There is a sale in Family Farm Seaside that offers a new Friendship Flower named the Ice Cream Friendship Flower. The concept of the Friendship Flower is a good one, but the likelihood of obtaining one naturally through crossbreeding is very rare, evidently. With all the crossbreeding I have done, I never created one. Apparently the developers have realised this and given us the opportunity to purchase a new type. The rewards when the Flower is crossbred are greater than those given by an ordinary Friendship Flower or the Macaron Friendship Flower. For example, where the Macaron Friendship Flower gives 1900 Coins, 1 OP, 1 Organic Fertiliser, 1 Yellow Mystron, 1 Electric Saw, 1 Macaron Road and 3 RC, the ice Cream Friendship Flower gives 8 RC. That is the only Reward, but it is a good one!
To crossbreed an Ice Cream Friendship Flower, you first must tend it until it matures and then crossbreed with one of your own Level 1 Flowers. You and the owner of the Friendship Flower then should receive a gift bag containing 8 RC.
Incidentally, at the same time that the Ice Cream Friendship Flower was released, a new Level 1 Flower appeared in the Mystery Store. It is the Colourful Plumeria and it costs 500 Coins, It appears to be the fastest growing flower in the game at present. It does not appear in the Book yet and the vacant spot that did exist now has disappeared. I have brought a number of them to maturity and crossbred them but they transformed into Level 2 super Viola Flowers. I think the beautiful Colourful Plumeria may have been a temporary item, as I now am not finding them in the Mystery Shop any longer, sadly.
Remember that you can sell any Flower in your Garden, even one that has not matured yet. Sometimes, one sacrifices a new Level 2 Flower to be able to place a new Level 1 Flower, especially if a Neighbour has a mature Friendship Flower in your Garden waiting to be crossbred. If you have the same Level 2 Flower or have had it in the past, it will be in your Book... you do gain more Stars if you bring the Flower to maturity and selling one that is not mature yet gives you nothing but 2000 Coins. It will not be registered as a 'sale' in the Book. Even so, with limited space in the Garden, it can be worth doing in my opinion.
Note that the Flower Book has the following:
Sell (up to 3 Stars)
Coins (up to 3 Stars)
Crossbreed 2 (up to 3 Stars)
The categories are:
Level 1 Flowers
All can be purchased from Mystery Shop
Level 2 Flowers
Level 3 Flowers
Neighbour Flowers
At present, the Book contains the following entries:
Level 1 Flowers
Venus Flytrap
Viola Tricolour
Level 2 Flowers
Super Lily
Super Viola Tricolour
Super Epiphyllum
Super Venus Flytrap
Super Chrysanthemum
Super Jagger Lips
Level 3 Flowers
Mega Chrysanthemum
Mega Epiphyllum
Mega Rafflesia
Maga Rose
Mega Viola Tricolour
Mega Venus Flytrap
Mega Lily
Mega Jagger Lips
Neighbour Flowers
Super Cupcake Flower
Mega Cupcake Flower
Cupcake Flower
Lollipop Flower
Doughnut Flower
Super Doughnut Flower
Mega Doughnut Flower
Mega Lollipop Flower
Blank entry (could become the Macaron Flower?)
Blank entry (could become the Ice Cream Friendship Flower?)
Super Lollipop Flower
The only reason that the Macaron and Ice Cream Friendship Flowers might not be entered in the Book is the fact that they were time-limited. How could one obtain all Stars if they cannot be obtained again? The Colourful Plumeria, on the other hand, should be an entry at some point. Whether flowers we have matured before the entry is made will be counted or not is another matter.
I believe that the item obtained by crossbreeding is entirely random. On my lower level farm, I obtained one of the rare Jagger Lips. On my higher level farm, where I have planted, crossbred and matured MORE Flowers, I never obtained anything unusual!
This was discussed in an earlier post, but I might as well repeat the information here. Recently, there was an offer for a special Macaron Friendship Flower. It was a Neighbour Flower like the Ice Cream Friendship Flower but there were items that could be received if you met the requirements. These were the Spoon Shovel and the Macaron Flower Decorations. To obtain these, you first had to buy 8 Macaron Friendship Flowers (for the Spoon Shovel) and a total of 10 for the Macaron Friendship Flower. In other words, you would meet the requirement for both by purchasing a total of 10.
Registration of Macaron Road:
1 Medal, 8 Organic Fertilisers
Registration of Spoon Snovel:
2 Medal, 15 Green Mystrons
Registration of Macaron Flower:
3 Medals, 20 Green Mystrons
Includes Macaron Road, Spoon Shovel and Macaron Flower
3 Medals, 200 OP, 1 RC
There is a Collection called 'Macaron Friendship Flower' as well. This is time-restricted, unfortunately. At the end of June, one has only 15 more days to complete the Collection.
The problem here is that you will not receive the Decorations until you have opened the required number of Gift Bags. In other words, your Neighbours have to bring a total of 8 Macaron Friendship Flowers to maturity in order for you to obtain the Spoon Shovel. It has to be placed on the original Seaside Farm for registration. Only when you have opened the 8th Gift Bag will you obtain it. Two more Gift Bags for a total of 10 will give you the Macaron Flower Decoration. You need to register the Macaron Road, the Spoon Shovel and the Macaron Flower to obtain the Collection Reward.
This is of more interest to farmers who want 100% Collection than other Farmers. You can gain all the Achievements for Gallery Registration with only a few Registrations!
A note finally about the expanded Mystery Shop or Store. In the past, there was only the options to use Green Mystrons or Yellow Mystrons to purchase random items that changed daily. Now there is a Coin Shop and a Blue Mystron Shop. You will find that the Blue Mystron Shop contains Decorations usually that were obtained only when a time-restricted Quest was completed. The only way at present to earn the coveted Blue Mystrons is by completing EVERY Order Board Reward. Once this has been done, you will begin to earn Blue Mystrons when you complete Orders. This means, in effect, that it is a rather advanced game option.
The Order Board has been expanded, however, to give you a greater number of Daily Orders to fill, making it easier to earn the various Rewards that are in a specific sequence. The ones that appear as wrapped Gifts are the various Sheep that provide Farm Aids for a limited time. Register these in the Gallery. I warn you, however, that it takes DAYS to complete a Registration of any one of these special Farm Aid-dispensing Sheep!
Finally, the Coin Mystery Shop is one that offers a number of interesting items, including Materials, Crops, other Products, Farm Aids and Seafood. It is the source of your Level 1 Flowers as well. You have a total of four screens filled with different random items. Once you have exhausted these, you need to wait for time to pass in order to be able to find new screens with new items. For those of us who do not love the fishing option, the Coin Shop is a wonderful way to keep our seafood in stock!
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