
05 August 2016

Gymnast Statue Collections Mission

N.B.  There is a peculiar little glitch in the Market with respect to the Gymnast Statue.  If you have not purchased and placed the Stove House on your farm, you will be unable to find the Gymnast Statue n the Market.  You will see a Specials Tab below the Decorations tab but it will contain only the Happy Summer Smoothie Recipe.  You have to purchase and place the Stove House.  Immediately after, you will see that there now is a Stove Recipe tab and beneath that, a Special tab that contains the Gymnast Statue for 500 Coins.

Thursday, 11 August:  At this point, most players will have found that the statue has expired.  Unlike the Collections items in old missions of this type, you will be able to keep and store your Gymnast Statue at ANY level of upgrade, and even if you have not upgraded it at all.  It no longer will be active, however.  Any leftover Ribbons will have been converted automatically to OP at the time of expiration.

Veteran players will recall the old Collections Missions that featured a 'temporary' item that you placed on your farm and then upgraded to Level 5 in order to make it permanent. This Gymanst Statue is different in that respect.  Even if you do not upgrade it at all, it will be a permanent item once it expires and you will be able to store it in your Warehouse.   By tapping on the item, you could access the list of prizes that could be obtained through collecting the special item from Crops, Trees, Animals and Machines.  Each had a different price and there always was a final Reward.

The current Collections Mission that follows this old pattern allows you to collect Ribbons.  First, go to the Specials Tab at the bottom of your ordinary Market menu and purchase the Gymnast Statue for 500 Coins.  Place it on your farm and tap on it.

You will see a menu that shows the five prizes you can obtain by redeeming your Ribbions with a price for each and the number of each that you can redeem.  The final Reward is shown on the far right in the form of the Ball Basket Decoration.  You can redeem this final prize only if you have obtained one of each of the other four.  The price of redeeming the Ball Basket is 350 Ribbons.

At the start, the prices for the four ordinary prizes are:

Shining Star: 1 Ribbon each or 1 RC each
Blossom Beehive: 250 Ribbons or 18 RC
Thunderstorm: 10 Ribbons or 18 RC
Super Fertiliser (x6) 1 Ribbon or 1 RC

Note that, as you redeem individual prizes, the price in Ribbons will increase, with the exception of the Shining Star prizre which will remain at 1 Ribbon each.  In the case of the Super Fertiliser, for example, the price will double for the most part each time you redeem one.  The Blossom Beehive price will increase from 250 Ribbons to 270 Ribbons for the second one.

Once you have redeemed at least 1 Shining Star, 1 Thunderstorm, 1 Blossom Beehive and 1 Super Fertiliser (x6), you will be able to redeem the final prize in the form of the Ball Basket for 350 Ribbons.

As you will see, you can obtain different quantities of each of the ordinary prizes.  The Shining Star in this case is one of the items needed to upgrade your Gymnast Statue.  You access the upgrade Menu by tapping on the bar at the bottom that states: Improve your Luck.  For the first upgrade, you will need 15 Stadium Seats and 2 Shining Stars.  You can Request the Stadium Seats from your Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each.  You can pay 1 RC for the Shining Stars or redeem them from the Menu.

Each upgrade Level will have different requirements.  It is not necessary to upgrade the Gymnast Statue in order to obtain the final prize but higher levels will allow you to obtain more Ribbons with each harvest and upgrading to the final Level should transform the Statue into a permanent item rather than one that will vanish after five days.

Note that the final Reward is a Ball Basket Decoration that is listed as a Theme Decoration in the current Farm Beauty Contest

It is only at full upgrade at Level 5 that you will receive 2 Ribbons instead of 1 Ribbon when you harvest and it still will be a random result.

Level Upgrade prices are:

To upgrade to Level1:

15 Stadium Seats (1 RC or request)
2 Shining Stars (Use Ribbons or 1 RC each)

To upgrade to Level 2:

15 Stadium Seats (1 RC each or Request)
2 Shining Stars (Use Ribbons or 1 RC each)

To upgrade to Level 3:

25 Stadium Seats (1 RC each or Request)
8 Shining Stars (1 RC each or use Ribbons)

To upgrade to Level 4:

25 Stadium Seats (1 RC each or Request)
8 Shining Stars (1 RC each or use Ribbons)

To upgrade to Level 5:

30 Stadium Seats (1 RC each or Request)
5 Shining Stars (1 RC each or use Ribbons)
1 Big Screen (cost is 5 RC)

This is the final upgrade.  You now will receive 2 Ribbons instead of 1 whenever you harvest randomly.  Although the timer still will be displayed, in the past, these 'Collections Decorations' such as the Gymnast Statue can be stored and placed only if fully upgraded.

Remember that, at ANY Level of upgrade, the collection of Ribbons always is random.  I am not certain I ever have noticed much of a difference in their occurrence at ANY upgrade level.  It is the final Upgrade to Level 5 that simply allows you to collect DOUBLE when they randomly appear.

I personally have found that harvest of Trees produces more than the harvest of Crops.  It IS random, however.  Note that, as with the Farm Beauty Contest, special Missions with their own Collection Missions and so on, the Island does not factor into this.   It is only on the original Seaside Farm that you can obtain the Ribbons.

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