
31 July 2015

Time-Restricted Torch Festival and Torch Collections Mission

A new time-restricted Quest and Collections Mission has been released in Family Farm Seaside.  It deals with a Chinese Torch Festival.  The traditional Torch Festival Quest sequence operates in tandem with a Collections Mission.  The reward for completing the Collections Mission is an Arugula Bush.  This is a Collectable, which means that you cannot purchase it in the Market at this point in time.  Furthermore, there is no way to speed the production of any 'Collectable'.  Your strategy therefore should be to complete the Collections Mission as quickly as possible as Arugula will be needed to complete the traditional Quest sequence.

The new format for the time-restricted traditional Quests is 15 Steps rather than the old 12 Steps.  Rewards are given after completion of Torch Festival IV, Torch Festival VIII and finally Torch Festival XV.  You will receive a special Mission Gift Box for completing Torch Festival IV.  When you complete Torch Festival VIII, you will receive a Lacquer Horn Decoration for your original Seaside Farm.  When you complete Torch Festival XII, you will receive a Special Mission Island Gift Box containing various Farm Aids and finally, at the very end of the sequence, you will receive a Chinese Yi Doll Decoration for your Island Farm. 

Torch Collections

70 Green Torches from Chardonnay
50 Blue Torches from Peacock Feather
30 Pink Torches from Beef Salami
10 Red Torches from Date Tree

Reward: Arugula Bush

Torch Festival I

I received the invitation to attend a local festival at my friend's home town.  Do you want to know what it is?  Actually I can't wait to share with you, but i have to finish farm work first.  Would you like to help me?

Harvest 40 Blueberries
  Skip for 20 RC

Harvest 6 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 6 RC

Produce 12 glasses of Cherry Juice
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 160 XP

Felicia:  Job done!  So let me show you what this festival is all about!

Torch Festival II

Felicia:  There's a Torch Festival happening in my friend's home in Yi province in China!  People will hold various activities to celebrate it.  And of course I will prepare some delicious food in advance!  So let's join in and enjoy!

Prepare 6 Egg Tarts
  Skip for 6 RC

N.B.  Each Egg Tart requires 1 Eggnog and 1 Soft Dough
Each Eggnog requires 1 Egg and 1 Condense Milk
Each Soft Dough requires 1 Cake Flour and 1 Batter
Each Cake Flour requires 2 Oat Flour and 2 Rye Flour
Each Batter requires 2 Wheat Flours and 1 Egg

Produce 40 Beef
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 Wheat Bread
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 160 XP

Felicia:  I wonder what I can help them with.

Torch Festival III

Felicia:  I will be helping my friend to prepare for the festival and all this preparing made me thirsty.  Let's make some drinks for everybody!  Friends should be able to enjoy juice together!

Prepare 8 jugs of Lemon Champagne
  Skip for 8 RC

Each Lemon Champagne requires 2 Lemons and 2 Champagne

Prepare 12 cups of Maple Milk Tea
  Skip for 12 RC

Each Maple Milk Tea requires 2 Milk and 1 Maple Syrup

Produce 40 bottles of Wine
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia:  Thank you for your help!  Your drinks are always the best!

Torch Festival IV

Felicia:  Now I'm full of energy!  What shall we do next?  My friend suggests a bonfire party and horse racing on the Grassland before the festival starts.  She thinks that we can enjoy the fun of a fire dance show together!

Prepare 8 plates of Grape Cornbread
  Skip for 8 RC

N.B.  Each Grape Cornbread requires 1 No-Flour Cornbread and 2 Grape Jam
Each no-Flour Cornbread requires 2 Buffalo Milk Cheese and 1 Cornmeal

Harvest 40 Rice
  Skip for 20 RC

Produce 40 jars of Pitaya Jam
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 170 XP

Felicia:  I can't believe I can ride by myself!  And the bonfire party is so enjoyable!

Special Reward: Special Mission Box containing 2500 Coins, 6 Super Fertilisers, 1 Super Watering Can, 2 Watering Cans

Torch Festival V

Felicia: My friend says it might sound crazy but the best part is still to come!  I can't help but feel a bit hungry right now.  How about we get some snacks first?  Do you want to join in and help?

Prepare 8 Blueberry Krispy Bars
  Skip for 8 RC

N.B.  Each Blueberry Krispy Bar requires 1 Rice Krispies and 2 Blueberry Jam
Each Rice Krispies requires 2 Rice and 2 Mayonnaise

Prepare 8 Orange Jam Cookies
  Skip for 8 RC

N.B.  Each Orange Jam Cookies requires 1 Orange Jam and 2 Milk Cookies
Each Milk Cookie requires 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Wheat Flour
Each Condensed Milk requires 1 Milk and 1 Sugar

Prepare 8 plates of Rice with Dates
  Skip for 8 RC

N.B.  Each Rice with Dates requires 4 Rice and 1 Date

Reward: 1000 Coins, 180 XP

Felicia:  Well done!  Thanks for your help!

Torch Festival VI

This is so exciting!  But it's time to say goodbye and go back to my friend's home town to prepare for the Torch Festival.  HOw about we give some presents to the Grassland people who were so nice to us?

Produce 50 Goose Feathers
  Skip for 25 RC

Fish 8 times with the Squid Hook
  Skip for 8 RC

Craft 6 Goose Feather Earrings
  Skip for 6 RC

Each Goose Feather Earrings requires 1 Coral Slice, 2 Goose Feathers, 1 Earring Hooks and takes 20 minutes to complete in the Beauty Shop

Felicia:  The jewelry looks so beautiful!  I hope the girls will like it!

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 180 XP

Torch Festival VII

Felicia:  We're back now!  Oh, what's that?  It looks like a red dragon statue!  Maybe we can look for my friend and ask what it's for.

Place an Arugula Bush on your Farm
  Skip for 10 RC

This is the Reward for completing the Collections Mission

Harvest 50 Green Beans
  Skip for 25 RC

Prepare 12 bowls of Bean Stew
  Skip for 12 RC

N.B.  The recipe for Bean Stew is 1 Beef Salami and 3 Green Beans for each portion.

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  The statue is part of the festival!  The preparation is going great!

Torch Festival VIII

Felicia:  For this festival, every one will be divided into teams and they will hold torches.  Yi people use this torch to illuminate every corner, symbolising purification!

Fertilise your Neighbours' farms 50 times
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 12 Coconuts
  Skip for 12 RC

Produce 12 bowls of Coconut Ice Cream
  Skip for 12 RC

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 190 XP

Felicia:  I am so lucky to learn about that...

Special Reward: Lacquer Horn Decoration for Seaside Farm

Torch Festival IX

Felicia:  Why don't we take part in the festival?  We can make our own team, dress up and light our torches!

Harvest 10 Peaches
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 60 Cheddar Cheese
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 6 cups of Arugula Peach Juice
  Skip for 6 RC

N.B.  Each Arugula Peach Juice requires 1 Arugula and 1 Peach  Note that, like most Collectables, the actual number of Arugula you can harvest when it is ready is random.  The first time I harvested it I reeived only 1 Arugula.  To be able to complete the guide for this Quest quickly, I therefore used RC to buy the Arugula I needed, even though I had completed the Collections Missions and the Arugula Bush was placed on my farm.

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia:  This will be an amazing experience!

NOTE:  From this point onward, you will need access to the Island unless you wish to spend considerable RC to skip tasks.

Torch Festival X

Felicia:  Another important part of the festival is singing and dancing!  My friend says she will teach me the traditional dance here, so why don't we dress up and look the part?

Collect 20 Headpieces from your Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Craft 4 Make-up Boxes
   Skip for 8 RC

Each Make-up Box requires 1 Wooden Plank and 1 Starfish Mirror.  Starfish Mirrors must be transported from the Seaside Farm.  Each Starfish Mirror requires 1 Lavender Bouquet, 1 Dried Starfish and 1 Glass and is made in the Beauty Shop in 4 minutes.

This is an Island Task.

Craft 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC

Each Wooden Aroma Bottle requires 2 Wool Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood.  To make Wool Yarn, you first need to transport Wool from the Seaside Farm.  You need to save 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles to transport to the Seaside Farm in a LATER task.

This is an Island Task

Rewards:  1000 Coins, 200 XP

Felicia:  The dance is hard, but it was very exciting!

Torch Festival XI

Felicia:  Oh, one of the dancers sprained her ankle and my friend wants me to take her place!  I'm so nervous but I want to help.  All this nervousness makes me hungry.  Why don't we eat something first and then get back to practicing?

Prepare 6 bowls of Spicy Chicken Soup
  Skip for 6 RC

N.B.  Each Spicy Chicken Soup requires 1 Turkey and 3 Red Bell Peppers

Harvest 60 Zucchini
  Skip for 30 RC

This is an Island Crop.

Prepare 6 plates of Sayadia
  Skip for 6 RC

N.B.  Each Sayadia requires 1 Lemon Fish and 1 Rice with Dates.  Unfortunately, the Lemon Fish was part of the recent Cooking Stand Contest and many players, including myself will be out of Butterfish now!  Use the Boost to catch it.

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 210 XP

Felicia:  You know me well, farmer!  I don't want to miss such a good opportunity!

Torch Festival XII

Felicia:  It's time for our dance but I got so nervous I lost my belt.  Can you help me find it?  Maybe some lavender aroma bottles can calm my nerves!

Transport 6 Wooden Aroma Bottles to the Seaside Farm
  Skip for 6 RC

Each Wooden Aroma Bottle requires 2 Wool Yarn and 1 Cedar Wood to make, but you should have these from an earlier task.

1 Wooden Aroma Bottle takes 10 minutes to transport.  If you wish to transport them faster, divide the cargo between zeppelins rather than sending all on a single zeppelin.

Craft 6 Lavender Aroma Bottles
  Skip for 6 RC

Each Lavender Aroma Bottle requires 1 Wooden Aroma Bottle, 1 Lavender Essential Oil and 1 Distilled Water, taking 7 minutes to complete

Collect 20 Belts from your Neighbours
  Skip for 20 RC

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 210 XP, 1 Special Mission Island Box

Special Reward:  Special Mission Island Box containing 4500 Coins, 6 Super Festilisers, 1 Super Watering Can, 4 Watering Cans, 20 OP, 20 Green Mystrons, 1 Electric Saw (at least in my game)

Torch Festival XIII

Felicia:  Dance done!  Now it's time to enjoy the festival!  Let's get some food first to energise ourselves after the dance and we're good to go!

Prepare 6 Chicken Soup Sets
  Skip for 6 RC

This is another new Recipe.  Each Chicken Soup Set requires 1 Arugula Peach Juice and 1 Spicy Chicken Soup, the two other new Dishes in the Kitchen Menu

Harvest 8 Adzuki
  Skip for 8 RC

Prepare 8 bowls of Adzuki Paste
  Skip for 8 RC

Each Adzuki Paste requires 1 Adzuki and 1 Honey Syrup

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  Thanks for the food!

Torch Festival XIV

Felicia;  The festival is in full force now.  It's so different from the festivals that we usually have on the farm.  I can't wait to tell Grandma and Darryl about this!  Maybe next time we can all go together.

Transport 60 Daisies to the island Farm
  Skip for 30 RC

Tip:  Again, if you use more than one Zeppelin and divide the Daisies equally between them, you can transport 60 Daisies in 10 minutes with  6 Zeppelins.  

Produce 60 Daisy Essential Oils
  Skip for 30 RC

This is an Island Task.

Harvest 60 Daffodils
  Skip for 30 RC

This is an Island Crop

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 220 XP

Felicia:  I'm sure they will love it, too!

Torch Festival XV

Felicia:  Before I leave, i want to make a special gift for my friend and her family who have invigted me here.  Do you have any idea what to give?

Produce 60 Dried Zucchini
  Skip for 30 RC

This is an Island Task

Collect 20 Bamboo Baskets from Panda
  Skip for 20 RC

This is an Island Task

Produce 20 Lily Baskets
  Skip for 20 RC

This is an Island Task but you need to transport 20 Lilies from the Seaside Farm first.

Reward: 1000 Coins, 230 XP

Felicia:  It was a wonderful trip!  I enjoyed every second of it!

Final Reward:  Chinese Yi Doll Decoration for Island Farm

Gallery Registration

Arugula Bush:
  3 Medals, 2500 Coins

Lacquer Horn Decoraiton
  2 Medals, 10 Green Mystrons

Chinese Yi Doll Decoration:
  5 Medals, 30 Green Mystrons

Torch Festival Collection:
  Includes Arugula Bush, Lacquer Horn and Chinese Yi Doll
  Reward: 5 Medals, 88 Green Mystrons, 1 RC

Strategies for Mission

I recently borrowed a friend's Kindle to start a new farm to see how difficult it would be to complete some of these Quests and Missions as well as how difficult it would be to play this game without investing in RC.  I was able to level up quickly but came to a virtual standstill where the time-restricted Quests were concerned mainly because I had insufficient RC (only 1 RC given per level increase) to purchase many of the Trees that are needed.  There is a solution, however, although it is much harder if you are playing on the Kindle.  Many of the premium Trees appear randomly in the Mystery Store for Green Mystrons.  Unfortunately, the advertising balloons carrying Green Mystrons have been disabled on the Kindle because of glitches in the system so it is more difficult to earn them if you are playing on that platform.

Do remember this, though, if you need a premium tree and do not have enough RC to buy it.  It will take a long time to amass them using only Green Mystrons but I expect it can be done in time.

As far as other strategies are concerned, where any time-restricted Mission has a Collectable as the Reward for the Collections Mission, you will NOT be able to purchase it in the Market while the Mission is ongoing.  Some of the Collectables never have been added to the Market.  Your first priority, therefore, should be to complete the Collections Mission.  You need to be able to place the Arugula Bush in Torch Festival VII, so you do have time to complete some of the Torch Festival tasks in conjunction with the Collections Mission.

Arugula is needed in Torch Festival IX.  The amount of Arugula you will obtain whenever the Bush is ready to be harvested is random.  If you are impatient, you may prefer to pay your way out of this by purchasing the Arugula needed for the Recipe.  I obtained only ONE Arugula the first time I harvested my Arugula Bush.

As always, the more completed Dishes you have in your Barn, the less difficult it will be to make the Recipes required.  Many of the ingredients ARE Cooked Dishes themselves.  Make these in advance whenever possible.  Power always is limited but if you perform all your Daily Tasks, including visits to Neighbours, you should have plenty of Power in your Gift Box.  I save mine for Missions and Quests like these.  I have included Ingredients wherever possible in the descriptions of the Tasks.

Torch Festival X through Torch Festival XV include Island Tasks, making access to the Island necessary unless you are willing to spend huge amounts of RC to skip Island Tasks.  Remember that the actual requirements for being able to perform an Island Task will depend on your Mastery of Machines and your Dev Point total.  My Island Guide gives all the requirements for each Machine and Item.  Some Island Tasks in this Mission require items from the Seaside Farm.  Read the descriptions of the Tasks and, if the actual transport of the item in question is not a Task as well, send the items to the Island in advance.

I never can stress the importance of making and keeping 'basic recipes' or 'staples' in your Barn.  They are used again and again and, as every Cooked Dish requires 1 Power to make, having them available in advance for use is a real help.  Among the basics needed here are Condensed Milk, Soft Dough and Honey Syrup.  You never can have enough of these items...

One of the Cooked Dishes required to complete a task is Lemon Fish.   This is a dish that was required in the most recent round of the Cooking Stand Contest, so you may find that your stores of Butterfish now have been exhausted.  Remember always that you can use the 'Boost' to catch precisely the item you need when fishing.  It makes fishing so much less frustrating!

It may be worth mentioning the Daily Task list in this context.  Recently, this new option was introduced to the game.  It features in the final material needed to complete the Mini-Garden as you need to be able to open the first Treasure Chest on the path each day in order to find the Iron Pots you need.  Every other day, an Iron Pot will be included in the contents of the first Treasure Chest.  The reason I mention it here, however, is that it is a good way to amass the Farm Aids you need for time-restricted Quests.  The third and final Gold Chest actually contains 1 Yellow Mystron as well!

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