice at 810 Coins
1 Betutu Chicken
1 Rose
1 Betutu Chicken Rice
1 Fried Seasoned Chicken
1 Fried Seasoned Chicken
1 Roast Turkey
1 Roast Turkey
Spicy Stir-Fry Chicken                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
1 Roast Turkey
2 Turkey Sausage

1st Reward: 4 Tokens 500 Coins from Huey
2nd Reward: 4 Tokens, 700 Coins from Tom
3rd Reward: 4 Tokens, 500 Coins from Jane
4th Reward, 4 Tokens, 400 Coins from George
6th Reward; 8 Tokens, 700 Coins form Jane (2nd Reward)
7th Reward: 8 Tokens, 700 Coins from George (2nd Reward)

3 Star Thanksgiving Group

The 3 Star Group consisted of George, Huey, Cassidy, Jane and Tom.

George makes 4 different orders.  Huey makes 2 different orders.  Cassidy makes a total of 8  different Orders.  Jane makes 4 different Orders and Tom makes 2 different Orders.

A character who makes 4 Orders gives two separate gifts that contain Activity Tokens.  The first gives 4 Tokens and the 2nd gives 8.  Still have not completed the last four for Cassidy.  This is absurd!

Actual Orders for 3 Star:

2 Spicy Chicken Soup (1776 Coins)
1 Stuffed Turkey (1333 Coins)
1 Turkey Burger
9 Wine
3 Roast Turkey
3 Roast Turkey
1 Custard
1 Betutu Chicken Rice
5 Turkey Sausage
1 Apple Jelly
1 Custard
1 Betutu Chicken Rice
13 Rice
2 Spicy Chicken Soup
1 Fried Seasoned Chicken
2 No-Flour Cornbread
2 No Flour Cornbread

1st Reward: 4 Tokens, 500 Coins
2nd Reward: 4 Tokens, 600 Coins
3rd Reward: 4 Tokens, 600 Coins
4th Reward: 4 Tokens, 600 Coins (Tom's Reward)
5th Reward: 8 Tokens, 700 Coins (2nd from George)
6th Reward: 4 Tokens, 400 Coins
7th Reward: 8 Tokens, 700 Coins (2nd from Jane)
8th Reward: 8 Tokens, 700 Coins (2nd from Cassidy)

The first Reward from any Guest seems to be 4 Activity Tokens and a coin total.  The second one, where a Character gives 2, is 8 Activity Tokens and a coin total.  As Cassidy gives a total of 8 Orders, you will receive more Gifts from her than the others.  I had things to do, so she left in disgust after Order No. 5...  I would imagine she will give a total of 4 Gifts, and that the Token amount will be greater than that given by the others but have to confirm this.

Stupidly, I had auto-bargain on and no Buddy pets on the farm.  With only 2 Pets, all other Guests had their orders filled and I was left with Cassidy, who still needed 4 more orders filled, with all others done.  Next time, will organise things better for the 3 Star Guest Group.  Had no trouble at all with the 2 Star Group.


When you send for the 3 Star Group and keep the auto-bargain option on, Cassidy's Orders tend to be ignored, especially if you do not have an extraordinary number of Pets to do your bidding.  There is no problem with leaving some orders unfilled really.  You still can collect Rewards and Tokens from the other Guests.  If, however, you want all possible Tokens from the 3 Star Group, you will be obliged to manage closely.  Many players, including myself, cannot be on farm that much.

My own preference here is to invite the 2 Star Group of Guests.  It is easy enough to fiill all their Orders for a start.  Secondly, one does earn a fair number of Activity Tokens from the Visit.  You can keep auto-bargain on and no one suffers.

Buying Additional Passports

You can buy an additional Passport for 2 RC to use at any star level that you have unlocked by tapping on the plus sign to the right of the passport count at the top right of the screen.  I was able to buy the 2 Star Guest group after using my initial 1 Passport.

2 Star Thanksgiving Group:

The 2 Star Group consisted of Huey, George, Tom and Jane.

Nonetheless, I can write about the Thanksgiving Arch and the Activity Tokens Shop.

The Activity Tokens Shop is a Mystery Shop that appears usually only during special holiday Seasons.  Sometimes, there are special Decorations that are sold in the Activities Token Shop that are similar to Bases.  One purchases them with Coins and after placing them, can purchase stackable Decorations for them using Activity Tokens.  Last year, the XMas Tree was a case in point.

Now, the Activities Token Shop has the Thanksgiving Arch.  The price is 500 Coins.
Initially, the Decorations for this Thanksgiving Arch (Base) were ones that could be purchased solely with Activity Tokens.  They then added two Decorations with RC prices.

Initially, Activity Tokens could be obtained solely through the Coffee House by completing the Orders of the Customers there.  Now they are available when you invite the special Thanksgiving Guests to visit and fill all of their Orders.

Activity Token Shop

You will find the Activity Token Shop in the same group of tabs as the other Mystery Shops.

What is sold there is as follows:

Thanksgiving Arch: 500 Coins

The Decorations for the Thanksgiving Arch, with prices are:

Grape Ornament: 250 Tokens
Pumpkin Ornament: 250 Tokens
Barley Ornament: 250 Tokens
Candle Ornament: 250 Tokens
Turkey Ornament:  7 RC
Owl Ornament: 9 RC

Another item for sale in the Activity Tokens Shop is:

Bear Themed Pet House: 600 Tokens

Decorating the Thanksgiving Arch

Once you have purchased the Thanksgiving Arch and placed it on your farm, it will operate like any other Base.  When you move a Stackable Decoration on top of it, you should see the jigsaw puzzle icon to be able to add it to the Base.  What happens with these Decorations, like those for the XMas Tree last year, is that they change.  They are removed from cornucopia or basket and used to decorate the Arch itself.  You therefore have two different visual options.  One is to place the little Decoration in its basket or cornucopia on your farm directly or to add it to the Base where it will 'trim' the Arch.

There are two other Decorations that can be used on the Thanksgiving Arch as follows:

Sunflower Ornament:  This is the Reward for obtaining a total of 4000 Votes in the current Farm Beauty Contest

Apple Ornament:  This is the Calendar Reward for the month of November.

Preview of  Arch

There is a way to preview ALL the Decorations associated with any Base now by using the little Search icon (Magnifying Glass) that appears whenever you first tap on the Move (X) tool on any Base.  Tap on the Magnifying Glass and you will have the option to preview any Decoration or Decorations for it.

Every Base has a number of specific positions that can be occupied by Decorations.  The total usually is four but in this case is five.

The Decorations and positions are:

1.  Apple Ornament (Calendar Reward)
2.  Sunflowers Ornament (Farm Beauty Contest Reward)
3.  Grape Ornament or Pumpkin Ornament (only 1 at any time of these, costing 250 Tokens in the Activity Token Shop)
4.  Owl Ornament (9 RC) or Candle Ornament (250 Activity Tokens)
5.  Barley Ornament (250 Tokens) or Turkey Ornament (7 RC)

If you look at the list and the way each Ornament is obtained, you will see that a person who cannot earn many Tokane still can decorate the Thanksgiving Arch.

The visuals are as follows:

The Turkey Ornament and the Barley Ornament are at the top of the Base.  This is quite striking in appearance.

The Owl Ornament and Candles Ornament both go on either side of the top half of the Base. Again, quite striking.

All other ornaments twine about the Base, but the Grapes and Pumpkins depend from it like pendants where Sunflowers and all others twine round it... actually cannot see where the Apples go, probably because the Ornament will not be available until the last day of November!

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