
13 October 2015

Hallowe'en Events, Jack O'Lantern Machine, Hallowe'en Stage

 Above, you will see some screenshots of the newly completed Halloween Stage.  The first shows it empty but complete.  If you have the Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, the Skeleton Rockstar Diva, the Stereo Coffin and the Ghost Broom, they can be placed on the stage by using first the Move tool and then using the jigsaw puzzle icon to place them properly.  Doing so will gain you a total of 6 extra Charm Points.  Do note, however, that items must be registered separately while they are off the stage and, if you have not received your full quota of 7 days' worth of Yellow Mystrons from the Diva, you should not have her on the stage until you do!  More about this below in another section of this post.  Note that you receive only 1 Blue Gift Box with items on or off the stage.  If you are a farmer who needs all possible Gift Boxes, remove the items after taking a photograph for the Beauty Contest in order to receive the other Gift Boxes from the individual items.  The Ghost Broom will not give you a Gift Box but the Stereo Coffin gives a Gold one, the Frontman gives a Purple one and the Rockstar Diva, once you have collected 7 days' worth of Yellow Mystrons, will give a Blue Box when cleaned.

Update on 28 October:

The Halloween Hook has disappeared from the fishing pier and you no longer therefore can find the Blue Bricks for the Stage or the materials for the Jack O'Lantern Machine.  Materials for the Jack O'Lantern Machine now will appear randomly in the Yellow Mystron Mystery Shop.   The price is 7 Yellow Mystrons for any Materials but you will obtain different amounts depending on the nature of the Material offered as follows:

You will obtain 7 Ghost Candles
You will obtain 3 Dracula Wings
You will obtain 1 Witch Cauldron (I believe)

Halloween Events and Decorations

Well, we knew they would be offering some of the Hallowe'en Decorations from the past as well as giving farmers another chance at the Jack O'Lantern Machine.  The Hallowe'en Event has started and includes a special sale, a special Quest sequence that involves the construction of a new Decoration in the form of the Hallowe'en Stage and finally, the ability to purchase and construct the Jack O'Lantern Machine.

Fishing is a part of all this, as they have brought back the special Hallowe'en Hook that allows players to catch the materials needed to complete the Jack O'Lantern Machine.  Be warned... it is a long labour.  I am grateful that Harvest Moon completed that Machine when it was offered in the past!

As of Tuesday, 20 October, I believe that the final Hallowe'en Decorations offered in special sales now are available.  They are the Stereo Coffin, sold with a Lime Tree and 14 RC and the Skeleton Rockstar Diva, sold with Super Watering Cans and 40 RC.

Incidentally, I discovered today that there is another woman who named her farm Harvest Moon but if you wish to vote for my farm, it is always Freyashawk and an icon of a hawk in a tree against a blue sky.  Thank you.

Hallowe'en Stage 1/4

Help Darryl to make the farm more spooky!
Task1 : Get a Halloween Blue Brick from every 7th Hallowe'en Hook Bag when fishing with the Hallowe'en Hook.  Activity ends on 27 October

N.B.  EACH catch with the Hallowe'en Hook appears to be accompanied by a Lucky Bag that will contain either a material for the Jack O'Lantern Machine or a Blue Brick.  It is only every 7th Bag, however, that will contain the Brick.  This does make the business of completing the Jack O'Lantern Machine easier than it was last year when the catches only were accompanied randomly by a material and only specific items in any case at that!  It required endless fishing...

Hallowe'en Stage 2

Only available until 19 October, eat at your Neighbours' Cooking Stands to receive a special Gift Bag that randomly may contain a Hallowe'en Cable.  Harvest Moon opened 9 of them without receiving a single one, but there's always tomorrow...

Note that there was a Kindle issue wherein no Cables were to be found in ANY of the special Bags. As of 19 October, that issue finally has been fixed.  You still can find the special bags at your Neighbours' stands.  Furthermore, if you are playing on the Kindle, you will see a special Balloon float across your screen today.  Open it to receive 3 Halloween Cables.  They did extend the event until 22 October now.

Time to Scare People Quest

Time to scare people!

Fish 3 times with the Hallowe'en Hook
  Skip for 3 RC

Harvest 30 Pumpkins
   Skip for 30 RC

Place the Hallowe'en Stage on your Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

  The Hallowe'en Stage is an unfinished Decoration that you can purchase in the Decorations section of the Market for 3000 Coins.  To complete it you will need the following:

  38 Halloween Bricks
  10 Pink Ropes
  8 Pink Light Bulbs
  4 Speakers

Note that these are items that will be available on a weekly basis, much like the Mini-Garden project.  Apart from the Bricks, available now, they actually may have different names when they become available.  I simply am describing what I see.

Finally, I expect that the Halloween Stage ultimately will give a Blue Cleaning Bag when cleaned as the Mini Garden does, but THAT is long in the future.

Reward: 1000 Coins, 100 XP

Darryl:  Oh, that is looking good already!  Let's finish this before Hallowe'en!

The first Event was to fish with the Halloween Hook.  Each catch came with a special Gift Bag and every 7th Bag contained a Blue Brick, the second material needed for the Stage.  As of 25 October, you still can find the Bricks in the Lucky Halloween Gift Bags when you fish with the special Halloween Hook.

Second Event

The second Event was to eat at Neighbours' Cooking Stands.  For a limited period, doing so gave a special Halloween Gift Bag.  These randomly contained Pink Ropes, the second Material required for the stage.  These no longer are available.  When you eat at a Cooking Stand, you now receive an ordinary Gift Bag.

Third Event:

The third Event is the current Spooky Halloween Mission.  Parts 1 through 8 each include a special Reward in the form of a Halloween Bulb, the third Material required to build the Stage.

Fourth  Event

The fourth Event is the Weekly Task.  You must complete more than one of these to obtain all the Speakers, which are the final material needed to build the Stage.

The first task is:

Prepare 20 plates of Egg Custard in Pumpkin.  You should receive two Speakers for completing this task.  The next task, now live is to  prepare 15 Skeleton Fish Chips.  Completing this activity will give you the final 2 Speakers that you need to complete the Stage.

Each Egg Custard in Pumpkin requires 2 Pumpkins and 1 Egg.  Each Skeleton Fish Chips requires 1 Skeleton Fish and 1 Soft Dough.

Completed Halloween Stage

The Halloween Stage, when complete, acts like the Bird Home Base in the sense that you can place your Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, your Skeleton Rockstar Diva, the Stereo Coffin and your Ghost Broom (if you managed to obtain it in the current Beauty Contest as a reward) on the Stage by first using the Move tool and then the jigsaw puzzle piece tool on the far right to set them on the Stage.  You should make certain that the individual items are registered before you place them on the Stage.  Furthermore, if you have not received 7 days' worth of Yellow Mystrons from your Diva, wait until that occurs before setting her on the Stage.

As with the Bird Home Base, you will receive more Charm Points if the items are placed on the Stage.  You will receive 2 extra Charm Points for placing the Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, 2 extra Charm Points for placing the Sksleton Rockstar Diva, 1 Point for the Stereo Coffin and 1 extra Charm Pont for placing the Ghost Broom.  A total of 6 extra Charm Points, therefore, if you place all four on the stage.

Charm Points

The items that are being offered in the sale are both Theme-related and imbued with Charm Points.

They are as follows:

Running Mummy: 18 Charm Points and 4 Theme Votes
  Gives Gold Cleaning Box

Witch Legs: 2 Charm Points and 2 Theme Votes
  Gives Silver Cleaning Box, least valuable of all

Skeleton Rock Star Frontman: 6 Charm Points and 3 Theme Votes
  Gives Purple Cleaning Box

Stereo Coffin, 7 Charm Points, 2 Theme Votes
  Gives Gold Cleaning Box

Skeleton Rockstar Diva, 8 Charm Points, 5 Theme Votes
  Gives 10 Yellow Mystrons for 7 Days, then Blue Gift Box

The nice thing about the Skeleton Rock Star Frontman is that he has a very small footprint, but is worth 6 Charm Points, even though he occupies less space than any other Decoration that has only 1 Charm Point.  The Witch Legs have a small footprint but are worth only 2 Charm Points.  The new Skeleton Rockstar Diva is both the most expensive and most valuable with a small footprint offering 8 Charm Points.

Please see my Halloween Farm Beauty Contest post for details on how the votes of the four Characters work.  You only will receive the Theme Votes if you have not yet reached the maximum points for Theme from that Character.  It probably is 20 for Characters with 80 Votes and 18 for Characters with 72 Votes.  In other words, Harvest Moon, having the maximum Votes for Theme even before this sale, will not increase the Votes of Felicia, Darryl and Dad by purchasing ANY of these items and placing them.  The farm will get the Charm Points but that applies only to global rating as the farm achieved the maximum of 20 and 18 Votes given for Charm from the Characters long ago...

I did confirm the 'ceiling' for theme decorations when Harvest Moon FDC placed both of the new Decorations and votes from the Characters did not increase at all.

Gallery Registration

Remember that Gallery counts with two Characters, so register your items.

Witch Legs:
  4 Medals, 3 Super Fertiliser

Running Mummy
  8 Medals, 2 Rain

Jack O'Lantern Machine

This is a Machine that was offered last year as well.  It costs 1000 Coins and is unfinished when purchased in the Market.  It will be available only for 15 days.

To complete it, you will need:

300 Ghost Candles

150 Dracula Wings

50 Witch Cauldrons

Yes, a formidable task and one I do not look forward to repeating with my Rosewood Farm now.
These 'materials' are caught by using the Hallowe'en Hook when fishing, not by the individual items caught but by the new Hallowe'en Lucky Bag that accompanies each catch with the special Hook..  Each use of the Hallowe'en Hook requires 125 Bait.

Hallowe'en Hook Catches

With the Halloween Hook, you can catch the following:

Skull Anchor
Humpback Anglefish
Ghost Jellyfish
Vampire Clam
Skeleton Fish
Skull Anchor

It appears that each catch now will be accompanied by a Lucky Bag.  Each 7th Bag should contain a Hallowe'en Brick for the stage.  This is a formidable project as well if you consider how much fishing is required to earn the Bricks.

Note that the Hallowe'en Lucky Bags contain both materials for the Jack O'Lantern Machine and the Bricks required for the stage.

For example, in opening 10 of them, I received: 1 Witch Cauldron, 4 Dracula Wings, 4 Ghost Candles and 1 Brick, I believe.  Note that you then must access your Gift Box and after opening all the Bags, find the Materials and add them to the Machine and Stage respectively.

Added Income

Despite the extraordinary amount of labour required to build the Jack OLantern Machine and Halloween Stage, there are other advantages to the temporary Halloween Hook and its catches.  Once you have obtained the Lucky Bags from each catch, you will be free to sell the actual items caught and they are quite valuable.  It gives lower level players a wonderful opportunity to make enough Coins to purchase expansions and if the option has been unlocked, pay for access to the Island and its expansions.

Here are the values:

Skeleton Fish: 641 Coins
Humpback Anglerfish: 515 Coins
Skull Anchor: 1838 Coins
Kraken: 4236 Coins
Vampire Clam: 522 Coins
Ghost Jellyfish: 753 Coins

The numbers speak for themselves, but it is only just to have a good value on these fish, given the amount of bait required to catch them!  You will find all the Halloween catches at the very end of the last section of your Fishing Book.

When these Halloween Fish were introduced in the past, special temporary Recipes were released that used at least one of them in the form of the Skeleton Fish.  It will be interesting to see if the last Halloween Mission that begins on Friday will have these Recipes included in it.


Bait is expensive and you will need an enormous amount of it for the Halloween Hook.  You can find Bait for sale sometimes in the Coin Mystery Shop.  You can receive it randomly in one of the Special Sheep Gift Bags when you clean one of the Special Sheep on a Neighbour's Farm.  You can receive 200 Bait as a bonus when you process the Opossum Shrimp in the  Seafood House.  For the most part, however, you will have to use items in trade for bait.  Here are some suggestions:

Caramel: 93 Bait  (This is a single ingredient item made in the Sugar Machine)
Venison Steak: 76 Bait (This is a single ingredient item produced by Deer)
Sunflower Bouquet: 88 Bait (A single ingredient item made in the Flower Packing machine)
Love Cake: 155 Bait  (All the Cakes made in the Cake Machine have decent trade values)
Steak Burger: 80 Bait (All the Burgers made in the Burger Machine have decent trade values)
Blueberry Candy: 88 Bait (All the Candy produced in the Candy Machine have decent values)

Cooking Wine: 328 Coins  (A favourite trade item for Bait for many farmers, including myself.)
Peach Cobbler: 953 Bait (This is one of the highest values but it is a labour intensive recipe with many Cooked Dishes as ingredients)

You will find that many Cooked Dishes have high bait value but in many cases, they are items that you will need in Quests or to make other Cooked Dishes.  For example, I never would convert Condensed Milk, Cake Flour, Soft Dough, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream or some of the other Basics into Bait. It would be counterproductive in the long run.  The items I have suggested above make good trade items partly because they are not needed to produce other items and have, apart from the Peach Cobbler, few ingredients.

Theme Items in Market

The current Halloween Farm Beauty Contest overlaps somewhat with these Events and some of the old items from previous years and quests now have been added to the market.  To wit:

Spooky Tree: 8 RC  (I do believe this is available always)

Bat House: 18 RC  (temporarily available, once the reward for a quest, steep price, but produces Bat Milk when Bats pollinate specific trees including the Sakura and Spooky Trees)

Pumpkin Tombstone: 10 RC, produces 6 Charm (temporarily available)  Limit 1

Halloween Fence: 5000 Coins  (temporarily available, Charm 1, no limit)  Unlocked at Level 26 unfortunately for low level farmers, jolly unfair, that

Theme Decorations and Values
Pumpkin Fountain: Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Hallowe'en Fence: Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Pumpkin Light:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 2 Votes each day for this.
Flower Torch:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Ghost Broom, Reward of the 3rd Beauty Contest:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 2 Votes each day for this.  This will be the Decoration that is awarded for a specific number of Votes like the Backpack and Whale Decorations from previous Contests.  Every time you reach a specified total, you will receive rewards.  Most of them consist of Farm Aids and Purple Mystrons but somewhere in the middle of the list is a Decoration and at the very end, there is a special Avatar with RC Rewards.  The Ghost Broom gives 9 Charm Points.
Scarecrow: Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Strange Scarecrow: Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Spooky Tree: Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 2 Votes each day for this.
Bat House:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Pumpkin Tombstone:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Stereo Casket:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 2 Votes each day for this.
Straw Witch:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 2 Votes each day for this.
Running Mummy:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 4 Votes each day for this.
Witch Legs:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 2 Votes each day for this.
Jack O'Lantern Machine:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 3 Votes each day for this.
Pumpkin Tower, Reward for Month of October 2015: Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 1 Vote each day for this.
Skeleton Rockstar Diva:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 5 Votes each day for this.
Halloween Stage:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 3 more Votes each day for this when it finally is completed
Skeleton Rockstar Frontman:  Felicia, Darryl and Dad will give you 3 more votes each day for this.

Now, it is important to remember that 'theme-related Decorations only account for a quarter of the Votes given by Felicia, Darryl and Dad.  I believe that once you achieve the total that is the maximum those Characters can give to you for theme, you will not be able to earn any more Votes from them for THAT, irrespective of the number of Theme Decorations that you purchase and place. Bear this in mind when you are tempted to go mad in the upcoming sales.  I personally believe the total is 18 or 20 Votes, depending on the Character.  Dad only has 72 Votes to offer.  I therefore believe his Theme total might be two Votes lower... 

Some of the Theme Decorations can be purchased using Yellow Mystrons.  These are the Pumpkin Fountain, Hallowe'en Fence and Flower Torch.  Each will cost 100 Yellow Mystrons.  They cannot be cleaned, by the way.

The Scarecrow was the only Theme Decoration that could be purchased in the ordinary Market for Coins until more items were added temporarily.  See the section on Theme Items above for a full list. The Spooky Tree costs 8 RC.    Some of the Decorations, including the Running Mummy and Witch Legs were offered in a special Hallowe'en Sale last year and are being offered again in sale parcels that include RC and trees.  These at present are the Running Mummy and the Witch Legs, for old items and three new  in the form of the Skeleton Rockstar Frontman, the Stereo Coffin and the Skeleton Rockstar Diva.

Gallery Registration

The Halloween Theme sale items and other Halloween items finally have been added to the Gallery for registration as follows:

Skeleton Rockstar Frontman
  3 Medals, 12 Green Mystrons

Stereo Coffin
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Skeleton Rockstar Diva
  4 Medals, 15 Green Mystrons

Halloween Stage
  4 Medals, 16 Green Mystrons

Ghost Broom: 
  2 Medals, 2 Power

Remember that two of the four Characters give Votes for your Gallery.

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