
21 March 2016

The Coffee House, Easter Picnic Base and Festival Mystrons

Recently, a new update included new buildings in the form of the Research Laboratory, the Coffee House and the Stove House.  The writing is on the wall... Family Farm Seasides is in danger of becoming a clone of the Zynga mobile games such as FarmVille 2: Country Escape and Castleville.  I personally deprecate the trend.  I do not play ANY Zynga games now.  They became too frantic and tiresome for me.  I loved Family Farm Seaside because it was a FARMING game, pure and simple.  Yes, there were machines and then the Kitchen, but primarily, the game relied upon Quests with storylines, farming and animal husbandry.

Now with the Research Laboratory, the Upgraders, the Coffee House and the Stove House, players are being asked to invest an entire REAL life in the game, performing tasks that amount to busy work as well as tasks that ultimately are geared towards expenditure of RC, which is premium cash.

That having been said, I now will explain how the Easter Picnic Base, the Coffee House and the Festival Mystrons are linked.

The Easter Base

The newest seasonal Base in the Easter Base.  You can buy it in the Market for 3000 Coins if you are at Level 23 or higher.  When completed, it will have a Charm Point value of 24.  The building of this base is different from previous seasonal bases in that ALL materials must be purchased with Festival Mystrons.

I have listed all the items that can be stacked on every single base at the end of this post.  Now, however, you really do not need my list as whenever you use the Move Tool on a  Base, you will see a new option to use a Magnifying Glass.  Tap on that and you will see a list of all the items that can be stacked on that base, their positions and if you select any item, a preview of how it will appear on the base!

Each week, there are different activities that give the Festival Mystrons... which brings me to the Coffee House

The Coffee House

The Coffee House is a sort of clearinghouse for every possible activity or task in Family Farm Seaside.  When you first purchase it, you will have two Character that each give four 'Orders' daily.  They differ from the Daily Order Board in two ways.  First of all, the Orders cannot be changed or 'refreshed'.  You either do them or pay RC to complete them.  Second, where the Daily Order Board consists of orders for Crops, Animal Products, Machine Products, Cooked Dishes and Beauty Shop Products, the Coffee House can ask for these OR generate almost every task found in Missions.  For example, it can ask you to plant and harvest x amount of Crops, to produce X amount of product from any Animal or Machine, to request specific Items from Neighbours, to visit X number of Neighbours or to perform a mini-Collections Mission that is specific only to your Farm.    It can be quite onerous, especially to lower level farmers who barely can complete their Daily Order Boards.  Nonetheless, it is here that you obtain the greatest number of Festival Mystrons this week.

The Coffee House costs 1000 Coins and will be complete when purchased.  Once purchased and placed, it cannot be sold.  It can be placed either on your Farm or on a Building Plot.  At the start, you will have two Characters with 4 Orders each day.   One looks like Grandma and the other resembles Felicia. 

Each Order has a little reward in the form of coins and pink Smileys.   You must obtain a total of 35 of these little pink Smileys in order to be able to obtain a REAL Smiley.  It is the real Smileys that unlock other Characters as well as new Stove House Recipes. 

Completing Grandma's 4 Orders gives you 2 Blue Mystrons, 30 Festival Mystrons and 20 Lucky Tokens.  Completing the young girl's 4 Orders (Felicia?) gives you 2 Blue Mystrons and 30 Festival Mystrons.  You unlock more Characters by obtaining

Filling a Product Order:

This is no different from an Order on the Daily Order Board.  You will be given an Order for x amount of an item, whether a Crop, Animal Product, Machine Product, Cooked Dish or Beauty Shop Product.

Farming Order

For this one, you actually need to plant and harvest x amount of the Crop required.   Unlike the Product Order, you cannot use items from your Barn.

Neighbour Visits

It appears that neighbour Visits that were performed prior to viewing the Order will count.  You need to complete the total required to obtain the Reward.  I have not seen any requirement to fertilise or harvest or perform any specific activity on the Neighbour's farm so far.

Neighbour Request Items

These can be new items or items from previous quests.  On Harvest Moon FDC, having played for almost four years now and never traded anything, I find that I often have the items that are required to complete the Order without having to request any items from my Neighbours again.

Mini-Collection Quest

These usually consist of a requirement to collect two different items from two different Crops or Trees or Animals or a combination of these.  You have to harvest the Crops to randomly receive the items needed as in any ordinary Collections Mission.  It is slightly annoying as you will not receive an item each time the harvest is made.

The other methods by which you obtain Festival Mystrons are by placing a Buddy Easter Egg and having your Buddy's build it, by tending your Buddies' Easter Eggs, by completing the Daily Quest path and opening all the Treasure Chests and by participating in the current Farm Beauty Contest.  You will receive a couple of Festival Mystrons when you obtain the Treasure Chest reward for having voted and each step on the Reward Path gives Festival Mystrons as well.  The Farm Beauty Contest Rewards begin with 5 Festival Mystrons but as you move up, you will receive 10 and then 15 for each Reward point you reach.

International Eggs

The Festival Mystrons can be traded in a special seasonal Festival Mystrons Shop found in the Mystery Shops menu.  Each material for the Easter Picnic Base requires 60 Festival Mystrons.  The International Eggs are found randomly in this Shop as well for 300 Festival Mystrons each.

Initially, you only could purchase the International Eggs with Festival Mystrons but now they are found randomly on the Lucky Wheel and thus in Buddy Share Boxes where each can be purchased for 5 RC.

If you intend to complete your Easter Picnic Base, you may wish to use all of your Festival Mystrons on Materials and if you have a desire for a specific Egg, try to spin the Lucky Wheel for it or look in a Buddy Share Box.  You need to be at Level 2 with your Buddy to be able to access his/her Share Box and this can be done only if you visit the Neighbour/Buddy from your Mainland (Original) Farm.  If you travel to it from the Island, you will be unable to gain access to the Share Box.

The International Eggs now have been added to the Gallery so register them if you have them.  A 'great Gallery' is one of the Voting values in the Farm Beauty Contest for two of the Characters.  The Eggs will count for less than a Decoration like the Boy Cupid, but it still is worth doing.  It is your Gallery Level probably that determines the number of Votes you will receive for it.

Stackable Decorations for the Easter Picnic Base

Stackable Decorations for your completed Easter Picnic Base include the following:  Bunny in Basket, Chicken in Egg, Easter Backdrop, Tree Arch, Flower Pot Bunny, all International Eggs, Bouquet Bunny, Egged in Bunny, Easter Lamp, Wind Chimes, Ranch Bell and I daresay the Garden Torch.


Decorations for Bases

A member of my Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Group on Facebook asked for a list of items that can be placed on the various bases so I am adding a section here for that information.

Generally speaking, with the exception of the Bird Home Bases that are interchangeable, Decorations generally are Base-specific.  In other words, if a Decoration goes on one Base, you will be unable to place it on any other Base.

There are a couple of exceptions to this, however, in the form of the Snowman and Snow Man that can be placed both on the Snow Base and the Ice Base.

So far, the only Bases that are available on a permanent basis in the Market are the Bird Bases.  The Bird Bases are linked to the Time Machine in the Gallery wherein the completion of two-part Missions will give a Decoration as a Reward.  These Decorations can be placed on the Bird Base.  So far, there are only 8 Missions and thus 8 Decorations.  You can place them on one or two Bird Bases, however.  A Base has a limit of four Decorations.

The Bird Base Decorations are not cleanable, but the Bird Base itself will give a Blue Box when cleaned.  All other Bases so far have been seasonal in nature.

The current Animations that occur when you place specific Decorations together on a Bird Base all are linked to the Farm Bird House.  The Farm Bird House when placed with the Hamster Friend allows another Hamster to exit the house to eat from the food dish while the first Hamster runs on his Wheel.  When the Farm Bird House is placed with the Bird Seesaw, a second little yellow bird will exit the house to leap onto the seesaw to play with the first.  When the Farm Bird House is placed with the Bird Pool, the Mini Water Pump and the Bird Ball Pool on the base, the Blue Bird will float on a ball in the Bird Pool, drink from the water in the Mini Water Pump, fly up to use the pump to add more water, then fall asleep to fall off the base to land in the Bird Ball Pool with flying feathers all round.

Lovely Planter Box Base

As of 22 February, the following can be placed on the Lovely Planter Box Base.    No doubt others will be added, but at present, these are:

Lovely Mister Cat Decoration, Lovely Lady Cat Decoration, Lovely Heart and Lovely Balloons.  The Lovely Balloons is the Reward for the current Farm Beauty Contest.  I expect that the reward for February, the Lovely Boxwood will be stackable on this base in the position of the Lovely Balloons for players who failed to obtain that Reward.

The alternatives at present are the Boy Grass Hair Deer and Girl Grass Hair Deer.  They can be placed in the positions of the Lovely Mister Cat and the Lovely Lady Cat.  Other alternatives are the Blue Ducky and the Red Ducky who respectively take the place of the Lovely Lady Cat and Lovely Mister Cat as well.  The Mum cannot go on this base at all.

Halloween Base

The Halloween Base was the first of the seasonal Bases.  It no longer can be purchased in the Market and all activities that gave Materials have expired.  You can complete the Base if you have it by purchasing the materials you lack using RC.

The following can be placed on the Halloween Stage (Base):  Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, Skeleton Rockstar Diva, Stereo Coffin, Pumpkin Tower and the Ghost Broom.  As always, there is a limit of four items that can be placed.  The Pumpkin Tower and the Ghost Broom occupy the same position on the Stage, so you have to choose between them.  The Pumpkin Light, Wind Chimes, Witch Legs and the Shovel now can be placed on this Base as well.  The Flower Pot now can be placed on the Hallowe'en Stage in the position of the Pumpkin Tower et al.

As of February, two Decorations have been made stackable for this particular base in the form of the Flower Stand and the Mystic Rose.

Thanksgiving Base

The Thanksgiving Base incorporated more choices from Decorations available in the Market.  These included the Woodpile and the Mushrooms and the Hay.  Other items that can be placed on the Base are the Thanksgiving Turkey, the Colourful Tent, the Indian Hat, the Harvest Hat and the Hedgehog.  The Woodpile occupies the same position as the Indian Hat and Harvest Hat and the Mushrooms occupy the same position as the Hedgehog as does the Lacquer Horn and the Cornucopia.  The Haystack can go in the position of the Indian Hat.

Once again, although one no longer can purchase the Thanksgiving Base in the Market, farmers who were unable to complete the activities associated with the materials can purchase any remaining materials needed for RC.

Snow Base (Christmas)

The following should be able to go on the Snow Base:  Tree Reindeer, ALL Snowmen including Snowman, Snow Man, Snow Magician, Bunny Snow Girl, ALL Snow Globes including Snow Globe and Christmas Crystal Ball, Small Snowflake Fence and the Snow Tree Arch . Other arches that initially could not be placed now can, including Tree Arch, Autumn Arch, Welcome Arch, Balloon Door and Welcome Sign, Christmas Wreath Fence and Candle Stand.  All of these now can be placed.  Note that the default position for the Tree Arch will not allow it to be placed on the base.  You must turn it first and then the jigsaw icon will be available to allow placement.

There is a new Decoration that players will receive after 5 Ice Cream Friendship Flowers have been crossbred.  It is the Ice Queen, with a Charm value of 7.  It is a stackable and cleanable Decoration and can be placed on the Snow Base in the position of the Bunny Snow Girl.

Ice Base:

Bobo Fishing on Ice, Fish Ice Pond, Snowy Owl, Bobo's Backpack, Ski Penguin, Ice Swan, Ice Cat, Ice Dolphin.  The Ski Penguin can be substituted for Bobo and the Ice Swan, Ice Cat and Ice Dolphin substituted for the Snowy Owl..  Bobo's Fish BBQ now can go on the Base in the position of the Fish Ice Pond.  Thus, he can first catch the fish and then grill it. Bobo Bear's Guitar can go in place of Bobo Bear's Backpack as can his original Backpack.

Research Laboratory

I have not had time or energy to work through this one to any advanced state yet, but members of my Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Group are helping with the advanced techs.

Warning:  You can have a total of 600 Farmium initially.  If you earn more Farmium without using the 600 Farmium, it will be wasted.  The total does not increase.  It therefore is necessary to use your Farmium if you want the Farmium you earn by opening Daily Quest Chests to be given to you.

For a start, you have to USE the first option, which is to have Bees gather honey from a beehive again and again before you can unlock any other options.  Note here that only a REGULAR Beehive will be able to be used.  Any of the special Beehives, even if they gather Clover for Honey like the ordinary one, will not be recognised.

The first level is Basic Research.  It uses 50 Farmium each time.  Tap on the Bee to use 50 Farmium to obtain 5 Honey.  The Active Tech is called 'Flight of the Bumblebee'.  You need to use it to reach 120 points to go to Level 2.  You can upgrade your 'Flight of the Bumblebee'  after five uses and 12 Honey, but that will not change the Active Tech.  It only will allow you to collect 7 Honey immediately instead of 5.

Upgrading Flight of the Bumblebee

As previously indicated, you can upgrade the techs, but that does not unlock new techs.  It simply makes the existing tech more effective.

Upgrading the Flight of the Bumblebee to Level 2 requires 5 Uses and 12 Honey.  It allows you to collect 7 Honey immediately.

Upgrading to Level 3 requires 20 uses of Flight of the Bumblebee, 30 Honey and 20 Clover.

Upgrading to Level 4 requires 85 uses of Flight of the Bumblebee, 80 Honey and 12 Cheese Salads.

When you have gained 120 points with 'Flight of the Bumblebee', your Laboratory will reach Level 2, unlocking 'Gold Finger'.

Now you can change the Research Topic to use either Flight of the Bumblebee as before or Gold Finger.

At the start using Gold Finger, you can immediately collect 3 products either from a Holstein Cow or from a Cheese Master.

A little mini-quest must be completed before it becomes usable as follows:

Reach Level 13

Produce 10 glasses o Apple Juice
  Skip for 10 RC

Harvest 30 Lavender
  Skip for 15 RC

Grandpa:  You learned a new skill!  Gold Finger can help you save a lot of time!

Reward: 300 Coins, 50 XP

Upgrading Gold Finger

At Level 1, you can collect 3 products only from a Holstein Cow or a Cheese Master.  Note that this is possible with the Upgrader as well.

It is at Level 2 that more options are unlocked, allowing you to collect 3 Products instantly from the Angora Rabbit, the Dutch Mill and the Chicken Coop as well as the original Holstein Cow and Cheese Master.

To upgrade to Level 2, you need the following:

12 Uses of Gold Finger
15 Apple Milkshakes

Use of Gold Finger requires only 20 Farmium as opposed to the 50 Farmium required to use the initial Flight of the Bumblebee Tech.

To take your Research Laboratory from Level 2 to Level 3, you need to earn a total of 300 points.  When you reach Level 2, the top left corner will show that you have achieved 120/300.  Note that you can do nothing without Farmium.

Use of the Level 1 Gold Finger Tech gives you 2 Points towards the total of 300 needed to upgrade the Laboratory to Level 3.


First level: The tool is 'Tree Zapper'. You can select a ripe coin tree (no RC trees) and 'zap' it to get 2 extra fruits (3 total) and 100% of the price to buy a new tree. The tree then disappears entirely. There is a little viewfinder to select the tree -  This uses 100 farmium.

Farmium Recharge

This is a Passive Tech.

Farmium now recharges 1 Point every 24 minutes.

Requirements to unlock:

Reach Level 16
Use 'Flight of the Bumblebee' 10 times
Use Gold Finger 20 times 

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