Last updated on 12 October 2017 with new Island Items
This post first was created when the Island was a new option, before the new maximum Dev Point total of 6500 and the release of the Pizza Machine and before the release of the Wharf with its Boats and the BBQ Machine that can only be completed with materials purchased using Boat Tickets. At that point in time, the Island had not been unlocked by very many players and was not featured in any of the time-restricted Quests. That all has changed more than once. Time-restricted Missions now consist of 16 steps rather than 8 but you no longer even receive 2 Decorations. The best time-restricted Missions in the past gave us two different Decorations, one for the main Seaside Farm and one for the Island. Although you no longer will receive any Island Decorations as Rewards for time-restricted Mission, to complete any time-restricted Quest, you do need to have access to the Island, unless you are willing to pay enormous amounts of RC to skip Island tasks.
The Island itself has been expanded to include a Mine and a Botanic Garden since this post first was created. Storage building expansions on the original Seaside Farm use materials that must be crafted on the Island. I do have a separate site devoted to the Island but feel it may be useful to post this information again on my main site.
Seaside Items Needed for Island Machines
You can begin to collect Seaside Items on the Island even before you are able to use them in the Island Machines. As Zeppelins are limited and transport of Items always takes time, it is good to know which Items you will need in the future.
As a general rule, there are two Items that should be transported regularly, at least until you have earned 3 Star Mastery of the Pie Machine and Yogurt Machine. These are Honey and Goat Milk, required ingredients in these Machines. Honey is required to make any type of Pie and any type of Yogurt and Goat Milk is required to make any type of Yogurt.
The following Items will be needed on the Island in Machine Production to complete Missions in the early stages of Island gameplay:
Honey (use in Pie Machine and in Yogurt Machine)
Wool (use in Loom and Spinning Machine)
Cotton (use in Loom)
Lavender (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Red Rose (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Blue Rose (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Love Fruit (use in Pie Machine)
Goat Milk (use in Yogurt Machine)
Grapes (use in Dehydrator)
Peacock Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Goose Feathers (Use in Hat Machine)
Sunflowers (Use to feed Parrot)
Peanuts (Use to feed Squirrel)
Note that some of these Items, like Honey and Goat Milk, are necessary ingredients if you wish to use the Machine at all and that others, like the Lavender and Love Fruit, are used to make particular types of Items in an Island Machine. There are other Items that are used in Island Machines that may not be involved in early Quests but which must be transported from the Seaside Farm in order to be used in Island Machines. Many ARE required for advanced Missions. These include the following:
Daisy (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Tulip (use in Essential Oil Machine)
Lily (use in Essential Oil Machine and in Flower Basket Machine)
Sunflower (use in Essential Oil Machine)
White Rose (use in Flower Basket Machine)
Jasmine (use in Flower Basket Machine)
Pink Rose (use in Flower Basket Machine)
Angora Hair (ise in Loom)
Alpaca Hair (use in Loom)
Horse Hair (use in Loom and in Hat Machine)
Jackfruit (use in Dehydrator and Flavoured Bread Machine)
Strawberry (use in Pie Machine, Dehydrator and Flavoured Bread Machine)
Lemon (use in Dehydrator and Tea Master)
Banana (use in Pie Machine and in Dehydrator)
Pineapple (use in Yogurt and Pizza Machine)
Apricot (use in Pie Machine)
Blueberry (use in Pie Machine and use in Yogurt)
Chocolate (use in Pie Machine and Yogurt Machine)
Peach (use in Pie Machine and in Yogurt Machine)
Blackberry (use in Yogurt Machine)
Pear (use in Pie Machine)
Pumpkin (use in Pie Machine)
Watermelon (use in Yogurt Machine
Peacock Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Ketchup (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Beef Salami (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Pork Sausage (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Venison Sausage (use in Hot Dog Machine)
Peacock Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Goose Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Ostrich Feathers (use in Hat Machine)
Cheddar Cheese (use in Pizza Machine)
Red Bell Pepper (use in Pizza Machine)
Mushroom (use in Pizza Machine)
Onion (use in Pizza Machine)
Ice Cube (use in Tea Master)
Elderberry (use in Tea Master)
Maple Sugar (use in Tea Master)
Salt (use in BBQ Machine)
Chili Sauce (use in BBQ Machine)
Turkey (use in BBQ Machine)
Mantis Shrimp (use in BBQ Machine)
Potato (use in BBQ Machine)
Pork (use in BBQ Machine)
Mushroom (use in BBQ Machine)
Eggplant (use in BBQ Machine)
Items Needed for Expansions:
You will need large quantities of specific Items to complete required Tasks for Island Expansions. Here are all of the Items you will need to complete all current Island Expansions:
15 Mohair Yarn
Feed Alfalfa to the Angora Goat, then process the Mohair in the Spinning Machine
10 Wooden Cylinders
Harvest Oak Tree for Oak Wood, then process in the Sawmill
30 Cassava Flour
Harvest Cassava, then process in Watermill
50 Linen
Harvest Flax, then process in Loom
50 Angora Hair Yarn
Feed Carrots to Angora Rabbit on Seaside Farm, transport Angora Hair to Island, then process in Spinning Machine
75 Woolen Cloth
Feed Wheat to any Seaside Sheep, transport to Island, then process in Loom (need 1 Star Mastery)
20 Wooden Planks
Harvest Cedar Tree for Cedar Wood, then process in the Sawmill
40 Camomile Aroma Bottles
Harvest Camomile, craft Wooden Aroma Bottles in the Workshop using Wool Yarn (x 2) and Cedar Wood, transport both Camomile and Wooden Aroma Bottles to the Seaside, craft Camomile Aroma Bottles in Beauty Shop, then transport finished Camomile Aroma Bottles back to the Island (Each Camomile Aroma Bottle is made using 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Camomile Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water, harvested from Water Fountain or requested from neighbours)
150 Love Fruit Pies
Transport Love Fruit and Honey to the Island and make Love Fruit Pies in the Pie Machine using Love Fruit, Cassava Flour (made in Watermill) and Honey
300 Raisins
Transport Grapes from the Seaside Farm and process them in the Dehydrator
300 Peacock Hats
Transport Peacock Feathers from the Seaside, feed Camel Cactus to produce Camel Hair and make Peacock Hats in the Hat Machine using Camel Hair and Peacock Feathers
500 Zucchini Bread
Harvest Zucchini, make Dried Zucchini in the Dehydrator, harvest Chestnuts from the Chestnut Tree and process in Watermill to make Chestnut Flour, then add Chestnut Flour and Dried Zucchini to the Flavoured Bread Machine
500 Violet Essential Oil
Harvest Violets and process in the Essential Oil Machine (requires 3 Star Mastery)
200 Strawberry Pies
Transport Strawberries from Seaside, then make Strawberry Pies in the Pie Machine using Strawberries, Honey and Cassava Flour (process Cassava in the Watermill) (Strawberry Pies require 3 Star Mastery to make in the Pie Machine
220 Make-Up Boxes
Transport Starfish Mirros from Seaside and craft Make-up Boxes using Wooden Plank made in the Sawmill from Cedar Wood and Starfish Mirror (Each Starfish Mirror requires 2 Lavender Bouquets made with Lavender in the Flower Packing Machine, 1 Dried Starfish made by processing Starfish in the Seafood House and 1 Glass, a Free Gift)
60 Coral Dressing Tables
Transport Coral Rose Mirrors from the Seaside and craft Coral Bressing Tables in the Workshop using Coral Rose Mirror and Wooden Panel made in the Sawmill using Red Sandalwood cut from the Red Sanders Tree (Each Coral Rose Mirror is made using 2 Red Rose Bouquets made with Red Rose in the Flower Packing Machine, 1 Polished Coral Twig, a Bonus item from Coral processed in the Seafood House, and 1 Glass, a Free Gift)
800 Stetsons
Feed Carrots to Horse on Seaside Farm, transport Horse Hair to the Island and craft Stetsons in the Hat Machine using Horse Hair (requires 3 Star Mastery)
There is no doubt that many of the Seaside Items will be required again and again for Missions at some point and could be included in Helicopter Orders at ANY point in time.
Note that your ability to use any Ingredient will depend upon your Mastery Level of the Machine you are using. It would be practical therefore to transport the ingredients that require the least Mastery first and only transport those that require 3 Star Mastery later.
Honey, being a required ingredient in two Machines that you will obtain early in your Island progress, should be transported as often as possible. I sometimes prefer to transport a small amount frequently instead of loading the zeppelin with a large amount, simply because that gives me more options. When a zeppelin is on a 24 hour trip, for example, you will be unable to use it until that time period has elapsed, where a zeppelin that is on a transport trip that will take only a couple of hours will be free to transport something else after that time period.
Required Ingredients and Optional Ingredients for Machines
There is a fundamental difference between an Ingredient that is required for ANY Item produced in a specific Machine and items that can be used in a Machine to produce a specific Item. The biggest difference here is between single-ingredient Machines like the Loom, the Watermill, the Spinning Machine and the Essential Oil Machine and Machines that require more than one Ingredient. It is the Machines that require more than one ingredient that have ingredients that MUST be added each time ANY Item is produced.
Where the required Ingredients are found on the Island, using the Machine presents no problems. It is only when required ingredients must be transported from the original Seaside Farm that problems can occur.
Honey is a required ingredient in more than one Machine.
Materials to Build Machines on Island
Unlike some of the Machines you buy on the original Seaside Farm, almost ALL the Machines you buy or obtain through Farm Expansions on the Island will be incomplete. Each will have its own specific Materials List. In almost every case, one of the Materials can be requested from your Neighbours but the others must be made in the Hardware Store. Even the Machines that require RC to purchase will be incomplete upon purchase and you will find that the number of Materials needed is significant. You will need some of the same Materials if you wish to build new Zeppelins as well.
Although you can own more than one of every type of Machine or Building on the Island, the Hardware Store is one of the very few where I feel the farmer truly benefits from owning two. Even the Machines that are available initially requires quite a few Nails, Lag Bolts and Nuts. For example, to build a Loom, you will need the following Materials:
Loom Materials List
5 Warp Beams (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)
5 Lag Bolts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
3 Nails (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
20 Nuts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
This is nothing compared to the Materials List for some of the Machines. Furthermore, the Materials that you craft in your Hardware Store can be sold for a fair amount of Coin if you transport them to the Seaside Farm, although personally I think you should ssve them all for use in building projects.
Here are some more Materials Lists:
Watermill Materials List
1st Watermill: 20000 Coins
Roof Tile x 3 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Nut x 3 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Pie Machine Materials List
The Pie Machine will be unfinished when purchased and will require the following materials:
Feed Tray:x 5 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 8 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nut x 25 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
A second Pie Machine will cost 15 RC and require the same Materials.
Essential Oils Machine Materials List
When you have unlocked the 4th Island Expansion, you will find an unfinished Essential Oil Machine on the land.
To build it, you will need:
Pump x 10 (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 10 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Nail x 10 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 3 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
2nd Essential Oil Machine costs 12 RC
To build, you need:
Pump x 10
Nail x 10
Lag Bolt x 20
Wrench x 3
So it is the same materials for each additional Machine.
Yogurt Machine Materials
At 900 Dev Points, you will be able to buy your first Yogurt Machine for 100000 Coins. The Yoghurt Machine will be incomplete and you will need the following to complete it:
Tap x 10 (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 10 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 20 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 4 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Or complete instantly for 43 RC
Hot Dog Machine Materials
With 1050 Dev Points and 12 RC, you can purchase your first Hot Dog Machine. It will be unfinished and will require the following Materials:
Black Wheel x 20 (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 15 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 20 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 6 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Flavoured Bread Machine Materials
Mixing Basin x 25 (Request from Neighbours or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 20 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 10 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Screwdriver x 2 (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
Tea Master Materials
To complete your Tea Master, you will need the following:
Firing Bowl x 25 (Request as Free Gift from Neighbours or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 50 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 20 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Screwdriver x 8 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Complete instantly for 103 RC
Flower Basket Machine Materials
Cylinder x 20 (Request as Free Gift from neighbours or buy for 1 RC each)
Nail x 15 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Lag Bolt x 20 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Wrench x 6 (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Complete instantly for 61 RC
Pizza Machine Materials
At 6000 Dev Points, you can purchase the Pizza Machine on the Island for 30,000 Coins, This is the last Machine available at this point in time. You must build it, but you can own a total of four, if such is your fancy. The items required to build the Machine are as follows:
Pizza Machine: 30,000 Coins for 1st Machine
15 Pastry Rollers
Ask or pay 1 RC for each
10 Iron Ingots
Craft or pay 1 RC for each
15 Copper Ingots
Craft or pay 1 RC for each
5 Screwdrivers
Craft or pay 1 RC for each
As is usually the case with Island Machines, the 2nd one purchased will require 25 RC rather than being a coin purchase like the first.
New Island Items
All Island items have Dev Point requirements as well as Level Requirements but you will not see these unless you have not met those requirements.
The Dev Point requirement for the Muskmelon Crop is 3560 Dev Points
Muskmelon Crop: 115 Coins
6 hours
The Durian Tree requires 2520 Dev Points
Durian Tree: 7 hours to harvest
1st Tree: 13000 Coins
2nd Tree: 25000 Coins
Popsicle Machine:
Dev Point Requirement is 7000 and Level 50 Requirement
Popsicle Machine: 15 RC
Materials List:
15 Freezer (Request or pay 1 RC for each)
15 Copper Ingots (Craft or pay 109 TC each)
12 Iron Ingots (Craft or pay 155 TC each)
8 Screwdrivers (Craft or pay 85 TC each)
Thanks to Kaye Webb, valued administrator of our Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Facebook Group for the materials list.
The Popsicle Machine makes the following using 1 Ice Cube and whatever individual fruit determines the type of Popsicle made:
Muskmelon Popsicles
Coconut Popsicles
Durian Popsicles
Vanilla Popsicles
Adzuki Popsicles
Pineberry Popsicles
Matcha Popsicles
Chocolate Popsicles
All other Island items are covered in my posts and page about the Island with all Island Quests, material lists, expansion requirements and so on.
The Rubber Tree is not new but Dev Point requirement is 2120
Other Items:
Marshmallow Machine: 3350 Dev Points
Soap Machine: Level 46 and 3650 Dev Points
Flip Flop Machine: Level 50 and 4050 Dev Points
It is the Island Warehouse and not the Seaside Farm Warehouse that can be registered in your Gallery. The Island Warehouse will not be found in the Market. In an unfinished state, you will find it on the final Island Expansion, Plot 12. When you have completed the Expansion, you will be able to build your Warehouse.
The first step is to hire three employees. You can do this either by inviting three Neighbours to work for you or by paying 5 RC for each employee as follows:
Warehouse Manager: Invite or pay 5 RC
Warehouse Guard I: Invite of pay 5 RC
Warehouse Guard II: Invite or pay 5 RC
Note that, should your invitations be accepted, you will not see this when you access your Gifts. You will discover only when you tap on the Warehouse whether or not your Neighbours have accepted the three positions. I do believe that there is no difference between the three in terms of requests but I cannot be certain as I tapped on 'Invite' for all three positions, asking a few Neighbours to accept each.
Once you have your three employees, your Warehouse will be complete, with a storage capacity of 10 items. It is organised in the same way your original Seaside Warehouse is organised with a tab for each type of Item.
You can increase the capacity of your Island Warehouse in the same way you can increase the capacity of the original Seaside Warehouse by obtaining the required materials. To increase storage capacity to 20, you will need the following:
Tile x 20 (Request as Free Gift or pay 1 RC for each)
Nut x 15 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 15 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 15 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Unfortunately, you cannot transfer Seaside Items stored in your Warehouse there to the Island Warehouse. At this point in time, it is unlikely that many Farmers will need even the 10 slots in their Island Warehouse!
In many cases, such as the Zeppelin project, you will find that you need MORE Materials when you attempt to build another one.
Zeppelin Materials List
Here are Zeppelin Material requirements:
You will begin with two Zeppelins. To add a third, you must build it or pay a total of 99 RC to skip the requirements for materials. Materials are:
20 Rope (Request from Neighbours as Free Gift or pay 1 RC each)
25 Nuts ( Craft or pay 1 RC each)
25 Lag Bolts (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
25 Nails (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Whjen you have completed the third zeppelin, you will be able to build another using the following Materials:
Rope x 35 (Request from Neigbhours or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 50 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Lag Bolt x 50 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Cart x 2 (2 RC each)
Skip all for instant completion with 139 RC
When the 4th Zeppelin is complete, you will have the option to build a fifth as follows:
Rope x 50 (Request from Neighbours or pay 1 RC for each)
Wrench x 40 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Nail x 50 (Craft or pay 1 RC for each)
Zeppelin Shell Cloth x 2 (6 RC each)
Note that you will be unable to craft some of the Items, such as the Wrench, until you have gained Dev Points on the Island.
Hardware Store Crafting
Here is a list of the Materials you can make in the Hardware Store with the value and price of each:
Crosscut Saw: 0 Coins
Cost of crafting: 25 Coins
Nut: 110 Coins
Cost of crafting: 100 Coins
Lag Bolt: 675 Coins
Cost of crafting: 650 Coins
5 Minutes to complete
Nail: 1256 Coins
Cost of crafting: 1200 Coins
12 Minutes to complete
Wrench: 7220 Coins
Cost of crafting: 7000 Coins
1 Hour to complete
Screwdriver: 13800 Coins
Cost of crafting:
Tip: If you decide that you wish to buy some of the Materials needed to complete a Machine or Building project, buy the ones that have the greatest Coin price and take the longest to complete. After all, if each Material costs 1 RC, it is better to obtain the most for your premium cash! In other words, if Wrenches are needed, those are the Materials you should buy with RC instead of paying RC to buy Nails! The more expensive the Material, the longer it takes to craft as well, providing another reason to use your RC to purchase the most expensive Materials.
Uses for Island Items
There is a list of Items and their Values in my General Island Guide as well as a Page on my original Family Farm Seaside site, but I thought it might be helpful to make a List of Island Items with their Uses here.
Island Crops and their Uses
Alfalfa: Feed to Angora Goat to produce Mohair. Mohair is used in the Spinning Machine to produce Mohair Yarn.
Flax: Use in Loom to produce Linen.
Cassava: Use in Watermill to produce Cassava Flour. Cassave Flour is one of the three required Ingredients in any Pie made in the Pie Machine.
Cranberry: Use in Pie Machine to make Cranberry Pie, in Yogurt Machine to produce Cranberry Yogurt and in Dehydrator to produce Dried Cranberry.
Cactus: Feed to Camel to produce Camel Hair. Use in Spinning Machine to produce Camel Hair Yarn.
Camomile: Use in Essential Oil Machine to produce Camomile Essential Oil, in Tea Master to produce Camomile Tea and in the Flower Basket Machine to produce Camomile Flower Basket.
Barley: Use in Watermill to produce Barley Flour. Barley Flour is a required ingredient in any Hot Dog produced by the Hot Dog Machine.
Garlic: Use Garlic in the Flavoured Bread Machine to produce Garlic Bread.
Honeysuckle: Use Honeysuckle in the Essential Oil Machine to produce Honeysuckle Essential Oil, in Tea Master to produce Honeysuckle Tea and in the Flower Basket Machine to produce Honeysuckle Flower Basket.
Zucchini: Use Zucchini in the Dehydrator to produce Dried Zucchini. Dried Zucchini is used in the Flavoured Bread Machine to produce Zucchini Bread.
Wild Wheat: Use Wild Wheat in the Watermill to produce High Gluten Flour.
Kiwi: Use Kiwi Fruit in the Yogurt Machine to produce Kiwi Yogurt and in the Dehydrator to produce Dried Kiwi. Dried Kiwi is used in the Flavoured Bread Machine to produce Kiwi Fruit Bread.
Tea Plant: Use in Tea Master as the primary ingredient to produce all Teas.
Mint: Use in Tea Master to produce Mint Tea
Violet: Use in Essential Oil Machine to produce Violet Essential Oil and in the Flower Basket Machine to produce Violet Flower Basket.
Pineberry: Use in Dehydrator to produce Dried Pineberry
Island Trees and their Uses
Fruit Trees
Chestnuts: Chestnuts are harvested from the Chestnut Tree. Use in the Watermill to produce Chestnut Flour. Chestnut Flour is a required ingredient in any Bread made in the Flavoured Bread Machine.
Tea Tree Leaf: Tea Tree Leaves are harvested from the Tea Tree. Use in the Essential Oil Machine to produce Tea Tree Essential Oil.
Bamboo Shoot: Bamboo Shoots are harvested from the Bamboo Tree. Feed to the Panda to produce Baskets.
Morus Leaves: Morus Leaves are harvested from the Morus Tree.
Wood Trees:
Oak Wood: Harvest Oak Wood from the Oak Tree. Oak Wood can be made into Wooden Cylinders in the Sawmill. Both Oak Wood and Wooden Cylinders are used in the Workshop to craft items.
Cedar Wood: Harvest Cedar Wood from the Cedar Tree. Cedar Wood can be made into Wooden Planks in the Sawmill. Both Cedar Wood and Wooden Planks can be used in the Workshop to craft items.
Red Sandalwood: Harvest Red Sandalwood from the Red Sanders Tree. Red Sandalwood can be made into Wooden Panels in the Sawmill. Use both Red Sandalwood and Wooden Panels in the Workshop to craft items.
Animal Products:
Angora Hair: Angora Hair is produced by the Angora Goat when it is fed Alfalfa. Use Angora Hair in the Spnning Machine to produce Angora Hair Yarn.
Camel Hair: Camel Hair is produced by the Camel whe it is fed Cactus. Use Camel Hair in the Spinning Machine to produce Camel Hair Yarn and in the Hat Machine to produce any type of Hat.
Bamboo Basket: Bamboo Baskets are produced by the Panda when it is fed Bamboo Shoot. Use Bamboo Basket in the Flower Basket Machine to produce any type of Flower Basket.
Natural Silk is produced by the Silkworm Home.
All Island Machine Ingredients
If you are wondering where to find the Items used in any of the Island Machines, this section should be extremely useful. Some of the information is repeated in other sections of the guide, but it is here that you will discover whether an Item is made on the Seaside Farm and therefore must be transported by zeppelin before it can be used in the Machine or whather it is a 'native' Island Item.
The Machines that can be built on the Island use both Seaside Items and Island Items to make products. I am including ALL Items in this list.
Watermill Products:
The Watermill is a single ingredient Machine that produces the following types of Flour:
Cassave Flour: 163 Coins
Dassava is an Island Crop.
Chestnut Flour: 40 Coins
Chestnut is harvested from the Chestnut Tree, an Island Tree.
Barley Flour: 128 Coins
Barley is an Island Crop.
High Gluten Flour: 186 Coins
Wild Wheat is an Island Crop.
Spinning Machine Products:
The Spinning Machine is a single-ingredient Machine.
Mohair Yarn: 47 Coins
The Angora Goat, an Island Animal, produces Mohair when fed Alfalfa.
Angora Hair Yarn: 101 Coins
The Angora Rabbit, a Seaside Animal, produces Angora Hair when fed Carrots.
Wool Yarn: 67 Coins
Any Sheep, Seaside Animals, will produce Wool when fed Wheat.
Camel Hair Yarn: 65 Coins
The Camel, an Island Animal, will produce Camel Hair when fed Cactus.
Alpaca Hair Yarn: 208 Coins
The White Alpaca, a Seaside Animal, will produce Alpaca Hair when fed Green Lettuce.
Horse Hair Yarn: 115 Coins
The Horse, a Seaside Animal, will produce Horse Hair when fed Carrot.
Loom Products:
Linen: 78 Coins
Flax, an Island Crop, is used to produce Linen.
Wool Cloth: 68 Coins
Wool, the product of any Sheep, a Seaside Animal, is used to produce Wool Cloth. Feed any Sheep Wheat to produce Wool.
Cotton Cloth: 278 Coins
Cotton, a Seaside Crop, yields Cotton Boll when harvested. Cotton takes 6 hours to mature.
Silk: 53 Coins
Natural Silk is the product of the Silkworm Home, an Island 'Animal'.
Pie Machine Products:
The Pie Machine is a three-ingredient Machine. The two primary ingredients that are used in every sort of Pie are Barley Flour, produced when Barley, an Island Crop is used in the Watermill, and Honey, a Seaside Item, produced when Bees a Seaside Animal, pollinate Crops of various types. The primary Crop that produces Honey when pollinated is Clover.
It is the third ingredient that determines the type of Pie that is made.
Cranberry Pie: 323 Coins
Cranberry is an Island Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.
Love Fruit Pie: 423 Coins
Love Fruit is a Seaside Crop that takes 20 hours to mature.
Apricot Pie: 237 Coins
Apricot is harvested from Apricot Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 16 hours.
Chocolate Pie: 224 Coins
Chocolate is harvested either from the Chocolate Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 12 Hours or from the Chocolate Dragon, a Seaside Collectable.
Blueberry Pie: 288 Coins
Blueberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 3 hours to mature. You can request Blueberries as a Free Gift from Neighbours as well.
Banana Pie: 238 Coins
Banana is harvested from the Banana Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 22 Hours.
Peach Pie: 228 Coins
Peach is harvested from the Peach Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 24 Hours.
Pear Pie: 196 Coins
Pear is harvested from the Pear Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 4 hours.
Strawberry Pie: 410 Coins
Strawberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 9 hours to mature.
Pumpkin Pie: 505 Coins
Pumpkin is a Seaside Crop that takes 15 hours to mature.
Essential Oil Machine Products
The Essential Oil Machine is a single ingredient Machine that produces the following:
Tea Tree Essential Oil: 32 Coins
Tea Tree Leaf is harvested from the Tea Tree, an Island Fruit Tree, every 4 hours.
Lavender Essential Oil: 59 Coins
Lavender is a Seaside Crop that takes 2 hours to mature.
Daisy Essential Oil: 41 Coins
Daisy is a Seaside Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.
Camomile Essential Oil: 272 Coins
Camomile is an Island Crop
Red Rose Essential Oil: 53 Coins
Red Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 4 hours to mature.
Blue Rose Essential Oil: 151 Coins
Blue Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 12 hours to mature.
Honeysuckle Essential Oil: 103 Coins
Honeysuckle is an Island Crop that takes 40 minutes to mature.
Tulip Essential Oil: 145 Coins
Tulip is a Seaside Crop that takes 22 hours to mature.
Lily Essential Oil: 328 Coins
Lily is a Seaside Crop that takes 10 hours to mature.
Violet Essential Oil: 603 Coins
Sunflower Essential Oil: 373 Coins
Sunflower is a Seaside Crop that takes 20 hours to mature.
Dehydrator Products
The Dehydrator is a single ingredient machine. Its products are used primarily in the Flavoured Bread Machine. The Dehydrator will produce the following:
Dried Cranberry: 144 Coins
Cranberry is an Island Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.
Dried Raisins: 74 Coins
Raisins are produced from Grapes, a Seaside Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.
Dried Zucchini: 308 Coins
Requires 1 Star Mastery
Use Zucchini, an Island Crop that takes 4 Hours to mature, to produce Dried Zucchini.
Dried Jackfruit: 34 Coins
Requires 1 Star Mastery
Jackfruit is harvested from the Jackfruit Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 10 hours.
Dried Kiwi Fruit: 417 Coins
Requires 2 Star Mastery
Use Kiwi, an Island Crop, to produce Dried Kiwi Fruit.
Dried Lemon: 38 Coins
Requires 2 Star Mastery
Lemon is harvested from the Lemon Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 10 Hours.
Dried Strawberry: 222 Coins
Requires 2 Star Mastery
Strawberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 9 hours to mature.
Dried Pineberry: 513 Coins
Requires 3 Star Mastery
Pineberry is an Island Crop.
Dried Banana: 43 Coins
Requires 3 Star Mastery
Banana is harvested from the Banana Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 22 Hours.
Yogurt Machine Products
The Yogurt Machine is a three ingredient Machine. The two ingredients that never change are Honey and Goat Milk. Goat Milk is produced by the Goat, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Pasture. Honey is produced by Beehives, a Seaside 'Animal' when they polinate specific Crops, primarily Clover. Honey can be requested as a Free Gift as well. It is the third ingredient that determines the type of Yogurt produced.
Cranberry Yogurt: 184 Coins
Cranberry is an Island Crop.
Pineapple Yogurt: 257 Coins
Pineapple is a Seaside Crop that takes 1 Hour to mature.
Blueberry Yogurt: 141 Coins
Blueberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 3 hours to mature. Blueberry can be requested as a Free Gift as well.
Raisin Yogurt: 124 Coins
Requires 1 Star Mastery
Raisins are produced by Grapes, a Seaside Crop, that takes 6 hours to mature, when processed in the Dehydrator.
Chocolate Yogurt: 74 Coins
Requires 1 Star Mastery
Chocolate is harvested from the Chocolate Tree, a Seaside Tree or from the Chocolate Dragon, a Seaside Collectable.
Blackberry Yogurt: 185 Coins
Requires 2 Star Mastery
Blackberry is a Seaside Crop that takes 6 hours to mature.
Kiwi Yogurt: 447 Coins
Requires 2 Star Mastery
Kiwi is an Island Crop.
Peach Yogurt: 88 Coins
Requires 3 Star Mastery
Paach is harvested from the Peach Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 24 hours.
Watermelon Yogurt: 329 Coins
Requires 3 Star Mastery
Watermelon is a Seaside Crop that takes 10 hours to mature.
Hot Dog Machine Products
The Hot Dog Machine is a three-ingredient Machine. Barley Flour and Ketchup are the two ingredients that never change. It is the third ingredient that determines the type of Hot Dog made. Barley Flour is an Island Crop. Ketchup is made in a Sauce Machine, a Seaside Machine, using Tomato, a Seaside Crop. Any Meat used to make a Hotdog must be processed first in the Salami Machine, a Seaside Machine.
Beef Hotdog: 238 Coins
Beef is produced by Limousin Cattle, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Pasture. Process it in the Salami Machine to make Beef Salami.
Turkey Hotdog: 441 Coins
Requires 1 Star Mastery
Turkey is produced by a White Turkey, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Rice. Process it in the Salami Machine to make Turkey Sausage.
Pork Hotdog: 432 Coins
Requires 2 Star Mastery
Pork is produced by a Pig, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Sweet Potato. Process it in the Salami Machine to make Pork Sausage.
Venison Hotdog: 727 Coins
Requires 3 Star Mastery
Venison Steak is produced by a Deer, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Bean. Process it in the Salami Machine to make Venison Sausage.
Flavoured Bread Machine Products
The Flavoured Bread Machine is a two-ingredient Machine. The primary ingredient is Chestnut Flour. It is the second Ingredient, often produced in the Dehydrator that determines the type of Bread that is made.
Dried Cranberry Bread: 211 Coins
Dried Cranberry is produced in the Dehydrator, an Island Machine, using Cranberry, an Island Crop.
Raisin Bread: 139 Coins
Raisin is the product of Grape, a Seaside Crop, when it is processed in the Dehydrator.
Zucchini Bread: 400 Coins
Dried Zucchini is produced in the Dehydrator using Zucchini, an Island Crop.
Jackfruit Bread: 45 Coins
Dried Jackfruit is the product of the Jackfruit, harvested from the Jackfruit Tree, a Seaside Tree, when it is processed in the Dehydrator.
Garlic Bread: 171 Coins
Garlic is an Island Crop that takes 9 hours to mature.
Kiwi Fruit Bread: 525 Coins
Dried Kiwi is produced in the Dehydrator using Kiwi, an Island Crop.
Strawberry Bread: 320 Coins
Dried Strawberry is the product of Strawberry, a Seaside Crop, when it is processed in the Dehydrator.
Pineberry Bread: 635 Coins
Dried Pineberry is produced in the Dehydrator using Pineberry, an Island Crop.
Cinnamon Bread: 122 Coins
Cinnamon is harvested from the Cinnamon Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 14 hours.
Tea Master Products
The Tea Master is one of the more advanced Machines, even though you can obtain one by completing an expansion even when you have not earned sufficient Dev Points on the Island. It is a two-ingredient Machine. The primary ingredient used to make every type of Tea is Tea Plant, an Island Crop. Note that this is quite different from the Tea Leaf produced by the Tea Tree! It is the second ingredient that determines the type of Tea that is made.
Minty Morocco: 284 Coins
Mint is an Island Crop.
Lemon Tea: 100 Coins
Lemon is harvested from the Lemon Tree, a Seaside Tree.
Maple Tea: 91 Coins
Maple Sugar is made with Maple Syrup, harvested from the Maple Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 9 hours, then processed in the Sugar Machine, a Seaside Machine.
Cranberry Tea: 210 Coins
Cranberry is an Island Crop.
Camomile Tea: 321 Coins
Camomile is an Island Crop.
Elderberry Tea: 88 Coins
Elderberry is harvested from the Elderberry Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 8 Hours.
Ice Tea: 95 Coins
Ice Cube is harvested from the Ice Tree, a Seaside Tree, every 10 Hours, or is produced by the Ice Dolphin, a Seaside Collectable.
Honeysuckle Tea: 156 Coins
Honeysuckle is an Island Crop.
Flower Basket Machine Products
Camomile Basket: 328 Coins
Camomile is an Island Crop.
Lily Basket: 376 Coins
Lily is a Seaside Crop that takes 10 hours to mature.
White Rose Basket: 147 Coins
White Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 4 hours to mature.
Honeysuckle Basket: 175 Coins
Honeysuckle is an Island Crop.
Jasmine Basket: 107 Coins
Jasmine is harvested from the Jasmine Bush, a Seaside Tree, every 10 hours.
Violet Basket: 642 Coins
Violet is an Island Crop.
Pink Rose Bouquet: 276 Coins
Pink Rose is a Seaside Crop that takes 8 hours to mature.
Hat Machine Products
The Hat Machine is a two-ingredient Machine. The primary ingredient is Camel Hair, produced by the Camel, an Island Animal, when it is fed Cactus.
Peacock Hat: 226 Coins
Peacock Feathers are produced by the Peacock, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Rice.
Goose Hat: 128 Coins
Goose Feather is produced by the Goose, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Lotus Flower.
Ostrich Hat: 123 Coins
Ostrich Feather is produced by the Black Ostrich, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Daisy.
Stetson Hat: 197 Coins
Horse Hair is produced by the Horse, a Seaside Animal, when it is fed Carrot.
Pizza Machine Products
When completed, you can make the following:
Zucchini Pizza: 549 Coins
Ingredients: Zucchini, High Gluten Flour, Cheddar Cheese
Pineapple Pizza: 587 Coins
Ingredients: Pineapple, High Gluten Flour, Cheddar Cheese
With 1 Mastery, you can make:
Red Pepper Pizza: 547 Coins
Ingredients: Red Bell Peppers, High Gluten Flour, Cheddar Cheese
Mushroom Pizza: 478 Coins
Ingredients: Mushroom, High Gluten Flour, Cheddar Cheese
With 2 Mastery, you can make:
Onion Pizza: 528 Coins
Ingredients: Onion, High Gluten Flour, Cheddar Cheese
With 3 Mastery, you can make:
Eggplant Pizza: 1134 Coins
Ingredients: Eggplant, HIgh Gluten Flour, Cheddar Cheese
Hardware Store Products
Crosscut Saw: 0 Coins
Nut: 110 Coins
Lag Bolt: 675 Coins
Nail: 1256 Coins
Wrench: 7220 Coins
Screwdriver: 13800 Coins
Copper Ingot: 1458 Coins
Iron Ingot: 2155 Coins
Silver Ingot: 3655 Coins
Gold Ingot: 7042 Coins
Diamond: 11957 Coins
Glass Factory
The new Glass Factory costs 10,000 Coins and is complete when purchased. You can make the following:
Mirror: 4157 Coins
Ceramic Plate: 1636 Coins
Emerald Glass: 1526 Coins
Ruby Glass: 3606 Coins
Amethyst Glass: 6075 Coins
Golden Glass: 9194 Coins
Sawmill Products:
Wooden Cylinder: 255 Coins
Use Oak Wood from Oak Tree
Wooden Plank: 695 Coins
Use Cedar Wood from Cedar Tree
Wooden Panel: 3962 Coins
Use Red Sandalwood from Red Sanders Tree
Pickaxe: 1755 Coins
Ingredients: Wooden Cylinder x 2,
Cost: 1185 Coins
Sawdust: 925 Coins
Ingredients: Oak Wood x 1, Cedar Wood x 1
Cost: None
Workshop Products:
Wooden Chair: 1745 Coins
Ingredients: Wooden Cylinder x 4, Wooden Plank
Scarecrow Toy: 779 Coins
Ingredients: Mohair Yarn x 2, Cedar Wood
Oil Painting Frame: 676 Coins
Ingredients: Linen x 2, Oak Wood x 2
Wood Aroma Bottle: 819 Coins
Ingredients: Wool Yarn x 2, Cedar Wood
Make-Up Box: 1090 Coins
Ingredients: Wooden Plank, Starfish Mirror
Coral Dressing Table: 4248 Coins
Ingredients: Coral Rose Mirror, Wooden Panel
Flower Table: 5602 Coins
Ingredients: Wooden Cylinder x 6, Wooden Panel
Gunpowder: 1333 Coins
Ingrdients: Nitre x 1, Sawdust x 1
Nitre is obtained from the Mine and Sawdust is crafted in the Sawmill.
Dynamite: 2768 Coins
Ingredients: Nitre x 2, Bamboo Shoot x 1
Nitre is obtained from the Mine and Bamboo Shoot is harvested from the Bamboo Tree
Bomb: 3558 Coins
Ingredients: Gunpowder x 1, Iron Ingot x 1
Gunpowder is crafted in the Workshop and Iron Ingot is crafted in the Hardware Store.
Barrel Bomb: 5401 Coins
Ingredients: Gunpowder x 1, Wooden Panel x 1
Both ingredients are crafted in the Workshop
Stone Brick:2805 Coins
INgredients: Ceramic Plate x 1, Claystone x 2
Ceramic Plate is made in the Hardware Store and Claystone is obtained from the Mine
Water Pipe: 3575 Coins
Ingredients: Lag Bolt x 2, Iron Ingot x 1
Lag Bolt and Iron Ingot both are crafted in the Hardware Store
Grill: 33298 Coins
Ingredients: Copper Ingot x 15, Iron Ingot x 5
Cauldron: 58405 Coins
Ingredients: Nail x 25, Iron Ingot x 12
Both ingredients are crafted in the Hardware Store
Cornerstone: 74763 Coins
Ingredients: Mirror x 8, Golden Glass x 3
Cornerstone (Silver): 55229 Coins
Ingredients: Silver Ingot x 5, Diamond x 3
Cornerstone (Diamond): 97569 Coins
Ingredients: Diamond x 8
Horn of a Unicorn: 118443 Coins
Ingredients: Diamond x 5, Gold Ingot x 8
The Cost of a 2nd Machine
iIsland Machines have a limit as to how many you can own and the cost of a second Machine of any type, with the exception of the Yogurt Machine, is a premium RC price. These Machines are unfinished as well and must be completed before they can be used. Here is a list of the price of each Machine when purchased as a second Machine:
Spinning Machine Materials List
A second Spinning Machine will cost 12 RC. A third will cost 20 RC. They will be incomplete and each requires the following Materials:
5 Spinning Wheels (Request from Neighbours or buy for 1 RC each),
5 Lag Bolts (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
20 Nuts (Craft or buy for 1 RC each)
Loom Materials List
A second Loom will cost 12 RC. A third will cost 30 Rc. They will be incomplete and both will require the following materials:
5 Warp Beams (Request from Neighbour or buy for 1 RC each)
5 Lag Bolts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
3 Nails (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
20 Nuts (Craft or purchase for 1 RC each)
BBQ or Barbecue Machine
The newest Machine on the Island is the BBQ Machine. The basic unfinished Machine can be purchased in the Market for 40000 Coins and you only can have one of these Machines. The materials for constructing the Machine cannot be purchased in the Market, nor can you request them from Neighbours or Buddies. The only way to obtain the Materials you need is by completing Boat Orders and the items only are unlocked when your Wharf is upgraded as follows:
80 Seasoning Plates
Available at Wharf Level 6
60 Baskets
Available at Wharf Level 7
40 Marinade Bowls
Available at Wharf Level 8
20 Brush
Available at Wharf Level 9
Note that when your Wharf has been upgraded to the necessary level for any Material, you will find it in the Boat Tickets Store in the Island Market.
The items that can be made in the BBQ Machine are:
Barbecued Turkey
Requires Turkey
Barbecued Shrimp
Requires Mantis Shrimp
Barbecued Potato
Requires Potato
Barbecued Pork (2 Star Mastery)
Requires Pork
Barbecued Mushroom (2 Star Mastery)
Requires Mushroom
Barbecued Garlic (3 Star Mastery)
Requires Garlic
Barbecued Eggplant (3 Star Mastery)
Requires Eggplant
It is a 3-ingredient Machine. Two of the ingredients will be required for ANY product in the form of Chili Sauce and Salt. Both of these must be transported from your Seaside Farm. The third ingredient is the one that determines the product you will obtain. As you can see, there is only one type of Barbecue that uses an Island ingredient and that is the Barbecued Garlic!
Prices of Second Machines
Watermill: 15 RC
Pie Machine: 15 RC
Hat Machine: 12 RC
Flavoured Bread Machine: 10 RC
Tea Master: 12 RC
Yogurt Machine: 200000 Coins
Hotdog Machine: 20 RC
Decorations in the Market
With the release of the new Mining Option and the Glass Factory in mid-February of 2015, new Decorations were added to the Market that must be built using Materials one can craft. These Decorations when purchased are incomplete obviously but completing one for the first time will earn the Farmer Dev Points.
Rabbit Plant Stand: 4 RC
Panda Plant Stand:: 8 RC
White Octopus: 4 RC
Little Duck Parasol: 6 RC
Little Round Table: 50000 Coins
White Fish: 100000 Coins
Deck Chair: 70000 Coins
Sheep Plant Stand: 120000 Coins
White Dolphin: 80000 Coins
Requires 3500 Dev Points
Cow Plant Stand: 120000 Coins
Requires 4200 Dev Points
Landmark Decorations
Cranberry Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 100 whe built for the first time
Cactus Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 120 when built for the first time
Flax Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time
Roast Spit: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time
Cauldron Fire: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time
Unicorn Child: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time
Unicorn Mother: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 250 when built for the first time
Unicorn Father: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 300 when built for the first time
Crafting the new Landmark Decorations
Cranberry Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 100 whe built for the first time
Materials List:
Wooden Panel x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Silver Ingot x 1 (or pay 1 RC each)
Emerald Glass x 2 (Craft in Glass Factory or pay 1 RC each)
Ruby Glass x 1 (Craft in Glass Factory or pay 1 RC each)
Complete instantly for 5 RC
A Wooden Panel is made in the Sawmill using 1 Red Sandalwood. It takes 30 minutes to complete.
A Silver Ingot is made in the Hardware Store using Silver Ore.
Emerald Glass is made in the Glass Factory using 1 Quartz and 12 Cactus. It takes 20 minutes to complete.
Ruby Glass is made in the Glass Factory using 1 Quartz and 20 Cranberries. It takes 1 hour to complete.
Cactus Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 120 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Wooden Panel x 2 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Silver Ingot x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Emerald Glass x 3 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Amethyst Glass x 1 (Craft of pay 1 RC each)
Complete instantly for 7 RC
Flax Crystal Deco: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Wooden Panel x 4 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Silver Ingot x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Emerald Glass x 4 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Golden Glass x 1 (Craft or pay 2 RC each)
Complete instantly for 11 RC
Roast Spit: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 180 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Grill x 1: Craft or pay 10 RC)
Wooden Plank x 3 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Claystone x 8 (1 RC each)
Complete instantly for 21 RC
Cauldron Fire: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Cauldron (Craft or pay 15 RC each)
Wooden Plank x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Claystone x 20 (Pay 1 RC each)
Complete instantly for 40 RC
Unicorn Child: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 200 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Stone Brick x 5 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Water Pipe x 1 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Cornerstone (Silver) x 1 (Craft or pay 5 RC each)
Horn of a Unicorn (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
Complete instantly for 41 RC
Unicorn Mother: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 250 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Stone Brick x 12 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Water Pipe x 2 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Cornerstone (Diamond) x 1 (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
Horn of a Unicorn x 1 (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
Complete instantly for 54 RC
Unicorn Father: 500 Coins
Increases Dev Points by 300 when built for the first time
Materials List:
Stone Brick x 20 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Water Pipe x 4 (Craft or pay 1 RC each)
Cornerstone (Gold) Craft or pay 15 RC each)
Horn of a Unicorn (Craft or pay 20 RC each)
Complete instantly for 59 RC
Other Uses for Island Products
Many Island Products now are required as materials in upgrades of Warehouse and the new Tree Nursery on the original Seaside Farm. Items that are crafted on the island and used in these upgrades include: Nail, Lag Bolt, Wrench, Screwdriver, Wooden Panel and Diamond. This is not a comprehensive list, by the way but you can find a complete list of all materials needed for all storage building upgrades elsewhere on my Family Farm Seaside site.
Here is a comprehensive list of all new Island Items from October 2017:
Below you will find all new Island Items with information about Dev Point requirements, materials needed to build the new Machines and Landmark Decorations as well as any current uses for the new Products. The Activity Stage Mission has its own post. Other Facebook Groups are welcome to post a link to this in their groups, but please give Freyashawk credit for any information you use from my site. Thank you!
There are new untimed Misisons linked to the latest update to the game as well as new Island Animals, Machines and a new Island Tree in the form of the Rubber Tree. There are new Eagle Landmark Decorations as well that increase your Dev Point total. I originally listed the Missions first but now am giving Update information first here. There is a new building in the form of the Activity Stage as well that offers time-restricted Missions. You must distinguish between the new Missions like 'Farm Foresight' and the Activity Stage 'Sweet or Salty?' Big Dipper Mission.
Please be aware that there is NO urgency to the new Missions that automatically appear on the left side of your screen. 'Farm Foresight' is the first of these. You may see them only if you completed all the other untimed ordinary Missions. You do not receive special Rewards. You receive only Coins and XP. They will not appear in the Lighthouse because they never expire.
One aspect of the new untimed Missions is different from most others: you need a completed Salad Machine for some of the tasks. If you do not have one, you may wish to buy and complete one. You can find the materials in the Purple Mystron Shop.
The Activity Stage Missions on the other hand will expire after 8 days from the date of their release. You have only two hours to complete any part of the Mission once you use your Wand to activate it. You receive only one Wand activation per day, but if you wish to complete the Quest faster, you can buy a new activation for 2 RC. Activity Stage Missions do carry special rewards beyond the usual Coins and XP. The Big Dipper 'Sweet or Salty?' Mid-Autumn Festival Mission gives a cute little Moon Bunny Decoration. Please see my specific post about the Activity Stage Mission for photographs and all other details.
As far as the new Island items are concerned, you obviously need access to the Island to be able to explore them. Moreover, you will need a fairly high Dev Point total for most of them.
Note that the total maximum number of Dev Points has increased, although so far there is no reason to obtain the new maximum. The three Eagle Landmark Decorations have been added to the game to allow you to increase your Dev Point totals by performing more Helicopter Orders.
Note from Freyashawk: Ultimately I will move the untimed Quests to a page that will give all the new untimed Quests now and in future, and I will incorporate the new Island items into my Island Page. Until then, however, this will be the comprehensive guide for the latest update, apart from the Starry Sky Activity Stage Quest which you will find in a separate post.
New Update
Changes include the following:
Free Rainbow Rain
Each time you increase your Farm's level, you should receive 1 Rainbow Rain. Note, however, that if you do not use the Rainbow Rain in the centre top of the screen BEFORE your level increase, you lose that one! So keep an eye on your XP total when you are close to reaching the next level.
Tree Nursery
Tree Nursery no longer requires individual farm aids. It actually WORKS now. You can harvest Trees that are in the Nursery when the harvest time activates... no need to spend extra farm aids like Watering Cans or Super Watering Cans to get anything from this building apart from storage... you can place your Trees in the Tree Nursery and harvest as often as you would if they were on your Farm without any other action. A little basket will appear above the Tree Nursery now when any Trees are ready for harvest. Simply tap on it to harvest automatically.
Clean Tickets/Green Tickets
You only can have 300 'active' Green Tickets on any given day. Extras you amassed before the update will be found in your Gift Box now. Unfortunately, any NEW Green Tickets you receive from Log in Rewards or open Pet Chests will be lost if they would increase your total beyond 300... so use the Green Tickets if you can BEFORE claiming rewards. I find this change annoying personally... it is small-minded.
Buddy Point Changes
Buddy Points for each Level upgrade have changed as follows:
To reach Level 2: 450 Points
To reach Level 3: 1500 Points
To reach Level 4: 4000 Points
To reach Level 5: 8000 Points
To reach Level 6: 10000 Points
To reach Level 7: 12000 Points
To reach Level 8: 15000 Points
You now receive Buddy Gift Bags from visits that are linked to your Buddy Levels instead of simply receiving the ordinary reward you would receive from any Neighbour visit.
For example, a Level 5 bag contained: 750 Coins, 12 OP, 1 Power, 2 Super Watering Cans, 5 Watering Cans
Level 1 Bag contained: 400 Coins, 8 OP and 1 Red Mystron
NOTE: You can visit Buddies using Batch visits but you will NOT receive the little Buddy Gift Bags when you do... you only receive the usual Gift Boxes, XP and so on.
Activity Stage
There is a new Activity Stage on the left side of your screen near the Gallery. It will be devoted to new timed Missions. The first is the Big Dipper 'Sweet or Salty' Mission. A Wand that you need to activate is used to tap on a step in an outline to allow you to begin. Three tasks to each part of any Mission and you have only 2 hours to complete any part. Only one Wand is given each day at reset but if you wish to move faster through any Quest, you can purchase a new activation of the Wand for 2 RC. Please see my Big Dipper Activity Stage post for all tasks and Rewards.
New Items for Island
There are Dev Point requirements for all of these but as Harvest Moon FDC has full Dev Points, they did not show up for me. The following includes all materials needed to build the machines as well as prices, and all products, including all ingredients needed to make them. It includes Dev Point requirements for ALL the new Island items, including the Rubber Tree.
Many thanks to Aloysius of Dolceacqua Farm for sharing Dev Point requirements for unlocking all new items.
The good news for players is that there finally is a USE for the beautiful Daffodils we have been growing and harvesting for years. You can use them, once you have sufficient mastery, to make Daffodil Flip Flops.
New Dev Point Total
The original maximum number of Dev Points that could be achieved was 6500 Dev Points. Now, that has been increased to 7250. To reach the 6500 total, you have to build the available Landmark Decorations and then complete sufficient Helicopter Orders. To reach the new 7250 Dev Point total, the same holds true. Build the three new Eagle Landmark Decorations and then complete Helicopter Orders until you reach the maximum. At this point in time, there is no new option that requires 7250 Dev Points but many players like to reach the maximum, irrespective of any practical benefit.
New Island Tree
There is a new Tree in the form of the Rubber Tree. This is NOT a Wood Tree, so you do not cut it. Use the Farm Aids to speed production if you wish.
Rubber Tree: 10000 Coins
2120 Dev Point requirement
You can own a total of 5. The 2nd costs 20000 Coins, the 3rd costs 3 RC.
New Island Animals
There are new Animals on the Island, including:
Squirrel: 12 RC
2120 Dev Points
Squirrel eats Peanuts, which must be transported from the Seaside Farm.
Produces: Squirrel Hair
Sells for 221 Coins
Parrot: 200000 Coins
2460 Dev Points
The Parrot eats Sunflowers which means you must transport them from the Mainland. Parrot Feathers are used in the Flip Flop Machine.
Produces: Parrot Feathers
Sells for 366 Coins
Quail: 250000 Coins
2880 Dev Point requirement
The Quail eats Wild Wheat
Produces: Quail Egg
Sells for 187 Coins
Thanks to Aloysius at Dolceacqua Farm for Dev Point requirements!
New Island Machines
There are new Machines on the Island, including the following:
Soap Machine
Soap Machine: 250000 Coins
Dev Point Requirement: 3650
To build, you will need:
25 Canisters (1 RC each or request)
50 Nails (Craft)
20 Wrench
3 Screwdrivers
You can own a total of 4 Soap Machines. The price for the 2nd is 18 RC.
Soap Machine Products
Tea Tree Soap:
Ingredients: Tea Tree Essential Oil, Olives
Camomile Soap:
Ingredients: Camomile Essential Oil, Olives
1 Star Mastery:
Red Rose Soap:
Ingredients: Red Rose Essential Oil, Olives
Honeysuckle Soap
Ingredients: Honeysuckle, Olives
2 Star Mastery:
Tulip Soap:
Ingredients: Tulip Essential Oil, Olives
Sunflower Soap:
Ingredients: Sunflower Essential Oil, Olives
3 Star Mastery:
Violet Soap:
Ingredients: Violet Essential Oil, Olives
Flip Flop Machine
Flip Flop Machine: 300000 Coins
Dev Point Requirement: 4050
To build, you will need:
15 Storage Bins (Request or pay 1 RC for each)
10 Iron Ingots
15 Copper Ingots
4 Screwdrivers
You can own a total of 4 Flip Flop Machines. The price for a 2nd is 20 RC.
To make any Flip Flop, you will need Rubber from the new Rubber Tree. A Rubber Tree costs 10000 Coins for the first one, 20000 Coins for a second Tree and so on.
Flip Flop Machine Products
Parrot Flip Flops: 444 Coins
Ingredients: 1 Parrot Feather, 1 Rubber
With 1 Star Mastery:
Peacock Flip Flops
Ingredients: 1 Peacock Feather, 1 Rubber
Daffodil Flip Flops
Ingredients: 1 Daffodil, 1 Rubber
2 Star Mastery:
Alpaca Flip Flops
Ingredients: 1 Alpaca Wool, 1 Rubber
3 Star Mastery:
Angora Hair Flip Flops
Ingredients: 1 Angora Hair Ball (requires Gadget), 1 Rubber
Marshmallow Machine
Marshmallow Machine: 15 RC
Dev Points: 3350
To build, you will need:
20 Rotating Handles (Request or pay 1 RC for each)
20 Lag Bolts (Craft)
15 Nails Craft)
6 Wrenches (Craft)
You can own a total of 4 Marshmallow Machines. The price for the 2nd is 22 RC.
Marshmallow Machine Products:
Coffee Marshmallows: 117 Coins
Ingredients: Coffee Beans, Sugar
Pineapple Marshmallows: 202 Coins
Ingredients: Pineapple, Sugar
1 Star Mastery Required for:
Blueberry Marshmallows
Ingredients: Blueberry, Sugar
Rainbow Marshmallows
Ingredients: Rainbow Fruit, Sugar
2 Star Mastery:
Peach Marshmallows
Ingredients: Peach, Sugar
Raspberry Marshmallows:
Ingredients: Raspberry, Sugar
3 Star Mastery:
Mint Marshmallows
Ingredients: Mint, Sugar
New Island Landmark Decorations
Eagle Decorations: Dev Point Requirement is 5000 for all three Eagle Landmark Decorations
Each of these new Decorations has to be built and there is one new Material that you need to craft for each in the form of the Magnificent Crown:
Magnificent Crown: Requires 5 Diamonds and 8 Gold Ingots to craft as well as 5000 Dev Point total
Eagle Father: 500 Coins
Adds 200 Dev Points
Must be built as follows:
5 Stone Bricks
1 Water Pipe
1 Cornerstone (Silver)
1 Magnificent Crown
Eagle Mother: 500 Coins
Adds 250 Dev Points
Must be built as follows:
12 Stone Bricks
2 Water Pipes
1 Cornerstone (Diamond)
1 Magnificent Crown
Eagle Baby: 500 Coins
Adds 300 Dev Points
Must be built as follows:
20 Stone Bricks
4 Water Pipes
1 Cornerstone (Gold)
1 Magnificent Crown
Achieve 1 Star Mastery by making 80 Products.
Achieve 2 Star Mastery by making 600 Products.
Achieve 3 Star Mastery by making 1800 Products.
Other Dev Point Requirements:
This is a note to myself.
BBQ Machine: 6000 Dev Points
New Island Item Purchase Level Requirements
The following is the Level Requirement for the purchase of the new items when they are placed in the Flea Market for example. It is quite different from the Dev Point requirement to purchase the Animal or Machine that creates the item. You will not even see this requirement if your own level is higher. I will add these as low level players share them with me.
Daffodil Flip Flops: Level 50
New Island Items
All Island items have Dev Point requirements as well as Level Requirements but you will not see these unless you have not met those requirements.
The Dev Point requirement for the Muskmelon Crop is 3560 Dev Points
Muskmelon Crop: 115 Coins
6 hours
The Durian Tree requires 2520 Dev Points
Durian Tree: 7 hours to harvest
1st Tree: 13000 Coins
2nd Tree: 25000 Coins
Popsicle Machine:
Dev Point Requirement is 7000 and Level 50 Requirement
Popsicle Machine: 15 RC
Materials List:
15 Freezer (Request or pay 1 RC for each)
15 Copper Ingots (Craft or pay 109 TC each)
12 Iron Ingots (Craft or pay 155 TC each)
8 Screwdrivers (Craft or pay 85 TC each)
Thanks to Kaye Webb, valued administrator of our Family Farm Seaside Freyashawk Facebook Group for the materials list.
The Popsicle Machine makes the following using 1 Ice Cube and whatever individual fruit determines the type of Popsicle made:
Muskmelon Popsicles
Coconut Popsicles
Durian Popsicles
Vanilla Popsicles
Adzuki Popsicles
Pineberry Popsicles
Matcha Popsicles
Chocolate Popsicles
All other Island items are covered in my posts and page about the Island with all Island Quests, material lists, expansion requirements and so on.
The Rubber Tree is not new but Dev Point requirement is 2120
Other Items:
Marshmallow Machine: 3350 Dev Points
Soap Machine: Level 46 and 3650 Dev Points
Flip Flop Machine: Level 50 and 4050 Dev Points
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