
09 March 2016

Decorations 101 or Everything you Need to Know about Decorations

Last updated on 4 July 2018 with new decorations for Farm Stadium Base.  Updated on 30 June with Sea Base and all stackable Decorations for it.

Note about old Bases in Market:  Recently, old Bases have been added to the Market on a temporary basis in specific seasons.  For example, in April, you can find both the Easter Picnic Base and the Springtime Base in the Decorations section of the Market.  The Easter Picnic Base can be purchased for 3000 Coins but will be unfinished.  I believe the cost of completing it from the base itself by purchasing all materials for 1 RC each is 34 RC.  You can find a special deal in the Daily Deals section of the Market in the form of an Easter Picnic Base Materials Bag for 20 RC.  That Bag contains ALL Materials to complete the Base.  The Springtime Base is available in the Decorations section of the Market for 20 RC but when purchased is complete.  It is rather odd that they do not sell both Bases in completed form for 20 RC each but that is how they organised the sale.  You can own a total of 3 Easter Picnic Bases and 2 Springtime Bases.  Do remember that these are seasonal items and will be replaced in the Market with other seasonal Bases.

The only permanent Base in the Decorations section of the Market is the Bird Home Base.  This Base when purchased is complete and you can own two but the price of the second is greater than the price of the first.

Introduction to Bases

Even farmers who have been playing for awhile appear to have problems with the classification of Decorations in Seaside, which is what has prompted me to write this post.

First of all, there are a number of different ways to acquire a Decoration.  One is by purchasing it in the regular Market or in one of the Mystery Shops.  Another is by purchasing the Decoration through a special sale offer.  Finally, one can earn or win a Decoration either by completing a time-restricted Mission or a Cooking Stand Contest or as a Farm Beauty Contest Reward.   The Lucky Wheel and Buddy Share Boxes now usually offer old Decorations linked to past Missions.  Decorations that are obtained through completion of a time-restricted Mission give Purple Gift Boxes as are those that are added temporarily to the Lucky Wheel.  Those that are given through completion of the appropriate 'Bingo' row in the Cooking Stand Contest give Blue Gift Boxes.  Those that are linked to the Farm Beauty Contests give Gold Gift Boxes.

Note here that you can purchase Decorations sometimes through the Gallery Menu now.  Go to the Decorations tab and search for the Decoration you need.  If available, you will be given the opportunity to purchase it using the currency needed, whether it is Coins, RC, Green Mystrons, Yellow Mystrons or Blue Mystrons.  The Decoration section of the Gallery now will display other information about the Decorations, whether cleanable or not and what colour of Gift Box you will receive if it is a cleanable Decoration as well as if it is stackable on any Base.  Other information displayed with the icon of each Decoration is the value in terms of Landscape Points (formerly Charm Value).

Above, I am including three different Decorations from the Gallery.  The first is the Autumn Arch, giving a Purple Gift Box when cleaned, worth 2 Landscape Points when placed within the sphere of any path and stackable.  The second is the Carousel, an Island Decoration giving an Island Purple Gift Box when cleaned.  It has no Landscape Point value as Island Decorations do not have this.  Remember always that there is only one Gallery and that all Island Items must be registered in this Gallery.  It may be useful to see that you can purchase many of the old Island Decorations from the Gallery using 300 Blue Mystrons.  The final Decoration shown is the Yacht, worth 6 Landscape Points and costing 100 Yellow Mystrons.  It is not cleanable.

Another category of Decoration is the Base.  The ways in which a new Base is obtained can vary.  Sometimes the unfinished Base will be given by Felicia in a Message.  Often, however, you can purchase the Base in the Market for Coins and then build it with various Materials.

In the past year, old Bases have been released seasonally and included as Theme items in the Farm Beauty Contests.  Sometimes the Base itself is sold in finished form, and it then will have an RC price attached to it.  Sometimes it will be sold for 2000 Coins unfinished.  If you have a completed Base of the same type, you usually can purchase two more for a total of 3, but you will have to purchase a special materials Bag using RC (20 RC) usually in the Market to complete the Base.  If, however, you do not own a completed base of the same type, you should be able to purchase the materials needed using the various Mystrons in the Mystery Market departments.  You only can make one purchase per day, however, of any Material sold in the Mystrons Markets.

A completed Base, with one exception, gives Blue Gift Boxes.  There are the two Bird Home Bases that are purchased with RC in the Market and will be complete when purchased.  Most of these Bases give Blue Cleaning Boxes as well.

Last year, a new classification in the form of the Island Blue Box decoration was released.  The only Decoration you actually can purchase that will yield an Island Blue Box Decoration is the Bird Family Decoration.  This is the only Island Blue Box Decoration available to ALL farmers.

So you see, the manner in which you obtain a Decoration can determine the type of Gift Box that is received when it is cleaned.

There is a final type of 'Base' called an Upgrader.  I have written about it elsewhere.  It is used for Animals and Machines and can be stacked with various Gadgets that change the production of the Animal or Machine in question.

This brings me to the classifications of Cleanable and non-Cleanable Decorations.  Although most Decorations can be cleaned, there are some that cannot be cleaned.  Most will give a Gift Box of a specific colour when cleaned, but there are others that give only Coins.  A comprehensive List of ALL cleanable Decorations with their Rewards is given in the following post:

All Cleanable Decorations and their Rewards

There is another division between Decorations for the original Seaside Farm and Decorations for the Island Farm.  They are not interchangable by any means.  A Decoration is linked to a specific Farm always.  Most Island Decorations are cleanable but they give their own special Island Gift Boxes.  I will discuss this separately.

There are three other primary aspects to any Decoration now apart from any Reward it delivers when cleanaed or its inability to be cleaned: its footprint, its Charm Point value and whether or not it is stackable.  Footprint basically is size.  Every item in FFS has a specific footprint.

The 'stackable' concept is recent in FFS.  Stackable Decorations can be placed on Bases but every stackable Decoration is base-specific.  In other words, you cannot place any stackable Decoration on any Base.  You have to have the RIGHT base for it in order to be able to stack it.  Being able to stack Decorations on Bases saves space but when you store the items, the stacked Base falls apart and every item takes a space of its own in the Warehouse.  Thus, you save space only when the items are placed on the Farm and not when they are stored!

As mentioned previously, there is one other type of item that is classified as a Decoration and that is the Upgrader and the Gadgets for the Upgraders.  Technically, even if associated with an Animal or Machine, these are Decorations and go into the Decorations section of your Warehouse when stored.  They have Charm Point values as well.  Only Decorations have Charm Point values.

The Charm Point value, now transformed into the Landscape Point value designated by a green musical note,  are associated with the Farm Beauty Contest.   Decorations originally were given specific Charm Point values.  Now this value only is significant when the Decoration is placed within the sphere of a path.

There is a temporary value that can be given to Decorations and other Items that is linked to the Farm Beauty Contests as well and this is 'Theme'.  Theme is specific to the current Beauty Contest and you will be able to find a list of all Theme Items by tapping on the little book in the Farm Beauty Contest Menu.

Theme Decorations are given a specific number of Votes on a daily basis by one or more of the four Characters when they are placed on the farm during a Farm Beauty Contest.  The Theme Vote value has nothing whatsoever to do with the Charm Point Value of the Decoration and indeed, Theme Vote Values can be given to Animals, Trees and Machines as well as Decorations.  Once the Farm Beauty Contest ends, the Item no longer will have any Theme value.

How can you determine whether or not a Decoration is cleanable?  This is very simple actually.  Any cleanable Decoration has the icon of a cleaning brush to the left of it in the Market.  The Charm Value is given as a number inside a red flower to the right of the picture of the item.  If it is stackable, you will see jigsaw puzzle pieces shaped like a house on the right above the Charm Value.  Every Decoration in the Market does have a Charm Point Value but there are a number of old Decorations that have no Charm Value at all.

As a matter of fact, the Gallery now includes very useful information about all Decorations.  It will give the price and place where the item can be purchased directly, if this is possible, as well as the colour of the Gift Box the item will yield when cleaned AND if the Decoration is stackable.

The Decorations without Charm Point Values actually are not classified as Decorations for the purpose of storage.  They only can be found in the general area of the Warehouse when you choose 'All' and include such items as the Dragon Cave, the Stage, the Marquee, Santa Claus (on a tractor), the Chicken Home, the Soccer Stadium and the Haunted House.  They really are Decorative Buildings that were linked to old Collections Missions.  They can be placed on the Farm but do not add any Charm points to your total.

Previously, duplicate Decorations would add to your Charm Point total but not to your Theme Vote total.  Even Decorations purchased with Coins could be placed in large quantities on your Farm to boost your Charm Point total during a Farm Beauty Contest.  Unfortunately, there were players who were able to cheat, to change the footprint of Decorations and other items in order to 'flatten' them to be able to add more to the Farm than could be added legitimately.  A new change is going into effect that will limit the number of Charm Points gained by placing duplicate Coin Decorations.  This really is to prevent this sort of cheating rather than to penalise farmers who loaded their farms with ladders or firecrackers legitimately to boost their Points.  Mind you, it may make the word 'Beauty' more applicable to farms in future Contests.

Farm Rating

Your Farm has many different ratings, depending on what you are trying to do.  You have your general Experience Level, which is what determines your Farm Level.  There is your Buddy Level with each individual Buddy.  There is the total Charm Point value of your Farm, replaced at one point by Landscape Points and now posted as the total of both your Charm Points and your Landscape Points.  The Charm total is relevant for the purpose of the Farm Beauty Contests and in order to boost Landscape Points when the Decoration is placed within the sphere of influence of a Path.  Charm is otherwise quite irrelevant.  It is Charm Value, Landscape Points and Theme Value are influential where the Votes of the four Characters are concerned, but otherwise, it is quite unimportant!  Once the Contest has concluded, your Charm Point total becomes fairly meaningless until the next Farm Beauty Contest and the Theme will not be valid any longer.

Note, however, that Landscape Point totals can be included as requirements now to unlock new areas of the Mootopia and Wilderness Maps.

Finally, the Farm Beauty Contests only deal with the original Seaside Farm.  Island Decorations are not counted at all.

The Value of Cleanable Decorations

The Decorations that yield Blue Gift Boxes and Golden Gift Boxes on your original Seaside Farm and those that yield EITHER colour on the Island Farm are the most important Decorations in terms of value as the Boxes you receive contain valuable Farm Aids, such as Power, OP and others, including Watering Cans and Green Mystrons.  The new light blue Island Blue Boxes introduced recently are considered the most valuable of the Island Gift Boxes.  The only Decoration that has been available to the general public that offers a light blue Island Blue Gift Box is the Bird Family, sold in a special sale offer.

Coin Decorations may be the least valuable BUT if you are involved in the Buddy System, they count as much as any other in terms of giving you the Buddy Point you can receive on a daily basis when you clean ANY Decoration on a Buddy's Farm.  It therefore is important for players to try to keep Cleanable Decorations on their Farms, even if they only yield Coins, if they want to participate in the Buddy System.

What Decorations should you Buy?

There are a number of different methods by which Cleanable or Theme Decorations can be obtained.  Originally, there were two Cleanable Decorations linked to every time-restricted Quest.  One was for the original Seaside Farm and the other was for the Island.  Both yield Purple Gift Boxes, although the Island Purple Gift Box is a little different from the mainland one.  The two special Rewards for completing time-restricted 11 day Missions changed repeatedly and now usually consist of a new pair of Ears, Hair or Base for the Pet House and a final Reward in the form of a Decoration for Seaside.  That reward Decoration still is linked to a Purple Gift Box.  You can find old Missions often in the Lighthouse now and if you activate and complete them, you can receive the original Decoration Reward or Rewards.  The 'final' reward for completing the Cooking Stand Contest is a Decoration that yields a Blue Gift Box.  You can receive it earlier if you are lucky enough to complete the diagonal row that determines its release.  The various Bases that you purchase in the Market and then complete through various activities usually give Blue Gift Boxes.

There are a few Decorations in the Market that give Blue Gift Boxes as well.  Other than this, the primary method of obtaining a Decoration that yields a Blue Gift Box is by using real money in a special time-restricted sale offer.

Theme Decorations for specific Farm Beauty Contests now appear in the Share Boxes of your Buddies as well as randomly appearing on your own Lucky Wheel.  They tend to cost a fair amount of RC though and many are not even cleanable.  When faced with a choice as to whether to spend 20 RC on a Theme Decoration that is not cleanable or to go into the Market to purchase a Market Stall for 20 RC, I would recommend the latter course.  The Market Stall has a Charm value of 18 but more importantly, always yields a Blue Gift Box.  The Cleanable Decorations that are found on the Lucky Wheel do not yield anything better than a Purple Gift Box.

NOTE:  You often can find theme Decorations by accessing an old Mission from the Lighthouse.  Very often, these are the same Decorations that are found in the Lucky Wheel.  If you have not completed the Quest when it originally was released, it may be of benefit to complete it to claim the Decoration as well as the other Rewards.  If a theme item can be obtained from a Lighthouse Mission, I will try to include that information in my post about any Farm Beauty Contest.

If you can afford to invest real money in the game, I personally believe that the special sales offers are the best way to do it.  They usually include RC as well as Farm Aids and a Cleanable Decoration.  Choosing the Decoration that gives a Blue Gift Box or a Gold Gift Box is more beneficial in the long run than those that give Purple Gift Boxes, but ultimately, you should go with your heart.  If you love a particular Decoration, whether or not it is cleanable is irrelevant if it makes you happy to see it on your farm!

Note here, however, that the easiest way to maximise Theme in any Farm Beauty Contest is by having the appropriate Base and buying the new premium Theme Decorations.  The game often will give added vote values to the theme base or bases as well as these premium decorations.  If you are a new player, this is the quickest way to obtain the 4000 Votes needed ultimately to claim the Reward Decoration in the Contest.  These Reward Decorations are featured again and again in the future contests.

List of all Bases

In most cases, the Base itself, even without any Decorations on it, will yield a Blue Gift Box when cleaned.  They boost Landscape Points more than ordinary Decorations and if you can stack one with Decorations, Landscape Points are boosted even higher.  Remember always, however, that every path has a limit in terms of how many points can be given, so you need to make certain that you have not placed too many Decorations too close together on your farm next to the paths...

All Bases:

Bird Home Base x 2
Lovely Planter Box Base x 3
Springtime Base x 2
Beach Base x 3
Farm Stadium Base x 3
Snow Base x 3
Thanksgiving Base x 3
Classroom Base
Wedding Base x 2
Farm Pool Base
Ice Base x 3
Easter Picnic Base x 3
Halloween Stage x 3
Green Base

There are three Bases that do not resemble Bases but are actually items that you 'decorate' with specific little Decorations that change their appearance once stacked.  These are:

Thanksgiving Arch
Xmas Tree x 2
Anniversary Cake Base

The game has improved enormously where the Bases are concerned with respect to discovery of all the items that can be stacked on any base.  All you have to do is:

1.  Use the Move Tool on the actual Base and
2.  Use the Magnifying Glass (Search) in the Move Menu to see a preview of ALL Items that can be placed on the Base and the position each will occupy.  Each Base has different totals.  Some allow only a total of 4 items to be 'stacked' but others allow more.

Number of Bases

Recently, instead of creating new Bases for every season or festival, the developers have offered an old Base again with new stackable Decorations.  Originally, the only Base that existed where a player was allowed to have two was the Bird Home Base.  Now, one can own three of almost every Base. S One can own and decorate two separate Xmas Trees.  There is a totally new Base, however, in the form of the Wedding Base.

Stackable Decorations

When any item is 'stackable', you will see an extra icon in the Tool Menu in the form of a jigsaw puzzle piece.  This icon indicates that the item can be placed on a Base.  Each stackable item is base-specific.  In other words, it usually can be placed on only one Base although there are Decorations that always can be found in the Market, like the Tree Arch and Wind Chimes that can be stacked on more than one Base!

All Bases with Stackable Item Lists

The information given below is found by using the Move Tool on any base and then using the Magnifying Glass (Search) tool in that menu.

TIP:  If any Decoration has the jigsaw puzzle icon (stackable), go to the Gallery and tap on the Icon THERE when you access the Decoration to see the Base on which it can be stacked.

Above, the Punching Bag, a Decoration that was earned by completing a special Collection Mission.  As you can see, it can raise Landscape Points by 8 if placed near an appropriate path.  It gives a Purple Gift Box when cleaned and can be stacked on the Farm Stadium Base.  It cannot be purchased from the Market at this point in time.

Above, the Snow Man, a Decoration that can be purchased from the Market in the Green Mystrons Shop for 1500 Green Mystrons.  It can boost Landscape Points by 6 when placed near an appropriate path and it gives a Gold Gift Box when cleaned.  Tapping on the Jigsaw puzzle house icon shows it on the Ice Base.

Bird Home Base:

This is sold in the Decoration section of the Market.  The Decorations are earned through the original Time Machine Missions now in the Lighthouse and are as follows:

Position 1: Farm Bird House, Stone Bird House
Position 2: Mini Water Pump,  Bird Seesaw, Hamster Friend
Position 3: Bird Swing,  Bird Pool, Bird Hot Air Balloon
Position 4:  Bird Ball Pool, Inflatable Chair, Letter Blocks

Sea Base

The Sea Base is the newest base as of June 2018.  As with any new Base, the Decorations that can be stacked on it currently are few, but that is certain to change as time passes.  At present, they are as follows:

Position 1: The Prince
Position 2: Coral Deco
Position 3: Mermaid Princess
Position 4: Shell Background or Purple Corals.

A completed Sea Base gives a Blue Box when cleaned so it is worthwhile to complete it even if you do not have the premium decorations that occupy two of the positions currently.

Green Base

The Green Base itself was given by Felicia with the first material in a Message in the game (6 Branch).  The second material was given in the highlighted Order on the Daily Order Board until 9 March (6 White Rock).  The third material was found in the Bronze and Silver Chests in the Daily Quest Path through 16 March. (12 Clover Plant).  The fourth and final material was found RANDOMLY in the special Easter Cooking Bags.

The Stackable Decorations for this new base are as follows:

Position 1: Dwarf in a Pot, Clover Wood Barrel, The Wolf, Festival Tree, Bunny with a Mushroom
Position 2: Dwarf with Beer, Teddy Bear in a T-Shirt, Little Red Riding Hood, King Doll,  Indian Marionette
Position 3: Rainbow Arch, Spring Vine, Astonished Bird, Acorn Pine
Position 4: Spring Grass, Pond Lawn

Lovely Planter Box Base

Position 1: Lovely Lady Cat Deco, Carnival Girl 2, Blue Ducky, Girl Grass Hair Deco, Lady Dog Deco, Donkey Pinata, Chocolate Chip Stand, Heart Shaped Tree

Position 2: Lovely Mister Cat Deco, Carnival Girl 1, Red Ducky, Boy Grass Hair Deco, Bunny Hedge, Flower Stand, Mister Dog Deco, Valentine Flower

Position 3: Lovely Heart, Heart Bubble Backdrop, Heart Wing Backdrop, Carnival Backdrop, Carnival Arch

Position 4: Lovely Balloons, Lovely Boxwood, Heart Candy, Carnival Wing

Springtime Base

Position 1: Bello the Dog, Little Dog Deco, Jamie Bear, Little Bear Deco, Kitten in the Basket, Quiz Rabbit, Mommy Duck, Cat with Balloons, Reading Teddy Bear, Boy Grass Hair Deco, Duck Number 2, Valentine's Gift Basket, Accordion Hamster

Position 2: Oskar the Dog, Coco Bear, Cymbal Banging Monkey, Flower Pot Bunny, Red Ducky, Blue Ducky, Cute Monkey, Girl Grass Hair Deco, Duck Number 1, Singing Hamster, Mushroom Picking Gnome

Position 3: Park Fountain, Picnic Hamper, BBQ Grill, Tree Stump, Bunny Hedge, Tree Reindeer, Mushroom Cluster, Backpack, Whale Spring Rider, Butterfly and Flower, Wooden Squirrel, Flower Barrel, Sakura Umbrella, Monstera Plant Deco

Position 4: Flower Shelf, Toys, Ride on Car, Duck Deco, Mini Car, Food Basket, Koala, Flower Pot Deco, Flower Chair, Robovase, Flower Cage, Egg Statue, Sakura Standing Flower

Easter Picnic Base Decorations

Position 1: Chicken in Egg, Chicken Bunny, Turkish Egg, Korean Egg, Norwegian Egg, Russian Egg, British Egg, American Egg, Indonesian Egg, German Egg, Greek Egg, Italian Egg, French Egg, Spanish Egg, Brazilian Egg, Dutch Egg, Chinese Egg, Japanese Egg, Arab Egg, Polish Egg, Thai Egg

Position 2: Bunny in Basket, Egged in Bunny, Flower Pot Bunny, Bouquet Bunny, Bunny Chicken, Egg Basket, Orange Dots Crown Egg, Green Dots Crown Egg, Purple Dots Crown Egg, Green Wave Crown Egg, Orange Wave Crown Egg, Purple Wave Crown Egg, Orange Dots Bunny Egg, Green Dots Bunny Egg, Purple Dots Bunny Egg, Orange Wave Bunny Egg, Green Wave Bunny Egg, Purple Wave Bunny Egg

Position 3: Easter Backdrop, Tree Arch, Egg Shape Background, Bunny Backdrop

Position 4: Easter Lamp, Garden Torch,  Wind Chimes, Ranch Bell, Egg Tree

Wedding Base

Position 1: Bride Mouse, Princess of China
Position 2: Groom Mouse, Teddy Bear in a T-Shirt
Position 3: Wedding Gate
Position 4: Heart Picture Frames, Guest Sign

Farm Pool Base

Position 1: Otter in a Tube
Position 2: Orange Hat Otter
Position 3: Toy Ship, Bucket of Fishes, Flower Fairy
Position 4: Sun Bath, Boy Flower Fairy

Beach Base

Position 1: Max the Raccoon, Harriet the Hippo, Blue Eyes Sloth
Position 2: Hermit the Crab, Beach Bottle, Mackenzie the Meerkat, Chameleon
Position 3: Pete the Pelican, Summer Lobster, Summer Pineapple Deco, Coconut Delight, Octavia the Octopus, Deer Swim Ring, Mini Phone Booth, Telephone Booth, Seashell Chest, Nest Sofa
Position 4: Beach Palm, Beach Stand, Soda Cooler, Kayak, Life Buoy Stand, Small Drinking Cart, Big Drinking Cart, Small Drum Kit, Big Drum Kit, Drinks Table, Beach Parasol

Classroom Base

Position 1: Studying Monkey, Hippo Singer
Position 2: Panda Teacher, Sheep Singer
Position 3: Experiment Table, Cat Painter, Classroom Speaker
Position 4: Desk Globe, Easel and Canvas

Farm Stadium Base

You can own a total of 3 of these now.

Position 1: Boxing Bear, Batting Chimp, Forest Bus
Position 2: Tennis Fox, Punching Bag, Red Panda Pitcher, Marathon Fox, Football Fan Jason
Position 3: Weight Rack, Cheerleader Bunny, Umpire Owl, Mini Beverage Machine, Healthy Vending Machine, Mini Lemonade Stand, Lemonade Stand, Screen with Football
Position 4: Scoreboard, Farm Podium, Ball Basket, Firework Sticks, Baseball Gloves

Halloween Stage Base

Position 1: Skeleton Rockstar Diva, Shovel, Witch Legs, Mystic Rose, White Ghost, Dracula, Witch's Bat Cauldron
Position 2: Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, Bunny Reaper, Pumpkin Owl, Alraun Scarecrow, Vampire Queen, Black Cat Witch
Position 3: Stereo Coffin, Owl Tree with Owl, Steampunk Scarecrow, Fanoos Ramadhan, Spider Pumpkin Tree
Position 4: Pumpkin Tower, Ghost Broom, Pumpkin Light, Wind Chimes, Flower Stand, Spider Tombstone, Pumpkin Cat, Skeleton Candle, Ghost Mirror, Halloween Clock

Thanksgiving Base

Position 1: Thanksgiving Turkey, Turkey in the Pumpkin, Turkey Magician
Position 2: Hedgehog, Mushrooms, Cornucopia, Lacquer Horn, Autumn Chick Basket, Funny Tent, Phoenix Statue, Owl Lady, Wheel of Bounty, Eagle Statue
Position 3: Colourful Tent, Festival Lantern, Elegant Lantern, Wine Making Barrel, Fancy Wine Making Barrel, Tea in a Scarf, Gong, Autumn Pumpkin, Owl Clock, Pumpkin Candle
Position 4: Indian Hat, Harvest Hat, Woodpile, Hay, Haystack, Mushroom Cluster, Troll Statue, Bee Hay Bales, Dandelion Pumpkin Basket, Autumn Basket

Snow Base

Position 1:  Snow Magician, Snowman, Christmas Crystal Ball, Holiday Squirrel Baby, Wind-up Reindeer, Magpie, Bear in a Sock

Position 2: Bunny Snow Girl, Snow Man, Snow Globe, Ice Queen, Festive Angel, Winter Fairy, Holiday Elf, Cozy Santa, Christmas Nutcracker, Bagpipes Bear

Position 3: Snow Tree Arch, Autumn Arch, Balloon Gate, 'Welcome' Sign, 'Welcome' Arch, Tree Arch, Christmas Fence, Christmas Backdrop, Christmas Arch

Position 4: Candle Decoration, Christmas Wreath Fence, Tree Reindeer, Small Snow Flake Fence, Christmas Fireplace, Snow Socks Fence

Ice Base:

Position 1: Bobo Fishing on Ice, Parachute Penguin, Ski Penguin, Snowman, Snow Man, Seal on the Rock, Ice Cream Prince
Position 2: Fish Ice Pond, Bobo Bear's Fish BBQ, Seal Ice Pond,  Skiing Polar Bear, Ice Cream Princess
Position 3: Snowy Owl, Ice Cat, Ice Dolphin, Ice Swan, Red Nose Penguin, Seal Fish Bucket, Ice Cream Snowman, Penguin
Position 4: Bobo's Backpack, Fish in Ice, Snow Lantern, Tree Mail Box, Ice Skating Set, Bobo Bear's Guitar, Backpack, Frozen Fountain, Ice Tower

Bird Home Base:

Position 1: Farm Bird House, Stone Bird House
Position 2: Mini Water Pump, Bird Seesaw, Hamster Friend
Position 3: Bird Swing, Bird Pool, Bird Hot Air Balloon
Position 4: Bird Ball Pool, Inflatable Chair, Letter Blocks

N.B.  Letter Blocks not available yet

Anniversary Cake Base

Position 1: Cake Butter
Position 2: Cake Liquid Chocolate
Position 3: Cake Piping Bag
Position 4: Cake Fruits
Position 5: Cow Cake Deco, Chicken Cake Deco, Sheep Cake Deco

Thanksgiving Arch

Position 1: Apple Ornament
Position 2: Sunflower Ornament
Position 3: Grape Ornament, Pumpkin Ornament
Position 4: Owl Ornament, Candle Ornament
Position 5: Barley Ornament, Turkey Ornament

Xmas Tree

Position 1: Xmas Shooting Star, Xmas Golden Star
Position 2: Xmas Gingermen, Xmas Snowman
Position 3: Xmas Stocking,  Bunch of Presents
Position 4: Xmas Tree Baubles, Snow Flake Deco
Position 5: Xmas Garland, Christmas Tree Gold Ribbon

Gallery Registration

Another component of items in Seaside is Gallery Registration.  This matters not only in terms of Farm Beauty Contests where Character Votes can be based on having a 'good gallery' but it allows your Gallery to be upgraded when you reach specific totals there.  If you have a new item, ALWAYS try to register it as soon as possible.  Every item has a specific Reward when registered and there are 'Collections' of three items that give RC Rewards when you have registered all three items in the 'set'.

Note that the Gallery Menu has been expanded to allow players to purchase items they are missing through the Gallery itself.  This is particularly useful where Decorations are concerned, as you immediately can see if a Decoration is available and what currency is required to purchase it, whether it is Coins, RC, Green Mystrons, Yellow Mystrons or Blue Mystrons!

Most players will not find this post particularly useful perhaps but those who have not played the game long should find it helpful.

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