
28 May 2015

Neighbours' Day Quests

A new time-restricted Quest has been released in Family Farm Seaside.

At the same time, there is a special purchase in a sale that requires access both to the Island itself and to the Garden there, which means that it is available only to fairly advanced Farmers. 

At present, you can purchase a Macaron Friendship Flower through your provider and place it on a Neighbour's Farm, provided you have unlocked your Greenhouse.    I think this sale has been released because it is so slow to advance in the Garden to the point where you can breed your own Friendship Flower.  The Friendship Flower that can be purchased must be placed first in your Greenhouse and then on a Neighbour's Farm.

The whole procedure is a little vexing as Neighbours do not always have an unlocked plot available for your Friendship Flower.  You first have to find an unlocked plot on a Neighbour's farm and then hope that the Neighbour is an active player.

At the same time, in the actual market, you can purchase, under the Decorations Category, a Duck Habitat which is involved in the Neighbours' Day Quest.  Evidently, this quest will run until 3 June.

The Duck Habitat, once placed, must be built with the following:

100 Duck Habitat Leaf (Leaves) (Request from Neighbours)
10 Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf  (Random item inside Cooking Stand Bag)
5 Duck Habitat Lotus Flowers  (Quest reward)

Once completed, the Duck Habitat will become a Cleanable Decoration that yields a Silver Gift Box

Incidentally, as the Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf is a random result and you have a limit at present of 42 Cooking Stand Gift Bags, I obtained only 5 from all 42 of mine.  Evidently, you CANNOT buy the Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf materials, as 'Finish Building'  is applicable only when you have all the materials.  It is very annoyiing to discover that OTHER Farmers were able to complete theirs in a single day.  I have 'eaten' the maximum number of Neighbour Dishes at their Cooking Stands for the day and only have half of the required Lotus Leaf materials for the Habitat.  I suppose the entire point of this Quest was to force Farmers to visit their Neighbours to eat their Dishes... but still... Later:  It took me two days to complete the Habitat and I had to use all 42 of my Cooking Bags each day to do so.

Neighbours Day I

Felicia:  It's such a beautiful day today!  Since it's Neighbour's Day, I have an idea.  Let's take a break and ivite some neighbours for a picnic in the fores near the lake!  Can you help me to ifnish the owork on the farm?

Place a Duck Habitat on your farm
  Cost is 1200 Coins

Harvest 100 Carrots
  Skip for 50 RC

Prepare 15 Carrot Cupcakes
  Skip for 15 RC

Felicia:  The food is  great!  I really enjoy this lovely day!

Reward: 600 Coins, 15 XP, 1 Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf

Neighbours' Day II

Felicia:  Did you hear that?  I think I heard something behind those bushes in the lake... Oh!  It's a cute little duck!  He looks lost and hungry!  But we have already finished all of our food!  Can you prepare some more?

Prepare 10 Butter Pies
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 50 Jars of Grape Jam
  Skip for 25 RC

Harvest 12 Maple Syrup
  Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 800 Coins, 16 XP, 1 Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf

Felicia:  You can see he was really hungry!  I wonder what happened with his mom!

Neighbours' Day III

Felicia:  Grandma said we can take care of the little ducky, so cool!  But we need to clean up the place, plant some flowers and prepare the habitat for this little fella!  We can ask our neighbours for help, because it's a lot of work!

Harvest 100 Wheat
  Skip for 50 RC

Fertilise your Neighbours' farms 100 times
  Skip for 50 RC

Harvest 12 Cherries
   Skip for 12 RC

Reward: 1000 Coins, 16 XP, 1 Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf

Felicia:  They are always so helpful!  It's good to have such good neighbours!

Neighbours' Day IV

Felicia:  With the help of our neighoburs, the pond is almost ready!  We should harvest some food for our new little friend.  What do you think he'd like to eat?

Harvest 100 Cucumbers
  Skip for 50 RC

Harvest 100 Corn
  Skip for 50 RC

Harvest 100 Oat
  Skip for 50 RC

Reward: 1200 Coins, 16 XP, 1 Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf

Felicia:  He looks much happier now!

Neighbours' Day V

Felicia:  We couldn't finish the habitat without the help of our neighbours!  So let's prepare some gifts and invite them over to see our cute little duck swim in his new home: the duck habitat!

Produce 30 Cheese Burgers
  Skip for 30 RC

Prepare 10 plates of Pierogi
  Skip for 10 RC

Produce 60 Bottles of White Wine
  Skip for 30 RC

Rewards: 1400 Coins, 16 XP, 1 Duck Habitat Lotus Leaf

Felicia:  All of our neighbours showed up and adored the new duck habitat!  Thanks for your help and happy Neighbours' Day!

New Gallery Registration Items

This is kind of important if you are the sort of player who wishes to have all Gallery Items.  There is a sale running through 1 June that offers the Macaron Friendship Flower that can be placed on a Neighbours' Farm provided all requirements are met.  For those players who think that a single purchase suffices, think again.  If you wish to earn the Sppon Shovel Decoration, you must purchase 8 of these.  To earn the Macaron Flower Decoration, you have to purchase 10 of these.   Furthermore, purchase is not enough to earn the Decorations.  You will earn them only when you have OPENED a total of 8 and 10 packages respectively.  A Macaron Friendship Flower package cannot be opened until you have a free spot in your Greenhouse.  The number of spots depend on your Garden Level.  I try to interact with my garden constantly but I only have 1 spot in my Greenhouse so far.  At Level 15, one gains another spot...  As of 31 May, you still have 31 days to complete the Macaron Flower Collection, but I think that lower level players and even mid-level players like myself may be hard-pressed to do this.  The developers erred where this particular goal is concerned by making it far too difficult.  Perhaps I will contact them.  After all, they listened when I begged for the return of the Iris, albeit they brought it back as a temporary Crop once again!

Macaron Road
  1 Medal, 8 Organic Fertiliser

Macaron Flower
  3 Medals, 20 Green Mystrons

Spoon Shovel
  2 Medals, 15 Green Mystrons

There is a new Collection as well:

Macaron Friendship Flower
  Includes  Macaron Friendship Flower, Macaron Road and Spoon Shovel
  Reward: 3 Medals, 200 OP, 1 RC
  Expires in 31 Days

Crossbreeding Neighbour Flowers

I should have sussed this out long ago but failed to do so, as I continued to tend my Neighbours' Friendship Flowers on my farm without ever crossbreeding them.  I thought that one had to crossbreed between NEIGHBOUR Flowers, which is not the case at all.  You crossbreed a Neighbour's Flower with one of your own Mature Flowers.  Unfortunately, the Flowers MUST be of the same level so if your mature flowers are Level 3 and your mature Friendship Neighbour's Flower is Level 1, you will have to wait until one of your Level 1 Flowers matures.

I think many players have missed this as my Friendship Flowers on Neighbour farms matured long ago and nothing has been done with them.  Great pity....  Ah well, live and learn!

Decoration Warehouse Changes

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Neighbours' Day Quest or sale but I encountered it while attempting to clear a few Decorations temporarily from my farm today.  With 190 Slots in my Warehouse, I had thought I would have no trouble, but in fact was allowed to store only 5 under the new system!

Note:  I had noticed the change in the Warehouse some time ago but did not realise that, even with my Warehouse maxed out at 190 Storage, I could not store more than 5 Decorations!  In order to allow storage of more Decorations, you now must expand the 'Decoration' part of the Warehouse by requesting Goods Shelves from your Neighbours or paying 1 RC for each of these.  You need 5 to expand from the original 5 slots to 10 and 20 to expand from 10 to 15.  To expand to 20, you need the following:

20 Goods Shelf (Request from Neighbour or pay 1 RC for each)
2 Fire Extinguisher  (3 RC Each)
5 Wooden Panels (Craft on Island or pay 1 RC each)
10 Nails (Craft on Island or pay 1 RC for each)

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