
28 October 2016

New Game Update offers one more Expansion, Jam Upgrader and more

There is yet another update to Family Farm Seaside now.  In some instances, players will find their games updated automatically but in most cases, you may have to go to your app store to download and install it... at least for the first day or so.  It probably will be automatic after that.
For many players, the most welcome aspect of the update is the ability to expand your farm one more time.

31 by 31 Farm Expansion

The last farm expansion has the following requirements:

To purchase the 31 by 31 expansion, you need:

Increase Landscape Points to 2000 Points

Save and use 4000000 Coins to buy the expansion
  (Whatever coins you have will count towards this requirement and if you wish to purchase rather than earn, you must exchange your RC for TC in order to do it)

Produce 500 Red Eggs to buy expansion
  (Red Eggs are produced via a Gadget for the Chicken Coop.  You can opt out of this by paying 35 RC instantly or you can buy Red Eggs in the Flea Market when offered if you have not increased your Chicken Coop upgrader to the Level required to use it.  Your Chicken Coop upgrader must be at Level 3 to be able to place the Red Egg Gadget on it.  The Red Egg Gadget is purchased in the Blue Mystron Mystery Shop for 300 Blue Mystrons.)

Jam Machine Upgrader

Another addition is the Jam Machine Upgrader.

All Upgraders are found in the Market in a tab marked upgrader.  The Jam Machine Upgrader is found in the Machine department and costs 3000 Coins.  Place it on your farm and then place your Jam Machine on it using the Jigsaw puzzle icon in the Move Tools Menu.  You then must satisfy the requirements to upgrade the Upgrader.

Upgraders are limited in their use.  You cannot use Batch Production on a Machine or Animal when it is placed on an Upgrader.  Extra Product Gadgets do not work with Goldfinger.  You can use OP to speed individual production by paying 10 OP for each but I always considered that a bit wasteful myself.

To upgrade it to Level 1:

Produce 100 Jam

20000 Coins

3 Cement Barrels
  Cement Barrels cost 1 RC each or can be obtained in the Blue Mystrons Mystery Shop for 5 Blue Mystrons each.  You only will be able tp purchase 1 per day.

To upgrade Jam Machine Upgrader to Level 2:

Produce 250 Products
32000 Coins
10 Cement Barrels (Pay 1 RC each or buy in Blue Mystrons Shop for 5 Blue Mystrons each)
30 Tool Kits
  Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)

To upgrade it to Level 4:

1000 Jam

128,000 Coins

50 Cement Barrels
  Pay 1 RC for each or purchase in Blue Mystrons Shop for 5 Blue Mystrons each.  You only will be able to purchase one per day.

150 Tool Kits

Gadgets for Jam Machine

Gadgets for any Upgrader can be purchased even before they can be used, but to place them, you will have to have upgraded your Upgrader to the appropriate Level.  The Gadgets for the new Jam Upgrader are:

Super Jam Container
  Level 2 Gadget
  Add and Collect 2 more products
  Cost: 35 RC

Extra Jam Gadget
  Level 5 Gadget
  Get an additional product by chance
  Cost: 25 RC

Jam Container
  Level 2 Gadget
  Add and Collect one more product
  Cost: 150 Red Mystrons

Cinnamon Jam Gadget
  Level 3 Gadget
  You can produce Cinnamon Jam
  500 Red Mystrons

Love Fruit Jam Gadget
  Level 3 Gadget
  300 Blue Mystrons

Jello Pudding Gadget
  Level 5 Gadget
  300 Blue Mystrons

Jam Machine Upgrader Themes

You can purchase Themes for your Upgraders.  Themes change the appearance of the Upgrader but again, you need to have the Upgrader at the appropriate Level.

Orange Theme
  Level 4 Gadget
  150 Purple Mystrons

Gallery Registration of Gadgets and Themes

Note that all Gadgets and Theme items can be registered in your Gallery and each has a specific Charm Point value, although Charm Points are no longer that important in Seaside.

Buddy Levels

This may have occurred earlier than this update but as I did not acquire any new Buddies for awhile, I was unaware of it.  Now you can reach Level 1 with a new Buddy with only 50 Buddy Points instead of 100.


Pets now can be fed while they are bargaining with Guests... what this means is that you can have auto-bargain now without worrying about the Pet losing all Stamina as long as you go into the game occasionally to replenish any energy needed by your Pets.

Spooky Landscape

Yes, they added a spooky Landscape to the outer borders of your farm, in the areas you cannot change.  You can go into your Settings and turn this on and off.  I am a little disappointed actually as in previous years, they actually added a spooky decoration to specific farm items including the Dutch Mill and the Milky White Fence.  This has not been done this year, but the farm expansion is more important really!

Farm Aids from Felicia

Another Gift of some farm aids and RC from Felicia.  Find it in your Messages where you find Messages about your Buddies.

3rd Cooking Contest Round

Nothing to do with the actual update but the 3rd Round of the current Cooking Contest includes a Stove House Recipe in the form of the Autumn Beef Roast Recipe.  This Recipe was given as a Reward in a time-restricted Quest recently.  If you did not receive it, you can purchase it in the Market in the Stove House Recipes department for 9 RC.  Thankfully, it is a quick dish, taking less than a minute to complete and not complicated like some.

Landscape Point totals and Farm Beauty Contest

You will find that your Charm Point total now has disappeared from your icon in the Neighbours Tab for votes and has been replaced by Landscape Points.  I believe that you may have to take a new photograph for the Farm Beauty Contest in order to update the total from zero on that icon, although your actual Landscape Point total should continue to count towards Character Votes even without a new Photograph.

Another change is in the number of Votes that you can apply to a Neighbour's farm.  We are not certain how this is computed, but many farms now are given 6 Votes instead of 3.  Others have only 1 additional Vote... It is NOT Level that determines this.  I initially thought it was Landscape Point total but must ask other players with less than 6 Votes to give me their Landscape Point totals and the number of Votes that they now are given.

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