
01 July 2015

Garden Party Mission

This is a new type of time-restricted Quest or Mission in Family Farm Seaside.  When you study the various tasks, you will see that it requires a tremendous amount of planting, harvesting and cooking.  It will be interesting to see how the low-level Farm I began on a borrowed Kindle copes with this.   Note that you will not have access to this Mission until you reach Level 16.  I believe this is the Level at which you gain access to any time-restricted Quests.

As of late afternoon on 1 July, the Kindle version of this Mission has a glitch wherein the Mini Garden does not appear in the Market.  You therefore cannot complete even Garden Party I.  By the end of 1 July, however, players were reporting that they had the Mini Garden on the Kindle as well.    If you play on Nook or IPad, you should not have had any problems.

2nd Week of July:  The tasks this time are quite different.  They will not appear in the form of a Quest icon on the left side of your screen.  Instead, go to your Magic Bunny and you will find a tab for the Garden Party Activity.  It will be the top tab that shows a set of Balloons.
Tap on Start and it will take you to your Daily Orders. Note, however, that if you completed all of your Orders yesterday like a good farmer, you will NOT be able to start until the next ones load in a specified number of hours.  Once loaded, you will find that only certain Orders carry the special Picket Reward.  These will show an additional icon in the form of a star with an exclamation point in its centre.  As every game/farmer will have different Orders, there is no point in logging mine for you.  Good luck to every one!

A feeling of dread suddenly as I realise that every week will have a different type of activity, making it likely that one week will focus on fishing and it may be quite similar to the horrible Jack-O-Lantern Machine Quest wherein one had to perform an extraordinary amount of fishing to raise special items from the sea...

Please note that my regular Missions page has been modified to include changes in the beginning of any new game.  By being able to borrow a friend's Kindle briefly, I was able to start a new Farm and log the changes.

Garden Party Mission

Felicia is throwing a Garden Party and needs your help to complet a special Decoration she had delivered.  Mini Garden giving a Blue Gift Box when cleaned.

For each week in July, beginning on Wednesday and ending on Tuesday, you will have the chance to get the specific items needed for the decoration!

First Week

1 July through 7 July:

Complete all five steps to obtain the Mini Garden Tyre needed for the Decoration.

Garden Party I

Felicia:  Summer calls for supper under an open sky!  How about we throw a nice little grden party for our friends and neighbours?  every one's invited.  But perhaps we should clean up a bit first...

Harvest 100 Wheat
  Skip for 50 RC

Harvest 20 Apples
  Skip for 20 RC

Place a Mini Garden on your Farm
  Go to store
  Cost is 1200 Coins

Rewards: 600 Coins, 15 XP, Tyres x 2

Felicia:  Thanks!  Now the farm is nice and tidy!

Garden Party II

Felicia:  Do you know what i love most about parties?  Planning them!  Ah... I can already see our garden beautifully decorated with lights and flowers... It's going to be just perfect!

Harvest 100 Lavender
  Skip for 50 RC

Harvest 100 Clover
   Skipf ro 50 RC

Harvest 16 Cherries
  Skip for 16 RC

Rewards: 800 Coins, 16 XP, Tyre x 2

Felicia:  It looks fabulous!  I should become a professional party planner!

Garden Party III

Felicia:  Obviously, we can't organise a fancy dinner party without anything to eat!  Let's go to the kitchen and check out what delicious easonal dishes we could make for our friends!

Prepare 30 Polish Donuts
  Skip for 30 RC

 N.B.  Recipe requires Batter and Cake Flour

Prepare 10 Apple Tarts
  Skip for 10 RC

  N.B.  Recipe requires Apple Jelly and Light Muffin

Prepare 20 Sandwiches
  Skip for 20 RC
  N.B.  Recipe requires Beef x 2 and Corn Bread x 2

Rewards: 1000 Coins, 16 XP, Tyre x 2

Felicia: I'm getting hungry just looking at all the food!  Oh my, what time is every one coming?  I must resist!

Garden Party IV

Felicia:  From my experience, I can tell you that the key to a successful garden party is a variety of refreshing drinks@  Could you help me think of some nice summer drinks?

Prepare 50 Glasses of Apple Milkshake
  skip for 50 RC

  Each Apple Milkshake uses 1 Milk and 1 Apple Juice

Prepare 50 glasses of Kvass
  Skip for 50 RC

  Each Kvass uses 1 Black Bread and 1 Honey

Produce 100 glasses of Grape Juice
  Skip for 50 RC

Reward: 1200 Coins, 16 XP, Tyre x 2

Felicia:  The party is going to be awesome!  I can't wait!

Garden Party V

Felicia:  The garden looks amazing!  The food and drinks are almost ready and I'm wearing my cutest outfit... But... Where is every one?  Oh, gosh!  I forgot to send out the invitations!

Fertilise Neighbours' farms 100 times
  Skip for 50 RC

Prepare 30 Glases of Orange Smoothies
  Skip for 30 RC

  Each Orange Smoothie will require 1 Condensed Milk and 1 Orange Jam

Produce 100 Buffalo Milk Cheese
  Skip for 50 RC

Reward: 1400 Coins, 16 XP, Tyre x 2

Felicia:  Phew, I had to visit all neighbours, but finally every one is here!  Time to start!  Enjoy the party, my friend!

N.B.  Tap on the Mini Garden and then tap on the little icon of the Gift Box to use all the Tyres.

The next quest sequence will begin next week.

Strategies for Mission

You have a week to complete all the tasks here.  The first two Quests in the sequence require planting and harvesting.  The third requires Cooking which means that you will need Power to complete the tasks.  If you plan ahead and look at the ingredients needed to prepare the Dishes in Garden Party III, you will see that four of them are Cooked Dishes themselves.  Cake Flour and Batter are staples or basics that are used in many Recipes.  Stockpile these whenever possible.  At this point in time, however, there are so many different new options in Seaside that it may be difficult to save anything!  Nonetheless, try to make 30 Cake Flour and 30 Batter in advance for use in Garden Party III.  Other ingredients needed are Apple Jelly and Light Muffin.  Light Muffin has Cake Flour as an ingredient as well, by the way, making it necessary to prepare an additional 10 Cake Flour if you wish to be ready before the task.  The other ingredients are not Cooked Dishes but it is a good idea to have them ready as well.  They are: Beef, Corn Bread and Cherry Jam.  Apple Jam, by the way, is one of the ingredients in Apple Jelly.   You will need 6 Apple Jam and 2 Maple Syrup for EACH Apple Jelly.  As you can see, this is a tremendous amount of preparation that can be done before you reach Garden Party III.

Garden Party IV is another cooking venture.  You will need 40 Black Bread and 50 Apple Juice as ingredients in the two Cooked Dishes as well as the raw ingredients of Milk and Honey.

Finally, Garden Party V will need 30 Condensed Milk, another basic Recipe, and 30 Orange Jam for the Orange Smoothies.  100 Buffalo Milk Cheese requires 100 Buffalo Milk, made by feeding a Buffalo 100 Cucumbers.

2nd Week of July

8 July through 14 July

This one is a bit tricky as I saw NO INSTRUCTIONS!

You need to go to the Magic Rabbit to find the instructions as follows:  Complete your Mini Garden step-by-step!
Task 2:  Finish all the special Orders on the Order Board before Tuesday 14 July to collect all the Mini Garden Pickets

Tap on Start

Unfortunalely, if you completed all of yesterday's Orders, you will be forced to wait until today's Orders appear!  In my games, about 10 hours to go...

Note that every player will have different Orders to fill.  Only certain Orders carry the special Material in the form of the Picket.  They will have an added Reward in the form of a star with a question mark in it until the Order is completed.

For one of my farms, in five Orders, only one offers the Materials for the Garden.  The window for that Order actually has a gold background and you can see the Reward includes two Pickets.

There is no difference between this and the ordinary Daily Order Board.  If you complete ALL outstanding Orders, you will be able to see a preview of the next Day's Orders.  You will not know in advance which one will have the special Reward, however.

15 July to 22 July:
Third Week of July:

The third task is all about your Neighbours and the Cooking Stand.  Whenever you visit a Neighbour this week and eat at his/her Cooking Stand, you will receive a special Cooking Gift Bag that randomly may contain a Mini Garden Rock.  You will  need a total of 24 Mini Garden Rocks.

Remember that this is a random item.  The number of Cooking Gift Bags you can obtain will depend on your Level in the game.  At Level 77, I could obtain a total of 22.  At Level 48, the total number of Cooking Bags is 18.   This particular leg of the Quest depends on your Neighbours' participation in the current Cooking Stand Contest.  If your Neighbours are not participating, you will not find the icon of a Roast Turkey, indicating the presence of a dish that can be 'eaten' hovering over the Cooking Stand.

The Cooking Stand now usually is located on a Building Plot outside the main farm, but some players who began the game BEFORE the Building Plot option was released still may have their Cooking Stands on the main farm.    You will NOT be able to find the Cooking Stand on the Island, however.

Participation in the current Cooking Stand Contest offers more incentives simply than the Materials randomly received this month from the special Gift Bags.  It is a really good way to earn Coins and by participating in ALL Rounds and completing the Contest, a Farmer will earn a valuable Cleanable Decoration, one that yields a Blue Gift Box when cleaned.

FINALLY, with respect to all the Garden Party Quests, it appears that they remain active even after the week has ended if the farmer has not completed that week's Quests.  In other words, on the Kindle Farm that belongs to my friend, at a very low level, he has been unable yet to complete the Quest sequence for Week 1.  It remains active on the screen, which is really nice for players who do not have the capacity to perform all those tasks in a single week.

Final Week:

The material this week is found in the first Treasure Chest that you open on the path that is followed by completing your Daily Tasks.  The Tasks are found when you tap on the small Exclamation Point at the top left corner of your screen.  It is only the FIRST Treasure Chest that ever will include an Iron Pot, aka Mini Garden Blue Pot and you will not receive one every day.  In my game, only Coins were included in the Chest on the first day and it was every OTHER day that I received an Iron Pot as well.  You need a total of 6 Iron Pots to complete your Mini Garden.

The final date for this apparently is 3 August.  As of 31 July, I still lack one Iron Pot, although I have been completing all Daily Tasks every single day... I hope that I can finish this tonight or tomorrow at the latest!

It has been stated that Farmers who did not obtain all materials will be able to purchase them later.  Perhaps this will be similar to the horrible and endless Jack O'Lantern Machine Quest and the missing materials will be offered randomly in one of the Mystery Shops once the Quest has ended.

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