This site was created and is maintained by Freyashawk, aka Eugenia Martino.
10 October 2016
Spooky Halloween Farm Beauty Contest
Screenshots show completed but empty Halloween Stage/Base, Halloween Stage Concert with stackable Decorations, Bat House, Jack-O-Lantern Machine and many of the Theme Decorations from last year that are Theme once again for the current contest.
N.B. The 'Darryl the Doctor' Mission will be found in the post below this one.
In the past, a farmer had to be at Level 15 or higher in order to participate in the Farm Beauty Contests. I doubt that has changed but need confirmation to be certain.
Balance of Items
For new farmers, there are a few basic instructions. You need to organise your farm BEFORE you take the photograph in order to gain the maximum benefit from your design. Have a good balance of Crops, Trees, Animals, Machines, Decorations and now Paths as well. Your design now has to take Landscape Points into account, which means that you need to lay paths and water paths, then place as many Decorations as possible within their sphere of influence. Remember that the maximum number of points for any tile is 50 (for Macaron and Pebble Paths), and therefore, once you have a total of 50 Points from the Path itself and Decorations within the area, more Decorations will not add any more points.
Designing Paths
Generally speaking, it is better to make a long single-file path surrounding an area filled with Crops, Machines, Trees or a combination of these with Decorations than to place all of your tiles together. To discover the effect a specific Decoration will have on your Landscape Point total, use the Move Tool and hover near the Paths you have set on your Farm. If you have achieved the maximum number of Points for any path, you will see that the Decoration would add zero points if placed in that location. If there is a Path that does not have the maximum points from Decorations in its sphere of influence, you will see the precise number of points that your Decoration will add to the total in that area.
Crop, Tree, Animal, Machine Totals
For the Farm Beauty Contest, you need a variety of Crops. It originally was 16 different Crops in order to gain the maximum Votes for your Crops. For Trees, it was 16 different Trees and for Machines, 16 different Machines. I believe that the count was lowered to 13 in later contests, but again must confirm what is needed for THIS contest.
Butterfly Houses, Beehives and the Bat House qualify as 'Animals' for the purpose of the Contest and every different style of Beehive or Butterfly House will count as a different Animal.
Landscape Point Totals
In previous Contests, Charm was the aspect that three of the Characters prized. Now they prize Landscape Points instead. The Vote category speaks of Beautiful Paths with High Landscape Points. In essence, you need less than 3000 Landscape Points to gain the maximum number of Votes from Felicia, Darryl and Grandma. You do not need more than that. I confirmed this myself. The actual total needed is somewhere between 2000 and 3000. I will confirm that when I can. Rosewood was very low in Landscape Points but today added to the total and with 2320 Landscape Points achieved the maximum of 24/24.
With 1034 Landscape Points, another farmer received 16/24 Votes for Landscape. With 0nly 242 Points, another received 6/24. At 293 one more Vote was acquired for 7/24.
Gallery Registration
Gallery Registration is central to all the Farm Beauty Contests. If a Theme Decoration has not been registered in the Gallery prior to the point of submitting your Photograph, it usually will not count towards Theme. Furthermore, two of the Characters in the form of Darryl and Grandma give Votes based on the total number of items you have registered in your Gallery. The number required to gain the maximum points in this category is not that high, however. My rather new farm, Asgard, has been able to gain the maxmum in this category (but not in some of the others) and I have not registered that many of my Trees, Animals or Machines, although I have tried to register most Decorations as I acquired them.
I believe that all that counts for the Gallery Vote itself is the number of Gallery Points that you have, earned through obtaining the little round Cow Tokens that are one of the Rewards for every Registration.
524/1250, almost half of the total for filling the third tier (third Cow Token at the top of the Gallery Menu) gives 15/16 Votes for having a g
879/2250, almost half of the fourth Cow Token filled, gives you 16/16. I am trying to find the precise total that gives you the maximum number of Votes for a Great Gallery.
Timing of Snapshot/Photograph
You have to take an initial photograph of your Farm to enter the Farm Beauty Contest. If you have time to design your Farm on the first day, do so BEFORE you take the photograph, making certain you have maximised all aspects that will give Votes from the four Characters. If you do not have time to organise your Farm, simply take the photograph of it as it stands... better to get some Votes than no Votes. You can take a new photograph every day if you wish.
If you need more Theme Items, make certain that, should you obtain a new one, that you register it BEFORE you take a new photograph of the Farm. Only the items as they appear in the current photograph are counted.
After taking the photograph of your perfected Farm, you can remove anything or change anything without it modifying or changing the Farm Beauty Contest entry. It is only when you submit a new photograph that anything will change. Thus, you try to set up your Farm for maximum Votes in every category, take and submit a photograph of it and then do whatever you need to make your farm more practical for specific tasks, quests or whatever.
Buddies and the Farm Beauty Contests
The Buddy relationship is becoming increasingly important with the release of the Pet option and the ability to feed and/or borrow a Buddy Pet. It has been important for quite some time, however, where the Farm Beauty Contests are concerned. The Buddy Share Box in the Lucky Wheel usually contains a number of Theme Decorations in any current Farm Beauty Contest. If you are not at least a Level 2 Buddy with the farmer who has the Share Box, you will be unable to access it or purchase anything from it.
This Contest is no exception. There are at least 5 Theme Decorations that can be purchased from the Buddy Share Box.
Activity Tokens
The Activity Tokens are being offered simultaneously in different activities now, unlike previous Activity Tokens. You can find them by completing the highlighted Order on the Daily Order Board. Completing that order will give you 15 Activity Tokens. If you refresh, you will be able to net 15 more.
You must fish with the Halloween Hook to receive them when fishing. The Halloween Hook is a temporary Hook that can be found in the regular Hook Menu. It takes 125 Bait to use.
Halloween Hook
There is a notice to the effect that, if you fish using the Halloween Hook, you will have a chance to gain Activity Tokens as well as materials for the Halloween Stage. When you use the Halloween Hook, you will catch special Halloween Fish. A couple of these were used in Recipes in the Kitchen back in the day... will have to confirm if those Recipes have reappeared. In any case, you may receive a special Fishing Bag with the Fish you catch.
I received 3 Activity Tokens and a Blueberry Candy in the one I obtained. As I have a completed Halloween Stage from the past, I probably cannot receive any materials for that Baae now, nor would I wish to do so!
The fish you can catch are:
Humpback Anglerfish
Ghost Jellyfish
Vampire Clam
Skeleton Fish
Skull Anchor (not really a fish)
You will find all of them in the last section of your Fish Book.
If the Jack-O-Lantern Machine is offered in the Market again, you can obtain materials for it in the Yellow Mystrons Shop (one material per day) or by using the Halloween Hook. When
Farm Character Votes
The fundamental rules of these Beauty Contests remain the same. The difference now for this new Contest is in the substitution of Landscape Points for Charm Points as one of the farm aspects that draw votes from three out of the four Farm Characters.
You now have the following from the Farm Characters:
Theme: Maximum Votes 24/24
Theme Items are given in the red book that you will find in the Main Farm Beauty Contest Menu. Not all Theme items have the same value. Very often a new Decoration will be worth 3 Votes where an old one will be worth only 1. I will list all Theme items below with their values.
Expansion: Maximum 16/16
You do NOT need the largest expansion to obtain the maximum points.
Landscape Points: Maximum: 24/24
Description: Beautiful Paths with high Landscape Points
Note here that a total of 3000 Landscape Points will give you the maximum Votes here.
Animals: Maximum 16/16
High Level Farms: Maximum: 16/16
Note that Level 101 gives you 11 points.
Expansion: Maximum: 24/24
Theme: Maximum: 24/24
Machines: Maximum: 16/16
Theme: Maximum: 24/24
Crops: Maximum: 16/16
N.B. Variety here is the key.
Landscape Points: Maximum: 24/24
Gallery Registration: Maximum: 16/16
High Level: Maximum is 16/16
Gallery Registration: MAximum is 16/16
Landscape Points: Maximum is 24/24
Trees: Maximum: 16/16
Variety is the key.
List of Theme Items
Theme Items for this Contest include two Premium Trees, 1 Animal (Bat House) and many Decorations.
Theme Trees:
Spooky Tree
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Found in Market or Mystrons Shops randomly
Costs 8 RC in Tree section of Market
Guarana Bush
1 Vote from 3 Chqqracters
Avialalbe in Market and Mystrons Shops
Costs 6 RC in Tree section of Market
Theme Animals
Bat House
1 Vote from 3 Chracters
Temporarily available in Market for 18 RC
Theme Machines
Jack-O-Lantern Machine
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Evidently will be available in Shop in uninished form
The Jack-O-Lantern Machine, introduced two years ago, brought back last year briefly and, in the Theme Decoration list, apparently to be brought back once more, is listed as a Theme Decoration. If it becomes available again, you will buy it in unfinished condition and either fish for materials to complete it or purchase them in a Mystron Shop.
Theme Decorations
Pumpkin Fountain
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Can be found randomly in Yellow Mystrons Shop or in Buddy Share Box
Price is 12 RC in Buddy Share Box
Bunny Reaper
2 Votes from 3 Characters
Can be found only in special sale offer currently
Halloween Fence
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Can be found in Activity Tokens Shop for 60 Activity Tokens or randomly in other Mystery Mystrons Shops
Pumpkin Light
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Can be foundin Buddy Share Boxes
Price is 12 RC in Buddy Share Box
Flower Torch
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Can be found randomly in Yellow Mystrons Shop
Skeleton Rockstar Diva
3 Votes from 3 Characters
Can be found in special offer now but from the past
Oak Tree with Owl
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Not yet available, will be special offer
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Buy in Market for Coins
Funny Scarecrow
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Not available currently, was April Fool Mission reward a couple of years ago
Pumpkin Cat
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Given as Farm Beauty Contest Reward
White Ghost
3 Votes from 3 Characters
Not yet available, will be a special offer
Witch Legs
1 Vote from 3 Chqracters
Available now in special offer but from past
Pumpkin Tombstone
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Available now in Activity Token Shop for 480 Activity Tokens and Buddy Share Boxes
Price is 15 RC in a Buddy Share Box
Stereo Coffin
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Available as special offer but from past
Straw Witch
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Sometimes available randomly in Blue Mystrons Shop for 300 Blue Mystrons
Runnibg Mummy
1 Vote from 3 Characters
From the past
Halloween Stage
3 Votes from 3 Characters
Available now in Market in unfinished form
Skeleton Rockstar Frontman
2 Votes from 3 Characters
Special Offer but from past
Vampire Scarecrow
1 Vote from 3 Characters
From past but appears in Buddy Share Boxes
Price is 12 RC in Buddy Share Box
Ghost Broom
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Last year's Farm Beauty Contest Reward
Pumpkin Tower
1 Vote from 3 Characters
Available in Buddy Share Box
Price is 10 RC in Buddy Share Box
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